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Good morning everyone.

My name is Cristina Quispe Pinedo and I am a law

student. Today, I come to share with you a practical idea that can help improve

our neighborhood.

Imagine for a moment that you need urgent legal advice, but you don’t have

the resources to pay for a lawyer. What would you do? Unfortunately, many of

our neighbors face this situation everyday. That is why, as a future legal

professional, I firmly believe that implementing a free legal assistance clinic

would be a great step in making our neighborhood a better place.

This idea seems to be useful to me because it would allow residents to access

legal advice and representation in a practical and cost-free manner. Many

people do not look legal help due to high prices, which can lead to their rights

being violated. A clinic of this type would break that barrier and empower

neighbors to defend their interests.

In addition, such an initiative could help resolve disputes and ensure justice in

our community. Imagine two neighbors in disagreement over a property or

noise issue. Instead of resorting to heated discussions, they could go to the

clinic to obtain impartial advice and resolve their differences peacefully. It would
not only serve to resolve neighborhood conflicts, but also labor issues or abuse

situations could be solved with the support of committed lawyers.

This idea is directly connected to my career, as it would allow me to serve the

community and put my legal knowledge into practice. It would be an incredible

opportunity to make a difference and contribute to the well-being of our

neighborhood. Imagine the positive impact we could generate by providing free

legal assistance to those who need it most.

To make this a reality, we would need a dedicated space that can function as

the clinic's headquarters. We could seek partnerships with local organizations,

universities or the municipal government to obtain the necessary support. In

addition, we would call on volunteer lawyers willing to donate their time and

knowledge, as well as law students willing to support and gain experience.

In conclusion, I am convinced that a free legal aid clinic would be a powerful

tool to improve our neighborhood. By providing access to justice and legal

advice, we will empower residents and contribute to the community. And as a

future lawyer, I am committed to serving our neighbors and contributing to a

more just and supportive neighborhood. Thank you for your attention!

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