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Thesis presented to the

Faculty of College of Hospitality Industry

University of Rizal System

Antipolo Campus


Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Tourism





Chapter 1


This chapter includes the introduction, background of the study, theoretical

framework, conceptual framework, conceptual model, the statement of the problem,

hypothesis, scope and limitation, the significance of the study, and definition of terms.


Alluring Spot is a place or location that is highly attractive, enticing, and

fascinating because of its beauty, charm, or unique qualities. It is a place that has a

magnetic pull because it can attract a greater range of potential visitors and hold their

interest because of its picturesque scenery, ambiance, or other appealing features.

Many people are looking for an alluring spot to explore, learn, relax, create cherished

memories, and escape the monotony of everyday life because alluring spots have the

power to captivate our senses, evoke our emotions, and create a desire to experience


Despite the busyness of the First District of Rizal, amidst the vibrant cultural

heritage and the rhythmic pulse of urban life, there are alluring cafe spots that serve as

a hidden gem that captivates the senses and nourishes the souls of tourists. These

cafes offer a unique glimpse into the local lifestyle and preferences. The ambiance,

interior design, and overall atmosphere of each cafe contribute to its distinct charm.

Some cafes may embrace a cozy feel, providing a welcoming retreat for individuals

seeking solitude or intimate conversations.


According to (Phillips et al., 2013) the image of a destination in rural areas has a

direct and positive impact on tourists' desire to revisit. So, it has a significant role in

tourism. The alluring cafe spots serve as the heart of any travel experience, capturing

the imagination and curiosity of tourists. It holds the power to inspire, awe, wonder, and

a sense of adventure, drawing visitors in and creating lasting memories. When tourists

encounter the alluring cafe, they are more likely to feel a deep connection to the place,

leading to a sense of fulfillment and contentment.

Moreover, it has a variety of effects on the economy. According to (Meng et al.,

2006 and Yan, 2018) tourist satisfaction has a big contribution to the success of tourist

destinations. Since it can attract various visitors, it contributes to sales, jobs, profits, tax

revenue, and income of an area in the tourism industry.

Lin (2017) stated that there are three dimensions of willingness to revisit:

willingness to recommend, willingness to visit again, and willingness to resist. When the

tourists are satisfied with the places that they visit, it results in a good reputation, and

recommendations, and encourages repeat visits. Furthermore, positive word of mouth is

a powerful marketing tool, attracting new visitors and enhancing the reputation of the

cafe, it contributes significantly to the long-term success of the establishment and helps

build a loyal customer base.

The researchers aim to understand how alluring spots influence tourists'

perceptions. By examining the interplay between the unique qualities of Alluring Cafe

Spots at Selected Places in the First District of Rizal and tourists’ perceptions. This

study will also provide valuable insights into the dynamics of tourists’ perceptions within

the selected places.


Background of the Study

Tourism is a continually expanding and developing sector of a country, therefore,

its’ impacts are significant (Pantouvakis, 2013). Recently in the tourism industry, a

certain attraction has been gaining attention from different parts of the world – the cafés.

With the busy world we are living in, the rise of the cafés is no surprise. Cafés were

introduced to the world in 1550 in Constantinople and reached the Philippines in 1740 in

Lipa, Batangas. From then on, the increase in cafés establishments has been

unstoppable. Filipinos in particular, have been invested in cafés that they are willing to

spend 100 pesos for just a cup (Philippine News Agency, 2018). In Rizal, particularly in

district one of the province, the rise of the café shops is evident. Multiple streets have

been plagued by café shops and are always crowded. Due to the establishment of

numerous cafés, different vibes, offered menus, and different attractions have been the

main entrancement of the café shops in recent years.

The attraction of a destination reflects the visitor’s sense and opinion related to a

destination’s ability to satisfy their needs (Ginting, 2018). This means that tourist select

their destination based on their different fancies. Their chosen tourist destinations also

tell a lot about their personalities and preferences. As per Albert (2016), the quality of a

destination’s attractiveness depends on different factors, including geographical

position, popular tourist destinations, country dimensions, and tourist industry services

and facilities, as well as the carrying capacity. According to Dmitrovic et al., (2019),

comprehending the elements that contribute to tourist satisfaction is essential to

satisfying a tourist and managing amenities and resources offered to tourists. The direct

competitiveness of tourist destinations depends on the quality of their natural

landscapes, making the environment a significant consideration. (Han et al., 2018)

In a news article published by the Philippine News Agency in 2023, tourist

destinations are heavily reliant on tourist attractions, memorable experiences, and

easier access, thus public and private sectors must coordinate to sustain tourism.

Creating more initiatives and preserving natural resources is one of the factors that

attract the attention of local and foreign tourists.

According to Mill (1990), the thing that attracts tourists to visit a foreign or local

place is the attraction of the tourist destination, which was expanded by a study

conducted by Armenski et al. (2018). In Armenski’s study, he stated that the attraction

factor, which consists of tourist driving factors and features offered, has been widely

recognized to increase the tourism sector.

In a study conducted by Cano, Ramasola, Micabalo, Simangca, Gucor, and

Olaso (2021), there are different factors as to how a tourist express their satisfaction

and it is mainly affected by the destination’s accessibility, physical environment, visitor

control, and protection procedures, commercial considerations, and tourism staff.

Within the study of Villones, Laurel, Bueva, Meregildo, Moreno, Macorol,

Serbosquez, Tarrayo, Tobes, Turla, and Amor (2023), tourists visit the sites they

wanted regardless of their educational background, social status, marital status due to

the sole reason of they wanted to. It also stated that the facilities and local destinations

were sustained and developed further to meet the tourists' demands in time with trends.

In a study conducted by Libre, Manalo, and Laksito (2022), it is a proven fact that

a tourist will likely revisit a tourist destination if they are pleased with everything they

experience and see during the duration of their stay at the destination and is the highest

influence of the reason to revisit.

Al-Ababneh (2013), said that tourism services have a positive impact on the level

of tourist contentment. In other words, the crew and service of every tourism destination

have an effect on tourist amusement. A study conducted by Hendijani in 2016, shows

that heritage and ingredients were significant factors that affect the overall triumph of

tourists. In this study, food was proven to be one of the determinants of the tourist’s

appeasement and another variable of the possibility of their return to the same


Properly managed attractiveness is one of the competitive advantages of market

offerings than in the form of goods (Darmawan, 2019). In Sinambela’s (2021) study, she

emphasizes that tourist attractions need to be unique, together with new products and

attractions invented to stay relevant to a tourist destination.

This study was built on the very same reason the stated studies were built on –

to understand the reasons why and how tourists choose their choice of café destination

(Lee et al., 2021). Through this, we aim to study and understand the effects of an

alluring spot on tourists’ preference for their target destination. The place's beauty and

aesthetics alone and its impact on the tourists' desires. We’re examining four different

cafés in the first district of Rizal. These places are different in aesthetics, services, and

what it’s offering. In this way, we are to observe the potency of the different alluring

spots and if it’s effective in attracting tourists despite the rise of its competitors.

Statement of the Problem

The primary objective of the study was to determine the tourist’s preferences in

Examining the Alluring Café Spots at Selected Places in the First District of Rizal.

Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the tourist respondents in terms of?

1.1 Age;

1.2 Sex;

1.3 Status;

1.4 Monthly Income; and

1.5 Place of Origin?

2. What are the perceptions of the respondents when it comes to Examining the

Alluring Café Spots at Selected Places in the First District of Rizal in terms of?

2.1 Attractiveness;

2.2 Facilities;

2.3 Infrastructures;

2.4 Services;

2.5 Safety and Security; and

2.6 Food?

3. Is there a significant difference on the perception of the respondents in

Examining the Alluring Café Spots at Selected Places in the First District of Rizal

with respect to the above mentioned variables in terms of their profile?



The study tested the alternative hypothesis: that there is a significant difference

in the perception of the respondents when it comes to Examining the Alluring Café

Spots at Selected Places in the First District of Rizal in terms of attractiveness, facilities,

infrastructures, services, safety and security, and food.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study focuses on Examining the Alluring Café Spots at Selected Places in

the First District of Rizal namely; Burrow Café in Taytay, Skyview Café in Angono, Art

Sector Gallery and Chimney Café 360 in Binangonan, and GC Café in Cainta.

The researchers will use Descriptive Research and the research instrument will

be a Likert-scale (1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree) questionnaire to measure

the impact of the Alluring Café Spots on tourists. The respondents will be selected using

convenience sampling with the only requirement that the respondents must be a visitor

to any of the four places stated above. This study will only focus on the tourist available

during the time of data gathering and fits the only criteria this study requires regardless

of their ethnicity, race, color, and other physical characteristics that wouldn’t affect the

result of the study in any way.

The study has Selected Places as the dependent variable and Alluring Café

Spots as the Independent Variable. The result of the study will depend on the gathered

data about the examination of the Alluring Café Spots at Selected Places in the First

District of Rizal.

Theoretical Framework

This study was anchored on the theory of self-congruity. Sirgy (1985) explained

self-congruity theory as the effect of self-image congruence with product, brand, or store

image. It occurs as the interaction between product-user or patron image and self-

image. Product user image or patron image is defined as the stereotypic image of the

generalized product user or patron of the retail store. The loss lines brands, or stores

that possess images that are similar to the images that they perceive of themselves or

similar to their self-image (Stern, Bush, & Hair, 1977). It is, therefore, the match or

mismatch between consumer self-image and product image, brand image, or retail

image. Sirgy (1982) introduced four variants of self-congruity namely actual self-

congruity, ideal self-congruity, social self-congruity, and ideal social self-congruity.

Much of the self-congruity studies have been in the product, brand, and store

domain (e.g., Jamal & Goode, 2001). Results from these studies indicated that image

congruence affects consumer behavior both directly and indirectly through functional

aspects of products, brands, or retail stores (Sirgy, Johar, Samli, & Claiborne, 1991). Of

particular importance, attempts have been made to investigate self-congruity that

predicts different types of consumer behaviors such as product use, purchase intention,

repeat intention, store choice, and store loyalty (Govers & Schoormans 2005). Concepts

like satisfaction, trust, attitude, functional store image as well and social responsibility

image have been examined and found to mediate the self-congruity and consumer

behaviors relationship (Helgeson & Supphellen, 2004).

In this current research endeavor, the researchers attempted to connect the

theory of self-congruity to Examining the Alluring Café Spot at Selected Places in the

First District of Rizal using five different variables. Attraction and Facilities are the

greater the possibility that tourists feel motivated to visit the destination. Besides self-

congruity, functional congruity, described as the level of match between tourists'

expectation toward the functional attributes of a destination (cultural heritage, leisure

activities, amenities, etc.) and their perceived performance outcome, also motivates

tourists to travel to a destination. In other words, tourists who perceive a high level of

self-congruity will have a positive first impression of their destination. This may also tend

to impact the functional attributes of the destination. Safety and Service in self-congruity

increase the value perception of tourists, which in turn increases their positive attitude,

preference, choice, satisfaction, loyalty, and word-of-mouth communications (Sirgy et

al.,2018). Since self-congruity is effective in explaining tourists' pre-visit and or post-visit

behaviors regarding destinations. As we ought to find out how an alluring spot attraction

can affect a tourist’s decision to visit an attraction based on what they thought was a

good adventure for personal desires, the theory of Sirgy is a way to understand the

course of decisions of every tourist. Utilizing the stated theory, we will be able to tell

how the tourists chose their chosen tourist destination or tourist attraction.

Conceptual Framework

The researchers constructed the conceptual model on the following page

showing the perception of Alluring Café Spots at Selected Places in the First District of


The first box in the paradigm is the input of the study that contains the profile of

the respondents, the perceptions of the alluring café spots at selected places in the First

District of Rizal in terms of attractiveness, facilities, infrastructure, services, safety and

security, and food and other factors that influence respondents’ decisions to visit the

alluring café spot at selected places in the First District of Rizal.

The second box is the process of the study that consists of the Development and

Validation of Questionnaire Checklist, Disability of Questionnaire Checklist,

Administration of Questionnaire Checklist, Statistical Treatment, and Analysis and

Computation of Data Gathered

The third box is the output of the study which is the Perceptions of the Alluring

Café Spots at Selected Places in the First District of Rizal.

The arrows that connect the input, process, and output of the study represent the

extemporaneous process of the study.



A. The profile of the Development and

respondents in terms of: Validation of
 Age;
 Sex;
 Status;
 Monthly Income; Distribution of
and Questionnaire
 Place of Origin Checklist
B. The perceptions of The Perceptions of the
the alluring spot Respondents in the
attractions at selected Administration of
Questionnaire Alluring Café Spots at
places in Antipolo City in
terms of: Checklist Selected Places in the
First District of Rizal
 Attractiveness;
 Facilities; Statistical
 Infrastructures; Checklist
 Services;
 Safety and
Security; and Analysis and
 Food Computation of


Figure 1
A Conceptual Model showing the Perceptions of Alluring Café Spots at Selected
Places in the First District of Rizal

Significance of the Study

The study will be advantageous for the following:

Burrow Café, Skyview Café, Art Sector Gallery and Chimney Café 360, and

GC Café. The study will offer improvement grounds for the following establishments.

Tourist. The results of the study will show how different beauty and different

aesthetics help tourists decide the place they will be visiting.

Government. The outcome of the study determines the generation of enhanced

local government revenues which will benefit local residents. The result of the study will

also be beneficial to different sectors that are connected to the tourism industry.

Community. The outcome of the study will boost local economies by creating

jobs and generating income for local businesses.

University. The study will serve as a guideline for sharing knowledge when it

comes to examining tourists’ spots.

Student. This study will provide basic knowledge on how an alluring spot attracts

possible tourists and how tourists choose their destination.

Future Researchers. The outcome of the study will serve as a guide for future

studies to be conducted on the same topic.


Definition of Terms

For a better understanding of the study, the following terms are defined:

First District of Rizal. In this study, the district consists of the western Rizal

municipalities of Angono, Binangonan, Cainta, and Taytay.

Attraction. In this study, attraction means the beauty of selected places in the

First District of Rizal.

Alluring Café Spot. Within this study, an alluring café spot means cafés that

have strong attractiveness or enticing qualities.

Attractiveness. Pertains to the beauty of the place that will attract the tourists in

the selected places.

Facilities. Within this research, facilities mean a place, amenity, or piece of

equipment provided for a particular purpose to the tourists.

Infrastructure. In this research, infrastructure means facilities necessary to

develop and entice tourist attractions.

Services. In this study, services mean the staff will work for the tourists to satisfy

their expectations.

Safety and Security. Concerns with the ability to provide a safe environment

and perspective to the tourists.


Food. The nutritious substance people or animals eat or drink to maintain life

and growth.

Chapter 2


This chapter presents the research design, setting of the study, subject of the

study, sources of data, procedure of the study, and statistical treatment of the data.

Research Design

The researchers will use the descriptive method design as it is the most

appropriate in examining the Alluring Café Spots at Selected Places in the First District

of Rizal.

According to Gall & Borg (2015), to characterize a phenomenon and its traits is

the aim of a descriptive study. This study is more interested in what occurred than in

how or why it occurred. As a result, methods like observation and surveys are frequently

employed to collect data.

The study was characterized by simultaneous data collection and analysis. The

study also needs a straightforward description so that it will be presented in the most

relevant manner, for the audience for whom it will be presented. Using this design will

give a clearer result and understanding of the study.

In this study, together with the descriptive method design, the researchers will

employ a convenience sampling technique to get the respondents. The researchers will

utilize a questionnaire checklist using the Likert scale to determine the perceptions of

tourists when it comes to an alluring café spot.

This method will be used to describe and measure the characteristics of a

phenomenon in an objectively and systematically manner. The researchers will focus on

providing accurate and thorough visual representation through the data gathered.

Setting of the Study

This study took place at four different locations in the first district of Rizal.

First is the Burrow Café which is located in Taytay Rizal and is unique in design; it

is an underground hidden haven with a rustic interior and an intimate style of restaurant.

Burrow Cafe serves delicious meals in an incredible setting. And after your meal, take a

walk beside the river that runs water.

The second chosen location is the Sky Café in Angono. An Overlooking Alfresco

Cafe in Hillsdale Summit. The spectacular service displays a high level of quality at this

place. You will certainly appreciate the cozy atmosphere.

The third location is located in Binangonan, The Art Sector Gallery & Chimney Cafe 360

is a five-story building located in the municipality of Binangonan in the province of Rizal.

It offers tourists an impressive 360-degree overlooking view of Laguna Lake, Pililla

Windmills, and the Sierra Madre Mountain range as well as the skyline of Metro Manila.

The last location is in Cainta, The Good Coffee Cafe, an aesthetically designed

coffee shop. It offers a simple yet elegant interior design and free use of WIFI for a cozy

space for work and study.

Figure 2
Burrow Café

Figure 3
Sky Café

Figure 4
Art Sector Gallery and Chimney Café 360

Figure 5
GC Café
Subject of the Study

In this study “Examining the Alluring Café Spot at Selected Places in the First

District of Rizal”, solely focused on the tourist as a primary respondent. These were the

people who visited the four selected places in the first district of Rizal during the time of

data gathering and were identified using the convenience sampling technique. The

subject of the study is 50 selected tourists per café with a total of 200 respondents. This

study will be conducted during the year 2023-2024.

A convenience sampling technique was utilized in this study. Under this method,

a non-probability sampling method was wielded as this is the simplest way to acquire

respondents applicable to the study. Thus, each respondent recorded in this study has

one characteristic that led to them being chosen – being in one of the four places

selected during the time of data gathering.

In getting the participants, four places were selected namely; Burrow Café in

Taytay, Skyview Café in Angono, Art Sector Gallery and Chimney Café 360 in

Binangonan, and GC Café in Cainta. The respondents were then described according

to their availability and willingness to partake in the study. The objective of this study is

to examine and see how an alluring spot can attract different tourists from different


Procedure of the Study

The researchers conceptualized a research endeavor entitled “Examining the

Alluring Café Spots at Selected Places in the First District of Rizal” and followed a

series of activities to finish the said study.


Examining the Alluring Cafe Spots at Selected Places in the First

District of Rizal

Request Permission to Conduct the Study

Selection of Statistical Treatment

Creating the Source of Data

Identification of the Respondents

Selecting the Setting of the Study

Identifying the Research Design

Construction of Conceptual Model

Development of Hypothesis

Selecting of Theoretical Framework

Formulation of statement of the problem

Gathered review of related literature

Finalized title

Creating/Selecting research title

8/2/23 8/22/23 9/11/23 10/1/23 10/21/23 11/10/23

Start Date Duration (days)

Table 1
Gantt Chart

Sources of Data

The data for this research was primarily gathered through a questionnaire

checklist conducted with 50 respondents per selected place, out of a total of 200

respondents. It was developed by experts and validated in the field of research.


The checklist included 30 items that assessed the attractiveness, availability of

facilities, quality of infrastructure, level of services, perceived safety and security, and

the primary motivations that drive respondents to visit the alluring café spots at selected

places in the first district of Rizal. The respondents were asked to rate each item on the

Likert scale, ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree).

The range or percentage was utilized in interpreting the questionnaire checklist

result for the perceptions of alluring café spots at selected places in the first district of


Scale Range Verbal Interpretation

5 4.21 - 5.00 Strongly Agree

4 3.41 - 4.20 Agree

3 2.61 - 3.40 Neutral

2 1.81 - 2.60 Disagree

1 1.00 - 1.80 Strongly Disagree

Aside from the perceptions of the Alluring Café Spots at selected places in the

First District of Rizal, the profile of the respondents was taken to include Age, Sex,

Status, and Monthly Income.


Statistical Treatment

The following statistical tools were used for the accurate interpretation of the data


1. To determine the profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex, status, monthly

income, and place of origin, mean, frequency, percentage, and ranked

distribution were used.

2. To determine the perceptions of the tourists when it comes to examining the

alluring café spots at selected places in the first district of Rizal with respect to

attractiveness, facilities, infrastructures, services, safety and security, and food,

mean, frequency, standard deviation, percentage distribution, and verbal

interpretation were used.

3. To determine the significant difference in the assessment of the respondents on

Examining the Alluring Café Spots at Selected Places in the First District of Rizal

with respect to the above-mentioned variables, one-way ANOVA was utilized.

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