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Penguin Readers Placement Test 4A

1. Would you like some more coffee? There’s still 9. I’ll ring you when I ......................... the hotel.
......................... left.
A) arrive at
A) a little B) will arrive at
B) little C) arrive to
C) a few D) will arrive to
D) few
10. She’s got a much more interesting ......................... in
2. She’s already ......................... her mother. the company now.

A) so tall than A) job

B) as tall than B) work
C) so tall C) employ
D) as tall as D) reward
3. Mary wants to know if she can bring a friend of 11. Can you lend me ......................... scissors?
......................... to the party.
A) a
A) her B) two
B) him C) a couple of
C) hers D) a pair of
D) his
12. It will cost a lot of money to have ......................... .

4. My brother, ......................... lives in Spain, is coming

to visit us. A) that work done
B) that work made
A) which
C) done that work
B) that
D) made that wo
C) what
13. I ......................... have tea than coffee.
D) who
5. If you ......................... soon, we’ll miss the start of A) would like more
the film.
B) prefer
A) aren’t coming C) had better
B) don’t come D) would rather
C) won’t come 14. Good ......................... ! I hope you win.
D) wouldn’t come
A) sort
6. I don’t allow my children ......................... so badly.
B) wish
A) that they behave C) luck
B) behave D) chance
C) to behave 15. Take an umbrella ......................... it rains while you
are out.
D) behaving
7. I ......................... watching that programme because A) if
it’s very interesting.
B) in case
A) amuse C) because
B) please D) for
C) smile 16. I couldn’t hear what she was ......................... .
D) enjoy
A) telling
8. ......................... that you would be at the meeting.
B) saying
A) I was said C) talking
B) It was said me D) speaking
C) I was told
D) It was told me

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Penguin Readers Placement Test 4A

17. You nearly had an accident. You ......................... drive 24. They ......................... on holiday and .........................
more carefully. in love.

A) would A) found … got

B) ought B) knew … became
C) should C) met … fell
D) had to D) saw … grew
18. That’s the hotel ......................... we stayed last year. 25. We had a lovely time. It was ......................... good
A) which
B) that A) so
C) what B) such
D) where C) a so
D) such a
19. I had fallen asleep and didn’t realise at first that the
phone ......................... . 26. They will never agree because they hate
......................... other.
A) rang
B) was ringing A) each
C) has rung B) each to
D) had rung C) one to
D) to one

20. I broke a ......................... while I was doing the

washing-up 27. The furniture for their house has cost them a large
......................... of money.
A) glass wine
B) wine glass A) lot
C) glass for wine B) amount
D) glass of wine C) number
D) piece
21. Would you mind ......................... the children while
I’m out? 28. He’s going to have a new ......................... made to
wear at the wedding.
A) looking after
B) looking for A) dress
C) caring B) clothes
D) taking care C) cloth
D) suit
22. I’ll write him a note ......................... he’ll know where
we are. 29. I’m going to the supermarket ......................... a few
A) that
B) so A) to buy
C) for B) for buy
D) as C) for buying
D) in order buy
23. That man ......................... my purse.
30. I’ll be sad when I have to give .........................
A) robbed me playing tennis.
B) stole me
A) off
C) robbed
B) in
D) stole
C) out
D) up

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