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Cthulhu not in play, Cthulhu not in play,

never Awakened previously Awakened Do first possible:

Acolyte At Do first possible: Acolyte At Yes - Devolve (if > 1 acolyte at gate)
Yes - Build Gate Risk of - Summon Monster (lowest cost)
Risk of
- Devolve (if > 1 acolyte) Capture? - Move acolyte to area w/ friendly
Capture? - Summon Monster (lowest cost)
No No

Do first possible:
- Build Gate Yes
Control < 3 Yes > 6 power? Awaken Cthulhu
- Move Acolyte to enemy free area
gates? No
(solo if power > 4, else with

Do first possible:
Do first possible: - Build Gate if <2 controlled
All Acolytes in No - Recruit in area w/ monster and
- Build Gate
All Acolytes in No - Recruit in area w/ monster and Play? w/o gate
Play? w/o gate - Dream, if enemy acolyte along on
- Dream, if enemy acolyte alone on Yes gate
Yes gate

Do first possible: Do first possible:

- Build Gate Monsters - Awaken Cthulhu
Monsters Yes
Yes - Awaken Cthulhu Available to - Summon Monster (highest cost),
Available to Summon? prefer largest set (if tie, S. Pacific),
- Summon Monster (highest cost),
Summon? else random
prefer largest set (if tie, S. Pacific), No
else random

Move to form largest

Move to form largest battle group (1 unit at a
battle group (1 monster time)
at a time)
Cthulhu in play
Submerge. Priority order:
Cthulhu Yes More than 1 Yes - If not unlimited battle, then at
Submerged? power? area w/ > 2 enemies
- ocean over land (if tie, random)
No No

Cthulhu share Yes Combat using Cthulhu against Enemy acolyte

area w/ No No
enemy w/ most units either w/ friendly All Acolytes in
unit at gate OR Play?
No alone?
Recruit. Priority:
- Area w/ uncontrolled gate and no
Do first possible in triggering area: Dream if enemy
Share area w/ Yes - Build Gate possible - Cthulhu
abandoned gate - Recruit - Most friendly units
OR no gate? - Move acolyte toward area (if > 1 turn,
then devolve where >1 acolyte present)
No Do first possible:
Monsters Yes - Build Gate
Available to - Summon Monster (highest cost),
Summon? prefer largest set or with Cthulhu (if
tie, S. Pacific), else random

Cthulhu w/ < 4 monsters Can Cthulhu + monsters (leaving one

(3 if at ocean gate with Yes w/ acolyte at gate as needed) move No
Move to form largest
Y’ha-nthlei AND Devolve to be with more units in up to 2 turns
battle group (1 unit at a
unlocked)? (can use submerge)?

Submerge. If at gate, leave (Sticky): Move Cthulhu/Monsters to

acolyte. If either Y’ha-nthlei OR form largest battle group. Can either
Devolve not unlocked, then leave move solo or use submerge. Ultimate
cheapest monster. target: area w/ most enemy unit OR
ocean (so can submerge).
Spellbook Selection Spellbook Usage
Enemy/Neutral Yes If 3+ enemy units or GOO, then absorb (prefer deep one,
Cthulhu In Play? else acolyte if >1 in area)
Gate in Ocean?

Yes No Dreams
Prefer area w. fewest cultist and either friendly monsters
Submerge or no enemy monsters.
Can Devolve prior if doesn’t results in abandoned gate.

No Submerge
Never leave gate abandoned.
Gate in Ocean?
If Y’ha-nthlei and Devolve both unlocked and 1+ Deep
Yes ones in pool, then can leave acolyte alone. Otherwise
leave one monster.

Y’ha-nthlei Devolve Regenerate

If Star Spawn in battle and must be pained, then also
assign kill to unit.

If Cthulhu in battle AND > 6 power remaining and unable
to keep Cthulhu with >1 unit post battle, then assign Kill
to Cthulhu if possible.
#Starspawn >=


If both taken

Global Overrides
Summoning Monsters
If Regenerate unlocked, summon Star Spawn when
If Absorb unlocked, summon Shoggoth when
If both, then favor whichever is already present in
area (if neither, then most expensive).

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