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Improvement of Kick Speed in Pencak Silat

Syahara Bella Suci

Program Studi Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olahraga, Universitas Negeri Semarang
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Kick speed is one of the most important factors in martial arts. A fast kick will give a surprise effect to
the opponent and make it difficult for the opponent to avoid it. Therefore, increasing kick speed is
one of the important things to do by fighters. This study aims to evaluate the effects of training on
increasing the speed of pencak silat kicks. This research method uses qualitative research, namely
observation and document analysis methods.

Pencak silat is one form of cultural heritage of the Indonesian people. Pencak silat is a self-defense
system that has movements that involve all components of the human body. Wongsonegoro,
chairman of the 1st IPSI, said that pencak silat is a martial arts movement that is packaged in the
form of dance, and rhythm that still upholds politeness, and can be shown to the general public.
Pencak silat is strongly believed by its warriors and pencak silat experts that the current Malay
community created and used this martial art since prehistoric times. Now pencak silat has become a
martial art sport that has been competed in various sports events, both at the regional, national and
international levels.

In the pencak silat martial arts competition there are several differences with other martial arts
branches. A fighter when competing is required to display a posture, a step pattern with balance,
several attack and evasion techniques which then return to the posture of one of the techniques in
pencak silat martial arts, namely attacks using the feet or often called kicks. Kicks are attacks that
score more points than punches, if they hit the opponent cleanly. There are several types of kicks in
pencak silat, including straight kicks, sickle kicks and side kicks and back kicks.

In pencak silat, there are several kinds of kicks that athletes need to master. Here are some kinds of
kicks in pencak silat:

1. Straight Kick: This technique is known as a front kick because the foot trajectory is straight
forward. The target of this technique is the opponent's abdomen, solar plexus, and pubic area.
2. Circular Kick: This technique is also known as the crescent kick. The name crescent was chosen
because the kick forms a crescent-like trajectory. Like the straight kick, the opponent's
abdomen is the target of this type of kick.
3. Jejag kick: This technique is used to chase the opponent by exploring or tearing the lawa.
4. Crescent Kick: This technique forms a crescent trajectory and is used to chase an opponent.
The right leg crescent kick has the highest percentage of kick speed amongst pencak silat
In pursuing a pencak silat career, athletes must use kicking techniques that suit their targets and
circumstances. By understanding the various kicks in pencak silat, athletes can customize training
strategies and techniques that work best for them to improve their skills and performance in combat.

The improvement of kick speed is one of the important aspects in pencak silat athletes, as it affects
the athlete's ability to cope with the athlete's season and achieve high positions in the competition.
In the context of pencak silat, good kick speed will give athletes a greater advantage to win against a
disruptive season and perform accurate and efficient movements. In recent years, many pencak silat
athletes have tried to develop their kicking speed through various types of exercises and training

However, the success of specific research on improving pencak silat kick speed is still limited, so
further research is needed to develop effective strategies for improving the kick speed of pencak silat
athletes. In this context, therefore, it is important to examine various aspects related to improving
pencak silat kick speed, such as biological factors, training techniques, and strategies used by

In this article, we will discuss some important aspects related to improving martial arts kick speed,

1. Biological factors that affect the kicking speed of pencak silat athletes, such as the athlete's
physical health and genetic ability.
2. Training techniques used by pencak silat athletes to improve kick speed, such as plyometric
training, quickness, and split jump.
3. Strategies used by pencak silat athletes to increase kick speed, including the use of aids such
as grinding stones and sticking.
By understanding these various aspects, it is hoped that we can provide better insight into how to
improve pencak silat kick speed and help athletes achieve their desired abilities and positions.

This research uses a case study method and the research approach uses qualitative methods, namely
observation and document analysis methods. This research will look at and compare articles that
discuss increasing the speed of pencak silat kicks.

Among them are the articles "Drill Kick Training 10 Repetitions 5 Sets Towards Increasing the Speed
of Scythe Kicks of Female Pencak Silat Athletes", "Analysis of Scythe Kick Speed in Adolescent Pencak
Silat Athletes", "The Effect of Quickness Training on Increasing the Kicking Speed of Sparring Category
Athletes in Pencak Silat", and "The Effect of Plyometric Training on Kick Speed in Pencak Silat
According to Sucipto (2007)". Researchers will compare and see from these four articles.


In an article entitled "Training Kick Drill 10 Repetitions 5 Sets Towards Increasing the Speed of Sabit
Kicks of Female Pencak Silat Athletes". The results showed that the right-left drill kick training of 10
repetitions of 5 sets had a significant effect on increasing the speed of the sickle kick of female
pencak silat athletes. After training, the treatment group experienced an increase in sickle kick speed
of 41.25%, while the control group only experienced an increase of 19.28%. The results of the
independent t-test showed that there was a significant difference between the treatment group and
the control group in increasing sickle kick speed, with a significance value of less than 0.05 (p = 0.001

The increase in sickle kick speed after training shows that the right-left drill kick training method of
10 repetitions of 5 sets is effective in improving the ability of female pencak silat athletes to perform
sickle kicks. This has important implications in the development of pencak silat athletes, because
sickle kick speed is a crucial factor in pencak silat and can affect athlete performance.

In the context of coaching pencak silat athletes, the results of this study make an important
contribution in developing training methods that can improve athletes' abilities, especially in terms
of kick speed. In addition, this article also emphasizes the importance of paying attention to physical
condition, technique, tactics, family support, and motivation in the development of pencak silat

As such, it provides valuable information for researchers, coaches, and athletes interested in the
sport of pencak silat, including training techniques, physical conditioning, and the impact of different
training methods on athlete performance.

Furthermore, "Analysis of Sabit Kick Speed in Youth Pencak Silat Athletes". The results showed that
the kicking speed of teenage pencak silat athletes of Persaudaraan Setia Hati Terate SMA Negeri 1
Soko, Tuban Regency was satisfactory. From the results of the sickle kick speed test, it can be seen
that the men's right sickle kick gets a good classification of 82.35% and enough of 17.64%. While the
men's left sickle kick got a good classification at 58.82% and sufficient at 41.17%. Meanwhile, the
women's left sickle kick was classified as good at 62.50% and sufficient at 37.50%, and the women's
right sickle kick was classified as good at 87.50% and sufficient at 12.50%.

The discussion of these results shows that adolescent pencak silat athletes need to be equipped with
effective attack techniques in order to score satisfactory scores in matches. This is in line with the
findings of previous research which states that various attack strategies can be used by pencak silat
athletes to defeat opponents in matches.

The crescent kick, as one of the most widely used attack techniques, has the highest speed so it is still
possible to create maximum points.

In addition, the discussion also highlights the importance of mastering attack techniques and speed
in pencak silat, especially during adolescence. During this period, there is rapid height gain,
secondary sexual development, changes in body composition, and changes in the circulatory and
respiratory systems related to body strength and stamina. Therefore, a precise and precise attack
strategy is needed so that pencak silat athletes can maximize their strength and endurance to
achieve maximum achievement.

Furthermore, "The Effect of Quickness Training on Increasing the Kicking Speed of Athletes in the
Tanding Category of the Pencak Silat Sports Branch". The article "The Effect of Quickness Training on
Increasing Kick Speed of Sparring Category Athletes in Pencak Silat Sports Branch" aims to evaluate
the effect of quickness training on increasing the kick speed of sparring category pencak silat
athletes. This study used an experimental method with a sample of sparring category martial arts
athletes. The results showed that quickness training has a positive influence on increasing the kicking
speed of martial arts athletes. The data analysis technique using the t-test (paired sample t-test)
shows that there is a significant difference between kick speed before and after quickness training. In
the discussion, the author explains that quickness training can increase the kicking speed of martial
arts athletes by increasing reaction speed, foot speed, and agility. The author also suggests that
quickness training can be integrated into the training program of pencak silat athletes to improve
athletes' ability in concentration.

And finally, "The Effect of Plyometric Training on Pencak Silat T Kick Speed According to Sucipto
(2007)". The results showed that there was an effect of plyometric training in the form of squat split
jump and stride jump crossover on the speed of T pencak silat kicks, because there was an increase
that occurred from the pretest and post-test results due to the training given. This is in accordance
with previous research which states that plyometric training can increase speed and muscle strength.

In this study, researchers used an experimental research method with a one group pre-test post-test
design. This design allows to determine the effect of treatment on the experimental group by giving a
pre-test to determine the initial condition, then given treatment (treatment) and then carried out a
post-test to observe the results.

In addition, the results of this study also show that fighters who do plyometric exercises squat split
jump and stride jump crossover experience an increase in the ability of T pencak silat kick speed after
being given treatment. This is in line with the theory that plyometric training can increase speed and
power in athletic movements.

Thus, this study makes an important contribution in strengthening the evidence that plyometric
training can improve T pencak silat kick speed, which can serve as a basis for coaches and athletes in
designing more effective training programs.

From the four articles above, there are several conclusions that can be drawn:
1. Right-left drill kick training 10 repetitions of 5 sets has a significant effect on increasing the
speed of sickle kicks for female pencak silat athletes.
2. Plyometric exercises, such as squat split jump and stride jump crossover, have a positive
influence on increasing the speed of the T kick in pencak silat.
3. The sickle kick speed of adolescent pencak silat athletes of SMA Negeri 1 Soko, Tuban Regency,
Persaudaraan Setia Hati Terate is satisfactory, but needs to be improved through practice and
development of attack techniques.
4. Kick drill training of 10 repetitions of 5 sets can improve sickle kick speed, and experimental
research shows a significant increase in sickle kick speed after training.
It can be concluded that special exercises, such as drill kicks and plyometrics, have a significant effect
on improving kick speed in pencak silat. In addition, there is a need to pay attention to the
development of attack techniques and structured training to improve the kicking speed of pencak
silat athletes.

Kesehatan Olahraga, 1-6.

I Komang Adi Palgunadi, P. C. (2021). Pelatihan Tendangan Drill 10 Repetisi 5 Set
Terhadap Peningkatan Kecepatan Tendangan Sabit Atlet Putri Pencak Peningkatan Kecepatan
Tendangan Sabit Atlet Putri Pencak Silat. Jurnal Ilmu Keolahragaan Undiksha, 91-98.
Nurul Anugrah, A. A. (2022). Pengaruh Latihan Quickness terhadap Penigkatan Kecepatan Tendangan
Atlet Kategori Tanding Cabang Olahraga Pencak Silat.


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