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Teacher’s Name MELCHOR B.

Grade Level & Learning Area GRADE 10 ENGLISH
Quarter Period/Week
WEEK 1 (August 7-10, 2023)
Learning Outcomes Being Addressed This Week
of how world literature and other text types serve as
ways of expressing and resolving personal conflicts,
The learners also how to use strategies in linking textual
Content Standard demonstrate information, repairing, enhancing communication
understanding of… public speaking, emphasis markers in persuasive
texts, different forms of modals, reflexive and
intensive pronouns.
The learners should compose a short but powerful persuasive text using
Performance Standard
be able to… a variety of persuasive techniques and devices.
Use information from news reports, speeches, informative talks, panel
Most Essential Learning
discussions, etc. in everyday conversations and exchanges
Competencies (MELCs)
Topic(s) News reports, Speeches, Informative talks, Panel discussions
1. Note or get information for specific details or information by listening
to panel discussions from news reports, speeches, informative
Objectives talks, panel discussion;
2. Identify effective listening approaches.

News articles (print or online)

Video clips of informative talks and speeches
Audio recordings of panel discussions
Resources Whiteboard and markers
Projector or screen for multimedia presentations
Handouts with discussion questions
Access to the internet for research and case studies

A. Recall/Review Begin with a brief discussion about the importance of staying informed
about current events and diverse perspectives. Show a short video clip of a
powerful speech or a snippet of a news report, and ask students to share
their initial reactions and thoughts. This will serve as a motivation for the
B. Motivation (Activity) Begin with a brief discussion about the importance of staying informed
about current events and diverse perspectives. Show a short video clip of a
powerful speech or a snippet of a news report, and ask students to share
their initial reactions and thoughts. This will serve as a motivation for the
C. Discussion of Concepts Explain the key concepts of the lesson: the importance of using information
(Analysis) from various sources in everyday conversations and exchanges. Discuss
the different types of sources they will encounter - news articles,
informative talks, speeches, and panel discussions.
D. Developing Mastery 1. Reading News Articles:
(Abstraction)  Provide students with a news article related to a current
 In pairs, have students read and summarize the article.
 Conduct a whole-class discussion on the main points and
perspectives presented in the articles.
2. Watching Informative Talks and Speeches:
 Show a video clip of an informative talk or speech on a
relevant topic.
 Have students jot down key takeaways and any inspiring or
thought-provoking ideas.
 Discuss the impact of effective communication in conveying
3. Listening to Panel Discussions:
 Play an audio recording of a panel discussion on a relevant
 Provide a handout with discussion questions for students to
answer as they listen.
 Engage in a group discussion afterward to share insights
and opinions gathered from the discussion.
4. Group Discussions and Case Studies:
 Assign groups and provide a case study related to a current
 Students should discuss the case study and consider
different viewpoints.
 Each group presents their analysis to the class.
5. Critical Analysis and Synthesizing Information:
 Present students with a complex issue and various sources
of information (articles, speeches, etc.).
 Encourage them to critically analyze and synthesize the
information to form their own informed opinions.
E. Application & 1. Debates and Presentations:
Generalization (Application)  Organize a debate where students take opposing viewpoints
on a relevant topic.
 After the debate, have each student reflect on how they
used information from news reports, speeches, etc., to
support their arguments.
2. Creating Informative Content:
 Ask students to create a short informative talk or
presentation on a topic of their choice.
 They should use credible sources, including news articles,
to support their presentation.
3. Teaching Others:
 Pair students and have them teach each other about a
specific topic or issue using information from news reports,
speeches, etc.
4. Problem Solving Exercises:
 Present a real-world problem and ask students to brainstorm
solutions while referencing information from various
F. Evaluation Provide a 10-item multiple-choice test to assess students' understanding of
the key concepts and their ability to apply information from different
sources in everyday conversations and problem-solving.
G. Assignment For homework, ask students to write a short reflection on how they plan to
incorporate information from news reports, speeches, informative talks, and
panel discussions into their everyday conversations and exchanges. This
should demonstrate their ability to generalize what they have learned.
Estimate of Time Required
(estimate amount of time required to 240 minutes
complete the activity/task)

Submitted by:

MELCHOR B. PEDRERA Submitted to:

Subject Teacher


OIC Principal

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