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Argumentative essay on the role of religion
Is Religion a Detrimental Force in the Modern World?

In the wake of conflicts like the rise of ISIS detailed in the FRONTLINE documentary “The Rise
of ISIS,” it is understandable why some would view religion as a largely detrimental force in the
modern world. The documentary powerfully illustrates how a radical Islamist ideology was
central to the group’s ruthless campaign of violence and subjugation. This is not an isolated
incident – throughout history, religion has been used to justify wars, oppress marginalized
groups, and sow division within societies.

In today’s interconnected, globalized world, the potential for religious extremism and conflict to
have far-reaching, destabilizing consequences is greater than ever. The ease with which radical
ideologies can spread online, the ready availability of powerful weapons, and the complex
geopolitical dynamics that intersect with religious tensions all contribute to this risk. From the
Troubles in Northern Ireland to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to the rise of Hindu nationalism in
India, religion continues to be a flashpoint for some of the world’s most intractable and deadly

Furthermore, many would argue that in an age of rapid scientific and technological advancement,
the belief systems and worldviews offered by religion are increasingly antiquated and
disconnected from reality. Organized religion is often seen as standing in the way of progress,
whether it be in areas like LGBTQ+ rights, reproductive healthcare, or the acceptance of
scientific facts like evolution and climate change. The power and influence of religious
institutions, some would contend, is a relic of a bygone era that has no place in the modern,
secular world.

However, to simply dismiss religion as an inherently negative force would be shortsighted and
ignore the profound, positive role it can play in many people’s lives. For millions around the
globe, religion provides a sense of community, moral guidance, and meaning that cannot be
easily replicated by other institutions. In times of personal or societal upheaval, faith can offer
solace, hope, and the strength to persevere. The rich tapestry of religious and spiritual traditions
has also given rise to incredible works of art, music, architecture, and philosophy that have
enriched human civilization.
Moreover, many religious teachings and values – such as compassion, charity, and a respect for
human dignity – align with universal humanistic principles that contribute to the betterment of
society. Faith-based organizations are often at the forefront of providing essential social services,
humanitarian aid, and community support, especially for the world’s most vulnerable
populations. In this sense, religion can be a powerful force for good when it is directed towards
promoting peace, justice, and the common welfare of all.

Ultimately, the role of religion in the modern world is a complex, multifaceted issue. While the
potential for religious belief to be twisted into a tool of division, oppression, and violence is real
and concerning, it would be overly simplistic to view religion as an inherently negative
phenomenon. Like any powerful human institution, religion requires careful navigation,
introspection, and a commitment to upholding its highest moral and ethical principles. With
wisdom, empathy, and a spirit of interfaith cooperation, religion’s capacity to enrich and elevate
the human experience can be fully realized in the 21st century and beyond.

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