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(For Reference Purpose)

Unit 1- Computer Data Representation:

1. Design and explain a common bus system for four register each of 4 bit using multiplexer.
2. List and explain different types of shift micro operation.
3. What is register transfer language? Clear it with example.
4. Explain the operation of three state bus buffers and show its use in design of common
5. Explain 4-bit incrementer with a necessary diagram.
6. Explain the design of accumulator logic with block diagram.
7. Explain how complement number system is useful in computer system. Discuss any one
complement number system with example.
8. What is a micro operation? List and explain its categories.
9. Explain how complement number system is useful in computer system. Discuss any one
complement number system with example.
10. What is Tri-state buffer? Why it is useful to form a bus system?
11. Perform subtraction with the following unsigned decimal numbers by taking 10’s complement
of the subtrahend.
1) 5250 – 1321 2) 1753 – 8640 3) 20 – 100 4) 1200 - 250
12. DECIMAL TO BINARY - 1)12.0625 (1100.0001) 2)104 (10011100010000)
3) 673.23 (1010100001.00111) 4)1998 (11111001110)

Unit 2- Basic Computer Organization and Design

1. Explain the Common Bus System with its diagram.
2. Discuss the phases of Instruction Cycle with flowchart. OR Draw and explain the flowchart for
Instruction Cycle.
3. Explain the following instructions: SPA, SNA, SZA, SZE, BUN, INP.
4. Explain the design of Accumulator logic.
5. Give the basic computer instruction format and explain Memory reference, Register reference
and Input-output instructions. OR Explain all memory reference instruction in detail.
6. Explain the direct and indirect address with example and compare them.
7. Compare the following. 1. Microprogrammed and hardwired control organization. 2. Register
reference and memory reference instructions.
8. Discuss following instruction (i) SZA (ii) LDA (iii) ISZ (iv) CIR (v) CIL (vi) SZE (vii) BSA
9. Explain timing and control unit of basic computer with proper diagram.
10. Explain interrupt cycle with flow chart.
11. Draw the timing diagram as shown in Fig. 5.7 (our Text book M. Morris Mano) assuming that SC
is cleared to 0 at time T3 if control signal C7 is active:
C7T3 : SC  0
12. What is difference between direct and indirect address instruction?

Unit 3 - Assembly Language Programming

1. Explain the working of Second Pass Assembler with its flowchart.
2. Write the program to multiply two positive numbers. by a repeated addition method. For ex., to
multiply 5 x 4 , the program evaluates the product by adding 5 four times, or 5+5+5+5 OR
Write an assembly language program to multiply two positive numbers.
3. Write the program to logical OR the two numbers without using “OR” instruction.
4. Explain an Address Symbol Table with a suitable example.
5. (i) Describe the subroutine write a program which move the block of data. (ii) Write a program
which uses the service of an interrupt.
6. Write a program loop using a pointer and a counter to clear the contents of hex locations 500 to
5FF with 0.
7. Describe the first pass of assembler with the help of flowchart and show how symbol table is
generated using an example.
8. What is program interrupt? What happens when it comes? What are the tasks to be performed
by service routine?
9. Write an assembly language program to add 50 numbers from memory.
10. Write a assembly program to input 2 character or 1 word using INP instruction.

Unit 5- Central Processing Unit

1. Explain the different addressing modes with suitable examples.
2. List all the three address, two address, one address, zero address and RISC instructions with its
examples OR Explain different types of Instruction Formats with examples.
3. Explain different types of Interrupts.
4. Give the detailed comparison between RISC and CISC.
5. What is stack? Give the organization of register stack with all necessary elements and explain
the working of push and pop operations.
6. List the important characteristics of RISC architecture and explain the use of overlapped
register windows
7. What are the flag bits/condition-code bits? Give the meaning of each and use of them in
8. Explain register stack and memory stack with block diagram.
9. Explain Stack and evaluate the following expression using stack(3+4)*[10(2+6)+8]

Unit 7- Computer Arithmetic

1. Explain the Booth Multiplication Algorithm in detail.
2. Explain the procedure for addition and subtraction with signed-magnitude data with the help of
3. Explain the Hardware Algorithm for add and subtract operation using flowchart.
4. Multiply the (-8) with (12) using Booth’s algorithm. Write each step by step.


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