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@@ IELTS a : aw aniwe q FIGHTER TAP CHi SONG NGU CHUYEN SAU VE IELTS erent Prepare Essential Vel Ul R=) Guide for IELTS in 2024 ont Wesel (Z MTACleN A at IELTS Fighter HOROSCOPE me Te MVA(c 1m Nolan) predictions ries and Samples a) eMC UMC mT See re eT ngit Anh - Viét d6c quyén Crm A Mame Co Pera eee eCard MN Ra CRE Een Reis Pema Cm Reed Crema Mot Meter iay TG Sm ered Cem URE ree RO aC eeu eee Te eRe eA IELTS Fighter ty tin lon Comet mare eer Ce Co Laren tem Pa MC Cane as cap d6 nao. Véi Gn pham Tét Cee Aw IASC g Te Be LC) tea a eT Re OT eae eae aoe meo lam bai duge chia sé Claes MCMC Lae Ted cone Caen lel Ia BUR ees bao gém 6 phan chinh: Ditng quén tham gia Group IELTS Fighter - Da ee Re aa Caen eae Ca Rese Ran CIA UB ATL Cey IELTS Essential Guide: Sg RUG Rs eee ee asta Neue zeal thi 4 kj nang, Lé phi thi, Cetera eRe ee Cae aN eam Ta TE gm Mem Meet a a TT CCRC Reta Lao thi IELTS Saye CNM a Nhitng nét déc ddo vé ngay Seek m mere Meir) mae em econ m ta eran Se eee BLT mea ed Mere a oer uae Cua ae reM Cees rece eee te Raa Cree CR - Yearly Horoscope Predic- ee EMR aTE SEO Ca Cy Teer See) aN ta geet a Od OD SS e ar een Deg RTS La JELTS va kinh nghiém thuc ome Me eM Meme mL eRe UC RUC RTM me DOR Re Ce ea AERA ee a aC Hé trg hoc tap dé nhan thém - , 1 Rene Or me eee Ca em SEO AE ee cae Dee ea en aren oa ed Se oe Re co COO i Rs ee aoe skill (Listening - Reading ~ Writing ~ Speaking) or shares of effective sources of online IELTS Practice, Cee OSES Cee ee cod including the feelings of learners towards our conter; “Humans of IELTS Fighter” - the soul of IELTS Fight- ee oe ae ec Te aera a SG a eer Per aaa Te er ee onc) memorize important collocations or just enrich your Bea Coa SOB a Tee ee Dna ee ae see eed Ce eee a Sc Sr ae aes co ed Publication. You are the reason and motivation for us ase Use eee acd a ee ea ea Please be a great companion with IELTS Fighter and the first publication: IELTS Insight! From #teamieltsfighter with love! e Oe 54 6 trinh chinh phuc 7.0 IELTS NHONG BIEU CAN BIET VE KY THI IELTS 10 IELTS ta gi? 18 Céu triic Bai thi IELTS 22 Diem thi IELTS duge tinh nhu thé nao? CHINH PHUC KY THI IELTS 30 Top 5 cudn séch hc Ti wing va NGAY TET O VIET NAM Noit phép cuc chat 66 Tét Neuyén Dan ciia ngudi Viet 38 6 cach cai thign IELTS Speaking 70 Huong vi Tét 3 mién 44 Céng thc A.R.E.A trong IELTS Speaking 74 Uni ngay Tét CON MUC 48 5 bude dé dat hand 8 trong IELTS Writing Task 2 8 SAN SANG CHINH PHUC IELTS TRONG NAM 2024 HANH TRINH CUA CHUNG TOI TAL IELTS FIGHTER 12 Cach hgc 8.0 IELTS tit Thu Huyén 118 Hanh trinh chinh phuc 7.0 IELTS trong 1 ndm 9 TONG QUAN CAC CUNG HOANG DAO TRONG NAM 2024 ew oA QUO ENTS IELTS is the abbreviation of International English Language Testing System with 4 skills: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. IELTS is one of the most presti- gious international standardized tests and itis a mustif you wish to study abroad, seek job or receive permanent residency in English-speaking countries. Today, IELTS is accepted as proof of English language ability for study, work and migration by over 11,000 universities and organizations in more than 140 countries, including Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the UK. IELTS la tén viét tat cla International English Language Testing System (tam dich: Hé théng Kiém tra Anh ngir Quéc té) véi 4 kj nang: Nghe, Ndi, Doc, Viét. IELTS la mét trong nhiing ky thi tiéng Anh chun héa quéc té uy tin nhat va la digu kién bat budc khi du hoe, tim vie lam hodc nhap cu tai cc qudc gia néi tiéng Anh. Hign nay, IELTS duge chap nhan la minh chiing cho kha nang str dung tigng Anh dé hoc tap, lam viée va dinh cu tai hon 11,000 trung dai hoc va t6 chife tai hon 140 quée gia, bao gdm Uc, Canada, New Zealand va Vuong quéc Anh. There are two types of IELTS: IELTS Academic and IELTS General Train- clei Tame eC aR Maur an entrance language requirement for all eer Me et TCM TS RR USCC Remo Rn Umea Mt and CURR Meet a} English. IELTS General Training is suitable for those who plan to go to English-speaking PMC on nce cate imesaitoic its for oem UCT ae Mts" Rem toe tion. From July 17, 2018, test takers can Ieee meu Ces tem ccall Paper-based test when registering for a om om Ce eee me mee paper-based test are the same in terms. Clete alee e MRM LOLA) IS Soar Om CRT RRC) same for Reading, Writing and Speaking. The only difference is that in the Listen- ing of the paper-based test, test takers TNT oe aU Rol Ra) ‘transfer their answer from the question Paper to the answer sheet. Meanwhile, in Rit Reeuu ictal ek Om Coma] type their answers directly into the com- CuI aU eu Run CUS RCs Pan ceR Cree auc nies Bai thi IELTS dugc chia thanh 2 lo: IELTS Academic (Hoc thuat) va IELTS General Training (Bao tao Téng quat): IELTS Hoc thuat (IELTS Academic) dugc céng nhan réng rai nhur Ia yéu cau ngén ngit dau vao cho tat cA cc khéa hoc Bai hoc va Sau Bai hoc, Mé-dun nay cing [a tiéu chun danh gid ing vién da sn sang cho viée theo hoc cc chuong trinh gido duc dugc gidng day hoan toan bang tiéng Anh hay chua. IELTS Téng quat (IELTS General Training) phi hgp véi nhimg ban dy dinh ti cdc nuséc néi tiéng Anh dé hoan thanh chuong trinh gido duc ho&c dao tao phé théng véi muc dich nhap cu. ning) Me) ee RN ND) CNN) A full IELTS test consists of 4 skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. Test takers will take the same Listening and Speaking tests but different Reading and Writing tests for Dee ee heer Ra emcee eee ee ae as CTL ee ee) A breaks in between them. The Speaking test, however, may be scheduled up to a week before or after the Ce Coe IELTS SPEAKING IELTS READING = Roma ias © 60MINUTES a GT IELTS Academic Writing: = IELTS General Training Writing: © FORMAT KY NANG Xe © 15PHUT PANG Visas o CUA am sR Ce Ae o Cee Cn ei me a Ts truéng dai hoc, sau dai hoc hodc huéng dén dang oie eek anc eee ear De ee Re Bee ML ee ee leek Pears So EOI GC ee Ou CORRS Meme Mn We Rea t6m tat théng tin vé cdc xu hung téng thé, dua ra Ca ie RCC Mu ORO CRC De RUC RC RUT ec UPC e Task 2: Thi sinh sé duge yéu cau viét mot bai luan CCS UR RUS CC ACC PCs KY NANG DOC © 6OPHUT © 60PHUT PVN tL ES C8) RA ee eR ee ern thi gdm hai phan: Task 1: Dé bai sé dua ra mot tinh huGng nhat CE RS SR econ eC aC) CR eR Ree eR une CTU RUC MU ORCL hod trang trong tiy theo yéu cau dé bai. fee eee sea eee ne ene a) Cea nn eck eA Renee Cerca cunt) fen eee Ucn JELTS results are reported on a 9-band scale, from 1 (the lowest) to 9 the highest). All formats of IELTS use the same scoring system. Test takers will receive a Test Report Form providing the overall score and band score for each sections. De ee ee eM ee OM OR eee De Re ee Ree ee eat ere od Cee Re ee eee ek eR Ur) celia meena Pan) 5 Expertuser | The test taker has fully operational command of the language. Their use of English is appropriate, accurate and fluent, and shows complete understanding, The test taker has fully operational command of the language with only occasional 8 | Very gooduser | unsystematic inaccuracies and inappropriate usage. They may misunderstand some- Suu ea cn meer ecu Dna keke ki mee cae 7 Gooduser | inaccuracies, inappropriate usage and misunderstandings in some situations. They Pee Ai oman Wu clea ee uuu 6 | Competent user | inappropriate usage and misunderstandings. They can use and understand fairly: Ceedcw tr ic uie ew anemic eae The test taker has @ partial command of the language and copes with overall meaning iB Teenie most situations, although they are likely to make many mistakes. They should be able to handle basic communication in their own field cs CE ce ume eam mie end 4 Limited user | show problems in understanding and expression. They are not able to use complex Pero 5 Extremely | The test taker conveys and understands only general meaning in very familiar situe- limited user _ | tions, There are frequent breakdowns in communication 2 _| Intermittent user | The test taker has great difficulty understanding spoken and written English. 1 Non-user | The test taker has no ability to use the language except a few isolated words. Didn't attempt ° sat Sees ee ewe Cie Listening and Reading 4 2 eee eee RO) Eee RC e UCR etl ee Cree urin mr amc Response (for Task 2) © Coherence and Cohesion AEs Peruri curren elie log Seca me ce Rec Dany Ree TRE aR SECTS attire} o SER Ree eT CC EE Bree Rela eee Ree tours Mateo ees Oecd Cee eee Caen Crt Ce ee ely The criteria are weighted equally and the Speaking band score is the average. Speaking Két qué thi IELTS duge tinh trén thang diém tir 1 dén 9. Tat cd cdc hinh thifc thi IELTS déu sir dung Cn re Rn RN Dee ae ce Mine ue ue RO Ree eee ea ee ne Re Re Ae an a ee ky COT eC ene an ue en ees A Reel a ae Cee nO en eR eRe es a Rea A ee sé duge lam tron thanh sé diing cia band diém tip theo. BAND | TRINH DO arth BT rma Acs bs bs A SPL cu a Leaner’ g ake eer thet RR WE al nA oR ee Co Td 5 mat khéng chinh xéc, khong phi hop nhung Idi nay chua thanh hé thong. Thi sinh co thé hiéu CeCe ua nasa tea Ree Aaa) CSW ua eek anal OCU a teak ec ur bake ne) Z cy Pe Seu ae eu eRe Reka ea ae eer pou a Daun i aca Gc uuu educa) G kha Pe ee eS ee Ce nce RL PC La huuea canals De Cu a an ue iB Ca eS Rn ee ae ea Ne eakurcke haa rhs beir earn _ Han ché | gp kno khan trong vige sir dung ngén ngi phir tap. Thi sinh c6 thé noi va hiéu trong nhiing tinh huding rat quen thuge, thuong that bai trong cla mane SOE et Rn Ra ae a a aT 2 co Dua fee Mh uno UC A ee Co Cer ee US ed ce ha Ra ry ee ae er te eer eh corr uae ee Reka eacT es 0 rt Piru Lr ea eee Ky nang Viet NY IW ” TOCOS PHUONG PHAP HOC TU VUNG HIEU QUA =o Lexical Resource la mét trong bén tigu chi cham thi quan trong cia IELTS, vi né yéu cau ngudi hoe tap trung vao anh gid kha nang ding tirda dang (range) va dé chinh xéc (accuracy) ctia tir vung ma ban sir dung trong bai thi, Vi 1 mét trong bén yéu t6 quyét dinh dén band diém overall cia ban, nén viée cai thién vén tir vung nh&m tang diém 6 tiéu chi Lexical Resource néi rigng va téng diém ctia ky nang Speaking ni c’chung la v6 cing quan trong. Vay lam thé nao dé hge tir vung higu qua, nhé lau, ing dung tét cho bai thi? 3 SAI LAM PHO BIEN KHI HOC TU’ VUNG Hoc tir vung khéng cé hé théng Mot trong nhiing thél quen sai lam phé bigh ctia cdc ban|hoc vién khi hoc tir vung dé la viée hoc ti vung khéng cé hé théng. Hoc vign thutsng c6 gang ghi nhé mét tir vung méi bat ky ma ho gap ma chua cé tu duy hé thong héa theo céc nhém chil dé. Cach hoe nay thudng dan t61 van d@ hoc truéc quén sau, hoc duge ma khéng ding duge do tir vung duoc nap vao mét cach bi déng va khong dugc xt ly, sé duge luu tritrong khu vuc tri nhd ngan han cia nao bé. Thdi quen chi hoc tir don lé Trong tiéng Viét, ta thuong sé thay nhiing su két hop tir nhu “m@o mun’, “cho muc’”, “ga gay”, “chim hot” ... chir khéng ai néi rang “cho mun’, “méo muc” hay “ga hot"... thi trong tiéng Anh cing nhu vay; efing ¢6 nhiing cap tir ¢6 dinh luén di véi nhau nhu khi muén néi “uéng thude” ta phdi néi la “take medicine” chu’ khéng thé néi “drink medicine” hay muén miéu ta "mdi toc vang” ta phdi ndi “blonde hair” chir khéng thé néi “yellow hair”. Khai niém nay trong tiéng Anh duce goi la collocation - ce cum tir 6 dinh va luén phai di véi nhau, Néu gid thoi quen hoc tir vung don Ié, rat c6 thé hoc vign sé dich tir “udng thuéc" la drink medicine hay “mai téc vang’ la yellow hair. Tuy trong giao tiép, ngudi ban xt co thé doan duoc théng diép ma ban muén néi nhung khi vao bai thi IELTS, 4p dung tu'duy dich tung tir nhu' vay rat nguy hiém, ViIELTS la bai thi danh gid kha nang str dung tiéng Anh chuan va ding dting collocation ting la mot trong nhiing yéu t6 dugc xét téi trong tiéu chi Lexical resource Hoc duge nhung khéng ding duge Mat van dé nifa trong viée hoc tir vung dé la biét rat nhiéu tir hay, tir khé nhung lai khong nh6 dé str dung nhiing tir vung 46 khi ndi va viét. Ter vung duoc chia lm 2 loai, tir vung bi déng (passive vocabulary) la nhiing tir vung ban biét nhung lai khong thé str dung chting trong giao tiép; va tir vung chi déng (active vocabulary) la cc tir ban str dung hang ngay trong giao tiép. Khi ban chi 6 tir vung bi dong ma khdng chuyén héa chting thanh tir vung chil déng thi sé g&p kho khan rat lon trong cac kf nang san sinh ng6n ngtt nhu néi va viet. GIAI PHAP Sentence building Topic - based vocabulary Collocation Ban chat, tir vung la kién thre nén tang cUa mét ngén ng. Hoc tir vung Ia cé thé tiép nhan dug ngén ngir théng qua kj nang nghe - doc va sén sinh ngén ngit théng qua kj nang ndi-viét. Chinh vi vay, céch hoc tir vung ding dan cting nén tir don vi nhé nhat Ia ti: vung don lé, dén hoc cde cum tis, va ting dung ti vung vao cau. Phuong phép hoc tir vung TOCOS eta IELTS Fighter chi ra 3 cap 46 khi hoc tir vung: Topic-based vocabulary — Hoc tir vung theo chu diém Khi tiép cn tir vung theo chii diém, hoc vién dugc hoc tir vung mot cach co hé théng, dé lién tudng t6i bdi cdnh (context) xudt hién tir vung va tir 46, khién tir vung dé nho hon. Hoc cac tir vung don Ié cé nghia la ban phai nam duge nghia cua tir vung trong tung truéng hop (meaning), cach phat m tir vung (pronunciation), tir vung 46 [a loai tir nao (word class), va mé réng ra la c6 thé biét thém duoc vé cdc tir dng nghia/trai nghia (synonym/antonym), hoae céc tir vung khac thudc cing word family. Vi du: hoc tir vung theo chii diém “Environment” Some people think that instead of preventing climate change, we need to find a way to live with it. To what extent do you agree or disagree? There are various measures that governments and individuals could take to prevent, or at least mitigate, climate change. Governments could introduce laws to limit the carbon dioxide emis- sions that lead to global warming. They could impose “green taxes” on drivers, airline companies and other polluters, and they could invest in renewable energy production from solar, wind or water power. As individuals, we should also try to limit our contribution to climate change, by Cee RI aCe amo ROR RST RT ou me samc rs RR oe ee ema Ce Re COD Pree Cnet te area he ACR MRR ue RR ee ECaC Nua climate change (n) /'Klarmat tfernd3/ Thay déi thoi tiét carbon dioxide (n) /,ka:rban dar'aksard/ co2 global warming (n) /.glaubl ‘wo:rman/ Nong [én toan cau green taxes (n) grin teskstz/ Thué xanh Energy (n) Fenard3i! Nang lueng Collocation — Hoc cdc tir vung c6 thé két hop véi tir vung dé dé tao nén mot cum eee Tu Gidm nhe tinh trang thay déi thoi tiét Mitigate climate change anh thué xanh Impose green taxes Nang Ivong tai tao Renewable energy Gidm long khi thai CO2 Limit carbon dioxide emissions Sentence building - Noi thanh cau Pron fen rer ata RUM Ruka a Rem Cos rece eae an DEC RUR TT RRC MOC IM UT UReC Munn SM VO epee Contd STORE MRC ete Tene Re CMR RU Mae olen CMM Rn Sa MAC Oe Cone Anon eee toate ne Cette MarR ah nek CUE Qualified Dat tiéu chuan dui kha nang - She's extremely well qualified for the job. - Demand has far outstripped the supply of qualified teachers. Knowledgeable - They love the environment and are focused on conservation, - The main objectives are the conservation of materials and energy in support of the sustainable development program Competitive Nuc thai - Some cities in the world do not have proper facilities for the disposal of sewage. - The government said the pollution came from agriculture and sewage. Practicality - The Japanese recycle more than half their waste paper. - The objective would be to recycle 98 per cent of domestic waste. Nhii nhet (6nthi) - She was cramming for her Economics exam - Many students chose to cram for the test only one day before it Accomplish - Fasy enough to say, but sometimes hard to accomplish! - The first part of the plan has been safely accomplished TIPS TO BOOST YOUR I€LTS SPEAKING The ability to speak English “like a pro’ is. becoming a goal shared by the majority of English language learners in general and IELTS candidates in particular. Nev- ertheless, no matter how well you study, when it comes to an exam or a reablife situation, you might not be aware of the proper vocabulary to use in each situa- tion or your answer might be too brief and unable to be extended. With the following 6 tips, you will be able to confidently double check your responses to ensure that you are using appropriate vocabulary and making “genuine” sentences in IELTS Speaking. 1, Grouping vocabulary into the same topic The fear of learning vocabulary is gradually growing when you do not know where to begin or try to leam a great deal of vocabu- lary all at once. Thus, grouping words into specific topics will help you be able to use them for the appropriate purpose, subject or circumstance. Example: = Grouping into synonyms ‘amazing | incredible, fantastic, (adi) fabulous, extraordinary... beautiful | gorgeous, ravishing, (edi) dazzling, stunning... funny amusing, humorous, droll... (edi) important | necessary, vital, indispensable, | (adi) essential, famous... = Grouping into topic Topic: | Meaning Friend Close _| avery good friend friend (n) fair- ‘someone who is your friend weather | only when you are cheerful friend (n) | and successful near and | very important to someone dear (to someone) (edi) ‘shoulder | someone who is always ready tocryon_| tolisten to your problems ©) By using the aforementioned method, you can expand your vocabulary and enhance both your language proficiency and your thinking process. 2. Making example sentences with ‘vocabulary The Forgetting Curve by Hermann Ebb- inghaus shows that we would easily forget words that are difficult or foreign tous. Furthermore, if we do not review or practice the vocabulary after 1 or 2 days, the likelihood of forgetting is very high. a a a ne Remembered (0) The Forgetting Curve/ Dudng cong lang quén Ebbinghaus Asa result, we must conduct periodic reviews to ensure that our memory always Tecovers to the peak of 95%. We Many students still believe that memorizing words will become easier if they are written over and over again. However, such method can only help you remember the spelling with- out understanding the meaning or usage of the word. Therefore, making example sentences with vocabulary will help you remember words, their meanings and use them more effectively. You can practice this method 2-3 times per week with new words and once every two weeks with old words. 3. Applying formula in IELTS Speaking The FA.D-C.A.D formula was developed to help you easily score the Fluency and Coherence criteria in the IELTS Speaking test as well as make it simpler to brain- storm ideas for your answers. This formula includes: F - Fill: Filling in will make your answer sound more natural and prevent robotic or Yes/No response A- Answer directly: Give a direct answer to the question, avoid roundabout and vague answers that do not get to the point of the question D - Discussion: Discuss by creating a lengthy sentence containing 2-3 ideas, avoid using too many simple sentences in the test You can use Relative Clauses, Explanatory, or Storify to form longer sentences and develop ideas for your talk. C - Conjunction: Conjunction is one of the extremely important elements that helps create connections between sentences. a There are 4 commonly used sentence linking systems: and (add information), but (contrast information), so (give result), because (explain). Example: Instead of using And at the begin- ning of a sentence, we can use In addition, Moreover, Furthermore. A.D - Answer - Discussion 2: Give the second answer/idea, pay attention to show the connection with the previous answer In addition, A.R.E.A formula is also an extremely effective and popular formula that helps IELTS learners and test takers develop ideas. IELTS Fighter will discuss about this formula in more details in the next part. 4. Using Adjectives and Adverbs of Degree The use of adjectives and adverbs of degree will not only make your sentences more clear but also help you easily score in Lexical Resource criteria. Example: Instead of very, you can use extremely, phenomenally, amazingly. Ne 5, Practice thinking in English When learning English in general and IELTS Speaking in particular, learners often have difficulty expressing even simple ideas because they cannot find the right words. Therefore, thinking in English will help you get used to the foreign language environment and form better English speaking reflexes. 6. Recording and listening to your own speaking The most practical solution of improving speaking ability is to record yourself, listen and analyze it for the areas of improvements. You should evaluate yourself against these 4 criteria in order to strengthen your areas of weaknesses: © Fluency and Coherence: Was the answer long enough? Was there any develop- ment? Did you hesitate when answering? Did you use linking words in your answers?... @ Lexical resource: Did you frequently repeat the same word? Which part should you paraphrase to show your proficiency in the language?... A, ants ‘1m © Grammar: Did you use a variety of tenses? Were the answer structures too simple?... © Pronunciation: Was the pronuncia- tion of each word correct? Did you miss any ending sound? How was your intonation If you are still struggling to find the best ways to practice speaking effectively, the stated 6 tips will definitely help you improve your English speaking ability in general and confidently conquer IELTS ‘Speaking in particular. % cS) me CACH CAI THIEN [ELTS SPEAKING Hau hét cdc ban hoc vién hoe tiéng Anh néi chung hay hoc IELTS néi rigng déu mudn minh c6 thé néi mot cach turnhién, uu lodt va khéng bi vap. Tuy nhién, da da chuain bi v6 cling kj lung thi trong tinh huéng thye t& hay tham chi la khi di thi, ban 6 thé sé kh6ng biét phai str ding tir ‘vung nhu thé nao cho phir hgp hodc chura biét cch mé rng cau tra Iai ota minh. 6 tips dudi day sé gitip cdc ban c6 thé ty tin “check” lai cach str dung tir vung cia minh ciing nhu cdi thién ky nang Noi trong IELTS. Vige hoc tir vung 6 thé tré thanh mét néi ‘4m anh néu ban khdng biét bat dau tir dau hoc c6 gang nhdi nhét qua nhiéu tir vung cing mét Ide. Khi nhém ec tir vung thanh cdc chit dé cu thé, cdc ban c6 thé dé dang str dung chting cho diing mue dich, chii dé hay tinh hudng. Vidu: - Chia theo nhém tir déng nghia amazing | incredible, fantastic, (adj) fabulous, extraordinary... beautiful | gorgeous, ravishing, (adi) dazzling, stunning... funny | amusing, humorous, droll. (adi) important | necessary, vital, indispensable, (adj) essential, famous... - Chia theo chi dé Topic: | Meaning Friend Close __| avery good friend friend (n) fair- ‘someone who is your friend weather | only when you are cheerful friend (n) | and successful near and_ | very important to someone dear (to someone) (adi) ‘shoulder | someone who is always ready tocryon_ | tolisten to your problems @) Khi 4p dung cach nay, ban sé c6 thé da dang hod tr vung tr 6, he tu dy va ngén ngir cla ban sé duge cai 2. Dat cau vi du voi cdc tir vung Theo biéu 4% tri nhé cia Hermann Ebb- inghaus vé viée hoc ngén ngtt, chiing ta thurdng s8 mau quén nhiing tir vung kho hoc Ia. Thém vao 46, néu sau 1-2 ngay khéng sir dung hoc luyén tap, kha nang chiing ta sé quén nhiing tir vung d6 la rat cao. a a a ne Remembered (0) The Forgetting Curve/ Butdng cong lang quén Ebbinghaus NV ry “J Vivay, chting ta can tin Va hanh dinh ky 6n tap theo cdc chu trinh théi gian dé tri nhé luén khdi phyc vé dinh 95%. Nhiéu ban hoe vién cdn dang fam tuéng minh sé dé ghi nhé tir vung hon néu viét di viét lai ching nhiéu fan méi ngay. Tuy nhién, viée viet ra nh vay c6 thé chi giip ban nhé duge mat chir ma khong nam duge y nghia hay cdch str dung ctia tir vung. Do dé, vige dat cau vi du sé gilp cdc ban c6 thé ghi nhé tir, nghia cda ching va str dung tar vung higu qua hon. Cac ban c6 thé thyc hign phuong phap nay 2-3 fan/ tun véi cdc tir méi va 1-2 fan méi2 tuan véi cdc ter vung ci. ev MA 3. Ung dung céng thie trong IELTS Speak- ing FA.D-C.A.D [a mét trong nhiing céng thite duge sinh ra dé cdc ban c6 thé dé dang an diém tiéu chi Fluency and Coherence trong phan thi IELTS Speaking, cfing nhu gidp céc ban phat trign y tuéng cho cau tra Idi cua minh, Trong dé: F -Fill (Lam day): Lam day 88 gidp cho cau tra Idi cia ban ty nhién hon, trénh bj may méc hoe chi tra loi Yes/No A- Answer directly (Tra Idi tryc tiép): Dua ra cdu tra loi truc tiép cho céu héi, tranh tra 181 Tong vng va mo H8 khéng ting trong tam cau héi D - Discussion (Thao lugn mé rng): Thao lugn bang cch tao ra mét cau dai chira 2-3 J tuéng, trénh ding cu don qué nhiéu trong phan thi Céc ban cé thé ding Ménh dé quan hé, giai thich hodc ké chuyén 48 hinh thanh cau dai hon va 6 y tuéng phat trién bai néi cla minh. am C = Conjunction (Lién ti): Conjunction Ia mét trong nhiing yéu té cue ky quan trong Gidp tao sy lién ket gitta cae cau C6 4hé lién két cau duge sit dung phd bién: and (thém théng tin), but (théng tin tong phan), so (két qua), because (giai thich). Vi dy: Thay vi ding And dimg dau cau, ching ta c6 thé ding In addition, Moreover, Furthermore dé thay thé. A.D- Answer — Discussion 2 (tra loi thir 2 cling véi phlan mé rong): Bua ra y tra loi ther 2, Cn luuy thé hién surlién quan vot y tra loi trude do Ngoai ra, A.R.EA cing la mét céng thitc hd trephat trién y v6 cing higu qua va phé bién V6i ngudbi hoc va thi IELTS. IELTS Fighter sé chia sé vé céng thite nay chi tiéthon & phan sau. 4, Sirdung Tinh tir va trang tir chi cutng 4 Vige sir dung céc tinh tir va trang tir chi curing 46 sé khong chi gidp cau ciia ban r6 nghia hon ma cdn gidp ban dé dang an diém duge tiéu chi Lexical Resource. Vi dy: Thay vi ding very, ban cé thé ding extremely, phenomenally, amazingly. nm 5. Tap suy nghi bang tigng An Khi hoc tiéng Anh néi chung va IELTS speaking néi riéng, ngudi hoc thutng gp khé khan khi din dat y dir don gidn do khdng thé tim durgc tir thich hop. Vivay viée suy nghi bang tiéng Anh sé gidp ban quen dan véi méi truéng ngoai ngtr va hinh thanh phan xa ndi tiéng Anh t6t hon. 6. Ghi am va nghe lai bai néi cia minh Phuong phdp thiét thy nhat dé cai thién ky ning N6i la ghi am bai néi cia ban, nghe lai va phan tich né dé tim ra nhiing diém can cai thign. Hay nghe ky va tu danh gid minh theo 4 tieu chi cham dim dé khac phuc nhiing diém yéu dang gap phai: © Fluency: Céu tra lof da di dai chua? 84 6 sir phat trign ¥ chua? Khi tré Idi cé gap nging khéng? Cé str dung linking words dé dan dat cau tra Idi khén: © Lexical resource: Ban cé sit dung mét tir nhiéu [an khéng? Doan nao ¢6 thé cai thign bang paraphrase?... cil © Grammar: Ban da str dyng da dang céc thi hay chura? Cau tric cau tra loi 6 qué don gidn khéng?... © Pronunciation: Phat 4m timg tir da chinh xéc chura? C6 bi thiéu am dudi khong? Ngt digu cia ban c6 ty nhién khong?... Néu ban con dang hoang mang khéng biét cach luyén kj ning N6i sao cho higu qua, 6 phuong phap nay chéc chan sé gidp ban cai thign kha nang néi tiéng ‘Anh ni chung va ty tin chinh phuc IELTS ‘Speaking néi riéng. Chia 58 cda Thay Jim Nguyén (9.0 IELTS Speaking) i Wi ‘im MA, y COMBO SACH HO 30 ngay luyén nghe theo chu dé la tai ligu tap trung theo cdc chi dé théng dung, co ban nhat cho ngudi méi bat dau. Bi kém véi mot s6 chu dé tiéu bidu cé video gidng day béi thay cé 9.0 Listening, sé hé trg ban hoc tap dé hon nén hay xem hét cdc video dé hiéu r6 hon kign thifc bai hoc mang téi ie Day 10 Pa aed h problems rae Giving directions Day 14 Restaurant Day 15 Holidays Day 16 Marriage Coad Hotel Day 18 Food and cooking Day 19 Our body system cae) Hobbies ‘Shopping Luy6n tap (Mini test Part 1, Mini Test Part 2) Distractors Predicting answers Minitest Environment Education B Signposting Language Test Part 3 Test part 4 Cc bai hoc duge chia ré rang, ban nén danh thoi gian dé luyén tap thém nang cao ky nang. Hay c6 gang hoe dting trong 3 ngay, lién tuc dé gid duge kién thie da hoc va luyén théi quen thy hanh tdi da a NGAY XAY G6C LISTENING Song song véi luyén tap theo chu dé, 20 ngay xay gdc Listening sé gitip ban lam quen véi cdc dang bai, chién thuat lam bai nhu thé nao tét nhat. Ap dung phuong phdp hoc ESP - Exam skills, Strategy, Practice, tai ligu véi video duoc gido vién 9.0 Listening ging day nhat dinh sé giup ngudi hoc 4p dung hiéu qué, nang cao tinh thuc hanh toi da. Khi lam mot i nghe hay mét bai doc cuia IELTS, cai ma thi sinh c6 thé dé dang nhin thay la cdc dang cau héi trong dé thi, Tuy nhién, 48 c6 thé chinh phue duge 1 dang bai, thi sinh cn trang bi cho ban than cdc kj nang lam bai (Exam skills), chién thuat lam bai cho tiing dang cau héi (Strategies) va danh théi gian cing nhu su'né luc luyén tap va dap vai dé thi. Va cudi cing, hay luyén tap (Practice) ap dung ky nang va chin thuat that nhuan nhuyén cho tiing dang bai, thi chac chan két qua cla ban sé duce cai thién rét nhiéu qua thai gian. ‘Quer mA on we Tat san Day 5 Reese ieee Multiple Choi (ars eae) (Single answer) Con Cee) ected Form Completion (Single ansi etc BO Combo sch trén [a tai liéu durgc IELTS Fighter day céng nghién ctu va xay dung kém video, hy vong gidp ban mé dau véi Listening thuan loi hon. IELTS Writing is often cited by candidates os being the most challenging section of the test since it assesses their ability to write not just for clarity and cohesion but for variation as wel. |persuasiveness) should be among the most | | erucial elements. In IELTS Writing Task 2, toa | In this article, IELTS Fighter will share with you the best ways to boost your writing score, espe- cially in IELTS Writing Task 2. "One of the most common mistakes made by | IELTS candidates is trying to give “recent” data from reports/research as specific examples to support their point, Reasonable as it may sound, ing Task 2 Academic Module may net be encour- aged. = a a Instead, IELTS Writing examples should | ‘adhere to the following criteria: Specificity, | Relevance and Universality. 0gU_o¥bd0d000] '* For Specificity, the function of the example | is to specify and support the main idea being | presented. Therefore, the writer needs to | steer cleor of over-generalizetion, = For the Relevance attribute, the writer | needs to make sure the example is within the scope of the given subject. For the Objective attribute, using a well-known example makes it more convincing | to the reader and avoids the common assump- tion error that writers oftenmake. = —————_Jecertain extent, argumentation is examined in | | Task Response: “presents a well-developed response to the question with relevant, extend- | ‘ed and supported ideas” (band 8) and “presents «a fully developed position in answer to the ques- | tion” with relevant, fully extended and well-sup- ported ideas” (band 9). _ | Despite its importance, argumentation is often | ‘overlooked. There are a few ways to increase _the persuasiveness of your writing, one of which is to ensure the presence of the most important ‘components of models of argumentation. In addition to supporting your argument, your ‘response should also acknowledge possible coun- terarguments with corresponding rebuttals. Thus, to score higher band in IELTS Writing Task 2, IELTS test-takers had better master all aspects of critical thinking, rebut ing a coun- ‘terargument, and logical reasoning in argumen- | tative models. ‘One of the more advanced uses of linking words | is to use lexical cohesion ~ that is, the use of lexical repetition and pronouns or determiners to ensure cohesion within sentences and claus- | Below are some advice on using linking words: bo: bo: © Use arange of linking words and phrases, but donot overuse | @ Use language that is used in everyday speech them Use words that you understand © Use adverbial phrases, rather than single basic linkers | @ Use words and Use referencing and substitution to avoid repetition (e.g. | @ Use collacations and phrasal verbs (words that go together | this, them, the issue, the problem, etc) ‘aturally: environmental pollution, major issue, promising | Use punctuation to make your writing coherent = | | fut.) woo | Be preci with your words — | DONT: S -@ Start every sentence with a linker, or try to put it in the DONT: middle of a sentence (eg. “Some people believe, however, | @ Make spelling mistakes, typos ‘that individuals must also ta rt ‘© Mix up American and British spelling (you need to use one or vi believe, on the other h theother) do have a responsibility to..") © Use a word if you do not understand or cannot spell it © Overuse basic liking words (eg. “Firstly” could be "The © Use imprecise words like ‘stuff, thing! first reason for this.../ *Finally" could be“A final issue that | @ Use slang like'gonna’ - is impacting.) Use: ole-Fashioned language (eg. the masses denizens, Use numbers, symbols or abbreviations (1,2, etc, &+) myopic view, Hitherto) (© Use headings or subheadings | Overuse synonyms, one is enough © Underline words or phrases © Use idioms, clichés (‘Utilizing PRECISE, NATURAL, and APPROPRE- 7 |_| ATE terminology in any given context is perhops =| writing. Tt is the most common term for describing the most crucial factor for applicants while | the ratio of content words (noun, verb, adjective | | wetting essays. Do not attempt to improve your | = andoftenadverb) tototalwords. «= grade by employing flowery language: this will | ee inalization is one of the mast common ways we | may improve the lexical density, and hence. the | complexity, the economy of language, and the | formality of the essay. Tn imple words, rominaliza- | tion is the process of transforming non-nouns into Listed here are a few of the most fundamental are | Strategies for boosting your band score on a. } Example: IELTS Writing Task 2. We hope that this shar- fe eee the cack make your writing seem artificial and obscure. your arguments and thoughts. Below are some advice on choosing vocabulary: ing can prove its effectiveness and usefulness Re sonedacree: aie. | for IELTS test-takers. ‘=D A degree of hearing loss is common in old age. Contributed by Mr. Le Huynh Duc (8.0 IELTS Writing) i 7 8) 5 BUOC DAT BAND 8 TRONG IELTS WRITING TASK 2 a ee a ards Piirciindikinh phan thi thdch nhét trong bai thi TELTS vind tranh bién d@y da DCRR nein ai Re eee tte [NG trong nhng dim tutng bi thi sinh bé quo. | Re ey tphue cla bai vit, Mbt | Trong bai viét nay, IELTS Fighter chia sé dén céc Dee Re fae une Sabo MR Ot ee jt m6 inh | hu dyng trong Task 2. Bua ra vi dy onse fo the question chinh xdc | St dung Advanced Linking ‘St dung tt vung chinh xéc MIT Pee Ca ae strategies for boosting your band score on SRR Cee noe ing can prove its effectiveness and usefulness oem Sears ean Aaa Ty (8.0 IELTS Writing) U Gia tang mat d6 tit cé nghia bing céch st dung Nominalization [ELIS WRITING SAMPLES TASK @ The diagram below shows how a boiling water reactor in a nuclear power station works. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. How a Boiling Water Reactor Works == Generator Reactor Vessel Control Win ae = en —— Ce ee ee ere ee |~Condenser Reactor Building The diagram explains step-by-step the way in which electricity is generated through nuclear fission in nuclear power plants. It is readily apparent that this artificial, linear process involves several stages, which can be grouped into four main phases. These phases start with steam production via uraniumfuel and water, followed by the rota- tion of the turbine in the middle and end with electricity generation and distribution. Nuclear power starts with nuclear fission - a process where atoms split and release energy - in a reactor. Reactor uses uranium which is processed into small ceramic pellets and stacked together into sealed metal tubes called fuel rods to produce heat. The fuel rods inside the reactor vessel are immersed in water which acts as a coolant and moderator. In the subsequent step, heat from nuclear fission boils the water and produces steam directly inside the reactor vessel. Pipes then feed the steam directly to a turbine to drive it. From here, there are two more minor simultaneous procedures. The first one involves electricity production and distribution via the generator and grid. At the same time, the boiling water released from the turbine is cooled down in the condenser using water in nearby sources before being pumped into the reactor vessel again to produce steam. 0060000000 PANU een Lh phan ting phan tach hat nhan PAL rs Ueles -lall nha may dién hat nhan CEA Uys oie ett ES Un elo iem rT tT pated) PSs ress) yA budc tiép theo PA vU AC SICA ler Lo TASK@ Because the problems that we face today affect the whole planet, a good relation- ship between countries is more important than ever before. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Good multilateral partnership and cooperation in the aftermath of World War Il - through a system of rules, shared principles and institutions - has delivered major economic and social progress, lifting millions of people out of desperate poverty. Nevertheless, at atime when the world is more complex than ever and faces many shared chal- lenges, good mutual understanding and collaboration among countries have become more pronounced than ever before. There are various valid reasons empha- sizing the urgency of international cooperation more than ever before. The most obvious rationale for better muttilateral cooperation is that_no country can tackle the world’s cur rent challenges alone. This _perspec- POS eRe et eee meme aT international cooperation and informa- tion sharing in all dimensions have been Peet ee Me regions like Viet Nam, where either the Pee eur ake cies RCT eee en moms T Naa} ea uuemeci nce dc ROR Cerna ua eee Umi) Doce eMC aCe Gee ear ucla Rete eration, a global partnership for devel- CoS MCC Ll Pees cee eT eRe eels cir Cun iy ele sem CUR stemming from the return of great power SUT) the US, Russia, China and Europe. Recent head-on confrontations between Russia and the West over the Ukrainian crisis, and the intense tensions between the US and China over Taiwan sovereignty would lend credence to this worst scenario. Yet some critics may question the increasing importance of multilateralism and strate- gic partnerships. Much of these criticisms stems from a preconceived notion that today many nations can address problems on their own, hence the unimportance of global cooperation and relationship. This viewpoint seems to be an erroneous assumption since there has been a growing interdependency among countries in many respects, in which a problem in one nation should instantly exert certain impacts on others. This fact has significantly been exemplified in the trade war between China and the United States. The trade tension mentioned above has resulted in adverse effects for the entire world, such as the simultaneous stock market crash on a global scale and the global supply chain disruption, which took a heavy toll on the world economy. The answer to the issue above is ‘ot just the rebalancing of the US trade imbalance, but also the end of the cold war between two superpowers vying for scientific and geopolitical superiority, which may be nowhere near possible without a warm relationship among countries and territories. In conclusion, although some people may find themselves in opposition to the inclusive global multilateralism, it is my firm conviction that our world unquestionably needs more active cooperation on a global scale than ever before because of the ever increasing global interdependence, and the rise of global threats and instability Bcc) - rivalry (n) rrr ay Roma) coor eet} ree) ors cera erroneous (adj) Pe valid (n) Crore cumer tat resect) tackle (v) POE erg Er RUT pertinent (adj) SCT exert (v) ers Poca) Crema Cc ta) EC) Creo Dae Reena) PoE a ORL) policy coherence (n) PRUE Peat vying (n) rey looming possibility (n) Peale PIC id PO Rn? Noi dung: Trong giai dogn nay, chting ta chua can thiét phai hoc nhiing kign thie chuyén sau vé IELTS ma hay tap trung vao cae phn kién thie “nn tang la noi phap, tir vung va phat am. Dé hoc tirvung mét cach hiéu qua, cdc ban nén ty chuan bj cho minh mét quyén sé ghi chép, ghi nhéing tir vung cn hoc vao dé va lién tue phai me ra va On tép Iai thong xuyén. LO TRINH CHINH PHUC IELTS 7.0 Ban da c6 myc tiéu? Nhung chua biét bat dau lap ké hoach ra sao? Danh tng ban I6 trinh chinh phuc IELTS 7.0 cho ngudi méi bat dau. VéiI6 trinh hoc rS rang chi tiét, clung véi di ngiihé trg hoc tép hét minh, IELTS Fighter hoan toan ty tin c6 thé gitp cdc ban chinh phuc gidic mo IELTS ciia minh mét cach nhanh nhat General English Nam ving nén tang (3.0 - 4.0) Nén hgc phat am va nghe cling mét lic béi khi hoc nghe, cdc ban ciing hoc luén duoc cach phat 4m ca nguéi ban xt. Khi nghe bang, chiing ta nén néi nhai lai theo bang dé cai thién duoc phat m, trong 4m va ngit digu cua minh. Tai ligu: Kh6a hoc Grammar for IELTS Ngoai ra cé mét s6 sach nhu: 30 ngay phii xanh IELTS, Grammar for IELTS (Cambridge), English Vocabulary in Use, Vocabulary for IELTS (Cam- bridge), English Pronunciation in Use, American Accent Training Destination, Grammar in use fing fa ngudn hitu ich nhé Bén canh dé dé hgc nghe, ban chon thém cudn Listencarefully va Basic IELTS Listening, Hai cudn nay d8u cé bai nghe don gidn, dé hoc nhé. Uust Chucéng Ngai Vat Nang, cao (4.0-5.0) N@i dung: Trong giai doan nay, khi d nam duge nhiing kién thie nin tang cua tiéng Anh, ching ta sé di sau hon vé cc kién thiic IELTS, tim hidu va luyén tat ca céc dang bai cla 8 thi va bat dau 1am quen véi format cla mét dé thi hoan chinh. Reading: Can ndm ving chign lugc lam cdc dang bai thang xuat hién, cach doc/tim kiém théng tin trong doan van, lam quen véi cdc bai doc mang tinh hoc thuat. Ngoai ra, cdc ban ciing cn thuéng xuy€n trau doi von tir vung hoc thuat dé lam bai t6t hon nhé! Listening: Can nam viing cach lam bai clla cae dang bai hay xuat hign trong Listening, cach xdc inh thong tin chinh xac dé tra lai. Hay nghe va chép lai nhiing gi minh nghe duge, sau d6 cae ban o6 thé mé transcript va kiém tra. Naoai ra hay luyén phat ém, trong m eting nhu ngtr digu cia minh bang cach tap doc transcript nifa nhé. ‘Speaking: Phat 4m chuan cc 4m co ban trong ting Anh, ndi cé ngit diéu lén xudng, nam ving cc dang cau héi thung gp trong Speaking Part 1 va Part 3 va céc chi de thuéng xuat hién trong Speaking. Part 2. G giai doan nay, cdc ban tp trung hoc Speaking Part 1 trudc va bat dau luyén bang cac chil dé thudng xuyén xuat hién trong Part 1 nhu sau: ‘Work, Study, Home town, Family & friends, Hobbies, Transport... Hay thu am va chép chinh ta lai bai néi ciia minh, Nahe, doc va dénh gid xem ban da néi sai 6 dau, céu néi cla ban co thé duge cai thién nhu thé nao? Tiép tue va lap lai qua trinh nay nhiéu Fan va ban sé nhan ré sy cai thién trong kj nang néi ctla minh day, Writing: 83 dn liic bat tay [am quen véi cdc dang 8 trong IELTS r6i cdc ban oi, IELTS Writing gom hai phan Task 1 va Task 2, cdc ban cn nam 16 yéu cau dé bai, cfing nhu cau triic [am bai ctia hai phan nay. Tuy nhién 6 band diém nay, cdc ban chi can tap trung hoc dang Task 1 trudc, A Tai ligu tham khao: Get ready for IELTS (4 KY nang) (Collins), Reading Strategies for the IELTS test, Listening Strategies for the IELTS test, Cambridge English - Complete IELTS Band 4-5, Khéa hoe IELTS Reading online free, Khoa hoc IELTS Listening online free, IELTS Speaking - Matt Clark, Khéa hoc IELTS Speaking Writing online (, IELTS Speaking Strategies Intensive Training, Ting tée (5.0-6.0) Speaking: Sau khi nam duge céc dang cau héi va céch trd Idi trong Part 1, giai doan nay ta lai tigp tue chuyén sang lam quen dan véi Part 2 trong ltic song song 6n luyén cing véi Part 1 nia nhé. Tai ligu: Complete IELTS band 5.5-6.5 31 High-scoring formulas to answer the IELTS speaking questions Cambridge Vocabulary for IELTS Advance Cambridge Practice Test for IELTS. Céc ban cé thé tham khdo ngay trén trang web clla cuu giém khdo IELTS néi tiéng - thay Simon theo duéng link sau: wwwielts-si- Practice Tests On luyén nang cao (6.5-7.0) Bay a giai doan luyén d cho dén khi thi nhé. Cling dat myc tiéu cao hon. Listening & Reading: giai doan cudi cing, ta sé tiép tuc luyén dé, téng quét hoa céc I6i sai bing céch note Iai I6i sai sau mdi [an lam dé. Dac biét khi luyén dé trong quyén Cambridge Practice Test for IELTS, IELTS Fighter khuyén céc ban nén lam di lam lal cdc d@ nghe va doc. Speaking: Sau khi nm duoc Part 1 va Part 2, chiing ta sé cling bude sang Part 3 6 giai doan cudi nay. Céc cau hdi trong Part 3 sé lién quan t6i chu dé trong Part 2, méi cau tra ldi sé bao gém tir 3-5 cau, va IELTS Fighter dc biét khuyén cdc ban nén si dung format AREA dé tra ld Writing: 6 giai doan chudn bi truéc khi thi, cdc ban nén tiép tyc luyén that nhiéu dé dé viét, c6 thé xem cdc bai mau tham khao dé cai bai viét cla minh. Dc biét di voi dé Task 2, dé dat dugc band diém cao, céc ban cn phat trién cng nhigu ¥ tuéng cang t6t, ndi dung viét cing phai s4u hon, “chat” hon, dc biét én tir vung cing phai dil réng va dit phong phi. B6 dé thi IELTS Cambridge, Write Right, Complete for IELTS 6.5-7.5, ‘Dé xem chi tiét video huéng dan Id trinh hoc va tai liu cdc ban quét ma QR nay Ah IELTS Fighter xin chic ban Iuén hoc tap higu qua. Néu ban mudin durge nhan them 18i ligu hodc bai tap, hay lién lac véi chung t0i nhé. Website: Fanpage: fighter Group: Hotline: 0903 411 666 Link tai ligu: Link xem 19 trinh online + video huéng dan: IELTS Fighter 1a thuong hiéu true thuéc Céng ty Cé phan Gido duc va Dao tao IMAP Viét Nam - don vi di dau trong [inh vue dao tao tiéng Anh trén ca nue véi hon 20 co sé dao tao. La 86 lugng nhan vien va gido vien hign tai véi hon 100 thay c6 dat IELTS va déu la du hoe sinh va tét nghiép cde ‘truéng BH danh tigng. La téng s& hoe vién 4a va dang tin tuing Iva chon IELTS Fighter 1 ban déng hanh trén con duémg chinh phyc IELTS cia minh. Trong 46 méi thang, o6 hon 3000 hge vién ding ky hoc tai cdc co sé, IELTS Fighter ¢6 hang tram hoc vién da dat Giém cao tir7.0 IELTS tré len. Trong dé c6 rat nhi@u ban da duge vinh danh trén nhing trang tin tic lén nhur Vnexpress, Kénh 14, ip khang dinh thuong higu uy tin IELTS Fighter tyhao la don vi D6c quyén duge \ tin tutng Iya chon gif Iai mai cng tac, chia sé bao tr chuyén mén cho chuyén mye “Hoc IELTS" tr8n chuyén trang Hoe Tiéng Anh va nhan duge rat nhigu phan i tich cut tirphia doc gid IELTS Fighter 44 nhén duge Idi mdi hgp tée va ‘tréthanh dia diém thi chinh tha ctia IDP (don. vi dong sang lap va t6 chute ky thi IELTS). IELTS Fighter 48 tre thanh di téc ca IELTS Fighter da tre thanh di tac cia CIEC, ‘trung tam tur van gido dye qué t8 thude b6 duc va dao tgo Vigt Nam, c6 chuyén mon trong finh vyc tur van du hoe, tur van gido due quéc t8 va dio tao nuée ngoai, hoan toan duge bao chimg v8 chat Iugng cing nhur uy tin, ‘Dao tao hon 400 hoc vién cam két chudn dau ra 5.5-6.5+ cho sinh vign khoa quéc t& cia trudng BH Kinh Té Quée Dan. Bao tao cée quan ly c&p cao & ce TEng cong Bang nhimg né lc va hoat dong s6i néi ‘mét nm qua, IELTS Fighter chinh thie tré thanh 46i tée BACH KIM ctia IDP, khang dinh. vithé va chat lugng ging day. La lugt truy cap website hang thang véi hon 200 bai giéng + hang trém nghin bai test IELTS --> Gidp cOng dng hoc IELTS online Mién phi dat két qua cao. Chi trong vong hai nam, nhimg hoat déng va thanh tich ma IELTS Fighter da thy hién va ‘at durge la khéng thé phi nhan. 6 la nhémg 6 gang khéng ngimg nghi ciia doi ngii nhan vin, gido vién, va syyéu mén, long tin tung cotia khéng nhiing hoc vién ma cdn rat nhieu bée phy huynh gif gém. IELTS Fighter sé ngay c&ng né lye hon nifa dé ximg dang véi ‘sy‘tin tuéng ma cdc ban trao tng > Mé rng hé théng 16 co sé toan quée > BBng hanh chuong trinh Start-up Viét Nam do Vnexpress t8 chic, véi ctwong vi chuyén vién hhugin luyén ngén ngi. > Té-chite chuong trinh IELTS Meet-up voi 1000 ban tham du’ Ha N@i- TRHOM > Hoan thign phuong phép gidng day S-SMART hign dai S M A R T Nhiing ném qua, IELTS Fighter han hanh dong anh cing nhiGu chuong trinh tai cde truéng THCS, THPT, BH ln c& nurée nh: - THOS Phii La Ha 86ng, THPT Nguyén Hud, THPT Kim Lién, + BH Ngoai thuong, BH Kinh t& Quée dan, Hoe vign Bao Chi va Tuyén Truyén, DH Khoa hoc xa hai va Nhan van, DH Ba Nang, DH Hang Hai, 9H Thuong Mai va nhigu ‘rung khée. ‘ae biét phéi hop gidng day tai khoa Kinh Té - DHOGHN, DH Bai Nam, DH Giao Théng van Tai Bén canh dé IELTS Fighter ty ho duoc tin tuéng tré thanh di tac dao tao tigng Anh cing nhigu céng ty, tp doan [én 1a Viettel, Sam- sung, Panasonic, Agribank, BIDV, Tan Céng ‘Sai Gdn, céng ty TNHH Enkei Viét Nam, Bling né 20 co’ sé mdi. Ap dung thanh cong ‘S-SMART online danh cho hoc true tuyén, cchéing dich Covid an toan. Mé réng hoat déng thién nguyén, dong hanh cing nhigu chung trinh tai cdc truéng dai hoc, THPT trén c& nude. Workshop online tryc tuyén duge t6 chire rng tai, thu hiit 500-1000 ban tham gia méi dip. ‘Ong hanh Tigng Anh thay d6i cude séng, chia sé kién thirc trén kénh gido dye hang dau Viét Nam VTV2, ‘Déng hanh IELTS Face-off season 6 cing VTV7, chia sé chuyén su v8 IELTS Junior. “ 5 nam - 30 co 88 toan quéc, mé ring dén cde dia chi 88¢ Ninh, Nghé An, Thanh Héa_.Day déu la nhiing dia chi hoc IELTS uy tin hang dau khu vue dutee déng dao hoc vién tin yéu Trong qué trinh phat trién, IELTS Fighter vira mé réng co sé-vira nang cao chat lvong day va hoe. Nang cép tir S-SMART, phuong phdp RIPL mang theo yéu t6 chat loc kin thite, day manh t6i da thyc hanh, logic va truyén cam hing da dong hanh cing hon 200.000 hoe vign von tam tri thiic, det toi thanh céng Bén canh giéng day, IELTS Fighter khong ngiing né luc vi céng dong véi nhuing dau sch méi duge ra mat nhur bd IELTS Prepa- ration 6 quyén, giéo trinh ty hoc Speaking cho dén nhiing an phém video hoc tap cchuy€n su, t6 chite cde churong trinh work- shop, tang sch mién phi, trao tang cée hoc béng cho trudng hoc, hoc sinh trén c& nur8.. Hanh trinh 6 ném véi $0 co sé toan quéc, mé rng hé théing co si hoc IELTS cing cc ban hoc vién dn gan hon véi ching chi nay. Trong nam 2022, IELTS Fighter da chinh thife lam viéc va kj két hop tc véi Nha xuat ban National Geograph- ic Learning - NXB néi tiéng tir My dé cing soan thdo, tao nén b6 sch hoc IELTS chat lung, sat 8 thi nha. Cc du 4n sch ting duge tiép tue, dy’ an hoc +t€p vi cng dng mé réng véi cae chién dich hoc Zoom cho céc ban hoc vién toan quéc. Cudi nam 2022, trung tém vinh diy nh@n giai thuéng Top 10 dich vu nguéi Viet tin dng do Trung tam Bao vé nguéi tiéu ding va Vién Kinh té va Van héa trao tang. ‘Banh du 7 nam Véi 60 co sé toan quae, trai dai ‘tlt Bae vao Nam, tré thanh nhiing dia chi hoc IELTS uy tin hang dau khu vue, duge dong dao he vién tin yéu. Nam nay danh dau IELTS Fight- er nang cao phuong phép RIPL va 4p dung b6 sch Fighter méi cing NXB National Geographic Learning cho hoe vign ¢& nude. ‘Déc biét, thang 5/2023, IELTS Fighter vinh dy Két hgp véi IDP mé:2 phing thi may, 1 phong thi gidy duge BO Giéo duc cap phép tai H8 NGI va Nghé ‘An, gidip hoe vién hgc va thi d8 dang hon. Cuéi nam 2023, IELTS Fighter nhan giai thuéng Best Country Platinum Partner Awards ciing IDR, tré thanh d6i téc dn dau véi 6 lutong hoc vin thi IELTS dng nhét va hoc vién dat diém cao tai IDP thuGc top 3 trung tam 6i téc. Hanh trinh cham uéc mo, hoat déng ngoai khéa Thé van héi IELTS 2023 dude t6 chic gan két toan mién Nam Bac cho cac ban hoc vién. Cuéi ndm 2023, IELTS Fighter vinh du dugc nhan giai thudng SEI Awards 2023, hang muc Mi trudng giao duc cua nam do Lién hiép cac Héi Khoa hoc va Ky thuat Viét Nam (VUSTA) té chic, dudi su bao tro cla B6 Gido Duc va Bao tao. IELTS khéng chia chéing chi danh gia nang lye ng6n ngér quéc té ma con la hanh trang viing chac dua ban dén véi cdc trvgng BH TOP trén thé gidi hay nhieng cng viéc trong mo voi misc lwong hp dan. IELTS kh6? Thyc ra, ban hoan toan cé thé chinh phyc moi ndc thang IELTS v6i niém dam mé, sy quyét tam va mét phuong phap hoc ding dan. IELTS Fighter — ty hao Ia trung tam luyén thi IELTS s6 1 Viét Nam. Thanh lap tir thang 5/2016, én nay, IELTS Fighter da dat duoc rt nhidu thanh tich dang ty hao. Hé théng gan 60 co so trai dai Bac - Trung - Nam cing mé hinh hoc online hign dai, két n6i moi mién véi hang tram gido vin va dao tao hang nghin hoe vién méi nam. Voi sir ménh “Vi 1 trigu ngudi Viét dat 6.5+ IELTS", IELTS Fighter Iuén o6 gang khéng ngiing hoan thign, nang cp chat Iugng dich vu dao tao va trai nghiém ca nhan cua ti¢ng hoc vien, huéng t6i myc tiéu gitp ngudi Viét thanh cong hon, ty tin hon khi vu‘on minh ra bién lon. Ching minh luén nghi rang, “IELTS khéng chi danh cho nguwdi gidu, IELTS danh cho tat od moi ngudi.” Chi can ban quyét tam va khéng ngieng né luc, nhét dinh sé chinh phuc muc tiéu IELTS, bit phd ban than, cham téi woe mo. Hay tin rang “IELTS as easy as pie”. Vi khi ban ddng hanh cng IELTS Fighter, ching minh nhat dinh sé danh moi tm ste gidp ban cén dich thanh céng! Chic ban sém mim cudi voi sé diém IELTS mo ude! Sa TRIEU NTU a a BEN VOL IELTS FIGHTER, MOI PHUT GIAY TRAI NGHIEM BEU BANG QUY! lc méi ngay dé mang dén gid hoc thd vi, trai nghiém tét nhat cling phat trién kién thife dat muc tiéu, IELTS Fighter déi mdi, sing tao va 4p dung nhéing phuong phdp mdi nhat trong giang day. Dong thoi mé rong nhiéu kénh hoc chat lugng hon cho céc ban hoc tai nha higu qua nita. Hign tai, IELTS Fighter 4p dung phuong phap giang day RIPL hién dai. RIPL la phuong phap dao tao déc quyén IELTS Fighter, dug sang tao va phat trién boi déi gd chuyén gia hoc thugt hing dau 8.0 - 8.5+ IELTS giau kinh nghiém. ARIPL ‘ay la phurong phap dp dung b6 cong cy do tao chuan myc vai khéa hgc dao tao tinh gon, chuyén sau d3 dng hanh cing hang nghin ban hoc vién chinh phyc band cao 7.0 - 8.5 IELTS v6i thai gian 6n luyén duce rit ngan ki luc. Bén canh phuong phip gidng day ld bé gido trinh chi tiét, bO sich kin thite ting kém due bién soan béi adi ngd gido vién, hoc thudt chuyén mén gidi, mang lai nhiu ngudn hoc cho cac ban. Ngoai hoc offline, theo str ménh Vi 4 trigu ngudi Viét dat 6.5 IELTS, IELTS Fighter ty hao mang dén: 6oOG 0680 Website chia sé 300+ bai Youtube hon 500+bai_——-Group gan 400.000 _Fanpage gin mét trigu ci hoc va tai liéu mign ph giing video, chia s€chi than vign, hang ng3y——_-nhan theo di, chia s® ‘tet, sinh dng. Hign cé chia sé cde bai hoc hau Kin thifc higu qua mdi ‘84n 400.000 subscribe, ich. ngay. vvinh dy nan nit Bac. Ngoai ra, IELTS Fighter ngay ngay cai tién dé phat trién hé th6ng online véi nén tang céng nghé tién tién, nang cao hiéu qua va trai nghim hgc tap clla cdc ban hoc vién tai trung tam va trén moi mién dét nude. REFINED KNOWLEDGE Tinh chat loc kién thir * Hoc nhtng gi hoc vin can, khéng hoc tat c& nhieng gi tiéng Anh co * Khod dao tao tinh gon, (6 trinh riéng biét * Céng cu giding day Slide hién dai * Gido trinh chuyén sau, thiét ké riéng biét theo level 1 INSPIRATION Tinh truyén cam hing trong lop hoc * Bién mdi gid hoc tran day niém vui * Gido vién nhiét huyét, dong hanh két ndi 24/24 * Ky thuat dat cau hdi, kham pha kién thire thi da PRACTICE Tinh thyc hanh ngén ng& * Hoc theo quy téc SKS - Thyc hanh téi da * Thiét ké bai giang theo quy tac PACES. * Str dung ky thuat ddng bé hoa am thanh * Da dang dich vy bé tro cudi tuan, gia sv nhom nhé LoGcic Tinh logic chat ché: * Chu trinh 5 bude: PACES * Cai thién 4 ky nang hiéu qua * Thanh tich but pha L6 trinh dao tao tai IELTS Fighter +0.5-1 7.0+ _bandievrs 1ELTS 5.5 ‘siverstrne 45+ 1ELTS. ‘ers 3.5+ TELTS 2.5+ 208 = «278 20B 278 = «108 knéadém BasiclELTS; PrelELTS Pre Foundation’ In e | Fighter B Téngon+ Foundation’ - Luyen ae CHANG 1 CHANG 2 Xay nén tang & phat trién ky nang Butt pha diém so > LO TRINH | - Hidu duoc format bai thi + Trang bi ede kj nang Lam bai = Trang bi cée chin thudt lim bai Ty tin Fam a8 thi ta Xay kin the nén ting vé ngon ng ‘Chudin bj cdc k7 nang hoe thu@t ap dung vao ba hi IELTS. Phat trig bigubi6tvé x8 hol va tu uy phn bign IELTS Fighter - Tién phong Phd cap IELTS cho ngudi Viét Vv Hé thong co sé trai dai tv Bac vao Nam v Bao tao cdc khéa IELTS online/offline v Cam két dau ra bang van ban ‘QUET MA TRUY CAP 6 ‘EKTS FIGHTER for Vietnamese people WEL. oN we. CuGi nam cé 1é ludn 1a thai diém dé moi ngudi nhin lai nhimg gi da xay ra trong nam vira r6i, nghi vé nhing diéu minh da hay chua lam durge. Day ciing la théi diém thich hop dé nguti ta hdo hie huéng dén dip 1@ quan trong nhat trong nam - Tét nguyén dan. Tét nguyén dan hay cén goi la Tét 4m lich, Tét cd truyén cla ngudi Viet [a dip I quan trong va due mong chér nhat trong nam. Trong mot nm, ngudi Viét chting ta khéng thiéu nhimg dip Ié hay ky nghi khac, nhung duy chi co Tét mdi sé hitu nhing diéu dac biét ma lam ching ta luén nhé dén ceding nhu ho hte muén tan hung cai khong khi mang day tinh truyén théng nay. Tét cd truy€n cita ngubi Viét khdng c6 gi ngoai cdc "dac san". Dac sin & day khéng chi la nhimg mon 4n ma con [a nhiing phong tuc cé truyén co y nghia lau doi trong dip Ié nay. Dau tién, khéng thé khéng ké dén linh hon ctia Tét, dé Ia nhéing mén 4n. Banh chung, banh tét, xdi gc, hanh mudi la tt ca nhing mén dac trung va déu mang mét y nghia nhat dinh cua ngay ‘Tét ma bat cur ngudi con Viét Nam nao cing déu co thé lién tudng dén. Néu véi banh chung, ngu®i Viét hy vong vé mét sy’'4m no, dui day thi mau dé cia x@i géic due ky vong sé la mau dem lai may man cho gia chii trong ca nam. Bén canh cdc mén an thi sac dé va sac vang ryt r6 ctia hoa dao, hoa mai hay nhiing loai cay nhu quat cdnh, budi canh cing lam cho nguti ta cém thay rao rute khi nghi vé Tét. Co mét cnh dao trong nha cla mét ngubi mién Bac hay mét nhénh mai trong nha cla mét ngudi dén tir mién Nam, di 1a nhé théi nhung dti dé lam cho ng@i nha ngap tran sac xuan. Tét con lam nhing ngudi con xa xu cém thay muén vé doan tu v6i gia dinh va nguéi than ngay lap tifo vi cai khéng khi nhén nhip, héi hd, tat bat chuan bj cdc mén an, sm stra cho gia dinh. Khéng cén gi hanh phtic, 4m cting hon khi ca nha cing ngdi quay quan chun bi nguyén liéu géi banh chung, don dep nha ctra hode chi don gian la cam canh dao trang tri cho phéng khach. Tat ca déu tao nén mét cai Tét rat riéng ma & ngoai Viet Nam ra thi sé kh6ng thé c6 & mét noi nao khac. Dyer Chute re Reto ORT eC uINAUury en eee Rea meta nes CM Ro aCe ern cere steele Beside the biting cold of the Northem and Central SOU ue een Sen caneeunt en eeu ue uChuee Scents eee eee me New Year's cuisine when it comes to a particular area Proreseetieelt iit eee Ce an RM Cd Peace Reesor Hardly can we find a meal of a specific Northern family without chung cake, gac sticky rice, stir-fried dishes, spring roll and pickled onions. While the square-shaped chung cake is expect- ed to bring prosperity, a plate of rounded vibrant red color of gac sticky rice represents the hope of a lot of luck for the family in the new year. Besides their symbolic meanings, the dishes bring a harmony between different flavors when a large proportion of the dishes is rich in protein, pickled onions will help to balance the meal and whet the appetite of family members.

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