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Teacher’s Name MELCHOR B.

Grade Level & Learning Area GRADE 10 ENGLISH
Quarter Period/Week
QUARTER 1/WEEK 4/ AUGUST 28-31,2023
Learning Outcomes Being Addressed This Week
The learners of how world literature and other text types serve as
demonstrate ways of expressing and resolving personal conflicts, also
understanding how to use strategies in linking textual information,
Content Standard
of… repairing, enhancing communication public speaking,
emphasis markers in persuasive texts, different forms of
modals, reflexive and intensive pronouns.
The learners compose a short but powerful persuasive text using a
Performance Standard should be able variety of persuasive techniques and devices.
Compare and contrast the contents of the materials viewed with outside
Most Essential Learning
sources of information in terms of accessibility and effectiveness
Competencies (MELCs)
Topic(s) Movies vs. Text
Printed articles or excerpts from different sources (textbooks, online
articles, encyclopedias, etc.).
Computers or tablets with internet access for researching.
Resources Whiteboard and markers.
Projector for multimedia presentations.
Printed worksheets for activities.
Writing materials for students.

A. Recall/Review Activity 1 - Movie Trailers Viewing (15 minutes):

Show two different movie trailers from contrasting genres.

After each trailer, ask students to jot down their initial impressions, what
they expect from the movie, and whether they'd be interested in watching
B. Motivation (Activity) Show a brief movie trailer of a popular film, then ask students to share their
initial thoughts and excitement about the movie.

Ask students if they prefer watching movies or reading books and why.
C. Discussion of Concepts Activity 2 - Book Summaries Reading
(Analysis)  Provide book summaries or excerpts from the texts that correspond
to the movies shown in Activity 1.
 In pairs or small groups, have students read and discuss the
Activity 3 - Movie Review
 Provide a movie review template.
 Ask students to write a brief movie review for one of the movies
shown in Activity 1, considering accessibility and effectiveness.
Activity 4 - Film Genres Exploration
 Discuss different film genres and their characteristics.
 Ask students to identify the genre of the movies from Activity 1 and
justify their choices.
Discussion of Concepts (Developing Mastery):
 Facilitate a class discussion on students' thoughts about movie
accessibility and effectiveness compared to text.
 Explore different viewpoints and experiences.
D. Developing Mastery Activity 5 - Narrative Technique Examination
(Abstraction)  Show a short movie clip and discuss narrative techniques used.
 Have students identify similar techniques in the corresponding text.
Activity 6 - Cinematography Evaluation
 Analyze a scene from a movie for its cinematography.
 Encourage students to think about how visual elements enhance
Activity 7 - Plot Structure Analysis
 Break down the plot structure of a movie.
 Compare it to the plot structure of the corresponding text.
E. Application & Activity 8 - Movie Critique
Generalization (Application)  Have students choose a movie and write a detailed critique,
considering accessibility and effectiveness.
Activity 9 - Comparative Essay Making
 Assign a comparative essay where students analyze a movie and
its source material.
 Emphasize the importance of evidence and analysis.
Activity 10 - Book vs. Movie Survey
 Conduct a survey asking students which format they prefer and
 Collect and analyze the data.
F. Evaluation Critical Reflection

Provide a critical reflection worksheet where students evaluate their own

preferences and biases regarding movies and text.
G. Assignment  Assign students a comparative essay on a movie and its source
 Additionally, provide a 10-item multiple-choice test to assess their
understanding of the concepts covered in the lesson.
Estimate of Time Required
(estimate amount of time required to 240 minutes
complete the activity/task)

Prepared by: Submitted to:


Subject Teacher OIC Principal

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