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my self-introduction

Hello everyone!

My name is Fanisah Anastayah.

I am 16 years old,
I was born on April 22, 2007 in Batam
I live in sustainable tembesi.
Rt 002 rw 005
and I have 5 family members, namely my father and mother, brothers and sisters.
My father's name is Monang Aritonang.
my mother's name is elpita sari.
My sister's name is Cindi Wahyuni.
my younger brother named Romel Sholeh Aritonang.

My father works at pt McDermott.

my mother is a housewife.
I have an older sister who is in college.
and has a younger brother who is 11 years old.

I have a hobby of playing banana boot and listening to music.

and I can also draw a picture.
my dream is to become an architect.
My favorite foods are fruit, si food, soup, fruit salad, and various other foods.
I really like food and drink.

When I was little I went to Ra'Assakinah Kindergarten and I really liked going to
school in Sakinah because every Saturday the teachers asked students to go for a
walk to a tour in Batam.
and I also have a good teacher named Kokom and have lots of friends.

when I graduated I went to school at SDN 002 sagulung, I really liked that school
and I had a teacher named Mr. Yono
and I also have many friends.
when I graduated I continued my studies at SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Batam.
I also like the school because I have good friends and the school teaches me about
religion and always does Duha prayers.

when I graduated from the junior high school I continued to attend school at SMK N
5 Batam.
the reason I entered SMK 5 is because it is a favorite school and has jobs.
My major is graphic production engineering.
the reason I entered graphics is because
Initially I chose the TKJ major and I was shifted to graphics but that's okay
because I still like being in the graphics department because it teaches me to
always think creatively.

My motivation in the future is to become a successful person in any field.

that's all I can tell you if there are wrong words please forgive.
wassalamu'alaikum w.b

thank you all

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