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Nama : Salsabila Aldira

NIM : 05031382126094

Application of barrier technology for the extension of the shelf life of European eel fillets

Barriers to microbial growth on fish surfaces.

Chitosan alone or in combination with oregano is given in, as a means of prolonging shelf life,
with chitosan-treated eel fillets being organoleptically preferable to oregano-treated fillets.
investigated the effect of chitosan, thyme oil and their combination, on the shelf life of
immediate eel fillets stored in vacuum packaging at 4°C, and found a beneficial effect on the
immediate shelf life of eel. rosemary and its extracts, trapped in edible coating of carboxyl
methyl cellulose for eels were immediately studied, and the results showed that the effect was
rather moderate compared to eels immediately. inherent microbes caused by the smoking

Rosemary is one of the most common aromatic herbs belonging to the Lamiaceae family and is
native to the Mediterranean region. Some of the effects exhibited by this plant include the ability
to overcome asthma, atherosclerosis, hepatotoxicity, heart-chemic disease, antioxidant and anti-
inflammatory actions, control of hypercholesterolemia and oxidative stress, reduction of lipid
peroxidation and ability to depressive behavior. The European eel is a commercially important
species due to its superior quality attributes, such as its white flesh, high taste and fat content,
due to its abundant lipid 3 . Its production has steadily increased over the past 30 years, mainly
due to the expansion of agriculture, which accounts for more than 80% of the world's species

Greece has important eel farming activities, following the Netherlands, Italy and Denmark .
However, due to the high polyunsaturated lipid content, eels are prone to rapid deterioration in
nutritional quality, mainly due to lipid oxidation, a significant reduction of the expected shelf
life. Using microbial quality indicators, the shelf life of eels packaged in air, vacuum and MAP
were estimated to be more than 18, 28 and 34 days, respectively. Several traditional food
preservation methods are used to effectively control the growth of microorganisms and delay the
spoilage of fish products, which causes severe damage to food quality.

As a method to overcome the problem of quality degradation, non-thermal techniques have been
introduced as a more intense alternative. Osmotic dehydration is a technique used to reduce
water activity to improve the nutritional, sensory, and functional properties of food. By reducing
the aw of the food matrix, microbial growth is reduced or inhibited, while the rate of other
deterioration processes in fish tissues is reduced, leading to a longer shelf life and increased
retention of flavor and product parameters. Careful choice of osmotic agent is based on issues,
such as the effect of decreasing aw , impact on economic attributes.

Texture measurements were carried out with the TA-XT2i texture analyzer from Stable

The eels were harvested by V. Geitonas, and the TPA assay was carried out with ice, scooped
out, gutted and filleted within 2 hours post using cylindrical eel samples. Tests were mortem and
transported to the Department of Food Science, Technology University of West Attica on a flat,
unlubricated platform using a 60 mm cylindrical compression probe and in a polystyrene box
with sufficient amount of flake ice within a 25kg load cell. The average weight of the eel fillets
was 500 g and the fillets were cut into cm3 pieces in laminar flow hoods, each weighing 131 g.
Osmotic solution was prepared by dissolving glycerol, food grade and distilled water at
concentrations of 30%, 40%, and 45%, plus 5% NaCl.

NaCl was added to strengthen the driving force of the process and attract a little sweetness
obtained. The measurements were carried out in three replications to take the average and
standard values of safe immersion into a hypertonic glycerol solution.

WL =

Added osmotic compounds that have been weighed before. , to obtain the desired hypertonic
solution concentration. The latter, a two-step procedure was chosen over a simultaneous process,
because of the procedure. The total phenol content during immersion in rosemary serum The
one-step content did not lead to significant antioxidant enrichment, as was the total phenolic
content of rosemary serum used and eel fillet during described in Giannacorou et al., 2019 and .
All measurements were carried out in triplicate, according to the micro method which
For all sample categories, step osmotic procedures were performed at 15°C, the result of the
Folin-Ciocalteu test, as described in Andreou et al., 2018.

Minute antioxidant activity, either as a unique process or expressed as mg FeSO4ÿ7H2O per 1 L


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