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Task 1: Change the verb into the correct form.

Example: I rarely……travel……(travel) to Lima on vacation.

1. Joshep usually……………………………………..(go) to school.

2. You…………………………………….(play) basketball once a week.

3. Tom sometimes …………………………………(work) hard.

4. In this club people always………………………(dance) a lot.

5. Andres always…………………………..(fix) his car.

6. Mariela never………………………………..(help) me with that!

7. Martha and Kevin………………………..(swim) twice a week.

8. Angela always……………………..(teach) me new things.

9. The dog………………………………..(play) in the garden.

10. Children…………………………………..(love) ice cream.

Task 2: Write the correct negative form: DON’T – DOESN’T

Example: Jhon………doesn´t drink……..(not drink) much water.

1. I……………………………………………………………(not ride) horses.

2. Lucas and Clara……………………………………………………..(not eat) meat.

3. You……………………………………………………….(not sell) cars.

4. Antonella……………………………………………….(not paint) pictures.

5. The pasta…………………………………………..(not cost) so much.

6. David and I………………………………….……….(not give up) easily.

7. Karen……………………………………………… (not dance).

8. Michael………………………………………………..…….(not run) fast.

9. People…………………………………………………..(not respect) animals.

10. You and me………………………………………….(not live) happy.

Task 3: Complete the sentences with the correct auxiliary: DO - DOES

Example: ………Do I wake up………(I wake up) at five in the morning?

1. …………………………………………………….(you go) to work by train?

2. ……………………………………………………(Alexander and you drink) coffee every morning?

3. …………………………………………………………(your friend smoke)?

4. ……………………………………………………(Emma and Ana cook) well?

5. ……………..………………………………….(Lionel exercise) regularly?

6. ………………………………………………….(you look) well?

7. …………………………………………………(your dog eat) ricocan often?

8. ……………………………………………………(your mother bake) cakes

Task 4: Answer the following questions in negative and affirmative form.

Example: Do you study French at school ?

No, I don’t study French at school.
I study English at school.

1. Does Pedro Castillo govern Peru?

2. Does Shakira visit Huancayo?
3. Do Lionel and Neymar play golf?
4. Do your parents practice dishonesty?
5. Does Miss Luz teach Japanese?
6. Do you destroy the plants?
7. Does your mother cook Sushi?
8. Do Maluma and Ozuna sing huaynos?
9. Does the lion run slow?
10. Does Surandino Group dance rock and pop?

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