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 It is the application of technology to any of those
INTRO TO ED TECH processes involved in operating the institutions
which house the educational enterprise.
 It includes application of technology to food,
 Educational Technology is a complex, integrated health, finance, scheduling, grade reporting and
process involving people, procedures, ideas, other processes which support education within
devices, and organization for analyzing problems institutions. (AECT, 2001)
and devising, implementing, evaluating, and
managing solutions to those problems, involved in MODULE 1 LESSON 1: UNDERSTANDING THE
all aspects of human learning. (Association for BASIC CONCEPTS OF ICT
Educational Communications and Technology,
 Educational Technology is a broad field that covers
 Educational Technology consists of the designs and
interrelated areas of academic disciplines. It is very
environments that engage learners., and reliable
nature and characteristics make it difficult for one
technique or method for engaging learning such as
to come up with a clear and acceptable definition.
cognitive learning strategies and critical thinking
skills. (David H. Jonassen, 1999)  In 1977, the Association for Educational
Communication and Technology (AECT) created a
 Educational Technology is a theory about how
Task Force on Definition and Terminologies with
problems in human learning are identified and
the primary function of providing structures and
solved. (David H. Jonassen, Kyle L. Peck, Brent G.
directions on the applications of technology in
Wilson, 1999)
 As a theory, educational technology has an
 AECT in 2004 came up with their revised
“integrated set of principles that explain and predict
definition of Educational Technology.
observed events.”
Their latest definition states that “educational technology
 Educational Technology is a field involved in
is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning
applying a complex, integrated process to analyze
and improving performance by creating, using and
and solve problems in human learning. (David H.
managing appropriate technological processes and
Jonassen, 1999)
resources” (AECT 2004).
 Educational Technology is a field which is
Other Definitions:
concerned with the practice of using educational
methods and resources for the ultimate goal of 1. Educational Technology is the implementation of
facilitating the learning process. (Lucido and appropriate tools, techniques, or processes that
Borado, 1997) facilitate the application of senses, memory, and
cognition to enhance teaching practices and improve
 Educational Technology is a profession like
learning outcomes (Aziz, 2010).
teaching. It is made up of organized effort to
implement the theory, intellectual technique, and 2. Educational Technology is based on theoretical
practical application of educational technology. knowledge from different disciplines (communication,
(David H. Jonassen, 1999) psychology, sociology, philosophy, artificial
intelligence, computer science, etc.) plus experiential
 Educational Technology is the study and ethical knowledge from educational practices.
practice of facilitating learning and improving
performance by creating, using, and managing 3. Educational Technology is a complex, integrate
appropriate technological processes and resources process involving people, procedures, ideas, devices,
(AECT, 2004). and organization, for analyzing problems, and
devising, implementing, evaluating and managing
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY solutions to those problems, involved in all aspects of
 It is the theory and practice of design, development, human learning (Educ. Tech. n.d.).
utilization, management, and evaluation of
processes and resources for learning.
 It is a discipline devoted to techniques, approaches, 4. Educational Technology involves the systematic
or ways to make learning more efficient based on integration of technologies and their
theory. interrelationships, into a complex, integrated process
 It is a subset of educational technology that deals to analyze problems and create new solutions.
directly with teaching and learning applications.
(AECT, 2001)
5. Educational Technology is also a profession in the Communications and Technology, Seels, B.B. &
context of educational practices. Professionals in this Richey, P.C. 1994).
field meet the academic criteria and subscribe to the
ethical standards of the profession. They develop 9. Software refers to program control instructions and
leadership skills in the design, implementation and accompanying documentation; stored on disks or
evaluation of educational technology programs. tapes when not being used in the computer. By
These professionals are called “Educational extension, the term refers to any audiovisual
Technologists”. materials (Smaldino, 2005).

TERMINOLOGIES USED IN EDUCATIONAL 10. Multimedia is a sequential or simultaneous use of

TECHNOLOGY a variety of media formats in a given presentation
or self- study program (Smaldino, 2005).
1. Technology refers to a mix of process and product
used in the application of knowledge. It includes 11. Internet is a massive network of networks, a
tools from pencil and paper to the latest electronic networking infrastructure. It connects millions of
gadgets and tools for practical tasks. computer networks together globally, forming a
network in which any computer can communicate
2. Information and Communication Technology with any other computer as long as they are
Literacy or ICT Literacy is the use of digital connected to the Internet. It is generally defined as
technology, communication tools and/or networks a global network connecting millions of computers.
to access, manage, integrate, evaluate, create and
communicate information in order to function in a 12. World Wide Web (www) is also called the Web
knowledge society (Guro 21, 2011). which is a graphical environment on computer
networks that allows you to access, view and
3. Educational Technology refers to the use of maintain documentations that can include text,
technology in teaching and learning. Educational data, sound and videos (Smaldino, 2005). It is a
technology includes both the non-digital (flip way of accessing information over the medium of
charts, pictures, models, realias, etc.) and digital the Internet. It is an information sharing model that
(electronic tools: hardware, software, and is built on top of the Internet.
connections, etc.).
13. Web Access is the ability of the learner to access
4. Digital Literacy is the ability to find, evaluate, the Internet at any point during the lesson in order
utilize, share, and create contents using information to take advantage of the array of available
technologies and the Internet (Cornell University). education resources.
According to American Library Association (2018),
digital literacy is the ability to use information and 14. Webquest is an inquiry- oriented lesson format in
communication, requiring both cognitive, and which most or all information that learners work
technical skills. with comes from the web. These can be created
using various programs, including simple word
5. Digital Learning is any type of learning that is processing documents that include links to
accompanied by technology or by instructional websites.
practice that makes effective use of technology. It
encompasses the application of a wide spectrum of 15. Productivity Tools refers to any type of software
practices which included blended or virtual associated with computers and related technologies
learning. It can come as online or off-line which that can be used as tools for personal, professional,
utilizes digital technology. or classroom productivity.

6. Online Digital Tools and Apps use an internet 16. Technology Tool is an instrument used for doing
connection to access the information access. A work. It can be anything that help you accomplish
common example is Skype. It is a your goal with the use of technology. These
telecommunication application software product technology tools can be classified as:
that specializes in providing video chat and voice a. Data/ Calculation Tools. Examples: spreadsheets,
call between computers, tablets, mobile devices via Excels, Sketchpads, Probability Constructor
Internet and to regular telephones. b. Design Tools. These are used to make models and
7. Off-line Digital Tools and Apps can still be used designs, creating and building. Included here are
even if there is no internet access. Among these are Family Tree maker, GollyGee, and Crazy Machines
Canary Learning, Pocket, Evertone, ibooks, KA among others.
LITE (Gupta Prinyaka, 2017) downloaded in
edtech review (July 03, 2017).

8. Instructional Technology is the theory and

practice of design, development, utilization,
management, and evaluation of the processes and
resources for learning. (Association for Educational
c. Discussion Tools. There are 4 different approaches
that utilize discussion and interaction on the
Internet. These are threaded discussion forum, LESSON 2: ROLES OF TECHNOLOGY FOR
Blogging, Live chat, and Video Teleconferencing, TEACHING AND LEARNING
Netiquette and Safety on the Net. The roles of technology for teaching and learning?
d. Email Tools. Emails are great communication tools
for sending messages, photographs, videos, and As a teaching and learning go together, let us explore what
other files. It allows you to reach out to others would be the roles of technology for teachers and teaching
around the world. Examples are google mail, Ymail, and for learners and learning. According to Stosic (2015),
Yahoo mail, and many more. educational technology has three domains:
e. Handheld Devices. Handheld devices have become
popular among learners. These include Personal
Digital Assistants, global positioning system (GPS)
and geographic information system (GIS) in the
classroom, Portable electronic keyboards, Digital For Teacher and Teaching
Cameras, Mobile phones, Palm, Handheld
computers. 1. Technology provides enormous support to the
teacher as the facilitator of learning.
17. Blog is an online journal where posted information 2. Technology has modernized the teaching-learning
from both teachers and students are arranged. There environment.
are three kinds of blogs: blogs used for 3. Technology improves teaching-learning process
communications, blogs used for instruction, and and ways of teaching.
blogs used for both (Ferriter & Garry, 2010). 4. Technology opens new fields in educational
18. Wiki an editable website usually with limited
5. Technology adds to competence of teachers and
access, allows students to collaboratively create
inculcates scientific outlook.
and post written work or digital files, such as
6. Technology supports teacher professional
digital photos or videos. Wikipedia is the one of the
most widely recognized of all the wikis (Watters,
2011). For Learners and Learning
19. Flipped Classroom utilizes a reverse instructional 1. Support learners to learn how to learn on their own.
delivery, where the teacher is required to use the - All teachers fully understand that subject matter
web resources as homework or out of class activity or content is a means to achieve the learning
as initial instruction of the lesson which will be outcomes.
discussed during class time.
20. Podcast is a video or audio multi-media clip about
TO EGBERT (2009)
a single topic typically in the format of the radio
a. Declarative Knowledge consists of the discrete pieces
talk show. The two basic functions of podcast are to
of information that answers the questions what, who,
retrieve information and to disseminate information
when, and where.
(Eash, 2006).
b. Structural Knowledge consists of facts or pieces of
21. Google Apps is a cloud- based teaching tool which declarative knowledge put together to attain some
is stored in the google server and is available for form of meaning.
students both at home and in school. It includes the c. Procedural Knowledge is knowledge in action or the
gmail, a free-email for all; Google calendar- a tool knowledge of how to do something. It is based on
used for organizational purposes; Google sites that facts but learned through the process of procedural
provide options for developing blogs and wikis; knowledge.
and Google docs is used for sophisticated word 2. Technology enhances learners’ communication
processing and editing of the document. skills through social interactions.
- This is commonly described as the transmittal of
22. Vlog is a video blog where each entry is posted as a information from one person to another as single
video instead of the text. individual or groups of individuals.
23. Facebook is a popular social networking site used
by students and adults worldwide to present THREE BASIC COMMUNICATION PATTERNS:
information on themselves and to the world. a. Point to point two-way or one-to-one like Internet
chat, phone conversation or even face- to-face
24. VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) is a conversation.
category of hardware and software that enables b. One-to-many outbound like a lecture, or
people to use the Internet as transmission medium television. There is no social interaction.
for telephone calls by sending voice data in packets
using IP rather than traditional circuit transmission.
c. Many-to-many like group discussion, buzz Precision: Exactly how much…..
session, heads together. This kind of interaction
provides opportunities for social interactions. Breadth: What do you think will the other group say
about the issue?

b. Use critical thinking tasks with appropriate level of

SOCIAL INTERACTION challenge. Teachers should be mindful of the
readiness of the students.
Social interaction occurs in two ways where the participants
ask for clarifications, argue, challenge each other and work SOME SIMPLE WAYS THAT TEACHERS SHOULD DO
towards common understanding. Social interaction through
communication occurs through technology (directly between 1. Vary the questions asked.
to persons via email, a cell phone, or other communication 2. Introduce new technologies.
technology). 3. Modify the learners’ grouping
4. Modify the critical thinking task
Benefits Derived from Technology-Supported 5. Encourage curiosity
Communication  Creativity is characterized as involving the ability to
think flexibly, fluently, originally, and elaborately
a. Enables any teacher to guide the learners virtually and
 Flexibly means able to use many points of view.
making learning unlimited because communication and
 Fluently means able to generate many ideas.
social interaction go beyond a school day or a school
 Originally implies being able to generate new ideas.
b. Enhances students’ freedom to express and exchange  Elaborately means able to add details.
ideas freely without the snooping eyes of the teacher SEVEN CREATIVE STRATEGIES
face to face.
c. Enables learners to construct meaning from joint 1. Substitute- Find something else to replace to do
experiences between the two or more participants in what it does.
communication. 2. Combine- Blend two things that not usually go
d. Help learners solve problems from multiple sources together.
since there is limitless sources of information that the 3. Adapt- Look for other ways this can be used.
teacher can direct or refer to the learners. 4. Modify/Magnify/Minify- Make a change, enlarge,
e. Teaches learners to communicate with politeness, taking decrease.
turns in sending information and giving appropriate 5. Put to another use- Find other uses.
feedback. 6. Eliminate- reduce, remove.
f. Enhances collaboration by using communication 7. Reverse- Turn upside- down, inside out, front-
strategies with wider community and individuals in a side back.
borderless learning environment.
g. Develops critical thinking; problem solving and
creativity throughout the communication.
1. Provide an enriched environment
3 Technology upgrades learners’ higher-order-thinking
2. Teach creative thinking strategies
skills: critical thinking, problem solving, and creativity.
3. Allow learners to show what they can do
CRITICAL THINKING 4. Use creativity with technology

Critical Thinking is part of the cluster of higher order

thinking skills. It refers to the ability of interprets, explain,
analyze, evaluate, infer, and self-regulate in order to make
good decisions. With the use of technology, one will be
able to evaluate the credibility of the source, ask
appropriate questions, become open- minded, defend a 1. Encourage the students to find and use information
position on an issue and draw conclusion with caution. from variety of sources both online and offline.
2. Assist students to compare information from
different sources.
3. Allow student to reflect through different delivery
a. Ask the right questions. Most often teachers ask modes like writing, speaking and drawing
questions to find out if the students can simply repeat 4. Use real experiences and material to draw tentative
the information from the lesson. decisions
5. Involve students in creating and questioning
Clarity: Here are some examples: assessments
Can you give examples of…..

Accuracy: What pieces of evidence There are several critical thinking tools and
support your claim? technology software that can support critical
thinking skills. Some of these you will encounter in  In our country, the Department of Information and
the succeeding modules: Communication Technology (DICT) has formulated a
roadmap to guide all agencies in the utilization,
1. Encourages digital production projects
regulation and enhancement of ICT; each project has
2. Popularizes e-learning modalities
corresponding policy statements and guidelines.
3. Enhances global awareness and citizenship
 The ICT for Education (ICT4E) is a program under the
DICT that supports all the efforts of the education
sector in incorporating the use of ICT as well as in
MODULE 2 determining and gaining access to the infrastructure.
LESSON 1: ICT POLICIES AND ISSUES: Among the policy recommended programs that have
IMPLICATIONS TO TEACHING AND LEARNING applications to education teaching-learning are:
ICT POLICY DEFINITION 1. ICT in Education Masterplan for all levels, including a
National Roadmap for Faculty Development in ICT in
The Oxford English Dictionary has defined "policy“:
Education. A National Framework Plan for ICTs in
 A course of action, adopted and pursued by a Basic Education was developed.
government, party, ruler, statesman. 2. Content and application development through the Open
 Any course of action adopted as expedient or Content in Education Initiative (OCEI) which converts
advantageous. DepEd materials into interactive multi-media content,
 Its operational definition - it is a plan of action to develop applications used in schools, and conduct
guide decisions and achieve outcomes. students and teachers' competitions to promote the
 ICT policies are needed to put a roadmap or course development of education-related web content.
of actions to be pursued and adopted by various 3. Established Community Learning Centers called
governments, organizations, entities involving ICT. eSkwela for out-of-school youth (OSY) providing them
 It should include principles and guidelines in the with ICT-enhanced alternative education opportunities.
use of ICT which cover three main areas: 4. PheDNET, is a "walled" garden that hosts educational
telecommunications (telephone), broadcasting learning and teaching materials and applications for use
(radio and television), and Internet. by Filipino students, their parents and teachers. All
public high schools will be part of this network with
More recent technological innovations increased the only DepEd-approved multi-media applications,
reach and speed of communications which can be materials and mirrored internet sites accessible from
grouped into three categories: school's PC.
5. eQuality Program for tertiary education through
1. Information Technology partnerships with a state universities and colleges
2. Telecommunication Technology (SUCs) to improve quality of IT education and the use
3. Networking Technology of ICT in education in the country, particular outside
Information Technology - includes the use of computers, Metro Manila.
which has become indispensable in modern societies to 6. Digital Media Arts Program which builds digital media
process data and save time and effort. What are needed will skills for government using Open-Source technologies.
be computer hardware and peripherals, software and for the Beneficiary agencies include the Philippine Information
user, computer literacy. Agency and the other government media organizations,
the Cultural Center of the Philippines, National
Telecommunication Technologies - include telephones (with Commission for Culture and Arts and other government
fax) and the broadcasting of radio and television often art agencies, State Universities and Colleges and local
through satellites. Telephone system, radio and TV government units.
broadcasting are needed in this category. 7. ICT skills strategic plan which develops an inter-agency
approach to identifying strategic and policy and
Networking technologies - the best known of networking
program recommendations to address ICT skills
technologies is Internet, but has extended to cell phone
demand-supply type.
technology, Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) satellite
communications and other forms of communications are still SOME ISSUES ON ICT AND INTERNET POLICY AND
in their infancy. In addition to Internet, this category also REGULATIONS
includes mobile telephone, cable, DSL, satellite and other
broadband connectivity. Global Issues

 Access and civil liberties are two sets of issues in

ICT policy which are crucial to the modern society.
 Civil liberties, which refer to human rights and
freedom (freedom of expression, the right to
privacy, the right to communicate, and intellectual
THE DICT ROADMAP property rights).
 Access to the use of internet and ICT. Access  Technology should never replace a human teacher.
means the possibility for everyone to use the The tools are support instructional materials for the
internet and other media. teachers which are available for use.
 Infringement to Civil Liberties or Human Rights.  There are rules and regulations that govern the use
of technology. Caution should be observed to
protect individual privacy.
1. ISSUE NO. 1: FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION  All issues and many more shall be part of the
AND CERSORSHIP teaching content as each teacher will be encouraged
o Under international human rights convention, all to use technology in teaching.
people are guaranteed the rights for free FOR LEARNERS AND LEARNING
expression; form of communication.
o The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights  The learners of the 21st century are even more
provides that everyone has the right to freedom of advanced than some of the teachers.
thought, conscience and religion.  Learners still need guidance on how to use and
2. ISSUE NO. 2: PRIVACY AND SECURITY regulate technology use.
o Privacy policies are an issue  Learners should not only know the benefits of
o Most commercial sites have a privacy technology use, but they should also know how
policy they can be protected from the hazards.
o I agree button  Learners should take advantage of the potential of
learning support they can derive such as the
TYPES OF PRIVACY development of HOTS and collaboration.
1. For most, privacy means "personal privacy" the  Both teachers and learners should be mindful of the
right of individuals not to have their home, private e-waste that being thrown away to the land and to
life or personal life inferred with. the atmosphere.
2. Privacy of communication refers to the protection LESSON 2:
from interference with communication over the
3. Information privacy is related to the use of E-SAFETY RULES
computers and communications system which are
able to hold and process information about large
numbers of people at a high speed. Some Risks in the Use of ICT and E-Networking
ISSUE NO. 3: SURVEILLANCE AND DATA 1. Exposure to inappropriate content, including online
RETENTION pornography, extremism (exposure to violence associated
o The use of electronic communications has with racist language)
enhanced the development of indirect surveillance. 2. Lifestyle websites like self-harms and suicide sites, and
o Indirect surveillance - there is no direct contact hate sites
between the agent and the subject of surveillance,
but evidence of activities can be traced. 3. Cyber-bullying in all forms, receiving sexually explicit
o Dataveillance is the use of personal information to images or messages;
monitor a person's activities while data retention is 4. Privacy issues including disclosure of personal
the storage and use of information from information;
communication system.
5. Health and well being (amount of time spent on-line,
ISSUE NO 4: E-POLLUTANTS FROM E-WASTE internet gaming and many more)
o Large amount of e-waste is generated by ICT. 6. Prolonged exposure to online technologies, particularly at
o The accumulated e-waste is due to rapid turnover an early age
of equipment die to rapid improvement of software.
o Remedies include standardization and regulatory 7. Addiction to gambling and gaming
measures to increase the life cycle of equipment
8. Theft and fraud from activities such as phishing
before they become obsolete.
o If not controlled then, e-waste will tremendously 9. Viruses, Trojans, spyware and other malware; and
affect climate change, damage human lives, and
overload the capacity of the earth in carrying solid 10. Social pressure to maintin online networks via texting
waste. and social networking sites


 Guide the teachers on what they should teach that MINOR MISUSE OF ICT
relate to ICT, and how to teach it.
 Copying information into assignment and failing to 3.1 All mobile phones shall be kept away in a box
acknowledge the source ( plagiarism and copying away from the children or learners and access is only
infringement) allowed at breaktime or at the end of classes or when
 Downloading materials not relevant to their studies needed during the class period
 Misconduct associated with subject logins, such as
4. Cameras
using someone else's password
 Leaving a mobile phone turned on during class 4.1 Taking pictures only from parents or caregivers and
period not from any other family member or friend while the
 Unauthorized taking of pictures or images with child attends class
mobile phone camera, still or moving
4.2 Any picture taken of children shall be on cameras
solely for the purpose


 E-safety helps safeguard children and young SETTING UP AN EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY

people in the digital world; ROOM
 E-safety emphasizes learning to understand
and new technologies in positive ways;
 E-safety educates children about the risks as
well as the benefits so we can feel confident
online; and
 e-safety supports young learners and adults to
develop safer online behaviors, both in and out 1. Provide tiltable tables. These tables can be tilted and
of school adjusted to the height of the users.
NETWORK MANAGEMENT 2. Provide anti-glare screen filters
1. Safety in the Use of Network in Schools 3. Provide adjustable chairs
1.1 Make clear that no one should log on as another user 4. Provide foot support
1.2 Require all users to always log off when they have 5. Make sure lighting is suitable
finished working
6. Make sure workstations are not cramped
1.3 Maintain equipment to ensure health and safety
7. Plan work at a computer so that there are frequent
1.4 Provide students with access to content and resources breaks
through guided e-learning
1.5 Set up a clear disaster recovery system in place for ACCIDENTS IN THE WORKING STATIONS SHOULD
critical data that include secure, remote back up critical data INCLUDE:
1.6 Secure wireless network to appropriate standards 1. No trailing wires across or around the room which people
suitable for educational use can trip on
1.7 Install all computer equipment professionally and 2. Electrical sockets should not be overloaded
meet heath and safety standards
3. Electrical equipment should be safety-tested at least once
1.8 Review the school ICT system regularly with regard a year
to health and safety and security
4. There should be adequate space around desk for people to
2. Password Policy 5. Bags and obstacle should not be placed near machines
2.1 Only authorized users will have individual 6. Food and drinks should not be places near machines
passwords. Users are not permitted to disclose their
passwords unless they got permission from the owner or 7. Heating and ventilation should be suitable for the working
from the management. The equipment that keeps the environment
personal information shall be locked when unattended 8. Fire extinguishers should be available
to prevent unauthorized access.
9. Fire exits should be clearly marked and free drom clutter
Computers should be set to a time out if they become
unused for a certain period of time

3. Personal mobile phones and mobile devices

MODULE 3: LESSON 1 o Stationery item that consists of large paper sheets,
typically fixed to a frame, to provide visual
presentations and communication
o It is a multi-board series of three or four rectangular
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS boards. They are joined together along the sides by
hinges so that they can be easily folded up and
 The teachers need instructional materials to carried
enhance teaching and learning o Each board can be a different type, for example, a
 Instructional materials are defined as print and non- whiteboard, a chalkboard, a flannel board, and so on
print items that are rested to impart information to o The size of the boards for the zigzag multi-board
students in the educational process depends on what you want to use them for
 Instructional materials are essential since they help 6. WALL DISPLAY
the teacher and learners avoid overemphasis on o It is a collection of many different types of items and
recitation and rote learning that can easily dominate materials put up on a wall to make an interesting and
a lesson. informative display
 Resource materials allow learners to have practical o In a classroom, the display can consist of the
experiences which help them to develop skills and students’ own work
concepts and to work in a variety of ways.
 The lack of resources in classrooms can cause
extreme distress to the students and teachers
ROLES OF INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS IN o Consists of two parallel, horizontal poles tied loosely
TEACHING AND LEARNING together with rope
o It is invaluable
1. Promote meaningful communication and effective o It has no solid backing and can be made quickly for
learning teaching, training and when working with
2. Ensure better retention, thus making learning more communities
3. Help to overcome the limited classroom by making
the inaccessible accessible
4. Provide a common experience upon which late LESSON 2: SELECT AND USE ICT TOOLS FOR
learning can be developed TEACHING AND LEARNING
5. Encourage participants especially if students are ICT- INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION
allowed to manipulate materials used TECHNOLOGY
NON DIGITAL INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS  Various tools and devices or gadgets used in
1. DIORAMA communication, disseminating, creating, storing and
o It will make the classroom to be creative and managing information
o Fun way to build an exciting scene in a small
space  Allows Effective Collaboration
o Created layers of materials, all depicting a  Easy processing of Information
similar concept of theme  Allows Creativity
o Usually display a historical time, a nature scene,  Allows Easy Showing of Resources
or a fictional situation  Effective Accessibility of Resources
o Contains objects and/or scenes related to the USING MOBILE PHONE AND QR CODE
current season, or upcoming festival or a symbol QR CODE
of an ecosystem
o Children love to follow the natural changes that  Created by a Japanese corporation Denso-Wave in 1994
the world offers each month and classroom  Stands for Quick Response
decorations reflect these  Allows the readers to decode the information at a high
3. WRITING BOARD rate of speed
o It can display information written with chalk  Usually gives a URL linking you to a website or
(chalkboard or blackboard) or special pens provides the salient information about the product
o It is still the most commonly used visual aid THINGS YOU NEED TO DO TO READ QR CODES
4. FLIP CHART 1. Have a phone with a Camera
o It is a large tablet or pad of paper, usually on a
tripod or stand
2. Download from Playstore or App Store the QR Code Information Literacy - is locating information from the web
Reader/Scanner application. Once installed in your and interpreting while evaluating its validity in order that it
gadget, you can use it to read the codes. can be shared.
3. Focus your camera on the QR Code. Click it and the
message will be revealed to you. ICT Literacy - is knowing how to select and use digital
devices, applications or services to accomplish tasks
HOW TO MAKE QR CODE requiring the use of the internet.

1. Be Online. Communication and Collaboration - are one's capabilities in

2. Search for a QR Code generator and ensure that you being able to participate in the digital networks in the
read the information about the application. teaching and learning context.
3. Once you have identified your free online QR Code
Generator, you can now encode the text or the Identity Management - is being able to understand how to
information that you want ensure safety and security in managing online identity and
4. Run it and save it as a jpeg file. foster a positive digital reputation.

INTERESTING WAYS TO INTEGRATE QR CODE IN Learning Skills - are ways of knowing how to study and
YOUR TEACHING learn in a technology-enriched environment; this is knowing
how to utilize technology in addressing the need to learn
 Create Interactive and Engaging Contest efficiently.
 You can enrich the content you teach in a class by
Digital Scholarship - is being able to link and participate in
using QR Codes.
professional and research research practices.
5. Scavenger Hunts
 Create an interactive classroom activity such as the THE 4C’S OF THE 21ST CENTURY SKILLS
Scavenger’s Hunt using QR Code.
6. Share Resources 1. CRITICAL THINKING
 Learners can use QR Codes to share educational  learning how to solve problems. It teaches the
resources with each other. students not to accept immediately claims
7. Enhances Classroom Library without seeking the truth
 Students can use these QR Codes to find out more 2. CREATIVITY
about the books.  requires students to think outside of the box and
8. Use in Classroom Activities take pride in what is uniquely theirs.
 The QR Code can be used in giving instructions in  it encourages to think beyond the expectations of
class. conventions.
9. Gather Students Feedback 3. COMMUNICATION
 Create surveys, polls, and forms using google form  Makes students express their ideas in the clearest
and share them using QR Code. and organized manners. Through varied modes-
10. Provide Help with Homework face to face, technologically mediated or a blended
 A detailed instruction can be made into a QR Code medium, they need to know to efficiently and
11. Research Project clearly convey ideas
 Make students create QR Codes linking other 4. COLLABORATION
resources and web content to their research work.  happens when students know how to work well
12. Communicate with Parents or Partners with others to accomplish a given task or solve a
 You can share information to parents on school problem at hand.
events or activities in school.  when students are made to work with others in a
13. Provide Easy Access to Online Content pair or in a team, they are given the chance to
 Create QR Codes with URLs for students to gain practice how to relate with others.
easy access to online resources CITIZENSHIP
DIGITAL LITERACY SKILLS IN THE 21 CENTURY  It is known as netizenship in the virtual world. This is
DIGITAL LITERACY- are the individual's capabilities to making a person consider how one behaves
be able to effectively and responsibly function and perform accordingly by observing the norms and rules that are
in a digital society. in accordance with what are sociably and virtually
The term 'digital literacy' was coined by Paul Gilster in
1997 and it came from the discussion of the concepts on: CHARACTER

Media Literacy - is one's ability to critically read  his is the reputable digital identity that a person is
information or content and utilize multimedia in creatively projecting.
1. Coding - coding is a universal language. Basic  these refer to foundation of experiencing learning.
understanding of HTML, CSS and the like will create Using the senses, meaningful knowledge and
a shared understanding of what can be done with the understanding are established. This is experiential
web pages. learning where one learns by doing.
2. Collaboration - the use of Google Docs among others
allows students to begin experimenting with effective Contrived experiences-
online collaboration.  It is in this category that representations such as models,
3. Cloud software - this is essential part of document miniatures, or mockups are used. There are things or
management. The cloud is used to store everything events that may be beyond the learners grasp and so
from photos to research projects, to term papers and contrived experiences can provide a substitute.
even music
4. Word Processing Software - Google, Microsoft Dramatized experiences-
Online Drop Box are available for storage and
management solutions.  These are commonly used as activities that allows
5. Screencasting - a screencast is a video recording students to actively participate in a reconstructed
using the computer screen and usually includes an experience through role- playing or dramatization
audio. On the other hand, when you take a picture on  Demonstrations - When one decides to show how things
the screen of your computer, it is called Printscreen. are done, a demonstration is the most appropriate
6. Personal Archiving - students should be taught the experience. It is an actual execution of a procedure or a
concepts of metadata, tagging, keywords and process. A demonstration of how to bake a cake or how
categories to make them aware how are they to execute the dance step is an appropriate way of
represented online. making the learning experience meaningful.
7. Information Evaluation - critical thinking to weed
Study trips-
out fake news is a crucial 21st century skill. The use
of tools and skills needed to process information are  These are actual visits to certain locations to observe a
very much needed. situation or a case which may not be available inside the
8. Use of social media - social media serves different classroom.
purposes depending on the user, the technology and
the need. For example, students should realize that Exhibits-
Twitter can be useful for staying current on the latest
 These are displays of models such as pictures, artifacts,
news field.
posters, among others that provide the message or
THEORIES AND PRINCIPLES IN THE USE AND information. These are basically viewed, however, there
DESIGN OF TECHNOLOGY-DRIVEN LESSONS are currently exhibits that allow the viewers to
manipulate or interact with the display and as a result,
THE 8M’S OF TEACHING the exhibit becomes more engaging and fun.
 Milieu- the learning environment Television and motion pictures –
 Matter- the content of learning
 Method- teaching and learning activities  These technology equipment provide a two-
 Media- communication system dimensional reconstruction of a reality. These allow
learners to experience the situation being communicated
 Measurement- evidence that learning took place
through the mediated tools. They provide a feeling of
 Mastery-internalization of learning
realism as viewers try to understand the message
 Motivation- arousing and sustaining interest in
portrayed by actors in the films.
Still pictures, Recordings, Radio –
 Still are pictures or images. Together in this category
 The Cone of Experience is a visual model that
are the audio-recorded materials or information
shows a continuum of learning; pictorial device
broadcast through the radio.
that presents bands of experience.
Visual symbols-
Dale (1969) asserts that:
 These are more abstract representations of the concept
 the pattern of arrangement of the bands experience is
or the information. Examples of these are information
not difficulty but degree of abstraction the amount of
presented through a graph or a chart. For example, a
immediate sensory participation that is involved. A still
process can be presented using a flow chart.
photograph of a tree is not more difficult to understand
than a dramatization of Hamlet. It is simply in itself a Verbal symbols-
less concrete teaching material than the dramatization
This category appears to be the most abstract because they
THE BANDS IN DALE’S CONE OF EXPERIENCE may not exactly look like the concept or object, they
represent but are symbols, words, codes or formulae.
Direct purposeful experiences-

 ENACTIVE-a series of actions

 ICONIC- a series of illustrations or icons
 SYMBOLIC- a series of symbols

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