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Analysis of the Role of Independent Learning Motivation in

English Language Education Students at Medan State University

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Almaidah Amalia Batubara , Dhea Ani Clarissa Sitohang ,Ulfa Wahidah

English Department | Faculty of Languages and Arts | State University of Medan



This study explores the motivation and initiative in independent learning among
English Education students at Universitas Negeri Medan (UNIMED) using a qualitative
descriptive approach. Independent learning is increasingly essential in today's rapidly
changing world, requiring individuals to develop critical thinking and adaptability
skills. Previous research has identified multiple roles that students take on in self-
directed learning, such as planner, researcher, and creator, which significantly enhance
their motivation and independent learning capabilities. The study employs Descriptive
Qualitative with the questionnaire as instrument to collect data from 30 students,
focusing on various aspects such as their initiative in seeking learning resources,
developing learning strategies, and participating in learning activities. Findings show
that majority of students 85% actively use the internet and libraries initiatively,
regularly develop and refine their learning strategies, and engage in collaborative
learning activities. High levels of external encouragement from family and friends,
alongside a foundation of good independent learning habits, further support their
motivation. These insights underscore the crucial role of accessible learning resources
and internal motivation, as explained by Protection Motivation Theory (PMT), in
fostering effective independent learning. The study concludes that UNIMED students
exhibit strong motivation and initiative in their independent learning efforts,
highlighting the need for educational environments that promote and support these

Keywords: Independent Learning, Students’ role, Motivation, Sel-efficacy, Protection Motivation Theory
A. INTRODUCTION University (UNIMED), face the
1.1 Background of the Study challenge of not only providing
academic knowledge to their students,
Independent learning is a
but also developing independent
necessity in the modern era because it
learning skills. Learning independence
allows individuals to improve their
is one of the competencies that students
abilities and knowledge effectively. In
must have to compete in the ever-
this world, people have to learn
changing world of work and life.
independently because not all
UNIMED English Language Education
information can be obtained through
students are required to have good
formal education (Jaswita, et al., 2020).
independent learning skills because of
For example, technology and innovation
the nature of this discipline which
that continues to develop requires
requires in-depth understanding and
people to learn independently so they
practical application in various contexts.
can keep up with these developments.
Independent learning allows students to
Apart from that, independent learning
develop the critical thinking skills,
also helps people to improve their
creativity and initiative needed in their
critical and analytical thinking skills, as
future professions, both as educators
well as increase their ability to adapt to
and other professionals.
changes that occur around them.
Therefore, independent learning is a High motivation is very
must to prepare oneself to face the important because it encourages
challenges and changes that occur in students to take the initiative in
this world. learning. Motivated students are more
likely to actively seek out additional
Fernández-Toro & Hurd (2014)
learning resources, manage their study
stated that independent learning
time well, and strive to understand
involves various student roles, such as
content thoroughly. Independent
learner, planner, researcher,
learning initiative, on the other hand,
collaborator, assessor, creator,
indicates a student's ability to take the
presenter, and reflector. These roles can
necessary steps to achieve his or her
increase motivation for independent
learning goals. This includes the ability
learning. Higher education institutions
in Indonesia, including Medan State

to plan, manage time, and utilize learning among English Education
available resources efficiently. Students at Universitasa Negeri Medan.

This research aims to analyze the

motivation and independent learning
initiative of UNIMED English
Language Education students through a Motivation for independent learning

qualitative descriptive approach. This among students determines their success

approach allows researchers to gain an in this field. Fernández-Toro and Hurd

in-depth understanding of students' (2014) emphasized the diverse roles

experiences, views and perceptions students take on in self-directed

regarding their motivation and initiative learning, including learner, planner,

in independent learning. researcher, collaborator, assessor,

creator, presenter, and reflector.
1.2 Research Problems of the Study
The learner's role is fundamental to
1. What is the most requent motivation
self-directed learning, which requires
for independent learning among English
students to take responsibility for their
Language Educatin students at Medan
education by engaging in course
State University ?
material and seeking out additional
2. Why is this motivation so prevalent resources. This involves setting goals
in autonomous learning among English and prioritizing tasks to achieve them,
Language Education Students at Medan fostering a sense of ownership and
State University? motivation. Planning is another
important role, as students must plan
1.3 Objectives/Purpose of the Study
their learning effectively by setting
This study aims to the purpose of goals and organizing assignments to
this study is to identify the most stay focused and cover all required
frequently occurring motivations for material. Assessment plays an important
independent learning among English role, as students evaluate their progress
Education students at Universitas and performance, using self-assessment
Negeri Medan and analyze the reasons tools to identify areas that need to
why these motivations are the most improve and adjust their strategies.
common in the context of independent Creativity is also key, because students

generate new knowledge and ideas, enabling a rich understanding of
apply what they have learned to real students' experiences and perceptions.
world situations, develop problem
Qualitative descriptive research
solving skills and creativity.
is a methodological approach that aims
In conclusion, Protection Motivation to provide a comprehensive summary of
Theory (PMT) is a fundamental theory a phenomenon in a straightforward and
and is widely used in understanding easy to understand manner. It focuses
information security behavior and on describing and interpreting an
behavioral intentions. Despite its individual's experiences, behavior,
diverse applications, there are beliefs, and interactions in their natural
limitations and criticisms that require environment. According to Sandelowski
further exploration and refinement. (2000), qualitative descriptive research
Future research can improve existing is very useful when researchers seek to
knowledge by expanding PMT and understand participants' experiences and
exploring its application in various perspectives in a particular context
domains, thereby contributing to a more without imposing a preconceived
comprehensive understanding of human theoretical framework or interpretation.
motivation and behavior. This approach allows researchers to
capture the richness and complexity of
human experience in an accessible and
Type of Research meaningful way.

This research uses a qualitative Key characteristics of qualitative

descriptive research design to explore descriptive research include a focus on
the motivation and initiative of Medan specific details of the phenomenon
State University (UNIMED) English under study, a reliance on naturalistic
Language Education students in methods of inquiry such as interviews,
independent learning. Qualitative observation, and document analysis, and
descriptive research was chosen because emphasis on generating themes and
of its ability to provide detailed and inductive patterns from the data.
straightforward explanations of the
Research data and Data Sources
phenomena under study, thereby

The data collection instrument, Data Analysis
which is a Google Forms questionnaire,
Accessibility and availability of
will be distributed to the participants
additional learning resources may play
electronically. The questionnaire
an important role. If students feel that
consists of Likert-scale questions and
they have easy and broad access to
open-ended questions to assess students'
additional learning resources such as the
motivation and initiative in independent
internet and libraries, they may be more
learning. Participants will be asked to
inclined to actively seek them out.
complete the questionnaire within a
Internal motivation can also influence
specified timeframe, typically one to
the initial search for learning resources.
two weeks, to ensure timely data
Students who have high intrinsic
motivation to learn may be more
After the data collection period, motivated to seek out additional
the researchers will download the learning resources to deepen their
responses from Google Forms and understanding of a subject.
organize them for analysis. The
In Protection Motivation Theory
responses will be anonymized to ensure
(PMT), factors such as perceived threat
the confidentiality of the participants.
and self-efficacy influence a person's
The researchers will proceed then with
motivation to adopt a particular
the data analysis process, which
behavior. In this context, students who
involves coding the responses,
have high intrinsic motivation may have
identifying common themes and
a higher perception of the threat of
patterns, and interpreting the findings to
ignorance or lack of understanding, so
draw conclusions about students'
they are more motivated to seek
motivation and initiative in independent
additional learning resources. In
addition, high self-efficacy can also
Additionally, the researchers strengthen this motivation, because
will keep detailed records of the data students believe that their efforts to seek
collection process to ensure additional learning resources will be
transparency and replicability of the effective in increasing their
study. understanding. PMT emphasizes that a
person's behavior to overcome threats is

influenced by two main factors: self- that the response they choose will be
efficacy and perception of the effective in overcoming the threat. In
effectiveness of the response (response this context, students who are motivated
efficacy). In this context, students' to seek out additional learning resources
motivation to seek additional learning may believe that this action will be
resources can be understood through effective in increasing their
these two concepts. First, self-efficacy understanding of course material and
refers to a person's belief in their ability reducing feelings of uncertainty or
to carry out certain behaviors. In this confusion regarding learning.
case, students who have high motivation
In addition, the concepts of
in seeking additional learning resources
threat and response in PMT can also be
may have a high level of self-efficacy
applied in this context. Students who
regarding their ability to find relevant
have high motivation in seeking
and useful learning resources. They
additional learning resources may have
believe that they can overcome barriers
a high perception of the threat of
such as information complexity or time
ignorance or lack of understanding.
constraints in seeking additional
They felt that the appropriate response,
learning resources.
namely seeking additional learning
Second, the perception of resources, was an effective way to
response effectiveness (response address this threat and increase their
efficacy) is related to a person's belief understanding.


The data is presented in a Likert scale questionnaire format, which allows for
quantitative analysis. Here is an interpretation of the data.

Data Respondents
Initiative in Seeking Learning Resources 85%
Initiative in Developing Learning 80%
Initiative in Participating in Learning 75%

Support Systems 70%
Access to Resources 65%
System Flexibility 60%
Habits of Independent Learning 55%
Motivation Factor 70%
Based on the data collected from 30 learning strategies to improve
English Education students at their effectiveness in
Universitas Negeri Medan (UNIMED), independent learning.
several key findings emerge regarding 3. Initiative in Participating in
students' motivation and initiative in Learning Activities
independent learning. 75% of students reported
actively participating in group
1. Initiative in Seeking Learning
discussions or online forums.
This indicates a willingness to
The data indicates that
engage with peers and share
85% of students reported using
knowledge, which is essential
the internet and libraries to find
for collaborative learning and
relevant information. This
enhancing understanding.
demonstrates a proactive
4. Motivational Factors
approach to seeking additional
70% of students reported
learning resources outside of the
receiving strong encouragement
classroom, indicating a high
from family and friends to
level of initiative in this aspect
engage in independent learning.
of independent learning.
This external motivation plays a
2. Initiative in Developing
significant role in encouraging
Learning Strategies
students to pursue independent
80% of students reported
learning activities.
making structured plans and
5. Initiative
adjusting their strategies
65% of students reported
regularly. This suggests that
having good habits of
students are actively engaged in
independent learning before
developing and refining their

entering UNIMED. This motivation may have a higher
suggests that students already perception of the threat of ignorance or
possess a foundation of lack of understanding, so they are more
independent learning skills, motivated to seek additional learning
which may contribute to their resources. Apart from that, high self-
overall success in independent efficacy can also strengthen this
learning. motivation, because students believe
that their efforts to find additional
E. Conclusion
learning resources will be effective in
Data analysis suggests that increasing their understanding.
accessibility and availability of
These findings show that
additional learning resources may play
UNIMED English Language Education
an important role. Apart from that,
students have high motivation and
internal motivation can also influence
initiative in independent learning,
initiative in looking for learning
driven by factors such as accessibility of
resources. In this context, motivation
learning resources, internal motivation
theory and independent learning
and external encouragement. This
initiative can be explained through
shows the importance of creating a
Rogers' Protection Motivation Theory
learning environment that supports and
(PMT) which emphasizes that a person's
encourages student motivation and
behavior in overcoming threats is
initiative in independent learning.
influenced by two main factors, namely
self-efficacy and perceived response
effectiveness. In this context, students
who have high intrinsic learning


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