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1. Which statement is WRONG?
A. If only I had more time I could relax.
B. If only he hadn't told his mother everything.
C. Only if you clean up your room, will you find your lost jeans.
D. If you dry only your dishes with a towel, will they be spotless.

2. Which statement is WRONG?

A. We'll go home earlier if we finish our task earlier, too.
B. We'll bring some fruits unless you wish.
C. You will have good grades unless you get emotionally disturbed by your friend's demise.
D. We'll arrive at 8:00 A.M. unless our train is late.

3. The officers and members of the club are ______ for the convention.
A. all ready
B. already
C. already very ready
D. all ready with

4. The organizers ____ met to finalize the program.

A. all ready
B. already
C. should
D. shall

5. They ate _____ at the Japanese restaurant.

A. all together
B. altogether
C. with one another
D. all

6. The parents felt ______ ecstatic when their sons topped the exam.
A. altogether
B. all together
C. everyone
D. together

7. Discipline is a ______ for hard work.

A. complement
B. compliment
C. complementary
D. Complimentary

8. Responses to _____ vary across cultures.

A. complements
B. compliments
C. complementary
D. complimentary

9. I sat _______ an army officer in the airplane.

A. beside
B. besides
C. on the side of
D. at the side of

10. She thought of no one ____ her sick mother during the PAFTE convention.
A. besides
B. beside
C. on t e side of
D. at the side of

11. Which statements are grammatically correct?

1. Jose is very smart he began reading when he was three years old.
2. Jose is very smart, he began reading when he was three years old.
3. Jose is very smart; he began reading when he was three years old.
4. Jose is very smart, for he began reading when he was three years old.
A. 1 and 3
B. 2 and 3
C. 3 and 4
D. 1 and 4

12. May we request everyone to put their cellphones in silent mode? Which is WRONG with the statement?
A. The word "their" should be "your"
B. The word "everyone" should be "you"
C. Insert "of you" after "everyone"
D. 'Replace "their" with "his/her"

13. Everybody must bring their own lunch. Which statement serves as the CORRECT statement?
A. Everybody must bring his or her own lunch.
B. Everybody must bring their own lunch.
C. Every body must bring their lunch.
D. Everybody must bring our own lunch.

14. At eight years old, my mother gave me an Ipod for Christmas. Is this CORRECT?
A. Yes.
B. No. Mother was eight years old when she gave the Ipod for Christmas.
C. No, the statement should be "My mother gave me, at eight years old, an Ipod for Christmas.
D. Yes, if "mother" is capitalized.

15. An expert in artificial intelligence is expected to lecture on artificial intelligence in an authoritarian manner. Is
"authoritarian "used CORRECTY?
A. No.
B. Yes.
C. No, it should be replaced with "authoritative".
D. Yes. It has the same meaning as "authoritative".

16. You will be serve on a first come, first serve basis. Which is a CORRECT version of this statement?
A. You will be served on a first come, first served basis.
B. You will be served on a first come, first serve basis.
C. You will be served on a first come, first served basis.
D. You will serve on a first come, first serve basis..

17. It was a breathe of fresh air to meet someone who spoke candidly on artificial intelligence. Where lies the error of
the sentence?
A. "breathe" should be "breath"
B. "breathe" should be "breathed"
C. Replace "a breathe "with "breathes"
D. No error in the sentence

18. In which statement/s is i.e.correctly used?

I. The standard discount applies, i.e, 10%.
II. I went to my least favorite place, i.e., the dentist's clinic.
III. Try using easy-to-read fonts, i.e., Arial and Verdana.
A. I only
B. II only
C. I and II
D. I, II and III

19. In which statement/s is e.g. correctly used?

I. Our backup drives, e.g. drives F and G, are new.
II. Some staff, e.g. John and Tony, are on leave.
III. Mammals, e.g. man, whale, and bird are warm-blooded animals.
A. I only
B. II only
C. I and II
D. I, II and III

20. Which part of the sentence needs improvement? Schools must help learners master basic skills, interpersonal
skills and how to live.
A. "help" must be "helped"
B. "master" should be "muster"
C. "master" should be "mastered"
D. "how to live" must be made parallel to "basic skills' and "interpersonal skills

21. Teacher challenged her students to boldly go where no man has gone before. Which is an improved version of the
given sentence?
A. Teacher challenged her students to go boldly where no man has gone before.
B. Teacher challenge her students to boldly go where no man has gone before.
C. Teacher challenged her students to boldly go where no man went before.
D. Teacher challenges her students to boldly go where no man has gone before.
22. Where is the error in the sentence? Irregardless of what you think about school and community partnership, school
and community partnership has been proven to contribute to improved school performance.
A. Irregardless
B. school and community partnership has been proven
C. to contribute to improved school performance
D. about school and community partnership

23. Is this sentence correct? "When worse comes to worse, everyone has to observe home quarantine strictly."
A. Yes.
B. No, it should be "When worst comes to worse..."
C. No, it should be "When worst comes to worst..."
D. No, it should be when "the bad becomes worst...

24. Don't loose heart. This Covid-19 pandemic will pass. Which is the correct sentence?
A. Don't loose a heart. The Covid 19 pandemic will pass.
B. Don't lose your heart. The Covid 19 pandemic will pass.
C. Don't lose heart. The Covid 19 pandemic will pass.
D. Don't lose hearts. The Covid 19 pandemic will pass.

25. I can't hardly believe what she said. Is this sentence correct?
A. Yes.
B. No.
C. No, it should be "I can hardly believe..."
D. No, it should be, I will hardly believe..."

26. You send the assignment through e-mail to Arielle and I.

Is the sentence CORRECT?
A. Yes.
B. No. "send "should be "sent"
C. Yes, if "1" comes before Arielle.
D. No. "I" should be "me".

27. Celia, the President of the class, couldn't bear it any longer so she decided to ___ to her best friend. Which
idiomatic expression should be put on the blank?
A. go back to square one
B. go bananas
C. be as hard as nails
D. bare her heart (or soul) to someone

28. Which idiomatic expression is appropriate for the sentence? What I like about the principal is that he _____. It
makes thing so much easier for everyone.
A. bears the brunt-
B. Is bent out of shape
C. Is close to home
D. calls a spade a spade

29. Which group of words is appropriate for the blank? One ______ strongly suggests that schools do not just teach
the basic skills but also develop in children self-awareness, self-control, and interpersonal skills which are vital for
success and happiness in school, work, and life.
A. school of thought
B. school of hard knocks -
C. close to home
D. back to square one

30. Complete the sentence with the correct idiomatic expression. Kenn learned interpersonal skills from the
A. school of hard knocks
B. school of thought
C. close to home
D. back to square one

31. Complete the sentence with the correct idiomatic expression. Our experiment failed so we are _______
A. close to home
B. back to square one
C. bent out of shape
D. in cahoots with someone
32. Complete the sentence with the correct idiomatic expression. There was a rumor in class that one class officer
was ___ a group of cheaters during the examination.
A. in cahoots
B. bent out of shape
C. close to home
D. back to square one

33. Complete the sentence with the correct idiomatic expression. I bid goodbye to my classmates with _____
A. bent out of shape
B. fish out of water
C. bent out of shape
D. lump in your throat

34. Complete the sentence with correct idiom. As a transferee for this pandemic school year, I felt like a _______
A. a fish out of water
B. close to home
C. bent out of shape
D. back to square one

35. While lecturing on artificial intelligence, the audience was all ears. Which is an improvement of the sentence?
wrong with the sentence?
A. While lecturing on artificial intelligence, she saw that the audience was all cars.
B. While lecturing regarding artificial intelligence, the audience was all ears,
C. While lecturing on artificial intelligence, the audience was all ears.
D. While lecturing on artificial intelligence, all cars was the audience.

36. Kids are ____ Minecraft. Which words complete the sentence correctly?
A. fun of
B. fond of
C. fond with
D. fun for

37. Naschielle was born ____ the 15th of February.

A. on
C. in
B. at
D. during

38. The continuing professional development seminar on inclusive education for professional teachers will commence
___ march
A. on
B. during
C. in
D. at

39. For adventure, the teacher excursionists drove ______ the tunnel
A. at
B. on
C. in
D. through

40-54 Which is the grammatical error in each of the following sentences? Which is the necessary correction?
40. One of the reason why he is hardly innovative is his lack of self-confidence.
A. "One of the reason" - should be "One of the reasons"
B. "why he is "should be "why is he"
C. "his lack" - should be "the lack"
D. "of self-confidence" - should be "the lack of self-confidence"

41. To innovate is to used technology.

A. "innovate" - should be "inovate"
B. "To innovate" - should be "Innovating"
C. "to used" should be "to use "
D. "technology" should be Technology"

42. If you want fast feedbacks, employ appropriate technological tools.

A. "fast feedbacks" - should be "feedbacks" only; no more "fast"
B. "tools" should be "tool"
C. If you want" should be "If you wish"
D. "feedbacks" should be "feedback"

43. Those who are highly innovative and creative are the ones who takes full advantage of technology.
A. "Those" should be "The ones"
B. "highly innovative" - should be "innovative" only
C. "are the ones" - should be "are the one"
D. "who takes" - should be "who take"

44. An innovative teacher has the ability to collaborate creatively with their colleagues.
A. "with their colleagues" - should be "with his/her colleagues"
B. "has the ability" - should be "has the capacity"
C. "colleagues" should be "colleague"
D. "An" - "An" should be deleted

45. We are the only ones who can limit my creativity.

A. "We are" - should be "I am"
B. "the only ones" - should be "the only one"
C. "my creativity" - should be "our creativity"
D. "can limit" - should be "limit" only

46. In innovation, does creativity, collaboration and technology meet?

A. "In innovation" - should be "In inovation"
B. "does" should be "did"
C. does" should be "do"
D. "technology" should be cooperation"

47. In this pandemic did technology made teachers and students more innovative?
A. "pandemic" - should be "Pandemic"
B. "did technology" - should be "does technology"
C. "made" should be "make"
D. "innovative" - should be "innovating"

48. Teachers and students have become highly innovative and collaborative. They have taken advantaged of
technology to collaborate.
A. "innovative" - should be "inovative"
B. "have taken" - should be "have took"
C. "advantaged" - should be "advantage"
D. "of technology" - should be "with technology"

49. We'll going to show you how to innovate.

A. "We'll going" - should be "We'll be going"
B. "We'll going - should be "We were"
C. "how" - delete "how"
D. "innovate" - should be "inovate"

50. We are meant to be social and so everybody are meant to collaborate.

A." are meant" - should be "are mean"
B. "to be social" - should be "to be socialized"
C. " everybody are meant" - should be "everybody is meant"
D. "everybody are meant" - should be "everybody were meant"

51. The teacher always want her students to be creative by collaborating with the use of technology.
A. "The teacher always want" - should be "The teacher always wants"
B. "her students" - should be "his students"
C. "with the use" - should be "in the use"
D. "creative" - should be "creating"

52. With technology, schools have become more creative and innovative in spite the pandemic.
A. "With technology," delete the, (comma)
B. "more creative" - delete "more"
C." in spite" should be "despite"
D. " in spite" - should be despite of"
53. To used technology creatively, teachers and learners alike are led to collaboration and innovation.
A. "To used" - should be "To use"
B. "To used technology creatively" should be "To creatively used technology"
C. "are led" should be "are lead"
D. "teachers and learners alike" - should be "both teachers and learners"

54.I did not believed in the innovative power of technology combined with creativity and collaboration.
A. "innovative" - should be inovative
B. "did not believed" - should be "did not believe"
C. "in the innovative power" - should be "the innovative power"
D. "combined with" - should be "combine with"

55. I can't cope up with course requirements so I am thinking of dropping it.

A. "cope up" - should be "cope"
B. "with the course requirements" - should be "in the course requirements"
C. "am thinking" should be "will be thinking"
D. "of dropping it "- "in dropping it"

56. We should teach our students creative and critical thinking so that they can be able to cope with life in the 21st
A. "cope" should be "cope up"
B. "cope" - should be "coped up"
C. "can be able" - should be " are able"
D. "to cope with"- should be "cope up with"

57. A man due to be sentenced tomorrow for cold blood murder has been found ______ in his cell.
A. hunging
B. hung
C. hanging
D. hang

58. It says in the research report that children who were first taught in their mother tongue performed better in school
and learned a second language much faster than those who were not first taught in the mother tongue.
A. "who were first taught" - should be "who were taught first"
B. "performed better" - should be "perform better"
C. "learned a second language much faster" - should be "learned a second language more faster"
D. "It says in the research report" - should be "The research report says"

59. This is the way how to compute grades in the K to 12 curriculum.

A. "This is the way how" should be "This is the way" or "This is how"
B. "to compute grades" - should be "to solve grades"
C. K to 12 curriculum - should be "K to twelve curriculum
D. "to compute grades" - should be "to grade"

60. We drove further south, making excellent time on the almost empty roads.
Is the word "further" used in the sentence correctly?
A. Yes.
B. No, it should be "farther".
C. Yes, you can use either " farther" or "further"
D. "further' should be replaced with "far"

61. Which sentence is CORRECT?

A. The meeting ended without any plans for further discussions.
B. Prices will likely drop farther next year.
C. She went farther away from her family than she had gone before.
D. I study a subject further further.

62. Are the following sentences CORRECT?

Since I quit drinking I became healthier. Because I quit drinking I no longer wake up in my own vomit.
A. Yes.
B. Only the first sentence is correct
C. Only the second sentence is correct
D. Both sentences are wrong.

63. In which sentence is "uninterested" used CORRECTLY?

A. Good referees must be uninterested.
B. I'm uninterested in books. I'm interested in movies.
C. Let the company call in an uninterested mediator to settle the dispute.
D. Judges and referees are supposed to be uninterested.

64. In which sentences is "disinterested" used CORRECTLY?

I. Sallie is disinterested in algebra.
II. Judges and referees are supposed to be disinterested
III. Let the company call in a disinterested mediator to settle the dispute.
A. II and III
B. I and III
C. I and I
D. I, II and III

65. Read the 2 sentences then answer the question:

a) Take this note to the principal.
b) Bring this note to the principal.
Which sentence is CORRECT?
A. a
B. b
C. None
D. It depends on the location of the principal.

66. Read the following sentences then determine which sentence/s is/are CORRECT
1. He alluded to a time in the past when he was young and happy.
2. The instructor referred us to page 20 in the text.
3. The refugees eluded the border patrol.
4. He illuded us into thinking he was a British earl.
Which sentence/s is are CORRECT?
A. 1 and 2
B. I and 3
C. 1, 2 and 3
D. 1, 2, 3 and 4

67. Are the following sentences CORRECT?

a. He sat besides me.
b. Beside the mortgage, I have car payments to make.
A. Yes
B. No.
C. Only sentence a
D. Only sentence b

68. For the test last December, I prepared true-false-test, completion test, multiple choice test and etc. Where is the
error in the sentence?
A. The comma after the word" test"
B. Repeated use of the word "test"
C. "prepared" should be prepare
D. "and etc."

69. The past passed quickly. Where lies the error?

A. "past" should be "passed"
B. "passed" should be "past"
C. No error
D. Only "past" should be used

70. The past is passed down to us. How is "past" used in the sentence?
A. Noun
B. Verb
C. Adjective
D. Adverb

71.1 ______ the point of no return when I _____ semester) as I was passing through my ____ school classroom.
A. passed-passed-past-past
B. past-past-passed-passed
C. Past-passed-past-passed
D. passed-past-passed-past
72. The days for mourning are now past. How is " past " used in the sentence?
A. Noun
B. Adjective
C. Adverb
D. Preposition

73. "It is almost half past five." How is " past" used in the sentence?
A. Noun
B. Adjective
C. Adverb
D. Preposition

74. One research finding in a study of Education graduates' performance in the Licensure Examination for
Professional Teachers (LEPT) was this: There is no significant difference in the LEPT rating in the professional
education of teacher education graduates and non-teacher education graduates. What does this mean?
A. The performance of teacher education graduates and non-teacher education graduates in the professional
education component of the LEPT is the same.
B. Compared to the teacher education graduates, the non- teacher education graduates scored lower in the
professional education part of the LEPT.
C. Compared to the non-teacher education graduates, the teacher education graduates scored lower in the
professional education part of the LEPT.
D. Both teacher and non-teacher education graduates performed very well in the professional education component of
the LEPT.

75. In a research on the Licensure Examination for Professional Teachers (LEPT) i was found out that among the
three components of the LEPT, ratings were lowest in specialization. Which recommendation is in order?
A. Delete the specialization part of the LEPT.
B. Teacher education institutions must give more attention to the teaching of the specialization subjects.
C. Review centers should give review only in specialization.
D. Teacher education students should enroll in the elementary education program which requires no specialization

76. A number of Licensure Examination for Professional Teachers' examinees are LEPT repeaters not only once, but
twice and even more. What does this imply?
A. The reliability of the LEPT
B. The first take of the LEPT improves the second or third take of the LEPT
C. The unreliability of the LEPT
D. Lack of supply for teachers

77. Which statements do you find in the statement of the problem in a research?
A. This study seeks answers to the following questions: 1) ...; 2) and 3)...
B. I intend to seek answers to the following questions: 1) ...; 2) and 3)...
C. The following questions:1)..., 2)..., and 3)... need to be answered by this research
D. This study will certainly find answers to the following questions: 1)....2)... and 3)...

78. Here are a heading and greeting of a letter of invitation to a resource speaker for a seminar for teachers.
January 22, 2023
Our Lady of Lourdes College
Dear Ma'am,
Which needs to be corrected?
A. The greeting should end with a colon not comma.
B. The date should not be written.
C. Write "Dear Dr. Ma. Trinidad in the greeting in place of Ma'am.
D. MA., the first name of the adressee must be Ma.

79. The teacher told her students: "Lend me your ears"? What did the teacher want her students to do?
A. Draw their ears then submit drawings to her
B. Listen attentively
C. Clean their cars so they can hear well
D. Position their body in such a way that one ear faces the teacher

80. It is raining cats and dogs. What does it mean?

A. There are many roaming cats and dogs.
B. The students are behaving like cats and dogs.
C. The students fight like cats and dogs.
D. It is raining very hard.

81. Identify the error of the sentence:

Did your boss approved of your application for leave?
A. leave
B. approved
C. Did
D. boss

82. Which is the correct version of this sentence: Did your boss approved of your application for leave?
A. Does your boss approved of your application for leave?
B. Is your boss approved of your application for leave?
C. Do your boss approved of your application for leave?
D. Did your boss approve of your application for leave?

83. Can you repeat your answer again? Is this grammatically correct?
A. Yes, for emphasis use "repeat" and "again" together.
B. No, use of "repeat" and "again" is redundant.
C. Yes, for emphasis, "for the second time" may also be added.
D. No, but a speaker may be able to justify the grammatically wrong sentence.

84. Read this sentence then identify what is wrong with it.
Scientists report no human deaths due to excessive alcohol consumption. Although excessive alcohol does cause
convulsions and death in certain animals.
A. The message of the sentence is wrong.
B. The second sentence is a sentence fragment.
C. The sentence is complicated.
D. The sentence is quite long.

85. Fidel Castro's communist principles led to an ideological conflict between he and President John F. Kennedy.
What's the grammatical error in the sentence?
A. Wrong case of pronoun "he"
B. Wrong preposition "between"
C. Wrong word used "ideological"
D. Principles must be "principles"

86. Point the error of this sentence.

In the worsening Covid crisis its uncertain who's to blame.
A. "its" should be "it's"
B. who's should be "whose"
C. "worsening" should be "Worse"
D. "crisis" should be "crises"

87. Point the error of this sentence.

In the worsening Covid crisis it's uncertain whose to blame.
A. "worsening" should be "worstening"
B. "it's" should be "its"
C. whose" should be "who's
D. "crisis" should be "crises"

88. She is fond of giving unsolicited advise. What's wrong with sentence and how should it be corrected?
A. "fond of" should be "fun of"
B. "advise" should be "advice"
C. "fond of" should be "fond in"
D. "of giving" should be "to give"

89. She is fun of giving unsolicited advice. What's wrong with sentence and how should it be corrected?
A. "fun of" should be "fond of"
B. "advice" should be "advise"
C. "of giving" should be "to give"
D. "fun of" should be "fond in"

90. Arielle conscienciously does what is expected of her as a college student. Which word in the sentence is
misspelled and how should it be spelled?
A. "college" should be "College"
B. "student" should be "Student"
C. "conscienciously" should be "consciensiously"
D. conscienciously" should be "conscientiously:"

91. I love to write short stories I would write one this summer vacation if I had the time.
What's wrong with the sentence?
A. It is a run-on sentence.
B. It is a compound sentence.
C. I "would" should be I "will".
D. if I had the time should be if I have time.

92. I love to write short stories I would write one this summer vacation if I had the time. How should the sentence be, if
A. I love to write short stories. I would write one this summer vacation if I had the time.
B. Because I love to write short stories. I would write one this summer vacation if I had the time.
C. I will write one this summer vacation. If I had the time because I love to write short stories.
D. I will write one this summer vacation I will have time because I love to write short stories.

93. This morning, he ___ the book on the shelf. Which is the correct verb?
A. laid
B. lay
C. lied
D. lain

94. Do you have your sweetheart _____ you?

A. besides
B. over
C. beside
D. from

95. We have just

A. began
B. begin
C. begun
D. beginning

96. What do the research findings____

A. imply
B. conclude
C. infer
D. dictate

97. If you see your teacher's bag on her chair, you might ____ that she has arrived in school.
A. imply
B. conclude
C. infer
D. dictate

98. Occassionally, the committee argues on the budget of the company. Rewrite the misspelled word correctly.
A. committee should be "comittee"
B. Occassionally should be "Occasionally"
C. committee should be "committee"
D. Occassionaly should be "Ocassionally"

99. The driver filled the tank with gasoline.

A. up
B. out
C. in
D. No preposition after "filled"

100. To which academic unit do you belong to? Which should be the correct question?
A. To what academic unit do you belong to?
B. To what academic unit you belong?
C. To which academic unit do you belong?
D. Which academic unit you belong?
101. Mahalaga ang pag-aaral ng ponolohiya ng isang wika upang matutunan ang
Tamang ___ ng mga ito.
A. tunog
B. artikulasyon
C. kahulugan
D. pinagmulan

102. Ponema ang tawag sa mga tunog ng isang wika. Kailan masasabing makabuluhan ang isang ponema?
A. Kapag ito ay naidudugtong sa isang salita.
B. Kapag naiiba nito ang kahulugan ng salitang kinabibilangan nito.
C. Kapag ginagamit ito nang maraming beses sa isang salita.
D. Kapag ito ay nagagamit sa lahat ng wika sa mundo.

103. Saan ang punto ng artikulasyon ng mga ponemang /p/, /b/, at /m/?
A. ngipin
B. labi
C. galagid
D. lalamunan

104. Ang mga ponemang /s/, /z/, // at /r/ ay binibigkas sa ibabaw ng punong dila na dumidikit sa punong gilagid kaya
ang punto ng artikulasyon ng mga ito ay:
A. pangngalangala
B. panlalamunan
C. pandila
D. panggilagid

105. Alin sa mga sumusunod na salita ang walang diptonggo?

A. baliw
B. bahay
C. reyna
D. saliwan

106. Alinman sa ponemang patinig na lal, lel, fil, lol, at /u/ na ng malapatinig na /w/ at /y/ sa loob ng isang pantig ay
A. ponema
B. morpema
C. diptonggo
D. katinig

107. Ang _____ na maituturing na kambal katinig ay binubuo nG dalawang magkasunod na katinig sa isang pantig.
A. klaster
B. diptonggo
C. pares minimal
D. ponemang malayang nagpapalitan

108. Aling ang hindi kasama sa pangkat?

A. blusa
B. kwento
C. dragon
D. kard

109. Bakit hindi maaaring sabihing klaser ang digrap na /ng/?

A. Wala ito sa alpabeto ng ibang bansa.
B. Ito ay binibigkas na may tunog na /?/.
C. Ito ay binubuo ng dalawang katinig.
D. Ito ay ibinibilang na isang ponema.

110. Ang mga sumusunod na dalawang pares ng salita ay mga halimbawa ng pare minimal maliban sa:
A. tila/tela
B. pala/bala
C. bata/pata
D. mama/mata
111. Alin ang hindi kasama sa pangkat?
A. marami/madami
B. babae/babai
C. mabuti/mabute
D. tutuo/totoo

112. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang hindi ponemang segmental?

A. katinig
B. intonasyon
C. patinig
D. klaster

113. Alin ang nangangahulugan ng "sprout"?

A. /tu.boh/
B. /
C. /tuboh2/
D. /tuh.boh/

114. Ginagamit ang ___ kapag tinutukoy ang tindi ng damdamin sa pagsasalita. Sa pamamagitan nito, malalaman
ang kahulugan ng pahayag na kanyang gustong sabihin.
A. tono
B. punto
C. intonasyon
D. tuldik

115. Alin sa mga sumusunod na salita ang may diin na malumanay?

A. mayaman
B. timpalak
C. panahon
D. bata

116. Ang diing mabilis ay gumagamit ng tuldik na

A. pahilis
B. paiwa
C. pakupya
D. walang tuldik.

117. Ang mga salitang maragsa ay laging nagtatapos sa

A. katinig
B. patinig
C. klaster
D. diptonggo

118. Alin sa mga sumusunod na halimbawa ng salitang pinantig ang sumusunod sa tuntunin na ito ng pagpapantig?
Kapag may magkasunod na dalawa o higit pang patinig sa posisyong inisyal, midyal, at pinal na salita, ito ay
ihihiwalay sa mga patinig.
A. aalis: a-a-lis
B. asembleya: a-sem-ble-ya
C. tokwa: tok-wa
D. eksperimento: eks-pe-ri-men-to

119. Alin sa mga sumusunod na halimbawa ng salitang pinantig ang sumusunod sa tuntunin na ito ng pagpapantig?
Kapag may dalawang magkaibang katinig na magkasunod sa loob ng isang salita, maging katutubo o hiram man, ang
una ay kasama sa patinig na sinusundan at ang pangalawa ay sa patinig na kasunod.
A. pinto: pin-to
B. alis: a-lis
C. sentro: sen-tro
D. simple: sim-ple

120. Alin sa mga sumusunod na halimbawa ng salitang pinantig ang sumusunod sa tuntunin na ito ng pagpapantig?
Kapag may tatlo o higit pang makkakaibang katinig na magkakasunod sa loob ng isang salita, ang unang dalawa sa
patinig na sinusundan at ang huli ay sa patinig na kasunod. ay kasama
A. alambre: a-lam-bre
B. transkripsyon: trans-krip-syon
C. balandra: ba-lan-dra
D. asembleya: a-sem-ble-ya
121. Alin sa mga sumusunod na halimbawa ng salitang pinantig ang sumusunod sa tuntunin na ito ng pagpapantig?
Kapag may apat na magkakasunod na katinig sa loob ng isang salita, ang unang dalawang katinig ay kasama sa
patinig na sinusundan at ang huling dalawa ay sa patinig na kasunod.
A. eksklusibo: eks-klu-si-bo
B. alambre: a-lam-bre
C. maaga: ma-a-ga
D. kinopya: ki-nop-ya

122. "Ibon mang may layang lumipad, kulungin mo at umiiyak". Ang pinapahalagan
sa linyang ito ay:
A. kagipitan
B. kalayaan
C. kabiguan
D. kahirapan

123. Bakit magulo? Kami po ay _____ sa paghahanda sa Araw ng Kalayaan.

A. ababalang-abala
B. abala-abala
C. abalang-abala
D. abalang-abalang

124. Alin sa mga sumusunod na pangungusap ang may pinakatamang ayos?

A. Ipinasyal ng kapatid ko ang mga panauhin sa bayan na kararating lamang.
B. Ipinasyal ng kapatid ko ang mga panauhing kararating lamang sa bayan.
C. Ang mga panauhing lamang ay kararating ay ipinasyal ng kapatid ko sa bayan.
D. Panauhing kararating lamang ay ipinapasyal ng mga kapatid ko sa bayan.

125. Matamis ang dila ng kanilang kandidato kaya lagi siyang nananalo tuwing eleksyon. Ano ang ibig sabihin ng mga
salitang nasalungguhitan?
A. kumakain ng kendi
B. mahusay humikayat
C. sanga-sanga ang dila
D. marunong mang-aliw

126. Siya ay _____ sa Sacred Heart Hospital bukas.

A. ooperahin
B. pinaopera
C. ooperahan
D. operahan

127. _____ mo ng langis ang kanyang mga paa para uminit nang kaunti.
A. pahiran
B. pinahiran
C. pahirin
D. ipinahid

128. Alin sa mga sumusunod na salita ang may tuldik na maragsa?

A. kulay
B. mukha
C. haba
D. pako

129. Piliin sa mga sumusunod na pahayag ang pinakatamang salin ng salawikain mula sa Latin na "audentis fortuna
A. Ang kapalaran ay parang gulong lamang.
B. May biyaya ang mga matatapang.
C. Pinapaboran ng kapalaran ang mga matatapang.
D. Ang katapangan at kapalaran ay magkatimbang.

130. Ang "per diem" ay salitang banyaga na ginagamit din sa pakikipagtalastasan sa Filipino. Ano ang ibig sabihin
A. buwanang sahod
B. karagdagang sahod
C. arawang sahod
D. bayad sa overtime
131. Ang ____ ay pinakamaliit na yunit ng salita na nagtataglay ng kahulugan.
A. ponema
B. morpema
C. sintaks
D. semantika

132. Ang morpemang ponema ay binubuo ng ponemang kahulugang taglay na nagpapakita ng kasarian.
A. /p/ at /b/
B. /w/ at /y/
C. /o/ at /a/
D. /c/ at /h/

133. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang halimbawa ng morpemang salitang-ugat.

A. gawa
B. gawain
C. ginagawa
D. gagawin

134. Ito ay isang morpemang panlapi na may kahulugang taglay o pagkamayroon kung ikakabit sa salitang ugat.
A. mala
B. um
C. ma
D. in

135. Ang mga panlaping idinudugtong sa salitang-ugat ay maaaring makabuo ng salitang makangalan, makaurai at
makadiwa. Alin sa mga sumusunod na halimbawa ang makadiwa?
A. mag-+laro maglaro
B. ma-+sipag masipag
C. mag-+ama mag-ama
D. ma-+tapang matapang

136. Ang panlaping makangalan ay mga panlaping ikinakabit sa salitang ugat upang Imakabuo ng pangngalan. Alin
sa mga sumusunod na panlapi ang karaniwang magbibigay ng kahulugan na ito ay pook o kinaroroonan o
ginagampanan o panahon kung idudugtong sa isang salitang ugat.
A. mag
B. in
C. mang
D. an

137. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang mali ang pagkakagamit ng gitling?

A. araw-araw
B. kabi-kabila
C. pang-ako
D. ma-yari

138. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang umaayon ang pagkakasulat sa panuntunang ito ng paglalagay ng gitling? Kapag
may katagang kinalas sa pagitan ng dalawang salitang pinagsama.
A. bahay-aliwan
B. mag-isa
C. maka-Diyos
D. apat-apat

139. Ano ang tamang paraan ng pagsusulat kapag ginagamit ang ika bilang panlapi sa numero o pamilang?
A. ika-9 na buwan
B. ika 20 - rebisyon
C. ika 3:00-hapon
D. ika-20- na pahina

140. Ang gitling ay ginagamit kapag pinagkakabit o pinagsasama ang apelyido ng babae at ng kanyang bana o
asawa. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang tamang aplikasyon nito?
A. Gloria Macapagal - Aroyo
B. Gloria Macapagal - Aroyo
C. Gloria Macapagal Aroyo
D. -Gloria Macapagal-Aroyo
141. Ito ay isang panlapi na laging inilalagay sa unahan ng salitang ugat at ginagamit din sa pokus na tagaganap at
nagsasaad ng kilos.
A. um
B. mag
C. in
D. an

142. Alin ang sa sumusunod na salitang nalagyan ng panlapi ang nagpapahiwatig ng pag-uugali?
A. maglaro
B. makipaglaro
C. mapaglaro
D. nakikilaro

143. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang halimbawa ng salitang may panlaping makauri ang nagpapakita ng pagiging katulad
ng isinasaad ng salitang ugat?
A. malasibuyas
B. maka-FPJ
C. palasulat
D. mabuti

144. Anong pagbabagong morpoponemiko ang ginawa sa takip+an-takipan takpan?

A. asimilasyon
B. pagkakaltas o pagkawala ng ponema
C. pagpapalit ng ponema
D. paglilipat o metatesis

145. Anong pagbabagong morpoponemiko ang ginawa sa dugo+an-duguan?

A. asimilasyon
B. pagkakaltas o pagkawala ng ponema
C. pagpapalit ng ponema
D. paglilipat o metatesis

146. Anong pagbabagong morpoponemiko ang ginawa sa ma+dunong marunong?

A. asimilasyon
B. pagkakaltas o pagkawala ng ponema
C. pagpapalit ng ponema
D. paglilipat o metatesis

147. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang salitang tambalan?

A. kamag-aral
B. palaruan
C. tau-tauhan
D. silid-tulugan

148. Alin sa mga sumusunod na pangngalan ang hindi inuulit ang anyo?
A. paru-paro
B. sabi-sabi
C. tau-tauhan
D. tatay-tatayan

149. Alin sa mga sumusunod na halimbawa ng uri pangngalan ang di-tiyak o pangngalang pambalana?
A. tatay
B. ditse
C. asawa
D. pagamutan

150. Alin sa mga sumusunod na pangungusap ang tama ang pagkakasulat?

A. Si Dr. Galangco, ang Pangulo, ay nagbabakasyon sa Boracay.
B. Si Dr. Galangco ang Pangulo ay nagbabakasyon sa Boracay.
C. Si Dr. Galangco, ang pangulo, ay nagbabakasyon sa Boracay.
D. Si Dr. Galangco ang Pangulo, ay nagbabaksyon sa Boracay.

151. Ang panghalip ay inihahalili sa pangngalan. Alin sa mga apat na uri ng panghalip ang inihahalili sa pangalan ng
A. panghalip panao
B. panghalip pananong
C. panghalip panaklaw
D. panghalip pamatlig.

152. May tatlong panauhan (person point of view) ang panghalip panao. Ang unang panauhan, ikalawang panauhan
at ikatlong panauhan. Alin sa mga sumusunod na halimbawa ng panghalip ang nasa ikatlong panauhan?
A. ako, kata
B. mo, ninyo
C. niya, nila
D. iyo, inyo

153. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang tama ang pagkakagamit ng panghalip sa pangungusap?
A. Magkano ang pangalan mo?
B. Sino ang pangalan mo?
C. Ano ang pangalan mo?
D. Bakit ang pangalan mo?

154. Punan ang patlang ng wastong panghalip na hinihingi sa panaklong sa pangungusap na ito. Nakakalungkot ang
______ (panao) sinapit kamakailan.
A. sila
B. silang
C. kanila
D. kanilang

155. Palitan ng wastong panghalip panao ang mga salitang may salungguhit sa pangungusap na ito. Sina Jane,
Sheila, at ako ay magkakaibigan noon pa.
A. sila
B. kami.
C. tayo
D. kayo

156. Ano ang wastong panghalip-pananong ang gagamitin sa pangungusap na ito? sa mga bungangkahoy na ito ang
ibig mo sa lahat?
A. Saan
B. Alin
C. Itong
D. Sino

157. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang tama ang pagkakabanghay ng pandiwa mula pawatas, perpektibo, imperpektibo, at
A. umalis, umalis, paalis, aalis
B. alis, umalis, umaalis, aalis
C. umalis, umalis, aalis, paalis
D. alis, umalis, aalis, paalis

158. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang tama ang pagkakabanghay ng pandiwa mula pawatas, perpektibo, imperpektibo, at
A. maganda, magpaganda, gumaganda, gaganda
B. magpaganda, nagpaganda, nagpapaganda, magpapaganda
C. maganda, nagpaganda, nagpapaganda, magpapaganda
D. magpapaganda, maganda na, nagpapaganda, magpapaganda

159. Alin sa mga sumusunod na halimbawa ng pangungusap ang may pokus ng pandiwa na instrumental?
A. Kihuna ni Jose ang kawali.
B. Ipinangkuha ni Jose ang kawali.
C. Ikinainis ni Jose ang kawali.
D. Pinuntahan ni Jose ang kawali.

160. Alin sa mga pangungusap ang may pandiwang nasa kaganapang benepaktib?
A. Ikinatuwa ni Carlo ang pagtikim ng masarap na inihaw.
B. Ipinanluto ni Carlo ng masarap na inihaw ang kawali.
C. Pinaglutuan ni Carlo ng masarap na inihaw ang kawali.
D. Ipinagluto ng Carlo ng masarap na inihaw si Carla.

161. Alin sa mga sumusunod na pangungusap ang tama ang paggamit ng pang-un para sa pagbibigay-turing sa
A. Kapatid niya ang matabil na batang naliligo sa may poso.
B. Kapatid niya ang batang naliligo sa may poso na matabil.
C. Kapatid niya na matabil ang batang naliligo sa may poso.
D. Kapatid niya sa may poso na matabil ang bata ay naliligo.

162. Ito ay nagpapakita sa pagkakasunod-sunod bilang ng mga tao, bagay, at iba pa.
A. kardinal o patakaran
B. ordinal o panunuran
C. pamahagi
D. palansak/papangkat

163. Alin sa mga sumusunod na halimbawa ng pang-uring pamilang ang nasa anyong patakda. Ang patakda ay
nagsasaad ng tiyak na na bilang, dami o halaga na wala kundi iyon o hanggang doon lamang.
A. iisa, dadalawa
B. tig-iisa, tigdadalawa
C. isa-isa, dala-dalawa
D. lahat nang nabanggit

164. Anong uri ng pamilang ang mamiso?

A. patakda
B. palansak/papangkat
C. pahalaga
D. pamahagi

165. Ang inklitik (kataga o particle) ay isang sa dalawang uri ng pang-abay. Alin sa mga sumusunod na salita ang
hindi kasama sa mga inklitik sa Wikang Filipino?
A. yata
B. man
C. na
D. in

166. Ito ay pananda sa pamanahong pang-abay na na nangangahulugan ng ginaganap o gaganapin pa.

A. panandang na
B. panandang pa
C. panandang sa
D. panandang mula

167. Alin sa mga pangungusap ang tama ang pagkakasulat gamit ang tamang kataga at pang-abay?
A. Nagsasalita nang banayad ang guro.
B. Nagsasalita ng banayad ang guro.
C. Nagsasalita ang banayad na guro.
D. Nagsasalita sa banayad na guro.

168. Ano ang tamang preposisyon na gagamitin sa pangungusap na ito? Ayon sa pag-unlad ng ating bayan. Pangulo,
dapat tayong magtulungan
A. para sa
B. tungo sa
C. batay sa
D. ayon sa

169. Punan ng wastong pangatnig ang patlang sa pangungusap na ito. Kailangan ang disiplina magtagumpay ang
isang tao. Napatunayan ito sa maraming pagkakataon na kapag walang disiplina, walang kaayusan.
A. sapagkat
B. kahit
C. upang
D. samakatwid

170. Punan ng wastong pangatnig ang patlang sa pangungusap na ito. tayo ay magtulungan at gamitin ang disiplina
upang magtagumpay.
A. Kaya
B. Samantala
C. Dahil
D. Maging

171. Piliin sa mga sumusunod ang payak na pangungusap.

A. Malaki ang naging epekto ng COVID-19 sa ekonomiya ng bansa.
B. Nagtungo si Maria sa Thailand at siya ay bumili ng mga damit.
C. Upang maging maayos ang pag-aaral ng mga bata, kailangang maghanda ang mga paaralan nang sapat.
D. Pagkatapos ng kolehiyo, pumunta siya sa ibang bansa kaya hindi na nagtrabaho dito sa Pilipinas.

172. Sa loob ng isang hugnayan pangungusap, may isang sugnay na makapag-iisa at isa o higit pang sugnay na di
makapag-iisa. Alin ang sugnay na makapag-iisa sa pangungusap na ito? Upang magtiwala ang mga mamamayan sa
bisa ng bakuna ng COVID-19 at umayos ang lagay ng bansa, kailangang manguna sa pagbabakuna ang mga lider ng
A. Upang magtiwala ang mga mamamayan sa bisa ng bakuna ng COVID-19
B. Umayos ang lagay ng bansa
C. Kailangang manguna sa pagbabakuna ang mga lider ng bansa
D. a at b

173. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang tambalang pangungusap?

A. Si Jose Rizal ay kilalang Pambansang Bayani ng Pilipinas.
B. Magkapatid sina Pedro at Juan.
C. Sumasayaw si Erol at umaawit si Grace.
D. Nasira ang kanyang cellphone na regalo ng kanyang tatay.

174. Anong uri ng pangungusap ito? Magaganap ang eleksyon sa Mayo 2022.
A. paturol
B. patanong
C. pautos
D. padamdam

175. Alin sa mga sumusunod na pangungusap ang nasa karaniwang ayos?

A. Masisipag at mababait ang mga anak ni Carmina.
B. Ang mga bata ay masisipag at mababait.
C. Silang magkakapatid ay matatalino.
D. Ang bata ay mapitagang sumagot sa kanyang guro.

176. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang nasa pangungusap na kabalikan.

A. Malalago ang kanyang mga halaman.
B. Ang kanyang mga halaman ay galing sa ibang bansa.
C. Malahaga na hanapin ang tamang kasagutan sa mga katanungan niya.
D. Umiikot ang buhay niya sa kanyang kasintahan.

177. Alin sa mga sumusunod na pangungusap ang dapat isulat gamit ang mga para sa pangungusap na padamdam?
A. Pumasok ka nang maaga
B. Naku nahulog ang bata
C. Kumain ka na ba
D. Nagbabanta ng pagwewelga ang mga mag-aaral

178. Bakit ito itinuturing na pangungusap na langkapan? Ang isang tao ay karaniwang nagtatagumpay at siya ay
nagkakaroon ng magandang buhay kapag siya ay matiyaga.
A. Ang pangungusap ay binubuo ng dalawang punong sugnay at isang pantulong na sugnay.
B. Ang pangungusap ay binubuo ng dalawang sugnay, sugnay na nakapag-iisa at sugnay na di nakapag-iisa.
C. Ang pangungusap ay may dalawang sugnay na nakapag-iisa.
D. Ang pangungusap ay may iisang sugnay na nakapag-iisa.

179. Alin ang simuno ng pangungusap na ito? Malamig na lugar ang Baguio City kaya ito ay dinarayo ng maraming
turista mula sa iba't ibang bahagi ng mundo.
A. malamig
B. Baguio City
C. turista
D. bahagi ng mundo

180. Alin sa mga sumusunod na payak na pangungusap ang may balangkas na tambalang simuno at tambalang
A. Si Randy ay nagbabas ng aklat.
B. Magkapatid si Pedro at Juan.
C. Ang mga mag-aaral at ang guro ay natutulungan at nagkakaisa para sa kaunlaran ng paaralan.
D. Si Magda ay kumakanta habang si Beth ay nanunuod.

181. Alin sa mga sumusunod na tayutay ang nasa anyong simile o pagtutulad?
A. Ang hugis ng kanyang daliri ay tulad ng hugis ng kandila.
B. Pulot sa tamis ang pananalita ng aking kasintahan.
C. Nagsasayaw ang mga dahon sa hihip ng hangin.
D. Pag-asa! Asan ka na nga ba?

182. Ang mga sumusunod na pangungusap ay mga halimbawa ng tayutay na metonimi o pagpapali-tawag. Ang
metonimi ay nagsasaad ng pagpapalit ng ngalan o kaya ay katawagan sa mga tao o bagay. Alin sa mga ito ang
nagkaroon ng pagpapalit mula sa sisidlan para sa isinisilid?
A. Ang barangay (taong bayan) ang nagkaisa sa kanilang proyekto.
B. Ang haligi ng tahahan (ama) ang naghahanap buhay.
C. Ang paru-paro (binata) ay naningingalang pugad sa bulaklak (dalaga)
D. Masasayang sandali (kaligayahan) ang kanyang naranasan mula sa pagtitiyaga sa pag-aaral.

183. Si Padre Salve ay isang pakaining baboy na walang ginawa kundi kumain at matulog. Ang pangungusap na ito
ay isang halimbawa ng?
A. simile
B. metapor
C. personipikasyon
D. metonomiya

184. Ito ay isang halimbawa ng tayutay na hayperbole.

A. Animo'y bulkang pumutok ang kanyang kapatid.
B. Ang mga salita ng kanyang ama ay matatalim na sandata sa kanyang pag- aaral.
C. Sumasaksi ang buwan sa kanilang pag-iibigan
D. Mata lamang niya ang walang latay nang siya ay parusahan ng kanyang ama.

185. Ito ay isang halimbawa ng tayutay na personipikasyon.

A. Para siyang bulkang sumabog sa galit sa nangyari.
B. Ang mga pangaral ng kanyang ama ang kanyang baon sa buhay.
C. Dinig ng mga kahoy at mga halaman sa kagubatan ang kanyang hinagpis.
D. Gasuntok ang subo ni Ana nang siya ay salakayin ng mag-asawang gutom.

186. Kung ang tayutay na aprostropi o pagtawag ay nagpapahayag ng isang di- nadaramang kaisipan na parang
buhay na tao na kinakausap, alin sa mga sumusunod na pangungusap ang halimbawa nito?
A. O babae, kailan ka magbabago?
B. Pag-ibig! Masdan mo ang ginawa mo!
C. Ang buhay nga naman ng tao, hindi maintindihan.
D. Siya ay naniningalang pugad.

187. Anong tayutay ang linyang ito? Dalawampung bisig (sampung tao) ang nagtulong-tulong sa paglilipat ng bahay.
A. sinekdoki o pagpapalit-tawag
B. eksklamasyon o pagdaramdam
C. retorikal na tanong
D. antitesis

188. Alin sa mga sumusunod na pangungusap ang halimbawa ng isang antitesis o pagtatambis?
A. Pag-asa! Halika at akayin ako sa daang tungo sa tagumpay.
B. May anak kaya na pinagtiyagaang palakihin at pag-aralin ng magulang ang makalimot tumingin sa pinanggalingan?
C. O ang babae pag minamahal, may kursunada'y aayaw-ayaw.
D. Hangad ko ang ikaw ay madamayan sa iyong pagdadalamhati dahil sa pagyao ng iyong minamahal.

189. Alin sa mga sumusunod na tayutay ang halimbawa ng pag-uyam o irony?

A. Kay galing mong umawit, lahat ng makikinig sa boses mo ay nagtatakip ng tainga.
B. Kay hirap pakisamahan ang aking kaibigan, sunduin ko nang maaga sa kanilang bahay, napakaaga ko raw.
Sunduin mo nang tanghali, kay tagal ko raw dumating.
C. May dalaga kayang makakatagal sa pakikipag-kaibigan sa saing binatang balot ng bisyo?
D. Hindi ko sinasabing masiba ka, ngunit lahat ng pagkain sa mesa ubos mo na.

190. Alin sa mga sumusunod na pangungusap ang halimbawa ng retorikal na tanong?

A. Kay galing mong umawit, lahat ng makikinig sa boses mo ay nagtatakip ng tainga.
B. Kay hirap pakisamahan ang aking kaibigan, sunduin ko nang maaga sa kanilang bahay, napakaaga ko raw.
Sunduin mo nang tanghali, kay tagal ko raw dumating.
C. May dalaga kayang makakatagal sa pakikipag-kaibigan sa saing binatang balot ng bisyo?
D. Hindi ko sinasabing masiba ka, ngunit lahat ng pagkain sa mesa ubos mo na

191. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang halimbawa ng pagtanggi o litoses? A. Kay galing mong umawit, lahat ng makikinig
sa boses mo ay nagtatakip ng tainga.
B. Kay hirap pakisamahan ang aking kaibigan, sunduin ko nang maaga sa kanilang bahay, napakaaga ko raw.
Sunduin mo nang tanghali, kay tagal ko raw dumating.
C. May dalaga kayang makakatagal sa pakikipag-kaibigan sa saing binatang balot ng bisyo?
D. Hindi sakim sa kayamanan ang taong iyan, kaya pala kabi-kabila ang nagbibigay ng suhol sa kanya.

192. Ano ang ibig sabihin ng idyomang "bayong na walang laman"?

A. Taong hindi kayang tumayong mag-isa
B. Hindi siya buntis
C. Walang pera. Isang dukha.
D. Walang nalalaman.

193. Ano ang ibig sabihin ng "malakas na ang bagwis"?

A. Kaya nang lumipad
B. Maaari nang buhayin ang sarili
C. Inalagaan nang husto kaya maayos na siya
D. Marami siyang kayamanan

194. Siya ay nakarating sa ika-pitong langit. Ano ang ibig sabihin ng pangungusap na ito?
A. Siya ay namatay na
B. Masagana ang kanyang pamumuhay
C. Nakilala niya ang kanyang mapapangasawa
D. Naranasan siyang maramdaman ang isang kaligayahang walang kahambing.

195. Ang kanyang napangasawa ay isang mahinhing-talinpandas. Ano ang ibig sabihin nito?
A. Sa biglang tingin ay mahinhin ngunit ang totoo'y siya ay magaslaw.
B. Isang babaeng Pilipinas
C. Isang babaeng hindi dapat minamahal
D. Isang babaeng hindi dapat ipinagmamalaki

196. Napakasosyal naman ng asawa mo, hindi siya kakapitan ng alikabok. Ang pangungusap na ito ay
nangngahulugan na?
A. Hindi nagtatrabaho sa bukid ang asawa.
B. Mayaman ang asawa.
C. Bihis na bihis ang asawa.
D. Makintab ang kabuuan ng asawa.

197. Siya ay parang pinip

A. Ang asim niya.
B. Hindi siya nakakibo.
C. Hiyang hiya siya.
D. Masarap siyang kausap.

198. Anong salawikain ang angkop na sabihin kung nais magsabi sa mga anak na magtipid at magtiis muna sa kung
ano ang mayroon?
A. Ang di lumingon sa pinanggalingan, di makararating sa paroroonan.
B. Habang maigsi ang kumot, magtiis mamaluktot.
C. Aanhin ko ang bahay na bato, kung ang nakatira ay kuwgo.
D. Pagkahaba-haba ng prusisyon, sa simbahan din ang tuloy.

199. Isang kasabihan na gigagamit para sa mga mahihirap.

A. Isang kahig, isang tuka
B. Kapag may tiyaga, may nilaga
C. Malakas ang loob, mahina ang tuhod
D. Kuwalta na, naging bato pa.

200. Ano ang salin ng "Bring Home the Bacon?"

A. magsimula
B. magwagi
C. magsumikap
D. maglaro


201. Which of the following explains the occurrence of day and night?
A. The tilt of the Earth's axis
B. Earth's rotation on its axis
C. Earth's revolution around the sun
D. The tilt of the sun's axis

202. What will most likely occur if global warming will not be addressed?
A. Lower sea levels
B. Melting of ice caps
C. More pollution in water
D. More reflected sunlight off the ice pack

203. Which of the following is/are (a) natural factor/s that may disrupt the water cycle?
A. Water pollution
B. Drying of ground water
C. Mismanaged domestic and industrial use of water
D. Both A and C

204. Which Law of Motion explains the movement of a boat by rowing?

A. Acceleration
C. Interaction
B. Inertia
D. Universal Gravitation

205. Why do you tend to move forward when the car suddenly stops?
A. Because of inertia
B. Because of acceleration
C. Because of interaction
D. Because of gravity

206. Which of the following is a non-renewable energy resource?

A. Coal
B. Hydroelectric
C. Solar
D. Methane

207. Which of the following can help ensure a suitable environment for future generations?
A. Biological controls
B. Chemical dumps
C. Fossil fuels
D. Pesticides

208. What can happen to global temperatures for several years after a volcanic eruption?
A. Temperatures may increase
B. Temperatures may decrease
C. Temperatures can create more volcanoes
D. Temperatures are not affected by volcanic eruptions

209. Which power plant stores energy in water behind a dam falls and changes into mechanical energy that turns a
turbine which turns coils in a generator that produces electrical energy?
A. Geothermal Power Plant
B. Nuclear Power Plant
C. Hydroelectric Power Plant
D. Solar Power Plant

210. Wood, crops, and manure are examples of

A. natural gas
B. biomass
C. nuclear fission
D. coal

211. What is the effect of the tilting of the Earth's axis?

A. Day and night UDLIS
B. Seasonal Change
C. Weather disturbances
D. Changes of the phases of the moon
212. When does solar eclipse occur?
A. The Earth is behind the sun.
B. The sun is between the Earth and the moon.
C. The moon is between the Earth and the sun.
D. The Earth is between the moon and the sun.

213. Which of the following does NOT help in controlling floods?

A. Deforestation
B. Reforestation
C. Crop rotation
D. Construction of flood ways

214. Which of the following contribute to the formation of acid rain?

I. Volcanic eruptions
II. Burning fossil fuels
III. Combustion in vehicles
IV. Oil refineries
A. I, II, and III
B. II, III, and IV
C. I, III, and IV
D. I, II, III, and IV

215. Which of the following processes form clouds?

A. Condensation
B. Evaporation
C. Precipitation
D. Transpiration

216. Which of the following is a renewable energy resource?

A. Oil
B. Natural Gas
C. Nuclear energy
D. Wind energy

217. What is the reason why we see lightning first then we hear the sound of thunder?
A. Light travels faster than sound.
B. Sound travels faster than light.
C. Our eyes are in front and our ears are in the back.
D. Our eyes are faster to perceive stimulus compared to ears.

218. Tropical disturbances are classified as tropical depressions, tropical storms, or typhoons. How are these tropical
disturbances classified?
A. Amount of rainfall
B. Origin of formation
C. Damage that it might bring
D. Strength of accompanying winds

219. Which is considered as the major cause of the depletion of the ozone layer?
A. Chlorofluorocarbons
B. Deforestation
C. Acid Rain
D. Smoke

220. Which of the following activities can reduce greenhouse gases?

I . Using of solar panels
II. Carpooling
III. Using non-renewable energy
IV. Using LED light bulbs
B. I, II, IV
D. I, II, III, and IV

221. Which crops must be planted more to counter the effects of El Niño in food production?
A. Rice crops
B. Corn crops
C. Leafy crops
D. Root crops

222. The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) suggested that
cloud seeding operations be conducted over the Angat watershed. What is the main purpose of cloud seeding?
A. Reduce water evaporation
B. Drive the clouds to the sea
C. Prevent clouds from forming
D. Increase the amount of precipitation

223. Which term is associated with careful use of resources?

A. Conservation
C. Recycling
B. Conversation
D. Composting

224. Which form of energy is presently causing the largest amount of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide?
A. Coal
B. Natural Gas
C. Nuclear
D. Oil

225. What is the effect to the Earth's waters as the moon revolves around the Earth?
A. Currents
B. Tides
C. Tsunami
D. Waves

226. Which technological system involves agriculture, tissue culture, food production and genetic engineering?
A. Biotechnology
B. Materials Technology
C. Process Technology
D. Health Technology

227. What technological system increases automation which requires less direct labor but more engineering,
computer programming, and quality control?
A. Electronic Technology
B. Process Technology
C. Materials Technology
D. Health Technology

228. In 2020, the world experienced a pandemic brought by COVID-19. The virus was so potent as there was no cure
against it. Which health technology helped in 2 the decline of the threat and early death posed by COVID-19?
A. Early detection
B. Sanitation
C. Infrared radiation
D. Vaccination

229. What is the meaning of 19 in COVID-19?

A. There are 19 variants of coronavirus.
B. 19 people instantly died because of the virus.
C. There are 19 symptoms of the coronavirus disease.
D. The coronavirus and the disease it causes were identified in 2019

230. Loucel is pregnant and she wants to know the fetal age of her baby and to check whether there are fetal and
placental abnormalities. Which technology would help her?
A. CT Scan
C. Ultrasound
D. Endoscopy

231. To help PAGASA predict weather, the agency uses Doppler Radar. What does Doppler Radar do?
A. Tells the direction of the wind
B. Measures the amount of relative humidity
C. Determines the level of atmospheric pressure
D. Detects the motion of rain and intensity of precipitation
232. Which of the following best describes technology?
A. It is a scientific idea.
B. It is the how scientists think.
C. It is a method that scientists use to solve problems.
D. It is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes.

233. Who among the following use the Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) in their daily work?
A. Carpenters
B. Delivery riders
C. Call center agents
D. Bankers

234. Which of the following are the advantages of artificial intelligence?

1. It drives down the time taken to perform tasks.
II. It operates without breaks and delays.
III. It reduces workers' control and may eliminate some workers' jobs.
IV. It enables the execution of complex tasks without significant additional cost.
C. I, II, IV
D. I, II, III, and IV

235. A lot of technological innovations are being introduced to cars to make them safer. Which of the following will
deploy if you get into an accident that involves the front of your vehicle?
A. Airbags
B. Automatic Emergency Brake
C. Forward Collision Warning
D. Seatbelt

236. A breakthrough in organ transplantation is the use of cells instead of organs by promoting the repair response of
dysfunctional tissue. What is this technology which is also known as regenerative medicine?
A. Laser Treatment
B. Stem Cell
C. Acupuncture
D. Dialysis

237. How does technology provide people with happiness and pleasure?
I. It allows people to surf and play games anytime, anywhere.
II. It allows people to listen watch entertaining videos wherever they are.
III. It allows people to get disrupted by chats even at late hours of the night.
IV. It allows people to communicate with loved ones anywhere in the world.
A. I, II, and III
B. II, III, and IV
C. I, II, and IV
D. I, II, III, and IV

238. What is Technology?

A. It is any device that changes society for the better.
B. It is the completion of tasks using some innovative method.
C. It is the use of personal experience to complete a task or solve a problem.
D. It is the application of scientific knowledge to create a device that helps complete a task or solve a problem.

239. Which of the following is NOT a technology?

A. Smart phone
B. Human brain
C. Laptop
D. Wheel

240. Which refers to the change from goods beings made by hands at home to creating them through machines in
A. Earth's revolution
B. Industrial Revolution
C. Machine Revolution
D. Technological Revolution
241. What was the effect of increasing the land holdings of famers and modernizing their equipment during the 19th
A. Shortage of agricultural land
B. Increase of population in rural areas
C. Higher prices of agricultural products
D. Greater productivity in farming

242. Who are considered "technocrats"?

A. Individuals with technical training who believe that technology can solve many of the societal problems.
B. Individuals who start and manage their own technology business
C. Persons who are enthusiastic about new technology
D. People who fear, dislike, or avoid new technology

243. All are effects of Industrial Revolution EXCEPT increasing the number of people who
A. lived in urban areas
B. worked in factories
C. left the family farms
D. engaged in backyard farming

244. Which of the following is considered a benefit that we get from Industrial Revolution 4.0?
A. Low cost of implementation
B. Low risk of hacking into the internal network
C. Creation of more employment opportunities
D. Improvement of productivity and efficiency

245. Coal burns easily when set on fire. What is the effect of coal during the Industrial Revolution?
A. Coal is used to mine gold.
B. Coal served as medium of trade.
C. Coal fuelled engines and factories.
D. Coal warmed the houses during cold season.

246. Mechanization happens when

A. humans operate a machine
B. humans do not use any machine
C. machines are installed into the human body
D. machines perform the work instead of humans

247. Which role do internet technologies and internet of things play in the context of Industry 4.0?
A. They form the base to connect everyday items.
B. They serve as network for corporate communication
C. They serve as platform for media and game streaming.
D. They form the base for zero-pollution factory production.

248. What can smart device do?

1. Receive a command from another device
II. Use number of sensors to gather information from its environment
III. Communicate with each other even without human intervention
A. I only
B. I and II only
C. II and III only
D. I, II, and III

249. Which of the following is NOT a major way by which technology has impacted society?
A. Expanded security
B. Enhanced communication
C. Improved human relationships
D. Increased information and education

250. Which of the following imply that technology is a need rather than a want?
I. It makes work more efficient and convenient.
II. It helps us communicate easier to our distant loved ones.
III. Almost all of human activities require assistance of technology.
IV. Anything outside of the basic needs like food, shelter, and clothing is a luxury.
A. I, II, and III
B. I, II, and IV
C. II, III, and IV
D. I, II, III, and IV

251. What is the value of √25?
A. 52 and -52
B. 5i and -5i
C. 5 and -5
D. 252 and -252

252. What are the values of √-25?

A. 52 and -52
B. 5i and -5i
C. 5 and -5
D. 252 and -252

253. Which is an irrational number?

A. 23
B. -45
C. 3/7
D. √15

254. Which is divisible by 4?

A. 333456
B. 21345
C. 5677828
D. 32675

255. Which is divisible by 9?

A. 123408
B. 581
C. 4572128
D. 5678226

256. What is NOT a factor of 12?

A. 1
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

257. Which is a composite number?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

258. Which of the following expresses 40 as a product of prime factors?

A. 2 x 20
B. 2 x 4 x 5
C. 22 x 10
D. 23 x 5

259. What is the GCF of 12, 15 and 30?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

260. What is the LCM OF 30, 66 and 70?

A. 166
B. 138,600
C. 5,621
D. 2,310
261. What numbers between 20 and 30 are relatively prime to 24?
A. 23, 25, 29
B. 21, 27, 29
C. 22, 24, 28
D. 23, 24, 25

262. What is the product of (-4) x (-9)?

A. -36
B. 36
C. -13
D. 4

263. What the quotient of 18+ (-2)?

A. +9
B. -9
C. +36
D. -36

264. What is the sum of (-25)+18=(-7)?

A. 43
B -43
C. 7
D. -7

265. What is the difference in the elevation between the top of the mountain 235m above sea level and a location 48m
below sea level?
A. 283m
B. -283m
C. 187m
D. -187m

266. Simplify: 100 / (8+ 24 ÷ 23−6)2+25. What is the answer?

A. 2.44
B. 2.45
C. 29
D. 50

267. What is the product of 2/9 and ¾ ?

A. 5/13
B. -1/5
C. 1/6
D. 8/27

268. What is the quotient of 2/5 and 8/15?

A. 16/45
B. -4/3
C. 40/30
D. 3/4

269. What is the sum of 1/3, 3/4 and 5/6?

A. 9/13
B. 8/72
C. 11/6
D. 1 11/12

270. What is the difference of 6 1/3 and 2 4/5?

A. 3 8/15
B. 4 3/15
C. 2 12/15
D. 6 1/3

271. Three girls weigh 70 kgs. If the first two girls weigh 23 2/5 and 25 1/4 kgs, what is the weight of the third girl?
A. 22 1/2
B. 48 13/20
C. 21 7/20
D. 23 2/5

272. A 180-cm wire s cut into pieces to be used in making flowers made of paper. If each piece is 4 1⁄2 cm long, how
many pieces of wire are there?
A. 45
B. 40
C. 180 2/9
D. 90 2/9

273. What is 5/6 of 48?

A. 20/288
B. 5/288
C. 40
D. 6

274. 24 is 2/3 of what number?

A. 24
B. 16
C. 36
D. 8 2/3

275. What part of 42 is 18?

A. 3
B. 7
C. 7/3
D. 3/7

276. What is the sum of 12.123, 6.8021, .008, and .02151?

A. 1.895461
B. 18.95461
C. 189.5461
D. 1895.461

277. What is the product of .024 and .0003?

A. 0.00072
B. 0.000072
C. 0.0000072
D. 0.00000072

278. What is the quotient of .36 and .004?

A. 0.00144
B. 0.900000
C. 90
D. 900

279. A lady bought 9 notebooks at P48.65 each. If she gave a P500 bill to the cashier. how much change did she get?
A. P437.85
B. P62.15
C. P57.65
D. P451.35

280. A pharmacist wanted to place 62.50 grams of sodium bicarbonate in sachets. If she placed 1.25 grams in each
sachet, how many sachets did the pharmacist make?
A. 78.125
B. 63.75
C. 61.25
D. 50

281. Convert 23.47% to decimal. What is the answer?

A. 0.0002347
B. 0.002347
C. 0.02347
D. 0.2347

282. Convert .58612 to percent. What is the answer?

A. 0.058612%
B. 0.58612%
C. 5.8612%
D. 58.612%

283. What is 30% of 80?

A. 240.
B. 2.40
C. 24
D. 24%

284. 34 is 40% of what number?

A. 0.85
B. 8.5
C. 85
D. 1,360

285. 63 is what percent of 90?

A. 56.70%
B. 70%
C. 7%
D. 0.07%

286. A. 51

287. A book with an original price of P450 is being sold at 20% discount. What is in selling price?
A. P450
B. P90
C. P360
D. P20

288. An item has a selling price of P63.00. If this is 70% of the original price, what is the O.P.?
A. P70
B. P90
C. P27
D. P153

289. A bag is being sold at P390.00. If it is O.P. is P600.00, what is the rate of discount?
A. 54%
B. 19%
C. 65%
D. 35%

290. What is the simple interest of P7,000 for three years at 4% per year?
A. P280
B. P840
C. P34
D. P2,100

291. What is the amount of the principal if the interest at 15% per annum after 4 months is P2,000?
A. P2,300
B. P14,000
C. P20,000
D. P40.000

292. What is the value of n if 35:7=15: n?

A. 3
B. 5
C. 21
D. 105

293. If someone can drive 174 km in 3 hrs, how far can he go in 5 hrs?
A. 58 km
B. 232 km
C. 290 km
D. 370 km
294. If the food in the crate is sufficient to feed 30 flood victims in 75 days, how many days would it last for 25 flood
A. 90 days
B. 100 days
C. 105 days
D. 130 days

295. A piece of wood which is 120 cm long is cut in the ratio 2:3: 5. What is the measure of each part?
A. 40 cm; 40 cm; 40 cm
B. 24 cm; 36 cm; 60 cm
C. 12 cm; 18 cm; 30 cm
D. 20 cm; 40 cm; 60 cm

296. What is the perimeter of a triangle with sides 6, 9, and 13 cm?

A. 28 cm
B. 56 cm
C. 234 cm
D. 702 cm

297. What is the length of one side of a rectangular octagon if its perimeter is 48 cm
A. 56 cm
B. 40 cm
C. 8 cm
D. 6 cm

298. What is the area of a rectangle whose width is 6 meters and whose length exceeds 5 times the width by 3?
A. 15 m 2
B. 70 m 2
C. 90 m 2
D. 198 m 2

299. What is the area of a parallelogram whose base is 24 meters and whose height is less than 2/3 of its base?
A. 48 m 2
B. 72 m 2
C. 312 m 2
D. 288 m 2

300. What is the circumference of a circle with radius 5?

A. 31.416 units
B. 25 units
C. 15.708 units
D. 6.2832 units

301. What is the area of the circle if its circumference is 8 π meters?

A. 16 m2
B. 12.5664 m 2
C. 25.1328 m 2
D. 50.2652 m 2

A cone has a base diameter of 12 cm and has a height of 2 less than 2/3 of the diameter. What is its volume?
A. 72 π m 3
B. 84 π m 3
C. 7 π m 3
D. 6 π m 3

303. Pacquiao and Donaire jog around the oval in the same direction. I takes Pacquiao 6 minutes to complete the lone
round of oval, while it takes Donaire 8 minutes. If they are together at 6:10 a.m., what is the earliest time that they
would be together again?
A. 5:22 a.m.
B. 6:34 a.m.
C. 6:40 a.m.
D. 6:58 a.m.
304. What is the worth (in pesos) of the P500 bills which are consecutively numbered from 123457 and 123524?
A. 67
B. 68
C. P33,500
D. 134,000

305. Brix and Bruce run for President in a students' election. Brix received 5/9 of the votes. If Bruce received 180
votes, how many students participated in the election?
A. 405
B. 342
C. 100
D. 80

306. Kaye has obtained the following grades: 1.7, 1.8, 2.1 and 2.4. What must be his fifth grade so that his average
grade is 1.9?
A. 1.6
B. 1.5
C. 1.2
D. 1.1

307. A survey on a group of cancer patients revealed that 70% of them were smokers. If there were 210 cancer
patients who were smokers, how many cancer patients are there in all?
A. 63
B. 147
C. 300
D. 700

308. A student magazine is sold at 40% discount. If Trixie paid P90 for the magazine what is its original price?
A. P36
B. P54
C. P150
D. P225

309. What is the volume of a cubic if one face has a perimeter of 36 cm?
A. 216 cm3
B. 729 cm3
C. 5832 cm3
D. 46,656 cm3

310. What number can replace N so that the number 3,782,0N6 is divisible by 36?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

311. On its anniversary, the canteen offers a free sandwich for every 6th customer and a free softdrink for every 8
customer. After 50 customers, how many had received both free sandwich and softdrink?
A. 14
B. 8
C. 6
D. 2

312. What is the simplest form of: (72 +8 ? 6-100+4)+23?

A. 10.625
B. 9.0
C. 0.625
D. -0.09375

313. In a recent newspaper drive campaign, 6 students brought 4 1⁄3 kg each, 10 students brought 3 2/5 kg each and
8 students brought 5 1/4 kg each. How many kilograms of newspaper are there in all?
A. 12 59/60 kg
B. 102 kg
C. 41 37/60 kg
D. 248 kg
314. Edwin spent his monthly salary: 1⁄2 for food and allowances and 7/24 for his children's education and house
rental. If his monthly salary is P36,000, how much would he left at the end of the month?
A. P7,500
B. 128,500
C. P18,000
D. P10,500

315. If a person sleeps 7 1⁄2 hours a day, what part of the day does he spend sleeping?
A. 5/24
B. 5/16
C. 5/8
D. 7/24

316. Evelyn bought 2 3/4 m of lace. She used 2/3 m for her daughter's dress and 1⁄2 m for her robe. How many
meters of lace were left?
A. 1 7/12 m
B. 7/12 m
C. 1 4/9 m
D. 4/9 m

317. What is the average length of 5 sticks having the following measurements in meters: 1.43, 1.05, 0.88, 12.6 and
A. 3.331 m
B. 2.314 m
C. 11.57 m
D. 16.655 m

318. Out of 20 members, 6 were 3.25's. 4 were 2.5's and the rest were 2.05's. What is the arithmetic mean of the
A. 2.65
B. 2.6
C. 2.5
D. 2.45

319. Eduard sells real estate. He receives a monthly salary of P30,000 plus a commission of 1⁄2 of his net sales for
that month. What his gross pay for a month when his net sale is P240,000?
A. P12,000
B. P18.000
C. P42.000
D. P48,000

320. In a Mathematics test, Liam got 85% of the total items. If the test consisted of 120 it 0 items, how many items did
Liam get?
A. 102
B. 91
C. 90
D. 35

321. In a group of students, 30% are male. If there are 420 females, how many students are there?
A. 1,400
B. 600
C. 294
D. 126

322. A pair of shoes originally priced at P1,500 is being sold a discount of 30%. How much would you pay if you buy
that shoes?
A. P450
B. P1.050
C. P1,350
D. P1,470

323. A book is being sold at 25% discount. If Clay paid P480 for the book, how much is the discount?
A. P240
B. P455
C. 1480
D. P360
324. A dealer sold an article for P1,600 and it for P2,000. What was his profit in percent?
A. P400
B. 100%
C. 25%
D. 20%

325. Evelyn deposited P20,000 in a bank that pays an annual interest of 4%. How much money will she have in the
bank after three years?
A. P2,400
B. P22,400
C. P800
D. P20,800

326. How much should Ann invest so that her money earns P2,700 borrowed at 15% for 2 years and three months?
A. P8,000
B. P720
C. P82,400
D. P3,120

327. A photographer wishes to enlarge a picture 15 cm long and 10 cm wide so that it will be 30 cm wide. How long
will the enlarged picture be?
A. 35 cm
B. 5 cm
C. 20 cm
D. 45 cm

328. The ratio of the cows to carabaos is 3: 5. If there are 120 cows and carabaos in the field, how many are
A. 45
B. 75
C. 40
D. 24

329. If 5 boys can paint a room in 5 hours, how many hours would it take 8 boys working at the same rate?
A. 8 hours
B. 3 hours
C. 3% hours
D. 1% hours

330. One side of a triangle is 1/4 of its perimeter, the second one is 4 less than 1⁄2 of the perimeter. If the third side
measures 9 cm, what is its perimeter?
A. 20 cm
B. 28 cm
C. 32 cm
D. 16 cm

331. The width of a lot in a far flung barangay is 5 meters and its length exceeds twice it width by 2. If it costs P250/ m 2
, then how much will the lot cost?
A. P60,000
B. P8,750
C. P15,000
D. P17,500

332. A cylinder has a base circumference of 8 πn m. Its height exceeds 1⁄4 of the radius by 2. What is its volume?
A. 32 π m 3
B. 48 π m 3
C. 128 π m 3
D. 192 π m 3

333. How much water can be filled with a cone whose diameter is 24 cm and whose height exceeds 2/3 of the radius
by 2?
A. 480 π m 3
B. 1440 π m 3
C. 120 π m 3
D. 528 π m 3

334. An aquarium has a length of 20 cm. Its width exceeds 1/2 of the length by 5 cm while its height is 10 cm less than
twice the length. How much water is needed to fill the aquarium?
A. 5,000 m 3
B. 9,000 m 3
C. 20,000 m 3
D. 15,000 m 3

335. Who invented the mechanic device which can perform addition and subtraction of digits up to the eighth column?
A. Boole
B. de Colmar
C. Leibniz
D. Pascal

336. Who was the mathematician who performed the first device so that it could also perform multiplication, division,
and extraction of square roots? , division, and extraction of sq
A. Boole
B. de Colmar
C. Leibniz
D. Pascal

337. Who devised an Algebra which was a mode of decision-making that provided the switching logic for our present-
day digital computers?
A. Boole
B. de Colmar
C. Lee Deforest
D. Pascal

338. If the sum of three consecutive even numbers is 12, what is the smallest of these numbers?
A. 8
B. 6
C. 4
D. 2

339. Norman is a cellphone dealer who uses a mark-up of 7.5%. If he bought a new model phone for P12,000.00 from
the manufacturer, how much will he sell it?
A. P12.750.00
B. P12,800.00
C. P12,900.00
D. P21,000.00

340. If Marco, a car dealer, uses a mark-up rate of 9% and recently sold a car for P899,250.00, how much will he sell
A. P815,000.00
B. P818,317.50
C. P820,000.00
D. P825,000.00

341. A store bought USBS at P375.00 each. It is estimated that, after a few months, 20% of the USBS may end up
being sold at 50% off the selling price that the company decides to use. What should the selling price be if a gross
profit of 20% of the cost of the whole USB shipment is desired?
A. P425.00
B. P450.00
C. P475.00
D. P500.00

342. A pyramid has a square base. The height of the lateral triangular faces is 10 cm and the side of the square base
is 16 cm. What is the volume of the pyramid?
A. 512 cm 3
B. 160 cm 3
C. 2560 cm3
D. 1536 cm3

343. Three girls have marbles in the ratio of 24:11:7. If the girl with the least number has 21 marbles, how many does
the girl with the greatest number have?
A. 33
B. 72
C. 105
D. 126

344. Two cities are marked on coordinate grid as B (-6, 5) and F (7, -9). Find the distance between the two cities B
and F?
A. √465
B. √306
C. √406
D. √365

345. Which of these numbers does NOT belong to the group?

A. 71
B. 73
C. 77
D. 79

346. A saleslady gets 8% commission for the first P18, 500 and 5% for the amount over P18, 500 of her total sales.
How much does she get for a total sale of P39,
A. P2,330
B. P2,405
C. P2,530
D. P2,605

347. Elimar borrowed P26, 000 from the bank at the rate of 12% per year. How much will he owe the bank after a
A. 29, 880
B. 22, 880
C. 22, 120
D. 29, 120

348. The average of 6 students is 87. The average of the first 3 students is 90. What is the average of the other 3
A. 81
B. 82
C. 83
D. 84

349. Complete the given series. 10, 6, 24, 20, 80,

A. 76, 304
B. 84, 336
C. 86, 344
D. 74, 296

350. A water tank in the shape of a right circular cylinder is forty feet long and 8 feet in diameter. How much sheet
metal was used in its construction?
A. 252 ft2
B. 352 ft2
C. 452 ft2
D. 552 ft2

351. An isosceles right triangle has legs equal to 5cm each. What is the measure of the third side of the triangle?
A. 4√2 cm
B. 5√2 cm
C. 10√2 cm
D. 5√3 cm

352. Given f(x) = x 2-36 and g(x) = x 2-+ 12x+36, find (f-g) (3).
A. -108
B. 36
C. -36
D. 108

353. A car is able to travel 210 km in 3 hours. How far can it travel in 8 hours?
A. 600
B. 560
C. 500
D. 660

354. A square has an area of 400 sq. cm. What is its perimeter?
A. 60 cm
B. 80 cm
C. 100 cm
D. 120 cm

355. Andrew is Meljohn's father. Andrew is 35 years old. Three years ago, Andrew was four times as old as his son
was then. How old is Meljohn now?
A. 11
B. 12
C. 13
D. 14

356. In which order do the following periods in Philippine history come?
I. Pre-colonial period
II. Propaganda and Revolutionary period
III. Spanish Colonization period
IV. Japanese occupation
V. American colonial period
VI. Contemporary or modern period

357. Which is considered the first period in Philippine history?

A. Propaganda and Revolutionary period
B. Spanish period
C. Pre-colonial period
D. American period

358. In which period in Philippine history are we at present?

A. Propaganda and Revolutionary period
B. Spanish period
C. Pre-colonial period
D. Contemporary period

359. Which event ended the Spanish rule in the Philippines?

A. Spain's defeat in the Spanish-Ameri can War in 1898
B. The arrival of Chinese traders in the islands
C. The revolution led by Emilio Aguinaldo
D. The death of Ferdinand Magellan

360. Who spearheaded the propaganda movement?

A. The Filipino clergy
B. The intellectual class, the middle class
C. The unschooled
D. The Filipino women

361. Which of the following reforms did the Filipino leaders fight for?
1. Equal treatment for the Filipinos and the Spaniards under the law
II. Make the Philippines a province of Spain
III. Restore Filipino representation in the Spanish Cortes
IV. "Filipinize" the parishes
V. Freedom of speech, press, assembly and for redress of grievances
A. I, II
B. I, II and III
D. I, II, III, IV and V

362. Which is TRUE of the name "Las Islas Filipinas" given to the Philippines?
I. The name was after King Philip II of Spain
II. 'The name was given by Roy Lopez de Villalobos
III. The name was given by Ferdinand Magellan.
A. I only
B. II only
C. III only
D. I and II

363. What other names referred to the Philippines?

I. Perla del Mar de Oriente'
II. Las Islas de San Lazaro
III. Las Islas de Poniente
A. I only
B. II only
C. II and III
D. I, II and III

364. Which words correctly describe the pre-Hispanic educational system of the
I. Informal
II. Unstructured
III. Organized
A. I only
B. II only
C. I and II
D. II and III

365. Which was the point of emphasis of the Philippine pre-Hispanic education?
A. Vocational training
B. The English language
C. The Spanish language
D. Religious instruction

366. What is significant about the Educational Decree of 1863?

A. Provided for the establishment of one primary school for boys and girls in each town under the care of the
municipal government
B. Introduced English as medium of instruction in schools
C. Tribal tutors served as formal teachers
D. Introduced the Spanish language as a subject in schools.

367. Which did the Educational Decree of 1863 provide? The establishment of a normal school for
A. both female and male teachers.
B. female teachers only
C. male teachers only
D. the clergy

368. Who served as teachers before the advent of the Spaniards?

A. Tribal tutors or leaders
B. Mothers
C. The clergy
D. Fathers

369. Who replaced the tribal tutors as teachers during the Spanish period?
A. Trained female teachers
B. Trained male teachers
C. Spanish missionaries
D. Spanish teachers
370. Who were the first teachers during the American regime?
A. The Thomasites
B. The missionaries
C. The soldiers
D. The municipal officials

371. Which is TRUE of Philippine education during the American regime?

A. Religious instruction in schools was mandated.
B. Clergymen served as the first teachers.
C. Taught English in the schools
D. Taught Spanish side by side with English in the schools

372. Which is/are TRUE of the Thomasites in this history of the Philippine education system?
I. A group of men and women coming from normal schools of the United States of America
II. Arrived in the Philippines to teach religion to Filipino pupils
III. Used English as medium of instruction in schools
A. I only
B. II only
C. III only
D. I and III

373. With free primary instruction in schools, there was a serious need for trained teachers in the Philippines.. and so
came the who were teachers trained in various states of America on board the US Army transport named Thomas.
A. Thomasites
B. The trained American student teachers
C. The religious ministers
D. The volunteer American teachers

374. Did both Spaniards and Americans teach the Filipinos their native language in schools?
A. No. only the Americans taught their native language to the Filipinos.
B. Yes, both Spaniards and Americans taught their native language to the Filipinos.
C. No, only the Spaniards taught their language to the Filipinos.
D. Neither the Spaniards nor the Americans taught their native language to the Filipinos.

375. Which was the unit of government before the Spanish era in Philippine history?
A. The barangay
B. The municipality
C. The barrio
D. The sitio

376. Which is TRUE of the unit of government before the advent of the Spaniards?
I. The barangay was the unit of government.
II. The barangay was headed by the barangay captain..
III. The barangay had no laws.
A. I only
B. I and II
B. II only
D. III only

377. What powers did the datu exercise in pre-Hispanic Philippines?

I. Ruled the barangay
II. He formulated the laws
III. He settled disputes among his people.
A. I only
B. I and II
C. II and III
D. I, II and III

378. Which powers did the barangay chieftain exercise during the pre-Spanish period?
I. Executive
II. Legislative
III. Judicial
A. I only
B. I and II
C. II and III
D. I, II and III

379. In which order, from highest to lowest, do the following social che pre-Hispanic Philippines come?
I. Aipin
II. Maharlika
III. Timawa

380. Which of the following statements is/are TRUE of the Philippines under the Spanish rule?
I. Spain conquered the whole Philippines
II. Spain introduced Christianity.
III. The Filipinos did not resist Spanish rule.
A. I
C. II and III
D. I and III

381. Which is/are TRUE of the Treaty of Paris?

I. Officially ended the period of Spanish colonization in the Philippines
II. Granted to the United States possession of the Philippines
III. Required the US government to pay 20 million USD in recompense to the Spanish government
A. I only
B. II only
C. I and II
D. I, II and III

382. Which is the correct chronological order of events in Philippine History? - An

I. Execution of Gom-Bur-Za
II. Founding of La Liga Filipina
III. Cavite Mutiny
IV. Exile of Jose Rizal to Dapitan

383. Which is/are TRUE of the Katipunan?

I. A Filipino secret revolutionary society
II. Jose Rizal was a member
III. It was meant to overthrow Spanish rule
A. I only
B. II only
C. II and III
D. I and III

384 Which was the official organ of the Katipunan?

A. Kalayaan
C. Ang Katipunero
D. The Nation

385. Why was Rizal deported to Dapitan?

I. He founded the La Liga Filipina which was perceived to be subversive by the Spanish authorities.
II. He wrote novels and articles criticizing Spain.
III. He disagreed with Bonifacio re revolution against Spain
A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. I only

386. Which is/are TRUE of the Katipunan?

I. A Filipino revolutionary society
II. A secret society founded by Andres Bonifacio
III. Rizal was a member of the Katipunan
A. I only
B. I and II
C. I and III
D. I, II and III

387. Did Rizal and Bonifacio agree on the way to introduce reform in the country then?
A. Yes, both wanted a revolution against Spain
B. No, Bonifacio was for revolution but Rizal was for peaceful means
C. No, Rizal was for a revolution but Bonifacio was for peaceful means
D. Yes, both wanted change through peaceful means.

388. Which was the act of Filipino defiance at Pugad Lawin which was the outbreak of the Philippine revolution
against Spain?
A. Tearing of cedulas
B. Raising of the bolos by the Katipuneros
C. Raising of the Filipino flag
D. Singing of the National

389. Which statement/s on the encomienda system is/are TRUE?

I. A formal system of forced labor in Spanish colonies like the Philippines
II. A way of providing incentive for conquistadores to conquer new territories
III. Those conquered provided free labor for the encomenderos
A. I only
B. II only
C. II and III
D. I, II and III

390. Complete the analogy on revolts:

Diego Silang: Ilocos Region
__________: Bohol
A. Francisco Dagohoy
B. Apolinario de la Cruz
C. Andres Malong
D. Gaddang

391. How did the Treaty of Paris affect the Philippines?

I. Ended the Spanish-American war
II. Forced Spain to cede the Philippines to the United States
III. Forced the United States to cede the Philippines to Spain
A. I only
B. III only
C. II only
D. I and II

392. Why did the Filipinos feel betrayed by the Treaty of Paris?
A. Because in the Treaty of Paris, the United States agreed to annex the Philippines at the cost of 20 million US
B. Because the Filipinos thought the treaty meant their liberation from a foreign power only to find out, United States
refused to recognize their independence
C. Because 20 million pesos as cost was very low

393. Which Constitution established the first Philippine Republic?

A. The Malolos Constitution
B. The 1935 Philippine Constitution
C. The 1971 Constitution
D. The 1987 Philippine Constitution

394. Which was the formal name of the Malolos Constitution?

A. The Political Constitution of 1899
B. The Political Constitution of 1898
C. The Transitory Constitution
D. The Phil-American Constitution

395. Which statements/is/are TRUE?

I. The Malolos Republic was the end of the Philippine Revolution.
II. The Philippines has the first Republican Government in Asia.
III. Andres Bonifacio, being the founder of the Katipunan, was the first
President of the Philippine Republic.
A. I only
B. II only
C. II and III
D. I and II

396. Who is the first President of the Philippines?

A. Emilio Jacinto
B. Andres Bonifacio
C. Emilio Aguinaldo
D. Pio Valenzuela

397. Why is the Jones Law of 1916 called Philippine Autonomy Act?
A. It was the law that stated the intention of the United States to withdraw their sovereignty over the Philippine islands
as soon as a stable government can be established.
B. It pledged of endless American domination over the Philippines.
C. It led to the creation of an all-Filipino legislature.
D. It regulated maritime commerce in the United States.

398. Which law established the parameters for the 10-year preparatory period for Philippine independence?
A. Jones Law of 1916
B. Tydings-McDuffie Act
C. Commonwealth Act No.1
D. Commonwealth Act No. 2

399. Which is also known as the Philippine Independence Act?

A. Jones Law of 1916
B. Commonwealth Act No. 1
C. Commonwealth Act No. 2
D. Tydings-McDuffie Act

400. Who moved Philippine Independence Day from July 4 to June 12?
A. Diosdado Macapagal
B. Emilio Aguinaldo
C. Ferdinand Marcos
D. Carlos P. Garcia

401, What were the levels of education and how many years are there in each level during the American regime?
A. 7-year elementary, 4 year - secondary and the tertiary level
B. 6-year elementary, 6 year - secondary and the tertiary level
C. 4 year elementary, 6 year - secondary and the tertiary level
D. 6-year elementary, 5 year - secondary and the tertiary level

402. On which was Philippine education focused during the American period?
I. Democratic ideals and way of life
II. Responsible citizenship
III. Rights and responsibilities
IV. Religious instruction
A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and IV
D. I, II and III

403. At present, on which is the legislative power vested?

A. House of Representatives
B. Senate
C. Congress
D. Citizens of the Philippines

404. The present Philippine government is modeled after the ___ system.
A. Spanish
B. American
C. Japanese
D. Chinese
405. To cope with the number of years of basic education required of other countries, which educational reform did
Philippine government recently introduce?
A. Senior High School
B. Accreditation and equivalency of work experiences
C. The separation of CHED, TESDA and DepEd
E. The introduction of licensure exams

406. Rizal related how the town of Los Baños was built by Filipino laborers snatched from all the towns of the
province. Each laborer forced by the authorities was paid five centavos daily. Which does this point to?
A. Filipinos suffered from forced labor during the Spanish period
B. The Spaniards paid Filipino laborers according to minimum wage law.
C. The Filipinos were ruled by the friars.
D. During the Spanish period, forced labor was for all regardless of age.

407. Why was the Guardia Civil a hated symbol of Spanish tyranny?
A. Because of their abuses
B. Because they were associated with the friars
C. Because they were Spaniards
D. Because they were heavily armed

408. Rizal's poem, "A La Juventud Filipina" is said to be a classic in Philippine literature Explanation - Polo y servicio
was a practice employed by Spanish colonizers that required the forced labor of all Filipino males from 16 to 60 years
old for 40-day periods. The workers could be placed on any project the Spanish wanted, despite hazardous or
unhealthy conditions.
I. It was the first great poem in Spanish written by a Filipino.
II. It expressed the nationalistic concept that the Filipinos were the hope of the Fatherland."
III. It was written by a courageous eighteen year-old Filipino.
A. I only
B. II only
C. II and III
D. I and II

409. Why did Rizal found the La Liga Filipina?

A. To unite the whole archipelago into one society with equality for Filipinos and Spaniards in the Philippines
B. To unite the Filipino leaders to rise against Spain
C. To educate the masses
D. To work for an educational system fit for Filipinos

410. In his poem "The Intimate Alliance Between Religion and Good Education", which thought did he express?
A. True education can happen even without God.
B. Education without God is not true education.
C. The Spanish friars are the best educators because they have been prepared for such task.
D. Religion should then be taught in schools.

411. Which was not an aim of the Liga Filipina?

I. Unification of the whole archipelago to fight the Spanish friars
II. Mutual protection in every want and necessity
III. Defense against all violence and injustice
IV. Encouragement of education, agriculture and commerce
A. I

412. Which novel did Rizal write to expose Spanish colonial abuse in the Philippines?
A. Noli Me Tangere
B. El Consejo de Dios
C. El Filibusterismo
D. Makamisa

413. Which does Rizal's letter "to the Young Women of Malolos point to?
A. Rizal was for women empowerment.
B. Rizal was against women empowerment.
C. Rizal accepted the concept that women are meant for the home.
D Rizal promoted the idea that women are fragile.

414. In his "Mi Ultimo Adios", which thought did Rizal express?
A. It is not true that he is a rebel.
B. Death is honorable if given for the sake of home and country.
C. The youths are the hope of the future.
D. Education is the way to enlightenment.

415. Which did Rizal believe in?

A. Education of the people is the real way to change Philippine society.
B. A bloody revolution is the only way to introduce change.
C. Change of government is the way to change.
D. Change of rulers is the way to change.

416. Which message did Rizal give to the youth in his poem "To the Filipino Youth"?
I. You (the youth) have a great role in nation building.
II. Use talents and skills not only for your own but for the nation.
III. Fill your minds with high ideals and thoughts.
A. I only
B. I and II
C. II and III
D. I, II and III

417. In his poem "My First Inspiration" which thought did Rizal express?
A. A mother is the first teacher and first inspiration for a child.
B. One needs a beloved like Rizal's Leonor Rivera to be inspired.
C. A child is mother's inspiration.
D. A child is the best gift for a mother.

418. Which is/are TRUE of Jose Rizal?

I. It was his personal decision to come back to the Philippines despite threats of imprisonment and execution at the
hands of the Spanish colonizers.
II. Rizal did not recommend fighting with arms for freedom and liberation from Spain as it was an unnecessary waste
of Filipino lives.
III. He was executed on orders of Spanish authorities and was shot by a firing squad composed of Spaniards.
A. I only
B. I and II
C. II and III
D. I and III

419. Which is TRUE of El Filibusterismo?

A. The first novel of Jose Rizal
B. Dedicated to GomBurZa
C. Literally means "Touch Me Not."
D. Originally written in English

420. Which is the alternative English

A. The Reign of Greed
B. Touch Me Not
C. Things Wanted
D. Paradise Lost

421. Which ethical theory, if any, would agree with the following statement: Some actions are inherently wrong
because they violate a moral rule, no matter the consequences?
A. Deontology
B. Utilitarianism
C. both ethical theories would agree
D. neither ethical theory would agree
422. What exactly is "metaethics," and why are metaethical questions crucial for understanding other aspects of
A. The meta-analysis of ethics emphasizes the purpose of ethics. This discipline relates to the epistemological value
of ethics and justice.
B. Metaethics is a discipline of analytic philosophy that investigates the status, basis, and extent of moral values,
attributes, and words.
C. Both A and B are the correct answers
D. Neither A nor B is the correct answers

423. The Greatest good for the greatest number of people is the theory of
A. Rights
B. Deontology
C. Utilitarianism
D. Justice

424. A student submits a heavily plagiarized assignment. Although the student begs for an exemption, the teacher
fails the student. The teacher says that the cheating policy is for everyone. This situation, according to Kantian ethics,
is an example of applying the principle of
A. Respect for persons
B. Universability
C. Rights
D. Autonomy

425. What is legal is not necessarily ethical, and what is ethical is not necessarily illegal; therefore, the law and
morality have absolutely nothing to do with each other.
A. The above statement is correct.
B. The above statement is incorrect.
C. The above statement is neither correct nor incorrect.
D. The above statement is dubitable

426. Why do rule utilitarians believe that all actions should be judged based on a set of moral codes rather than each
individual outcome?
A. They believe that having a moral code to judge actions produces more benefits in the long run.
B. They are strict extremists that live by a code of self-deprivation and a belief that humankind is ultimately self-
C. Rule utilitarianism follows a rule that every action should be judged based on the number (quantity) of good
consequences. If the action led to a good outcome, then it was a good action.
D. None of these answers are correct.

427. Nazi scientists are conducting experiments on Holocaust victims in order to advance their understanding of the
medical sciences and ultimately save more lives. Which argument is most relevant when using the deontological
A. It is acceptable to conduct experiments on Holocaust victims because it will help us achieve the greater good.
B. Human experimentation is essentially unethical because the Holocaust victims are viewed as a means to an end
rather than as an end in themselves.
C. Human experimentation is morally justifiable since it serves the Nazi scientist's personal interests.
D. All of these answers are correct

428. Which of the following statements is true for a rule utilitarian?

A. Consider whether the outcome of cheating as a general rule will have a greater influence on society than if you did
not cheat.
B. Sometimes cheating is wrong, but in certain circumstances, it may actually be the best course of action.
C. Cheating is permissible as long as it serves to satisfy personal interests.
D. Rule utilitarians would most likely not see cheating as an action requiring a moral code rule. rule utilitarianism still
holds that people should follow the rule because it is generally a good rule, and the general consequences take
precedence over the specific one.

429. Doctors and nurses deal with ethical conflicts daily. They administer painful shots and use sharp scalpels or
blades that damage their patients' tissue. How can this be justified using deontology?
A Doctors and nurses are genuinely acting out of goodwill because of the intention of curing and helping their patients.
B. Treating a patient in a way that causes pain or discomfort is morally acceptable because there is no gain without
C. Treatments that induce pain are unacceptable since nurses and doctors have a duty and commitment not to kill or
harm their patients.
D. All of these answers are correct.
E. None of these answers are correct.
430. Which of the following is an example of an act that violates a part of Immanuel Kant's Categorical Imperative,
which guides his Deontological theory:
A. Enslaving human beings is a violation because one is using another as a means to an end.
B. Eating cake is a violation because there is not enough cake for everyone on Earth.
C. Exercising is a violation because you should not be healthy when others are not.
D. Taking your time on a test is a violation because you are wasting the teacher's time if you do not know the answers.

431. What is being emphasized by consequentialism?

A. Choices
B. Assessment of an action
C. Human Nature
D. End result

432. Why does an individual use the process of Scott Rae's ethical decision-making?
A. To make a decision guided by ethical principles and values
B. To make a decision guided by your morals
C. To make a decision guided by society's morals
D. To make a decision guided by sentiments

433. What is the focus of non-consequentialism?

A. The consequences of actions
B. The morality of cultural thoughts or beliefs
C. The intention of an action
D. Discovering actions that have no consequences
E. None of the above

434. What is the kind of Utilitarianism that speaks of a behavioral code or rule being morally right?
A. Act Utilitarianism
B. Rule Utilitarianism
C. Ethical Egoism
D. Ethical Altruism

435. Identify the main proponents of utilitarianism.

A. Simon Pegg and Ayn Rand
B. Socrates and Plato
C. Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill
D. Jeremy Mill and John Bentham

436. Heather is driving late at night on a deserted highway. She can see for miles in all directions and is aware that
she is the only car on the road. The road is straight and flat. She considers speeding but decides against it because
the law limits her to 60 kph. What type of consequentialism is Heather displaying?
A. Act Utilitarianism
B. Rule Utilitarianism
C. Ethical Egoism
D. Psychological Egoism

437. Joshua works in a grocery store. One day, he sees a homeless man loitering behind the store. It's late in the day,
and he's about to close up for the day. He notices some old bread in the cafeteria area of the store and knows that the
cafeteria workers are going to have to destroy the bread because it didn't sell. Joshua considers himself an act
utilitarian. What is his most likely action, based on act utilitarian beliefs?
A. He will take some of the bread because the action of stealing the bread will not lead to a loss for the company and
will help the man, making it okay to steal.
B. He will buy the man dinner after taking him home to allow him a chance to shower and shave. Afterward, he will
allow the man to live with him
until he has found a place to stay.
C. His moral code says that stealing is wrong, thus he cannot steal the bread (even though it is going to be thrown
away). He may feel bad about the fact that so much is being wasted, but he will not feel right about taking it.
D. He will most likely lock up and go home because act utilitarians do not believe in breaking laws for any reason, and
there is nothing he can do to help the man.

438. Rules or principles that define right and wrong conduct are called
A. social responsibility
B. corporate governance
C. ethics
D. all of the above
439. What is the name given to philosophers who attempt to use only one ethical approach to ethical questions?
A. ethical pluralists.
B. utilitarians
C. ethical monists.
D. deontologists

440. The perspective that the belief that there's no absolute truth, only the truths that a particular individual or culture
happen to believe is known as
A. Meta-ethics
B. Bio ethics
C. Relativism
D. Virtue Ethics

441. This refers to the cognitive process where people consider ethical rules, principles, or guidelines when making
A. Ethical-decision making
B. Moral dilemma
C. Ethical Framework
D. Felicific calculus
E. None of the above

442. While stealing is usually unethical, stealing in order to feed one's family is an application of what ethical theory?
A. Deontology and Rule Utilitarianism
B. Psychological Egoism and Act Utilitarianism
C. Rule Utilitarianism and Psychological Egoism
D. All of the above

443. Why does an individual use the process of Scott Rae's ethical decision-making?
A. To make a decision guided by ethical principles and values
B. To make a decision guided by your morals
C. To make a decision guided by society's morals
D. To make a decision guided by sentiments

444. What is the difference between Jeremy Bentham's and John Stuart Mill's concept of Utilitarianism?
A. Bentham's qualitative dimension and Mill's quantitative dimension
B. Bentham's greatest happiness for greatest number of people and Mill's greatest happiness for a select people
C. Bentham's quantitative dimension and Mill's qualitative dimension
D. Bentham's greatest happiness for the select people and Mill's greatest happiness for the greatest number of people

445. Who advocates sensuous pleasure as a source of happiness?

A. Epicurus
B. Socrates
C. Plato
D. Aristippus

446. Who is the proponent of rational pleasure as a source of happiness?

A. Epicurus
B. Socrates
C. Plato
D. Aristippus

447. Trish asserts that pest control is a noble job since it pays well. From a Kantian ethical perspective, is there
something wrong with Trish's assertion?
A. YES, because she must act in a virtuous manner and must not expect anything in return
B. NONE, because all of her clients have a duty to pay her, not paying her
would be immoral
C. YES, because her sense of duty is not genuine and is fueled by the consequence of her action
D. NONE, because she is doing her job and it is her right to be paid well and she is right to expect it.

448. Claudia and Jiyon are best friends. They were childhood pals. Given Claudia's lack of a paternal figure and her
mother's illness, the pressure of meeting their demands took its toll on her mental health, resulting in depression.
Jiyon is currently employed as an inventory manager, and he referred Claudia to the business/company where he
works. Claudia was hired as a chef. Because of Claudia's despair and financial situation, such incidents have
contributed to her Kleptomania diagnosis. Claudia began stealing little objects from their office, such as silverware. It
would later evolve into more valuable items, such as money. Jiyon realized Claudia was the culprit after witnessing
Claudia in the process of stealing money from the business's funds. Jiyon understands the circumstances around
Claudia's behavior, but he is torn about whether he should remain silent about the matter. Given that he is Claudia's
closest friend, he is supposed to provide her with the support she deserves.
Applying the ethical theory of Act Utilitarianism. What should Jiyon do in the situation?
A. Jiyon will not tell anyone what he observed and knows about Claudia in order to protect Claudia's reputation.
B. Jiyon will tell his boss everything and disclose Claudia's medical condition (breach of confidentiality) because the
action will generate other related pleasures-that is, the action will lead to greater utility in the workplace.
C. Jiyon will assist Claudia in packing her belongings, and they will leave the office without intending to return.
D. Jiyon will decide to end their friendship since it is the best option and would bring them mutual benefits.

449. Using the same scenario, but this time, applying the ethical theory of Rule Utilitarianism, what do you think Jiyon
should do in the situation?
A. Jiyon should warn his coworkers to be more cautious with their valuables in order to keep Claudia from taking
B. Jiyon has a moral obligation to report Claudia's misbehavior to their employer. Transparency is one of the most
important standards to follow in any workplace. Jiyon must keep this principle in mind and will not tolerate Claudia's
wrongdoings regardless of the circumstances.
C. Jiyon will choose to remain silent in order to protect Claudia from losing her job.
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

450. All of the following are considered TRUE in Rawls' A Theory of Justice, except:
A. As a work of political philosophy, Rawls sees A Theory of Justice as establishing agreed-upon grounds of
B. Rawls' philosophy of justice hoped it would help the bourgeoisie orient themselves in their social world, so they
have a clearer picture of how toact justly.
C. Rawls considers a social contract which is an agreement among people to live under a system of government.
D. None of the above

451. He is one of the most famous American moral and political philosophers and is now a major figure in the liberal
A. John Legend
B. Immanuel Kant
C. John Stuart Mill
D. None of the above

452. Jessica always made it a point to get to her fitness routines first thing in the morning. She gets eight hours of
sleep every night and consumes enough fruits and vegetables to keep her diet as healthy as possible. Even when she
is out with her friends, who like eating at a buffet, she eats a small amount of food to satisfy her cravings while also
enjoying the company of her friends. Jessica's action exemplifies which ethical theory?
A. Consequentialism
B. Virtue Ethics
C. Justice as a virtue
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

453. Andrew knew that drinking alcohol and getting drunk during a business lunch with his boss would not be a good
idea. So, he decided to order a cup of coffee instead. In the circumstances provided, what virtue is being described?
A. Prudence
B. Temperance
C. Generosity
D. Courage
E. None of the above.

454. When clearing the table after dinner, Maria and Marinara are at odds. Ana (the mother) thinks it's only fair for the
person who washed the dishes the night before to be given the choice of not doing them the following night to resolve
the disagreement. In the given situation, Ana's actions only show the virtue of?
A. Prudence
B. Temperance
C. Generosity
D. Courage

455. Why was John Rawls' Original Position reflective of Kantian moral philosophy?
A. Because it carries on the theme of respect for persons.
B. Because it focuses on the consequences of our actions.
C. Because it does not consider the autonomy of the person.
D. None of the above.

456. Which of the following is a human act?

A. Breathing normally
B. Reading a book
C. Shouting due to a jump scare
D. None of the above

457. Which among the following BEST describes the problem of a moral dilemma?
A. It involves facing equally complicated options that could undermine the dignity of self and others.
B. It involves letting others face both the positive consequences of our actions and the negative ones.
C. It involves one's duty to respect the dignity of others at the expense of one's own well-being.
D. It involves ethical theories which are quite complicated to understand and interpret in real life.

458. Which among the following BEST explains impartiality as a consideration for moral decision-making?
A. Impartiality means not being partial; hence, your decision should be full and complete.
B. Impartiality calls for us to consider the impact of our actions on ourselves and others.
C. Impartiality points to human freedom in which we are free to make moral decisions.
D. Impartiality is reason-based and does not consider feelings in moral decision-making.

459. Other than impartiality, what is another requirement for a careful decision?
A. Reason and emotion
B. Religion
C. Education
D. None of the above

460. What makes an individual's action a human act?

A. It corresponds to non-moral standards
B. Feelings and Emotions
C. Consent, Knowledge, & Free Will
D. Strongly held beliefs

461. These rules are made by authority figures and can be changed or even nullified by the decisions of a particular
authoritative body.
A. Non-moral standards
B. Dogmas and ideologies
C. Moral Standards
D. Cultural Norms

462. For a situation to be classified as a moral dilemma, all of the following conditions must be met, except:
A. The availability of alternative actions to consider.
B. There is at least one available option
C. Moral standards are always subject to compromise.
D. There are no ideal options or solutions to resolve the situation.

463. The study of morality is sometimes known as _____ since it entails systematizing, defending, and proposing
principles of good and bad action.
A. Ethics
B. Philosophy
C. Culture
D. Aesthetics

464. This refers to an act regarded as the foundation of morality. Acts governed by the will and thus performed
intentionally and willingly.
A. Act of Man
B. Immoral Act
C. Human Act
D. Moral Act

465. Diverse ethnic and linguistic groups in the Philippines speak distinct languages. illustrating the necessity for unity
amidst diversity. This scenario is highlighting the example and significance of:
A. Material Culture
B. Non-Material Culture
C. Moral Standard
D. None
466. Primo-primi acts of quick reflexes, nearly automatic reactions or nearly instantaneous reactions are called:
A. Human Act
B. Act of Man
C. Moral Act
D. Amoral Act

467. The various languages spoken by the various ethno-linguistic groups in the Philippines are an example of:
A. Material Culture
B. Non-Material Culture
C. Moral Standard
D. Act of Man

168. An informed adult who consciously and voluntarily consumes freshly picked vegetables is an example of:
A. Moral Act
B. Amoral Act
C. Act of man
D. Human Act

469. Also called the Angelic Doctor, he is an Italian philosopher and theologian who ranks among the most important
thinkers of the medieval period.
A. Plato
B. Immanuel Kant
C. Thomas Aquinas
D. Jeremy Bentham
E. None of the above

470. The principle of moderation by Aristotle means that

A. no matter the way, it matters the goal
B. everything is harmful in excess or deficiency
C. there is a right way to do everything
D. the path of virtue is comfortable

471. What does the "Good" directly mean by way of something to be prized or to be worth man's acquisition and
A. Ideals
B. Ambitions
C. Quest
D. Values

472. Which academic discipline is concerned about understanding" Good" for individuals and society?
A. Psychology
B. Values education
C. Anthropology
D. History

473. In his search for human values, what did Plato consider to be the universal good?.
A. Being or existence or being
B. Intensity manifested in free choice
C. Living experience
D. Supreme principle of the good

474. In his search for human values, what did Aristotle consider to be the universal good?
A. Living experience
B. Being or existence
C. Supreme principle of the good
D. Intensity manifested in free choice

475. In their search for human values, what did existentialist philosophers consider to be the universal good?
A. Living experience
B. Being or existence
C. Supreme principle of the good
D. Intensity manifested in free choicej

476. Among most philosophers of the West, what or who is the Ultimate Good?
A. Happiness
B. Pleasure
C. God
D. Enlightenment

477. On its properties, why is the Good dependent on time, place and varied cultures of people?
A. It is bipolar.
B. It is hierarchical.
C. it is relative.
D. It is objective.

478. On its properties, why does the Good have an absolute character independent of human judgment such as ideal
values of Beauty, Truth, Justice, etc.?
A. It is relative.
B. It is bipolar.
C. It is hierarchical.
D. It is objective.

479. On its properties, why does the Good have the accompanying counter-values or opposites, e.g. good vs evil, love
vs love, etc?
A. It is bipolar.
B. It s relative.
C. It is objective.
D. It is hierarchical.

480. On the classification of the Good, the following are examples of the intrinsically good which is a value in itself
benefitting man, EXCEPT
A. It is bipolar.
B. It is hierarchical.
C. It is objective.
D. It is relative.

481. On the classification of the Good, the following are examples at the biological level of the intrinsically good which
is a value in itself benefitting man, EXCEPT
A. property
B. life
C. food
D. work

482. On the classification of the Good, the following are examples at the biological level of the intrinsically good which
is a value in itself benefitting man, EXCEPT
A. wealth
B. sexual mating
C. marriage
D. parental authority

483. On the classification of values, the following are examples of universal moral values expressed in normative
obligation, EXCEPT
A. sense of responsibility
B. abstinence
C. character
D. self-sacrifice

484. On classification of values, the following are cultural values which are subject to customs, mores and traditions of
particular peoples, places and times, EXCEPT
A. love for Asian literature
B. love for knowledge
C. love for Tagalog poetry
D. love for classical music

485. On conflict of values or of the Good, what strategy can be most helpful in resolving the Russia-Ukraine war?
A. NATO entering the war
B. Upheaval in Russia
C. US stops using Ukraine as its pawn vs Russia
D. Peace conciliation

486. On conflict of values or of the Good, what strategy can be most helpful in the case of a husband-and-wife facing
the dilemma of whether to use extra money to buy a car, repair the house or keep it for the education of their children?
A. Value prioritization
B. Clarification of values
C. Conciliation
D. Inner change

487. On the conflict of values or of the Good, how is it best to categorize the pro-life vs pro-choice abortion issue in
the US?
A. A political-ideological issue
B. An economic-political issue
C. A moral-social issue
D. A cultural-religious issue

488. On the conflict of values or of the Good, what strategy can be most practical in resolving the state of poverty in
many peasant economies in the world?
A. Updating of values for the future
B. Formation of new choice
C. Expanding alternatives for change
D. Long-term education

489. On the case of radical historical change in religious values, what occurred in the challenging of autocratic Papal
authority by Martin Luther in the 16th century?
A. Evolution
B. Reformation
C. Revolution
D. Involution

490. On radical historical change in socio-political values, what occurred in the toppling of monarchical autocratic rule
in Czarist Russia, Hispanic Latin America, and England with its colonies in North America?
A. Devolution
B. Revolution
C. Involution
D. Evolution

491. On radical historical change in socio-political values, what did Dr. Jose Rizal in colonial rule while strengthening
Filipinos for assuming later on their own hope to achieve by his Liga Filipina which introduced civic participation
A. Involution
B. Revolution
C. Devolution
D. Evolution

492. On radical historical change, what happened when animistic religious consciousness in the pre-historic age
unfolded through the centuries into totemism, idolatry, theism culminating in the Abrahamic faith of strict monotheism
shared today by the 3 major religions of Christianity, Judaism and Islam?
A. Religious revolution
B. Religious involution
C. Religious devolution
D. Religious evolution

493. On radical historical change, what happened with Korea which fell from a self-governing system to a Japanese
occupied people, and in the 20th century a militaristic state governed by a demagogic rule?
A. Evolution
B. Devolution
C. Revolution.
D. Involution

494. On radical historical change, what happened in the Philippines when pl amassed in EDSA to face tanks armed
with flowers and rosaries and victoriously toppled a dictatorial regime?
A. People devolution
B. Peaceful revolution
C. Armed revolution
D. Inner involution

495. On the Supreme Good, which religion teaches that eternal salvation of the soul was achieved by the sacrificial
death of a universal savior?
A. Buddhism
B. Islam
C. Judaism
D. Christianity

496. On the Supreme Good, which religion teaches entry into paradise after death through submission to God?
A. Islam
B. Christianity
C. Buddhism
D. Hinduism

497. On the Supreme Good, which religion teaches attaining the final goal of nirvana or bliss through right knowledge,
aspiration, livelihood and mindfulness?
A. Islam
B. Buddhism
C. Hinduism
D. Taoism

498. On the Supreme Good, which religion teaches liberation from the endless cycle of reincarnation through
A. Bahaism
B. Hinduism
C. Christianity
D. Sikhism

499. On the Supreme Good, what natural religion teaches attainment of bliss by being in harmony with nature and the
Ground of being?
A. Sikhism
B. Bahaism
C. Buddhism
D. Taoism

500. On the Supreme Good, which philosophy taught the way to social order and happiness through righteousness
and cultural propriety?
A. Buddhism
B. Hinduism
C. Confucianism
D. Taoism

501. Globalization as a condition is called
A. globalism
B. globality
C. globalization
D. globalist

502. The following statements are correct about globalization except:

A. Globalization can be seen as a process, a condition, a system, a force, an ideology, and an age.
B. Globalization is inevitable and irreversible.
C. Global north countries are in charge of globalization.
D. Globalization has varied and contending meanings.

503. It entails homogenization of culture, politics, economy, and laws by western dominance.
A. Americanization
B. Internationalization
C. Westernization
D. Liberalization

504. The cross-border relations between or among countries, especially on trade and capital investment is called ____
A. globalization
B. internationalization
C. liberalization
D. McDonaldization
505. Which is a multi-dimensional phenomenon involving politics, economics, culture, ideology, environment, and
technology that denotes the expansion and intensification of social relations and consciousness across world-time and
A. Globalization
B. Internationalization
C. Liberalization
D. Universalization

506. China's vaccine diplomacy with the Philippines and Thailand illustrates
A. economic globalization
B. political globalization
C. cultural globalization
D. technological globalization

507. A foreign car manufacturing industry can add to the economic development of a struggling country, bringing
much-needed jobs. This is an example of
A. economic globalization
B. political globalization
C. cultural globalization
D. technological globalization

508. The Philippines is a/an

A. developed country
B. developing country
C. least developed country
D. underdeveloped country

509. Which global scholars contend that the world economy is not truly global since it is still centered in Europe,
Eastern Asia, and Northern America?
A. sceptics
B. modifiers
C. rejectionists
D. globaloneys

510. The evolution and development of international and regional trading blocs account for the growing global
interdependence. This is an indication of globalization as a/an ____ process.
A. political
B. economic
C. cultural
D. alternating

511. The following international organizations are products of the Bretton Wood System except
A. International Monetary Fund
B. World Trade Organization
C. World Bank
D. United Nations

512. A tax levied by a government on imports or occasionally exports for purposes of protection, support of the
balance of payments, or the raising of revenue is called
A. tariff
B. capital
C. revenue
D. interest

513. The United Nations Charter is concerned with mainly what issues?
A. Economic issues
B. International cooperation issues
C. Sustainable development issues
D. Democracy and human rights issues

514. International trade left to its natural course without tariffs, quotas, or other restrictions is called
A. trade liberalization
B. protectionism
C. privatization
515. The practice of shielding a country's domestic industries from foreign competition by taxing imports is called
A. trade liberalization
B. protectionism
C. privatization
D. Keynesianism

516. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is an example of

A. Open regionalism
B. Closed regionalism
C. Mixed regionalism
D. Interstate regionalism

517. Which regionalism is exclusive and imposes protectionist measures that result in restricted relations and limited
access to member states' markets?
A. Open regionalism
B. Closed regionalism
C. Alternative regionalism
D. Asian regionalism

518. Who among the following China's leader was responsible for opening the Chinese economy to world capitalism
— the reason for current China's economic rise?
A. Hu Jintao
B. Xi Jinping
C. Deng Xiaoping
D. Jiang Zemin

519. Trump administration's America First policies on trade, immigration and taxes reflect which type of economic
A. privatization
B. deregulation
C. protectionism
D. liberalization

520. The following are Asian traits except

A. Respect for authority
B. Hard work
C. Individualism
D. Group solidarity

521. The "Lord's Prayer" translated in various Philippine local languages is an example of
A. Indigenization
B. Vernacularization
C. Transnationalism
D. Universalism

522. The term use to identify a massive increase in births following World War 2.
A. Generation Z
B. Millennials
C. Generation X
D. Baby Bloomers

523. Which is considered as the new missionaries of global capitalism?

A. Radio and television
B. Global media
C. Internet
D. Print media

524. The presence of Filipino fans of the Korean K-pop band BTS is an example of
A. economic globalization
B. political globalization
C. ecological globalization
D. cultural globalization

525. Which ushered in the "information revolution," which altered markets, corporations, nations, schools, churches,
governments, militaries, and other institutions?
A. Printing Press
B. Script
C. Language
D. Electronic Media

526. Due to frequent changes in oil prices and exchange rates, the government stops intervening in controlling oil
price management to allow market forces to be flexible and efficient. This practice illustrates_
A. privatization
B. deregulation
C. protectionism
D. liberalization

527. The transfer of ownership and responsibilities of Philippine Airlines, Inc. from the Philippine government to the
PAL Holdings, Inc. is an example of
A. liberalization
B. privatization
C. protectionism
D. Keynesianism

528. Lack of jobs, natural disaster, war, or persecution are examples of which migration factors?
A. Pull factors
B. Push factors
C. Economic factors
D. Political factors

529. Which term refers to someone who has fled from his/her home country and sought protection in another country?
A. Labor migrants
B. Emigrants
C. Refugee
D. Immigrants

530. Cosmopolitanism is now a feature of modern life. Which of the following speaks about cosmopolitanism?
A. "I am a Filipino"
B. "I am a Citizen of the world."
C. "Country first before others."
D. "Modernity is urban living."

531. The case of the European Union illustrates

A. Economic and political integration
B. The rise of international law
C. Economic and cultural integration
D. Cultural and political integration

532. All the following statements are correct about the United Nations except
A. It was formed after World War II
B. It never transcended the state system.
C. It is currently composed of 195-member countries.
D. It operates mainly as a forum.

533. In the context of global development, who were seen as needy, passive, unruly, and/or deviant?
A. Global North
C. First World
D. Global South

534. Which country is most associated with the saying, "If you want to get rich, first build a road"?
A. Japan
B. China
C. South Korea
D. United Kingdom

535. If Global North is to World Bank, the Global South, represented by the BRICS countries is to
A. Asian Monetary Fund
B. Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
C. New Development Bank
D. Asia Development Bank
536. The following countries belong to the Global South except
A. Africa
B. Australia
C. South America
D. Developing Asia

537. Japan had the economic capacity to play a prominent role in the East Asian region but failed to do so because of
A. political instability
B. lack of social cohesion
C. weak military
D. subordination to USA

538. The telegraph, telephone, radio, film and television are examples of what media?
A. Printing Press
B. Digital Media
C. Wireless Media
D. Electronic media

539. Which electronic media rely on digital codes - the long-hidden combinations of 0s and Is that represent
A. Television
B. Computer
C. Digital media
D. Radio

540. Filipinos in the United Kingdom celebrating the Sinulog Festival is an example of what particular form of
A. Indigenization
B. transnationalization
C. nationalization
D. particularization

541. Which is the most overlooked medium in histories of globalization, the enduring of all media?
A. oral communication
B. newspaper
C. television
D. electronic media

542. Which development fulfills the requirements of the present without jeopardizing future generations' ability to meet
their own needs?
A. Sustainable development
B. Global development goals
C. Millennium development goals
D. UN development goals

543. How many global goals does The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have?
A. 15
B. 17
C. 18
D. 10

544. Which are the three pillars of sustainability?

A. Social, economic, political
B. Social, economic, environmental
C. Social, technological, economic
D. Political, social, technological

545. Which is number one in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development?
A. Zero hunger
B. Good health and well being
C. No poverty
D. Gender equality

546. The international body responsible for ensuring the SDGs are achieved is
A. International Monetary Fund
B. World Economic Forum
C. United Nations
D. Food and Agriculture Organization

547. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will expire by

A. 2025
B. 2030
C. 2035
D. 2040

548. When having small talk, which of the following topics is considered forbidden?
A. Religion
B. Travels
C. Cultural events
D. Weather

549. The following statements are correct about Deng Xiaoping except
A. Called the 'architect of modern China."
B. Improved relations with the outside world
C. Initiated China's export-led economy.
D. Initiated import-led economy in China.

550. Which contributed significantly to the ongoing reduction of world-time and world space?
A. Cultural innovations
B. Economic innovations
C. Technological innovations
D. Ideological innovations

551. Which art allows artists to express a narrative through graceful, appealing movements?
A. music
B. painting
C. architecture
D. dance

552. Mrs. Kulay eliminated all non-essential objects in her classroom to expose the essentials. What art movement is
she practicing?
A. Conceptual art
B. Constructivism
C. Pop art
D. Minimalism

553. In music, some tonal combinations induce a calm state, while others might cause tension. Jaws theme song by
John Williams is an example of which tonal combination?
A. Dissonance
B. Consonance
C. Assonance
D. Distance

554. Pinky, an Education student was asked by Professor Gray to provide a real-life example of connessione. Which
of the following would she most likely say?
A. The economic conditions of first-world countries affect no one.
B. Education systems in the west are not accessible and are exclusive.
C. The quality performance of each group member affects the overall performance.
D. My neighbors are not in any way related to me.

555. Artworks have three components: subject, form, and content. Which of the terms refers to the meaning and
context of an artwork?
A. Content
B. Form
C. subject
D. artist
556. Teacher Dina noticed that her students enjoy listening to music, so she decided to let them bring to class any
percussion instrument. Which of the following will her students bring?
A. Trumpet
B. Violin
C. French horn
D. Snare drum

557. Before the arrival of the Spanish colonizers, traditional tattoos flourished in the Philippines. The situations below
contributed to its decline EXCEPT:
A. During the Spanish colonial period, Filipinos were converted to Christianity.
B. Traditional tattoos represent many things such as strength. Because many indigenous people no longer work in rice
fields, they became weak and thus must not be tattooed.
C. The early Filipinos' perspective on tattoos changed as a consequence of modernization and acceptance of western
beliefs and practices.
D. It is an art practiced by a few

558. Your colleague wishes to listen to solo instrumental music to destress. Which musical composition should you
A. Sonata
B. Concerto
C. Fugue
D. Chamber music

559. Your principal, Mrs. Kana, noticed many mothers waiting for their children in school during class hours. To keep
these mothers productive, she plans to offer a livelihood class for them aligned with artmaking. Which of the following
art should you suggest?
A. Architecture
B. Performance art
C. Sculpture
D. Textile art

560. Color has three dimensions or attributes: hue, value, and intensity. When you say turquoise, periwinkle, violet, or
orange, you are referring to the color's
A. value
B. hue
C. intensity
D. shade

561. You noticed that in all events your school only plays recordings of the National Anthem, School Hymn,
Invocation, and other songs. What does your school need?
A. Choir
B. Orchestra
C. Graphic designer
D. Composer

562. Plato considers an artist's work to be nothing more than a mimesis of the original object present in the realm of
concepts. Which is the closest translation of the Greek word mimesis?
A. Inspiration
B. Copy
C. Imagination
D. Correspondence

563. Your school's stage was renovated, and a detailed painting of the school's history was added to the stage wall.
This painting is called
A. graffiti
B. silkscreen
C. landscape
D. mural

564. If you require your students to illustrate graceful movements using lines, which line should your students draw?
A. Vertical lines
B. Horizontal lines
C. Curved lines
D. Diagonal lines
565. Which of the following is not a process in fresco painting?
1. The artist decides his subject.
2. The pigments are mixed with water.
3. The wall for the fresco painting is prepared using lime paste.
4. The artist paints on the wet-plastered wall.
5. The artist seals his painting with wood varnish.
A. 1
B. 3
C. 5
D. 2 and 4

566. Which of the following statements is/are TRUE about imagination?

1. it is an abstraction of a certain thought or feeling that produces art
2. It enables artists and designers to envision ideas before bringing them to reality
3. it is the ability to form pictures or ideas in your mind of things that are
new and exciting or things that you have not experienced.
4. it is succeeded by creativity
A. statement 1 only
B. statements 1 and 2
C. statement 4 only
D. statements 1, 2, and 3

567. A group of students, whose documentary won first place in the Cinemalaya Festival, was given recognition in
school. Which kind of art is the documentary?
A. Film
B. Essay
C. Biography
D. Photography

568. To create more hues, mixing colors is necessary. Which must be combined to create green?
A. blue + red
B. blue + orange
C. yellow + brown
D. yellow + blue

569. The Philippine Congress passed RA 7355 or also known as Gawad Manlilikha ng Bayan (GAMABA). This
accolade is given to someone who possesses the following EXCEPT:
A. an inhabitant of an indigenous community in the Philippines
B. has engaged in modern art that has been in existence and documented for at least five years.
C. must have mastery of tools and materials needed by the art
D. consistently performed or produced over a significant period of superior and distinctive quality

570. You noticed that your students take interest in optical art. In your lesson on the elements of art, which element
will most likely correspond to this interest?
A. Color
B. Pattern
C. Variety
D. Space

571. Mrs. Mata's gown captured the attention of everyone in the room at the district's award ceremony for "The Best
Teacher in Town." This capacity to attract one's attention in art is known as:
A. variety
B. proportion
C. emphasis
D. unity

572. You decided to repaint your classroom. However, when the painter mixed the tint with the white base, you
noticed that the paint color was too dark. What changes would you make to solve this problem?
A. Add more tints
B. Add more white
C. Strain the tint
D. Sift the paint

573. What do you call the process of adding white to a color to achieve a lighter hue?
A. Highlighting
B. Tinting
C. Shading
D. Coordinating

574. The term "Improvisation" in art applies to real-life situations. Which of the following best exemplifies the use of
A. Professor Handa organizes his lecture notes and prepares his materials a week before the new school year.
B. Upon hearing the news of an incoming typhoon, the principal, Mrs. Gawa, prepared an advisory for teachers to
secure the school materials and classrooms.
C. In her 1:30 PM Reading class, Mrs. Dimakakulang noticed that her students were sleepy. Instead of her reading the
story, she decided to let each student read a line or two.
D. When Ana was called for an interview at the Head Office, she brought a portfolio of her certificates, awards, and
recognitions just in case she will be asked to show proof of her accomplishments.

575. Mrs. Kundiman wishes to incorporate art in her geometry class. Which art style suits a geometry class?
A. Cubism
B. Pointillism
C. Abstract expressionism
D. Avant garde

576. Who is the Philippine's prima ballerina.

A. Lisa Macuja-Elizalde
B. Liza Soberano
C. Liza Dino
D. Lisa Lopez

577. You noticed that Mr. Deco's classroom has a pantry with ornate teapots, tea cups, and a tea table which he and
his students may use during recess. Which function of art is represented by the teapots, tea cups, and tea table?
A. Personal function
B. Physical function
C. Social function
D. Spiritual function

578. When an artist portrays an object in an abstract manner like splashes of paint, the subject is referred to as
A. distorted
B. representational
C. non-representational
D. symbolic

579. Mrs. Nakaraan, a Sociology teacher, plans to give a lecture on the terrible political and economic climate. If she
needs visual examples, she may utilize artworks from which art movement?
A. Realism
B. Abstract expressionism
C. Impressionism
D. Surrealism

580. Which is a stage play written by Fr. Jeronimo Perez in 1637 depicting the wars between Christians and Muslims?
A. Ati-atihan
B. Zarzuela
C. Moro-moro
D. Cenakulo

581. When Mrs. Kit became ill from stress, her doctor recommended that she listen to classical music. What
reasonable conclusion can you draw from this situation?
A. Listening to classical music is always better than listening to pop music
B. Listening to classical music has some therapeutic effects.
C. Mrs. Kit forgot to listen to classical music.
D. Mrs. Kit got sick because she did not listen to music for a long time.

582. Curiosita is one of the seven Da Vincian Principles. Which of the following instances best exemplifies the use of
this principle in the classroom?
A. After you introduced the basic principles of origami, your pupils immediately started exploring other paper-folding
B. You relied heavily on a single textbook without needing to look into alternative resources to keep things simple for
your students.
C. The intended learning outcomes of your lesson are attainable using one process or activity only.
D. When you were observed in class you did not permit students to raise questions.
583. When you see a tragic play and experience the purgation of emotions, you are experiencing
A. mimesis
B. catharsis
C. aesthetics
D. diegesis

584. The words "the eye is the window of the soul" were previously attributed to Leonardo Da Vinci. In the context of
art, he means that
A. one can see a person's core being through the eyes
B. a person's eyes are deceiving
C. you can learn using your eyes
D. when words fail, the eyes speak

585. He is the national hero who painted the "Spoliarium" in 1884.

A. Carlos Francisco
B. Jose Joya
C. Vicente Manansala
D. Juan Luna

586. During her class observation, Mrs. Rista's PowerPoint presentation failed. Instead of rescheduling her
observation, she decided to improvise. Despite the unforeseen circumstance, her observation result turned out to be a
good one. In this scenario, she was able to practice Da Vinci's
A. Sfumato
B. Arte/Scienza
C. Sensazione
D. Connessione

587. In art, soul-making refers to creating something unique and worthwhile using intelligence. Which of the following
activities can be considered a byproduct of soul-making?
A. instructing pupils to pick up their trash.
B. crafting stories that fit your student's context
C. erasing lecture notes on the board
D. viewing instructional videos on behalf of your students

588. Ms. Kundiman needs music for her school's celebration of Buwan ng Wika. Which purpose of music is best
demonstrated by the situation?
A. Music for Earning Prestige
B. Music for Political Campaign
C. Music for Socio-Cultural Occasion
D. Music for Tribal Identity

589. In which three-dimensional art is the use of metal, wood, glass, and concrete to build structures is common?
A. Architecture
B. Assemblage
C. Abstract art
D. Action painting

590. In your upcoming Educator's Summit, you will create an illustrated rendition of the music you will listen to.
Because you experienced a similar activity in your Art Appreciation course during your university years, you know that
the activity is called
A. transcreation
B. enactment
C. collaboration
D. performance art

591. You asked your students to draw their feelings in response to the movie you previously showed them. Many of
your students say that they are not good painters. Which artistic style should they apply to complete this task?
A. Realism
B. Cubism
C. Art Nouveau
D. Abstract Expressionism

592. Mrs. Mestra is the founder of your school. To honor her memory, the community decided to create an artwork
that would be installed on the school's quadrangle for everyone to see. What kind of art should be installed?
A. painting
B. diorama
C. bust
D. music box

593. Blue is a
A. warm color
B. complementary color
C. cool color
D. analogous color

594. Your colleague, Ms. Bata, will teach arc and curved lines with her kindergarten pupils, but she is unaware of any
two-minute writing activity. Which writing activity will you recommend?
A. Drawing triangles
B. Writing the letter S
C. Folding papers
D. Drawing grass

595. It is a kind of visual art in which pigments are applied to a surface to create shapes and colors.
A. Sculpture
B. Painting
C. Literature
D. Music

596. Ms. Jessica loves listening to jazz music. Which single-reed instrument would she most likely hear in her
preferred music genre?
A. Saxophone
B. Violin
C. Ukulele
D. Flute

597. The Paleolithic Venus figurines unearthed across Europe are known to symbolize the following EXCEPT_
A. fertility
B. potency
C. beauty
D. mentality

598. Ms. Robles wears a beige dress, light brown boots, and hazel coat to work. She is wearing
A. complementary _____ colors.
B. monochromatic
C. triad
D. arbitrary

599. Who is responsible for the collection and exhibit of museum artifacts?
A. Artists
B. Government
C. Collector
D. Curator

600. The NCCA is the Philippines' official government agency for culture. NCCA stands for
A. National Committee on Cultural Appreciation
B. National Commission on Cultural Arts
C. National Committee for Culture and the Art
D. National Commission for Culture and the Arts


601. The following are what personality theorists understand the Self to be, but NOT to include
A. the ego, id and superego
B. the individual person
C. the preconscious, conscious and subconscious
D. the body and soul

602. Of the various personality theorists, who gave emphasis to biological instincts and unconscious processes as the
main factor in self-identity, thus introducing psychoanalysis to help people?
A. Alfred Adler
B. Sigmund Freud
C. Erik Erikson
D. Carl Jung

603. On various personality theorists, who gave emphasis to underlying traits and dispositions, thus opening the way
for a humanistic view of self-identity?
A. Carl Rogers
B. Sigmund Freud
C. Erik Erikson
D. Alfred Adler

604. For Sigmund Freud, what is the source of man's instinctive drive at the deepest level of the unconscious mind
that demands immediate gratification of basic needs of hunger, elimination, aggression and sensual stimulation of the
A. Superego
B. Libido
C. Id
D. Ego

605. For Sigmund Freud, what is the conscious self that surfaces after gradual awareness of the difference between
one's own desires and those of other people?
A. Ego
B. Id
C. Superego
D. Libido

606. For Sigmund Freud, what is the conscience of the Self that develops beginning the first five years of human life to
help discriminate right from wrong and brings forth ideals later on in life, such as shown by martyrs and heroes?
A. Individuation
B. Superego
C. Sublimation
D. Extroversion

607. Who introduced the concept of a human instinct for self-realization for perfection, as the driving force for behavior
of the Self?
A. Erik Erikson
B. Alfred Adler
C. Carl Rogers
D. Abraham Maslow

608. Erik Erikson has the following factors in his theory of development of the Self but NOT to include,
A. culture which is a force that helps shape personality
B. past history that is most important for individuality
C. development which covers the entire life span
D. society that influences development of the Self

609. For Erik Erikson, what is the most basic sense of reliance of the Self as a Child that gives the strength of hope
gradually becoming faith in adult life?
A. Identity
B. Intimacy
C. Autonomy
D. Trust

610. What is known as self-control that builds up self-esteem and assertion of individuality of the Self?
A. Autonomy
B. Trust
C. Trust
D. Intimacy

611. At what stage of human development does an identity crisis occur when there is role confusion of the Self and
there's the need to decide what the future will hold and who you will become?
A. Late adulthood
B. Puberty
C. Adolescence
D. Early adulthood
612. In human growth and maturity, when does Identity of the Self become the theme of life through reassessment of
priorities and development of interpersonal sensitivities?
A. Adolescence
B. Puberty
C. Early adulthood
D. Late adulthood

613. Of the following trends in personality development of the Self, which is most recent in shifts of concept change?
A. Passive shaping of personality
B. Nature or nurture of the Self
C. The Unconscious in personality-building
D. Self and the environment

614. On recognized 4 personality traits, how is a person categorized if he/she is an extrovert, enthusiastic, active,
social, and enjoys being part of a crowd?
A. Melancholic
B. Phlegmatic
C. Sanguine
D. Choler

615. On recognized 4 personality types, how is a person categorized if he/she is independent, decisive, goals-
oriented, ambitious, and a natural leader?
A. Choleric
B. Sanguine
C. Melancholic
D. Phlegmatic

616. On recognized 4 personality types, how is a person categorized if he/she is analytical, detail-oriented, a deep
thinker, introvert, self reliant, but afraid to be singled out?
A. Sanguine
B. Phlegmatic
C. Melancholic
D. Choleric

617. On recognized 4 personality types, how is a person categorized if he/she is relaxed, peaceful, quiet, empathetic
to others, good at generalizing ideas, but tending to hide emotions?
A. Sanguine
B. Phlegmatic
C. Melancholic
D. Choleric

618. On the negative aspect of the Self, how is one regarded if he/she believes in self-interest as a moral principle?
A. Egoist
B. Egotist
C. Egregious
D. Ego-maniac

619. On the negative aspect of the Self, how is one regarded if he/she is self-oriented, having a habit of speaking too
much or having a high opinion about oneself?
A. Egregious
B. Ego-maniac
C. Egotistic
D. Egoistic

620. On the negative aspect of the Self, how is one regraded if he/she has a chronic regard for oneself, not allowing
other people to come between his/her desire for achievement?
A. Egregious
B. Egomaniac
C. Egoist
D. Egotist

621. On stages of development of the Self, what do I achieve as a teacher by being committed to confidence, faith
and reliance on people?
A. Trust
B. Autonomy
C. Intimacy
D. Initiative

622. On stages of development of the Self, what do I achieve as a teacher by being committed to enterprise,
dynamism, get-up-and-go, and leadership?
A. Trust
B. Intimacy
C. Initiative
D. Autonomy

623. On stages of development of the Self, what do I achieve as a teacher by being committed to diligence,
dynamism, determination and work?
A. Trust
B. Ego-integrity
C. Industry
D. Autonomy

624. On stages of development of the Self, what do I achieve as a teacher by being committed to being caring, loving
especially to the children I serve?
A. Intimacy
B. Autonomy
C. Ego-integrity
D. Trust

625. On stages of development of the Self, what do I achieve as a teacher by being committed to being productive,
creative and innovative in my work?
A. Autonomy
B. Generativity
C. Industry
D. Initiative
E. Autonomy

626. On stages of development of the Self, what do I achieve as a teacher by being committed to honesty, honor,
loyalty, and virtue?
A. Initiative
B. Ego-integrity
C. Industry
D. Generativity

627. Since the self is the foundation of all aspects of one's life, which of the following is all embracing for what I am?
A. My work or career
B. My relationship with people
C. My being and becoming
D. My personal goal achievements

628. On Self-knowledge, which of the following mental activities relates to knowing one's own mental abilities, skills
and values?
A. Sensation
B. Volition
C. Metacognition
D. Perception

629. On the Self's interpersonal life, which of the following classroom activities is conducive to better social and
communication skills?
A. Field work
B. Group dynamics
C. Drills
D. Lectures

630. On ways to help the Self on the path to development and health, which of the following interventions best relates
to the work of teachers in education?
A. Experiments
B. Psychoanalysis
C. Guidance
D. Hypnosis

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