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IX Mid - Term Exam Social Science


Class : IX (CBSE) SET - 1 Max. Marks : 80
Sub : Social Science MARKING SCHEME Time: 3 Hrs.

General Instructions:
i) The question paper is divided into five sections – Section A, Section B, Section C, Section D
and Section E.
ii) The question paper has 35 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.
iii) Marks are indicated against each question.
iv) Section A: Questions from serial number 1 to 20 are Objective Type Questions. Each question
carries one mark. Answer them as instructed.
v) Section B: Questions from serial number 21 to 28 are 2 marks questions. Answers of these
questions should not exceed 40 words each.
v) Section C: Questions from serial number 29 to 34 are 3 marks questions. Answers of these
questions should not exceed 60 words each.
vi) Section D: Questions from serial number 35 to 38 are 5 marks questions. Answers of these
questions should not exceed 120 words each.
vii) Section E: Question number 39 is a map question of 6 marks with two parts - 39 a. from
History (2 Marks) and 39 b. from Geography (4 marks)
viii) After completion attach the map inside your answer book.
ix) There is no overall choice. However, internal choice has been provided in some questions. You
have to attempt only one of the alternatives in all such-questions.

1. After the end of the 2nd world War, why was a tribunal set up at Nuremburg ? [ C ]
A) To try Hitler and his family members.
B) To try the leader of the Allied Power.
C) To prosecute the Nazi war criminals.
D) To try the Jews who where involved in conspiracy against Hitler.
2. Why was the Enabling Act passed on 3rd March 1933 significant ? [ C ]
A) It gave more power to the Reichstag.
B) It enabled Hitler to suspend all political parties including Nazi affiliates.
C) It gave Hitler supreme power to sideline the Parliament and rule by decrees.
D) It enabled the adult population of Germany to elect the government.
3. Fill in the blank with an appropriate word. [ D ]
.......................... were called “November Criminals”.
A) Only Socialists B) Both Cathoics and Democrats
C) Only Democrats D) All Socialists, Cathoics and Democrats

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Social Science IX Mid - Term Exam
4. Which of the following was the most important outcome of the Fire Decree of 28th February,
1933 ? [ B ]
A) New Fire Fighting Department was set up by this decree.
B) The decree suspended the Civil Rights like freedom of speech, press and assembly.
C) The Decree announced compensation for all victims of Fire in the Reichstag.
D) It made Hitler the Chancellor of Germany.
5. Assertion (A) : Six million Jews were brutally murdered by the Nazis. [A ]
Reason (R) : The Nazis were led by Adolf Hitler who propagated anti-semitism and
was on a mission of 'ethnic cleansing'.
A) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is NOT the correct explanation of (A)
C) A) is true but (R) is false
D) (A) is false but (R) is true
6. Some statements with their options are given below in column I and II. Correctly match them.
Column I Column II [ B]
i) Name given to the German parliament a) Jungvolk
ii) Making up for a wrong done b) Reichstag
iii) Nazi Youth groups for Chidren c) Reparation
iv) The World’s biggest stock exchange located d) Wall Street Exchange
in the USA
A) (i - b), (ii - c), (iii - d), (iv - a) B) (i - b), (ii - c), (iii - a), (iv - d)
C) (i - c), (ii - d), (iii - b), (iv - a) D) (i - c), (ii - b), (iii - d), (iv - a)
7. Which of the statements is not true with reference to northern plain?[ C ]
A) The northern plain has been formed by the interplay of the three major river systems, namely -
The Indus, The Ganga and The Brahmaputra along with their tributaries.
B) It is agriculturally a very productive part of India.
C) The northern plains have low density of population
D) The largest part of the northern plain is formed of older alluvium.
8. The Indus basin is situated in the state of [ C ]
(i) Jammu and Kashmir
(ii) Punjab
(iii) Uttar Pradesh
(iv) Himachal Pradesh
(v) Uttarachal
A) (i), (iii) and (v) B) (iii) and (v) C) (i), (ii) and (iv) D) All above
9. The state with highest density of population as per 2011 was [ D ]
A) Rajasthan B) Uttar Pradesh C) West Bengal D) Bihar
10. Which of the following is not salient feature of the trend of population growth in India from
1901 to 2001? [ B ]
A) 1901-21: the rate of growth was negligible due to high birth and death rates.
B) 1901-21: the rate of growth was at peak due to high rate of birth rate.
C) 1921-51: This phase had moderate but steady growth rate at over 1%.
D) 1951-2001: Growth rate has been rapid, over 2%. It was due to rapid decline in death rate, but
birth rate remained high.

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11. Which of the following statements are relevant to the meaning and significance of the
constitution? [A ]
i) Constitution generates a degree of trust and coordination that is necessary for different kinds
of people to live together.
ii) Constitution never specifies the rules and regulations as how government would be constituted
iii) Constitution lays down the limits on the power of the government.
iv) Constitution expresses the aspiration of the ruler about creating a good society.
A) (i), (iii) B) (i), (iv) C) (iii), (iv) D) (i), (ii)
12. Match the following columns: [ D ]
Column - I Column - II
i) Motilal Nehru [ ] a) President of the consituent Assembly
ii) B.R. Ambedkar [ ] b) Member of the constituent Assembly
iii) Rajendra Prasad [ ] c) Chairman of the Drafting Committee
iv) Sarojini Naidu [ ] d) Prepared a Constitution for India in 1928
A) (i - b), (ii - c), (iii - a), (iv - d) B) (i - b), (ii - c), (iii - d), (iv - a)
C) (i - c), (ii - d), (iii - b), (iv - a) D) (i - d), (ii - c), (iii - a), (iv - b)
13. Cultural and Educational Right is not associated with [ D ]
A) Any section of citizens with a distinct language or culture has a right to conserve it.
B) Admission to any educational institution maintained by government or receiving government
aid cannot be denied to any citizen on the ground of religion or language.
C) All minorities have the right to establish and administer educational institutions of their choice.
D) Right to profess, practice and propagate the religion.
14. Fill in the blank with an appropriate word.
A person who is arrested and detained shall be produced before the nearest magistrate within a
period of ............. of arrest. (24 hours) [ D ]
A) 24 days B) One hours C) 48 hours D) 24 hours
15. Identify the correct option regarding Rule of Law. [ B ]
A) Reasonable claims of persons recognised by the society and sanctioned by law.
B) The laws apply equally to all regardless of a person’s status.
C) Freedom of speech and expression.
D) According to law, citizen has a right not to be exploited.
16. The rural population migrates to urban areas due to [ D ]
A) Rising population in rural areas
B) In search of better employment opportunities
C) Lack of demand of labour in agriculture.
D) All of the above.
17. Land is a fixed factor of production in village palampur. Agricultural production needs to be
increased to ensure farmer’s decent level of livelihood. Over the next 10 years if the population
of village palampur increases by 30% and land under cultivation shrinks by 10% the village
[ D ]
A) Will require at least 30% productivity improvement to remain at current level
B) Will require at least 20% productivity improvement to remain at current level
C) Will require at least 10% productivity improvement to remain at current level
D) Will require more than 30% productivity improvement to remain at current level

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Social Science IX Mid - Term Exam
18. What is RPDS? [ B ]
A) Distribution of 35 kgs of food grains to poor and non poor of APL and BPL sections
B) Distribution of 20 kgs of food grains to backward blocks
C) Distribution of 35 kgs of food grains to poorest of the poor
D) Distribution of 10 kgs of food grains to Indigent senior citizens
19. The farmer’s are paid a pre-announced price for their crops known as: [ C ]
A) Issue price B) Fair price
C) Minimum support price D) Maximum support price
20. Match the following columns: [D ]
Column I Column II

i) Academy of Development Science (ADS) [ ] a) Food procured by the FCI

is distributed through
regulated ration shops
among the poorer sections
of the society
ii) Targeted Public Distribution System (TDPS) [ ] b) It has facilitated a network
of NGO’s for setting up
grain banks in different
regions in Maharashtra.
iii) Revamped Public Distribution ystem(RPDS) [ ] c) The target was to provide
the benefits of PDS to
remote and backward areas
iv) Public Distribution system [ ] d) To adopt the principle of
targeting the poor in all
A) (i - b), (ii - c), (iii - a), (iv - d) B) (i - b), (ii - c), (iii - d), (iv - a)
C) (i - c), (ii - d), (iii - b), (iv - a) D) (i - b), (ii - d), (iii - c), (iv - a)

21. Who were categorised as ‘undesirable’? 2M
A. Jews, Communists, Gypsies and the Polish, Physically handicapped etc. were considered as un-
22. Define Holocaust. 2M
A. These were Nazi killing operations which were carried out to kill the Jews.
Name two political thinkers from whom Hitler’s racism was borrowed.
A. Hitler’s racism was borrowed from thinkers like Charles Darwin and Herbert Spencer.
23. Write about Gondwana Land. 2M
A. Gondwana Land is the southern part of the ancient super continent Pangaea. It included India,
Australia, South Africa, South America and Antarctica as one single landmass.
Elucidate why Shiwaliks are prone to landslides.
A. Shiwaliks are formed of unconsolidated sediments brought down by the rivers. They contain

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IX Mid - Term Exam Social Science
gravel and alluvium and are weak in nature. Due to heavy rainfall in these areas, they are prone to
landslides and soil erosion.
24. Give two reasons responsible for unfavourable sex ratio. 2M
A. i) Women are often done to death by dowry seekers.
ii) Lack of education and orthodox customs also go against women folk.
25. Why was the Constitution enforced on 26th January 1950? 2M
A. 26th January 1930, was celebrated as the fi rst Independence Day as on this day, Indian fl ag was
hoisted fi rst time at Lahore session as the part of Poornaswaraj Movement. Thus, 26lh January
was chosen to enforce the Constitution of India as it was a symbol of India’s Independence.
26. What is Public Interest Litigation? 2M
A. Under the PIL any citizen or group of citizens can approach the Supreme Court or a High Court
for the protection of public interest against a particular law or action of the government. One can
write to the judges even on a postcard. The court will take up the matter if the judges fi nd it in
public interest.
What are Human Rights?
A. Human Rights are those rights, which are inherent in our nature. Without these rights, we cannot
live as human beings. Human rights allow us to fully develop and use our human qualities, intel-
ligence, talents and conscience. They allow us to satisfy our spiritual and other needs.
27. What is Multiple cropping? 2M
A. a) Multiple cropping is one of the methods to increase production from the same piece of land.
b) To grow more than one crop on the same piece of land during the year, e.g: rice, wheat,
potato, etc.
28. What are the functions of the FCI? 2M
A. i) The Food Cooperation of India or FCI purchases wheat and rice from the farmers in the
states, where there is surplus production.
ii) It also builds the buffer stock.
Give a short note on The National Food Security Act, 2013.
A. This Act provides for food and nutritional security life at affordable prices and enables people to
live a life with dignity. Under this act, 75% of the rural population and 50% of the urban popula-
tion have been categorised as eligible households for food security.

29. Explain the impact of the Great Economic Depression on Germany. 3M
A. i) Due to the Great Depression, industrial production reduced to 40 per cent, and the number
of unemployed touched 6 million.
ii) The middle class lost its entire savings.
iii) The large mass of peasantry was affected by a sharp fall in agricultural prices.
iv) People lost confi dence in the democratic parliamentary system, which seemed to offer no
Explain the racial policy of Hitler or the Nazis.
A. i) The Nazis wanted to establish an exclusive racial community of pure Germans by eliminat-
ing all other races.
ii) They wanted only a society of ‘Pure and healthy Nordic Aryans’.

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iii) Under his racial policy, Hitler even ordered to eliminate unhealthy or abnormal Aryans.
iv) Many ‘inferior’ races like Gypsies, the Blacks and Jewish were killed and deported.
30. Write any three difference between Bhangar and Khadar. 3M

31. What values are associated with Universal Adult Franchise? 3M

A. i) It gives political equality. Every citizen of the country, regardless whether he is rich or poor,
young or old, Black or white, male and female has an equal voice in democracy.
ii) Once equality is ensured to the people, there would be peace which is very essential for
progress. The Right to vote strengthens people’s confi dence.
Why does the Indian Constitution need to be amended quite regularly?
A. Indian Constitution need to be amended because.
i) The Indian Constitution is very long detailed document. It is in accordance with people’s aspirational
change in society. There is a provision to incorporate changes from time to time. It puts limits to
what the government can’t and can do by providing some rights to the citizens that cannot be
ii) It is long and needs to be amended regularly to keep it updated.
iii) These were not considered sacred, static and unalterable laws.
32. Explain the Fundamental right: Right to Equality. 3M
A. It guarantees to all persons (citizens and others) equality before law and equal protection of law.
This means that all persons are equal in the eyes of law. Law gives equal protection to all. It makes
no distinction between them on the basis of religion, race, caste, sex and place of birth. All citizens
have equal right to go to shops, public places of entertainment or public places like hotels, bathing
Ghats and tanks etc.
33. Distinguish between fixed, working and human capital. 3M
A. i) Tools, machines, building - be used in production over many years. These factors of pro-
duction are called fi xed capital.
ii) Working capital include the factors of production which are used for production. Raw ma-
terials, and money in hand are called the working capital.
iii) Human capital is the most important factor of production which put together land, labour
and physical capital and produce an output, either to use for self-consumption or to sell in
the market.
34. Defi ne Food Security. Explain three dimensions of Food Security. 3M
A. Food security means all people at all times have physical and economic access to suffi cient food.
It implies availability, accessibility and affordability of food to all people at all times.
Three dimensions of food security are :
i) Availability of food means food production within the country, food imports and the previ-
ous year’s stock stored in the government granaries.
ii) Accessibility means food is within reach of every person in the country.
iii) Affordability implies that an individual has enough money to buy suffi cient, safe and nutri-
tious food to meet one’s needs.

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IX Mid - Term Exam Social Science

What are the major objectives of the Academy Development Science (ADS)? Mention any
A. i) Academy of Development Science (ADS) has facilitated a network of NGOs for setting up
grain banks in different regions.
ii) The ADS organises training and capacity building programmes on food security for NGOs.
Grain banks are now slowly taking shape in different parts of Maharashtra.
iii) The ADS efforts to set up grain banks, to facilitate replication through other NGOs and to
infl uence the government’s policy on food security are thus paying rich dividends.

35. How were the schools in Germany ‘Cleansed’ and ‘Purifi ed’ under Nazi Rule? 5M
A. Nazi policy towards youth was fanatically interesting. They were:
i) Total control over schools: Hitler was fanatically interested in the youth of the country. He
felt that a strong Nazi society could be established only by teaching children the Nazi ideology.
This required a control over the child, both inside and outside the school.
ii) Purifi cation of schools: All schools were cleansed and purifi ed. This meant that teachers
who were Jews or seen as ‘politically unreliable’ were dismissed. Children were fi rst
segregated: Germans and Jews could not sit together or play together. Subsequently,
‘undesirable children’ - Jews, the Physically handicapped, Gypsies — were thrown out of
schools. And fi nally, in the 1940s, they were taken to the gas chambers.
iii) New Education Policy: To popularise his ideology, Hitler announced a New Education
Policy. Under this school textbooks were rewritten. Racial science was introduced to justify
Nazi ideas of race. Stereotypes about Jews were popularised even through math’s classes.
Children were taught to be loyal and submissive, hate Jews, and worship Hitler.
iv) Division of the life: Life of the youth was divided into different stages. At each stage he had
to pass through various training and teaching programmes.
v) Formation of Hitler Youth: The Youth League of the Nazis was founded in 1922. Four
years later, it was renamed the ‘Hitler Youth’. To unify the youth movement under
Nazicontrol, all other youth organisations were systematically dissolved and fi nally banned.
Explain the Nazi cult of mother hood.
A. i) Superiority of men: Children in Nazi Germany were repeatedly told that the women were
radically different from men. Nazis were against the democratic rights of women. While
boys were taught to be aggressive, masculine and steel hearted, girls were told that they had
to become good mothers and rear pure-blooded Aryan children.
ii) Role of girls: Girls had to maintain the purity of the race, distance themselves from the
Jews, look after the home, and teach their children Nazi values. They had to be the bearers
of the Aryan culture and race.
iii) Awards and punishment: Women who bore racially undesirable children were punished,
and those who produced racially desirable children were awarded. They were given favoured
treatment in hospitals, and were also entitled to concessions in shops and on theatre tickets
and railway fares.
iv) Principle of Majoritism: Hitler wanted to follow the principle of majoritism. To encourage
women to produce many children, Honour Crosses were awarded. A bronze cross was
given for four children, silver for six and gold for eight or more.
v) Code of conduct for women: There was a code of conduct for all Aryan women. All ‘Aryan’
women who deviated from the prescribed code of conduct were publicly condemned, and
severely punished. Those who maintained contact with the Jews, Poles and Russians were
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Social Science IX Mid - Term Exam
paraded through the town with shaved heads, blackened faces and placards hanging around
their necks announcing ‘I have sullied the honour of the nation’. Many received jail sentences,
and lost civic honour as well as their husbands and families for this criminal offences.
36.. ‘Distribution of population in India is uneven”. Prove this statement with examples. 5M
A. i) Physical factors : Rugged and mountainous terrain as in Arunachal Pradesh are primarily
responsible for sparse population.
ii) Harsh climatic conditions : Snow-covered regions like Jammu and Kashmir and very hot
regions such as Rajasthan invite less population.
iii) Plain terrain : Place with rich, fertile soil, good rainfall and moderate climate like Kerala
and Uttar Pradesh make highly populated states.
iv) Economical factors : Regions become densely populated where ample scope of starting
business and industries prevail. With good transport, trade and communication these regions
become acutely dense.
v) Political factors : States providing security, peace and stability also become very dense in
the long run.
37. ‘Right to freedom is the cluster of freedoms’. Justify. 5M
A. “The Right to freedom” is considered as the “Cluster of six freedoms” and also known as the
“freedom of freedoms”. The different freedoms granted are as follows :
i) Freedom of speech and expression
ii) Freedom to assemble in a peaceful manner
iii) Form associations and unions
iv) Freedom to move freely throughout the country.
v) Reside in any part of the country
vi) Freedom to practice any profession, or to carry on any occupation, trade or business.
38. Discuss the major reasons for poverty in India. 5M
A. i) British Rule: Britishers ruled India more than 100 years. Prior to the British rule, traditional
industries, for instance, textiles, fl ourished in India. During the British rule, the government
adopted policies to discourage such industries. This left millions of weavers poor. Even
after fi fty years of independent India, we can fi nd a major section of the people engaged
handicraft industries as downtrodden.
ii) Lack of industrialisation: India is very backward from the industrial point of view. Hardly
3 percent of the total working population is engaged in the large-scale industry.
iii) Over dependence on agriculture: Even after more than 60 years of independence more
than 60 percent of our total population still depends on agriculture for its livelihood. Due to
shortage of inputs, our agriculture is backward.
iv) Infl ationary pressure: Upward trend in prices adversely affects the poor sections of the
v) Unemployment: Due to lack of job opportunities, more than 90 lakhs of our total working
force is unemployed.
Explain the impact of Green Revolution.
A. i) The success of Green Revolution has made India self-suffi cient in food grains.
ii) Because of the Green Revolution, there was an increase in the production of wheat and rice.
iii) The highest rate of growth was achieved in Punjab and Haryana.
iv) Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh recorded signifi cant increase in rice yield.
v) The increase in the production of food grains helped the Government to build the buffer
vi) This buffer stock led to food security.

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IX Mid - Term Exam Social Science

39. Map based question: 6M
a. Identify the countries located as A and B on the political outline map of the world. Write their
correct name in the space provided. 2M
i) A member country of Allied Powers in the second world war. (ENGLAND)
ii) A territory under German expansion (POLAND)

b. Locate and lable the following on an political outline map of India, (Any Four) 4M
a) Highest peak of South India located in Western Ghats.
b) The Plateau of Indian is most important for its mineral resources.
c) The Aravali - oldest mountain range of India.
d) Northern Circar - a coastal plain located towards Bay of Bengal.
e) The state of India with highest density of population.
f) The state of India with lowest density of population.

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