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Internship Report

Week 1
• Day 1-2 : Complete online tutorials on HTML introducation ,
covering the basics like elements, tags, attributes, and the structure
of an HTML document.
• Day 3-4 : Practiced creating simple web pages using various
HTML elements such as headings, paragraphs, lists, links, and
• Day 5-6 : Creating multiple web pages using headings, paragraphs,
lists, links, images, and semantic HTML5 elements.
Week 2
• Day 1-2 : complete online tutorials on CSS introduction,basics,
syntax, selectors, properties, and values.
• Day 3 : Practice applying styles to HTML elements using inline,
internal, and external CSS.
• Day 4 : Explore CSS Box sizing, margins, borders, padding, and
• Day 5-6 : Learned about CSS positioning and display properties.
Created layouts using different positioning techniques.
Week 3
• Day 1 : complete online tutorials on advanced HTML elements
like tables, iframes, and multimedia elements.
• Day 2-3 : Practice creating and styling tables and multimedia
content into web pages.
• Day 4 : Learne about HTML forms, including form elements,
attributes, and validation.
• Day 5-6 : Create and style forms using CSS.
Week 4
• Day 1-2 : Complete online tutorial on responsive web design,
including media queries and grid layouts.
• Day 3 : Practice creating responsive web pages using different
screen sizes.
• Day 4-5 : Learne about Flexbox, including its properties and how
to create flexible layouts.
• Day 6 : Create responsive layouts using Flexbox.
Week 5
• Day 1-2: Learene about CSS Gradient and various properties.
• Day 3-4: Practice creating layouts using CSS Gradient.
• Day 5-6 : Create Responsive website.

Week 6
• Day 1-5 : Create Responsive website.

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