Advanced Linguistics Journal kelompok Feisal, Asep, desi, Nilda, Oriza, Trsnawati

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Feisal Adi Candra 20227479027

Desi Dwi Rahmawati 20227479149
Oriza Basmah Najibah 20227479054
Asep Junaidi 20227479039
Trisnawati Utami 20227479126

Nilda Fania 20227479144

Submission date: 10-Dec-2023 09:11AM (UTC+0700)
Submission ID: 2253937985
File name: ANALISIS_FILM_SAYAP-SAYAP_PATAH_Kelompok_Oroza.docx (45.13K)
Word count: 4004
Character count: 22990

Feisal Adi Candra 20227479027

Desi Dwi Rahmawati 20227479149
Oriza Basmah Najibah 20227479054
Asep Junaidi 20227479039
Trisnawati Utami 20227479126
Nilda Fania 20227479144

(Master's level) of English Education at UNINDRA. This research is entitled "Semiotic Analysis
in the Film 'Sayap Sayap Patah' (Broken Wings)." Under the guidance of Dr. Maguna as the
This film tells the story of a harmonious family awaiting the birth of their child. Aji
works as a police officer who is always on duty and rarely accompanies his pregnant
wife. The film 'Sayap-Sayap Patah' tells of the riot that occurred at the Mako Brimob Dua
Depok, which also recounts the history of terrorist actions in Indonesia. It is crucial for
society to understand the events in 2018, which resulted in casualties due to bombing
explosions in Surabaya and Depok. Semiotics endeavors to identify signs that have
meaning and understand sign systems such as language, gestures, music, images, and so
on. Film is moving pictures also often referred to as a movie. Films collectively are often
referred to as cinema. Cinema itself originates from the word 'kinematic' or movement.
This research employs a qualitative research method. Where in the researcher will
explain semiotic analysis using theories by Ferdinand De Saussure and analyze data
based on Dictionaries, Ideologies, Cultural Frameworks, and Group Interpretants. After
analyzing and conducting interviews with informants (Group Interpretants), it can be
understood that the film 'Sayap Sayap Patah' explores a meaning of determination and
struggle. This film is directed by Rudi Soedjarwo and stars Nicholas Saputra, Ariel
Tatum, Poppy Sovia, Ariyo Wahab, Iwa K, Khiva Iskak, Edward Akbar, Royhan
Hidayat, Nugie, Volland Humonggio, Fajar Gomez, Revaldo, Agla Artalidia, Aden Bajaj,
Gibran Marten. The film also contains elements of action, making it more exciting and
tense. Furthermore, this film became very popular by achieving a 4-star rating and the
highest number of viewers in 2022, with over a million viewers.
Through the message conveyed in the film 'Sayap Sayap Patah,' we can understand that
the moral message of this film revolves around teachings of good and bad, particularly
about actions, attitudes, obligations, morals, behaviors, virtues, and ethics. Dedication
should not be measured solely by material possessions. Moreover, Indonesian society
should be able to choose which films are worth watching and which are not. For
producers, directors, and film production houses, create films that enlighten the lives of
the nation's children, so that our nation has extraordinary future generations.
Keywords: character, moral. Value, moral value, film
1.1 Background
Human life inevitably involves communication. The process of social interaction occurs
through symbols and messaging systems. Communication certainly serves a purpose. Film is a
term familiar to society today; it can also be termed as an effective communication sense due to
its audiovisual nature, conveying meaningful messages to many people, encapsulating numerous
narratives in a short period (Fitriani, 2021). The messages conveyed in films are often felt by
viewers, influencing them. Furthermore, what actors and actresses experience may resonate with
the audience, thereby evoking emotions. Film is an area of study highly relevant for structural
analysis or semiotics (Fitriani, 2021).
Communication semiotics emphasizes theories about sign production, assuming six
factors in communication: sender, receiver, code or sign system, message, communication
channel, and the discussed reference. Semiotics is a science or analytical method for examining
signs. Signs are tools we use in an attempt to navigate the world. Semiotics or, in Barthes' terms,
semiology essentially aims to study how humanity employs things. Interpreting various objects
not only conveys information but also communicates and constitutes a structured system of signs
(Sya’dian, 2015).
Film is a mass communication medium crucial for portraying everyday life realities.
Films possess a strong sense of reality, often depicting societal realities. The significant
development of films in Indonesia includes excellent intrinsic digital components. This
digitalization process influences films in integrating narratives, visuals, and music seamlessly.
As the number of films produced increases, so do the genres and themes offered, such as horror,
comedy, romantic drama, family-themed educational dramas, religious films, action, and more.
Films have the advantage of presenting objects visible to the naked eye or directly, enabling the
visualization of both large and small objects (Widayati, 2021).
One interesting film for examination in this research is "Sayap-Sayap Patah" (Broken
Wings). An intriguing fact to study from this film is its basis on a true story. This action-drama
film narrates the story of a couple, a husband (Nicholas Saputra) and wife (Nani Ariel Tatum),
with Aji working as a member of Densus 88. His anti-terrorism police job forces him to remain
on the frontlines, while Nani, heavily pregnant, worries about her pregnancy and eventually
seeks refuge at her mother's house in Jakarta. Meanwhile, Aji is on duty in a prison breached by
terrorism-related prisoners, leading to his being taken hostage by them. On the other side, Nani
struggles alone to deliver their first child. Kahlil Gibran's novel "Sayap-Sayap Patah" contains
life philosophies involving an intellectual human seeking answers to humanitarian issues, love,
and happiness (Susiati et al., 2021).
The reason for selecting "Sayap-Sayap Patah" for this research is due to its numerous
scenes conveying moral messages. Moral messages impart teachings about good and bad,
particularly in actions, attitudes, obligations, morals, behaviors, virtues, and ethics. In "Sayap-
Sayap Patah," it contains wisdom and moral messages about Family Bonds, Responsibility,
Mutual Help, Vigilance, and Professionalism in work.
Through this research, the aim is to develop the study of communication science,
particularly in semiotics, a method that studies signs, and to provide an overview of the moral
message in the film "Sayap-Sayap Patah." Based on the background described above, the author
is interested in conducting research using the title: "SEMOTIC ANALYSIS OF THE MORAL

1.2 Problem Formulation

The author formulates the problem in this research as follows: "How is the Semiotics of
Language and Motion, as well as their Interpretation in the film 'Sayap Sayap Patah'?"

2.1 Semiotics

According to Little John, Semiotics attempts to uncover signs, including the

hidden aspects behind a sign (text, advertisements, news). Semiotics is a term originating
from the Greek word 'semeion,' which means 'sign,' and in English, it refers to the
'Science that studies sign systems' such as language, codes, signals, and so forth. Signs
form the basis of all communication.
According to Umberto Eco, Semiotics is the study of the nature of the truth
behind a sign. The sign is considered as a "lie"; within the sign lies something concealed,
not the sign itself (Sobur, 2006:87).
According to Saussure, Semiotics is our perception and view of reality,
constructed by words and other signs used in a social context. This means that signs
shape human perception, going beyond merely reflecting existing reality (Sobur,
According to Barthes, Semiotics is a science or analytical method for examining
signs. Signs are tools we use in an attempt to navigate the world, amid humans and
alongside humans. In Barthes' terms, semiotics or semiology essentially aims to study
how humanity interprets things. Interpreting (to signify) in this context can be mixed with
communicating (to communicate). Signifying means that objects aim to communicate,
but also constitute a structured system of signs (Sobur, 2009:15).

2.2 Film
According to the Indonesian Dictionary, Film is (1) a thin layer made from celluloid for a
negative picture (to be developed into a photograph) or for a positive picture (to be shown in
According to Wikipedia, Film refers to moving pictures and is often called a movie.
Collectively, films are frequently referred to as cinema. Cinema itself is derived from the word
'kinematic' or motion. Film actually constitutes layers of cellulose acetate, commonly known in
the world of filmmakers as celluloid.
The literal meaning of film (cinema) is Cinematography derived from Cinema + tho =
phytos (light) + graphie = grhap (writing = picture = image), so its definition is painting motion
with light. To create motion with light, a special tool is used, commonly referred to as a camera.
Films are produced by recording people and objects (including fantasy and fake figures) with a
camera and/or through animation. Film cameras use celluloid film strips (or similar materials
based on technological advancements). The silver halide particles adhering to these strips are
highly sensitive to light. During the film development process, the exposed silver halide particles
of the correct size turn black, while those that are underexposed or not exposed at all will
dissolve and disappear along with the developing fluid.
According to Law 8/1992, a Film is a work of art and culture that serves as a visual and
auditory mass communication medium created based on cinematography principles, recorded on
celluloid film, videotape, videodiscs, and/or other technological inventions in various forms,
types, and sizes through chemical processes, electronic processes, or other processes, with or
without sound, which can be projected and/or displayed using mechanical, electronic, and/or
other projection systems. The term film initially referred to a plastic-like medium coated with
light-sensitive material. This light-sensitive medium is often called celluloid. In the field of
photography, this film became the dominant medium used to store the captured light reflections.
In subsequent generations, photography shifted towards using electronic digital media as an
image storage medium.
A film, also known as moving pictures, comprises a series of still or moving images. This
is achieved by photographing images with a camera or by creating images using animation
techniques or visual effects.

2.3 Film Semiotics

According to Van Zoest, Film is an incredibly relevant field of study for structural
analysis or semiotics. Films are constructed purely with signs. In films, iconic signs are utilized,
which depict something. Dynamic images in films serve as icons for the reality they represent
(Sobur, 2009: 128). Films are generally built using numerous signs. The most crucial aspects of
films are images and sound. Films convey their narratives uniquely, through their medium,
production methods using cameras, and presentation using projectors and screens.
According to Sardar & Loon, Films and television possess their own language with
distinct syntax and grammar. Essentially, films can involve visual and linguistic symbol forms to
encode the messages being conveyed. Films are typically constructed using various sign systems.
These signs encompass various sign systems working together effectively to achieve the intended
effects. The most crucial elements are images and sound: spoken words (augmented by other
simultaneous sounds accompanying the images) and film music (Sobur, 2009: 128). The primary
figure in cinematic semiotics thinking to date is Christian Metz from the Ecole des Hautes
Etudes et Sciences Sociales (EHESS) Paris. According to Metz, cinematographic signifiers
(signifiant) have a motivated or reasoned relationship with the signified that is apparent through
the connection of the signifiers with the referenced reality. Cinematographic signifiers are
always more or less reasoned and never arbitrary.

2.4 Ferdinand Saussure’s Semiotic Analysis Model

According to Saussure, a sign consist of:
a. Sounds and images, referred to as Signifiers
b. Concept derived from the sounds and images, known as Signified

Ferdinand Saussure’s Semiotic Analysis Model

Sign (Tanda)

Commposed of (terdiri dari)

Signifier Signified Referent (external reality)

A sign is something that takes a physical form (any sound-image) and can be seen
and heard, typically referring to an object or aspect of reality intended to be
communicated. This object is known as the Referent. In communication, an individual
uses a sign to convey meaning about an object, and others interpret this sign. The
prerequisite is that the communicator and the audience must share the same language or
knowledge of the sign system (Kriyantono, 2010: 271). A sign consists of the Signifier,
which is the actual physical representation of the sign when perceived, and the Signified,
which is the mental concept referring to the physical representation of the sign. This
mental concept is widely recognized by members of a culture that shares the same
language (Fiske, 2012: 73).
Saussure asserts that the Signified is something related to the mental activity of
someone receiving a Signifier. According to Saussure, signs express ideas and stress that
he disagrees with the Platonic interpretation or the term "idea" as mental events that
become the subject of human thought. Therefore, a sign is implicitly seen as a
communicative means that exists between two human beings intending to communicate
or express something to each other (Eco, 2009: 20).
3.1 Research Methodology
The research methodology utilized in this study is a qualitative approach. According to
Gorman & Clayton, Qualitative research involves reporting the meaning of events based on what
is observed. The report contains observations of various events and interactions directly
witnessed by the author at the scene. In analyzing semiotics, the author reports semiotic
observations in the film "Sayap Sayap Patah" and their interpretations.

3.2 Research Subject

The subject of this research is the film "Sayap Sayap Patah." The researcher will analyze
the semiotics of movement and language in the film "Sayap Sayap Patah," and then interpret the
semiotics through interviews with informants.

3.3 Research Informants

The informants in this research consist of :
1. Six master's students majoring in English (2 males, 4 females)
2. Watched the film "Sayap Sayap Patah" more than twice
3. Hail from different regions
4. Possess different characteristics and personalities
5. Demonstrate a keen interest in the development of Indonesian cinema

3.4 Researche Focus

The focus of this research involves :
1. Semiotics of language in the film "Sayap Sayap Patah"
2. Semiotics of movement in the film "Sayap Sayap Patah"
3. Audience interpretation of language in the film "Sayap Sayap Patah"
4. Audience interpretation of movement in the film "Sayap Sayap Patah"

3.5 Data Collection Techniques

In this research, data collection methods include:
1. Documentation: Obtaining direct data from the research site, including relevant
books, regulations, activity reports, photos, documentaries, and pertinent research
data (Riduwan, 2009: 43). The researcher gathers data on language and movement
from the film "Sayap Sayap Patah."
2. Observation: Directly observing the research object to understand the activities
performed. If the research object involves human behavior and actions, natural
phenomena, work processes, and small response usage (Riduwan, 2009: 43). Apart
from analyzing the film "Sayap Sayap Patah," the researcher also observes societal
behaviors in comparison to what is depicted in the film.
3. Interview: In addition to documentation and observation, the researcher will conduct
in-depth interviews with informants to understand how they interpret each language
and movement in the film "Sayap Sayap Patah."

3.6 Data Analysis Techniques

The data analysis in this research employs Ferdinand De Saussure's semiotic
analysis theory. Within Ferdinand De Saussure's theory, the researcher will analyze
data obtained from the film "Sayap Sayap Patah". From this data, the examination
will focus on how the Sign, Signifier, and Signified elements function. Furthermore,
through interviews conducted by the researcher, conclusions will be drawn regarding
the meaning of the External Reality that shapes human perception. To analyze the
Sign, Signifier, and Signified elements and understand the meaning of External
Reality (the wider society), the researcher will conduct data analysis based on:
1. Ideology
2. Group interpretations (interviews with informants)
3. Cultural framework
4. Social aspects
5. Lexicon (Sobur, 2006:154)

4 "Research Results and Discussion"

4.1 Semiotics of Language in the Film 'Sayap-Sayap Patah'
Based on Ferdinand De Saussure's theory (Signifier and Signified) analyzed through
Dictionary, Ideology, Cultural Framework, and Social Aspects, the semiotics of
language in the film 'Sayap-Sayap Patah' entails:
a. Affection
Aji, despite being heavily occupied, manages to spend time with his wife. He
consistently conveys strong messages to his unborn child.
b. Familial Bonds
The Brimob members are very close-knit and exhibit a strong sense of mutual
belonging within their unity. This is evident in the attention they give to their
respective families.
c. Leadership Integrity
Aji, as the team leader, is responsible and does not easily give up. He was entrusted
with leading his team but surrendered when his teammates did not listen to him and
skipped class. When given trust, Aji should be responsible and not easily surrender to
become a leader with integrity.
d. Importance of Having Good Character
Brimob members are taught about integrity and loyalty to their leadership,
emphasizing the importance of having good character. With good character, they can
bring pride to Indonesia.
e. Sacrifice
Aji is willing to sacrifice himself so that his leader can escape the room and
apprehend the terrorists. The sacrifices made by Aji and Nani were quite substantial
in their married life. It started with Nani's concern for her husband's safety, which
ultimately affected her pregnancy. Nani decided to temporarily leave Aji, and her
husband had to reluctantly let her go for the sake of their unborn baby's health. Aji
also sacrificed himself as a husband and a soon-to-be father to fulfill his duties
properly. It is this willingness to sacrifice that deeply moved the audience in the story
of this married couple in the film.
f. Diversity

The film depicts that diversity is like wings, and in that tragedy, those wings were
indeed broken due to the actions of terrorists.
4.2 Semiotics of Movement in the Film 'Sayap-Sayap Patah'
Based on Ferdinand De Saussure's theory (Signified and Signifier) analyzed through
Dictionary, Ideology, Cultural Framework, and Social Aspects, the semiotics of movement in the
film 'Sayap-Sayap Patah' are:
a. Hope and Sincerity
Aji exhibits concern for his pregnant wife. From his words, it is apparent that Aji
cares for his wife while she is pregnant.
b. Enthusiasm
Aji consistently shows enthusiasm while carrying out tasks related to capturing
suspected terrorists. Adji is a husband who is quite sweet to his pregnant wife, Nani.
He has a habit of telling bedtime stories to their unborn child using origami or hand
puppets. However, due to his job as a special forces police officer, Adji often finds
himself compelled to leave his wife. It's evident that it's quite challenging for Adji to
leave his pregnant wife. Nevertheless, due to the demands of his job, he has to make
Adji frequently expresses sweet words to his wife. Unfortunately, those words remain
as sweet promises, given the demands of his job that require constant readiness. In his
profession, Adji is highly respected by his colleagues and superiors. He also performs
well as a police officer.

4.3 Interpretation of Language in the Film 'Sayap-Sayap Patah'

Based on Ferdinand De Saussure's theory (Referent/External Reality) analyzed through
Group Interpretation (interviews with informants), the interpretation of language in the film
'Sayap-Sayap Patah' includes:

 Informant (1) interprets that Aji is narrating and advising his unborn child while his wife,
Ani, is asleep in the morning. Aji seriously engages in a dialogue and advises his child in
Ani's womb. This scene teaches the importance of advising children and instilling
goodness to prevent wrongdoing.
 Informant (2) perceives Leong conversing with Rosyid and Ratih, attempting to convince
Rosyid that their actions are noble.
 Informant (3) understands that Ratih is attempting a suicide bombing, carrying a bomb
under her jacket with the aim of bombing a police office controlled by Leong.
 Informant (4) infers that Leong is committing an act of terrorism, bombing a police office
with a smiling face, exhibiting pride and satisfaction in killing many people. For Leong,
this act is considered noble and a pathway to heaven.
 Informant (5) interprets that Rosyid still doubts or lacks confidence in Leong's struggle,
leading Leong to try to convince Rosyid.
 Informant (6) comprehends that Pak Abu is indoctrinating his members to remove any
doubts in their hearts regarding their struggle.

Interpretation of Movement in the Film 'Sayap-Sayap Patah'

Based on Ferdinand De Saussure's theory (Referent/External Reality) analyzed through
Group Interpretation (interviews with informants), the interpretation of movement in the film
'Sayap-Sayap Patah' includes:
 Informant (1) interprets sincerity, police enthusiasm, admiration, and appreciation.
 Informant (2) perceives giving positive energy and enthusiasm.
 Informant (3) understands hope for a better future.
 Informant (4) infers joy, strength, police member's integrity, and togetherness.
 Informant (5) interprets happiness, enthusiasm, motivation, and devotion to the role
as a teacher, admiration.
 Informant (6) comprehends loyalty, enthusiasm, and admiration."

5.1 Conclusion
1. Semiotics of Language in the Film "Sayap-Sayap Patah"
The language portrayed in the film "Sayap-Sayap Patah" delivers positive
meaning to its audience. The language carries high moral messages about spirit,
dedication, resilience, servitude, sacrifice, integrity, and equalizing education,
encouraging the audience to embrace good character. This is especially vital for the
younger generation, the future of the nation. They must remain vigilant not to be
deceived by a few who manipulate religion and indoctrinate terrorism based on the
promise of heaven and religious zeal. Despite economic limitations, maintaining a
strong faith framework, leadership integrity wherever one stands, filial piety,
affection for family, loyalty, and integrity toward the country are essential.

2. The Semiotics of Movement in the Film "Sayap-Sayap Patah"

The movement in the film "Sayap-Sayap Patah" delivers high moral messages to
its viewers. Movements depicting hope, sincerity, enthusiasm, admiration, and
perseverance, even in difficulties, signify the importance of having hope for our
aspirations, being sincere in our actions, always maintaining enthusiasm and
perseverance to achieve our goals. As educators, they should be enthusiastic about
educating and harbor hope and sincerity towards their students, enabling the younger
generation of Indonesia to become a beautiful rainbow seen by everyone.

3. Interpretation of Language in the Film "Sayap-Sayap Patah"

From the interviews conducted with informants who watched the film "Sayap-
Sayap Patah," they all interpreted the language in the film similarly. According to
them, the language in the film imparts positive meaning. Through spirit, motivation,
strong will to defend the country, sacrifice, hard work, responsibility, and anti-
terrorism education, they are equipped to avoid falling for the deceit of those who
manipulate terrorism under the guise of jihad.

4. Interpretation of Movement in the Film "Sayap-Sayap Patah"

From the interviews with informants who watched the film "Sayap-Sayap Patah,"
some interpretations aligned while others varied. However, all interpretations of the
movements they mentioned exhibit positive meanings. From movements showing
sincerity, enthusiasm, admiration, hope, togetherness, and enthusiasm, they signify
that despite limitations, one should remain spirited. Through zeal, motivation, strong
desire to defend the country, sacrifice, hard work, responsibility, and anti-terrorism
education, they are equipped to avoid falling for the deceit of those who manipulate
terrorism under the guise of jihad.
5.2 Recommendations
1. Theoretical Aspect
For future Master's students in English Language Education, it would be
beneficial to explore the semiotics of other films using theories other than
Ferdinand De Saussure, such as Peacers' theory. This expansion of semiotics and
Communication Science studies will contribute to a broader understanding of the

2. Practical Aspect

For the Indonesian community, it's advisable to watch films that are beneficial
and carry positive meanings like "Sayap-Sayap Patah." Producers, directors, and
film production houses should create films that are beneficial and educational,
especially for the younger generation of Indonesia. If the films watched are not
educational and undermine the moral values of the nation's children, what will
become of our nation? The younger generation must have strong moral values. By
providing beneficial entertainment like "Sayap-Sayap Patah," emphasizing values
like spirit, loyalty, integrity, sacrifice, and compassion will greatly benefit them.
6. References

Arief, M. Sarief. (2009). Politik Film di Hindia Belanda. Jakarta: Komunitas Bambu.
Eco, Umberto. (2009). Teori Semiotika. Bantul: Kerasi Wacana.
Fiske, John. (2012). Pengantar Ilmu Komunikasi. Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada.
Hidayati, Inoer. (2012). Buku Pintar EYD. Yogyakarta: Indonesia Tera.
H.P, Rosmawaty. (2010). Mengenal Ilmu Komunikasi. Yogyakarta: Widya
Kryantono, Rachmat. (2010). Teknik Praktis Riset Komunikasi. Jakarta: Kencana
Pradana Media Group.
Kuswarno, H. Engkus. (2010). Menulis Ilmiah Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif.
Jakarta: Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia.
Maulana, Arief. (2012). Cara Instan Menyusun Skripsi. Jakarta: New Agogos.
McQuail, Denis. (2011). Teori Komunikasi Massa. Jakarta: Salemba Humanika.
Noegroho, Agoeng. (2010). Teknologi Komunikasi. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.
Sobur, Alex. (2009). Semiotika Komunikasi. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya.
Sobur, Alex. (2006). Teknik Analisis Media. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya.
Tinarbuko, Sumbo. (2012). Semiotika Komunikasi Visual. Yogyakarta: Jala Sutra.
Widagdo, M. Bayu. (2007). Bikin Film Indie Itu Mudah. Yogyakarta: CV Andi

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