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Foundations of the teaching-learning process

,i Apply philosophical and sociological principles in teaching-learning


Apply foundation theories of special and inclusive education.

Direction : Choose the letter .

1. What is inclusive ed
A . Place~ent ,eds in mainstream
settings, al b'.1I~ties

B. Placing le classroom

,.:;;Jflii •
C. Putting lea .Ji~4ef§i#lf l ,~~r m one classroom

D. Putting lea ·· e classroom

2. Which are examples on teaching practices?

I. Emphasis on stu 1ll,
:., ~
II . Manipulating stif1 W,,;1, Ki,. /;
III. Explicit or direcN 1 •. 1,l 11·, , .' ,ffat.hreak down tasks into their
smallest elements
A. I, II and III C. II and III
B. I and II D. I and II

3. In which order arc the steps of behaviorism-based direct instruction done in

inclusive classrooms?
The teacher:
I. introduces a lesson.
II. teaches a structured lesson.
Jll. monitors student understanding.
IV receives student feedback to ensure understanding.
A. l,llI , II,IV C. I,IV,11,III
B. l, 11, lIL JV D. I, II, IV, III

1, 1 ,~ , 1 11 1 1 , ,N , r H11 iAn P Pl,~ , 1<:: ~ 11\l r. 11\l r rnPYRIGHT 2023 DO NOT REPROOUCf

4. Which instructio nal strategies should be used to support the cognitive needs of
students w ith special education al needs, based on the cogn itive theories of learning?
L Outlining
11. Mnemoni cs
III. Concept mapping
IV. Advance organizer s
A. I and II C. I, III and IV
B. II and IV D. I, II, III and IV

5. Cognitivi sm-based inclusi\ !~t~ducati on practice Slavin's PQ4R works in inclusive

classroom s. What does PQ~R method mean?
A. Preview, Q .· Revi w, Re~d~Jlefl~ct? Rycite
'i/•.1/.f;if /I'
,'. 1/', ·'l, ''ii , I,_
B. Previe'¾~,;,. . , · ;,eft~c,t, 'Recrte: ,a;p.d R~view

C. Preview, Reaf , R- ect, il,f d ~ ~view

D. Preview, . , Re~ect, ·i{ecite'; and Read
1! f I I

6. Which metacogn iti ;:, ;i{Qr,ii!3i1fl~nt§,}~¥tth special needs in

cognitivis m-based 1 settings?
';ia)r .:
I. Concept ma
II. Reciproca l t
III. Flow chart

' IV. Concept map :;,

A. I and II
B. I and III

C . II and III
D. I, II, III and IV

7. Used in jnclusive cl assrooms are cognitivism- based concept maps. What are
ex ampl es of concept maps?
r. Charts
JI . Graph ic organi zers
11 L Venn Di agrams
IV. Flowcharts
V. Ta bles

A . J, I I, II I , IV C. 1, II , lV, V
B. I, 11. 1V, V D. I, 11, 11 I, lV, V

- --
t I { • I - -~--.---.--- - - -- - -
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\\ hich con~tructi vism-b:1scd activ it ies arc used in inclu sive c lassroo m s?
l. Situati ng tasks in rea l-world contex ts
11. Using rea l-life cx~1mplc~
Ill. Cogniti , c appren ticeshi ps
l\'. PrLscnting mu ltip le perspec ti ves
,\ . 1 :md 11 C. 11 l and IV
R. L 11 and HI D. I , ll, Ill and IV

4. \\'ho art' rcfrtTcd to as "teach er" in the Teach ers' Professionali zation Act?
I. Persons engag ed in teachi ng at the elemen tary and second ary levels
II. Full time or part ti me eleme ntary and second ary school teachers
111. Indust rial arts or vocational teachers
l \ ·. Person s perfor ming superv isory and admin istrative function s in the
eleme ntary an d -secon daiy leve1s
\ y. lnstru ctor'P rofess or in coll~ges and uni.versities
A . L II~ Ill_ IV and V ~· C. I, II and Ill
B. L IL Ill and IV -..,, D. I and II

10. \\ nich act is unethi cal and dnbec omin~ ~f a profes : ionalt ~acher
based on The Code
of Ethics ? ~ _ ~ r"..J _

A. Apply ing for a teachi ng p~; iticil wh\ h is ; otll_e~lare d vacant

B. Prepar ing to the best of her/his~ability· for the teaghi ng profession
C. Filing valid charge s iigaipst-~supert qrs1tq CQn1petept author ity
D. Refrai n from dispar aging the pomm1Inity C --_;


rs ' work?
11. On ,-vhich does a profess ional teache r base his/he r €valu~tion of learne
A. Studen ts ' attend ance
B. Merit and quality of studen ts ' output /perfo rmanc e
C. Studen ts' behav ior
D. Studen ts' effort

12. To be a profes sional teache r, is it enoug h for a teache r to watch only
profes siona l Ii fe?
A. Yes. a teac her 's personal I ife is separa te from his/her profes sional life.
B. Yes , what matters to school s and comm unities is the teache r 's profes sional
li fe .
C. No, a teache r has to pay att ention to both his/her person al and profes sional
life .
D. No, a teache r 's persona l life is the same as his/her profes sional life.


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. : . . . : . : . . . : : : :'JP~' ~ ~
- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - : .

13. Docs 1he Code of Ethics consider it unprofessional for a teacher to f~

his/her student? c wnf 1

A. Yes, because it is unprofess ional.

B. Yes, because it is not good before the eyes of the class and co _
11 .
. the teacher sha exercise utmost professional di . Y mrnunu
C. No, provided
avoid scandal. scretionto
D. No, but better for the teacher to look for a profess ional like himself

14. ''Once a teacher, forever a learner." What is the role of the teacher according tothe
statement? ·
A. Student C. Professional
B. Guidance counselor D. Coach

15. "The illiterate of the J en ;t ho cannot read and

I ,

write, but tho~e who ~ann .· at message does this

have for the 21 st centlry t
The 21 st century ~acher
A . is a lifelong.}J~a
B. is tech saviw
C. is perfect f
D. a child -~Zr,
16. The teacher is a facil~l~t, p, J,ei~ "N of~ thi~''rnean?
f4 l:, /i/(.,) ·-!f~-~
\ if. i?
. ,I ., ,, ;. f/
,fi_ 1

A. She teache~ Yf'¢3r~0sqh <cr1!}1~ttMr.11 ;' , , , .

B. She doesn'~rt µ;tr}*S¾,sltat~J!~9W,y~ptng :,qiffi oult.
C. She simplifies, ~nd concretizes difficult lesson to help students learn.
D. She spares students of subject requirements.

17. Of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with which are teachers directly
A. SDG #1 C. SDG #3
B. SDG #2 D. SDG #4

[:? 18. Teacher is a school culture catal yst. Which is expected of her?
. h h says, hoW
A. She facilitates the improvement of school culture by w at s e
she relates to peopl e and how she works.
B. She enforces school rules to the letter.
C. She puts down slow learners to make every student study ha ·
D. She groups students on the basis of ethnicity.

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19. As an educational resource manager, what docs teacher do?

A. Effectively and efficiently manages learning resources and time
B. Procures most recent and expensive teaching-learning resource~ to be
C. Uses technology as substitute fo r hi s/her teaching
D. Sticks to the use of visual teaching-learning aids only

20. \Vhich should a teacher avoid if he/she has to be a culture catalyst?

A. Ethnocentrism
B. Seeing the good in every culture
C. Respect for all cultures
D. Open mindedness

21 . A teacher in the city calls a shy student "promdi". Which does "promdi" imply?
Those who come from the province - ~ - -,--
A. may be belittled
B . deserves respect ,
C. are as civiliz~d as 'the citi bred ;
I ' / .

E. are achievers

' I '· ' ,.

r ·,,,

22. Calling a student "promdi" does not ~~Ip at~achet who is expected to serve as
, ,
A . an educational resource manager
B. transformational leader
C. culture catalyst
D. mentor

23. Which does a transformational teacher leader do?

f. Helps others with their self-development
II. Chall enges team members to help them grow
111. Direct colleagues to get things done while she does not lift a finger to help
JV Set teaching-learning standards by himself/herself
A . II C. II and IV
8 . f and lll D. l and ll


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- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

24. \\ hich c1pplks to a transforma tional tearhct lcn<k1 ?

. "'·· ~,1 •1 • 1
l',, d'
r\ . PrO\ ides conchmg and frrdback
B. Docs all the work
C. Decides by himself
D. looks nt poor performance as inevitable

25. Upon \\,hich principlc/s of personal behavior in all re lationships and all .
should teachers' thoughts and actions be anchored? \ltuati%
I. Self-respect
II. Self-discipline
Ill. Charity
A. I only C. II
B. I and II D. I and III
26. What are the standar(is o
'1:.;i;··.~~- . .

A. The~~atiodt1 C
~- ff$
h~f Standards
B. The Philipj ine ~:Teachers
C. The Profel · :()t,!eachers
rs tn_the Philippines
27. With the domains of
A. Content
B. Learning . , , ,
f!,, !f:':7.

C. Diversity qf ,;
D. Teache(·Pr!·",,,::

28. Do all these belong to the·.1,domains of PPST: Cuniculum and Planning, Assessment
and Reporting, Community Linkages and Professional Engagement and Personal
Growth and Professional Development?
A. Yes, except community linkages.
B. Yes, except assessment and reporting.
C. Yes, they are all domains of PPST.
D. No, growth and professional development do not belong to PPST.

29. Based on the PPST, in the progression of career stages for teachers, which is highe st?
A. Professional C. Distinguished
B. Excellent D. Model



30. Based on the PPST, in the progression of career stages for teachers, which is fowest?
A. Junior C. Apprentice
B. Neophyte D. Beginning

3 1. Why must a professional teacher organize records and other data necessary to carr1
on the work before leaving?
A. To avo id unnecessary disruption of work and service
B. To show proof of accomplishments
C. To challenge the one taking over
D. To make known to everyone especially the one taking over that you are
better than anyone

32. To act as a professional, what conditions must be satisfied when a professional

teacher files a complaint against any associate?
I. Criticism must be justifi able
lJ . Co mplaint must be put in writing
111. Submitt ed to the proper authori tit.::s
/\ . I, II and 111 C. I and 11
B. II and Ill D. 1 and Ill

3J . Based on the Cock of Ethics and in the spirit of pro fess ionalism. which should be?
t lte hnses ol' the system sdcction to get the best for the teaching position'!
/\ . Meri t and competence C. s~niority in agt.~
B. Academic qualifications D. Length .., of sen ice

q /\ s ;1 ._c lwol head, you sco ld a tca~ht.'r in th~ prCSt.'11l'L' of the pnrcnt for .1lkgL'd unfair
~•.1:id1ng 1:-- th;1t prolL' ss ional 011 your part'!
/\ . Yl'", to givt' thl' tl':ll'hcr n kSSl)tl.
n Yc,, to prm'L' to thL' parl'nt that )' lHI cnrc for her child.
< · No, vo11 arc ..,11ppt)~L'd to s11pport ) our tc:11.: hcr bcfot\' thL' p,11\'t\t hut
d1 , c11 -;, thL· ptohkm wi th hL'l' i11 pri, ittc .
I) Nu, pt ,1d1r1.· t·mp:1thy.

~" !-; 11 p1Pk•,, 11 )1 :, 11.·,tr ltt·1 Id tutM ht·r m, 11 pupil for a t't·l".)
\ . , L'S , l'n: '" 1ustdil'.d if' Lh,m· uutsid1.' dnss 1i~,u1~.
till· 111tt11,:ti
I\ N P, II )", I11IpI ~)ri.•,-; in1 1:1l CH ' ll ii dorn· l)\l (Shk duss homs.
, \''• , I ,. 11 l· 111 , ,n. . i,t , ,n1 tl, bl' tlil· t11 tn1 , nursdf si nr1..' )'llll lnm, hL'st
be, .111 -.. r , ,n1 .11l· 1111: ir d1ild 's tv.11.·h1.·1 .
I l \ ~ . 11 ,1p11n,, ,'II h: tin: l·I.,..,, .hh 1'1.' 1

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8 sAsrnoN2022LNHANcrn 1A~foTs~B~~o~~~~~JYa~AR~~Yj~~eER • Professional E
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36. Which is the PPST for Southeast Asia?
A. Competency Framework for Teachers, Southeast Asia
B. Professiona l Standards for Teachers
C. Competency-based Teacher Standards
D. ASEAN Professional Teacher Standards

37. In the Philippines which is the highest career stage for teach ers?
A. Highly proficient teacher C. Proficient teacher
B. Distinguished teacher D. Professional teacher

38. In the Philippines which is the lowest career stage for teachers?
A. Beginning t~a,cher C. Proficient teacher
B. Distinguis4e~ Jt:r,acher D. Professional teacher
, 1M ,
If ·

'* I,'

39. In the Southeast Asi~{Tea$qf1r Competency Framework, who is at the center this
competency framework?
A. The teacher C. The community
B. The schoo(i'fiead . , D. The learner

40. The learner is at the center of the Southeast Asia Teacher Competency Framework.
What does it imply? ,
A. The Teacher Competency Framework serves as guide for the teacher.
B. The learner iS, supposed to be taught and so learns.
C. The learner is the ultimate reason for the Teacher Competency
D. The learner is there for the teacher and the school.

41 . Which career stage in the PPST is described?

Have ga;ned the qualification recognized for entry into the teaching profession.
A. Stage 4 C. Stage 3
B. Stage 2 D. Stage 1

42 - 8.ased on the PPST, which career stage bridges the beginning teacher with the
highly proficient teacher?
A. Proficient teacher, Career Stage 2
B . Professional teacher, Career Stage 2
C. ~istinguished teacher, Career Stage 2
D· Expert Teacher, Career Stage 2

• o ' ,.._, ,., -


43 . ln which career stage is teacher a teacher leader, global in teaching

practice and
contributes significantly to improve the quality of teaching?
A. Proficient reacher C. Distinguished Teacher
R. Master Tca~hcr D. Expert Teacher

44. Before a Filipino teacher in career stage 2 of the PPST obtains disting
uished teacher
stage, which stage must he/she pass through?
A. Beginning stage C. Accom pli shed
B. Apprentice D. Highly Proficient Teacher

45 . As an educational resource manager, teacher manages teaching- learni

ng for
learning to the maximum and to the optimum. Which resource in teachi
ng when lost
is lost forever?
A. Time t1;i/fg~J&~*I~ l materials
B. Learners

46. Based on the Code of fEthi hich must appointments,

promotions and trans~~rs
A. Teacher's re~i ,
B. Merit and n~e
C. Agreement §e
D. Years of tea~

47. How should school o . rih,..-1-,ri / nnel look at the

formulation of schoo l 11 ' U/,U~/!1/,1//.~'--' in the school system?

A. As their coo'pe iot't;,;l''llli!frl,

B. As their prerogative
C. As the exclusive responsibility of school officials
D. As the sole responsibility of teachers

48 . ls it professiona l on the part of teachers to go on strike to seek redres

s against
inj ustice and discrimination?
A . Yes, to go on strike is c1 right that belongs to teachers in a demo
co untry.
B. Yes, it is a free co untry. 'kachcrs have the right to do what they think
C. No, teachers on strike jeopardizes the interest and welfare ofleamers
whose ri ght to learn must be res pected.
D. No, teachers arc paid salaries commensur ate to their duty to teach and
no reason to go on strike .



40: With wltftc h Ot,11ld I nuh , h fn1h11ul w h, 1tuly r,rofc u,,mf m I.Jiu, r fat,ot ~
W11H lhCllmh f llttW lcod1 in'!
J Jw htih1t Of
L Jll Mc '4inn ti lnyulty
IL mutunl confltfcncc
JIL tu11h in one ntHlfhct
IV~ ,.ctf- NM:rlf1tc ,,,r lhu CtHllfl10fi gw,d
Vf 01)1 COOJlCnlt iOli Whit t~oHctfl'UCH
A, J. 11 C, f, H, Hf~I !
U, I. ll and UJ IJ, J, ff, Hf, J / an<, /

~oi How Nhou1d a profcHHi<~naf t,.m~hcr handfo conf ufontiaJ inf,,rr11at1 ,r '..,(,nccming

fihROc-iatcs and the ~ch{>hf'/ ,,

1. 1lo1d inviolat ,a mfonna.Uvn conv;rnmg aV/J 1;iatcs and the
He11001 .;/,1;
IL Not ~j~ulge u which havJ not yet been officially relea~
Ill. Not ·remove r t <!" iles; with<tut official pi-rmi~sion
A. I only C. Hand HJ
13. I, II and JI D, II only

51 . Why must a professi · ·" · · ' data necessary to carry
on the work before
A. To avojd ice
B. To show
C. To challe king ove
D. To make no to everyone cspccia11y the one taking over that you are
better than anyotit /,.,

52, To act as a professional, what conditions must be satisfied when a professional

teacher files a complaint against any associate?
I. Criticism must be justifiable
II. Complaint must be put in writing
III. Submitted to the proper authorities
A. I, II and III C. 1 and II
B. II and III D. I and III
LOR••~A.R PUBLJSH l'4G lt-.C

CH_E_R_ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _..J

Describe the professional teacher and the ways and means to ensure
gh_ s~ ndards of the teacher's personal and professional me.

Explain what teaching is and the various roles of a teacher in meetin g

challenges in the 21 st century.

Demonstrate understanding of the concepts of the teacher as a schoo

culture catalyst, transformational leader and educationa, resources
manager with responsibilities as specified in the Code of Ethics ~or
Professiona l Teachers.

53 . "'To be part of the comm unitf , ensures the teachers· _ _ __

A . membership C. obedience
B. participation D. freedom

54. Which of the following is NOT done by the t@acher or a facili tator
of learning·~
A. Make learning easie ( C. ~GiYes the eorrect answer
B. Concretize the abstract D . ~Simplify f!le complex

55. Teachers "livin g in an unsure times" has a conno tation . \hat is

_ __
A. positi ve C. neutra l
B. negat ive D. resolu te

56. Internal stake holde rs of the schoo l include the follo\ving EXCE
PT _ __
A . parents C. officials
B. stude nts D. teachers

57 . Freed om to exercise one's re 11g1

· ·on 1s
· guaran t e ed by the
· _ _ Philippine
Cons titutio n.
A . 1987 C. 1986
B. l 935 D. 1945
l2 l\ · ' 'Mt'IU tu NSIV
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h ~"..::'~..'. .,,'~~~~~!:; 1n"h\f,,,


$8. Th~ folt\lwh,~ l''-'' t,,,ns h, mtmngl'tR1 ~t l'Pr 1

'" \\'\Wk l ', itllh\\ ,Ill'

n. \fo things ri~ht 1,, 11dnmti, 1l•t

59, Whkh i~ not pnrt of the D'-'PFd'~ mission is " tu p1ull'\'t .iml IH 1 ,
·every l.'\,\\tpmo
\ \ ton \'t\S\C\ l'll\l~~
. l nh,lt\
' " 1 '
t \I\I ,~ . I 111 p h IIll' '
11 ~h1 nr

A, quaHty <\ jnh hn"t'd

n, ~quitnhk l), l'otnpl l'll'

60. Partidpntion in d~cision mnking is 1,'. losl'ly ns~•awlnll d ,, ilh "hid1 h , ,

11 11
A, Scrvnnt 1~nticrs1up i 1I ~ ti C,1tll'hl11~
' •
l. , S1tu111mn11 I k•ndl'rshlp 1•

B. Autl)crntic lcnJership l ), Dt 11Hwrn1 k ll 11tlt•1~hip

1 1

61. Servant-leadership is referred tons n pnn\doxicnt tt·nn. Wll,11 dtws pnr:id 11,icul
mean ? 1

t ...
A. Re\ntionnl I '. ~ \ .
B. Con~ictin~/ sctf-o~~ltmdictory
C. Flextblc . , ,... ·
. · D. Participntiyt · - \_ / - . -
' i \ }. '·

62. Transfonuational lcuqcrs ~\l'c d~scri~od t\~ the Jhllmyi11g F~< FP'I' , 1

A. charismatif : \ / f
C. 1col1;1hnr11tm
8. inspiration•I~::, .· · 1·.,. r1 D. pmwr~1tl
~ I'J1 ~l !lI IJ
Ol Mi '' ' ,· ' \
I • ! \

63. Given the importune~ Q/ th~ ri~q,p~o, 01' s(lbsldjntity1 who Hhrntld h~: lir:;t i11 lh~ lis!'!

A. School udniinisfrntm·
B. Stakeholders for tho conmn111ity
C. The people ut the lo~ost rnnk
D. Barangay on1cinls

64. The success of SBM pl'imnrily dcpcmh, on --~---- - -.

A. basic resources C, 101.'. lll g ll Vl'l'llllll lll 1

B. school heads I>. the Dl p1111n1c11t or l •'dlll'tll itlll


65. Which event introduced School-Bmmd M111111gl'l1Wnf?

A. Jmplcmcnlntion or the THIW (Third Ek 111l 11111ry Educ111lw1 Projl·~·I)
1 1

B. Involvement of' slukuholdcn,

C. Participation of local oniciuls
D. Building prolcNsionul qualit y
6~ Which ofthcsc a11o\\r, pnvatc cntitic~ to .J(.;~•9 publit f,(;(.l<JOk ,...~ ~1k..,e·(!
A. Brigada l·,~rwcla r P2)~r,~g P2.r,i'l~¾
R Adopt-'\-~d-1001 Pr<Jgrnm fJ. ",'outl- ;"y; .-dopr;,e;:~ f',r"".,~:~-1

67. ··school culture matters.. m~ns !ho.t

A. it is facilitative
8. it ma:- not be attended to

68. The teacher hearc; some ch■.rl-n-,.·s ta•✓;r,. .. ~1·1p. - r.---r-r-:-:;. •}'?, ~"".,..;1';,...-::
'J\.\..1\j,C t,: Jvll,~_.1;::::. ',/f"I -
J-~-"'•...__., • ..-J.~- ~ _..._._...,..,
,;rJ),1,._~,.. - ,... , ~ , . , .

ca!l~ the attention of the student\. T:'1e g::St'-7;; ;;::!:H~ ·:e-:·_<; r.J: -- me.
A. canng
B. respect C. .9.!pj)Ort
D. :ifJ:1est:_

69. Culture is something that is tTtated oc shaped. Tc.:, ide--« cefers to :1bm: s;; i>e:c:.e' c.
--- construct.
·-'. col 1egia~
C. c..c~i-, i:y
B . genet:c
:)_ :-0eia!

- ,J. School climate differs ~rom school c~:!"'.lre i:x:::catse of:h=: forrr.~·5 :O...tlS rnj _ _.
A. sr;·le of the organizatiorui~ s=· \!em
B. e-;olution of schoo~ history
C. character of the school
D. orderliness in the school

v~ nich from part of school cult1.1:e'>

I. Structure
II. Resources
II I Practices
TY. School Climate
~-\_ I and JIJ C. II and Ill
B. I. 11. and JlI D I. IL III and IY

72. .-\<lmmistrafr;e leader~hip of ::,chool head~ mcludes the following EXCEPT - - -

A. personal excellence _
B. '>trategie~ in thrnking and inno•. auon
(_ . ~takeholders' engagement
D. manageria! lcadtr )hip

00 "401 REPROOL'CE

66. \\ hkh ofth~sc a\lm\ ~ prh nk entities to ns~isl puhlk schools in all kvl·l s l1

A. Brignda Fsk. \\ dn C. Pulumng Pumhansn
B. ,\dopt- \ -School Progrnm n. \outh Dcvl.'lop1rn.•nt Pmgrnm

6 7. hSchool culture mutters'' m~Ul\$ that

' \ . it is facil itati\ c
C. it hns u great influence
B. it rnay not be attcntfod to D. it is just one foctor to consid~r

68. The teacher hears some students talking\\ hilc someone was reciting. The knl:her
calls the attention of the students. The gesture instills the value of
A. canng C. support
B. respect D. honesty

69. Culture is something that is created or shaped. This 1dcn rcfors to culture as bei ng a
- - construct.
A. collegial C. activity
B. genetic D. social

70. School cli1nate differs from school culture because of the formcr's focus on_ _
A. style of the organizational system
B. evolution of school hist9ry ,
C. character of the school '
D. orderliness in the school

71. Which from part of school culture?

I. Structure
II. Resources
Ill. Practices
IV. School Climate
A. I and Ill C. 11 and III
B. ~ 11, and III D. I, ll, JII and IV

72. Adminismitive leadership of school heads includes the following EXCEPT _ __

A. personal excellence .
B. strategies in thinking and innovation
c. stakeholders' engagement
managerial leadership
bordi te: le dt:rs h n c _ _ __ _
A.. '-,ffict s C. ~tnff
B. fl lWa"S D. "orkcl".,

-,.. The letu ba.$is tl'f the implementation of Uk" ,arionnl Competency-Ba~~d
· · ~ K'\f Sdll)lll Heads is _ __ .
A. Philippine n.,nstitution C. DepEd order 32, s20I0
8 . DepEd order S, S:015 D. DepEd order 0-l, s2012

•- -
~ 00 die Corrtn.:.tenc,·
LU.f-.,.... ..,
for Southeast Asia School Heads, wh1·chare
~""ted of a school head~ terms of personal excellence?

L Presenim! contimious
Professional Development
ll. Maruuting Personal ftfectfrey~
Ill. ~ t e ieamer-=Cattered AC!Dities _
A.. I and m -"- C. , -. 1 and III

B. II and ill . - D. I, JI and ill

76. How am a school head exercise. s~h~l management and operations?

---- - -
l Managin3 School Operations
n. Lse of Technology is_ School Management
Ill tmancial Resources Matters _-
A.. L II and III _ _C. _II arld ill
B. I and ill B. J ·; and Il

77. for;,nich educational~~ Paulo Freire known? . -

A. Social Reconstmctionism C. Specialized Education
B. Critical Pedagogy D. Empirical Approach

78. The legal basis forthe implementation of the K-12 Program is _ _ .

A. RA 10533 C. RA 9155
B. RA 10157 D. RA 7722

79. How education serves the need of society thru skills development is the focus of

A. symbolic internction theory C. structural-functional theory

B. conflict theory
D. liberal education theory

80. Government corruption includes the following EXCEPT

A. nepotism C. freedom - -
B. patronage D. embezzlement
=-.:....:=::==:_----: ::~
WIUM/\f~ PlJIII l',fllNt IW~. 1111 ,,1u,n ,,,,,o,,M. ,u,,11rn IS

XI . Wl1nl ,lo~~ f111l, lio1H1 I 111 \!tll L)' "" l11du'I

L at ndin,,
ll, Wtil lllH
II J. Nt1tlk; t:I< y
A. I nnd Ill c ', I, 11 1111d Ill
ll. I ,u1d II I>. If 11 11d llr

82, Which ,,hr:i1H~ hclow 1cforn 10 ,,, u •~ hci1w pn~p111 1,d 10 1 l1iH/l11~r l 11 l111 t;, 11,I, ,'I 1

I '//'

A. ( twnu;t~• fo1m;itin11 ,;- ( ; A,1 11icip11101; Hoci:diz11lio11

U. Val11cs dt.w~lop1mmt, r > 1111,•,~dru li,,11 pH ,11.,1.1,
Hl. Wh it:11 do tool makinJ', Hdhctt,,,w,.. lo 1'1111 , ln:J111v101' nod' f1111
gwig1• ill 111llrnt,/! '

A. Gro wth pstttc,111 ''}wod 11cl •:

1H ,, ' ,
IL f,jforttKil fH
. .;:,,

X4. V✓hkh of Hu~1,,11,,w,,l p<;

Htcna1l1u; and mf? I. .
A Atficni:,n P~f iod
it riod
1 pt~

ft Mcdit;vaJ p~1fot), /K 1'1od


, t:.
rb ,
',. .,
, CuUC.: H1UHJ
• ,
,. ,l ..
if ,Utlt,;; 011

A, fmt: . ~ ,
H, <.,t ,mpfoi.: . J,. I

W,, Whfoh Jaw iufcgrn1~tt'kimfo11{1H tt n i;duc:111011111/q lJ u, fm~uJ;cd11c.;H lio11 tiyttti.:111'!

A, l<A l(Jl57, Jm,:i,;'zz, 201 2 , ~, HXl!CH1l vc On l1~1' No. Ir;
H, J<A I 07'J, June J5, 'i:l~:~4 t > 11 /Ir.', I0;,13, Muy 15, 13
A ''Cl,trnt,unity of inquiry" will fo,-~A-1,,1 , wllich ,·,I' 1lw H,llowi, w'/
A, ( '.n~uw a 1'fOUp of HoduJ wm vm·tt
H, Hnpj4: learner•,. iulH probkm uolvill1~
C, J'articipuu: in rcHcutch pmj,:,~,
U, Addr10 eommunity ~011cu, 11u

Whit cduotional idea did CJcoriic Cowittt , rtp1,11tm'/

A, T,uber111 apntM of' chuuHc
8, T•h«• 11 ela1room muw,111 1~ 1

C, T....,. 111Ndtr1 •• the t·o11111 11 111 l1y

D, TIIOhm II Nhool t,ldortt
IJf ) IJC1f Iii l'J(l Jilli( (
16 B>.SEOON 2022 eNHANceo tABLea: sPEc1F~TIONs (TOSl ,~!!eS2~~~~~N~~~JYa~!~j~WER ·Profess·i
- - - -.........- - - - - - - - - - -- - - ~.::.:.:.::.::::::R::!
89. Which is NOT true of John Locke's views on education? \')
· A. Learning through the senses
B. People governing themselves
C. Necessity for civic education
D. Need for people to earn a living

90. "Survival of the fittest" is associated with _ __

A. Paulo Freire Herbert Spencer
B. Theodore Brameld John Dewey

91. All statements are descriptiv ; , -school policies'/ E~CEPT that _ __

A. they are suppo _of the learning process",
B. they guide al -· _-t?rs towards the attainmen(of school goals
C. they suffo
. -Ji11, ~,, ••
D. they e _-- perations
•~·/ . r''\ ·~-• .
~; L) i ,
92. Which of!~ tegrated sy ' · ucation?
r\lE >
" '> Political
__ /i Jf\-~ ..,., ,.,

. Executiv -6). \ ,{ .,,,

. Educatio A\:! '

93. Whic e ~cational a· · t 'e Ja'" anese Occupation?
A. institution' j

B. Triirtwg b ~
C. Vocat1ohal
D. Developirt'

94. Which are the core values ~fQ~pEd? Maka-Diyos,'Maka-Tao, Makakalikasan and

A. Makawika f. Maka bayan

B. Makabansa ·b. Makahayop

95. It has been said that "schools are highly authoritarian with the teachers as central
focus." A solution to this would be
A. modify program offerings- - C. change the teachers
B. improve the curriculum D. use performance assessment

96. \Vhich of the following addresses the development of Filipino character?

I. The Values Education Framework
II. Kw 10 Curriculum Guide for EsP
III. Moral Recovery Program
A. I and II C. II and III
B. I and III D. I, II and III

97. What's wrong with the Filipino sense of humor?

A. When he takes things lightly
B. When he jokes without hurting people
C. When serious things are not taken seriously
D. When he is always joyful

98. You said something which made another, person feel stupid or worthless. Which
type of violence was committed?
A. Cultural C. Emotional
B. Physical D. Sexual

99. What fonn of violence occurs when one's belief in a supernatural being is u~ed to
manipulate that person?
A. Psychological C. Cultural
B. Spiritual · D. Emotional
I00. Which is NOT included in the 'Dep~d frimeton-Schoo1
·. . ~. j: . -... !
-Community Partnership?
l I ....

A. School used
as -an evacuation
;, . _; i '
- .
· .' · ·
B. School used as a.Pdllin&Jllace _
C. School used .for PTA: meemigs ~~------
D. School used for ~edical mission

101. As a teacher, you are a facilitator of learning. What is expected of you?

A. Allow students to use thejr cellphones anytime.
•:;:·_ -:..

B. Use video clips.

C. Gives assignment daily.
D. Conducts student activities.

102. School leaders need to use which skills?

I. Human
n. Professional
DL Technical
A. landW C. I and II
B, Daadm D. I, II and III

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