Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 SD Government

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Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 SD : Government

Answer these questions!

1. A _________________ is the wife of a king.

2. Japan is an empire. An ________________ leads it.
3. Great Britain is a kingdom. A ________________ leads it.
4. Indonesia is a republic. A ________________ leads it.
5. North Sulawesi is a province. A ________________ leads it.
6. A ________________ leads a municipality.
7. A ________________ leads a regency.
8. A ________________ leads a district.
9. The capital city of philipine is ________________
10. A ________________ leads a sub district.
11. A ________________ leads a village
12. A king has a daughter. We call her ________________
13. The capital city of Bali is ________________
14. Tegal arum is a village. The leader of village is ________________.
15. The son of a king is a ________________
16. The leader of a regency is ________________
17. The first president of Indonesia was ________________
18. The capital city of Malaysia is ________________
19. Our president now is ________________
20. The capital city of Indonesia is ________________
21. A ________________helps a king.
22. A ________________ helps a president.
23. The capital city of South Korea is______________
24. The capital city of China is_______________
25. The capital city of Thailand is______________

1. Country (Negara) dipimpin oleh President and Vice President (presiden dan wakil presiden)
2. Republic (Republik) dipimpin oleh President and Vice President (presiden dan wakil presiden)
3. Kingdom (Kerajaan) dipimpin oleh King/Queen (raja/ratu)
4. Empire (Kekaisaran) dipimpin oleh Emperor/ Emperess (kaisar)
5. Department (departemen) dipimpin oleh Minister (menteri)
6. Province (Provinsi) dipimpin oleh Governor (gubernur)
7. Municipality (kota/kotamadya) dipimpin oleh Major (walikota)
8. Regency (Kabupaten) dipimpin oleh Regent (bupati)
9. District (Kecamatan) dipimpin oleh District head (camat)
10. Subdistric (Kelurahan) dipimpin oleh Subdistric head (lurah)
11. Village (Desa) dipimpin oleh Village chief (kepala desa)
12. Princess = Anak Perempuan Raja
13. Prince = Anak laki-laki Raja
14. Ambassador = duta besar
15. Attonery general = kejaksaan agung
16. The minister of home affairs = menteri dalam negeri
17. The minister of foreign affairs = menteri luar negeri
18. The minister of education = menteri pendidikan
19. The minister of research and technology = menteri riset dan teknologi
20. The minister of communication = menteri komunikasi
21. The minister of mine and energy = menteri pertambangan dan energy
22. The minister of finance = menteri keuangan
23. The minister of health = menteri Kesehatan
24. The minister of religion = menteri agama
25. The minister of trade = menteri perdagangan
26. The minister of defence = menteri pertahanan
27. The minister of tourism = menteri pariwisata
28. the minister of telecommunication = menteri telekomunikasi
29. The minister of justice = menteri keadilan
30. People consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia = MPR
31. The House of Representative of the Republic of indonesia = DPR
Nama Negara dan Ibukota-nya dalam Bahasa Inggris
1. Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia.
(Jakarta adalah Ibukota Indonesia)
2. Kuala Lumpur is the capital city of Malaysia.
(Kuala Lumpur adalah ibukota malaysia)
3. Beijing is the capital city of China.
(Beijing adalah ibukota Cina)
4. Bangkok is the capital city of Thailand.
(Bangkok adalah ibukota thailand)
5. Manila is the capital city of Philippines.
(Manila adalah ibukota filipina)
6. London is the capital city of England.
(London adalah ibukota Inggris)
7. Seoul is the capital city of South Korea.
(Seoul adalah ibukota korea selatan)
8. Hanoi is the capital city of Vietnam.
(Hanoi adalah ibukota Vietnam)
9. Tokyo is the capital city of Japan
(Tokyo adalah ibukota Jepang)
10. Canberra is the capital city of Australia.
(Canberra adalah ibukota Australia)

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