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Scuba diving is a water activity that involves diving underwater using a self-contained underwater breathing

apparatus (SCUBA), which allows divers to breathe underwater for extended periods. The term "SCUBA" stands
for "Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus."

Scuba Diving Skills:

1. Preparing and dressing in the diving suit

2. Assembly and pre-dive testing of the scuba set

3. Entries and exits between the water and the shore or boat

4. Breathing from the demand valve

5. Recovering and clearing the demand valve

6. Clearing water from the mask, and replacing a dislodged mask

7. Buoyancy control using weights and buoyancy compensator

8. Finning techniques, underwater mobility, and maneuvering

9. Making safe and controlled descents and ascents

10. Equalisation of the ears and other air spaces

11. Assisting another diver by providing air from one's own supply, or receiving air supplied by another diver

12. How to return to the surface without injury in the event of a breathing supply interruption

13. Use of emergency gas supply systems (professional divers)

14. Diving hand signals used to communicate underwater. Professional divers will also learn other methods of

15. Dive management skills such as monitoring depth and time and the breathing gas supply 16. Buddy diving


Scuba Diving Equipment List:

1. Diving Mask: Allows scuba divers to see clearly underwater

2. Fins: Accessories worn on the foot to help move through the water

3. Snorkel: Helps breathe while diving underwater

4. Sidemount: Configuration where diving cylinders are mounted alongside the diver

5. Scuba Tank: Used to transport high-pressure breathing gas

6. Dive Knife: Provides divers with a versatile solution to potential problems underwater

7. Dive Light: Used to see and navigate gauges at night

8. Dive Watch: Designed for underwater diving, 100% water-resistant

9. Rebreathers: Absorb carbon dioxide from a diver's exhaled breath to permit rebreathing

10. Wetsuits and Dry Suits: Worn to protect the diver from the elements when aboard a boat

11. BCD (Buoyancy Control Device): Establishes neutral buoyancy underwater and positive buoyancy on the
12. SPG (Submersible Pressure Gauge): Helps divers make important decisions based on cylinder pressures

13. Underwater Photography and Video Equipment: Used to capture images and record videos underwater


1. What does the term "SCUBA" stand for?

a) Self-Contained Underwater Buoyant Apparatus

b) Submerged Controlled Underwater Breathing Aid

c) Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus

d) Submersible Controlled Underwater Breathing Accessory

2. Which skill involves clearing water from the mask and replacing a dislodged mask?

a) Buoyancy control

b) Finning techniques

c) Mask clearing

d) Equalisation

3. What is the purpose of a snorkel in scuba diving?

a) To see clearly underwater

b) To help move through the water

c) To breathe while diving underwater

d) To communicate with other divers

4. Which piece of equipment is used to transport high-pressure breathing gas?

a) Dive Light

b) Sidemount

c) Scuba Tank

d) Rebreathers

5. What does a BCD (Buoyancy Control Device) establish underwater?

a) Negative buoyancy

b) Neutral buoyancy

c) Positive buoyancy

d) Variable buoyancy

6. Which skill involves making safe and controlled descents and ascents?
a) Breathing from the demand valve

b) Buoyancy control

c) Equalisation of the ears

d) Entries and exits

7. What is the purpose of a dive knife in scuba diving?

a) To see and navigate gauges at night

b) To capture images and record videos underwater

c) To provide a versatile solution to potential problems underwater

d) To establish neutral buoyancy

8. What does SPG (Submersible Pressure Gauge) help divers with?

a) Establishing neutral buoyancy

b) Making important decisions based on cylinder pressures

c) Moving through the water

d) Clearing water from the mask

9. Which equipment is worn to protect the diver from the elements when aboard a boat?

a) Wetsuits and Dry Suits

b) Dive Knife

c) Dive Light

d) Rebreathers

10. What does sidemount configuration involve?

a) Mounting diving cylinders on the back of the diver

b) Mounting diving cylinders on the chest of the diver

c) Mounting diving cylinders on the sides of the diver

d) Mounting diving cylinders on the head of the diver

11. Which skill involves assisting another diver by providing air from one's own supply?

a) Clearing water from the mask

b) Recovering and clearing the demand valve

c) Assisting with equalisation of the ears

d) Assisting with buddy diving procedures

12. What is the primary function of a diving mask?

a) To allow scuba divers to breathe underwater

b) To provide protection against elements

c) To help move through the water

d) To see clearly underwater

13. What does a dive watch provide?

a) Data on depth and time underwater

b) Breathing gas supply

c) Underwater photography and video

d) Buoyancy control

14. Which equipment absorbs carbon dioxide from a diver's exhaled breath?

a) Dive Knife

b) Dive Tank

c) Rebreathers

d) Snorkel

15. What is the purpose of underwater photography and video equipment in scuba diving?

a) To see and navigate gauges at night

b) To establish neutral buoyancy

c) To capture images and record videos underwater

d) To provide a versatile solution to potential problems underwater

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