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DLP on Freedom of the Human Person

Social Psychology (Far Eastern University Diliman)

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Downloaded by Mari Opoc (mariopoc13@gmail.com)

A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

In Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person


At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:

a. discern the essence of true freedom;

b. realize that choices have consequences and some things are given up while others are
obtained in making choices;

c. appreciate the right of having freedom to choose; and

d. make a reflection about making choices.


A. Topic: Freedom of the Human Person

B. References: Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person Textbook, pp. 82 – 88.

C. Materials: PowerPoint presentation, LCD Projector/Television, meta cards, manila paper,

marker, bond papers

D. Strategies: Collaborative, Reflective, Discovery


A. Introductory Activity

Good morning class. May I request anyone to please lead the prayer?

Ok before you take your seats, kindly arrange your chair and pick all the litters

You may now take your seats. I can see only one chair is vacant. So only Rubilyn is
absent. Yesterday, we had fun with our lesson on prudence in making choices.

B. Activity (5 minutes)

Today, we continue our lesson by looking at these pictures.

Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3

Based on the pictures, let us discover its meaning by answering the guide questions:

1. What does the first picture show?

2. If you were to choose between the two, which will it be and why?

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3. What does the second picture show?

4. If you were to choose between them, which way will you go and why?

5. If you were to choose between eating an apple or a cup cake, which will it be and

C. Analysis (5 minutes)

Were you given freedom to choose? Which will you prefer among the choices? What
are the things that you have considered in making choices? In real life, what are the
situations where you have to exercise your freedom to choose?

D. Abstraction (15 minutes)

Throughout our discussion we will be guided by these three questions:

1. What makes us free?

2. How does freedom shape our experiences?
3. How can we exercise our freedom in a responsible and beneficial manner?

There are two elements that define freedom. First, we have voluntariness and second
element of freedom is responsibility.

What do you mean by voluntariness?

Voluntariness refers to the ability of a person to act out of his or her own free will and

So what do we mean by free will and self-determination?

Ok, self-determination means that a person may decide to act or not to act, and these
decisions are made out of his or her own free will.

To be clearer, let’s analyze the following scenario and figure out how voluntariness was
expressed in the situation.

Mang Lito was walking down a street when he suddenly saw

a boy crossing the busy road. The boy was chasing after a
basketball that had bounced off into the road. The boy had his eyes
on his ball and did not realize that there was oncoming traffic on the
road. At the same time, a taxi was passing along the road. Its driver
saw the boy suddenly crossing and he quickly applied his brake to
stop the car. The taxi was about to hit the boy when Mang Lito
decided to take action, ran across the road, and grabbed the boy to

Let’s reflect on the actions and choices that were made in the situation.

Why did the boy suddenly cross the street? What did the taxi driver do when he saw the
boy on the middle of the road? What did Mang Lito do when he realized the boy was
about to be hit by the car? Did Mang Lito really have to save the boy? Can he just stand
by and not to get involved in the incident?

Class, how do the self-determination and own free will be incorporated in the situation
or how does voluntariness expressed in the scenario?

Ok, it is the actions made each of the character on the scenario.

Downloaded by Mari Opoc (mariopoc13@gmail.com)


On the other hand, what can you say about Mang Lito and his action? What do you
think will be the result of his actions?

Ok, a heroic act and the people who saw his act may regard him as a hero and express
admiration for him.

If otherwise, what do you think will be the result of his inactions?

Ok, if Mang Lito was unable to save the boy in time, the boy might have physically
injured or more than that.

So who would take the responsibility?

The taxi drive could be held responsible for hitting the boy as well as Mang Lito could
even hold himself responsible for failing to save the boy.

Let’s look on the second element of freedom. Based on the situation presented what do
we mean by responsibility?

It refers to the characters of the scenario of being accountable of his or her actions and
their consequences.

To sum up, the two elements that define freedom is what make us free. The
voluntariness and responsibility go hand-in-hand to determine a person’s freedom.

The realization of voluntariness and responsibility in the exercise of our freedom gives
our actions and experiences a whole new meaning or in other words, those actions and
consequences shaped our experiences, which it answered our second question.

Let’s reflect on our actions to better understand them and guide us toward making the
best possible decision. We can therefore begin to examine our actions, habits, and
behavior by asking ourselves the following questions.

What should I do?

Why should I do it?

What will happen if I do it?

How will my actions or behavior affect myself, others, and my surrounding?

Will my actions or behavior be considered correct, proper, beneficial, and moral?

Through examining our actions, habits, and behavior; hence, we exercise our freedom
in a responsible and beneficial manner.

E. Application (30 minutes)

For the next activity, pick a candy of among the choices you want. After picking, I want
all those who picked the same candy to go together.

The activity is named ‘Choice and Effect’. Each group will be given a scenario and
based on the scenario, each member will write in the metacards the choice he will
undertake and the possible consequences of these choices. After which, the members
will paste their answers on the manila paper that is columned into two—column ‘Choice’
and column ‘Effect’. Each group will have to select a facilitator, who will be responsible
to guide the group discussion. Select a scribe, who will take note of the reports of the
other groups once the sharing starts. And select a reporter, who will share their group
output once the activity ends. The output should be posted on the four corners of the

Downloaded by Mari Opoc (mariopoc13@gmail.com)


classroom. Do the activity for 5 minutes then the reporters will do the sharing in 3

Scenario 1: You were asked by your mother to choose between studying in your
hometown or in the city for the senior high school. Which will you prefer?

Scenario 2: Among your friends, you were the only one not drinking liquor and smoking
cigarette. They have been pursuing you to engage to these but you refuse. As time
goes by, they were already excluding you to their hang outs. You really love their
company, what will you do?

Scenario 3: You were on your way home riding your motorcycle. The stoplight turned
red which connotes that vehicles should stop. You can see there were no people
crossing. You wanted to go home early. Will you proceed or not?

Scenario 4: Your parents told you to stop schooling after finishing senior high school.
What will you do?

After the sharing, the reporter will answer the following guide questions:

1. What can you infer from the answers of your group mates and yours?

2. Are your answers the same or not?

3. What could be the consequences of the choices you made?

The next activity is called ‘For Me or Not For Me’. There are manila papers with two
columns, ‘For Me’ and ‘Not For Me’. The same group, write things, characteristics, or
achievements which you want for yourself on the column, ‘For Me’. On the other
column, write those you would not want for yourself. Share your answers to your group
mates then answer the guide questions. After which, one reporter will then report the
output of the group. The activity will be given 5 minutes to write answers then 3 minutes
to present.

Guide questions:

1. What do you feel while writing what to put on the column For Me?

2. While choosing what to write on the Not For Me column, how do you feel about it?

3. Were there things you have to give up to attain those on the column For Me? How do
you feel about it?

IV. EVALUATION (5 minutes)

Here is a picture of a bird inside and a cage. Which would you prefer for yourself? Is it
important for you? Why?

Downloaded by Mari Opoc (mariopoc13@gmail.com)


Make a reflection about the following:

A. Making choices

B. The consequences of choices

Your reflection could be in a form of a poem, a drawing with an explanation, or a story of

personal experiences with insights. I will give you 3 minutes to do your reflection. Do it on your

The reflection will be evaluated using the rubric below.

Assessment Rubric for Student Reflections

Reflective Aware Reflection
CRITERIA Unacceptable
Practitioner Practitioner Novice
(3) (2) (1)
The language is
clear and
expressive. The
reader can
create a mental Language is
picture of the unclear and
situation being confusing
Minor, There are
described. throughout.
infrequent frequent lapses
Clarity Abstract Concepts are
lapses in clarity in clarity and
concepts are either not
and accuracy. accuracy.
explained discussed or are
accurately. presented
Explanation of inaccurately.
concepts makes
sense to an
The learning The learning
Student makes
experience experience Most of the
attempts to
being reflected being reflected reflection is
upon is relevant upon is relevant irrelevant to
Relevance relevance, but
and meaningful and meaningful student and/or
the relevance is
to student and to student and course learning
unclear to the
course learning course learning goals.
goals. goals.
The reflection
Student makes
moves beyond
attempts at
applying the
description of
The reflection learning
the experience Reflection does
demonstrates experience to
to an analysis of not move
student attempts understanding of
how the beyond
Analysis to analyze the self, others,
experience description of
experience but and/or course
contributed to the learning
analysis lacks concepts but
student experience(s).
depth. fails to
understanding of
self, others,
depth of
and/or course
The reflection The reflection There is little to No attempt to
demonstrates demonstrates no attempt to demonstrate
connections connections demonstrate connections to
between the between the connections previous
experience and experience and between the learning or

Downloaded by Mari Opoc (mariopoc13@gmail.com)


material from material from
experience and
other courses; other courses;
previous other
past experience; past experience; experience.
personal and/or
and/or personal and/or personal
goals. goals.
The reflection
ability of the
There is some
student to The reflection
attempt at self-
question their demonstrates
criticism, but the
own biases, ability of the
stereotypes, student to No attempt at
Self-criticism fails to
preconceptions, question their self-criticism.
demonstrate a
and/or own biases,
new awareness
assumptions stereotypes,
of personal
and define new preconceptions.
biases, etc.
modes of
thinking as a

The time is up. Will you please pass your journals?


For your assignment to be written in a whole sheet of paper, you will fill in the blank.

I learned that choices have


Good bye class!


Downloaded by Mari Opoc (mariopoc13@gmail.com)

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