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1 Composition and allocation of personnel to fire parties
2 Strategies and tactics for control of fires in various parts of the ship
3 Preparation of contingency plans
4 Fire-fighting procedures at sea and port
5 Communication and coordination during fire-fighting operations
6 Procedure for coordination with shore-based fire fighters
7 Fire-fighting process hazards
8 Ventilation control
9 Control of fuel and electrical systems
10 Use of water for fire extinguishing, the effect of using water on ship stability,
precautions and corrective procedures
11 Fire precautions and hazards associated with the storage and handling of materials
12 Fire-fighting involving dangerous goods
13 Management and control of injured persons
14 Assessment of cause of incidents involving fire
15 Requirements for statutory and classifications surveys
16 Fire detection and extinguishing systems and equipment

Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e |1

Requirements in Regulation VI/3 and Section A-VI/3
1. Seafarers designated to control fire-fighting operations shall have successfully completed advanced fire-
fighting in techniques for fighting fire, with particular emphasis on organization, tactics and command, and
shall be required to demonstrate competence to undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in
column 1 of Table a-v1/3 (Competence).
2. The level of knowledge and understanding of the subjects listed in Column 2 of Table a-vi/3 (KUPs) shall be
sufficient for the effective control of fire-fighting operations on board ship.
3. Training and experience to achieve the necessary level of theoretical knowledge, understanding and
proficiency shall take account of the guidance given in part b of this code.
4. Every candidate for certifications shall be required to provide evidence of having achieved the required
standard of competence, in accordance with the methods for demonstrating competence and the criteria for
evaluating competence tabulated in column 3 and 4 of Table a-v1/3.
5. Seafarers qualified in accordance with paragraph 4 in advanced fire-fighting shall be required, every five years,
to provide evidence of having maintained the required standard of competence to undertake the tasks, duties
and responsibilities listed in column 1 of Table a-v1/3.0
6. Parties may accept onboard training

Competences and KUPs in Table A-VI/3

1. Control fire-fighting operations aboard ships
a. Fire fighting procedures at sea and port, with particular emphasis on organization, tactics and
b. Use of water for fire extinguishing, the effect on ship stability, precautions and corrective procedures
c. Communication and coordination during fire fighting operations
d. Ventilation control, including smoke extraction
e. Control of fuel and electrical systems
f. Fire-fighting process hazards
g. Fire-fighting involving dangerous goods
h. Fire precautions and hazards associated with the storage and handling of materials
i. Management and control of injured persons
j. Procedures for coordination with shore-based fire fighters

2. Organize and train fire parties

a. Preparation of contingency plan
b. Composition and allocation of personnel to fire parties
c. Strategies and tactics for control of fires in various parts of the ship

3. Inspect and service fire detection and fire extinguishing systems and equipment

P a g e |2 Advanced Fire Fighting

a. Fire-detection systems; fixed fire-extinguishing systems; portable and mobile fire extinguishing
equipment, including appliances, pumps and rescue, salvage, life-support, personal protective and
communication equipment
b. Requirements for statutory and classification surveys

4. Investigate and compile reports on incidents involving fire

a. Assessment of cause of incidents involving fire

Objectives of the course

1. Control fire-fighting operations aboard ships;
2. Organize and train fire parties;
3. Inspect and service fire detection and fire extinguishing systems and equipment;
4. Investigate and compile reports on fire incidents

The main aims of Annex 2 of resolution A.437 (XI) as:

1. Instructing masters, deck officers, engineer officers and key personnel in organizational methods and the best
use of staff for combating fires.
2. Training them in the maintenance and inspection of fire-extinguishing equipment.
3. Instructing them in the hazards applying to fires in dangerous goods and safe methods for combating such

Course requirements
1. It is open to all trainees who completed basic training course.
2. The trainee should be medically fit to be able to participate in all practical exercise and assessment
3. It requires a total of thirty Six (36) instructional hours to cover all the topics.

Safety and Principles

Fire on an oil rig or a ship may have very grave consequences, not only for the individual, but materially and
ecologically as well. It is therefore of the utmost importance that all personnel have a fire safety training.

Only a small minority of the course participants will become members of the fire brigades on board, but knowledge
of and skill in fire safety are still the best fire insurance. Knowledge is accompanied by responsibility and a
consciousness of potential hazards. In addition, knowledge is a form of life insurance. One of the main goals of this
course is to teach the participant to use the safety equipment to save himself in a critical situation.

The course handout is intended for use during the course, but may also be used as a reference book later. Safety
and preventive safety work constitute an integral part of life on board. Ideally, you should read this handout before
the course.

Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e |3

1.1 Factors to be considered in organizing fire parties
- Knowledge & understanding
- Performance & skills level
- Training & drills
- Attitude
- Flexibility


Firefighting organization on board consists of several teams.

Emergency Teams
The emergency teams are teams of crew who will proceed & located at their respective muster station.
1.1 Bridge Team
1.2 Fire Attack Team
1.3 Support Team/Back up Team
1.4 Engine Room Team
1.5 Additional team for passenger ships

Firefighting organization on board consists of several teams. The master of the ship bears the
overall responsibility for the operation. Though duties vary from ship to ship, usually the chief
officer will be in charge of operations in the accommodations and deck area, and chief engineer is
responsible for operations in and around the engine room.

The emergency teams are teams of crew located at the muster station. They will perform
designated tasks in an organizational manner to cope with the fire. The number of emergency
groups varies with the type and size of the ship and also the number of the crew. In large
cruise ships, with 100 crew members and more, there are four emergency teams to cope with
ship emergency, namely, the bridge team, the attack team, the continuous run ship and the
emergency stand-by team. Meanwhile, in cargo ships, there are also four emergency teams,
but structured in a different way. Nevertheless, the key element is that one team has to lead
the others; this is always the bridge team. Another one will fight the fire, another will help the
others to conduct their designated tasks and prepare evacuation, and the last one, the engine
room team, is in charge of the engine room.

1.1. Bridge Team

‐ located on the bridge or at an alternative site if necessary
‐ also called operational command team in some ships because of its commanding position
during the emergency
‐ led by the master, this team is intended to lead and co-ordinate all efforts and keeps a
detailed timed record of events in case of a shipboard fire
P a g e |4 Advanced Fire Fighting
‐ based on the information from the other teams, it shall co-ordinate the entire firefighting
‐ normally consist of at least the master, the officer of watch and the helmsman (in passenger
ships with a large crew, this team is reinforced by other personnel to help in the co-ordination
of the emergency)

1.2. Attack Team

‐ intended to attack, or more precisely, to fight the fire under the direction of the bridge team
‐ usually led by the chief mate
‐ normally composed of ten crewmembers in a typical emergency organization (the number
mostly depends on the size of the crew and type of the ship)

1.3. Support Team

‐ normally assigned to support the attack team
‐ usually intended to provide extra manpower by helping the members of the attack team to
get equipped and by fetching equipment and breathing apparatus
‐ In the vicinity of the fire, the support team has to establish a staging area, which is a smoke
free area that is protected from the fire (among other things, supplies of hose nozzles, axes
and spare cylinders for breathing apparatus should be brought to this area by the support
‐ provides first aid to injured persons
‐ prepares lifeboats and life rafts for evacuation
‐ recharges self-contained breathing apparatus cylinders
‐ conducts security patrols
‐ provides boundary cooling

1.4. Engine Room Team

‐ located in the engine room team station, normally led by the chief engineer
‐ tasked to control the technical, mechanical and electrical devices that are needed to support
the emergency response and to maintain and provide maximum readiness to engines and
auxiliaries in the engine room
‐ also gives advice to the bridge if the emergency has any adverse effect on the equipment and
suggest alternative actions to remedy the deficiencies to the equipment

1.5. Exception for Passenger Ships

‐ apart from the above-mentioned teams, on passenger ships the crew must also deal with the
passengers in case of fire
‐ another team will be responsible for ensuring that all passengers are mustered at designated
muster stations after a general announcement has been made on the public address system
‐ the team is responsible for guiding the passengers to the muster stations and also for
ensuring that they are wearing their life jackets properly
‐ it is also under its responsibility to divide the passengers into groups and accompany them to
the lifeboats if evacuation is necessary
• In the case of a fire on board ship, each person on board has to carry out his assigned
duty. Each person has a specific task to do. Fire drills are conducted as soon as the ship
departs on a long journey. Usually it is about one day after departure.
Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e |5
• Engineering staffs will attend to equipment in the engine room. In case of fire in the
machinery space, the engineering staffs will play the major role in controlling the fire, and
putting it out. In case of fire on the deck, the navigation staffs will be the frontline fire
fighters, while the engineering staffs will play a supporting role.
• In a normal situation, the Captain and the Chief Engineer will be overall in charge of the
fire-fighting operation, and the Chief Officer and the Second Engineer Officer will assist
• The engine department has to run the emergency fire pumps driven by diesel engines or
the motor driven fire pumps to supply water to the hoses. This will usually be assigned to
the Third Engineer Officer, and he will have a greaser to assist him. The emergency fire
pump is driven by diesel engine that can be started by hand cranking.
• Ships us a system of alarms to warn personal that a fire emergency exists. The general
alarm for Fire & emergency consists of one continuous blast of the ship's whistle and
continuous ringing of the ship's General Alarm for no less than 10 seconds. Other alarms
are triggered by installed fire detection and extinguishing systems.
• Each vessel has a variety of internal communication capabilities including messengers,
telephones, intercoms, radios and public address systems that can be used to coordinate
fire response efforts.
• To communicate with other vessels, the Coast Guard or shoreside fire department, the
bridge uses a variety of external communication systems including marine radios and
telephones as well as the ship's whistle and signal flags.

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Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e |7
P a g e |8 Advanced Fire Fighting
The Central Control Center or Bridge Team Station

The following are the information which should be available on the bridge:
- Arrangement
- Details of accesses and escapes from the different zones of the ship
- Details of fire-extinguishing equipment, both fixed and portable, for the entire ship, including storage position
of refills
- Stability information
- Details of survival equipment and where it is stored
- Stowage plans
- Information on dangerous goods

Team effectiveness
The success of each team is dependent upon the varying skills and attributes of individual team members as well
as upon the degree of effectiveness in harnessing such skills through realistic simulation of all forms of
In selecting the members of an emergency team the following skills and attributes should be sought:
- Fire-fighting (all members).
- Enclosed-space entry (all members using SCBA).
- Search and rescue techniques.
- Observant and able to communicate.
- Electrical skill.
- Mechanical skill.
- Seamanship skill.
- First Aid skill.
- Survival skill.
- Knowledge of the ship and its equipment.
- Damage control.
- Physical fitness (age may be a consideration).
- Self-discipline / respect for authority
- Team sprint.

The Fire-fighting team / Attack party is composed of crew members from all departments taking into
accounts the rank and experiences of the crew on that particular team and is usually under the charge of a
responsible officer (Chief Officer).

The organization of fire parties, include:

• How each fire is identified
• How each fire party member is identified: Team leader; nozzleman; hosemen; Technical members(optional)
• What the safeguards are for keeping in contact with each person and knowing his position
• The duties of each fire party

Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e |9

1.2 Duties and responsibilities of each fire parties based on the muster list:

Muster List (Station Bill) consists of an emergency duties and responsibilities in case of such mishaps, designated
and assigned to each person on the ship; in other words, it is a list of the functions each member of a ship crew is
required to perform in case of emergency. It likewise includes the various emergency signals such as; General
emergency alarm, Fire alarm and MOB alarm.
Duties and responsibilities of each fire party are:

• Reconnaissance team, equipped w/ fire extinguisher

• Fire hose team
• Search and first aid team
• Technical team for checking lifts, closing fire dampers, controlling ventilation fans and fuel shut off valves,
starting emergency generator and emergency fire pump and for refilling used extinguisher as required and
preparing for gas flooding.

Role of team leaders

All team leaders must be capable of carrying out any task that would be assigned to members of their team.

Team formation
It will be assumed that the ship’s complement is divided into five teams working on a basic minimum number of 26
people. The formation of the teams is shown in the Table below . Unassigned personnel muster with the support
team and supernumeraries muster on the bridge.


MASTER: in CM: leader 2/M: leader C/E: leader
3/M: on watch/ OIC-EW: assistant OIC-EW: assistant 2/E: assistant
assistant & R/officer
AB: helmsman AB, OLR & OS Remaining crew Motorman;

A. Bridge / Control Team: Master

B. Fire Attack Team: Chief Officer / Safety Officer
C. Engine Room Team: Chief Engineer
D. Support / Back – up Team : 2nd officer
E. First Aid team: Officer Designated by Master (For passenger ship only)
F. Reserve team:

P a g e | 10 Advanced Fire Fighting

2.1 Difference between strategies and tactics for the control of fires
STRATEGIES – is an overall plan for incident attack and control.
TACTICS - the specific tasks/duties that are completed in order to meet the overall strategy.

Strategies are identified by three (3) methods

1) prefire planning – is worked out before a fire occurs & includes possible actions and procedures.
2) particular emergency situation, or
3) officers in charge

Three (3) strategy options in a fire incident

1) Offensive strategy
2) Defensive strategy
3) Abandonship

Tactical Priorities
The RECEO model is a commonly accepted list of priorities & as it applies to marine situations is listed below:

Rescue (life safety) – Rescue who are endangered

Exposures – Protect vessel areas, other vessels or structures that are threatened
Confine – Contain the fire & prevent its spread (ex. ventilation)
Extinguish - Control & extinguish fire
Overhaul –Check and extinguish hot spots (Prevent reignition/reflash), investigate, salvage operation. & etc.

General Tactical procedures

General fire-fighting techniques which are apply to all fire situations and vessel types specifically are:
*Sounding the alarm: Muster & take necessary actions
*Emergency Actions: Take the following actions:
a) Initial actions . . .
b) Attack actions . . .
c) Control actions . . .
d) Postfire actions . . .

*Reentry considerations: Follow proper entry procedures

2.2 Strategies for controlling and extinguishing of fire

• Attack types:
➢ Direct attack= water directly on the base of the fire
Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 11
➢ Indirect attack= aim the stream of water ( 30 degree or less pattern) at the ceiling
▪Delaying the fire's spread
▪Closing off ventilation
▪Application of a fire extinguishing agent
➢ Combination attack= Application of water on the heated gases and on the seat of the fire

• Attack directions:
➢ Attack from unburned side= positioning the attack line between the fire and the
uninvolved portions of the structure
➢ Attack to burning side= attacking the fire from the side that is burning

2.3 Development of strategies and tactics for controlling and extinguishing of fire
• Use of integral approach to contingency planning for shipboard emergencies
• Tactics and strategies for control of fire in engine room, accommodation, galley and cargo spaces.
• Tactics and strategies for control engine room fire involves management and fire-fighting techniques of hot oil
and exhaust gases
• Control of accommodation fire within the zone bounded by A-60 bulkheads and cutting off ventilation
• Special training for fire-fighting fire involves, oil, chemical and gas cargoes
• Essential data in use of BC code, SOLAS II-2, IBC and IGC codes for ships carrying dangerous cargo
• Composition and organization of fire control parties and effective implementation of emergency plans and

Small Fires = are controlled with portable or semi-portable fire extinguishers.

P a g e | 12 Advanced Fire Fighting

Use portable fire extinguishers suited for:
▪ materials, e.g. wood
▪ oil
▪ fat
▪ plastics
▪ propane
▪ electrical

Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 13

Medium Fires= require a fire hose team attack and or fixed fire suppression system attack.

P a g e | 14 Advanced Fire Fighting

Extensive Fires= require multiple control measures (fixed fire suppression systems, hose team attack,
vessel maneuvering & etc.

Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 15

Extinguish extensive fires of various types, including an oil fire through:
▪ water (jet spray and fog application)
▪ foams, including aqueous-film-forming type (AFFF)
▪ powder (dry and wet)
▪ carbon dioxide (CO2)

* Strategies and tactics in extinguishing the fires as stated *

(Causes and methods of detections)

❖ accommodation
❖ galley
❖ engine room and
❖ cargo spaces

In case of fire at the abovementioned area of the vessel, a particular strategy and tactics are needed in case of:
a) Small fires b) Medium fires c) Large/extended fires

Tactical guidelines by type of space:

Accommodation – space fires:

Galley fires:
Engine room & machinery spaces fires: incl. boiler rooms. (Stack fires).
Cargo spaces fires:

Tactical guidelines by type of vessel:

Bulk & break bulk vessel fires:
Container vessel fires:
Ro/ro, car carrier & ferry fires:
Tanker fires:

Gas carrier fires:

Passenger vessel fires:

Miscellaneous/small craft fires:

P a g e | 16 Advanced Fire Fighting

Contingency planning aims to prepare an organization like in a ship to respond well to an emergency and its
potential humanitarian and environmental impact. Developing a contingency plan involves making decisions in
advance about the management of human and financial resources, coordination and communications procedures,
and being aware of a range of technical and logistical responses.

The Purpose of Contingency Planning

No one can predict the future or how external events will affect an organization to continue to operate. Using a
“what if” process, organizations develop contingency plans, to identify unknown scenarios that may affect their
operations, such as man overboard, flooding, fires and other types of emergency and how they will respond to each

Seven Main Steps in Contingency Planning

1. Prepare the contingency planning policy statement

2. Analyze the impact
3. Identify preventive controls
4. Create contingency strategies
5. Develop an information system contingency plan
6. Implement and ensure plan testing, training drills and exercises
7. Review and ensure plan maintenance

The contingency planning process can basically be broken down into three simple questions:
• What is going to happen?
• What will we do in response or What are we going to do about it?
• What can we do in advance to prepared?

3.1 Factors to be considered in preparation of contingency plans

a. Central control station will be on the bridge
b. Master will be in charge
c. Fire officer/officers report to the bridge and receives instructions
d. Central control station requires information
e. Information available on the bridge
f. Communication coordination methods
g. Methods of damage control and containment of fire
h. Stability of the ship is monitored & controlled, due to use of water in extinguishing fire.

Contingency plans address “what if” questions regarding events or issues that can affect ongoing business,
organization or company/ship operations. They can focus on ways to deal with major disasters such as a fire

Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 17

flooding or other emergency. A variety of factors influence contingency planning and should be considered before
finalizing plans:

❖ Probability
The probability that an event will occur is a factor that helps in prioritizing the contingency planning process.

❖ Impact
The impact an event or issue can have on business operations is a major factor influencing contingency planning.
❖ Order
The order in which contingency plan steps must take place also influences contingency planning.

❖ Risk Mitigation
Risk mitigation efforts influence contingency planning by reducing the chance that an event will occur and by
reducing negative effects if the event does take place.

What should be included in a Fire Evacuation Plan?

You should make the following arrangements when preparing your fire safety evacuation plan:
• A fire evacuation strategy
• Alarm systems
• Escape routes
• Signage
• Emergency doors
• Fire-fighting equipment
• Fire alarm locations
• Contacting the shorebased fire brigade or other emergency services entities
• Emergency lighting
• Shipboard Emergency Evacuation Plan (SEEP)
• Assembly point (Muster station)
• Procedures for roll call

3.2 Process in preparing contingency plan based on IMO Res. A. 1072 and its
subsequent amendments

Revised guidelines for a structure of an Integrated System of Contingency Planning for shipboard emergencies,
IMO Res. A. 1072 and its subsequent amendments
I. Introduction
II. Provision
III. Planning, preparedness and training
IV. Response actions
V. Reporting procedures
VI. Annexes

Module I : Introduction

P a g e | 18 Advanced Fire Fighting

Module II: Provisions

Module III. Planning, preparedness and training

Regular Shipboard Training and Drills

o Purpose of training and drills
▪ to train the crew how to adopt to different emergencies
o Typical exercises for use during fire drills
▪ extinguishing a fire in a deep fryer
▪ entering a closed room on fire
▪ extinguishing a major deck fire
▪ rescuing an unconscious person from
▪ a smoke-filled space

Module IV. Response actions

It should guide those responsible for developing the system on what should be included in emergency plans,
.1 coordination of response efforts;
.2 response procedures for the entire spectrum of possible accident scenarios, including methods that
protect life, the marine environment and property;
.3 the person or persons identified by title or name as being in charge of all response activities;
.4 the communication lines used for ready contact with external response experts;
.5 information concerning the availability and location of response equipment; and
.6 reporting and communication procedures on board ship.

Initial actions
.1 Coordination of Response Sequence Priorities
* Alarm * Start/continue response actions
* Take initial action * Monitor response actions
* Identify the nature of emergency * Activate reporting procedures/prepare situation report
* Early reporting necessary * Initiate external response
* Recruit and organize response team * Collect (additional) information

V. Reporting procedures
Guidelines and other national specific plans which give sufficient guidance on the following reporting activities
.1 When to report
.2 How to report
.3 Whom to report
.4 What to report

Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 19

4.1.1 Firefighting procedures at sea with particular emphasis to organization, tactics and
A Shipboard Emergency Response Plan
In any emergency situation onboard a vessel, a prompt, organized and well-rehearsed response must go into
immediate action in order to minimize the effect of that emergency. This response must be standard for all vessels
in a fleet. In time, on joining a ship, the crewmember will already know what the basic organization will be, and will
only have to determine in what capacity he fits into the emergency organization.

Emergency Response Teams

Formation of emergency response teams
Bridge team Engine room Emergency Team I Emergency Team II Support Team
(Fire attack) (Fire attack)
Personnel / Duties Personnel / Duties Personnel / Duties Personnel / Duties Personnel / Duties
Catering officer /
Chief Engineer: Third Engineer: Chief Steward or
Master: in command Chief: Team Leader
Team Leader Team Leader CPO1 admin: Team
Third Officer:
Internal Second Engineer: Engineer Officer: Second Officer: Petty Officer:
Communications Deputy Deputy Deputy Deputy
and Record Keeping
Radio Officer:
Petty Officer: As Petty Officer: BA Petty Officer: BA
External Rating: As directed
directed squad squad

Rating: Helmsman Rating: As directed Rating: BA squad Rating: BA squad Rating: As directed

Rating: Look out /

Rating: As directed Rating: AS directed Rating: BA squad Rating: As directed

Rating: As directed Rating: BA squad Rating: BA squad

Unassigned Officer Electrical / Engineer

(if available): As Officer (if available): Rating: BA squad Rating: BA squad
directed as directed

P a g e | 20 Advanced Fire Fighting

Emergency alarms and musters
Irrespective of whether the vessel is at sea, at anchor or in port, on hearing an emergency alarm teams must
muster at their designated stations. Great emphasis must be placed on this initial muster of personnel at their
An individual’s initial response to an emergency should therefore be as follows:
0.1 On discovering an emergency, raise the alarm.
0.2 Provide the control center with as much as information as is possible.
0.3 Attempt to control the emergency by whatever means are available until relieved by an emergency team.
Should the situation become hazardous to the individual he must retreat immediately to the primary
emergency team muster station and report arrival there to the control center.
0.4 On hearing the alarm, all personnel must proceed immediately to their designated muster station and
perform the initial allotted tasks.
0.5 Emergency team leaders or their deputies to muster and report readiness to the bridge. It should be noted
that the term ‘readiness’ in this context must indicate first the team’s identity, secondly the names of any
person or persons missing, thirdly that the available manpower is standing by ready for immediate
deployment, and fourthly that the equipment and/or machinery the team is responsible for has been
checked and is in good order.

Emergency organizational relationships

Alarm Response
The initial conditioned response required from all personnel on hearing the emergency alarm must be:
- Collect life jacket.
- Dress in long-sleeved boiler suit, safety shoes and hardhat.
- Proceed immediately to designated muster station.
- Remain on watch until relieved by emergency team members.

Exceptions to the foregoing will be:

1. Chief Engineer Officer, who will ensure that the emergency fire pump is started, ventilation stopped and
watertight doors, if any, closed before proceeding to muster station.
2. First Navigating Officer (Chief Mate), who will secure the cargo system before proceeding to muster station.
3. Chief Cook, who will secure the galley before proceeding to muster station.
4. Bridge Messenger, who will distribute portable radios to all team leaders.

Emergency in the engine room

In such an emergency, when access to the machinery space is denied, the Chief Engineer Officer must conduct
the muster of his team at the secondary emergency control location, establish communications with the bridge, and
direct the team to shut down plant as necessary by operating fuel oil trips and remote shut-offs.

All other emergencies

The First Navigating officer (Chief Mate) will direct emergency (fire attack) team 1 actions after receiving
direction from the Master and keeping him fully advised of the progress of the operations as they develop. Should
emergency team (fire attack) 2 be brought into action that team leader will receive instructions direct from the
Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 21
Individuals’ initial response to any emergency
The team leader or deputy must conduct a muster at the station and report to the bridge when this has been done.
Unauthorized action
The team leader must ensure that individual team members do not act independently in tackling an emergency but
ensure that the team keeps together and follows instructions.
Emergency teams will find boiler suits and safety helmets at their muster stations and should be wearing safety
shoes and carrying their life jackets when reporting for muster. All other personnel must arrive at their muster
stations wearing suitable clothes, safety helmets, safety shoes and carrying their life jackets.

Direct response to emergency

Assessment of the emergency

Provision of information

Recording and plotting

External Communications

Plan for action for bridge team

When the Master has received sufficient information about the emergency he must formulate a plan of action and
deploy his resources to best effect. In the event that the emergency is a fire, the Master, through his emergency
teams, must:
1. Determine the initial boundaries
2. Determine the secondary boundaries and perimeter cooling requirements.
3. Determine a plan of action.
4. Mount the attack.
5. Make continued assessment of progress.
6. Exchange information with his team leaders thus allowing any improvement or deterioration of the situation
to be identified.
7. Update outside agencies on development and progress.

Procedure when the fire alarm is given while the ship is at sea:

1. Crew assembles at the designated fire stations as given on the crew muster list
2. Fire parties assemble, on orders from bridge, and carry out their task aimed at containing the fire
3. Ships course and speed are altered as necessary to assist in containing the fire
4. Pumps are prepared to dispose of extinguishing water engine room fires, the ship is stopped.
5. Master decide the most appropriate method for fighting the fire
6. Engine room fires, early preparations are made to launch a lifeboat.

Master controls the fire fighting from the bridge

o Central control station will be on the bridge
o Master over-all in charge

P a g e | 22 Advanced Fire Fighting

o The fire officer / officers will report to the bridge and receives instructions
o Communications to all parties
o Control of damage and containment of fire
o Monitor the stability of ship

Fire-fighting procedures at sea with particular emphasis on organization, tactics and command based on
Company’s SMS manual.

4.1.2 Firefighting procedures at port with particular emphasis to organization, tactics and

Procedure for coordination with shores-based fire fighters.

1. Call the port fire brigade.
2. Inform the appropriate authority
3. Confirm with harbor master that the master of the ship will remain over all in charge.
4. Confirm with harbor master that the port fire brigade will take charge of the f/fighting operation & assisted by
crew, then the master will be keep informed of any hazards to the dock installation and any actions required.
5. Check who is on board
6. Make preparations for ship to leave the port, either by own power or with help of tugs.
7. Evacuate non-essentials personnel.

In port/shipyard or lay-up :
The usual or common Emergency Response Organization is intended primarily for when a vessel is at sea, but it
must be appreciated that individual team strengths may be reduced when in port.
Special circumstances will apply when a vessel is in shipyard or laid up as the availability of a ship’s complement
will be minimal. The initial conditioned response must be:
1. To activate the emergency alarm and inform the Officer in Command.
2. To call up and request help from the sore emergency services.
3. To deal with the emergency so far as is safe, reasonable and practicable.
4. To ascertain promptly what services are available on board in such a situation.

Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 23

5. To be ready to guide the shore emergency service personnel to the scene of the emergency and provide
them with as much information as is possible.

Note: Upon calling a shore-based fire-fighters, prepare to provide them a Fire Control Plan & coordinate.

The Fire Control Plan provides all the information about ship’s fire-fighting systems, fire alarms, escape routes,
types of bulkhead, etc. It is a mandatory requirement of SOLAS described in regulation 15, chapter 2.
1. Fire Control Plan Contents
‐ type and location of the fire detection systems - location of EEBD
‐ fixed fire-extinguishing systems - location of fire control stations
‐ portable fire-extinguishers - emergency stop
‐ escape routes - location of main fire pump
‐ types of bulkheads - location of emergency fire pump
‐ positions of dampers and vents - location of emergency generator
‐ ventilation system - fireman outfit locker room
2. Fire Control Plan Locations
‐ engine room - fire control station
‐ navigation bridge - one copy shall be available ashore at the office of the company
‐ accommodation area

Fire Control Plan (symbol)

Where can you find the fire control plan onboard ship?
The general arrangement plan as well as the fire control plan should be permanently exhibited for the guidance of
ship officer in conspicuous locations like navigating bridge, engine room and accommodation area. Some of these
are kept inside a weathertight container, tube or enclosure (“fire wallet”). These enclosures include copies of the
following items: a) Current Crew List; b) Cargo Manifest; c) General Arrangement Plan & other documents.

Crew Members and Shore-based Firefighters Working Together

Vessel officers should become familiar with the fire departments/brigades in the ports they visit in order to
better relate to each other in emergency situations.
Vessel crews’ can work with shoreside fire teams by guiding them inside the vessel and assisting them in the
following ways:
❖ Assist with the logistics of getting people and equipment on board (access).
❖ Maintain vessel stability and location by monitoring mooring lines (tightening or slacking as needed to prevent
excessive movement), current, tide and weather conditions that shore-based teams may not recognize as
❖ Offer advice on best strategy and tactics as part of the command function.

Fire-fighting procedures in port with particular emphasis on organization, tactics & command based on Company
SMS Manual.

P a g e | 24 Advanced Fire Fighting


COMMUNICATION is a process by which information is exchanged among individuals through a common system of
symbols, signs or speech. During an emergency, communication is important from the beginning & throughout the
emergency because it provides the forum through which the whole organization’s command & control structure
may function.
Good communications equipment & proper reporting procedures can greatly assist the team leader in decision-
It is important to always speak clearly, concisely & slowly especially during times of emergencies.

Oral communication process

Perhaps the most vital of the elements of communications is the language, that is the words used & the meaning
taken from the words used.

Some reasons for trouble of oral communication:

* Not hearing fully because of the following:
- Our own hearing level
- Noise interference because of sender’s location, receiver’s location or transmission medium

* Not listening properly because of the following:

- Distraction
- Boredom

* Not understanding the words that are used because of the following:
- Lack of common language
- Unfamiliar technical language
- Poor speaking ability
- Words spoken hurriedly because of stress, excitement & etc.
- Words garbled when spoken while wearing SCBA

Following points should be decided before entry to the site of fire or incident to ensure the best communication:

*Identify the location of the fire or incident and the requirements for maneuvering the vessel.
*Ensure that all members of the emergency response team know in advance exactly what emergency hand,
Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 25
audio, or radio call signs are in use.
*Place backup team members where they can keep visual contact with emergency response team members
so that hand signals will be visible if radio communications fail.
*Learn and use proper terminology for various parts of the vessel (avoid slang terms).
*Use the International Phonetic Alphabet when using radio comm. & the International Code of Signals when
identification is critical.

5.1 Duties and responsibilities of control station in communicating and coordinating

Fire-fighting operations
A. Communication and coordination during fire-fighting operations is two-fold:
1. Internal communication and coordination in the ship
2. External with the management representatives of owner, classification society and coastal states of
external assistance
B. Master is in charge of the entire fire-fighting operation.

5.2 INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL communication in coordinating firefighting operations

Communication and coordination during fire-fighting operations:
A. INTERNAL COMMUNICATION with the control station, site of fire and master shall adhere to the
contingency plan.
Walkie talkies and ship internal telephone system are vital in developing internal communication in addition
to direct communication by the messenger.
B. EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION link should be documented in contingency plan, including links to ship
owner, classification society and neighboring states.

Communications Systems
Methods of communication and equipments used during a fire emergency:
1. Messengers/runners 5. Hand/visual signals 9. Ship shore VHF
2. Telephone 6. Vessel’s alarms 10. Various electronic Communication Equipment
3. Walkie-talkies 7. Voice pipes
4. PA system 8. Lifelines (tethering) commands

Following points may be taken for granted but are vital to free-flowing radio communications:
• Keep the channel clear for messages related to the incident.
• Keep the messages brief and accurate.
• Speak clearly, slowly and distinctly.
• Acknowledge understanding by repeating the message.
• Minimize use of VHF Channel 16 & other calling frequencies. Use it only to make contact & then move to
another channel.

Person may have trouble being understood when communicating by radio while wearing an SCBA. A solution to this
problem is to place the radio microphone pick up directly on the outside surface of the hard plastic facepiece view
P a g e | 26 Advanced Fire Fighting
Practice each of these:
• Use the facepiece method.
• Hold the microphone against the speaking diaphragm (if provided).
• Hold the microphone against the throat.
• Hold the microphone against the exhalation valve.
• Use an internal microphone (available from some manufacturers).
• Use a throat microphone.
Lifeline (tethering) Commands

Preset series of signals that may be incorporated into the use of lifelines. Standard signals are explained using the
OATH acronym as follows
- Okay: One short pull
- Advance: Two short pulls
- Take up slack: Three short pulls
- Help: Four short pulls

Fire Hose Commands

Firefighting requires teamwork and it is best achieved through frequent, regular practice. Drill regularly on working
together as a team to handle fire hose. Deck fires, in particular, require that fire hose teams work together
efficiently and flawlessly to ensure fire containment and to prevent injuries. A wrong move by only one member of a
hose handling team could result in a loose fire hose nozzle, sudden exposure to a fire that had been pushed back,
or ineffective application of an extinguishing agent.

Execute hose commands in a smooth, fluid motion. Be aware of what every member of the h/team is about to do.
Communication is critically important. Never leave a position or perform an action without advising the others.
Become skilled at responding to the following basic hose commands and executing them simultaneously as a team
unless an individual team member is directed to execute an action alone:

• Forward – Advance the fire hose forward, one step at a time.

• Left – Shift the fire hose to the left, one step at a time.
• Right – Shift the fire hose to the right, one step at a time.
• Prepare to back out – Last Member: – Move to a rear position to keep slack out of the hose as the hose
team retreats. Communicate intended actions to the other members of the hose team before executing
• Back out – Retreat, one step at a time. Rear Member: Take up the slack hose.
• Hold Position – Remain in place (usually while a specific task is achieved such as closing a valve).
• Down on one knee – Move together into a position that lowers the level of the hose and fire stream.
• Straight stream – Nozzle operator: Switch discharge pattern to a straight stream.
• Full fog - Nozzle operator: Adjust discharge pattern to full fog, the widest pattern available.
• Nozzle on - Nozzle operator: Open the nozzle.
• Nozzle off - Nozzle operator: Close the nozzle.
Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 27
In-port fire fighting and interface with shore-based fire fighters
Active trading vessels spend most of their time at sea and most of a crew’s fire training is done at sea,
based on the reasonable assumption that the only fire fighting resources available are those on board. Yet,
most vessel fires (approximately 65%) occur in port.
The vessel’s crew is responsible for the initial fire fighting efforts on board. An extensive fire will almost
certainly require assistance from other sources and the mariner needs to prepare for the complexities that
occur when outside help is needed and shoreside firefighters arrive on the scene.
In some cases, crew members have little understanding of the strategy and tactics used by land-based
fire fighters while shore fire fighters have no knowledge and training for marine fire fighting which sometimes
lead into a dangerous situation and consequences, like in the fire case history of vessel “Ambassador” which
allowed ventilation of the fire site prematurely.

6.1 Procedures in coordinating with shore-based firefighter

• Shore fire fighter must be inform in case of fire in port. Master and ship crew must take immediate
action for the control of fire as per contingency plan till the shore fire fighters arrive.
• Advice from the management representatives, owners, classification society and neighboring countries
in case of fire at sea. The present day satellite communication system is a very prompt in such
• Shore based help may be available in major fires by helicopter landing of experts from nearest land.
• Stability information and flooding/pumping sequence can be obtained from classification society
through their computer software.

Some fire- fighting strategies that work well on land may be hazardous on board. For example, a common
ventilation practice shoreside is to open a structure and remove smoke and heat. Then an interior fire attack is
made with fire hoses.

Arrival of Shore Local Fire Dept./Brigade on board a vessel on fire

The vessel crew must ask the shore-based firefighters its expected response time upon arrival in port. In
many port, about 15 or 20 minutes may be needed to connect a fire engine to a continuous water supply and
bring fire hoses on board. The best option is for both groups to work together in a unified response. Vessel
crew must maintain vessel stability and they need to provide stability information to help local firefighters.
Some information that is helpful to a local fire officer in the initial stage are as follows:
P a g e | 28 Advanced Fire Fighting
• Account of what caused the incident
• Reports of injuries, deaths, missing persons or where people are trapped
• Specific location of fire/incident
• Action taken (hatches or doors closed, ventilation turned off, etc.)
• Type of cargo or machinery in incident area or adjacent areas
• Other resources requested
• Actions planned by the vessel’s crew
• Assistance required from the fire department/brigade
Information which should be given to the first responding local fire officer includes the following:

• Fire doors are open or closed

• Fire is contained or increasing
• Fire is likely to spread (to where) or not likely to spread
The vessel master and shore fire officer together with the captain of the port/harbor master continue to
assess threats to the vessel and exposures. For example, they may decide to move the vessel to a safer

If moving the vessel is needed, vessel personnel (chief off. & engineer on watch) provide the ff. information:

• Emergency towing wires are installed or not available

• Vessel has power or is a dead ship
• Main engines are available or out of service
• Length of time it will take to move the vessel
Vessel firefighters usually confine an interior fire to smother it while shore-based firefighters open a path
to release hot gases and smoke so that they may enter and extinguish the fire. Regardless of which strategy is
used, land-based firefighters need to know the location and status (open/closed or on/off) of several vessel
damage-control components which should be provided by vessel crew. The on-scene officer in charge
provides other information such as what tactical procedure is currently being employed.

These components include the following:

• Watertight and/or fire doors
• Fans and ventilators
• Fuel and electrical systems
• Fixed fire suppression systems (plus type and operating instructions)

Access of shore-based firefighters

To assist firefighters, the vessel’s crew can perform the following tasks:

• Tend mooring lines

• Have heaving lines ready to hoist fire hoses
• Carry equipment
• Operate cranes

Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 29

6.2 Application of the procedures in coordinating with shore-based firefighters during
firefighting operations

1. Call shore-based fire-fighters for assistance and provide brief information

2. Discuss fire location and other fire details
3. Ready to provide the International Shore Connection
4. Prepares the Fire Control Plan
5. Assists by providing boundary cooling
6. Coordinate by guiding and assisting in various aspects of fire fighting

International Shore Connection: All information regarding the location of fire-fighting equipment on board is
contained within the ship’s fire control plan.

- a universal hose connection provided to all ships

- its purpose is to keep a standby hose attachment that can be connected to shore or to other ships in case of
total failure of pumps onboard
- while in use, sea water is supplied and is connected to ship’s fire main
- coupling is generally kept on the bridge and it is readily available

P a g e | 30 Advanced Fire Fighting

Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 31
7.1 Nature of the fire-fighting process hazards such as:

A) Dry distillation - The process of heating solid substance in the absence of air to decompose them in order to
obtain useful products from the vapor and residues. Ex. charcoal making

B) Chemical reaction - A process that changes the molecular composition of a substance by redistributing atoms
or group of atoms without altering the structure the nuclei of the atoms.

C) Boiler uptake fire - the burning process of boiler uptake fire and economizers due to accumulation carbon
deposit in the furnace with or without oil.

D) Fire on water tube boiler – the burning process of water tube boiler due to lack of water.

A) Dry distillation: Fire hazards in the engine room include the following:
1. Combustible liquids- fuel and lubricating oils
2. Oil leaks and oil- soaked insulation
3. Hot surfaces, e.g. exhaust pipes, engine parts overheating
4. Defects in lagging
5. Hot work, e.g. Welding, cutting by oxy-acetylene torch
6. Auto ignition, e.g. Oil dripping on hot surface

Dry distillation is a combustion process in which a flammable material burns with insufficient oxygen to achieve
complete combustion of the material. An example of dry distillation is the making of charcoal.

The following sequence of events is an example of the danger of dry distillation:

- Fire is in a closed space
- Heat builds up but there is incomplete burning
- The opening of an access introduces fresh air
- The result is a flash towards the access opening
- Persons in the process of entering will be injured or burned unless they are protected

B) Chemical reactions are the effects of the addition of one or more of the following substances to a
- Water - Foam
- Heat - Carbon dioxide
- Steam - Sand
- Oil

Three distinct types of chemical reaction:

a) Self-reaction and reaction with air (where only the particular chemical itself is involved)
b) Reaction as a result of mixing one chemical with another
c) Reaction as a result of mixing with water (it goes without saying that the chemical which will react with
water may very well react also with other chemicals and with air and may also be self-reactive)
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Chemical reactions during fire-fighting are more likely to occur with fire in cargoes and in accommodation areas.
Some examples of chemical reactions causing or exacerbating fires, include:

- The production of acetylene when calcium carbide comes into contact with water
- The decomposition of steam when applied to coal fires
- The production of hydrogen when Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) comes into contact with water
- Oxidizing cargoes, such as some fertilizers, sustaining a fire even if blanketed in an extinguishing gas
- Cargoes spontaneously igniting in air, e.g. Phosphorus when its packaging gets damaged
- Self-heating of cargoes such as grain when wet
- Production of methane is coal cargoes to dangerous levels when ventilation is restricted

Some of the effects of chemical reactions are:

- Explosion from the development of flammable gas
- Spontaneous combustion
- The development of toxic fumes
- The generation of smoke

C) Boiler uptake fires occurs in:

- Uptake, economizers and air heaters of steamships
- Exhaust pipes, economizers and waste- heat boilers of ships propelled by internal-combustion engines

The usual cause of such fires is an accumulation of carbon deposits, with or without oil, which become overheated
and catch fire.

The difficulties and hazards of fighting boiler uptake fires are:

- Inaccessibility of all sections of the uptake in the upper section of the engine-room
- The possibility of explosion if access doors to the economizer are opened
- The possibility of the economizer tubes reaching a temperature of 7000c, when the following can take
• The iron in the tubes will burn in steam
• The reaction will be self-sustaining and will generate heat
• The products of combustion will be black oxide of iron and free hydrogen
• The burning of iron in steam will be independent of a supply of oxygen
• The hydrogen produced will burn if air is introduced
• Explosion

D) Fires in water-tube boilers

Iron-in-steam fires can occur in water-tube boiler due to:

- Shortage of water in the boiler causing overheating of the tubes above the water level and undue delay in
shutting down the boiler.
- An uncontrollable soot fire in the furnace after a boiler has been shut down in a port, coupled with a
shortage of water in the boiler causing overheating of the tubes above the water level.
Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 33
7.2 Control measures to be observed involving firefighting process hazards

A) Dangers of dry distillation may be mitigated by:

- Cooling the compartment externally by hosing it with water
- Entering the access in a crouched position behind a water screen (spray nozzle)
- Directing water towards the ceiling of the space on fire

Because of the above, the inadvisability of taking hurried action when smoke is seen issuing from a closed

B) Chemical reaction may be controlled by:

1. Never mix one chemical to water, air and other chemicals.
2. When the fire occurs due to chemical reactions, consult IMDG CODE or BC code for appropriate fire
extinguishing agent.

The correct response to fire in dangerous goods is given in the Emergency Procedures for Ships Carrying
Dangerous Goods. In addition, the correct response to fire in bulk materials possessing chemical hazards is given
in the Emergency Schedules of the Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes.

With the aid of the General Index of the IMDG Code and the Emergency Procedures for Ships Carrying Dangerous
Goods, determines the response action for a fire in a given substance.

Lastly, the Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes, determines the response action for fire in a given bulk

C) A procedure for containing and extinguishing the boiler uptake fire is to:

- Shut down the boiler and/or main engine

- Spray the external surfaces in way of the fire with water to keep the temperature down
- Close necessary dampers and boiler change-valve to exclude air from fire
- Protect essential electrical and other equipment below the fire zone against water damage
- Continue cooling unit until it is considered safe to open the economizer for examination and thorough
cleaning on the fire side

D) If fires in water-tube boilers is discovered before the temperature of the tube has reached 7000C the preferred
method of the fire- fighting is:

- To direct through burner apertures, or equivalent, the maximum amount of water available as solid jets
and through feed pumps to the source of the fire, assuming boiler tubes have fractured or burned.
- To keep air casings and uptakes cool by hosing them with water.
- To avoid using fire spray nozzles, foam appliances or carbon dioxide directly on the fire.
- The fire-fighting procedures (for boiler uptake fires) must be used if the iron-in-steam fire has developed.

P a g e | 34 Advanced Fire Fighting

8. Ventilation Control
Ventilation is the action taken to release combustion product trapped within a vessel & vent them to the
atmosphere outside the vessel & replace w/ fresh air.

Ventilations of enclosed-space fires

It must be stressed that the correct conditioned response to a fire emergency is the closing down of ventilation to
the space that is affected. The next step is to ascertain information from the emergency teams and assess the
situation. A command decision is then required as to whether to restart ventilation, recognizing that it is a principle
of fire-fighting to contain fire and smoke.

Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 35

Ways of ventilating a vessel
If possible, position the vessel to take advantage of the wind to carry smoke and heat away:
− Vertical Ventilation methods
− Horizontal Ventilation methods
− Assisted (also called forced or mechanical) ventilation method

Vertical Ventilation methods (opening at the highest point) use existing vents or holes created to allow products of
combustion to escape through the top of the space.
Horizontal Ventilation methods (opening at a point parallel to the horizon) use doors or holes created to channel
these products from one side of the space.

A combination of vertical and horizontal ventilation is also possible. When a fire is below deck, it is difficult to move
smoke and heat out of the vessel. In some instances, a combination of vertical and horizontal ventilation may work.
A horizontal flow of air may sometimes be created over a hatch on the deck above the fire. This airflow can produce
a Venturi effect that pulls smoke and heat upward from the lower deck.

Assisted (also called forced or mechanical) Ventilation methods use fans (positive/negative pressure) or fire
streams (hydraulic) to force smoke and gases from spaces.
Place the fans/blowers to either push (positive pressure) or pull (negative pressure) air in order to establish airflow
from the contaminated area to the outside

Positive-Pressure Ventilation involves introducing fresh air into a confined space at a rate faster than it is exiting,
thus creating a slight positive pressure within the space.
Three (3) basic applications for positive-pressure ventilation are possible in the marine fire-ground environment:
(1) removal of smoke after extinguishment,
(2) prevention of smoke and heat spread into the boundary areas around the fire, and
(3) removal of heat and smoke during a fire to allow a fire team to make a quicker, safer and more efficient

Hydraulic Ventilation is use to remove smoke from a compartment after a fire is extinguished. Employ the basic
technique of hydraulic ventilation by directing a fire stream fog pattern out any available opening. Smoke and
combustion gases are pulled from the area as the fog pattern creates Venturi airflow dynamics.
8.1 Operation of manual and automatic ventilation control
• Ventilation system is the weakest spot in zonal system of passenger and crew accommodation and must
be controlled so that the fire do not propagate from the zone/compartment to the adjacent one through
ventilation ducts.
• Ventilator flaps and draught stops must be closed to avoid spread of fire to adjacent compartments.
• Accommodation A.C. Blower suction flaps must be closed during accommodation fire.
• Cargo holds ventilation flaps must be closed into the hold affected by the fire.
• Engine room ventilation flaps must be closed in the case of engine room fire.

Guidelines for Smoke Control and Ventilation Systems for Internal Assembly Stations and Atriums on New
Passenger Ships
P a g e | 36 Advanced Fire Fighting
1. Purpose

1.1 The purpose of the smoke control and ventilation systems depends on the type of space being
1.2 For internal assembly stations, the smoke control & ventilation systems should be capable of preventing
the entry of smoke from surrounding spaces in order to permit the assembling of passengers.
1.3 For atriums, the smoke control and ventilation systems should be capable, in the spaces served by such
systems, of maintaining visibility in order to assist in safe escape and to allow fire- fighters to operate.

2. Basic Requirements

*Each internal assembly station and atrium should be served by a separate ventilation system that is
independent of ventilation systems serving other spaces.
*The emergency stop control for ventilation systems for each internal assembly station and atrium should be
independent from any other emergency stop controls. The emergency stop control for the ventilation system
should also have priority over any other automatic or manual controls for the activation or re-activation of the

3. Atriums

3.1 The smoke extraction system should have a minimum capacity as required by SOLAS
regulation II-2/8.5*.
3.2 The smoke extraction system should be capable of maintaining a negative pressure within the atriums
with respect to the pressure that may be found under normal operating conditions in the surrounding
3.3 The smoke extraction system should be capable of manual and automatic operation. The control panel
should be located in the central control station.
3.4 The automatic activation of the smoke extraction system, by means of the smoke detectors, maybe
delayed for up to 2 min from the activation of the first detector, if not acknowledged. This 2 minute delay
is intended to allow for crew verification of the smoke detector alarm.

4. Internal Assembly Stations

4.1 The smoke control and ventilation systems should be capable of maintaining positive pressure within the
space served with respect to the pressure that may be found under normal operating conditions in the
surrounding spaces.
4.2 The smoke control and ventilation systems should be manually operated only. The control panel should
be located in the central control station.

5. Installation Tests

5.1 After installation, the smoke control and ventilation systems should be tested to verify that their
performance meets the criteria set out in these guidelines.
Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 37
6. Instructions On Use And Maintenance

Installation plans, operating manuals and maintenance instructions should be readily available on board.

8.2 Operation of the smoke extraction system in relation to firefighting operations aboard

Smoke extractor and smoke sampling devices are used for large ro-ro and passenger ships carrying
more than 36 passenger. The smoke extraction system should be capable of manual and automatic
operation. The control panel should be located in the central control station. The automatic activation of
the smoke extraction system by means of the smoke detectors, may be delayed for up to 2 mins. from the
activation of the first detector, if not acknowledged. This 2 minutes delay is intended to allow for crew
verification of the smoke detector alarm.



9.1 The safety devices in securing fuel and electrical system in case of fire
Most fires on board ships start in the engine room. Therefore, a number of built-in safety features on board a
vessel, particularly in areas of engine and machineries, which are designed to limit the risk of fire and the spread of
it, and the officers/engineers and crew must have full knowledge of these and maintain their integrity.

Oil Supply System

On board a ship there is fuel oil, lubricating oil, hydraulic oil - all very combustible and the most likely
nourishments of an engine room fire.
All oil supply systems in the engine room are constructed in accordance with classification and SOLAS rules,
and there are built-in protections which the crew should be aware of, understand and respect. Valves in fuel oil
P a g e | 38 Advanced Fire Fighting
supply lines from day tanks are fitted with remote controls, operated from a location outside the engine room
casing, so that fuel supply may be cut in an engine room fire. These devices are regularly inspected by class, flag
state and port state inspectors and are normally in good working order. It is also important that such remote
closing arrangements are clearly marked for the oil supply lines they serve, in order not to close the fuel to the
wrong machinery.

Electrical Supply System

Electrical installations will always represent a certain risk of sparks and fire, although the risk is reduced by the
use of quality safety devices and close adherence to valid regulations. When a vessel is delivered from the new
building yard, the electrical installation is normally in good condition, well tested by competent personnel.
The electrical installation on board a ship is regulated by class and SOLAS rules. A "megger test" by crew or
shipyard and a superficial visual inspection by the class surveyor is often all the attention the electrical installation
receives. Thermographical examinations are considered a much better means for checking the fire risks of
electrical installations, and such technology is now easy to obtain.

9.2 Procedures in operating safety devices for controlling of fuel and electrical systems in
accordance with manufacturer’s manual
1. Shutting off fuel supply from setting tanks is essential in engine room fires.
2. Closing off fuels to main engine and auxiliary engine is required from outside engine room in case of
major engine room fires.
3. Fuel transfer pumps and separators' need to be shut off at the time of major engine room fires.
4. Electrical system should be shut off in accommodation, engine room and cargo spaces as applicable in
case off fire.

Emergency Oil Shutoff Devices: Fuel oil and lube oil do not catch fire or burn when they are contained in an oil tank
or piping because there is not enough oxygen to support combustion. However, oil that has leaked from its
containment now has sufficient air to support combustion and will burn if provided with an ignition source. Thus, an
effective way to suppress an oil fire is to shut off the flow out of a leak and cut off the supply of fuel to the fire. It is
critical that you know how to do this and that you know the location of all remote oil pump and valve shutoffs. Since
all of the fuel oil service and transfer pumps are electrically driven, the shut-offs simply cut the electrical supply to
the pump motor. The fuel oil isolation valves may be either solenoid valves or pneumatic actuated valves. The
solenoid valves close when electrical supply is cut off. The pneumatic actuated valves will close when air pressure
is applied.


Water is the most commonly used fire-extinguishing medium. Its fire extinguishing action is mainly to cool
solid materials below their ignition temperature and to cool relatively high flash point liquids below their
flashpoints using suitably designed sprays.

Use of water in extinguishing fire

Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 39

2.Radiant Heat
- water droplets
suspended in the
air reduce radiant
heat transfer
between the flames
and hot gas layer
and the flames &
nearby objects.

1.Cooling – to reduce the temperature of the 3.Oxygen dilution or Oxygen Displacement –

fuel below its ignition temperature. This is a to reduce the amount of available oxygen below that
direct attack on the heat side of the fire needed to sustain combustion or the expanding water
tetrahedron. vapor displaces normal air & reduces the amount of
oxygen in the vicinity of fire.

Forms of Water spray for Fire-Fighting:


10.1 The effects of water used in extinguishing fire on ship’s stability

Stability- is the measure of a vessel’s ability to return to an upright position when heeled by an external force. It
depends upon the design of the vessel, whether it is empty or loaded, how much additional weight is placed on
board & where additional weight is located. The ability of a vessel to remain in a stable position is controlled by the
interaction of two opposing forces; gravity and buoyancy.

Center of gravity (G) is the point where the weight of a vessel and its cargo are assumed to be concentrated.
Center of buoyancy (B) is the center of the immersed volume of the vessel.
Metacentric height (GM) true measure of a vessel’s initial stability.
Critical angle of List a critical inclination of a vessel due to internal factors such as cargoes or water/liquids.
Free surface effect is the tendency of a liquid to remain level in a compartment as a vessel inclines or heels,
which allows the liquid to move unimpeded from side to side.

Situations where stability may be a critical factor include the following:

• Collision or grounding : Any hole in the vessel’s hull, above or below the waterline, affects stability and
• Emergency operations (fire-fighting, flooding, etc.) : Uncontained water or liquids may reduce a vessel’s
stability because of free surface effect.

10.2 The precautions and corrective procedures to be taken to maintain positive ship’s
P a g e | 40 Advanced Fire Fighting
1. Addition of water in large amounts, particularly in cargo hold, causes stability problem as free surface effect
of water will come into effect thereby reducing GM of the ship.
2. Draining of particular cargo holding which is flooded to extinguish fire absolutely important to avoid the free
surface effect of water.
3. Addition of water cargo holds such as grains and paper pump is risky as cargo swells which could cause
rupture of shells plates and bulkhead plates.
4. Calculate the Moment of Inertia to estimate the consequence of free surface effect of a given compartment

Emergency Response Action

During emergency response action or fire-fighting operations, it is just as essential to remove water as it is to
supply it. Flow rates from fire hoses, ruptured piping, or other sources must be monitored so that quantities of
water sufficient to endanger the vessel’s stability do not accumulate. In some instances, it may be better to either
contain water within a fully flooded area (fluid holding tank) until it can be moved lower in the vessel or remove it
entirely than to allow it to flow freely during fire-fighting or emergency response activities.

The general principle related to removing fire-fighting water is to facilitate the flow either overboard or to the
lowest possible point in the ship where it can be pumped out (get it off or get it low).
Use existing drains and scuppers, fixed and portable pumps or eductors. If water is drained to the bilge, it can
be removed from the vessel with the bilge pumps. Ensure scuppers are open and free of debris so that liquid does
not accumulate on deck.
Any tanks located below the vessel’s center of gravity that are partially full (slack tanks) should be filled to
maximize vessel stability (GM), reduce free surface effect and add weight. Any tanks located above the vessel’s
center of gravity that are partially full should be emptied. Trim and list may be altered to the vessel’s advantage by
addition or removal of ballast water.
It may be necessary to cut holes where necessary (in deck or bulkheads, for example) to release water either
during or after emergency response actions. These holes must be closed later to prevent ingress of water through
the listing or rolling of the vessel.

Cross-Flooding Techniques
Some vessels, usually large passenger vessels have cross-flooding equipment or flume tanks that counteract
listing and vessel movement for both stability and the comfort of passengers. It could be used during fire-fighting
operations to counteract list caused by loose fire-fighting water.


11.1 The hazard associated with the storage and handling of materials as per MSDS

Hazardous materials any substance or material in any form or quantity that poses an unreasonable risk to human
safety and health and property when transported in commerce.

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 41

is a document that contains information on the potential health effects of exposure to chemicals, or other
potentially dangerous substances, and on safe working procedures when handling chemical products. Copies
should be immediately available for use in an emergency response.

Purpose of MSDS

• MSDS is carried onboard for ensuring the safety of marine environment and seafarers.
• MSDS provides useful and accessible information on the product carried on board, either as a cargo or for
operational purposes.
• MSDS is to be carried out for all individual hazardous material carried on board along with proper Personal
Protective Equipments (PPE) so that in the time of emergency, appropriate procedures and swift response can
be achieved in that situation.

Content of MSDS

• Hazard Identification along with identification of the mixture or content

• Composition or information of the ingredients
• Fire-fighting measures
• First aid measures
• Accidental release measure
• Handling and storage criteria
• Personal protection and exposal control methods
• Chemical and physical properties of the mixture.
• Information about the toxicity of the material.
• Ecological and Disposal information
• Transport and regulatory information.
• Additional information on the preparation and revision of MSDS.

Identification of the hazard associated with the storage and handling of materials as per MSDS:
Regulatory status of hazardous products:
For health, safety, and environmental laws and regulations
- Irritancy of product
- Sensitization to product
- Carcinogenicity
- Reproductive toxicity
- Teratogenicity and Embryotoxicity
- Mutagenicity
- Toxicologically synergistic products
- Potential environmental effects
The physical characteristics of the material such as color, odor, physical stage (gas, liquid, or solid), evaporation
rate, boiling point, freezing point, and other details: - Flammability, - Reactivity, - Potential health hazards, -
Environmental hazards

Potential health effects:

P a g e | 42 Advanced Fire Fighting
- Route of entry (primary routes of exposure):
Different ways that the human body could be introduced to the material, in which event the chemical and
biological hazards could pose potentially significant harm upon exposure to the following routes of entry:
* eye contact, * inhalation (respiratory system), and
* absorption (skin contact), * ingestion (swallowing).

- Effects of acute exposure to product: when negative health effects manifest shortly after exposure such as
instantly upon contact with the harmful chemical, or within minutes, hours, or days, it is referred to as
“acute exposure.”
- Effects of chronic exposure to product: Long-term exposure to a harmful material could range from months
to years and could be caused by either prolonged exposure or by repeated exposures over the course of a
long time.
Required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Eye Protection
- Skin Protection
- Respiratory Protection

General Hygiene Considerations

General hygiene information that is usually not material specific, example “wash thoroughly after handling and
before eating or drinking”, is considered a good practice.

Storage recommendations:

• Where materials should be stored

• How materials should be stored
• At what temperature
• Stability and Reactivity
• Fire Fighting Measures

11.2 The fire precautions to be taken in storing and handling of materials such as:
* paint,
* cleaning agents,
* lubricating oils as per MSDS

General precautions necessary for the safe handling of the material:

- Any equipment that may required
- All possible hazards (fire, reactivity, health and environmental) need to be considered when developing
safe handling procedures

Paint description: Hempel’s zinc primer 16490

Classification: Flammable liquids; skin corrosion; serious eye damage/eye irritation, specific organ toxicity

Safe handling:
Vapors are heavier than air and may spread along floors then it may form explosive mixtures with air. Prevent the

Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 43

creation of flammable or explosive concentrations of vapors in air and avoid concentrations higher than the
occupational exposure limits.
In addition, the product should be used only in areas from which all naked lights and other sources of ignition have
been excluded. Electrical equipment should be protected to the appropriate standard. To dissipate static electricity
during transfer, ground drum and connect to receiving container with bonding strap. No sparking tools should be
used. Open with care, danger of overpressure. Avoid inhalation of vapor. Dust and spray mist. Avoid contact with
skin and eyes. Eating, drinking and smoking should be prohibited in area where this material is handled, stored and
processed. Appropriate personal protective equipment should be used. Always keep in containers made from the
same materials as the original one.

Safe storage:
Store in accordance with regulations for flammable liquids. Keep in a cool, well-ventilated area away from
incompatible materials and ignition sources. Keep out of the reach of children.
Keep away from: Oxidizing agents, strong alkalis, strong acids as well as of amines, alcohols and water. No
smoking. Prevent unauthorized access. Containers that are opened must be carefully resealed and kept upright to
prevent leakage.

Fire extinguishing media:

Approved Class D fire extinguisher or smother with dry sand, dry clay or dry ground limestone
NOT TO BE USED: WATER: Risk of formation of very flammable and explosive vapors.

Fire-fighting measures:
In a fire or if heated a pressure increase will occur and the container may burst, with the risk of a subsequent
explosion. Runoff to sewer may create fire or explosion hazard.

Cleaning agent description: Acetone (Borup)

Classification: Flammable liquids and eye irritation

Safe handling:
Special work clothing should be used, use face shield and safety glasses with a side shield as an alternative. It is
recommended to use unassisted fresh air hose breathing apparatus. After finished handling or using it, all exposed
areas of the body must be washed. Always wash hands, forearms and face.

Safe storage:
Must be keep in dry, cool and ventilated place. Always store in containers of the same materials as the original.
Must be stored in a ventilated area, away from a possible sources of combustion. Storage temperature must be
cool and frost-free.

Fire extinguishing media:

Alcohol-resistant foam, carbonic acid, powder & water mist. Water jets should not be used, since they can spread
the fire.
Fire-fighting measures:
If the product is exposed to high temperatures, as in the case of fire, dangerous catabolic substances are produced
such as carbon oxides. Fire will result in thick black smoke. Exposure to catabolic products can damage your
health. Fire-fighters should use proper protection gear. Closed containers, which are
exposed to fire, should be cooled with water. Do not let fire-extinguishing water run into sewers and other water

P a g e | 44 Advanced Fire Fighting

Cleaning agent description: Brake cleaner – non chlorinated (Brakleen)

Classification: Flammable liquids, eye irritation, reproductive and organ toxicity

Safe handling:
Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read & understood. Do not pierce or burn, even after use. Do
not use if spray button is missing or defective. Do not spray on a naked flame or any other incandescent material.
Do not eat, drink and smoke while using or until sprayed surface is thoroughly dry. Avoid contact with eyes, skin
and clothing and prolong exposure. Wear appropriate PPE and wash hands thoroughly after handling.

Safe storage:
Protect from sunlight and do not exposed to temperatures exceeding 50 deg. C /122 F. Do not handle or store near
an open flame, heat or other sources of ignition. Exposure to high temperature may cause can to burst. Store in a
well-ventilated place and away from incompatible materials.

Fire extinguishing media:

Alcohol-resistant foam, water fog, carbon dioxide (CO2), dry chemical powder, sand or earth for small fires only.
Fire-fighting measures:
In case of fire: Stop leak if safe to do so. Move containers from fire area if you can do so without risk. Containers
should be cooled with water to prevent vapor pressure build up.

Lubricating oil description: Klubersynth GEM 4-220N

Classification: Not classified as dangerous goods

Safe handling: Prevent formation of aerosols. Do not inhale combustion or explosion gases. Avoid close or long
term contact with the skin. Goggles recommended during refilling.
Safe storage: Store in cool, dry conditions in well-sealed receptacles; Store away from foodstuffs, oxidizing
Fire extinguishing media or agent: Water haze; Foam, CO2; Fire-extinguishing powder.
Fire-fighting measures: Cool endangered receptacles with water spray. NOT TO BE USED: Water with full jet


The International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code was developed by IMO, as a uniform international
code for the transport of dangerous goods by sea covering such matters as packing, container traffic and stowage,
with particular reference to the segregation of incompatible substances.

The objective of the IMDG Code is to enhance the safe carriage of dangerous goods while facilitating
the free unrestricted movement of such goods.

Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 45

The UN Model regulation has detailed the general principles of dangerous good classification, labelling, marking,
placarding, documentation, and dangerous goods list. Those principles and requirements apply to all modes of
dangerous goods transport.

Structure of the IMDG Code

The IMDG code consists of two books (volume 1 and volume 2), and the IMDG code supplement.

Volume 1 includes the following chapters:

Part 1 General provisions, definitions and training
Part 2 Classification
Part 4 Packing and tank provisions
Part 5 Consignment procedures
Part 6 Provisions for the construction and testing of pressure receptacles, aerosol dispensers, small receptacles
containing gas (gas cartridges) and fuel cell cartridges containing liquefied flammable gas
Part 7 Requirements on transport operations

Volume 2 includes the following parts:

Part 3 Dangerous goods list , special provisions for limited and excepted quantities exceptions
Appendix A List of generic and N.O.S. (not otherwise specified) proper shipping names
Appendix B Glossary of terms

The IMDG code supplement includes additional provisions that are relevant to sea transport. These provisions
Emergency response procedures for ships carrying dangerous goods
Medical first aid guide
Reporting procedures
IMO/ILO/ECE guidelines for packing cargo transport units
Safe use of pesticides in ships, cargo holds and CTUs
International code for the carriage of packaged irradiated nuclear fuel, plutonium and high-level radioactive wastes
on board ships

12.1 Various types of dangerous goods onboard ship based on the IMDG Code
Types of dangerous goods carried on board ship: Classification of dangerous goods
Class 1 Explosives: (with 6 Subclasses)
Class 2 Gases: (with 3 Subclasses)
Class 3 Flammable Liquids
Class 4 Flammable solids or substances: (with 3 Subclasses)
Class 5 Oxidizing substances and organic peroxides: (with 2 Subclasses)
Class 6 Toxic and infectious substances: (with 2 Subclasses)
Class 7 Radioactive substances
Class 8 Corrosive substances
Class 9 Miscellaneous dangerous substances and articles

Identifying dangerous goods:

P a g e | 46 Advanced Fire Fighting

Each class has a unique diamond label used to identify danger in transport.
All dangerous goods are uniquely identified for transport using a number and name allocated by the United Nations
(UN Number and ‘Proper Shipping Name’ or PSN).
The UN number and PSN facilitate rapid and precise identification during transport to ensure correct handling,
stowage, segregation etc., and appropriate actions in an emergency.

12.2 The procedures in extinguishing fire involving dangerous goods as per IMDG
Ship having cargo of dangerous goods:
- The stowage plan should be marked to show the position & class of dangerous goods. A fire-fighting plan
should be prepared showing which fire-fighting media & appliances can be safely used.

General guidelines for Emergency Schedules for FIRE:

Introduction to the Emergency Schedules for FIRE

1) Be prepared: Preventing a fire from occurring is the most important part of a shipboard safety program.
2) Identification of the dangerous good(s) involved:
It is essential to identify the dangerous good(s) involved in the fire in order that the specific EmS
FIRE SCHEDULE(S) for the cargo(es) may be consulted and appropriate action taken.
3) Cool and suffocate: the aim of fire-fighting is to exclude oxygen and to cool the cargo(es). On board ship, this is
generally carried out by using water spray or gas extinguishing systems.
4) Seek advice: Expert advice should be sought irrespective of how insignificant the fire may seem to be when
dealing with dangerous goods fires.
5) Evacuation: "Sudden or short-term events (e.g., explosions) may endanger the safety of the ship" , it may be
necessary to consider abandoning the ship at an early stage but it’s the master who will decide for it.
6) Fire-fighting media: Water ("copious quantities”) is the obvious fire-fighting medium at sea and is recommended
for most fires involving dangerous goods but some might react chemically & others may be smother by dry inert
powdered material.
7) Dangerous goods exposed to fire: The EmS FIRE SCHEDULES advise that a number of dangerous goods should
be removed or jettisoned if there is a likelihood of their involvement in a fire.
8) Personal protection: In the case of fire, the use of a firefighter's outfit and self-contained breathing apparatus is
9) First aid and actions after termination of fire-fighting: Any contamination with hazardous material should be
immediately removed from the skin and then washed. Be prepared to use the Medical First Aid Guide for Use in
Accidents Involving Dangerous Goods (MFAG)!
10) Special notes on classes of dangerous goods: In the event of a fire, everything should be done to prevent the
spread of the fire to containers which contain class 1 goods.

The correct response to fire in dangerous goods is given in the Emergency Procedures for Ship’s Carrying
Dangerous Goods and in the Emergency Schedules of the Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes.
Dangerous goods in solid form in bulk means any material, other than liquid or gas, consisting of a combination
of particles, granules or any larger pieces of material, generally uniform in composition, which is covered by the

Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 47

IMDG Code and is loaded directly into the cargo spaces of a ship without any intermediate form of containment,
and includes such materials loaded in a barge on a barge-carrying ship.

Use copious quantities of water, which is best applied in the form of a spray to avoid disturbing the surface of the
General fire schedule
General comments In a fire, exposed cargoes may explode or their containment may rupture. Fight fire from a
protected position from as far away as possible.
Cargo on fire Packages Create water spray from as many hoses as possible.
on deck Cargo
Cargo on fire under deck Stop ventilation and close hatches. Use cargo space fixed fire-extinguishing system.
Cargo exposed to fire If practicable, remove or jettison packages which are likely to be involved in fire. Otherwise,
keep cool using water.
Special cases: UN 1381, UN After extinguishing the fire, treat immediately as for spillage (see relevant EmS SPILLAGE

Types of dangerous cargo: Emergency action in the event of fire
Aluminium Ferrosilicon Powder UN Batten down and use CO2 if available. Do not use water.
1395 & Alum. Silicon Powder 1398
Aluminium Nitrate UN 1438 Use copious quantities of water, which is best applied in the form of a spray to
avoid disturbing the surface of the material. The material may fuse or melt; in
which condition application of water may result in extensive scattering of the
molten materials. Exclusion of air or the use of CO2 will not control the fire. Due
consideration should be given to the effect on the stability of the ship due to
accumulated water.
Aluminium Smelting by-products or Batten down and use CO2 if available. Do not use water. If this proves ineffective,
Aluminium Remelting by-products UN endeavour to stop fire from spreading and head for the nearest suitable port.
Ammonium Nitrate UN 1942 Fire in a cargo space containing this material: Open hatches to provide maximum
ventilation. Ship’s fixed gas fire extinguishing will be inadequate. Use copious
quantities of water. Flooding of the cargo space may be considered but due
consideration should be given to stability. Fire in an adjacent cargo space:
Open hatches to provide maximum ventilation. Heat transferred from fire in an
adjacent space can cause the material to decompose with consequent evolution
of toxic fumes. Dividing bulkheads should be cooled.
Brown Coal Briquettes Batten down. Exclusion of air may be sufficient to control fire. Do not use water.
Seek expert advice and consider heading for the nearest suitable port.


13.1. The principles to be observed in managing and controlling injured persons:
First aid is the emergency treatment given to the ill or injured before professional medical services can be obtained.
It is given to prevent death or further injury, to counteract shock, and to relieve pain.
All crew-members should be prepared to administer first aid. They should have sufficient knowledge of first aid to
be able to apply true emergency measures and decide when treatment can be safely delayed until more skilled
P a g e | 48 Advanced Fire Fighting
personnel arrive. Those not properly trained must recognize their limitations. Procedures and techniques beyond
the rescuer’s ability should not be attempted. More harm than good might result.

Main hazards arising from fires for the health of persons or of personnel involves in fire-fighting & fire tragedy:
• Asphyxiation • Burnt skin

• Poisoning • Pain

• Damaged tissues • Secondary shock

❖ Asphyxiation
• fires causing oxygen shortage • an extinguishing gas replacing air

❖ Poisoning
• carbon monoxide, which is produced in most fires • toxic combustion products of fire

❖ Damaged tissues
• loss of function of parts of the body • infection • mutilation/scarring/disfigurement

❖ Burnt skin may interfere with its breathing function, which may cause death

❖ Secondary shock is a serious condition, caused by the collection of body fluids in blisters, and must always be
suspected except with minor burns

Importance of first-aid measures being followed up with medical treatment :

First-aid measures in cases of asphyxiation and poisoning as:
• removal of victim from danger area; thereafter:
• if unconscious, placing victim in the recovery position
• in the absence of breathing, applying artificial respiration
• in the absence of a pulse, applying CPR

Note: Keep the patient warm

Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious patient
Do not give alcohol, morphine or any stimulant
If the patient’s condition deteriorates rapidly, seek radio medical advice (RMA).

First-aid treatment for burns as:

• Extended flushing with water or submerging the affected parts in water
• Do not burst blisters because this will result in a loss of body fluid
• It is necessary to exclude air from open burns, therefore apply burn cream, place gauze over that and bandage
Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 49
to hold the gauze in position
• Check dressings frequently.
• Injection of morphine if the victim is in great pain

First-aid treatment for wounds as:

Apply antiseptic cream and cover with a dressing. Keep wounds clean, should wounds become septic change
dressings frequently and keep clear of pus.

Bandaging and treatment for shock are equally important but should not be done as a first-aid measure

Treatment of hypovolemic shock is the administration of adequate amounts of the right kinds of intravenous fluids.
Steroids and vasoactive drugs have a secondary place in the treatment of shock, and they should be used when
these treatments have failed to produce an adequate blood pressure and urinary output.

First aid provides the initial attention to a person suffering an injury or illness. First aid in the workplace has a
number of benefits including:
- saving lives,
- preventing permanent disablement,
- providing immediate support to the injured person
- improving safety awareness and preventing injury and illness in the workplace, and
- assist in the early return to work and rehabilitation.


Putting a person in the correct recovery position

The application for artificial respiration (mouth to mouth/nose)
The application of cardio-pulmonary resuscitation

Resuscitation Apparatus: a device using positive pressure to inflate the lungs of an unconscious person who is not
breathing, in order to keep them oxygenated and alive.

resuscitation bag, mask & suction valve

Most modern resuscitators are designed to allow the victim to breathe on his own should he recover the ability to
do so. All resuscitation devices should be able to deliver >85% oxygen when a gas source is available.

P a g e | 50 Advanced Fire Fighting

The device allows two rescuers to perform CPR and ventilation on a non-breathing patient with an acceptable
chance of success.
A manual resuscitator should be used on a victim only in an environment where the air is unquestionably safe to

Search and Rescue

The search and rescue of trapped crew members/passengers is an extremely important aspect of every fire-
fighting. A large number of rescue methods or techniques are available to bring a victim to safety area in order to
perform basic first aid measures and medical treatment.

The following are some basic techniques for the removal of victim from danger area:

‐ Two arm drag - Clothes drag

‐ Two persons extremities carry - Bowline drag

One or more person can rescue a victim who may be either conscious or unconscious.

❖ Two arm drag – Kneel, lift the victim from behind & prop the victim with a leg against the victim’s back.
Reach under the victim’s armpits and grasp the victim’s forearms. Stand and drag to safety.
❖ Clothes drag – The victim can be moved on horizontal surfaces without bending the victim’s body. Drag
the victim to safety by holding onto the clothes (shirt/blouse/coat collar).
❖ Two persons extremities carry – More than one victim may be available to rescue a victim who may be
either conscious or unconscious. One rescuer holds the victim in the same way as the two-arm drag. The
other rescuer faces the victim, stands between the victim’s legs and lifts one leg with each hand. Both
rescuers then carry the victim, feet first, to safety. The rescuers face each other during the evacuation
but if they are not wearing an SCBA the other rescuer may face away from the victim when carrying the
victim’ legs.
❖ Bowline drag – Place a rope with a bowline knot around the chest of the victim. Tie the hands of the
victim together at the front. Drag the victim to safety by the rope.


14.1 Procedures in conducting fire incident investigation as provided in MSC Res.
A.849(20) – Code for the Investigation of Marine Casualty and Accidents relevant
to fire incidents
Code for the investigation of marine casualties and incidents [MSC Res. A.849(20)]
Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 51
This Code recognizes that under IMO conventions each flag State has a duty to conduct an investigation into
any casualty occurring to any of its ships when it judges that such an investigation may assist in determining what
changes in the present regulations may be desirable or if such a casualty has produced a major deleterious effect
upon the environment.
The aim of this Code is to promote a common approach to the safety investigation of marine
casualties and incidents, and also to promote co-operation between States in identifying the contributing
factors leading to marine casualties.

Objective of the code:

The objective of any marine casualty investigation is to prevent similar casualties in the future.
Investigations identify the circumstances of the casualty under investigation and establish the causes and
contributing factors, by gathering and analyzing information and drawing conclusions.

Application of the code:

This Code applies, as far as national laws allow, to the investigation of marine casualties or incidents where
either one or more interested States have a substantial interest in a marine casualty involving a ship under
their jurisdiction.

Marine casualty means an event that has resulted in any of the following:
.1 the death of or serious injury to a person that is caused by or in connection with the operations of a ship; or
.2 the loss of a person from a ship that is caused by, or in connection with, the operations of a ship; or
.3 the loss, presumed loss or abandonment of a ship; or
.4 material damage to a ship; or
.5 the stranding or disabling of a ship, or the involvement of a ship in a collision; or
.6 material damage being caused by, or in connection with, the operation of a ship; or
.7 damage to the environment brought about by the damage of a ship or ships being caused by, or in
connection with, the operations of a ship or ships. It could be either serious or very serious casualty.

Marine incident means an occurrence or event being caused by, or in connection with, the operations of a ship by
which the ship or any person is imperiled, or as a result of which serious damage to the ship or structure or the
environment might be caused.

Marine casualty or incident safety investigation means a process held either in public or in camera
conducted for the purpose of casualty prevention which includes the gathering and analysis of information,
the drawing of conclusions, including the identification of the circumstances and the determination of
causes and contributing factors and, when appropriate, the making of safety recommendations.

Marine casualty investigator means a person or persons qualified and appointed to investigate a
casualty, or incident, under procedures laid down in national legislation for the furtherance of marine safety
and protection of the marine environment.

Conduct of marine casualty investigations:

A. Where an investigation is to be conducted, the following should be taken into consideration:
.1 Thorough and unbiased marine casualty investigations are the most effective way of establishing the
circumstances and causes of a casualty.
P a g e | 52 Advanced Fire Fighting
.2 Only through co-operation between States with a substantial interest can a full analysis be made of a
marine casualty .
.3 Marine casualty investigations should be given the same priority as criminal or other investigations held to
determine responsibility or blame .
.4 Marine casualty investigators should have ready access to relevant safety information including survey
records held by the flag State, the owners, and classification societies.
Access to information should not be barred by reason of competing investigations .
.5 Effective use should be made of all recorded data, including voyage data recorders (VDR),if fitted, in the
investigation of a marine casualty or marine incident wherever it occurred.
The State conducting the investigation should arrange for the read-out of the VDR.
. 6 Marine casualty investigators should be afforded access to Government surveyors, coastguard officers,
vessel traffic service operators, pilots or other marine personnel of the respective States .
.7 The investigation should take into account any recommendations or instruments published by IMO or ILO,
in particular those relating to the human factor, and any other recommendations or instruments adopted
by other relevant international organizations .
.8 Reports of investigations are most effective when released to the shipping industry and public.

B. Other substantially interested States should be invited to be represented during any such investigation
and should be admitted as a party in the proceedings and have equal standing, rights and access to
evidence as the State conducting the investigation.

C. Recognizing that any vessel involved in a casualty may continue in service and that a ship should not be
delayed more than is absolutely necessary, the State conducting the investigation should start the
investigation as soon as practicable, without delaying the ship unreasonably. Other substantially
interested States may, by mutual agreement, join the investigation either immediately or at a later stage.

Where two or more States have agreed to co-operate and have agreed the procedures for a marine
casualty investigation, the State conducting the investigation should invite representatives of other
substantially interested States to take part in the investigation and, consistent with the purpose of this Code, allow
such representatives to:
.1 question witnesses;
.2 view and examine evidence and take copies of documentation;
.3 produce witnesses or other evidence;
.4 make submissions in respect of the evidence, comment on and have their views properly reflected in the
final report; and
.5 be provided with transcripts, statements and the final report relating to the investigation.

Information generally required in all cases during the conduct of investigation

- Particulars of the ship
- Documents to be produced such as:
Ship's register Crew list Crew qualifications Official log book Deck log book
Voyage Plan Radio log Passenger list Night order book Soundings book
Oil record book Port log Radar log book Course recorder chart Echo sounder chart

Engine movement book Engine-room log book Data logger print-out Ship Reporting records
Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 53
Company Safety Manual ISM Code certification Articles of Agreement Log abstract & cargo log book

Current statutory certificates Repair requisition records Compass error book or records
Planned maintenance schedules Records of drug & alcohol tests Master's/C. E. Standing Orders

Classification society or survey authority certificates Company Standing Orders/Operations Manual

Bar records - daily purchases - voyage receipts, etc. Charts & record of chart corrections

Equipment/machinery manufacturer's operational/maintenance manuals

Any other documentation relevant to the inquiry

‐ Particulars of voyage
‐ Particulars of personnel involved in incident
‐ Particulars of sea state, weather and tide
‐ Particulars of the incident
‐ Assistance after the incident
‐ Authentication of documents
‐ Engine-room orders
‐ External sources of information

Additional information required in specific cases ( Fire/Explosion )

(Investigators should bear in mind the IMO Fire Casualty Record.)
➢ How was the ship alerted to the fire?
➢ How was the individual alerted to the fire?
➢ Where did it start?
➢ How did it start (if known)?
➢ What was the immediate action taken?
➢ Condition of fire-fighting equipment, supported by dates of survey/examination
➢ Extinguishers available:
➢ Type available in the vicinity;
➢ Types available on the ship;
➢ Types used
➢ Hoses available/used
➢ Pumps available/used
➢ Was water immediately available?
➢ Were air vents closed off to the space?
➢ What was the nature of the material on fire and surrounding the fire?
➢ Fire retardant specification of bulkheads surrounding the fire
➢ Restrictions caused by ( a) smoke, (b) heat, ( c) fumes
➢ Freedom of access
➢ Access availability for fire-fighting equipment
➢ Preparedness of crew - Frequency, duration, content and locations of fire musters and drills
➢ Response by land-based fire-fighting brigades

P a g e | 54 Advanced Fire Fighting

Fire Investigation and Reporting

The investigation into the fire should include recording the following:
- How the fire was discovered
- The time at which the fire alarm was given
- How the alarm was given
- The time at which the master or other officer was informed
- The position and nature of the fire
- Who was first scene on the fire
- What actions were taken for the initial attempt to extinguish the fire
- How many fireman’s outfits with compressed-air-operated breathing apparatus (CABA) were used
- What appliances where used, both portable and fixed
- What manpower was used
- At what time the fire was extinguished
- The number of casualties, with details of those injured and the nature of injuries
- What damage was caused, including any to the structure and fittings of the ship
- An estimate of what proportion of the damage was caused by the fire-extinguishing media, e.g. water or
foam, as compared to that directly caused by the fire
- For how long after the fire was extinguished was a fire-watch maintained
- To what extent the ship or any part of it, e.g. the engine-room, immobilized because of the fire
- An analysis of the fire, the materials which were burning, the known or probable source of ignition and the
- Conclusions on the cause of the fire and recommendations for avoiding a recurrence

The report on the investigation will include these details of the firefighting procedures:
- The occurrence and a timetable of the fire
- The actions taken and the time of each action
- The facts concerning the fire, including its site, materials and ignition
- The fire-extinguishing appliances required for fighting the fire and the numbers of each type used
- The number of crew and shore firemen (if appropriate) engaged in fighting the fire
- The number of fireman’s outfits and CABA used
- The damaged caused by the fire
- The damage caused by the fire-extinguishing media
- The extent to which the ship or its services were immobilized by the fire

The report should also contain conclusions from the facts established which include:
- An analysis and discussion of the facts
- The conclusions reached from this analysis and discussion
- Recommendations on the actions required to avoid recurrence
- Recommendations, if any, to improve fire prevention and fire-fighting procedures

14.2 Procedures in preparing fire casualty incident report as provided in MSC-MEPC.3/

Circ.3, Annex 6 – IMO Fire Casualty Incident Report (Fire Casualty Record)

Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 55

Administrations are urged to also supply the information listed in other relevant annexes of MSC-
MEPC.3/Circ.3, in particular the information contained in annex 1 (ship identification and particulars).
1. Operational Condition of Ship:
2. Local conditions when fire was discovered:
3. Part of ship where fire broke out:
4. Probable cause of fire:
5. Explain how persons onboard were alerted:
6. Means by which fire was initially detected:*

Case Studies (Fire Casualty Record)

It is important to take note that the following details of fires experienced:
- Their causes
- The fire-fighting procedures
- The results




1. Situation
A cargo ship of 26,000 tons dwt. Built in 1970 was on passage from Canada’s western seaboard to Europe
with a cargo of timber products and a full deck cargo of timber. The vessel had been on passage for 24 days
when the fire was discovered.
Two days before the discovery hurricane weather conditions had been experienced in which the deck
cargo had shifted. The wind had moderated but fairly heavy sea conditions were prevailing at the time of
2. Initial Action
The bridge smoke detection cabinet gave first indications of a fire in No. 2 hold. The audible alarm did not
function. At 12.22 hours smoke was observed in the vicinity of No. 2 hatchway.
The Officer of the Watch immediately sounded the fire alarm; engines were put on “standby” and the ship’s
speed reduced.
3. Tactical Fire-fighting Procedures
No. 2 hold was sealed and carbon dioxide injected by the ship’s fixed installation. Six fire hoses were used
for cooling decks and timber in the vicinity of the hold.

At 14.06 hours the ship resumed full speed.

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At 17.03 hours smoke was again seen in the vicinity of No. 2 hatch. More carbon dioxide was injected. At
19.00 hours No. 1 and No. 3 were examined and found normal.
From then onwards carbon dioxide was injected into No. 2 hold at hourly intervals, and decks and the
timber cargo in the vicinity were cooled continuously. Examinations of No. 1 and No. 2 holds were made at
regular intervals
On the twenty-sixth day of passage when smothering and cooling procedures had been in progress for 44
hours, the vessel altered course for Falmouth.
The owners made arrangement with the Falmouth Fire Service for equipment and firemen to be available
when the ship arrived.
Thirteen hours after altering course a small explosion was heard in No. 2 hold. Eight hours later the supply
of carbon dioxide ran out.
By this time the vessel was within two hours steaming from Falmouth. Since the discovery of the fire a
south-westerly wind between force 5-8 had been experienced.
Two hours after picking up the Falmouth Pilot and Harbor Master the local fire service boarded the ship
moored in the harbor and commenced arrangements to control the fire.
It was decided to inject high expansion foam into No. 2 through ventilator trunks at the aft end. To
accomplish this a portable foam generator was shipped and timber shifted to give access. Foam was fed
through a large diameter polyethylene pipe and vent’s for’d were opened to allow the extinguishing agent to
spread through the hold. The ship’s carbon dioxide supply was replenished and a 30 cwt. Tank of carbon
dioxide shipped on deck to supplement the fixed installation. Two days after arrival at Falmouth the vessel
sailed for its first scheduled discharge port, Cardiff, with six firemen on board.
On the twenty-one hour passage from Falmouth to Cardiff smoke and steam were observed. During this
period the level high expansion foam in the hold was maintained.
At Cardiff the local fire service relieved the firemen on board and stood by while timber, destined for the
port, was discharged. Further foam was injected into the hold. After removing the timber from No. 2 hatch it
was found that water had entered the hold causing cargo to swell, as a result of which the hatch covers had
lifted and become distorted. It was decided not to open up No. 2 hatch as it was felt that further ingress of air
would increase the fire risk.
Temporary repairs were carried out and the vessel sailed for its second scheduled discharge port Antwerp,
with two firemen on board.
On the fifty-one hour passage from Cardiff to Antwerp bad weather conditions prevented the inspection of
No. 2 hold, but it was then discovered that the hatch covers had lifted further due to the ingress of sea spray
swelling the cargo. On entry, the hold was found to be cool although traces of steam were being emitted. Hold
temperature were taken throughout and the high expansion foam topped up as necessary. The condition of
other holds was found to be normal.
On arrival at Antwerp the local fire service attended. It was decided that they need not remain on board
but should attend when No. 2 hatch covers were removed to discharge cargo.
When the hatch covers were eventually removed, traces of steam were observed. During discharged,
which took place with little difficulty, the cargo was found to be cooling rapidly and no further outbreak of fire
occurred. It was evident that the high expansion foam had penetrated the entire cargo.
4. Damage and Personal Injuries

Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 57

There was considerable charring and water damage to cargo in No.2 hold and to the deck cargo above
this hold. Structural damaged had occurred to hatches, hatch coamings, and deck plating and associated
stiffeners due to the ingress of water swelling the cargo. No personal injuries were sustained.
5. Cause of Fire
The seat of the fire in No. 2 hold was located in sulphite paper rolls. The cause was not determined.
The suggestion that steel wrapping bands on the cargo rubbing adjacent steel structure could generate
sufficient heat to cause the fire was discounted, as was the suggestion that breakage of a wrapping band
caused a spark. There is no evidence that this product ignites through spontaneous combustion. The most
logical explanation is a carelessly discarded cigarette or cigar. Experiments have shown that sulphite paper
will smoulder and burn very slowly without generating much smoke or heat if in contact with a lighted
6. Tactical Fire Fighting Appraisal
The smothering and cooling procedures used kept the fire under control. Had the vessel been further from
a port of refuge, with depleted supplies of carbon dioxide, the situation would have been far more serious.
Foam penetration in the hold was probably a major factor in extinguishing the fire.
Failure to stop the turbo alternator and to shut off the lubricating oil supply resulted in a local fire developing
into a major incident.
Apart from failing to shut off the lubricating oil supply, which resulted in the fire reaching the proportions
of a major outbreak, the measures taken to fight the fire were correct and effective. As it was, the oil flow was
ultimately reduced when the turbo alternator seized.
Actuation of the engine room water spray system was the most effective measure taken to reduce the fire
to containable proportions.
The ship’s fire-fighting teams dealt with secondary fires in a very competent manner and made a
significant contribution towards bringing the situation under control.
7. Remedial action taken by Company
All ships in the fleet were warned of the hazards associated with incorrect maintenance of lubricating oil
filters. Hot surfaces adjacent to lubricating oil filters were fitted with metal shields.
To avoid future errors a work control system was adopted to ensure that potentially dangerous work
activity was properly pre-planned and controlled.
Thus, hazard potential now receives a proper degree of consideration, resulting in better precautions.
8. Conclusions
This incident illustrates the hazards caused by incorrect maintenance procedures. Moreover, it
emphasizes the paramount importance of cutting the supply of fuel as quickly as possible in the event of an
oil fire in the engine room


Classification societies are licensed by flag states to survey & classify ships and issue certificates on their behalf.
They classify & certify marine vessels & structures on the basis of their structure, design & safety standards.
The purpose of a Classification Society is to provide classification and statutory services and assistance to
the maritime industry and regulatory bodies as regards maritime safety and pollution prevention, based on the
P a g e | 58 Advanced Fire Fighting
accumulation of maritime knowledge and technology.
The objective of ship classification is to verify the structural strength and integrity of essential parts of the
ship’s hull and its appendages, and the reliability and function of the propulsion and steering systems, power
generation and those other features and auxiliary systems which have been built into the ship in order to maintain
essential services on board.

The International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) is a technically based non-governmental

organization that currently consists of twelve member marine classification societies. More than 90% of the world's
cargo-carrying ships’ tonnage is covered by the classification standards set by member societies of IACS.

List of IACS members as at February 2017

Lloyds Register (LR) American Bureau of Shpg. (ABS) Polish Reg. of Shpg. (PRS)
Bureau Veritas (BV) Det Norske Veritas GL (DNV GL) China Classification Society (CCS)
Croatian Register of Shpg. (CRS) Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK) Korean Reg. of Shpg. (KRS)
Registro Italiano Navale (RINA) Russian Mar. Reg. of Shpg. (RS) Indian Reg. of Shpg. (IRS)

Statutory Certification of Ships:

Statutory requirements broadly cover four distinct areas:
1) Aspects of the ship’s design and its structural integrity – load line and stability in the intact and damaged
condition, essential propulsion, steering equipment, etc.;
2) Pollution control with regard to normal ship operation;
3) Accident prevention, including navigational aids and pollution and fire prevention;
4) The situation after an accident (fire, flooding) including containment and escape.

15.1 Applicable statutory requirements and classification surveys for fire detection
and extinguishing systems and equipment in compliance with SOLAS Convention
Fundamental requirements on fire safety of ships (functional requirements)
1. division of the ship into main vertical and horizontal zones by thermal & structural boundaries;
2. separation of accommodation spaces from the remainder of the ship by thermal & structural boundaries;
3. restricted use of combustible materials;
4. detection of any fire in the zone of origin;
5. containment and extinction of any fire in the space of origin;
6. protection of means of escape and access for fire-fighting;
7. ready availability of fire-extinguishing appliances; and
8. minimization of possibility of ignition of flammable cargo vapor.

Construction - fire protection, fire detection and fire extinction

Fundamental requirements on fire safety of ships (SOLAS CONVENTION) regulation 2 of chapter II-2 of SOLAS the
fire safety objectives :
.1 Prevent the occurrence of fire and explosion;
.2 Reduce the risk to life caused by fire;
.3 Reduce the risk of damage caused by fire to the ship, its cargo and the environment;
.4 Contain, control and suppress fire and explosion in the compartment of origin; and

Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 59

.5 Provide adequate and readily accessible means of escape for passengers and crew.

Detection and Alarm

Functional requirements shall be met:
1.1 fixed fire detection and fire alarm system installations shall be suitable for the nature of the space, fire
growth potential and potential generation of smoke and gases;
1.2 manually operated call points shall be placed effectively to ensure a readily accessible means of
notification; and
1.3 fire patrols shall provide an effective means of detecting and locating fires and alerting the navigation
bridge and fire teams.

2. General requirements
2.1 A fixed fire detection and fire alarm system shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of this
2.2 A fixed fire detection and fire alarm system and a sample extraction smoke detection system required in
this regulation and other regulations in this part shall be of an approved type and comply with the fire
safety systems code.
2.3 Where a fixed fire detection and fire alarm system is required for the protection of spaces other than
those specified in paragraph 5.1, at least one detector complying with the fire safety systems code shall
be installed in each such space.
3. Initial and periodical tests
3.1 The function of fixed fire detection and fire alarm systems required by the relevant regulations, shall be
tested under varying conditions of ventilation after installation.
3.2 The function of fixed fire detection and fire alarm systems shall be periodically tested to the satisfaction
of the administration by means of equipment producing hot air at the appropriate temperature, or smoke
or aerosol particles having the appropriate range of density or particle size, or other phenomena
associated with incipient fires to which the detector is designed to respond.

Regulation 10 - Fire Fighting 3.6.1

Fire-extinguishing systems and equipment 3.6.2
Water supply systems The pipes, valves and fittings used with the equipment required by regulation
3.6.3 Isolating valves
3.6.4 Number and Position of Hydrants
3.6.5 International Shore Connection
3.6.6 Fire Pumps
3.6.7 Fire Hoses and Nozzles
3.6.8 Portable Fire Extinguishers
3.6.9 Types of Fixed Fire-extinguishing Systems
3.6.10 Fire-extinguishing Arrangements in Machinery Spaces
3.6.11 Spaces Containing Flammable Liquids The fire-extinguishing arrangements must include fixed gas fire-extinguishing systems, fixed foam fire-
extinguishing systems and fixed pressure water-spraying fire-extinguishing systems that meet the
requirements of the FSS Code for the system.
3.6.12 Fixed Gas Fire-extinguishing Systems for General Cargo
P a g e | 60 Advanced Fire Fighting
3.6.13 Fire-fighters' Outfits
3.6.14 Fire Axes

4. Protection of machinery spaces

4.1 installation a fixed fire detection and fire alarm system shall be installed in:
4.1.1 periodically unattended machinery spaces; and 4.1.2
machinery spaces where: the installation of automatic and remote control systems and equipment has been approved in lieu of
continuous manning of the space; and the main propulsion and associated machinery including sources of the main sources of electrical
power, are provided with various degrees of automatic or remote control and are under continuous
manned supervision from a control room.
4.2 Design
*Specialized fire-fighting systems, equipment and procedures while carrying dangerous goods are described
in the emergency procedures of the IMDG Code
*Specialized fire-fighting systems, equipment and procedure for the carriage of fire-prone cargoes in bulk are
described in the ВС Code
*Specialized fire-fighting systems, equipment and procedures for the carriage of liquid chemicals in bulk are
described in the IBC/BCH Codes
*Specialized fire-fighting systems, equipment and procedures for the carriage of liquid chemicals in bulk are
described in the IBC/BCH Codes
*Specialized fire-fighting systems, equipment and procedures for the carriage of liquefied gases in bulk are
described in the IGC/GC Codes
*Fire protection bulkheads such as a-60, b-30 and C/F class materials, fire proof materials and low flame
spread materials are tested as per fire test procedure code
*Administrations are required to follow the minimum IMO requirements and shall also make national rules
*Classification societies' rules are based on IMO requirements and their own particular requirements
*SOLAS 74 requirements are under constant review and updating and changes include:
- smoke detection and extraction system for passenger spaces
- helicopter deck
- fixed installation for paint lockers
- fire-fighting arrangement for ro-ro spaces
- jacketing of fuel injection pipe for main and auxiliary engines
- definition of control station
- inerting ventilation and gas measurement for double hull space of oil tankers
*Special requirements for ships carrying dangerous goods, location and separation of spaces


Early discovery of fire is essential. The fire must be confined, controlled and extinguished in its early stages, before
it gets out of control and endangers the ship and the lives of those on board. A well designed fire detection
systems, properly installed and maintained, and understood by those who must interpret its signals, will give early
warning of a fire in the area it protects and its location.
Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 61
Methods of fire detection includes:
- Observation - High Temperature Probes
- Patrols systems - Sprinkler systems
- Fire detectors

Patrol systems
Patrols are mandatory on ships with 36 passengers or more and are recommended on all vessels. The ability
to recognize a potential fire hazard is an important part of any crew member’s responsibility because fire
prevention is far better than fighting a fire.

Patrol Duties

‐ Conducting a patrol on a regular and scheduled basis

‐ Detecting cigarette smoking by crew or guests in areas where cigarette smoking is prohibited and
considered to be a fire hazard
‐ Monitoring electrical and mechanical equipment for overheating
‐ Checking engine rooms and machinery spaces for good housekeeping practices and to ensure that
potential ignition sources are removed.
‐ Visual observation of machinery for sparking which could be an ignition source and a fire hazard.
‐ Ensuring that electrical appliances are turned off when not in use.
‐ Removing any obstruction which could prevent an automated fire detector from operating
‐ Removing obstructions to emergency fire exits and checking the proper operation of watertight
doors and hatches

Fire Detection System

▪ provides warning to reduce life safety threat from fire and to minimize fire threat to the operation of the ship
▪ custom-designed according to ships’ size or layout
▪ automatically and reliably indicates a fire condition and alerts responsible individuals of a fire's existence and
▪ detects the unwanted presence of fire by monitoring environmental changes associated with combustion
▪ in general, a fire alarm system is classified as automatically actuated, manually actuated, or both

The fire detection system, including one or more detectors, relays the alarm to those endangered by the fire and/or
those responsible for firefighting operations.

Fire detection systems on board a ship are so arranged that in case of a fire:

a. both are visible and audible alarm is received in the following areas:
‐ pilothouse
‐ fire control station (normally the bridge)
‐ engine room (for vessels of over 150 feet in length)
b. the receiving equipment (or consoles) indicates:
‐ the occurrence of a fire and;
P a g e | 62 Advanced Fire Fighting
‐ the location of the fire aboard the ship
c. Console locations:
‐ bridge
‐ CO2 room (the space that contains the fire extinguishing mechanisms)
d. Only a bell is required in the engine room to alert the engineer to an emergency outside the
machinery space.

16.1 Fire detection and extinguishing systems and equipment which can be serviced onboard
and ashore

Fire detection systems and equipment:

Fire Detectors;
Fire detectors sense and initiate a signal in response to: heat, smoke, flame or some other indication of fire.

Fire & smoke detection systems onboard ships

A) Heat detector
B) Smoke detector
C) Flame detector

A) Heat detector are intended to minimize property damage by reacting to the change in temperature caused by a
fire. This detector is usually activated when the room temperature rises to about 70 degrees Celsius. Such detector
are also available for activation at other temperature.

a) Heat-Actuated Fire Detectors – sense (and are activated by) the heat of a fire. The main classes of heat-actuated
devices are fixed-temperature detectors and rate-of-rise detectors. Some devices are combinations of both.
a1. Fixed-Temperature Detectors – initiates a fire alarm when the temperature of the device reaches a preset

‐ Bi-metallic Strip Detector
‐ Snap-Action Bi-metallic Disk
‐ Thermostatic Cable
‐ Metallic Cable
‐ Fusible Metal
‐ Liquid Expansion

Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 63

The thermostatic cable. The top wire is electrically energized; the bottom wire is not. At the activating
temperature, the insulating material melts, allowing the two wires to touch and complete the alarm

The fusible metal link. At normal temperatures, When the link melts, the movable contact is
the link keeps the spring-loaded movable free to complete the alarm circuit.
contact from moving to the right.

The snap action bi-metallic disk. The disk at The activated disk closes the circuit to initiate
normal temperatures. the alarm.

P a g e | 64 Advanced Fire Fighting

The liquid expansion bulb. At normal At a preset temperature, liquid in the bulb has
temperatures, the bulb holds back the spring- expanded enough to break the bulb. The
loaded plunger. plunger drops to complete the alarm circuit.

a2. Rate-of-Rise Detectors - sense

temperature changes rather
than the temperature itself.
They are actuated when the
temperature increases faster
than a preset value.

‐ Pneumatic
‐ Thermoelectric

Pneumatic rate-of-rise detectors. Heat expands the air inside the tube or
bulb, increasing its pressure. If the expansion is slow, the vent releases
enough of the pressure to keep the detector from being actuated. If the
expansion is fast, pressure builds up enough to stretch the diaphragm and
complete the alarm circuit.
a3. Combined Fixed-Temperature and Rate-of-Rise Detector – The combined-type detector contains both a
fixed-temperature device and a rate-of-rise device. It is activated when the temperature rises at, or faster
than a preset rate. However, if the temperature rises slowly but continuously, the rate- of-rise device may
not be activated. Then the fixed-temperature device will eventually initiate an alarm.

a4. Automatic Sprinkler Systems – Automatic sprinkler systems are considered to be both fire detection and
fire extinguishing systems because they fulfill both functions. The system piping is usually charged with
water to the sprinkler heads. The water is held back by a fixed-temperature seal in each head. The seal is
either a piece of fusible metal or a liquid-expansion bulb. Either one will allow water to flow through the
sprinkler head when the temperature reaches a preset value.
Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 65
B) Smoke Detection Systems – a smoke detection system is a complete fire detection system. Aboard ship,
smoke detection systems consist generally of a means for continuously exhausting air samples from the
protected spaces; a means of testing the air for contamination by smoke of all colors and particle sizes,
and a visual (or visual and audible) means for indicating the presence of smoke.

Smoke Sampler
A smoke sampler can be used with any smoke detection device that draws samples of air out of the protected
space. This sampled air usually moves through tubing to the detection device.

Smoke Detector are intended to protect people and property by generating an alarm earlier in the development
of a fire. People need time to react, and every second is critical during an actual fire event.
All fire emit smoke and gases, often long before open flames are visible. The smoke detector can therefore be
activated before the actual outbreak of fire.
The smoke detector is the device that tests the air samples for smoke. The available types include:

b1. Photoelectric

Beam-type photoelectric smoke detector. The receiving

surface activates the alarm only when it senses a
decrease in the intensity of the light beam.

Refraction-type photoelectric smoke detector. Smoke in

the air causes light to fall on the photoelectric sensor,
which then activates the alarm.

b2. Ionization – In operation, sampled air passes through the detector. As it does, a small amount of
radioactive material at the inlet of the detector ionizes (adds or removes electrons from) the air. This
causes a small electric current. Smoke in the air interferes with the flow of ionized particles and the
current is decreased; an alarm is triggered by this decrease in current.

b3. Resistance Bridge – Resistance-bridge smoke detectors are activated by an increase in smoke particles
or in moisture. (Water vapor is given off during the early stages of a fire.) These detectors are more
applicable to land installations than to ships.

b4. Cloud Chamber – This detector tests sampled air. If smoke particles are present, moisture causes them
to form a cloud that is denser than normal air. A photoelectric device scans the sampled air. It sets off
an alarm when the air is denser than some preset value.
P a g e | 66 Advanced Fire Fighting
Simplified schematic drawing of the automatic smoke-sampling system. The apparatus has detected
smoke in an air sample from space 3. That number is indicated on the main cabinet and the repeater
cabinet. The alarm is sounded at those cabinets and in the engine room.

Flame Detectors - this detector is activated when it is hit by the varying infrared or ultraviolet rays from the flames.
While flame detectors are used in shore installations such as warehouses, piers and aircraft hangars, they are
unlikely to be found aboard ships due to the following reasons:
‐ a flame must be directly in front of the detector to be recognized (If the flame is off to the side or obscured by
smoke, the detector will not activate)
‐ some flame detectors transmit a false alarm when subjected to radiant energy from a source other than a fire
‐ some activate when they sense flickering light reflections (for example, light reflected off the water surface) or
arcs from welding operations
‐ some flame detectors respond to the flickering of flames (Electric lamp bulbs aboard vibrating ships could
imitate this flickering closely enough to cause a false alarm)

Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 67

Automatically Actuated Devices
▪ can take many forms intended to respond to any number of detectable physical changes associated with fire.

convected thermal energy - heat detector

products of combustion - smoke detector

radiant energy – flame detector

combustion gases – fire gas detector

release of extinguishing agents – water flow detector

The newest innovations use cameras and computer algorithms to analyze the visible effects of
fire and movement in applications inappropriate for or hostile to other detection methods.

P a g e | 68 Advanced Fire Fighting

Alarms or Actions which may be Activated by a Detector
➢ fire alarm signal that is heard everywhere on the ship or platform
➢ a signal to the fire control panel or on the bridge
➢ halting of processing system
➢ an activation of the extinguishing system

Types of Alarm Systems

1. Automatic fire detection and alarm systems
2. Manual Fire Alarm Systems

1. Automatic fire detection and alarm systems

Automatic fire detection systems are designed to detect the occurrence of fire and activate fire alarms and/or fire
extinguishing equipment without any human intervention. These type of systems normally consist of:

1.1 Normal Power Supply

The normal power may be supplied either by a separate branch circuit from the ship's main switchboard or by
storage batteries.

1.2 Emergency Power Supply

Emergency power may be supplied by a separate branch circuit taken from the temporary emergency lighting and
power system switchboard or by storage batteries.

1.3 Fire Detection Control Unit

The fire detection control unit consists of a drip-proof enclosed panel containing the fire alarm signaling, trouble-
alarm and power-failure alarm devices. These devices must register both a visual and an audible signal. The visible
signals are lights:
a. Red light – indicates smoke
b. Blue light – indicates trouble in the system
c. White light – indicates that the power is on in the system

1.4 Vibrating Bells

Vibrating bells are, like the red lights on the control unit, fire alarm signals. The operation of any automatic fire
detection system (or manual fire alarm in a manual fire alarm system) must automatically cause the sounding of:
a. A vibrating-type fire bell with a gong diameter not smaller than 15.24cm on the control panel
b. A vibrating-type fire bell with a gong diameter not smaller than 20.32cm in the engine room.

These signals must be sounded in addition to the red light on the control panel and an indication of the fire
detection zone from which the signal originated.

Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 69

2. Manual fire alarm systems
Manual fire alarm systems consist of normal and emergency power supplies, a fire control unit to receive the
alarm and the necessary fire alarm boxes. The fire control unit is similar to the automatic fire detection control
unit; it must contain means for receiving alarm signals and translating these signals into audible and visible
alarms. It must also have provision for registering trouble signals. And, as with automatic systems, vibrating
bells are required for engine room notification.

2.1 Alarm Boxes

‐ Manual fire alarm boxes are usually located in main passageways, stairway enclosures, public
spaces and similar areas.
‐ They should be readily available and easily seen in case of need.
‐ Manual alarm boxes must be placed so that any person evacuating a fire area will pass one on the
way out.
‐ There must be at least one manual fire alarm box in each fire zone on the vessel.
‐ Framed charts or diagrams in the wheelhouse and fire control station, adjacent to the fire alarm
receiving equipment, should indicate the locations of the fire zones in which the alarm boxes are

Fire Alarm: sounded as continuous ringing of ship’s electrical bell or continuous

sounding of ship’s horn for at least 10 seconds.

Extinguishing Equipments and Systems:

Fire protection on ships is provided by detection and fire-fighting equipment together with structural features
fitted with non-combustible materials which are intended to contain an outbreak of fire and to prevent a fire spread.
Different types of equipment are available on board ship for the control of fires. These are small portable
extinguishers, wheeled type/mobile fire extinguishers and large fixed installations. The small portable and mobile
extinguishers are for small fires which, by prompt on-the-spot action, can be rapidly extinguished. The fixed
installation is used when the fire cannot be fought or restrained by portable equipment or there is perhaps a greater
danger if associated areas were to be set on fire.


An extinguisher is an appliance containing an extinguishing medium which can be expelled by the action of internal
pressure and be directed into a fire. This pressure may be stored pressure, or obtained by a chemical reaction, or be
obtained by release of gas from a cartridge.

A portable extinguisher is one which is designed to be carried and operated by hand and which in working order has
a total weight of not more than 23 kg.

Extinguishing medium is the substance contained in the extinguisher the action of which cause extinction of fire.

Charge of an extinguisher is the mass or volume of the extinguishing medium contained in the extinguisher. The
quantity of the charge of water or foam extinguishers is normally expressed in volume (liters) and that of other
types of extinguishers in mass (kilograms)

P a g e | 70 Advanced Fire Fighting

Portable fire extinguishers
Since some fires start small, a fire discovered early and attacked quickly, usually can be extinguished easily.
Portable extinguishers can be carried to the fire area for a fast attack. However, they contain a limited supply of
extinguishing agent. The agent is quickly expelled from the extinguisher; in most cases, continuous application can
be sustained for only a minute or less. For this reason, it is extremely important to back up the extinguisher with a
hoseline. Then, if the extinguisher does not have the capacity to put the fire out completely, the hoseline can be
used to finish the job. However, a crewman who is using an extinguisher cannot advance a hoseline at the same
time. Thus the alarm must be sounded as soon as fire is discovered, to alert the ship's personnel to the situation.

1. Types of Portable Fire Extinguisher

1.1. Water – Extinguishers that use water or a water solution as the

extinguishing agent are suitable only for class-A fires. Stored pressure
type water extinguishers are utilized on board.

1.2. Foam – may be used on both class-A and class-B fires. The
extinguisher is charged by filling it with two solutions that are kept
separated (in the extinguisher) until it is to be used. It is carried to the
fire right side up and then inverted. This mixes the two solutions,
producing a liquid foam and CO2 gas.

Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 71

Steps in operating a foam extinguisher on flammable liquid fires

Types of foam fire extinguishers

▪ Aqueous film forming foam (AFFF): for classes A and B fires and vapor suppression
▪ Alcohol-resistant aqueous film forming foams (AR-AFFF): for fuel fires that contains alcohol
▪ Film forming fluoroprotein (FFFP): contains animal proteins and can cope with higher temperatures

1.3. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) – used primarily on class B and class C fires. The extinguisher is carried to the fire
in an upright position. The short range of the CO2 extinguisher means the operator must get fairly close
to the fire.

P a g e | 72 Advanced Fire Fighting

1.4. Dry Chemical – Dry chemical extinguishers are available in several sizes, with any of five different
extinguishing agents. All have at least a BC rating; the mono-ammonium phosphate extinguisher carries
an ABC rating. There are two (2) types: cartridge operated and stored pressure.

Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 73

1.5. Dry Powder – Dry powder (not dry chemical) is the only extinguishing agent that may be used on
combustible metal (class-D) fires.

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2. General Safety Rules for Portable Extinguishers
‐ When you discover a fire, call out your discovery, sound the fire alarm and summon help.
‐ Never pass the fire to get to an extinguisher. A dead-end passageway could trap you.
‐ If you must enter a room or compartment to combat the fire, keep an escape path open. Never let the fire
get between you and the door.
‐ If you enter a room or compartment and your attack with a portable extinguisher fails, get out
immediately. Close the door to confine the fire and prepare to fight the fire while waiting for previously
summoned help. Your knowledge of the situation will aid those responding.

Portable and mobile fire-extinguishing equipment

A scheme/plan should be prepared and available which shows the positions of a portable and mobile fire-
extinguishing equipment. A schedule should be prepared that shows dates when surveys, inspections, maintenance
and testing should be carried out and a record should be kept of defects found and of repairs carried out.
When a portable or mobile fire extinguisher has been discharged it should be prepared for further use as follows:
- On an extinguisher with a trigger handle, depress the handle to ensure that the cylinder is not pressurized
- Remove the top cap, including the cartridge, and then;
• Clean the cylinder and inspect for any corrosion if the cylinder is made of steel
• Check when the cylinder is due for a pressure test, which is normally done by the suppliers
• Check that the discharge pipe and nozzles are clear
• Check the operation of the trigger valve to ensure it is fluid-tight and operates freely
• Check the operation and tightness of other valves (if fitted)
• Reassemble the extinguisher, using the correct media and cartridge
• After the cap has been fitted, fir the safety pin
- Write the date of refilling on a record label on the cylinder
- Replace the extinguisher in its previous position or put it in store, as required by the chief mate

Neither a partially discharged extinguisher nor an empty one should be placed in its previous position before being
Fire protection and fire-fighting equipment and systems on board:
Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 75
✓ Fireman’s outfits
✓ Proximity suit
✓ Entry suit
✓ Trolley sets
✓ Distress Signal Units (DSU)
✓ Guideropes
✓ Personal Guideropes

Fireman’s outfits Proximity suit Entry suit

The inspection and maintenance schedule of the above fire protective equipment should include checking:
- That all outfits are in their correct stowage positions
- That the personal equipment is undamaged and complete
- That the battery of the electric safety lamp (hand lantern) is fully charged
- That, after any use, the breathing apparatus is dismantled to ensure that all parts are clean and all valves are
operating correctly
- That the fireproof lifeline is undamaged

SCBA & Trolley sets This equipment (SCBA) must be reserved for use solely for drills and training, the
rescue of personnel, the fighting of fires and other emergencies where there is a
danger or the possible loss of the vessel. On no account should SCBA equipment
be used for routine work.
Each SCBA should have an air-line attachment which will permit the use of a
Trolley set s when any entry is likely to be prolonged. A trolley set can supply air
via a built-in filter from the ship’s air supply from spare cylinders fitted to the
All ships should be provided with two trolley sets to enable a two-man breathing
apparatus team concept to be maintained. All air lines should be sufficient
length to reach remote areas, i.e. cargo tank bottoms.

P a g e | 76 Advanced Fire Fighting

Distress signal unit (DSU) or ADSU (Automatic Distress Signal Unit) and also known as PASS device (Personal
Alert Safety System) - is a personal safety device used primarily by firefighters entering a hazardous environment
such as a burning structure (building or ship). The PASS device sounds a loud (95 decibel)[1] audible alert to notify
others in the area that the firefighter is in distress. On a fireground, the sound of an activated PASS device indicates
a true emergency and results in an immediate response to rescue the firefighter(s) in distress.

Each SCBA should be fitted with a DSU which the wearer activates should he get into difficulty and require assistance. A DSU
emits a high-intensity sound signal that can only be stopped by the use of a special key. This key must always be left with the
breathing apparatus control officer.

The use of guideropes is mandatory. Special guideropes should be supplied which must be used to indicate the
route taken by a SCBA team from the entrance to a space indicating the direction to exit. Guideropes are stowed
within the small shoulder container and are about 60 m in length and have a diameter of 6-8 mm.

A series of two markers are secured to the guideropes at intervals of 2 ½ m. throughout its length. One
marker has two knots in it and the other has none. The knotted marker is always located on the ‘way out’ of the
unknotted marker
The looped inboard end of the guiderope is secured to a hook inside the container. A sliphook is attached to
the outboard end of the guiderope. This hook is made fast at the entrance to a space prior to entry of a SCBA
team and will pay out automatically as guiderope wearers enter the space.
The first SCBA member to enter the affected space carries the guiderope container on his shoulder. As the
guiderope pays out the second SCBA member ties it off at a convenient height from the deck. Tie-off points
need not be close together, but must be at sufficient intervals to keep the guiderope off the deck. When a
change of direction is necessary to avoid an obstacle, open hatchway or space, it is essential that the guiderope
is tied off to mark the safe passage.
During this entry, the two SCBA team members should stay in physical contact with each other.

Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 77

Personal Guideropes
Personal guideropes are carried by each SCBA wearer in a pouch fitted to their waist belt. The line is 4mm in
diameter and is 6m long.

In cases where several changes of direction are necessary at different levels, the lifeline will quickly become
fouled and retard the progress of the SCBA wearer. Additionally, it will no longer be capable for use in signaling.
In the past, the lifeline has always been secured to a SCBA harness between the shoulder blades. Thus it was
very difficult for the SCBA wearer to release it should the line become entangled. It is now recommended that
whenever lifelines are used they are secured to the SCBA wearer’s safety belt at the waists. Lifelines must always
be available at the breathing apparatus control site in the event that they are needed for hoisting casualties.
Fire Station Control locker contain the following items:
• Four self-contained breathing apparatus sets complete with harnesses, tags, personal guide ropes and
distress signal units.
• One trolley breathing-apparatus set complete with spare bottles.
• One rescue oxygen resuscitator.
• Four lifelines (hemp-covered wire)
• One breathing-apparatus control board
• Two fire brigade style guide ropes with containers.
• Four spare SCBA air cylinders with covers.
• Four large rechargeable safety lamps.
• Two approved fire-fighting approach suits (including gloves, boots and helmets).
• Two hand axes.
• Four spare hoses with couplings
• One spare fog nozzle (with spanners if required).
• Two Acme Thunderer whistles.
• One explosimeter.
• One oxygen analyzer.
• One emergency document pouch containing booklet of general plans including general arrangements, fire and
safety control plans, muster and check-off lists.
• One team station bill listing specific duties for fire, collision and closed-space search and rescue.
• One spare rescue safety harness.
• One station tool kit for helicopter operations.
• One large axe, one crowbar and one pair of wirecutters.
• One coil of 1 in. diameter rope.
• One sharp knife.
• One international shore-hydrant connection.
• Six boiler suits.
• Six safety helmets complete with chin straps.

P a g e | 78 Advanced Fire Fighting

16.2 Fire detection and extinguishing systems and equipment in accordance with
performance specification and legislative requirements

Maintenance, Testing and Inspection of Fire extinguishing Systems & Equipment

• Maintenance, testing and inspections for fire protection systems as well as fire-fighting systems and
appliances are required in accordance with SOLAS Chapter II-2/14.2.2.
• Maintenance, testing and inspections shall be carried out based on the guidelines developed by the
Organization (Refer to MSC.1/Circ.1432 as amended, including the amendments by MSC.1/Circ.1516) and in a
manner having due regard to ensuring the reliability of fire-fighting systems and appliances.
• The maintenance plan shall be kept on board the ship and shall be available for inspection whenever required
by the Administration.
The maintenance plan onboard is to be prepared based on the instructions given by the flag administration as well
as MSC.1/Circ.1432 and MSC.1/Circ.1516 as amended. Maintenance, testing and inspections of fire protection
systems & fire-fighting systems as well as appliances are to be implemented based on the plan.

In principle, the inspection interval for new built ships carried out by shipyard staff or crew starts from delivery of a
vessel, while inspections for such things as replaced items or hydrostatic tests starts from either the date when
such an inspection was last carried out or from the date of manufacture. In case there are related instructions by
administrations, the instruction should be followed.

Table-1 Overview of maintenance, testing and inspections of main fire-fighting systems based on MSC.1/Circ.1432
and MSC.1/Circ.1516 as amended, as well as other relevant guidelines.

Equipment Interval Outline of Requirement Guideline

Inspections in accordance with the
Annually Res.A.951(23), para.9.1
manufacturer’s instructions, etc.
Portable fire extinguishers
5-yearly Discharged as part of fire drills, etc. Res.A.951(23), para.9.1.1
10-yearly Hydrostatic test Res.A.951(23), para.9.1.2

Monthly Verification in place, etc. MSC.1/Circ.1432, para.5.9

Inspections in accordance with

Wheeled (mobile) fire Annually MSC.1/Circ.1432, para.7.12
manufacturer’s instructions, etc.
5-yearly Visual inspection, etc. MSC.1/Circ.1432, para.9.6

10-yearly Hydrostatic test MSC.1/Circ.1432, para.10.5

Portable foam applicator Monthly Inspections in accordance with MSC.1/Circ.1432, para.5.8

Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 79

units manufacturer’s instructions, etc.

Annually foam control test, etc. MSC.1/Circ.1432, para.7.11

Monthly Verification of each part, etc. MSC.1/Circ.1318, para.4

Annually Visual inspection, etc. MSC.1/Circ.1318, para.5

Fixed CO2 fire-extinguishing
2.5-yearly Verification of contents, etc. MSC.1/Circ.1318, para.6.1
5-yearly Operation test, etc. MSC.1/Circ.1318, para.6.2

10-yearly Hydrostatic test, etc. MSC.1/Circ.1318, para.6.1

Fixed dry chemical powder Monthly Verification of valves & gauges, etc. MSC.1/Circ.1432, para.5.6

systems Annually Visual inspection, etc. MSC.1/Circ.1432, para.7.9

Testing a sample of dry chemical

2-yearly MSC.1/Circ.1432, para.8.2
powder, etc.

Hydrostatic test or Non-destructive

10-yearly MSC.1/Circ.1432, para.10.3

Verification of valves and gauges,

Monthly MSC.1/Circ.1432, para.5.3

Verification of quantity of foam

Fixed foam fire-extinguishing Quarterly MSC.1/Circ.1432, para.6.2
Functional test, and taking sample,
Annually MSC.1/Circ.1432, para.7.4

5-yearly Inspection of each part MSC.1/Circ.1432, para.9.2

Weekly Examination of cylinder gauges MSC.1/Circ.1432, para.4.5

Checking of serviceable condition, MSC.1/Circ.1432,

SCBAs Annually
etc. para.7.8.2

5-yearly Hydrostatic test MSC.1/Circ.1432, para.9.4

P a g e | 80 Advanced Fire Fighting

Weekly Examination of cylinder gauges MSC.1/Circ.1432, para.4.5

Inspections in accordance with MSC.1/Circ.1432,

EEBD Annually
manufacturer’s instructions, etc. para.7.8.3

--- Hydrostatic test IACS Rec.88

Weekly Visual inspection, etc. MSC.1/Circ.1432, para.4.7

Verification of valves and gauges,

Monthly MSC.1/Circ.1432, para.5.4

Quarterly Assessment of system water quality MSC.1/Circ.1516, para 6.5

Water mist, water spray and
Annually Blowing air, blowing water test, etc. MSC.1/Circ.1516, para 7.5
sprinkler systems
Internal inspection of all
5-yearly MSC.1/Circ.1516, para 9.3
control/section valves, etc.

Hydrostatic test for gas and water

10-yearly MSC.1/Circ.1432, para.10.2
pressure cylinders.

General requirements as per International Code for Fire Safety Systems (FSS CODE)
Fixed fire detection and fire alarm systems:

The fire detection system shall be designed to:

.1 control and monitor input signals from all connected fire and smoke detectors and manual call points;
.2 provide output signals to the navigation bridge, continuously manned central control station or onboard
safety centre to notify the crew of fire and fault conditions;
.3 monitor power supplies and circuits necessary for the operation of the system for loss of power and fault
conditions; and
.4 the system may be arranged with output signals to other fire safety systems including:

.1 fan stops; .6 smoke extraction systems;

.2 fire doors; .7 paging systems, fire alarm or public address systems;
.3 fire dampers; .8 fixed local application fire-extinguishing systems;
.4 sprinkler systems; .9 closed circuit television (CCTV) systems; and
.5 low-location lighting systems; .10 other fire safety systems.

Component requirements as per International Code for Fire Safety Systems (FSS CODE)
Fire Detectors

Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 81

- It shall be operated by heat, smoke or other products of combustion, flame, or any combination of these
factors. Detectors operated by other factors indicative of incipient fires may be considered by the
Administration provided that they are no less sensitive than such detectors.
- Smoke detectors required in all stairways, corridors and escape routes within accommodation spaces shall be
certified to operate before the smoke density exceeds 12.5% obscuration per metre, but not until the smoke
density exceeds 2% obscuration per metre.
- Heat detectors shall be certified to operate before the temperature exceeds 78°C but not until the temperature
exceeds 54°C, when the temperature is raised to those limits at a rate less than 1°C per min, when tested
according to standards as determined by the Administration.
- The operation temperature of heat detectors in drying rooms and similar spaces of a normal high ambient
temperature may be up to 130°C, and up to 140°C in saunas.
- Flame detectors shall be tested according to standards as determined by the Administration.
- All detectors shall be of a type such that they can be tested for correct operation and restored to normal
surveillance without the renewal of any component.
- Fixed fire detection and fire alarm systems for cabin balconies shall be approved by the Administration.
- Detectors fitted in hazardous areas shall be tested and approved for such service. Detectors fitted in spaces
carrying dangerous goods, shall comply as required by regulation of the Convention and shall be suitable for
hazardous areas.
Suitable instructions and component spares for testing and maintenance shall be provided. Detectors shall be
periodically tested using equipment suitable for the types of fires to which the detector is designed to respond.
Ships with self-diagnostic systems that have in place a cleaning regime for areas where heads may be prone to
contamination may carry out testing in accordance with the requirements of the Administration."

Fire Extinguishers
Fire extinguishers must be classified, constructed and marked in accordance with IMO Resolution A.951 (23) and
the construction, performance and fire-extinguishing test specifications must be in accordance with ISO 7165:2009.
The maintenance and inspection requirements required for portable fire extinguishers are as follows:
1. Inspection and maintenance
• all extinguishers must be inspected monthly to check for proper location, charging pressure and condition;
• each extinguisher must be marked clearly to indicate the date upon which it has been inspected;
• all extinguishers must be subject to periodical inspections in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions and serviced at intervals not exceeding one year by a competent person;
• at least one portable extinguisher of each type manufactured in the same year and kept on-board a ship
must be test discharged at five yearly intervals (as part of a fire drill);
• all types of portable extinguishers are to be hydraulically tested in accordance with a recognized standard
or the manufacturer’s instruction at intervals not exceeding 10 years, or if the extinguisher is found to be
defective during an inspection;
• the hydraulic test period for semi-portable fire extinguishers should be conducted as per the manufacturer’s
• hydraulic testing must be carried out by an accredited service agent or test facility;
• instructions for recharging extinguishers should be supplied by the manufacturer and be available for use
P a g e | 82 Advanced Fire Fighting
• prior to recharging an extinguisher a thorough inspection and internal examination must be carried out;
• the test pressure and test date must be marked clearly on each extinguisher. Note: ‘hard-stamping’ is only
acceptable for CO2 extinguishers and propellant cartridges; and
• test certificates or test records must be provided and retained on-board for inspection.
2. Notes
• Propellant cartridges for fire extinguishers (e.g. CO2 cartridges) with a capacity not exceeding 600ml, do
not require hydraulic testing. The shelf life is 20 years although it is recommended they are not refilled after
15 years. The cartridges should be inspected annually and weight-checked. Any cartridges showing signs of
wastage, deterioration or weight loss in excess of 10% should be replaced.
• Propellant cartridges in excess of 600ml for semi-portable fire extinguishers should be hydraulically tested
every 10 years.

Fixed carbon dioxide fire-extinguishing systems

The Ship Registry has adopted the IMO Guidelines for the Maintenance and Inspections of Fixed Carbon Dioxide
Fire-extinguishing Systems (MSC.1/Circ.1318). Please note there are two significant changes in MSC.1/Circ.1318
compared to the existing Ship Registry’s requirements which are:
1. At the 10 yearly inspection, at least 10% of the total number of CO2 cylinders provided must be subjected
to an internal inspection and hydrostatic test. If one or more cylinders fail, a total of 50% of the onboard
cylinders must be tested. If further cylinders fail, all cylinders must be tested; and
2. Flexible hoses must be replaced at the intervals recommended by the manufacturer and not exceeding
every 10 years. The ship’s operator must ensure that any Manx registered ships they operate who have not
completed the two requirements stated above must ensure they have been completed as soon as possible
and at the latest during the ship’s next planned dry-dock.

Hydraulic pressure testing

The test pressure applied for all cylinders and extinguishers should be 1.5 x maximum working pressure, which
should be held for at least one minute. The test pressure should be clearly stamped on each compressed gas
cylinder and clearly marked on each extinguisher. Where cylinders are sent ashore for re-charging, the pressure test
requirements for the local authority may override, but should not be less stringent, than the above requirements.
13. Rejection
Extinguishers or cylinders failing any inspection or test shall be rendered unserviceable and disposed of
accordingly. An entry in the records must be made to show when any extinguisher or cylinder has been rejected and
for what reason.

Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 83

16.3 Fire detection and extinguishing systems and equipment allowed to be serviced
onboard in accordance with performance specification and legislative requirements

Various Fixed fire-extinguishing systems

1. Fire-main System: a) Single Fire-main System b) Looped Fire-main system

P a g e | 84 Advanced Fire Fighting

The fire-main system is the ship's first line of defense against fire. It is designed to supply water to all areas of
the vessel, particularly all the fire stations located throughout the ship.

Components of Fire-main system

1. Fire Pumps – provide the power to move water through the piping to fire stations located throughout the

The three (3) required components

of a fire station hydrant

a. Fire Hose – a flexible tube that is used to transport water from the hydrant to the fire

b. Nozzles and Applicators – a device fitted to the end of a fire hose that provides the firefighter with
control over the delivery pattern and pressure of the water or extinguishing agent.

c. Spanner Wrench – a special tool designed specifically for tightening or breaking apart fire-hose

Fire Stations – consists basically of a fire hydrant (water outlet) with valve and associated hose and nozzles.
and other fire-fighting equipments.
2. Water Sprinkler Systems

‐ Automatic sprinkler system
‐ Manual sprinkler system

Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 85

3. Water Spray Systems
Water spray systems are similar to sprinkler systems but make
use of a different type of head and a different piping

Typical spray head. There is no fusible

link; the head is open at all times
4. Foam Systems
Foam systems are acceptable as fire protection for boiler rooms, machinery spaces and pump rooms on all
vessels. Foam may be generated chemically or mechanically.

5. Carbon Dioxide Systems

Carbon dioxide (CO2) systems are used to protect cargo spaces, pump rooms, generator rooms, storage
spaces such as paint and lamp lockers, galley ranges and duct systems. They are also used in engine rooms
and to protect individual generators. Two (2) fixed CO2 systems are used for the vessel's protection: The total-
flooding system for machinery space and the cargo system.

P a g e | 86 Advanced Fire Fighting

6. Dry Chemical Deck Systems
The system is used to protect the cargo deck area and all loading-station manifolds on the ship. Each deck
system is actually made up of several independent skid-mounted units. The units are placed on deck so that
they protect overlapping areas. The units are self-contained firefighting systems that use dry chemical.

7. Inert Gas System for Tanker Vessels

Although the inert gas system is not a fire extinguishing system, it is designed to prevent fires and explosions.
The system is capable of supplying a gas mixture with an oxygen content of 5% or less by volume to a cargo
tank. It is operated as necessary to maintain an inert atmosphere in the cargo tanks except during gas freeing
operations. The inert gas system is composed of a gas generator, a scrubber, blowers, distribution lines,
valves, instrumentation, alarms and controls.

Inspection and Servicing of Fire Appliances and Equipment

Fire alarms
A plan should be available which shows the positions of fire alarms and the actuating switches. A schedule
should be prepared that shows dates when surveys, inspections, maintenance and testing should be carried out
and a record should be kept of defects found and of repairs carried out.

Fire-detection equipment
A scheme/plan should be prepared and operated. Additionally, the maintenance schedule should include:
Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 87
- Testing the correct operation of each head or probe, as appropriate, for:
• Smoke (ion) detectors
• Flame detectors (infrared or ultraviolet rays from the flames)
• Heat detectors (thermal contact)
• Rate-of-change-of-temperature detector
• Bursting temperature of sprinkler bulb in a sprinkler system
- Cleaning and checking of contacts and other components in the control box and ensuring that connection to
the fire-alarm system operates correctly.

Fixed fire-extinguishing equipment

A scheme/plan should be prepared and operated for each type of fixed fire-extinguishing equipment.
The maintenance schedule for a sprinkler system should also include:
- Checking that the water level and air pressure in the pressure vessel are correct and, if not, adjusting as
- Checking that the sprinkler pump starts if pressure is reduced to the correct level
- Checking that all zone and stop valves are workable and are in correct position for service
- Checking that all sprinkler bulbs are unobstructed

The maintenance schedule for a carbon dioxide system should also include:
- Testing the level of liquid gas in the cylinders by
• The isotope method
• The weighing method
- Checking that the siren that gives warning that gas is about to be released operates correctly
- Checking that the gas outlets in the spaces protected are unobstructed

The maintenance schedule for a fixed-pressure water-spraying system should also include checking that the
nozzles are unobstructed.
The maintenance schedule for a foam system should also include:
- Checking that the foam-making chemical is visible and that the expansion rate is satisfactory when water is
- Checking (on tankers) that the deck monitors operate correctly
- Checking that the engine-room applications the foam outlets and spreaders are clear and that the pipes are
free of corrosion products

Fire main, hydrants, hoses and nozzles

A scheme/plan should be prepared and operated.
The inspection and maintenance of the fire main and its associated piping in terms of:
- Testing the system for leaks
- Inspecting the pipes for corrosion
- Keeping hydrants and coupling lugs moveable
- Attending to leaks
- Having alternatives in place when shutting down or removing a part of the system
- Inspecting relief valves
- Keeping adequate spares of hand-wheels, spindles, gaskets, coupling lugs, washers and valves
P a g e | 88 Advanced Fire Fighting
The inspection and maintenance of fire hoses and nozzles in terms of:
- Pressure-testing hoses
- Moving spray nozzles through their operating range
- Keeping coupling lugs moveable
- Checking on washers
- Keeping adequate spares for hoses, coupling lugs, washers and nozzles

The measures that have to be taken in icy conditions to keep the fire-main system free of ice include:
- Shut down the pump and close valves as required
- Drain all water from pipes
- Keep checking that the system remains empty of water
- Putting up warning notices on the bridge that the fire main has been drained of water

The practice of opening one or more hydrant valves does not prevent the system from becoming frozen in icy

The Maintenance and inspection of fire protection systems and appliances

The minimum level of maintenance and inspection for fire protection systems and appliances onboard ship’s as
per maintenance plan, must be in accordance and as required by SOLAS regulation II-2/14 and guidelines published
by the International Maritime Organization which are intended to ensure that fire systems are kept in good working
order as specified in SOLAS Regulation II-2/

1. Operational readiness
All fire protection systems and appliances must be in good order at all times and be readily available for immediate
use while the ship is in service. If a fire protection system is undergoing maintenance, testing or repair, then
suitable arrangements must be made to ensure safety is not diminished through the provision of alternate fixed or
portable fire protection equipment or other measures.

2. Maintenance and testing

Onboard maintenance and inspections must be carried out in accordance with the ship’s maintenance plan. Certain
maintenance procedures and inspections may be performed by competent crew members , while others should be
performed by persons specially trained in the maintenance of such systems.

3. Weekly testing and inspections

1. Fixed fire detection and alarm systems
2. Fixed gas fire-extinguishing systems
3. Fire doors
4. Public address and general alarm systems
5. Breathing apparatus
• examine all breathing apparatus & EEBD cylinder gauges to confirm they are in the correct pressure range.
6. Low-location lighting
7. Water mist, water spray and sprinkler systems

4. Monthly testing and inspections

Monthly inspections must be carried out to ensure that the indicated actions are taken for the specified equipment.
1. Fire mains, fire pumps, hydrants, hoses and nozzles
2. Fixed gas fire-extinguishing systems
Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 89
3. Foam fire-extinguishing systems
4. Water mist, water spray and sprinkler systems
5. Firefighter’s outfits
6. Fixed dry chemical powder systems
7. Fixed aerosol extinguishing systems
8. Portable foam applicators
9. Wheeled (mobile) fire extinguishers
10. Fixed fire detection and alarm systems

5. Quarterly testing and inspections

Quarterly inspections must be carried out to ensure that the indicated actions are taken for the specified
1. Fire mains, fire pumps, hydrants, hoses and nozzles
2. Foam fire-extinguishing systems
3. Ventilation systems and fire dampers
4. Fire doors

6. Annual testing and inspections

Annual inspections must be carried out to ensure that the indicated actions are taken for the specified equipment:
1. Fire mains, fire pumps, hydrants, hoses and nozzles
2. Fixed fire detection and fire alarm systems
3. Fixed gas fire-extinguishing systems
4. Foam fire-extinguishing systems
5. Water mist, water spray and sprinkler systems
6. Ventilation systems and fire dampers
7. Fire doors
8. Breathing apparatus
9. Fixed dry chemical powder systems
10. Fixed aerosol extinguishing systems
11. Portable foam applicators
12. Wheeled (mobile) fire extinguishers
13. Galley and deep fat cooking fire-extinguishing systems

7. Two-year testing and inspections

Two-year inspections must be carried out to ensure that the indicated actions are taken for the specified equipt.
1. Fixed gas fire-extinguishing systems
2. Fixed dry chemical powder systems

8. Five-year service
At least once every five years, the following inspections should be carried out for the specified equipment.
1. Fixed gas fire-extinguishing systems
2. Foam fire-extinguishing systems
3. Water mist, water spray and sprinkler systems
4. Breathing apparatus
5. Low-location lighting
6. Wheeled (mobile) fire extinguishers

P a g e | 90 Advanced Fire Fighting

9. Ten-year service
At least once every 10 years, the following inspections should be carried out for the specified equipment:
1. Fixed gas fire-extinguishing systems (for CO2 systems refer to Section 11)
2. Water mist, water spray and sprinkler systems
3. Fixed dry chemical powder systems
4. Fixed aerosol extinguishing systems
5. Wheeled (mobile) fire extinguishers

Advanced Fire Fighting P a g e | 91

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