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Quarter 4 - Module 4
Phases of the Moon
English – Grade 5
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 4 – Module 4: Inferring the Pattern in the Changes
in the Appearance of the Moon
First Edition, 2021

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Published by the Department of Education- Region III

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writer/ Illustrator/ Layout Artist/ Editors:
Tricia Ann S. Fidel
Edwin A. Espanueva
Mark Anthony B. Vasallo
Ma. Cherry D. Santos
Content Evaluator: Ma. Michelle G. Villareal
Language Evaluator: Ma. Eloisa T. Brazil
Layout Evaluator: Lynn T. Caña
Management Team: Gregorio C. Quinto Jr.
Rainelda M. Blanco
Agnes R. Bernardo
Marinella P. Garcia SY, PhD
Glenda S. Constantino
Joannarie C. Garcia

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Department of Education--- Schools Division of Bulacan

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Quarter 4 - Module 4
Phases of the Moon
Introductory Message

This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, dear learners, can
continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions,
exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-step
as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each SLM.
This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you need to
ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of the
lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-check
your learning. Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We trust that
you will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teachers are also provided
to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can best
help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part of
this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercise and tests. Read
the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the tasks
in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you.
What I Need to Know

This module provides varied activities that will help you learn about the
pattern in the changes in the appearance of the moon. S5FEIVg-h-7

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

• identify the phases of the moon.
• draw the phases of the moon, and
• infer the pattern in the changes in the appearance of the moon;

What I Know
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet
of paper.

1. Which of the following is the correct order of the moon’s phases?

A. first quarter-new-full-third quarter C. full-first quarter-new-third quarter
B. first quarter-third quarter-full-new D. new-first quarter-full-third quarter

2. When the part of the moon that you see is slowly getting bigger or growing. It is
A. full C. waning
B. new D. waxing

3. When the part of the moon that you can see appears to be shrinking or decreasing. It
A. full C. waning
B. new D. waxing

4. When the moon is completely visible at night it is called a ______________________.

A. crescent moon C. gibbous moon
B. full moon D. new moon

5. How many phases does the moon have?

A. one C. eight
B. five D. nine
6. The phase of the moon that follows the waning-crescent phase is the:
A. full moon C. new moon
B. last quarter D. waxing crescent

7. Edison watched the moon from his bedroom window for one week. He noticed that, at
first, it was round and fully lit. At the end of the week, the moon was lit on the left side.
How does scientist describe this stage of the moon phase cycle?
A. waning C. wasting
B. warming D. waxing

8. When the people on Earth cannot see a moon, which phase is the moon in?
A. full moon C. waxing crescent
B. new moon D. waxing gibbous

9. The different shapes of the moon that is seen from Earth are called
A. eclipses C. phases
B. faces D. tides

10. Which moon phase is it if the left half of the moon is lit?
A. first quarter C. new moon
B. full moon D. last quarter

What’s In

The moon does more than cause tides and delight lovers according to a new study, it
can also affect how much rainfall falls on the ground. Since ancient times, the moon has been
an object of fascination for people, both romantics and scientists. Now, researchers from the
University of Washington found that when the moon is high in the sky, it creates “bulges” in
the planet’s atmosphere, slightly affecting falling rain. This is the first study to document the
effect of the moon on rainfall. Perhaps the most obvious role of the Moon on Earth is the
ocean tide. Because of the rise and fall of the ocean water that is why organisms survive.

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet
of paper.

1. The weight of the air above Earth’s surface.

A. air pressure C. radiation
B. humidity D. wind

2. Air that is in motion cause _______.

A. air pressure C. low pressure
B. high pressure D. wind

3. Which has greatest effect on wind speed?

A. air pressure C. precipitation
B. location D. wind direction

4. A cold front generally moves from

A. east to west C. southeast to northwest
B. northwest to southeast D. west to east

5. ________likely where two different air masses meet at a frontal boundary.

a. Precipitation is c. Trends are
b. The water cycle is d. Weather is

What’s New
Why does the moon seem to change its shape every night? How often does
the moon change its shape? What are the changing shapes of the moon called?

Wait up! There’s more. The song that you are about to sing will tell information about
why does the moon’s shape change.

Vitalize yourself by singing the song below.

Phases of the Moon

(Tune: Christmas in our hearts)

Whenever I see stars and moon

In the darkness of the night
I remember the moon shining brightly in the sky
Whenever there are changes in its position from time to time

We can see variety of phases of the moon

Let’s study our module now for a bright tomorrow
New learnings will be acquired

Below show the phases of the moon as seen from different position.

What is It

Phases of the Moon

When you looked into the night sky , you will have noticed the Moon appears to vary
shape each night. Some nights the moon may sees like a narrow crescent, other nights, it
may look like a bright circle , and some nights may not be able to see the moon at all. The
different appearances of the Moon in a month is beacause of the Monn Phases.

Why does this happen? The shape of the moon isn’t changing throughout the month
but how the the Moon appears rom Earth does change.

The Moon does not produce its own light. Rather it reflects light coming from the sun.
The part of the Moon that faces the Sun will be illuminated as it orbits around the Earth.
The different shapes of the lit portion of the Moon that can be seen from Earth are known as
phases of the Moon. Each phase repeats itself every 29.5 days.

New Moon
When the moon is between the Sun and Earth, the
illuminated side of the moon faces away from us. It is
called new moon. New moon is not visible in the night sky.

Waxing Crescent Moon

The moon is less than one-half illuminated by the
sun, but less than one quarter illuminated. It occurs when
the moon's illumination is increasing.

First Quarter Moon

The moon is one-half illuminated by the sun.
The right side of the moon appears bright and the left
side appears dark.

Waxing Gibbous Moon

The moon is more than one-half illuminated by the sun
but not completely illuminated. It continues to grow until
finally Earth is between Sun and the Moon.

Full Moon
We will see that the whole side of the Moon
facing the Earth becomes lighted. The Sun and Moon
appear opposite to each other in the sky.

Waning Gibbous Moon
The moon is more than one-half illuminated by
the sun but not completely illuminated. It occurs when
the moon's illumination is decreasing.

Last Quarter Moon

The moon is one-half illuminated by the sun. The
left half of the moon appears bright, and the right side
of the moon appears dark. It is also called third quarter.

Waning Crescent Moon

During waning crescent moon, we can only see a small
piece on the left side is lighted. After this phase is
complete, the moons cycle will start over again with the
new moon.

What’s More

Independent Activity 1
Directions: Identify the exact phase of each and then order the phases (1-8) in sequence
beginning with the New Moon as number 1.

Phase: Phase: Phase: Phase: Phase: Phase:
Order: Order: Order: Order: Order: Order:

Phase: Phase:
Order: Order:

1. New Moon 5. Full Moon
2. Waxing Crescent 6. Waning Gibbous
3. 1st Quarter 7. Last Quarter
4. Waxing Gibbous 8. Waning Crescent

Independent Assessment 1
Directions: Match the description with the corresponding moon phase.

___1. The left half of the moon appears bright A. Full Moon
and the right side of the moon appears dark.

___2. We can only see a small piece on the B. Last Quarter Moon
left side is lighted. After this phase is complete,
the moons cycle will start over again.

___3. The moon is more than one-half illuminated C. Waning Crescent Moon
by the sun but not completely illuminated. Occurs
when the moon's illumination is decreasing.

___4. The whole side of the Moon facing the Earth D. Waning Gibbous Moon
becomes lighted.

___5. The moon is less than one-half illuminated E. Waxing Crescent Moon
by the sun but less than one quarter illuminated.
Occurs when the moon's illumination is increasing.

Independent Activity 2
Directions: Direction: Using the description and matching words, complete worksheet by
adding the drawing of that phase of the moon.

1. New Moon
Moon is almost directly between the sun and Earth (start of cycle).

2. Waxing Crescent Moon

A bit of the sunlit side of the moon shows on the right side.

3. First Quarter Moon

The moon is a quarter of its way around Earth. It is in its first quarter

4. Waxing Gibbous Moon

The moon is increasing in light between a first quarter moon and a full

5. Full Moon
Two weeks have passed since the new moon. We see the entire face
of the moon shining.

Independent Assessment 2
Directions: Complete the crossword puzzle below.

Across Down
3. The moon is more than one-half illuminated
by the sun. Occurs when the moon’s illumination 1.The moon is less than one-half
is decreasing. illuminated by the sun. Occurs when the
4. We will see that the whole side of the moon moon’s Illumination is increasing.
facing the Earth becomes lighted. 2. The period it takes the moon to complete.
5. The moon is one-half illuminated by the sun. 6. Earth’s only natural satellite.
The right side of the moon appears bright and
the left side appears dark.
7. We can only see a small piece on the left
side is lighted.
8. The left half of the moon appears bright
and the right side of the moon appears dark.
9.The moon is more than one -half illuminated
by the sun. It continues to grow until finally
Earth is between Sun and the Moon.
10. When the moon is between the Sun and
Earth, the illuminated side of the moon faces
away from us.

Independent Activity 3

Directions: Draw the appearance of each moon phase inside the circles along with the name
and description of each phase.

_________________ _________________
_________________ _________________

Earth __________________


Independent Assessment 3

Directions: Below are the phases of the moon. Label each correctly and add a short

Phases of the Moon Description

What I Have Learned
Directions: Fill in the blanks by choosing from the words inside the box to complete the
explanation on how the moon changes its phases.

Crescent first quarter moon gibbous moon

eight full moon last quarter month
new moon not visible

The _______has four phases. These are the new, first quarter, full moon and the last
quarter moon. When the moon is between the sun and the Earth, you cannot see the moon;
it is called __________. During this phase the moon is ____________from the earth. About
a week after the new moon, you see half of the lighted side of the moon. This is called the
___________ moon. A week after the first quarter moon, you can see the whole lighted side
of the moon. This is called the ___________. On the third week of the month you again see
half of the moon’s lighted part. This is called ___________ moon. When the moon is in
between the appearance of the quarter moon and new moon, the moon is called ________.
When the moon is between quarter moon and the full moon, the moon is called _______. The
moon goes through these ______ phases in 29 ½ days. The period it takes the moon to
complete is called______.

What I Can Do

Interview some of the people you know in your place. Ask them if they know things which are
related to the phases of the moon, e.g. behavior of animals, effect on earth, etc. Then using
books and internet sources, confirm it what you got from your interview are true or just
superstitions. Be sure to separate them using a table, follow the one provided below.

Facts Superstitions

Over all 5 4 3 2 1
impact Excellent Very Good Good but still could Fair and need to Needs
do better try harder improvement
Answer to 5 4 3 2 1
each Explained Explained Answered the Did not explain the Did not explain
questions the idea very the idea questions correctly but answers very well answer at all
well well still missing the whole
Neatness 5 4 3 2 1
and No erasures Has little Has lots of erasures The paper is almost The writing is
Readability on the paper erasures but still looking neat full of erasures and very untidy
the writing is almost making it
impossible to read unreadable


Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet
of paper.

1. As the moon’s shape appears to get smaller, we say that the moon is _________.
A. disappearing C. waning
B. swelling D. waxing

2. Which moon phase is when you can’t see the moon at all?
A. Full Moon C. Waning Crescent Moon
B. New Moon D. Waxing Gibbous

3. Phase of the moon in which the moon appears to be getting larger
A. eclipse C. waning
B. new D. waxing

4. During the phases of the Moon, the Moon appears to change shape. This change in
appearance is due to the Moon…
A. having craters on its surface
B. moving closer and then farther away from Earth
C. physically changing size and shape.
D. reflecting a different amount of light due to alignment with Earth and the Sun

5. What causes the phase of the Moon to change each night?

A. The alignment between the Earth, Moon, and Sun determines the amount of
light reflected by the Moon.
B. The Moon changes its actual shape throughout the course of the month..
C. The closer the Moon is to Earth, the more light the Moon reflects.
D. The season of the year determines the phase of the Moon.

6. The cycle of the moon lasts about a _______.

A. day C. week
B. month D. year

7. What part of the moon do we see from Earth?

A. all of it C. only one quarter
B. none of it D. the same side

8. About how long does it take the moon to make one complete cycle around the earth?
A. 8 days C. 65 days
B. 28 days D. 365 days

9. What is a Moon Phase?

A. all of the above C. nothing important
B. erosion on the moon D. the moon changing in about a month

10. The moon seems to change shape from day to day in a cycle that last about a month
as it goes through______.
A. eclipses C. revolutions
B. phases D. rotations

Additional Activities

Directions: Observe the presence of the moon on a clear night sky. Using a separate sheet of
paper, draw the phase of the moon on that night, then predict the next phases of the moon
for the rest of the month. Use a separate sheet of paper.

Independent Activity 3
New moon 1. Moon is almost directly 1. C
between the sun and Earth
Additional Activity 2. B
Waxing Crescent 2. A bit of the sunlit side
of the moon shows on the right side. 3. D
(Answers may vary) First Quarter 3. The moon is a quarter of 4. D
its way around Earth. It is in its first quarter 5. A
phase. 6. B
What I have Waxing Gibbous 4. The moon is 7. A
Learned increasing in light between a first quarter 8. B
moon and a full moon.
9. D
1. moon Full moon 5. We see the entire face of the
moon shining. 10.B
2. new moon
Waning Gibbous 6. The moon is more What I Can Do
3. not visible
than one-half illuminated by the sun. (Answers may vary)
4. first quarter moon Occurs when the moon's illumination is
5. full moon decreasing.
6. last quarter Last Quarter 7.The left half of the moon Independent Assessment 3
7. crescent appears bright and the right side of the 1. Moon is almost directly
8. gibbous moon appears dark. between the sun and Earth
9. eight Waning Crescent 8. We can only see a 2. A bit of the sunlit side of the
small piece on the left side is lighted. moon shows on the right side.
10. month
3. The moon is a quarter of its
Independent way around Earth. It is in its first
Assessment 2 quarter phase.
4. The moon is increasing in light
1. waxing crescent moon between a first quarter moon and
a full moon.
2. month
5. We see the entire face of the
3. waning gibbous moon moon shining.
4. full moon 6. The moon is more than one-
5. first quarter Independent Activity 2 half illuminated by the sun.
6. moon Occurs when the moon's
7. waning crescent moon illumination is decreasing.
1. 7. The left half of the moon
8.last quarter
appears bright and the right side
9. waxing gibbous moon
of the moon appears dark.
10. new moon 2. 8. We can only see a small piece
on the left side is lighted.
3. Independent
Assessment 1
1. B
4. 2. C
3. D
Independent Activity 1 4. A
5. E
A. Phase: Full Moon Order: 5 What’s In
B. Phase: Last Quarter Order: 7 1. A
C. Phase: Waning Gibbous Order: 6 What I know
2. D
D. Phase: Waxing Gibbous Order: 4 1. D 6. C
3. A
E. Phase: Waxing Crescent Order:2 2. D 7. A
4. B
F. Phase: Waning Crescent Order:8 3. C 8. B
5. D
G. Phase: New Moon Order: 1 4. B 9. C
H. Phase: First Quarter #3 5. C 10. D
Answer Key

Sarte, Evelyn T. Garcia Ednaliza R. Lopez Eliza A. Dela Cruz Mary Jean G.
Arradaza Harold A. Science Beyond Borders Grade 5. 1253 G. Araneta Avenue,
Quezon City Philippines: Vibal Group, Inc.,2016

Nasa Science, last updated March 11, 2021,

For inquiries or feedback, please write:

Department of Education, Schools Division of Bulacan

Curriculum Implementation Division
Learning Resource Management and Development System (LRMDS)
Capitol Compound, Guinhawa St., City of Malolos, Bulacan
Email Address:


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