Engineering Physics Syllabus

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Tech in IT Engineering

Course title- Engineering Physics Year- I Credit- 4(52 hrs)

Course code ……………………. Semester -I Lecture – 2

Tutorial -0
Practical -1

1. Introduction :
Engineering physics syllabus for B.Tech. IT 1st year 1st semester has been designed
keeping in view with recent development in physics. Availability of additional specialties in
areas and upgraded quality of course will relate physics with information technology.
Various topics are incorporated in the syllabus to relate physics and information technology.

2. Objectives:
The course is designed with following objectives:
• To give students up to date knowledge of fundamentals of physics.
• To impart knowledge to the students in the area of theoretical and experimental
• To acquaint students with the recent trends in physics.
• To develop manpower in engineering at the tertiary level to conduct research in
engineering on the basis of physics.
• To produce high level research oriented man power in physics so that they can able
to tackle high tech IT industry.

3. Learning outcome
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to
• Understand fundamental concepts of physics.
• Develop physics based technology.
• Inter relate physically theoretical and practical observations.
• Know to operate instruments of physics
• Know atomic, molecular and quantum mechanical system.

4. Course Content
1. Photons and Matter Waves (3hrs)
Photoelectric effect, Compton Scattering and Pair production, Quantization of Energy,
Planck’s Quantum Theory of Radiation, Electromagnetic waves and its interaction with
matter, Characteristic of de-Broglie Matter wave, Wave and group velocity of matter wave,
2. Quantum Mechanics (5hrs)
Wave motion and wave function, Physical significance of wave function, Normalization of
wave function, Schrödinger wave equation, Time dependent and time independent
Schrodinger equation, application of Schrodinger wave equations: a particle in one-
dimensional infinitely deep potential well, Tunneling effect.
3. Electromagnetic Waves (5hrs)
Vector Identities: The Gradient, The Divergence and Gauss’s Theorem, The Curl of a vector
Field, Stokes Theorem, Maxwell’s Equations, Conversion of Maxwell’s Equations from
Differential form to Integral form, Electromagnetic Wave Equations: In free space and in
Conducting Medium, Energy Transport and Poynting Vector.
3. Applied Electromagnetics (5hrs)
Transmission lines, Smith chart, the lossy line, parallel waveguides, modes in
waveguides, rectangular waveguides and cavity resonator, dispersion and group velocity,
reflection and refraction of plane waves, radiating systems and antennas, numerical methods
in electromagnetics
4. Condensed Matter Physics (7hrs)
Crystalline and nonocrystalline materials, bonding and internal structure of solids, ionic
and covalent bonds, metallic bond, hydrogen bond, cohesive energy, crystal structure,
reciprocal lattice, X-Ray diffraction, Bragg condition, vibrations of lattice, heat capacity,
thermal conductivity, free electron model, the density of allowed wave vectors, Fermi
distribution, band theory of solids, periodic potential, the density of states,
diamagnetism and paramagnetism, Weiss theory of ferromagnetism, superconductivity,
Meissner effect, BCS theory. Neutron and X-Ray diffraction techniques for studying crystal
structure, Lattice Planes and Miller indices,
5. Nuclear Science and Engineering (5hrs)
Nuclear decay, nuclear binding energies, forces, shell model, liquid drop model, nuclear
decay, beta, gamma and alpha decay, nuclear reactions, neutron interactions, moderation,
fission, chain reactions, reactors, fuels, fusion, fast breeders, shielding and safety, radiation
detection, dating, isotope production.
6. Physics of Nanostructures and Nanoscale Devices (7hrs)
Semiconductor homojunction and heterojunctions, crystal growth, characterization, band
engineering, layered structures, microscopy, lithography, pattern transfer, etching, selected
area growth, dimensionality, quantum well structures, superlattices, lasers, modulators,
detectors and solar devices, quantum well optical modulators, photodetectors, quantum well-
infrared photo detectors

5. Text books
 Halliday, Resnick, Walker, Fundamental of Physics, John Wiley and sons. Inc.
 J. OM Bocris and A.K.N. Reddy, Modern Electrochemistry
 W.E Boyce and R. Diprima, Elementary differential equations and boundary value
 D.J. Griffiths, Introduction to quantum mechanics, Pearson Education 2005
 J.D. Ryder, Networks, Lines and fields. second Editon, prentice Hall of India
 SA Teukolsky, W.T. Vetterling and B.P. Flannery, Numerical Receives In C: The art
of scientific programming ,2nd Edition,W.H. Press,
 J.J. Sakurai, Modern Quantum Mechanics,Pearson Education ,2002.
 B.H.Bransden and C. J. Jachin, Physics of atoms and molecules. Longman scientific and
technical 1983

6. Physics lab work (15 hrs)

 To find the variation of magnetic field with distance due to a current carrying coil.
 To find value of Planck’s constant and photoelectric work function using
photoelectric cell.
 To determine the wavelength of He-Ne laser light and use it to measure the thickness
of a thin wire by diffraction of light.
 To find the absorption coefficient of beta particles in aluminum using GM counter.
 To find the half-life period of given radioactive substance using GM counter.
 To draw the V/I characteristics of a junction diode.
 To draw the CE, CB, BE characteristics of transistor.
 To draw the V/I characteristics of Zener diode.
 To find the voltage gain and study frequency response of common emitter transistor
 To find the voltage gain and study frequency response of common base transistor
 To study OR, AND, NOT and EX OR gate using transistor.

Practical book: Das Ruby, C.S. Robinson, A text book of engineering physics practical

7. Tutorial

8. Evaluation scheme
Evaluation Method Description Weight (%)
Assignments Regular assignments will be given to assist the 30
understanding and practical implementation of web
Project/Seminars Students will work on individual and group 20
projects to demonstrate their ability to design and
develop functional web applications.
Class Participations Active participations lab and workshops will be 10

taken into account.
Final Examination Final examination will be conducted to evaluate 40
theoretical knowledge and problem solving skills.

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