Economic Problems Nigeria is Facing and the Practical Solutions to It

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Nigeria is a country suiated at the west of Africa also called the giant of Africa.

It’s the
counry with the largest economy in Africa with a gdp of 432.3 billion USD

Nigeria has been recognized as a third world country for over many years.
Despite its huge economic potential it has taken a place as one of the ten poorest
countries in the world. That is truly disappointing to say the least. Its large
economy and rich natural resources does not save it from the nu


Corruption is an abuse of power that results in an individual benefiting for private gain as
opposed to decisions or actions being taken for the collective good.
It is the misuse of funds for a project, altering facts and figures on purpose and inciting others
to commit to a wrong cause or action.
Corruption is the root of many of Nigeria’s political and economic problems. Corruption is
Nigerians biggest problem. Corruption takes various forms and infiltrates all political
institution and economic sectors. Corruption in Nigeria has neither improved nor declined
over the past several years.
Corruption is cause by greed, poverty and lack of moral values, economic insecurity etc. and
can take the forms of bribery, corruption in election, corruption in journalism and corruption
between individuals. Sadly, both government and individuals are guilty of corruption in
The effects of corruption on the Nigerian economy includes the following and many others:
 Failure to provide and maintain infrastructure
 Wasteful government spending
 Unemployment
 Lack of moral value in the society
 Poverty
This shows us that corruption is the root of many other economic problems affecting
Nigeria as a country and a long-lasting solution to corruption will solve more than half of
the problems in the country. Corruption has eaten deep into the fabrics of Nigeria to the
extent that certain corrupt practices are no longer seen as societal issues but now glorified
among indiviuals
Another problem closely related to corruption is that of tribalism and nepotism, this is
when appointments and contracts are no longer given to individuals based on merits but
based on tribal affiliations leading to unskilled and undeserving individuals occupying
very important positions that affects the decision-making process of the country. Their
ineffectiveness and inability to deliver will surely result to the ineffectiveness of
economic goals and policies.
Solutions to the problem of corruption in Nigeria.
Reinforcement of already established anti-corruption bodies: Anti-corruption bodies
which have been established. The likes of the economic and Financial Crimes Commission
established in 2003 by the then President Olusegun Obasanjo and Independent Corrupt
Practices & Other Related Offences Commission founded in 2000 by same person. This
bodies if strengthened and equipped with the materials and brains to combat and investigate
corrupt individuals and organizations is one to the measure to combat corruption in Nigeria.
Prosecution of erring individuals or people found to be involved in any corrupt practice
and if found culpable should be punished. This goes with forfeiture of assets and property
acquired illegally. If deemed expedient by the court, anybody convicted must be also be
given long term imprisonment. This will serve as deterrent to others. This requires
strengthening and tightening of prosecution techniques. Since corruption is a relationship of
„give and take‟ both the giver and the receiver must be prosecuted. No one receives bribes, if
nobody offers it.
The people should be given the right sense of values which should be inculcated in the
people so that they could respect others for their honesty and not just for their wealth. This
will help to develop a positive social attitude and enforcing a code of public ethics. This
could lead to strengthening and checking abuses of power and privileges.
Government should go beyond the mere pronouncement of anti-corruption policies. It
should rather provide good governance and an enabling environment for democratic ideals to
Moral Regeneration: This involves value re-orientation which de-emphasize the use of
money or wealth for recognition and relevance and, political contests. The influence of
money as a factor in politics must be curtailed and discouraged, People should be encouraged
to vote for people‟s qualities rather than money. Religious leaders‟ consistency and vigour in
their campaign against corruption must be intensified, encouraged and promoted. The
indispensability of the role of the agents of socialization, in this regard, should not be
underplayed. This is because they are the vehicle for mobilization of potential human
resources and agent of change of behaviour and value re-orientation.
Strengthening the police in the war against corruption should include training and retraining of
management and staff officers in fraud and other financial crimes investigation and forensic
accounting, adequate remuneration and motivation. The investigation process should go in tandem
with current realities as it methods must be capable of tracking, discover, expose and prove beyond
reasonable doubt any corrupt allegations.

Increase awareness on the economic, political, social and legal cost of corruption and corrupt
practices on individual and the society at large. Campaigns of honesty, probity and accountability
must be intensified, encouraged, promoted and institutionalized.

Political instability is defined as the process whereby the political life or atmosphere of a
country or nation suddenly changes or fails. When the political situation of a state or region
is not certain because it has a high possibility of changing or getting disturbed, then we say
there is political instability in that state or region.
Political instability according to David Sanders is the discontinuity of a system or the
frequency of unstable events in a political system.
Political instability has become a common place in Nigeria’s socio-economic and political
society due to the heterogeneous background in which she is composed of. This instability
most often arises from the interaction among members of the society of different; ethnicity
political, cultural and religious affiliation to mention but these few. This interaction at times
leads to misunderstanding, disagreement and confrontation.
The death of our economy has also come about due to the lack of consistency in political
policies in the country and the associating greed of the leaders. Every new administration
always comes up with a new policy initiative instead of working on the one started by the
previous administration. Consequently, Nigeria now has a series of inefficient and badly
executed policies.

Take for instance, Charles Soludo, the chief economic adviser to Obasanjo, in this time
established the national economics employment, targeted at decreasing poverty and guiding
the reorientation values. However, that demands failed to reach its goal.

When the administration of late Umaru Musa Yar ardua came into it discarded the policy
built by Obasanjo administration and created a new plan to convert Nigeria into one of the
top 20 biggest global economics by 2020. Now this new programme is also be dead now with
the new Muhammadu Buhari regime, after gulping in so much money.

There are so many things that contribute towards the destabilizing of the political atmosphere
of Nigeria. These include:

 Corruption and mismanagement of the wealth of a country by the leaders.

Corruption has over the years been shown to be one of the biggest factors responsible
for political instability Nigeria. The more corrupt a country is, the higher the
likelihood of that country becoming unstable.
 Another cause of political instability in a country is when the government decides not
to be open and transparent.
 High level of prejudice in Nigeria also leads to instability. Prejudice is the
unreasonable hatred of people who are different from you. In Nigeria, ethnic
prejudices have over the years led to some of the worst forms of instabilities in a
 Mass unemployment and poverty has easily triggered political instability in Nigeria.
When majority of the people in the country are impoverished and cannot find jobs to
do, then they vent their anger on the government and that leads to instability in the

 Political instability occurs when elections are not free and fair. Many countries
have suffered from political instability as a result of unfair elections characterized by
rigging of votes and intimidations during elections

As a result of political instability many Government plans and proposals have fallen
and failed, strikes, violent demonstrations etc. are forms of political instability


1. Nigeria needs to place employment in formal sectors at the center of

government policy. This in turn requires diversification of the Nigerian
economy as well as much higher level of foreign investment and engagement.
2. The rule of law should be strictly supported in order to protect the right of
citizen’s and ensure free and fair elections are being conducted.
3. Mechanisms to ensure that the issues of mismanagement and looting of
government funds should be put in place. For instance, if the already
established institutions like ICPC and EFCC could be reinforced and
strengthened it will go a long way in tackling the issue of mismanagement.
4. The government should be open and transparent to its citizens.
5. Salaries and wages of civil servants and public workers should be well
enumerated and payment should not be delayed, to prevent public actions like
strike or demonstrations that will be a setback to economic development of the


Increasing rate of crime and terrorism has negatively affected the economic growth of the
country. Investors find it hard to do business in the country due to security fears.

For a Nigerian, crime issue gives many sleepless nights. In some places, people feel can no
longer walk around their own neighbourhoods freely anymore.

Terrorist attack has been on the rise in the country with the growing activities of Boko Haram
over the past years. Different violent activities such as bombings, kidnappings, and others
remain a daily feature of the news.

As a result, the Global Peace Index of 2016, has classified Nigeria as the 4th country in the
world with the highest level of deaths as a result of conflict.

Terrorist attacks are on the rise in Nigeria; specifically, the activities of Boko Haram have
increased over the past year. Terrorism is a big challenge for the country. Bombings,
kidnappings, and other violent acts of Boko Haram prevent many Nigerians from feeling

The activities of Boko haram especially has been a major concern to Nigerians and the entire
population of the earth in general. Not only do they disrupts businesses around the areas they
operate, The dehumanizing actions they carry out on victims and the community is another
concern to the country. Students can no longr go to school as a result of constance attacks an
school by the group

On the night between the 14th and 15th of April in 2014, about 276 Chibok schoolgirls were
kidnapped by Boko Haram. These girls were between 17 to 18 years, according to a source.
They were secondary school students at Government Secondary School, Chibok, Borno State,

The news report from Channels Television of Nigeria (The best television station of the year) on June
18, 2014, had it that Boko Haram killed 15 students from a bomb blast in a school in Kano state.

What Is Boko Haram?

It is a militant Islamist movement with ties to Al-Qaeda, whose name translates into "Western
education is forbidden." Their ideology is based on a fundamentalist Sunni Islam, and their
intent is to establish an Islamic state in Nigeria and cleanse the country of any and all
Western influence.
Boko Haram’s campaign of bombings, shootings, and kidnapping was launched in July 2009
and has been in operation till date.

The issue of crime and terrorism should not be narrowed to Boko haram only as other sect
like ISWAP, Banditry, kidnapping, robbery and tribal and religious wars also play their role
in crumbling economic institution and basic amenities in the country as well as scaring
foreign investors away.


 Poverty: When people are unable to earn for a long time, they often start getting
frustrated and could venture into crime to feed
 Politics: The drive and zeal to acquire power at all means wings many politician into
equipping the youths or young populace with arms to perform criminal activities in
their favor.
 Religion: Religion is another controversial reason crimes are committed in Nigeria,
No one can deny that people still fight and kill based on religious divides.
 Deprivation: This is another reason for crime rates increasing everyday. In countries
where there ie economic deprivation of even the basic rights, it is common for people
to rebel and transition into doing notorious activities.
 Unfair judicial system: People who are not served justice become hostile and often
engage in crimes.


Human resources is the set of people who make up the workforce of an organization, business
sector, industry, or economy. A narrower concept is human capital, the knowledge and skills
which the individuals command. Similar terms include manpower, labour, personnel, associates
or simply: people.
The human-resources department (HR department) of an organization performs human resource
management, overseeing various aspects of employment, such as compliance with labor law and
employment standards, interviewing, administration of employee benefits, organizing of
employee files with the required documents for future reference, and some aspects
of recruitment (also known as talent acquisition) and employee offboarding. They serve as the
link between an organization's management and its employees.
The human resource is the most important resource of any organization and any effort sparred in
motivating the workforce will pay off. In this era of globalization, organizations are not only paying
for their inefficiencies, they are also paying for the global inefficiency, and environmental
In a nutshell, the primary task of HRM is to ensure that the organization HR are utilized and managed
effectively. HR practitioners are saddled with the responsibility of designing and implementing
policies and programmes that will enhance human abilities and improve the organisation’s overall
effectiveness. Empirical studies have shown that poor human relations at work, neglect of staff
welfare programmes and lack of motivation are often the factors that cause industrial strife and
declining productivity in the work setting. The modern-day entrepreneurs recognize that the HR are
vital element in the organization and concomitantly acknowledge the role the HR practitioners play
in developing these valuable resources. To acquire and retain HR in the organization, the HR
practitioners in brief perform four critical roles:
i. Create and implement policies, which should be in writing and communicated to all
employees through circulars or the employee handbook.
ii. Offer advice and counsel the employees on matters bordering on productivity, safety at
work, career path or management, morale, honesty and integrity, human relations etc.
iii. Provision of services that assist Line Managers in performing their jobs or serving the
organizational units e.g recruitment, selection and placement, compensation
management, training and development, staff welfare programmes, industrial and
labour relations, research and planning.
iv. Control of HR programmes and laid down procedures i.e. to monitor and ensure that HR
policies and guidelines are implemented religiously or to the letters e.g. grievance
handling and disciplinary procedures, Federal Character principles or Quota system,
fairness of appraisal exercise, granting of loans etc.
Each of the above functions is a complex flow of activities and it underscores HR management
functions as integral part of the overall corporate plans of the enterprise. It follows therefore,
that HR management function is a joint responsibility for all managers within the enterprise.
Nigeria as one of Africa’s biggest economies has been faced with the problem of human
capital development over the years. In spite of all the abundant resources the Nation has
been endowed with, Nigeria has failed to realize her full development potential in terms
of sustainable human capital development or people-oriented development like many
other prosperous economies of the world that have adopted a similar strategy to boost
their economic growth. A large percentage of Nigeria’s population estimated to be 182.2
Million according to World Bank, (2016) remain at rather low levels of literacy and often
with insufficient access to education and health care.

 The government should be able to put more funds into education, healthcare,
training, skills and other related factors in order to curb the persistent challenge
of high unemployment rate, inadequate education, poor health and so on which
will in turn feed back into the economy and thus promote economic growth.
 The Nigeria government should increase its total expenditure on education so
that adequate educational facilities for thorough and proper quality education
delivery would be made available.
 The Nigerian government should ensure a standard is set across all secondary
and tertiary institutions in the country so that proper human capital required for
any individual to become productive is enhanced.
 The Nigeria government should make health care and education more
accessible through improving its affordability to the common individual in
society so as to boost the economic growth of Nigeria through human capital
 The Nigeria Government should ensure sufficient budgetary allocation on
health expenditure in order to make proper health care facilities available to
Nigeria citizens.

Unemployment is a term referring to individuals who are employable and
actively seeking a job but are unable to find a job. Included in this group are
those people in the workforce who are working but do not have an appropriate
job. Usually measured by the unemployment rate, which is dividing the number
of unemployed people by the total number of people in the workforce,
unemployment serves as one of the indicators of a country’s economic status.
Unemployment and rising inflation are some of the major problems currently
being faced in the 21st century and the Nigerian government is not an

The Nigerian Bureau of Statistics recently published the country’s unemployment

rate for the fourth quarter of 2020, reflecting a continued deterioration during the
COVID-19 year. The unemployment rate for this period stood at 33.3%.

The working age is regarded as between 15 and 60. Currently, 33.3% or

23.2 million of the about 70 million people who should be working in
Nigeria are out of work. An acceptable level of unemployment would be 4%-

The country’s underemployment rate – people who work less than 20 hours
a week – is also high at 22.8%.

Causes of unemployment.

 Corruption
 Mismanagement of public funds.
 Poor state of the economy
 Absence of industrialization
 Poor quality of education
 Unstable supply of electricity
 Lack of social amenities in rural areas
 Faulty development plans
 Over population
 Negligence of other major sectors of the economy

Interestingly, every government regime comes with its own economic growth
increase strategy, but none has been able to achieve the desired goal.
effects of unemployment.

i. Poverty and hardship Unemployment is the major reason for poverty

in Nigeria today.
ii. Exploitation of labour: Due to unemployment labourers are
exploited. They have to accept low wages and work under un-
favourable conditions.
iii. Political instability: There is political instability in the country due to
unemployment. Unemployed persons engage themselves in
destructive activities. They consider Govts, worthless. Economic
development becomes difficult under conditions of political
iv. Loss of human resources: Due to unemployment, human resources
go waste. No constructive use of labour force is made. If human
resources are properly used, economic growth of the country will
v. Loss of human resources: Due to unemployment, human resources
go waste. No constructive use of labour force is made. If human
resources are properly used, economic growth of the country will
vi. Social problem: Many social evils like dishonesty, gambling and
immorality etc. arise due to unemployment. It endangers law and
order situation of the country. It causes social disruption in the society.
solutions to unemployment.

1. Achieving industrialization: Establishing many industries will

create more employment opportunities
2. Good development plans: Schools and colleges should be
established based on the available places that will absorb the
products of the institutions.
3. Encouraging geographical mobility of labor: Unemployed
people should move to areas other than theirs in order to secure
gainful employment if vacancies exists there.
4. Population control: Optimum population will help solve our unemployment
problems because it will bring our population to equilibrium point with our
5. Provision of social amenities to rural areas: This will make
many school leavers to work and reside in rural areas

Poverty is a state or condition in which a person or community
lacks the financial resources and essentials for a minimum standard
of living. Poverty means that the income level from employment is
so low that basic human needs can't be met.
Several policies and programmes have been put in place to address
the issue of poverty both in developing and developed countries of
which Nigeria is not exempted.

Nigeria is a country with an abundance of resources, copious arable

land, and plentiful river water, a large land area for building and a
vast pool of human resources and other endowment.
Demographically, Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa,
the seventh world-wide with an estimated population of over 200
million in 2020 and 8th as the largest exporter of crude oil in the
world with many other resources.
According to Brookings Institution annual report (2018), Nigeria
categorized as one of the poorest countries in the world above
India. Prior to independence in Nigeria (1960), the level of poverty
was really low. However, 60 years after gaining independence,
Nigeria rose from a low poverty level to become one of the
countries with the highest incidence of poverty in the world today.
Nigeria did not achieve the Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs) poverty targets by 2015 in spite of the measures initiated
by successive administration to reduce poverty since 1980. No
matter how hard successive governments both military and
democratic have tried to reduce poverty, it has been to no avail.
Thus, poverty is a major impediment to Nigeria’s socio-economic
Causes of poverty.

1. Government Corruption
Since its founding, government corruption has plagued Nigeria. This corruption
is one of the major causes of poverty in Nigeria. Government officials often
take payments from oil companies that are supposed to go into public trusts—
payments that can often total more than $1 billion—and instead siphon that
money into their own personal bank accounts.
When government officials engage in this kind of corruption, the poor and
underserved populations within Nigeria are inevitably hurt. If these large sums
of money stopped going into government officials’ pockets, the Nigerian
government could use that money to build up the country’s infrastructure—
electricity, roads, running water and more.
2. Lack of Economic Infrastructure
An infrastructure that supports economic growth at every level is essential to
pull people out of poverty. In Nigeria, economic infrastructure includes things
like access to micro-credit that help farmers invest in their crops and
entrepreneurs lift their businesses off the ground. Micro-credit is an especially
important tool for Nigerian women working to escape poverty.
Female entrepreneurship and autonomy can provide financial stability to entire
families and, by extension, larger communities. Another one of the main causes
of poverty in Nigeria is the simple fact that many Nigerians, especially in rural
communities, do not have the means to escape their circumstances. Setting up
economic structures that empower Nigerian people is vital to combating poverty
within the country.
3. Poor Access to Education
Economic infrastructure is not the only infrastructure that is lacking in Nigeria.
Currently, a lack of a robust educational system underserves many of the
poorest Nigerians. 10.5 million Nigerian children do not attend school at all,
and 60% of those children are girls.
These problems are especially profound in the northern, more rural parts of
Nigeria. Terrorist groups such as Boko Haram that vilify Western education
further exasperate the situation. Education gives many the skills they need to
enter the workforce and escape impoverishment, and the lack of educational
opportunity is one of the truly devastating causes of poverty in Nigeria.
4. Poor Access to Healthcare
Nigeria might be the most populous country in Africa, but they are running low
on healthcare professionals. The current ratio of nurses, midwives and doctors
to patients is 1.95 to 1,000.
With such a low density of medical care available, many people in Nigeria
either go completely without medical care or without enough medical care. But
sickness is costly, and oftentimes can trap people into never-ending cycles of
poverty. Improving Nigerians’ access to healthcare is an essential step to reduce
the amount of poverty in Nigeria.
At the surface, these problems can seem daunting and unsolvable. But the first
step to crafting sustainable solutions is understanding the contours of the
problem. By understanding the causes of poverty in Nigeria, organizations like
UNICEF and WHO have started various initiatives to strengthen the economic,
education, and health care infrastructure in Nigeria, as well as reduce
government corruption.
Working hand in hand with international partners, Nigeria is continuously
demonstrating its commitment to crafting a better future for its impoverished

Effects of poverty:

Iinability to Afford Housing

With poverty plaguing the country and employment opportunities being scarce, many nigerians are unable to
find affordable housing to live


Hunger is one of the extreme effects of poverty in the Nigeria . With little money to buy food, Nigerians are
having to survive on very limited food.

Child Labor
With poverty taking a toll on Nigerians, parents often can’t make enough money to support their families;
children then have to be taken out of school to work in harsh conditions.

Crime and Thievery

With conditions so troublesome, people often resort to crime and thievery to survive. Research found that one of
the overwhelming reasons to steal is due to difficulties caused by poverty. Without proper employment, people
turn to stealing, especially since family sizes are rather large, and there are a lot of people to provide for.

There are too many people and not enough resources. And with such conditions, people become desperate and
practice drastic measures to provide for themselves and their families.

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