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Ir. H. Joko Widodo is the current President of Indonesia. He was born on June 21, 1961 in
Surakarta. He is well-known with his nickname ‘Jokowi’, the acronym from his complete name. Before
he became the President of Indonesia, he was a furniture businessman. Then, he became the Mayor of
Surakarta for two periods from 2005 to 2015. But, before he finished his time as Mayor, he became one
of Jakarta’s governor candidates Ir. Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, M.M. or Ahok in 2012. Again and again,
before the due time, he was offered by PDI-P party to be the candidate of President of Indonesia in 2014
with Jusuf Kalla as the candidate of vice president.

About his personal life, Jokowi married Mrs. Iriana. They have three children namedGibran
Rakabumi Raka, Kahiyang Ayu, and Kaesang Pangarep. His hobby is listening to rock music. No wonder
that years ago he was seen in a stadium to watch the concert of a legendary international rock band,
Gun & Roses. Besides, Jokowi is known as a person who is straight to the point and has calm personality.
Related to his education background, Jokowi finished his primary education at SDN 112 Tirtoyoso Solo
and continued his secondary education at SMPN 1 Solo and SMAN 6 Solo. Jokowi graduated from
Forestry Faculty of Gadjah Mada University in 1985.

When he was a kid, he ever had a bitter experience when his small house and also his father’s
stall Cinderejo Lor in were evicted and became a centre of travel agent. Jokowi’s mother said that
Jokowi was a quiet boy but he was also sociable. He always avoided any fight to keep the peace around
him. His parents always taught him the meaning of sincerity and responsibility. His appearance is always
simple. Not only that, when he was a kid, he used to walk to school while all of his friends rode bicycle.
Simplicity is the way he lives.

In 2005, Jokowi decided to be the candidate of Mayor in Solo through PDI-P party. Many people
were doubtful on his competency to be a Mayor since they thought that Jokowi was a businessman in
furniture and was not a politician at that time, even when he was announced that he won in the
election. Then, people began to trust him when he made many progressive innovation and
breakthrough. By his hands, Solo got many positive changes.

Jokowi’s journey is unpredictable and we really never know how people meet their faith. Jokowi
is one of the examples. He might never dream of being the governor of the capital city of Indonesia,
even being the President. His path is not easy, too. There were many rumours and issues during his
candidacy, but he kept calm and strong to face anything that was going to attack him from every side.

In 2014, Jokowi was elected to be the 7th President of Indonesia with Jusuf Kalla as the Vice
President. Jokowi always tries to give his best to make Indonesia has better future. He is always spiritful
with his popular jargon ‘Kerja Nyata’.
IR. h. Joko Widodo atau Jokowi menyapa lebih akrab (lahir di Surakarta, Jawa
Tengah, 21 Juni 1961; umur 54 tahun) adalah Presiden 7 Indonesia yang mulai
menjabat pada 20 Oktober 2014. Ia terpilih bersama
dengan Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla dalam pemilihan Presiden tahun
2014. Jokowi menjabat sebagai Gubernur DKI Jakarta sejak 15 Oktober 2012 ke 1
6 Oktober 2014 disertai Basuki Tjahaja purnama sebagai Deputi Gubernur. Sebelu
mnya, ia adalah Walikota Surakarta (Solo), sejak Juli 28, 2005 dan berakhir pada 1
Oktober 2012 disertai F.X. Hadi Rudyatmo sebagai Wakil Walikota. dua tahun mas
a kedua menjadi walikota Solo, Jokowi diangkat oleh partainya, Partai Demokrasi
Indonesia perjuangan (PDI-P), bertarung dalam pemilihan Gubernur DKI Jakarta u
ntuk memasangkan dengan Basuki Tjahaja purnama (Ahok).
Joko Widodo berasal dari keluarga sederhana. Pada kenyataannya, rumahnya
sekali dikutuk sebanyak tiga kali, ketika ia masih kecil, tapi ia mampu
menyelesaikan studinya di Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gajah
Mada. Setelah lulus, ia berlatih profesinya sebagai seorang pengusaha mebel. Kar
ier politik dimulai dengan menjadi walikota Surakarta pada tahun
2005. ia paling dikenal dianggap berhasil setelah mengubah wajah kota Surakarta
menjadi kota pariwisata, kota budaya dan kota batik. pada tanggal 20 September
2012, Jokowi memenangkan pemilu di Jakarta. Kemenangannya mencerminkan d
ukungan rakyat untuk dianggap sebagai pemimpin “muda” dan “bersih”, walaupu
n dia lebih dari lima puluh tahun.
Sejak terpilih sebagai Gubernur, popularitas–nya terus melambung dan menjadi s
orotan media. sebagai akibatnya, muncul wacana untuk melakukan calon Preside
n untuk pemilihan umum Presiden Indonesia 2014. Selain itu, hasil survei menunj
ukkan, nama Jokowi terus Excel. pada awalnya, Ketua Umum PDI-P, Megawati Suk
arnoputri menyatakan bahwa ia tidak akan mengumumkan calon Presiden PDI Pe
rjuangan sampai setelah pemilihan umum legislatif 9 April 2014. Namun, pada ta
nggal 14 Maret 2014, Jokowi menerima mandat dari Megawati untuk maju sebag
ai calon Presiden, tiga minggu sebelum pemilihan umum legislatif dan dua hari s
ebelum kompetisi.

1. what is the title of the above reading?

2. what is jokiwidodo's nickname
3. When was Jokowi Born
4. Where did Jokowidodo finish college
5. what is jokowidodo's job
6. Write Jokowidodo's Career Path
7. What is the name of Jokowidodo's wife
8. What Caused Jokowidodo to Be Known in Surakatra
9. What is Jokowidodo's Job After Graduating from College
10. When did Jokowidodo serve as President

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