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Objective: to improve the environmental quality for the protection of public health and natural resources to benefit current and future generations.
Through: E8ective administration programs and E8ective innovative strategies

Components of EQM (8):

Air Quality Management 1. Compliance with standards
• Under EQA 1974, Malaysian Ambient Air Quality Standard (PM 10, PM 2.5, CO2, NO2, CO, O3)

2. Identification and reduction of existing outdoor air pollution problems.

• Under Road Transport Dept Malaysia - to reduce car on the road for reduction of fossil fuel from vehicle emits to the atmosphere.

3. Air emission control programs

• Regulation and permit - industry need to asked permit that specify the type and amount of pollutant they are allowed to emit.
• Increase public transport utilization
• Minimal industrial emission – DOE enforcement

4. Air monitoring: Assessing & Control

• Strategy planning
• Permit issuance
• Inspection of our emission source.
Water, Land & Soil Quality 1. Public and private water supplies.
management • Manage by local government and private sector: To ensure safe drinking water by doing monitoring, treatment process and compliance to national drinking water standard.

2. On-site sewage.
• Centralized waste management. Proper design, installation and well maintained to prevent underground contamination.
• Inspect and regulation of the on-site sewage management system.

3. Campgrounds.
• Sanitation facilities: must have proper sewage management and sanitation facilities to prevent environment contamination.
• Water supply and quality: provide safe drinking water and monitor the recreational water within the campgrounds.

4. Public swimming pools.

• Monitoring the chemical level and microbacteria in swimming pool for the safety of the swimmer.

5. Inland lakes, floodplains, wetlands.

• Inland lakes &wetlands: Protection: implement measure to protect this area from development and pollution.
• Floodplains management: regulate development in flood prone area to prevent damage and maintain natural flood mitigation.

6. Shoreline protection, marinas, dams.

• Shoreline protection: Erosion Control: Implementing measures to prevent shoreline erosion and protect habitats.
• Marina Management: Ensuring marinas have proper waste disposal and pollution control measures.

7. Roads and any dredging or filling of lakes, streams and wetlands.

• Permitting and Regulation: Requiring permits for activities that may impact water bodies, ensuring they follow environmental guidelines.

8. Water quality standards and assessments.

• Standards: Establishing regulatory limits for various pollutants to protect human health and ecosystems.
• Monitoring and Assessment: Regular monitoring of water bodies to assess compliance with standards and identify pollution sources.

9. Discharge permits.
• Permitting System: Requiring permits for any discharges into water bodies, ensuring they meet water quality standards.
• Enforcement: Monitoring discharges and enforcing permit conditions to prevent pollution.

10. Investigation of complaints and response to accidental releases.

• Complaint Handling: Investigating public complaints about water pollution and taking appropriate action.
• Emergency Response: Implementing rapid response measures to contain and mitigate accidental releases of pollutants.
11. Municipal construct and maintain adequate wastewater collection and treatment facilities.
• Infrastructure Development: Building and maintaining sewer systems and treatment plants to handle wastewater e8ectively.

12. Non-point source pollution

• Controls to protect and enhance the surface water quality.

Waste Disposal 1. Hazardous and non-hazardous waste regulation.

Management • Handling, storage, treatment and disposal of this waste

2. Management and disposal of hazardous, liquid industrial and solid waste, scrap tires, wastewater discharges to the groundwater.
• Regulation and treating wastewater discharge to protect the groundwater.

3. Land application of certain solid waste beneficial to the soil.

• Used certain solid waste as soil amendment.

4. Permits, licenses, or registration of disposal facilities and transporters.

• Issues permit for disposal facilities and licenses with registration for transport to ensure safety and legal handling waste.

5. Funding for the cleanup and disposal of abandoned scrap tires.

• Provide funding for management of abandoned scrap tires that can be turn into insulation for roads, other product such as soles, floor mats, and belts.

6. Solid waste planning.

• Developed and implement solid waste planning to ensure e8icient and sustainable waste handling. Geomembrane – to filter hazardous chemical from being absorb by underground

Geological Survey 1. Identify and assessment of Fossil fuels, minerals, groundwater, energy resources.
2. Involved Topographic and geologic maps, records of oil, gas and water wells, core and drilling samples
3. Process includes Geologic information collection by doing field research/ study, maintain comprehensive database of geological data and dissemination of this data by providing access to
geological information.
4. Another component Permits for exploration, drilling and mining activities, and oversight of oil, gas and mineral production.

Pollution Prevention 1. Community Environmental Awareness

• To improve the public's access to and understanding of environmental laws and regulations.
• To improve the way environmental and compliance information is presented and made available to the public

2. Initiatives for industry and business sectors

• Eliminates or minimizes the generation of waste at the source (from the industry itself- self manage the waste)
• Uses environmentally sound on-site and o8-site recycling where it is not possible to eliminate the generation of waste. (to reduce volume to landfill).
• Alternative waste treatment, release, or disposal technologies. (research and development still going on).

3. Events and Training

• Workshops, roundtables, conferences and other gatherings where networking and learning about pollution prevention are featured.

4. Publications
• Case studies, fact sheets, reports, bulletins, press releases, and training information.

5. Field Services
• Environmental Health O8icer at several district o8ices throughout the state o8er the assistance at the local level.
• Also involve with regulatory integration and pollution prevention with local health departments.
• Information on pollution prevention services, recycling, technologies and practices.
Radiological protection
Storage tank management
Environmental Response.

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