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Attribute Bonus Chart 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

IQ (bonus to skills) +3% +4% +5% +6% +7% +8% +9% +10% +11% +12% +13% +14% +15% +16%
ME (Save vs Psychic/Insanity) +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8
MA (Trust/Intimidate) 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 84% 88% 92% 94% 96% 97%
PS (HTH Damage Bonus) +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12 +13 +14 +15
PP (Parry, Dodge, Strike Bonus) +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8
PE (Save vs Coma/Death) +5% +6% +8% +10% +12% +14% +16% +18% +20% +22% +24% +26% +28% +30%
(Save vs Poison/Magic) ) +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8
PB (Charm/Impress Bonus) 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 83% 86% 90% 92%

Speed Factor MPH Weight, Movement, and Throwing:

5 3.50  Normal characters (PS 3-16) can carry 10 times
11 7.50 their PS in pounds. Strong characters (PS 17+)
22 15.0 can carry 20 times their PS in pounds. They can
27 18.5 do this for PEx10 minutes. Augmented
33 22.5 characters can carry a load for double their
44 30.0 normal counterparts limit.
55 37.5  Supernatural characters can carry 10 times their
66 45.0 PS in pounds at PS-3-16, 20 times at PS 17, and
77 53.0 50 times their PS at 18+. They can do this
88 60.0 without fatigue.
110 75.0  Robot and power armor units can lift and carry
132 90.0 25 times their PS (PS must be 18+), otherwise
they are counted as normal characters for this
Augmented/Cyborg PS purpose.
 PS 24: +2 damage with power strike.  Lifting weight for normal and supernatural
 PS 25-27: +1d4 damage with power strike. creatures is double their carrying weight. This
 PS 28-30: +1d6 damage with power strike. can be maintained for PE rounds before having
 PS 31-40: +2d4 damage with power strike. to make PE checks every round (-2 per round
 PS 41-50: +3d4 damage with power strike. after the first check). Augmented characters can
 PS 50+: +4d4 damage with power strike. lift for double the normal time, with the same
PE checks as above.
Supernatural/Robot PS  A character cannot throw more than they can
 PS<15: 1d6 restrained punch, 4d6 normal carry.
punch, 6d6 power punch.  Objects that are designed to be thrown should
 PS 16-20: 3d6 restrained punch, 6d6 normal use their listed range, +1 foot for every point of
punch, 4d12 power punch. PS they possess. Characters with a PS of 17+ can
 PS 21-25: 4d6 restrained punch, 6d6+6 normal add +2 feet for every PS point. Supernatural
punch, 5d10 power punch. characters add +10 feet for each PS point, up to
 PS 26-30: 5d6 restrained punch, 1d4x10+6 normal their carry weight.
punch, 1d6x10 power punch.  Objects that are not designed for throwing can
 PS 31-35: 5d6 restrained punch, 1d4x10+12 be hurled by normal characters 4 inches for
normal punch, 1d6x10+6 power punch. every point of PS . Supernatural creatures can
 PS 36-40: 6d6 restrained punch, 1d6x10 normal throw an object 1 foot per point of PS, up to
punch, 1d8x10 power punch. their carry weight.
 PS 41-50: 1d4x10 restrained punch, 1d6x10+10
normal punch, 1d10x10 power punch.
 PS 51+: 2d4x10 restrained punch, 3d4x10
normal punch, 4d4x10 power punch. No PS
bonuses applied.
Knockdown Tables Pain Penalties
Penalties for Knockdown Minor (30% HP), Significant (60% HP),
 Loses all initiative for rest of the round. Major (90% HP)
 -1 melee attack/action each knockdown Legs (includes damage to both legs, not cumulative)
occurrence.  Minor damage reduces SPD by 20%.
 Significant damage reduces SPD by 50%, -1
Damage from Explosions or Impact for Humanoids ( In a initiative. And -10% skill performance.
single attack)  Major damage reduces speed by 70%, -2
01-10 SDC: No chance for knockdown initiative, -2 to roll and dodge, -20% skill
11-20 SDC: 1-20% performance.
21-30 SDC: 1-30% Head, Hands, and Arms (inclusive of both arms and
31-40 SDC: 1-50% Hands, not cumulative on each limb)
41-50 SDC: 1-70%  Minor damage, -10% skill performance.
51-60 SDC: 1-90%  Significant damage, -30% skill performance. -1
60 or greater: 100%. Character loses all initiative and strike or parry.
remaining attacks for the round.  Major damage, -60% skill performance, -2 to
strike, parry, dodge and roll.
Damage from Explosions or Impact for Borgs, Bots, and Main Body
Supernatural Creatures (in a single attack)  Minor damage, -1 initiative.
01-30 SDC: No chance for knockdown  Significant damage, -1 initiative, -1 to strike,
31-50 SDC: 1-10% parry, dodge, and roll, -10% skill performance.
51-70 SDC: 1-20%  Major damage, -3 initiative, -3 strike, parry,
71-100 SDC: 1-40% Dodge, and roll, -20% skill performance, x2
101-150 SDC: 1-60% blood loss.
151-200 SDC: 1-80%
201 SDC: 100%. Character loses all initiative and Point Blank Ranged Damage (less than 10’)
remaining attacks for the round.  Damage takes full damage rolled, and another
one half of the rolled damage to HP rounded
Blood Loss down (i.e. 12 SDC damage is rolled, the
 For every wound (i.e. the character incurs SDC or character takes the points to SDC, then 6 to HP
HP damage), subtract 1 point of damage from as well).
SDC, then HP if SDC is depleted every minute.  Roll on the following chart for point blank sided
Only first aid or greater medical skills can staunch effects.
the bleeding requires one round and a successful 00-20%: Target loses on attack.
roll. Equipment such as an IRMSS that mimics 21-40%: Target knocked down, loses 2 attacks, -1 to
these skills can also be used per their rules. strike for rest of the round.
 At 15% of the characters HP remaining, internal 41-60%: Target loses all melee attacks and initiative.
bleeding has occurred. Only MD can repair the -2 to parry, dodge, or roll.
damage. Equipment such as an IRMSS that mimics 61-80%: Target is knocked unconscious for 1d4
these skills can also be used per their rules. melee rounds.
 In either case, once 0HP is reached, the character 81-96% Target is knocked unconscious for 1d6
lapses into a coma and normal save rules melee rounds.
apply(see RUE pg.10-11 for rules). 97-00% Target lucks out and only loses one attack.

 All explosives at point blank range inflict x3

damage directly to HP unless armor or other
protection is being used.
Weapons Bonuses & Penalties  Shooting 30% Beyond Maximum Range: -5 to
 All ranged attacks require an 8 or better on 1d20 strike.
in order to be successful.  Target is Moving: -1 to strike. -1 per 50MPH
 Aimed Shots : +2 to strike with or without WP. over 20MPH. -1 for evasive action.
The first action declares the aimed shot, the  Target is Behind Cover:
second action is firing the attack. Dodging,
parrying, rolling, or being hit negates the action Head or Should Exposed -4
during the phase. Body Half Exposed -3
 Called Shots : No additional bonuses but allows Body Behind Light Cover -2
the attack to hit a specific location on the target. Behind Someone Else -4
The first action declares the called shot, the Lying Prone -7
second action is firing the attack. . Dodging, Lying Prone with Head Up -5
parrying, rolling, or being hit negates the action Crouching or Kneeling -2
during the phase. Bad Lighting or Moonlit Night -2
 “Aimed” Called Shots : +2 to strike only with WP.
This allows the attack to hit a specific location  Dodging Gunfire:
while taking extra time to ensure an accurate hit. Within 4’ -10
The first action declares the aimed called shot. Within 15’ -5
The second action is taken up by aiming, the third Within 60’ -3
is the firing of the attack. . Dodging, parrying, Any other Distance -2
rolling, or being hit negates the action during the
phase.  Other Combat Modifiers:
Using Two Weapon without Skill -6
Called Shot: Using Off Hand -4
Head -3 to strike Doing Two Things at Once - 8 or -20% skill
Neck -3 to strike Elevation Difference -1 for every 30’
Eyes -7 to strike
Ears -7 to strike Saving Throws
Arms -1 to strike Physical Endurance Saves
Legs -1 to strike Lethal Toxin 16
Hands -3 to strike Non-Lethal Toxin 14
Feet -3 to strike Harmful Drugs 15
Groin -5 to strike Disease 14
Electrocution (Mild/Severe) 14/18
 Shooting Blind : -10 to strike. This involves Extreme Temperatures 16
shooting into cover without seeing the target, Pain (Mild/Severe) 14/16
shooting around corners, shooting in total Coma/Death (See page 10-12 RUE)
darkness, etc. Spell Magic 12
 Shooting Bursts: ½ of the shooters “aimed” WP Ritual Magic 16
bonus. -3 if no WP is used. Ward Magic 14
 Shooting Wild: -6 to strike. This involves the Circle Magic 16
character being enraged (berserker or other such Faerie Magic 16
event), panicked, drunk, or off balance. It also is Magic Fumes 14
incurred when firing from a moving vehicle, Circles of Protection 16
platform, mount or in an awkward position. If the Mental Endurance Saves
character is on the receiving end of an attack that Insanity 12
is greater than 99 SDC (successful or not), the Psionics 15/12/10
next action is a wild shot. A character who moves
their TMR and fires in the same action is shooting
wild. This is NOT applied to a character who takes
a 1 hex step while firing in the same attack.
Critical Hits/Failures (all rolls are “Do You Feel Skill Fumbles and Success
Lucky rolls. 01 is considered the best result for (Percentages are difference between skill score and roll.
lucky, 00 the best for unlucky. Reverse the chart i.e. -10% is 10 below the score and +10% is a fail above).
as needed).
-10 to 20% Subtract 1d4x10% from the completion
Attack Fumbles time or add to quality of job.
01-40 No fumble, you just can’t hit anything. -21 to 30% Subtract 1d6x10% from completion time or
41-50 You let your weapon go visit its friend, add to quality of job.
the ground. -31 to 40% Subtract 50% time and add 50% to quality.
51-60 The weapons performs beautifully, hitting -41 to 50% Subtract 75% time and add 75% to quality.
an innocuous piece of something that is > 51% Skill time is 10% of normal, x2 quality.
not your target. +10 to 20% Failure has no effect..
61-70 Who knew it could twist like that? Take ½ +21 to 30% Skill seems successful, but is not.
damage that should have hit the target. +31 to 40% Skill seems successful, but causes minor
71-80 Weapon jams, then jellies, the fires the damage.
wrong way. Take ¾ damage to yourself. If +41 to 50% Skill seems successful, but causes major
not a bang bang weapon, you introduce it Damage.
to its second cousin, the ground 2d4’ >50% Kablooie!
away from you.
81-90 Be careful the bullet comes out of the Armor Penalties for Casting Spells
barrel at a very high rate of speed, also Armor must cover 50% of the casters body to
swords are pointy, and blunt objects hurt. ‘incur penalties. Roll for each spell cast.
Take full damage intended for your 01-20 Reduce damage or effect by 1d4x10%.
target. 21-40 Reduce spell duration by 1d4x10%.
91-99 You dodge out of the way of your own 41-60% Reduce spell range by 1d4x10%.
stupid…and hit the nearest party member 61-80% Reduce both range and duration by
within range. 1d4x10%.
00 BOOM! or THWACK! or THUD! 81-00 No impact on spell.
Imagination time.
Defensive Fumbles Casting Times for Spells
01-40 You dodge, but lose an attack stumbling  All spells take two actions minimum.
about pretending to do drunken style. The first action is preparing and
41-50 Kicking a bullet, or sword, etc. does not incanting, the second is the release of
work like you thought it would. Take an the spell.
additional 1d6 damage.  At spell levels 5-7 an extra action is needed to
51-60 Dodge parry thrust spin! Whatever you cast due to the greater complexity of the spell.
did, it wasn’t what you wanted. Lose ½  At spell levels 8-11 an additional action, for a
your SDC after damage is dealt. total of four is needed to cast.
61-70 You fall flat on your ass, or closest  At spell levels 14 and above, including spells of
approximation thereof. Lose all your legend, six total actions are needed to cast.
remaining attacks this round.  Any attempt to dodge, parry, or strike negates
71-80 Somehow, you did a Mr. Fantastic on the spell with all PPE lost.
your limbs. Lose all attacks and ability to
dodge or parry this round.
81-90 You burn down, fall over, and sink into
the swamp. In addition to the above (71-
80) fumble, you take 1d6 damage from
91-99 You take x3 damage from the attack.
00 Lose all SDC and down to 1HP regardless
of the damage dealt.

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