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II 11 I

i) ~f -x. is cont·,nuol\n • and t is· ciiscn.te the slochMHc
g+ocn.Mtic f-1ocms •• . J
js cidined 0'1 0
r;octS~ i'.:l ccill,cl c,s O· "C-ontinuou/), stc1h2 clisnd·e.
~tochMtic toT "fMclom) p1oce':l5
, ' , I
I 'Z •).
'X'..ltn. ) •• i) -•• , ...
c. ol\H tion ob 1nnclom.
vci ·dc1 b I s i • I. ' I t • ' tt('(lt. 5lt>ChC.ll)t\L p1oc.en5·~ •

l\he2 1 o ndom vr1 vi oble. '/. L-M·.- stnrx\S • -fov, ihf!· •i '.¼ ) + 'X i & 6i t 1 et e' C nd . t is C On~ i ·" LI 9LIil I t n e s to (rr\/) t i ~I
bs®\lC\tion ot time -t. l\he 0urnbe-r u\) 5tC1te.s ·,1;1.' ~oj 1 r;ocws i<:> .- cc1l!•d M r "bisuu tci : stc,te continuQLlf) tlrru
' I
be 4i nit< o, in1i nit• cl•pi<:,Cli,n9 upon•. ~h ' .. : ti f0'•• 19nl•. sto c\1c\ntiL prnceri ·;
L\) 9t- bo"t h X ClnCI
t 01e {ii$c"fere, thH, tha. ~tochMtl
I • I 4
f'xom~1 ••
. oL th .,lr\() c,n uf'bicll)ed •'l)i~C."112 to ":>\'.:Cit~ "Di5Wt~ -t\rne
( 011/) ld~ the P pe11 rnent ·v :-COlv • r ij ., ,• • , ,. rocen~ is cc1lloCI (1/'1 I , I

e\l Q. Suppo~ II h,. t e. I ')'\-\I\ lh10l0· -,,tochMtiL p--.ote.J>~ ,,

thc1t 'lf\ I~ \, "-' OLI com \)u • • .I 1 I'

1'\. I . 'lh~n t 'X n /'ti?/ 1 J i<:i ,() \/'f'1 il~ D~ 'Y~•f\,C,I i~, ! ---;---...._ ' -t- • Coo titn10..l/"l i:)isuu.t a_ .
v{,,lnr.>\e"I· 1 ~l1Ch -tN1bl' 1or Cl ·cli~tinc.t.··vol~t> 't "hlc).}~t..) .
• -t1t)"-
- ,· . ;

• 'I I

t cootlnuoul')
1 . ll 1 I
1' '
'--\}e.. ~t-t o c\istinct ·condom vo 'I lab\ e: • -Xn • • C'fnu~ :·, • •1
, [o'ltinuoun. (ontinuoun Sp 'f)t~uu.t~ stC1tt

, • ,· 1 •'! I
' ,·, l'

'X / -n ::,,.. 1) cons ti tutt o ~to c hon tit pioce ss. 'lhi
7::)i~lt. i)iSU\ti:f s~a t t. L)15Wtl~ _sp.
roe~% i~ ~{)Qi)r\ N'> '6nnou\i "{)1ocfn~" I
: . ' ,, • ' ' I '
Conti n llOl.11) t\ (Yu,..

f\w m~ 2 ' ,- '

I ,J
' ' . . ..
1=--xc1mp_ Ien :
jn. ihe '".;>ame exomp\q, , supptf.><2 thc1l: 'Xn i.S the. I I l I I •• ·,I

G'!om.p \e con ti nuoun

o-0. i1 "
stochMtiL E" I)(. rt)~ :
nqml)efl ob 5i):Qf) i" the -fi1st n th10Li).!>. ~o't a di&l-ind:-' ,.. 1 / '
\/(\lllt ob n• I, 2, • •• Lue set (1 cHs\.-inc.\:: bi-norniCI I
131c1itt Activlt~ \)u (l hllrnnn uncle!) ~)(~~im~nl,:1\ cl>r)d i l-lofl.
'\J(11·1 C\ l-'2 'X(\ (_ x,, / n > I ) whit h_ ~iv<n O fc1milo ob 'YC,Oclorn..
ff\£CV)I..U'\.lcl tontinuo1..lf)\l dunins lrt\-ell\)OI [o. 'Tj
vcnic1bl(!f). llhLV"l il- is c1 r..toc hM tiL p,oc01~
<stochMtic. \IC1'l'iC1b\~ ">Lt 112p1tse.nt.5 t'ne. ,yn Cl~ Y"l et i C
'11..JpV'> ob ~tochcclic p1ocqf)$ •.
b; i\O cd -time_ t / o~ t " . H~nc.e. 'x t: 0 s~u niM vcilu.11)
'Th t s12 01e cl (If)$ ·1 Die cl in l·o 4 -\: f)e!) .
on. R disw t e -bi)( td - !(,bu ,ork°J L.1-
1)9+ both 1X. Cine\ t Cr'ft. ConHnLIOl\/'l the stochMti(
p1ocer,s i~ CC1Ll12d oo 'continuow) tirne. c.0ntinuOlVl sl:ei t·~ c onl i r..,0111) - c hnn~i"'J - 03<:.

- 1..itir~k~
<a toe hcllll: i c. p,oc et)~ ••
- rui~t.-.1,
G' 1'-..C1mple
ob· disc. ,et~
pci\-il!nl s l,Qo,t
stochnl)l·i~--rnce/l~ ·:

11uls~ c1u/)i t'l~ ~u!Vf'L). I

t1C1ikov Choih··
..f\ "".a,l<o,

:s o mc,thoTI/1ti cc,/. s'j't,ms 1:hot

rr\HU)LWcl cont'muotV11i cl LV'\i "~ i11t~vc1I to /i l "f'~ it nc en t-<n ml ~i oo, b,om one s tc,l·• to •c, no thet
-"t g{ochcV)t ic.. VC\''1iciv.>l~ 'X't tfep1e.se0ts tne c.XCLVlC1n (\cto«lln ~ to . cettoin r1ob,:,~i u,tic 1t1letl. 'lh• ,:l,,f;ni "Q
vb \,CQOtibec1t- -trrm. t , •0 t- '= ~, chC1ic,c teH,t 1c. o c, (Y"\_01kov choin ;5 theiL- no mnttey
(I Ot' ' 'Ht'l'll.Q. Xt- , 1

C\C,SU<Y\e /) onl~ th<!

'XIIL\el) o Lri 0 h~L\{)t ·bee,!:-" J c.1 'I'- ,now the p·rncess ciiyivec\ cir il·5 p-yese.nt stnl·e. J

l hHlflt- be c1 \ )
the.. po5'5in\ Q. ~utu"1e 5\·C1l·t5 CI/U -fi-xtd.
f l(__ctmplori oD <:>tochCV)tic.. p10(.W)~·- . , , ,
,jn oth"' Loovd;, ;the P' obo bili l:J I)\) r< o M\~i onin\
r ' ', 1
G'xomplt , •. l'\i1"f'b!ent - ~\uicl r\l)L0 i ' •
pclflti(u lM ;\'nl·• is cl'l'enrlrnl· so\n~ on th<.

-\.0 ('10L~
~n. 1.hQ tu,l:!ent-' f\L11d -tloLo ,··ua·· velodt~ ~ornporurtt5 C.LI i i e f'I t
'$ tc1 \· Cl I'\ c\ ti rt! Q Q l Cl PSt. d -

ti, \I. '-" ob th~

+\Ldcl CIH let_nclom ./1~iobl9 1l. ~i~tndi~ , ~n.tioc\Ltction:
i -tlu.

vn the. spou coo,clinc11;(?/) 'X , 'J ' 7.. tl O\.L t • I' k.e.t "Pj 1•\ lj , o,, .~, ... ) be the obsolut~ r-1obobi\ ih~ 5uch.,

b1tC1m.pll '2 •. Communicol.-t p1oc.~s '.

• j
l thC\'c- -\.he ~f t<Zm be in ~tc,te c;-j Cit -t:imQ. ti) Li>rM...Q..__

Lj,. O, 1, '2., ..
l\he amplih\c\Q. ob the slcjnc,\n to be. t.Yo Mm·, rl--~c I
• •
~j ') clQnOt(?. th<? e-x t'1Ve anc\ mut-uet\ lr
l, • I
outc.Off\(/ ) ob ('\ ~Lrrem at- ti~.
f1 cim~li \-t1ct~ °h tht!. ~oi.~ r,oclL'.(~c! _i~' th~., c~c,nn{) I

c\Qpl'.n c\i n:l on ti me oH both 10 ncll)rn. \K\/11 c1 bI er) • k)Q cio\/ru..

PJ = P [ )( l t Tl) - 3 / x t +ll ., ') - ·, 1

m the one .<.,hp tfC\M1~tioY1 p--;0bc1bilit-L.i 0
b ~l)\n~ 0,orn.
\ J
~t"C,t<l I C\\: tifYl<! -t-n-l c,Pl\ tb S\--OrQ. j Cit tim2 tn.
, r
., 8t
iS alDo MSUmod heAA. -thc,t 1:hw '\"'ooc,bi U\:1M

(\ te> \ \:ar(t
• I ;,
l \ .. 0 +-, . •• ) 0 "<
·i C'j , 1 • '2 • , • j ._ 0 . I ,

' f ,,Qf)':>ec\ ln tho. 1'f1..ethi'X b-O'<fY1 (V) fu\lo\~ ••

'Poo f'., 1 'Po,

-P~ 1-\, P0 v21

v 11) 'P, , Y;-1

M Giorhnntil. ,')1(1Ni)( •, tDY 1 , ,\
'\n i $ YYl () \-; j K. T=' iS
knou)(L I
rr,..~:,·1ti2_!1 p1ol~~i(1l'L~ r<\1ttix: i

1· <lhe.. i"v('MltlOf\ r"'fooobil"1tiV\ ca'f\: b" ()"'11Cl0tj~ci i'h c,

homorn.tD\.V1 mc,hi)(__ •• 1I

m\.lDt ,soti\Dt

bounc\Mtj.. 'TY\Clt,\?< {01m nnt\- ~\.IC~ C\,fflClt-li'x !s CCllltd Cl ())'lt ster,.
'1h~ ·r1obobiliHU1 'Pij ' Q ,l
t1CIM\~\on p"10bC1biliht TYlO\'Yi")( denotrd bi·
ccmr\i tioM . I

P,, P,,,._
"Pij = 1.iJ.i ancl ·p/~ o J.J
I • v,1. .....
i S- i
p" I 'P11. Yu. •• i. R""
J" <O '1 uI· ct C\Mt v ell
;l ; t,! r .. , I

i / -P.,, 'Pm1, ... ,'. P.Ml',\
',. 'the -mottix, ., ,'P ,~ a squCIIU. rv,c1h"i x lll'10S" eC\ch.

, I
t \ , mm l ; -nor1- 11,goti vi riM • s,,,,:, ' \ , L•m, n l-.> ob. ec,,
,f 0\.\) f 'l\n i tLt
Aft i]erw)(:d ,C1nj mcityl){ P, tJro~ eleme?nt.s ate.
( !f , .•
.., n- ne9ativ• Mi\ &um oh etoment• elth,n in each ~o,,:\
• I
' ' 1 , 0
tn' column i5 ·uni bl is cc,llec\ a. trnM'1 Hon mc1hi v

01 c, pi o be, bi \i hJ -me, tti x •


I ! '[r,,u, o tt,mitioo mot-ri~ ;, o "1"0/\.I s tocMnti l

-rf'{ltli"IC oncl ·,L- ()i"QI) th12. c.omp\ql:e dencYiptlon o~

{Y\01 KO\) f10C. el)S•
1 --~
I p·, c,mc, l i C ~'P' .,,, n re, l:-\on '-I> ttc' Mi 1.--io n P'ob c,bi h b
,. ,.. ,Jto ,\mos the p,obc, bi lit\ VI
; ,. -\lc.Mis \ior1 01 1 \'.;-, bls l hu l--
, I , . ... , cw C)C(lV\ in 01'1j {X'VlticLdev, situt1Hon.
i I
I ,
\ /'7...

,-;;-\\q (1'110~1,)S b"om q(l(h 6tClt~
• 1-'ic1 re
the \)
- ...
v,yntnn1onolitLl Rt.duction:
\ ; ..11- ' ,,
fl mov<2 f,,om v•f ~,vev-i . . . . . . .
Slc,t(!J) to L0hich ('\ p1 oc€f)~ cc, ~D1mem1ono\1hJ ·uc1t1cbuY\ 1.$ "(educineJ c\imeM1onolih.~
.. ·t-· r"ooc,b;\ib'o/) .,, q 0 .,
1otci~Q. llhe. mnt-< 1x ob tic1 M1 ilY' . ol n·,~h. cHf"\eMio-no\ clc1tc1.
I '

. o ih~ 0bv.Je (tic,~~oro ,~,' ,•,· i,, U • i ' •

co1-1U)ponchf\~ t c, C tj . 'lhi.s.,.~~p'f_Ooch.. "<eclllCU> tnt. hl~h. c\imeM10f)C\\l,l1

r. f o ' 0
I ,: blj ~1 ojectin~ -th~ ctC1_tcL to l~v0\ dime.Mione,\ subspo~
f1 0 '/l. 'h. the.. l)'fi~in.o\ dol·C\. .
Lv\thollt \oo~,n1 Q$S mu. l.)o .
l/3' \A,.lhen oimtnn01c1\i t-.J •yqductfon oppioc,c.h ,s ap~\,!d.,
t- '/ °!) 0

tl-\ol· Hu ; t'(C1Mi L-,'un i ½'ot:- th~ o·fl9inc,\ 1tc1hllleJ) "o \on~~ ell.l~t C\rtcl "'rltt-' beC\t\.11\R/) I
..fl x. l:ll o elPnui" r 1ncli cnt t11
I• I
on ~om '\ht!. 01' lginnl dolt\ ur.ifn1
po':> sibl>- .
,. I
'PCI':\ is Q d·,rneMi0nc,_lih.r '\'eduction <Y"rlhod•

I I.

• I 11\'.~ I '1·
~- 'IC\K<!. the Loho\e c\c,ta5et Ce>n51Sh1c;i I oo•,c\t\
I <
• I OlVl
c\tmeno10M onn, i9noll2. the.. ll\btlS i\lCq tn~,t
t '
"'eli) c\C\tC\ 5e. c mQ{) c\ di r'YH Mioncil •
; t'

f. C()(Y'lputa th<! mec,n ,f ov e.vt1\li c\i meMiOn. ob th'e.

., .

tuhl)\t. c\C\1:0 ~t • ,· ! _,
I I I· ,,, J • II /
3_ Compute.. th() CO\lMionu. 'l'l'Xlbi')(_ ob th.a. Ll)holJ clotoset·
• I , th <2. cOi~ s·pon di ni
I \ 4\ / I I
4. Cov-npu~-~ ti ~e-ovec to" s arid
e.ifn vo\uJ.I) .

· S 01 t the. e./ 3t.n 'IJe.t to1~ bQ d~Ci"-C\/'1ln_g qiaeo\lOIU.t/).

I ,J
C,l'\c\ choo'i>e ,k ·drn\)e.cto,.s l»·itk. la,~t/lt ~ir"--'

'f O \L\jlll -\:o bo1 m· ·C\, L'V -1f d x k clime rv)ioncL J


-n1crhi 1--J
-tto t\J) 1. o.,. fYl.. •, lllll'
' · USQ -th'is dxK ek(-n"~do1 -mci'h'i-t. '~o • I) ' '. ' :. : ( \~ + o + ~7 j "' 21
I ,
tru. sompl~ on\:o -lne ru1) Slib~pa(.Q__.
'I I ( O-J l 'X'-, 'X,) = COIi L-x, I'X-2-) a1
ex C1Q1.0lt '. 1\d ll.,,'(.j
• I (

I ttm
'. 1tem1 ll~m,'2,
N ~. l~trn, \', 2. -~)
co'-l L -xL) <~-1~ ( l~<>-nf)
?> +
"I{ I i I I .,
/ ..
,.,_ l- II ILi cl 6 ?,& T" q T 11 =- 6 "?>

' j,

1 I

f'cnc\ meM\. 1 • j ell\


1 ''

s~; Cctl(ulc,t, eict'

6; \

\ £.1 e.irn· vHtOY (1101(\'l(lh'\td~

=i:._ 1\-tlL\T:H> "!:.n "/; f ' i. I


s~ Colculato th<1
c;vc&-ii.~1n((2· •

mnr-1ixl$> i


'·, ·, r
l «\
n J
\ \i\
1 0

cov • ')(. .. )
cov l 'X,, x •)


l:-, -::.J ,,
II:) I I '

' •
(0\1 l x.'1., -x. 1) ·' • I to" l-x.,._,:"¥ ..-: , ,. , :,_,·.·,.. ,. .
0 ,
tJ ' r \ 1.I ' ( ,~ .
cov l "X., lj ) _!_ ;:-
u). - i ) l 'j _ 9) ') ••
N-1 1• -
't I,- (\ •, ! i •, I :\i I •
L i\) t- i\) - ld I),. :; I)
-'j ~I; r I /t I
COvL-x.,, -x.,)~ ..J_ i:'"" ( 'X,- i ) 1- l\LJ\ - {>~i\ - °'.l ,\ 4 i\'I. .. LIL\\" 0

_L ( L.) - LI ) 'l. 1 L°!> • Lj J

. ._ -\ l
'' J
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I j

!: 1 ..·} ( ,,_J , · ·,

f\ i- -

10 ,\ ::- 0


~-1 ' •.' j 1i ,, ;

i\[~-10) :cl)
l Lt -t I -t c, } ) ,r j I j t I i

. l •, ; I • I I ' . ; '
A "" o (\1\ c\ i\~ '.\ 0
co11L-Y, ,-x.2)'-:. _,_ {L~ .L\\L11-n'),-t -l_~~L1~L1L1~1:i"')-\ ! •I,~ 10~ . coMic\Wl A~ )O (: :io ~ol -
I' \

t:i-1.1) l~&- n)J I ') I

} ll-l)l~6) + L-1) L-~) + to) l C\'))

; .,·,··
l'i3e n uecfu, :
li 3
1\-, j -~ • Jio
-1\) -= - 3-1 b

Ls - i'I 'l ') -x = 0

. -,
1 1
_, •, • . I

2-.]l'~.J , .
I ,

:: .0 r
[ ell
=t • a1
I :i o
o ] ) [ tt,
~O lli. lt 0 ?,0 -:: (\ .4 "?, .


- .:i
lrl l\1 ) -:: l)

l\ t
- -1. I "3, .


el b ,
I •

-,._). II
0 r

Qll.1 -':JU'). -- 0
t, ,L- p1'indpn I
1 -6-3H1 -~-IC,
C\.1.1 ~6

I C00trmM.
u, .,, >
ti l, = ?, •

~pc 1:'\ i5 C\ dimtMionc,lil:\ •u_dllc\ion me. rnocl .
[J I

I {••I
.- I t..pc.A is o te.chnic1L1a thcil· can be used ro ~imp\i\)~c1.

11om,c1 Ii < eirn \)QC \-o'i II 'XII • J3 1

" I l. -:. Jlo c\ato~tt •
I L> .9t is O lin<1M 1:-f aM\)°''1 MCltion thc,L· choO~<!ll (\
_J_ I
<:>u(h thC\l-
I -r.o 3

q1QC1 ttJ'I t
c.001 c\in.c,tt s'-('tem
\!Mic1n o. by Ott~ p1otc tio-n
fo1 tro. dc,tn

the c\a\:a st l-
..[ii, QI\ -to Ut O'\ Hu bi-f\l: c.r~i':> 1 the sewnc\ 9"1ec1rMl-
// l/ l

Com putc1 tion ob -fi,~\,- rninci po\ comp ,o,f\.H\l· • \lClf)ic1n~ on -+ht! ":ieLO(\d cnti~ one\ 50 o'I'\, •· •

L) pc..1-=-i CClli bO tl})e.c\ bo" ,educin~ dim~MionC1l1'hr

-t [ IK - ~• \

-,C:1i,.-)(._J h..j Qliminnti ncJ -the Lc1tM p--rincipnl col'Yl.ponenh,·

4 A" tec.hni 9uJ. "{e.duu. 1tu..

r, '3 , r ,-1., 1 el{pt\),c,to"'~ LV)ed to

l !io 10 J t J
II • 11 J c\i(Yl(l.l\,MO'(\Q\i h.j °b tru. dC\\:(l sel:-- \::o ~D O'i l, D.
-. -- '2-
.fie Sic

- 6 -~ HJ
0_nd ,_S R1301ithm~

4(on be usttcl lo
•« n" ce """'"., 0 b clime nil' o M ;n rlr,l'Cl
, • 1--n1tioli;z. e.
h ~o the.. moi,t specibic. hL1rothe~is iYl rl
· ~;ncl pntl"'"" ;n hi~h (\;roeMionol• clMC,.
~. r:'o; oc,cn po'l>itivQ. \-f~1h:iin~ in~ton~e -,(. •
• Visuclli~ clcd·n ob hi~~ ciimeM1'ol1C1.llhd 1• (,

('.:'01 ac,ch,,Clthibuta COY1~l"IC11't1\· C; in h.

l} l=\H1 f\\p t, CI rrl i ( c, t) ()'\A •• ,-thQ · c.on~b'c1i ,:it- C\i i5 sotiSii<>c~ b~ "){..
I "
• DC\LP nco q-nisc\liOn :he,~ cl,o noth:' "l.'
• imor co(Ylpilfl~i\)n. ~,· G'\tr)t ~fXCKt? Cti in h. b~ the l"lt\'.L- mo'( e.
. CJ OQ Q){. P"~ sl\.)r'\ a (l(I hri ') • ()<!n(!J)c1\ con~t-<oinl trctl-- i~ sc,tiS{il'd b~~-

1' / 1"
3. Output h~pcrrl·w)~~ h 1i' I

1-u L\ pi open ti el):

; I ) (,
f-11\.1D S is ')t1C,.,,C1nteec\ . to ot~ut -t'ru YYIO~t \peciJ
r . , ' ,

hyrothe~i~ t0ithi n 11 ; thc1l" -is con5i~t, nt- t0itn the..'.

i r , I i l 1\ :·

ro"li,thJQ ~binin9 OX(tm~ltf) •

•. ( ' .. '\

t-11"\.II~- s tt!qolithm's +h·,cil • \i~pot\-'le$iS L0ill olno be.

0 '
,,,",! <)11,t
., ..
" I r;r r co Ml 5 tll\ t l\)jth tnQ l"lf~ C\tiue C!-XC\m.plt p--.dvic\l>c\ tht_

• I I • 1
', I .) ,·,f
C.O'liOCt tM~e t conc.o~\-i~ co~t-ci,necl, in H , anei p;ovicll?ci
I ,

I • I
• I' ! ('j I~: t ' t\-w. t{ainh'1.d e){.Om~ltl\ (VtQ. co1't'ect •

!• I 1 (?"l{_(l~l,
I I , :.., ill_unNC\\'() '\his_ CllCJO'tithrYl ,CV')S\.1m,e' ~he lecvmen ,~

'( t, .! '\ c_:iivu, -lh,t s~clL~nlQ..-. tfn~ninj 't-x.'nmp~· flom. t-1-u..

" J '
r-i r • '. ' r • E- nj o:l Sp°' \-- tcVYk
\ I 1

I, Ai·/lemp '4110'1icli~
.:Ji<1d , )Jnn,,;
'X iif'i.CR,. it: Ml). Cf -y\E'~Cltiv(?· • •·1
C')((\(llplt h)e cfo n~.: coMici el' 1'
1'-l~,rnn I Sh'ot13 1'} I •
Sunm~ vCtli~ .. ~,t- 1~ O\l~llt oo' rnjo~\poit' ~o •h~ \X'.tlLu
1-\i(j\.t et'lon9 •IJlflr\ Sc,""
2 Sunn~ WM01 • I• ,emc1!M SC1rne CV) hL ·,

Rc,tn j_ Cold High. St-long UV'IM- I(\.,
"i h ?i <. $L1 nn L_} · ',Jen' m ? SN on~ \,J clf'lm So ms>. '> • I


LI ,. · Sttor1s
'i)11nn~ ~m_ Hi~h. (k("l )I
J -----.. Co Mic\ eA
I •• J, .... j.
I I' j •

I •••

\S to in i l·i cili ,e- h to i~ x !> ~CV\rn Hi~ h •• S 1-{~n~' r ',J'\/\M Cho IVf ::::. •
l\ht bi'f\t i,~tp r-11\JD· 5 . , 1

-mo \t '-PH i Dil h LJ po+\:~i<:, ii'\ H . ,...

h~·.'.ZSt.,n~~ \..J£,1m·?. St-ton~ ~. ">
h- l~• '/. f/, i:/, 0 ,¢)
-t, -<. 511n0Lj \JCll'lt'l1 N01mo\ 5\--IOt"l'j
\,Jclfl M. • s C) '> '!hW-bo"e -thR. -finc1\ ot1tput i ~. l'n~crlh,nil))

l. Obs"'vioQ th, . fhSf t<o•~•"~ exom ple.' ii:-·,;, • d•an: ,< SunnJ ~"'rn _ ~n~S 9 9 >
I ..

OL\J') h~potheJ)iS i~ t!X) \pecibil. jn' i>C\/\ticu1CJ11 1

, -t\-lnt- 'r •• I , ' I'• l '

oD thD.. ·ip· const-ic;ints-in h Mt,snt-i&,ipt;-1.
by thic., Q"t.Clmp\a, so eocn 6 1eplMecl blj ,-the l ! '11 ...

·,yno,e.. ~iriQ/)C\\ c.0Mh,1in l: thcit· -tit.), t_n,e \~o':""p~, ,


h ,( S..,nn~ ~Cl/I~ l\.\oHncd. $h9l'lJ \.JcV1m Sant.t. >. ,1: •

ffn;~ h i~ sri\\ vQ./\ '.J srcibi( Jl- 0s~ettb thc1L-- all f f JI #1 I • j' I • ,'
,, J '
,.. • I '

·1Nlt-OrcO'l CW T1es atiV<? exc.Rpl-

bo" thC' ~i nq le J)0'61 ti v,e. '' i.

I i -· .' • , ,I t \ .... i ),\1°•

; I/ '
' ,
tm'1nin~ t -.LCl,...
'j ·1 I , I ,1}
I I'
'"Y ~? {.~1nm~ 0~m _ H,~h." S~on~ ~~.,.Sa~.>.,; _ ,:1. I 1'

rihe sPcond . -t1oi_nin<] qx·o~ple bOiceA_ tr\P olqotitn,;i ) i h "! i 'I

to D""'h"' 9en,n "n,, h , this t,m,, ":bl titu ti~{; Cl ... r' P
f •
I ( •

in.. plt\CP. °I) on~ athibut~ \.lCtlL1.t it\ h tnC1t is nt>1.-'·

,I • I f· I I j
soti"I. ~ie.d -tN. N)lJ U)(.,(\ 0\. plJ_ . '. ~, (' }
11 j ! 1•' • i j '\

{. ~,rm~ \,JC\/\ m ~tvon3 0l\ll01. Sorru. >

hi. Jr;_. I j • '

Climit"leiHon A~o,-ithm: L> Ker<X>\/<L g ffom Gi
'The (Mclici()l:e (liminC\t·,ofl, (ll~o1ithm ,tompul·e:s t~ l~ '4dd Gr QI\ minimc1\ specirru1tion.s h "b 3
\.fnsion spcica contci1nit1(}0 C1II hypothesis -t<om H th C'it ~LIL h t hc,t- .
. h 'is cm~islent- loith d c1nd some.
Cl'fe consistenl t.:>ith an obsetved : ,,,,
~c1ueno.. oLI) bC1\n' I

•rrwmbetl ob s i& moH &peed iC. thc,n h

e xomp\01.
~en~I L> l(-!mo11e ftOf<'I Gt cv,j hlJp1>thi5~ thc1\~ rs l~s 5
• ~nitiQ\ia Gi to 1.he set . °b mo xi ma 11
:1eneJ'I Ct\ the, n othe/l hy potht 6 is in G,
ti~ pot he 5i s ,n H
°b ,no?C i mei 11 c~ , sptici 5i.·c I
• ~nitioli-ze s 'to the Ge\· •

fli11'j,rnp Hirnict,I) \Ji~\ \JcittA ro1HM~
H Sk~
h~pot hes, s In
Sunn'J Wc,mi No1mC1I Stt~ l,Jc11m 'Somt. '1• s
• ~o-t ec,ch tic,iniocj excimpl"Li ,do
IJclfY'II. Scrnt ':JW>
... ft d is C\ positi\le exomplt 5llM':J ~II\ m. Hi1 h.

• Rvmova -+<om Gt on~ n~pot ht>Si~ inconsi~ltfl , Rnltt~ Cold High.. Sh'~ \.J(t/Wll. Crcincf No

tJith c\ Coo\ :It~

y Sunnj \.JM')\. Hig\-i S\ion3 (hc"f
-;, t= Oi rn ( n h~pothe~I!. s in s,r i~ noL-
tonsi s U?nt u>·1th cl 'ht boundCVlj set~ CliQ • ·fi..,st· initiotiz.~c{ t·o -Gio ond So)

4 Rem oll'2 S S the! most (jell'1)(1\_ C\nc\ l'YlOSt spt'civl h~potht'SiS ir'\ H
L) Ald to 5 oll mi nimctl <;}t nena lhCtioM. h 1t
So -<- ¢ , , , 'P , ii , '>

5 such i.hC\r •
h is c.on<'nt-- Ll)ith cl, c1ncl some ?.. Q >
Gio -< 9 ? ,,, ? 9

., '#

-rne.rnbo/1 Gt i& -mo"H• ~emerc1l thcin Ji.

8nnove tlom S einj h:ipothes,s thc,t i~ f:o, tfnininij et. d,
'YYICM 9enQflc,I +hnn o'lhcn h:}poihinl.1 in S 9, ,<. 5u11n~ ',' \.xll\m
, t\.!Ofmol, Stfon3,, \.JCV1mJ. '>

ct ;s C\ -neg otiue 8)(.Clrrt{)Lo

Gi I
9. ,,
. .. 9. " ?. ?>
"Rernoua 11orn 5 C\n~ h~pothQSlS inconsi ste11 I: L->itit

it t='ov wch h!:Jpo thesi $ 9 in Gi thC\t l5. -noL-

COMi ~ton t d


I J:of trci,ni n~ oxllfV'pl t d,
' '
bo, Hv ·tnjolJ6pcnt
'Irie 4i(\ctl \Jt~~ior1 511c,u. • --
S:i <. 5unmJ , 1Jo1m . , Srion~, ~m, Some, ">
,, .... r \t?clfl(linei 11i>,obtern , C\f\d
11 •. (")(c,mpltl)
cont•IJ, J • .J,

? 9• 9 ..,.
G, 1 .( ? 9• 9 J _., I ,
cl es(/) in, d ec"' \ i tr1 : I 4


Vt"f5ion ~10 ••
.:=-01 ttc,'tnin~ oxc1mplt cl,
•A -1ep1 es<.>ntc1 t-ion ob ·th~ set- -ob <111 h~poth<-'5".S'
~ <Sun~~ . UClllm . , SNo() C) , h)((l)fYl, S Cl f'N. .>.
l\)nlch ('ti~ con$iS,te0t Lilith D. ,., ,• ., . , ,
i; i'il SC'Jll\l (V) Si bOCCILIM' 53 jt) (1 ~t9oi ive ex<,m pl.a.
T.)·dinClriol'l~-- "fht '\Je'l\10O ~pc,o. ..,dtnoted ,j \J ~r:i:o, u>;,t •
9 9 o' c;.pc, c.o, H
, ~; ~-. ~, ? -> { -~ 1 ~Mffi
• I ' I • "' •
,,-Ql)pec I- t6 hy pothe~H: l\r'lcl t-<ci~nin~ • ,
Gi3 {'5LIOOlJ,

? IC)
( SC1me ':>.• ,,,,.,., tu,rnr\ Rn O, i.S the &ubsel- ob hypothe,SeA r· t10rn t-), ,
{ '. ? ., • > • I

·e~(V)i~\-l'Al: !\\)it'h the b'clinin~ fX-llmpl e,i:'in. 1-:)

v' 5H,0
\.J(Vllh. :'> cvtc._
? () '> < () ? •I) iC)
{?,?, l\lo1w1I,? ) • • • • • • I I

5I ht 1· Co~i~~trl Lh: D)' • lJ

I·' -~ I I ~{ I

" ~· ;
,r'\COMi~hnt •

(:o-< h'c,inin~ ·~)(nmpl,l d J • ' !J,1 II I:, ·,, I I

1 ! I

• I

5ll { St1MLj ·, l,Jclllm ·, 9 ,-Shon~\ ,, "> ,11 •. I ·r,

'Ji I f I I 1:,· t
G.,, <Su'°':! , . _? . ? ) <9 1-JMm ('J f) '} ?> ' I I I r;
1''• \' ' [ I)

,(?, 0 _?,? ? Snmt > b~cO('n.Qr) ·,f'lcorni~tC!n.l-

. I; I I ,._.. I -.
I I • 1i 11' ; I I ,,
s'-1 1(.. SuM'::l, Qcl/\1'<) , t? . St-Tonc_i 0 9 > 3 ' \ t"J'"
) I j• '· 1' }'
L • ', 1 I JI t I I

1 I I / ,.

' "


I ' ,. , I
t I l 1 I f I l

, G1-!ol"\_1 , -< S11 on ':I , ,.'>

I -.
,{ Su on~ , , , ? '> 1-)Uu'Y'l , '\:, , , , • I
• /) \ I
I .• .' P , r< 1

,( 9., IOMm;~_ Shon/),~ ., > ,,

I :,_l ( ,o, I f" • f -.
'1 j

I I' '1
I~·. ,.:, I( ;' I ! i, I

Gi 4 f <Stint'\~, • ?,? , , ?> .( ~, QMm. 1 . ? _'?, '>}

:J n ll ti C11Vt
_11 "

'T2.' ,._.
1::,1Clv •

. ·

Lo 1 • ir1l'htcl·iv<f , inbetui
, "l~
~\) C1ppli Cof"1dicl(1\·~ C101in&1on. l'l9o'<ithrY1
tnc\ ·up l\)ith tfnP\-\._j \Jf1\ioY'\. $pCl c..o ••
M bebo10 .1

Zf>l•llr con up t· i~ nol·

• .
tCVl -<.& ror1l'c1·11'1QcJ flbten ~i1st ttoO _hc,ining
• Dhnl- 'D in e ,y-Y"
· 1n the n~pothrsi~ spn~ • ••· ••( •• 1 .1. s,. . < •~ h)c,1m, f\.\1)1mc1\ Shon~ Coo\ Crr1nr( '>,
· ,...1 .ah'' ciiHinilru • bu ·u,~inr, n, ht1rot-1,..

C(1n ll)U (1\)01(.1 l '" .:J :J J I J .. ~,s f\.}t\s> h!:jpothe~i i5 Olle/l I:) ~en~,\ Clflcl ii.-" C0\10"\~ the. -

eipoca thci\· incluclen ove11~ pc>&5ible hLjpothe\°>l5 •. ·, I I

•U1l't'd 'Y'~l)citiv q ~(li,t1in~ 'e~omp~.

. 1-i~L" doer> •th(I sii<?' ob thl!> h_ypothe5 is • spore inffuenc
Qllfl 1-\ doen
1 1

IJl>l- include • tlv.

' I
op'r,1op 1 ICtr l f C

thq nbilit~ • ob th1i" 01~01ithm to 9enencili~P ,to

U(I bi an ecl l «vi Oe')
1 ( )
~flC\!lCtive. biM f •• (-)n
\.1nobst 1 ve..C' ·,nstwu ei>? •, l ' • II

• HO\.-> cioQ/l the siie -ob th11.· .i:,,~pot,hesis, spaeo. \~I

flComple \:~ \"l~po-the~·,s pll, . •'.• . ' ,.

the.. numbifl ob twinincJ o~n,yiple.s ~ho\- mu,~1:- bt

d c "'°" \n 1-1 , . t~,.. co~;~"' 9''.""'o!,-!.''.":l. -,ep<-~o •

ttOl'l r\ to c.ont·aif\ C.
0 bS(!We. c\ I• . . ' •

~rcluctive biM 1: {;:'-ffoct- ob ·,ncomp let.-e h~pothesi $ • (iho. &i~~ oh th~ iMl-Clf'IO. spc1eo. X. ob clCtlr ci01U\i~cj

spcHc.> L Bi Med h~poth~i5 &pct c,g ) • \>':1 ,,"1''- (\\lC1ilc1ole oth',but{' ~ i~ C\~.

--P"je.U!di n~ c,\901ithm.S Loo1k ib tcVl1et- funct-i()") i~

'the. numb~ o
0 di~ti nc t SL1bs£>t~ thCll~ ccin. b~ ,

',Y\. "" • \..J',\\ 9rnV)C1ll';j not u.)011< ib t-CV)~el- bunc~ot"\. ~dlne,0 °':'~ C\ Set, :O~l~oi~ir1_3 .\~I ~l~~( •.
1 1

'not in H
li. e., . thQ &i_ie
\ .I I I
~b -lh<! ~'1l
°O x ) i.!> <l 1"-I
• • I " '

, Rqrnll thnt 1heM cne. ct6 in~tc,nc01 in t="nj~5po·(l-J

(oM'tc\111 ~o\lOLvi"U ~')(ompl.1~ L~ich -<er1esen~ tcic; I I f f
h~n1..t. thw C\'1Q.. ~"" pos~',b\'t h~pothe~M in. foll

bt1ntt-ion sk~ ,.sllnn~ OY sk.~ c\ouclLJ, I I •I I

I •
c.e. H,.
~Cl I
,I i ;
,11m11ll $k~ Ai,/'j;n'P Humidilj 1,Ji ncl l.):1ltt fo,ea"'~ t=~ • (C\~ clo this bi Llnin9 full p1op1nitio ncd rolcLrl
gunn J

\JMm l\loimal-S'tton3 Cool Chonr :]&?

with~ '11\.11~ 1
OR, ,1\1 o'J . . i

ol (\Oll, IJCVlm. NO"f me,\ Shollj Cool C~c, 11.ff ~t'\.

H oe. fined
• HQ()~ I' ~Y\ '.:i lb~ tqnju nor½ _1>\ (ll-ry i bub erJ

3 Roi1 ~llrtr,i l'\»\O'(. I Sho'j C0ol Cho,, t\P is bic\f)ed-

. .
• kd
., ~n

'""Yb~ d,1inin~
thq ~ijoySpo1t
LRCVH11nC), tr

, e~l~l,t;

r:- • 9oducl••'J"'"'·
<:f't (<l \-\' t~n l· can- ~e p;,s< n t ' ,; "'~ $ubse h ;"/r . , J 1 1
""" " 9 """' r"" (,,NI; o, t <
C\Ms1~la1l;o" ob N~:l
inril·onu. 01 "c1on'l- ~r1od
lnstonc Q/l ;' thot ls , \q\: ·,..( co,,wponc\, t::-o tho pol,/ ·t• ~liminc,L-iof\..
f:11901i th~


Ntlv 1Mta11 CJ) H~p!7lh(flf

set- ob :>t • o• I !:,

• On" lue,y to cic2tine su~~ c,,1.. ,.H'._is l:-(? ollo.v 0

Spat,. H

l'libitCVHJ (lisjumtion.s,co~jlincriofY!'.)Clncl
1\lgat.--io r'\t\'··~-'
' 1 •f' • I I ( •
Otlfl Hlfl\iQ/1 h~po-the~f/1. ' , "1 ~911i11c1\Jnl: c\1ct11ctive s11:tm

f:'oi inntM<.a , tho. tc~t--- _·c.o~_~pl-- • '"Sk~~ Sl1fln~ ~v •

r"j.1Cl11\ll\~ t '1((1~ "
1 ( (Msi~i((, l·i(Yl ov
' Sk:1:. C\~t1chJ ''. C\>ulcl thefl bl. cit1S(Jlibec1 cv, •• .' ,, ,
1\lM lMlt,n<.P. fT~\( Oft ,,..,
1111.i ;,v,/t1 nu oh
( $uMtJ. ~. ·, .. ~-·. 7 )"V _·( Clou_dy·> :·?) •·rlowf- /<.no1J '' •

I r,11,"""'

. I ; . -

~nch.ic\111(1 biCln 1 3 , 't.-,e. 1uti Ii~~. _ob __ bi~e1d 1~·ne 'l"cvm.,;

3 1~1Cllr,01\ • H ,on1·c1ilvl
tl\11.C,j<.. (Ollt.\'l-"

dtfrnc1lior.: ,; ,• ,1 -
CO'l()ide!l Cl con~pt \eMnin9' 'atg6·1'itn rYJ
i ,1 ('t ;; f I

' ' 'f.. '

ob in<;,t C\nC eri
. , , I I I )'I I

, Let C bQ on 01bi\::&)~ co11cept do-finC?d OV0" )(

: • ' ' II , :l
l ( -x. c tx '> ) ) ~e

• LH De.~ on- Cll'I bi l-cvi.5 SeL- {

• .• .1 , 1r ,, r 1 • ,,,
' .
~clin in9 ~x0~P~f/) cfl C •

L l -xi , 'DG ) cl enol:Q. th~ clCll)S'1b.i wrion' I Msi9nl

" • LH

to the
i)c .
' . .
by L abtM t{oi nin~
I t I I. ,,, '

. '(
• '11--£> inducri\)e. bicV) ob. L i$ On~ minimal' St\•!·

• '
C\ Seri t-i ()'\I\ B ~ll( h thnt- boi 0":1 tM qe Y•Cl)n upl- 1
• •

•. I
c a nc\ [1)1, ff) p<>nct in._i t'ic,1 nins t X (1 mp le,, I)~ 'I

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