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Medical Journal of Zambia, Vol.

48 (1): 38 - 45 (2021)

Review Article

Causes of Reject and Repeat of Digital Radiographic

Images: A Literature Review to Guide the Practice of
Radiography in Zambia
Osward Bwanga
Midland University Hospital Tullamore,
Radiology Department, Co. Offaly, Ireland
E-mail: o.bwanga@yahoo.com

Conclusion: The review found the overall image

rejection rate to be within the acceptable range in
Background: Radiographers aim at always digital radiography. This review's findings can guide
improving the quality of imaging services through the practice of radiography in Zambia as the
the production of high-quality diagnostic images, transition takes place from traditional film-based
whilst minimising the radiation doses to patients and radiography to digital radiography (DR) imaging
reducing healthcare costs. One strategy used in systems.
achieving this is conducting periodical reject and
repeat image analysis.
Radiography involves providing high-quality
Objective: The aim of this study was to review the
medical images that aid in the diagnosis and
causes of rejection and repetition of digital
treatment of patients. To achieve this, radiographers
radiographic images to guide the practice of
aim at always improving the quality of imaging
radiography in Zambia.
services. One of the strategies employed to improve
Methods: A literature search was conducted in the quality of imaging services is to conduct a
January 2021 in PubMed/MEDLINE and clinical audit of current practices and compare it with
ScienceDirect electronic databases. The search was the best imaging practices. This includes monitoring
extended to reference lists of eligible articles and rejected and repeated X-ray films and digital
radiography journals. radiographic images. Clinical auditing is a quality
Results: Seven research studies and clinical audits improvement process that seeks to improve patient
were identified to be relevant and included in this care and outcomes through a systematic review of
review. Six causes of rejection and repetition of care and imaging practices against the objective
digital radiographic images were identified: patient standard, followed by the implementation of change
positioning errors, inappropriate selection of if necessary. In other words, clinical auditing is
technical exposure factors, patient motion, presence part of the quality assurance programme in
of artefacts, improper collimation of the radiology.
radiographic beam, and absence of permanent The move from traditional film-based radiography
anatomical side markers (ASM). Amongst these to digital imaging systems of computed radiography
factors, patient positioning error was the most (CR) and direct digital radiography (DDR) began in
common reason for rejecting and repeating digital the 1990s.4 In the context of this review, these two
Keywords: Digital radiography, Radiographic image,
Radiographer, Reject analysis

Medical Journal of Zambia, Vol. 48 (1): 38 - 45 (2021)

terms will mean digital radiography (DR). In both Globally, there are several clinical audits and
imaging systems, images can be rejected due to poor primary research studies conducted on the causes of
quality. Holmes and Griffiths5 state that a good rejection and repetition of digital radiographic
quality image should have optimum contrast and images. However, the reviewer was unable to find
density, maximum image sharpness, and minimal any published literature review which has brought
noise which demonstrate the anatomy or pathology these findings together to inform evidence-based
of interest. A reject radiographic image is, therefore, practice. The aim of this study, therefore, was to
an undiagnostic image that does not provide useful review the causes of rejection and repetition of
information to aid in diagnosis. This results in digital radiographic images to guide the practice of
repeating the image. Sherer and others define a radiography in Zambia. This is against the
repeat image as any radiographic image that must be background that Zambia is changing from film-
performed more than once because of human or based radiography to DR imaging systems.
mechanical error during the production of the initial

Repetition of radiographic images is a concern A literature review was utilised to review the causes
because it exposes patients to unnecessary ionising of rejection and repetition of digital radiographic
radiation with a corresponding increase in radiation images. In January 2021, a literature search was
dose.6,7,9 If the patient's sensitive organs, such as performed in PubMed/MEDLINE and
gonads, were included in the imaged area, then these ScienceDirect online databases using the terms
organs would receive a double dose.8 Other “reject radiographic image”, “repeat radiographic
concerns identified in the literature include image”, “computed radiography”,” direct digital
increased imaging costs, longer patient waiting radiography”, “digital radiography”. The literature
time, additional workload for radiographers, and search was extended to reference lists of eligible
reduced X-ray tube life.6,7,8,9 It should be mentioned articles and radiography journals: Radiography
that repeating an image is permissible but should be Journal (UK), South African Radiographer Journal,
within the accepted best practice. However, Journal of Medical Radiation Sciences, and Nigeria
repeating exposures due to carelessness or poor Journal of Radiography and Radiation Sciences.
judgment on the part of the radiographer must be Given that DR were introduced in the 1990s,4 the
avoided. search period was from 1990 to the time of search
Given the above, it is essential to have a reject and (January 2021). All research studies and clinical
repeat analysis programme in place in each audits were eligible for inclusion. Research studies
radiology department. Sherer et al.8 identify three and clinical audits that analysed film-based
main benefits of such quality assurance radiography were excluded as per the objective of
programmes. Firstly, the programme increases this review. However, research studies and clinical
awareness amongst radiographers and radiography audits which compared film-based radiography with
students of the necessity to produce optimal quality DR were included.
images. Secondly, radiographers and radiography The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
students generally become more careful in Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines
producing their radiographic images when aware were used to screen and select relevant research
that the images may subsequently be reviewed by studies and clinical audits. This process was carried
experienced peers. Thirdly, when the programme out in two stages. The first stage involved looking at
identifies problems or concerns, in-service imaging the title, abstract, and keywords of the article. Based
education awareness programmes covering these
on these items, if an article was clearly ineligible, the
specific topics may be designed for radiographers
reviewer excluded it. The second stage involved
and radiography students.

Medical Journal of Zambia, Vol. 48 (1): 38 - 45 (2021)

retrieving and reading each full article to make a there was no published research study or clinical
final inclusion decision. audit found in Zambia on this subject. The overall
digital image reject rate ranged from 1.3% to 14.7%.
Only two studies11,14 were over the 10% acceptable
The literature search results are presented in Figure image reject rate in DR.11 This review also found that
1. A total of 173 articles were retrieved during the radiology departments affiliated with the schools of
literature search. After removing the duplicate radiography had high rejection and repetition image
articles and applying the inclusion and exclusion rates due to radiography students' participation in
criteria, seven articles remained for this literature the imaging of patients during their clinical
review. training.9,13 For this reason, radiographers who are
involved in the facilitation of practice-based
learning should always supervise radiography
students to minimise image rejection and repetition.

This review found patient positioning errors as the

main reason for rejecting and repeating digital
images. Holmes and Griffiths5 state that correct
patient positioning plays a major role in determining
the success of any radiographic examination. This
involves including the area of clinical interest and
correct patient positioning. In the Zambian
radiography education system, patient positioning
theory is taught in the classroom using the standard
adopted textbook by K.C. Clark and this is applied
in the clinical area under the supervision of qualified
Figure 1: Literature search and selection process and experienced radiographers. The positioning is
undertaken according to the recommended
Seven research studies and clinical audits were projection(s). A projection is described by the
eligible for this review and their characteristics are direction and location of the collimated X-ray beam
presented in Table 1 on page 41. relative to aspects and planes of the body. There are
two main radiographic projections: antero-posterior
Six causes of rejection and repetition of digital (AP)/posterior-anterior (PA) and lateral. In an AP
radiographic images were identified. These included projection, the collimated X-ray beam is incident to
patient positioning errors, inappropriate selection of the anterior aspect, passes along or parallel to the
technical exposure factors, patient motion during the median sagittal plane, and emerges from the
radiographic exposure, presence of artefacts, posterior aspect of the body.16,18 The opposite is true
improper collimation of the radiographic beam, and for a PA projection. For the lateral projection, the X-
absence of permanent anatomical side markers ray beam passes from one side of the body to the
(ASM). other along a coronal and transverse plane.16,18
Incorrect positioning of the patient can result in
DISCUSSION rejection and repetition of the image due to
distortion or obscuring of area of anatomical
This review found that research studies and clinical
interest. However, it remains a challenge to image
audits on reject and repeat analysis in digital imaging
uncooperative patients, such as trauma and
systems have been conducted globally. However,
paediatrics. This is a reminder to radiographers to

Medical Journal of Zambia, Vol. 48 (1): 38 - 45 (2021)

Table 1: Characteristics of included research studies and clinical audits in this review (N = 7)
Type of
No Author Year Title study Main findings Country
?Overall reject rate was 1.3%
Reject analysis: a comparison ?The main reason for rejection
was positioning errors (55.4%)
1 Lau et al. 2004 of conventional film-screen Research ?Other reasons were exposure, China
radiography and computed patient movement, artifacts, and
processing errors
radiography with PACS
?Overall reject rate was 11.0%
?The main reason for rejection
was positioning errors (51.3%),
2 Hofmann 2015 Image rejects in general direct followed by centring errors Norway
et al.
digital radiography (31.0%)

?Overall reject rate was 2.6%

Mammographic images reject ?The main reasons for rejection
were positioning errors, patient
3 Mercieca 2017 rate analysis and cause- a motion, artefacts, improper Malta
et al.
national Maltese study exposure, equipment failure,
and improper detector exposure

?Overall reject rate was 8%

?The main causes of rejection
were positioning errors (63%),
The causes of reject images in followed by exposure (24.9%) Namibia
4 Benza et 2018 a radiology department at a ?Other causes were collimation,
absence of anatomical markers,
al. state hospital in Windhoek, and artefacts
?Overall reject rate was 14.7%
Evaluation of reject analysis of ?The main cause of rejection was Saudi
positioning errors (16%),
2019 chest radiographs in followed by artifacts (11.3%) Arabia
Alahmadi Research
5 diagnostic radiology ?The other cause was incorrect
et al. [14] collimation

Reject analysis in digital ?Overall reject rate was 8%

Rastegar 2019 radiography: a local study on Audit ?The main causes of rejection Iran
were positioning errors and
6 et al. radiographers and students’ improper patient preparation
attitudes in Iran
?Overall reject rate was 9%
Reject rate analysis in digital ?The main causes of rejection
were positioning errors (49%)
7 Atkinson 2020 radiography: an Australian and anatomy cut-off (21%)
Research Australia
emergency imaging ?Other causes were collimation,
et al. absence of anatomical markers,
department case study and artefacts

Medical Journal of Zambia, Vol. 48 (1): 38 - 45 (2021)

maintain this basic radiography knowledge and skill Given the above, knowledge and correct use of
through continuous professional development appropriate radiographic exposure factors is
(CPD) learning activities. necessary because they have a considerable impact
on the image quality. When automatic exposure
Inappropriate selection of technical exposure factors control (AEC) is not used, an efficient radiology
was one of the causes for rejection and repetition of department uses standardised technique charts for
digital radiographic images identified in this review. each piece of X-ray equipment to ensure uniform
Literature reports that under and overexposure of X- selection of technical exposure factors.
ray film is the main cause of image rejection in film- Radiographers neglecting to use the exposure charts
screen radiography due to a short dynamic range.6,7,13 necessitates estimating the exposure factors, which
This is reduced in digital imaging systems because of may result in repeating an examination.8 In obese
a wide dynamic range and image post-processing patients, more exposure is required. The use of
capabilities which enables rectification of the under manual exposure factors for body parts like the
or overexposure errors.4,11,13,14 For both imaging abdomen, pelvis, and middle and lower spine should
methods, the selection of appropriate technical be avoided because it can result in an underexposed
exposure factors for each imaging examination is image containing image noise and undiagnostic
essential to ensure a diagnostic image.8 The five image.16,18 A radiographer should use an AEC if
prime factors of radiographic exposure are the available on the equipment which can appropriately
kilovoltage (kVp), exposure time (T), milliamperage determine the correct mAs for larger patients.16,18
(mA), milliampere-second (mAs), and source-image
8,16,19 Another reason for rejecting and repeating digital
distance (SID). Their definitions are stated in
19 radiographic images identified in this review is due
Table 2.
to patient motion during the radiographic exposure.
Table 2: Definitions of prime factors of Patient movement, which can be voluntary or
radiographic exposure involuntary results in motion artifacts or blurring of
Factor Definition an image.16,18 It should be mentioned that a high-
A measure of the potential difference across quality radiographic image must be sharp.5
Kilovoltage (kVp) the X-ray tube. An increase in kVp results in a
more penetrating X-ray beam and a greater
Therefore, blurring due to motion will cause image
degree of exposure to the image receptor unsharpness and reduce the diagnostic quality of an
producing a darker image.
image.5,16,18 For this reason, movement unsharpness
A measure of how long the X-ray exposure
Exposure time (T) will continue. When all other factors are should be kept to a minimum by carefully applying
equal, a longer exposure time will produce good radiographic technique for voluntary and
more exposure and a darker radiographic
image, whilst a shorter exposure time will
involuntary motions. To reduce voluntary
result in less radiation exposure and a lighter movements, the radiographer should make the
image. patient comfortable, give them precise instructions
A measure of the tube current in the X-ray
Milliamperage (mA) tube circuit. It determines the number of
on breathing technique, and plan the examination
electrons available to cross the tube and thus accordingly. In extreme cases, the patient can be
the rate at which X-rays are produced.
immobilised or sedated, as in the case of people with
This is the product of the mA and duration of 19
Milliampere-second (mAs) the exposure (exposure time). It is an
special needs or psychiatric patients. For
indicator of the total quality of radiation involuntary movements, the use of short exposure
produced in the exposure. 5
times is recommended. In summary, patient
This is the distance between the tube target
Source-image distance (SID) and the image receptor. According to the movement can result in the rejection and repetition
inverse square law, there is a relationship of a radiographic image.
between the radiation intensity and SID:
radiation intensity is inversely proportional to The other reason found in this review for reject and
the square of the SID.
repeat of digital radiographic images is the presence

Medical Journal of Zambia, Vol. 48 (1): 38 - 45 (2021)

of artefacts. A radiographic artifact is an abnormal field that is too small increases the risks of a
shadow which is noted on an image produced by the diagnostic error or may require a second
equipment or human error.16 Human error also exposure.16,21 This means that correct X-ray beam
includes artifacts from the patient's clothing and collimation requires knowledge by the
jewellery. Holmes and Griffiths point out that radiographers regarding the external anatomical
radiographic images should be free from artifacts to landmarks which are used as a guide. However, it
avoid obscuring relevant detail. However, repeating can be challenging for the radiographer in obese
an image should only be undertaken if the artifact patients to identify the bony landmarks or surface
interferes with the diagnosis. To minimise artifacts, markings for radiological examinations of the
a radiographer must ask the patient to remove all abdomen, spine, and pelvis. This is one area where
radiopaque objects covering the area of interest and errors in collimation mostly occur during imaging.
where necessary change them into the hospital gown
Only two studies13,15 in this review identified the
during the imaging examination. To eliminate
absence of permanent ASM as one of the causes of
equipment artifacts, the imaging equipment should
rejecting and repeating a radiographic image. It
be serviced, and quality assurance performed
should be mentioned that image annotation is a core
periodically. However, there is a lack of such
imaging skill of a radiographer. Adejoh et al.22 define
programmes in Zambia.20 To improve the quality of
an ASM as a portable radiopaque objective with
imaging services, there is a need to establish
capital “L” and “R” which is used to indicate the
servicing and quality assurance programmes in
anatomical left and right. The marker must be
placed in the primary X-ray beam before making an
Improper collimation of the X-ray beam is one of the exposure, but digital imaging allows the placement
causes of rejecting and repeating digital of electronic markers as part of postprocessing
radiographic images identified in this review. Good procedures. Electronic markers may attract
collimation of the X-ray beam should include all medical-legal implications due to human error
relevant anatomical structures, including soft tissue. during placement. If the permanent ASM is
Holmes and Griffiths state that good X-ray beam missing and the radiographer is unsure or there is
collimation reduces scattered radiation and hence any anatomical double, an image must be repeated,
increases the contrast of the image. Careful especially for pre-surgery images and serious cases
collimation is also one way of reducing the radiation such as non-accidental injures (NAI) and forensic
dose to the patient as only areas of interest are radiography because of legal issues involved.16 In
irradiated. It should be mentioned that over-zealous Zambia, Mulenga and others24 reported an unusual
(close) collimation can result in anatomical cut-off and strange case of NAI in a young child presenting
and necessitate a repeat image, whilst a lack of with multiple sewing needles and wires in his body.
collimation can result in overexposure of a patient to This is one example that requires correctly placing
ionizing radiation.15,16,18 A lack of collimation is a permanent ASM by a radiographer. To improve and
potential pitfall in DR where postprocessing maintain the standards of radiography, each
techniques may be used to crop the image after radiology department should conduct periodical
image acquisition. For this reason, it is important clinical audits of ASM.
to conduct clinical audits of X-ray beam collimation
and digital image cropping. Although a certain
degree of flexibility may be necessary to avoid This review has identified the causes of rejection
anatomical cut-off, repeated use of the unnecessarily and repetition of digital radiographic images. To
large field of collimation is inappropriate due to reduce these factors, each radiology department
increased radiation dose. On the other hand, a should establish and conduct periodical image reject

Medical Journal of Zambia, Vol. 48 (1): 38 - 45 (2021)

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