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75400 MELAKA
KOD SEKOLAH: MEB 2103 NO. TEL: 06-2831803
E-MAIL: meb2103@edu.moe.my NO. FAX: 06-2922707


Effects of 3D Design Project-based Learning on High school Students’ Knowledge
About Sustainable Energy

Pang Yee Jiea (Physics)


This action research investigates the impact of a 3D design project-based learning (PBL)
approach on high school students' understanding of sustainable energy concepts. Conducted
among 17 students from Semester 3 Physics Class in Kolej Tingkatan Enam Tun Fatimah, this
study aims to explore how integrating 3D design tools and PBL can enhance students'
knowledge and engagement in learning about sustainable energy. Over a period of twelve
weeks, students participated in designing, developing, and presenting 3D models that illustrate
various sustainable energy solutions. Qualitative feedback through video recording, surveys and
interviews, were used to measure changes in students' knowledge and attitudes towards
sustainable energy. The findings indicate a significant improvement in both the conceptual
understanding and interest in sustainable energy topics among the students. Additionally, the
3D design PBL approach fostered collaborative learning, critical thinking, and creativity. The
study concludes that incorporating technological and hands-on project-based methods in the
curriculum can greatly enhance educational outcomes in STEM education, particularly in
complex and critical areas such as sustainable energy. Recommendations for educators and
policymakers include the adoption of similar innovative teaching strategies to prepare students
for future challenges in energy sustainability.

Keywords: 3D Design, Project-based Learning (PBL), Sustainability, Energy

1.0 Research Issue

With the proliferation of 3D printing technologies in schools and makerspaces, there is a need
for teaching 3D modeling to students. Learning 3D modeling enhances spatial thinking skills,
an essential skill for success in STEM. In this study, we applied the usage of a 3D modeling
tool – Tinkercad to teach sustainable energy. . The proposed 5E framework focuses on
identifying challenges students encounter during 3D modelling to design a smart house. We
authenticated the framework by collecting and analyzing data from a 3D design output and
video. Our results and subsequent analysis can guide educators and researchers on how to use
this framework to support students in having productive learning experiences with
ComputerAided Design tools.
75400 MELAKA
KOD SEKOLAH: MEB 2103 NO. TEL: 06-2831803
E-MAIL: meb2103@edu.moe.my NO. FAX: 06-2922707

2.0 Background

3D printing is increasingly present in daily live especially in fields like engineering,

science, architecture, healthcare, the food industry, and the fashion industry. The creative and
educational potential of 3D design and 3D modeling makes it an excellent platform for students
to design and print their 3D artifacts in schools, makerspaces, and libraries and further develop
their creativity, spatial thinking, and problem-solving skills.

This paper focuses on analyzing and describing the experiences of students’ interactions
with and challenges encountered during creating their 3D models while engaging in an 4-week
long 3D design curriculum developed using project-based learning to promote understanding
on Sustainable energy concept. Students work on answering the driving question: “How can
we design a smart house that increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global
energy mix and double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency.

3.0 Research Questions

How did 3D Design Tinkercad learning experiences affect Physics class students’
knowledge related to sustainable energy?

4.0 Research Objectives

4.1 To Evaluate the Impact of 3D Design Project-based Learning on Students' Understanding

of Sustainable Energy Concepts:

This objective aims to assess the effectiveness of integrating 3D design tools, specifically
Tinkercad, within the project-based learning framework to enhance high school students’
comprehension of sustainable energy. The focus will be on measuring the improvement in
students' knowledge before and after the intervention through pre- and post-assessments.

4.2 To Identify and Address the Challenges Faced by Students Using Tinkercad for 3D
Modeling in Sustainable Energy Projects:

This objective seeks to investigate the specific difficulties encountered by novice and
experienced students when using Tinkercad for designing 3D models of sustainable energy
solutions. By analyzing student feedback, screen recordings, and artifacts, the goal is to
develop strategies and resources that can support students in overcoming these challenges and
improving their technical skills in 3D modeling.

5.0 Methodology Used at Exploratory Phase & Findings

The 3D Design project-based learning took place over a period of four weeks. It utilized the 5E
Learning Cycle for inquiry science teaching. There are five phases to this instructional model:
Engagement, Exploration, Explanation, Elaboration, and Evaluation (Bybee et al. 2006). The
75400 MELAKA
KOD SEKOLAH: MEB 2103 NO. TEL: 06-2831803
E-MAIL: meb2103@edu.moe.my NO. FAX: 06-2922707

Engagement, Exploration, and Explanation Phases for the 3D Design project-based learning
took place on the same day in a seminar hall during the first week of the 3D design project.

Figure 1: 5E Project-based Learning Framework

(Image Credit: NASA eClips, nasa.gov)

6.0 Results of Exploration

We analyzed the elaboration videos to evaluate students’ understanding on sustainable energy.

Figure 2: Overview of smart house design 1.

75400 MELAKA
KOD SEKOLAH: MEB 2103 NO. TEL: 06-2831803
E-MAIL: meb2103@edu.moe.my NO. FAX: 06-2922707

Figure 3: Solar panels were installed on the roof of the smart house

Figure 4: Overview of smart house design 2.

Figure 5: Low VOC paint on smart house for sustainable energy

75400 MELAKA
KOD SEKOLAH: MEB 2103 NO. TEL: 06-2831803
E-MAIL: meb2103@edu.moe.my NO. FAX: 06-2922707

Figure 6: Overview of smart house design 3.

Figure 7: Solar panels to supply clean energy

Figure 8: Smart farm in smart house

75400 MELAKA
KOD SEKOLAH: MEB 2103 NO. TEL: 06-2831803
E-MAIL: meb2103@edu.moe.my NO. FAX: 06-2922707

7.0 Plan for Intervention

During the Engagement Phase of the project students were shown a Power Point
presentation about the maker movement, the history of 3D printing and its use in society today.
The Power Point presentation also included videos demonstrating how 3D printing technology
was used in science projects. Students then toured a 3D printing studio where they could
observe how 3D printing technology worked and what kind of 3D products could be created.
The Exploration Phase introduced students to the Tinkercad software. Students explored the
software with their learning community to design a pilot 3D furniture. Each student had the
opportunity to create her or his own 3D model using this software in the workshop. During the
Explanation Phase, the students were given instruction on using specific functions of the
Tinkercad software, specifications for smart house, and how the project related to the STEM

During the Elaboration phase, the students collaborated with the members of their group
outside of class for one week to design a Smart house which applied Sustainable Development
Goal 7 aims at ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.
The smart house were designed for a collaborative guided inquiry activity that required
sustainable energy to transform lives, economies and the planet. An elaboration video was
produced by each group to showcase their project outcome.

During the Evaluation Phase, students collaboratively completed a survey and

classroom discussion that took place after they present their elaboration video.

8.0 Implementation of the Plan & Outcome

The study involved a 1-month implementation of the Physics curriculum. Students engaged in
the engineering design process by defining, developing, and optimizing solutions to design a
Sustainable Energy Smart House using 3D modeling - Tinkercad, and 3D printing. Based on
the recommendation from the district’s STEM coordinator and the teacher’s availability to
implement a 3D printing unit, we conducted this pilot in a technology classroom consisting of
n=17 (9 boys, 8 girls) in pre-university pure science class. The teacher had prior experience
teaching 3D printing and had access to the Ender 3D printer. Students reported having little to
no prior experience in 3D modeling and 3D printing.

We collected data in the form of surveys, screen recordings of student interactions with
Tinkercad, and student artifacts. Over the 30 days (4-weeks) of the implementation. Our goal
was to better understand what novices or first-time Tinkercad users struggle with when creating
3D models. In the next section, we describe our approach to analyze these videos, the tasks
students performed using Tinkercad, and finally present the 3D Design smart house which
apply sustainable energy.
75400 MELAKA
KOD SEKOLAH: MEB 2103 NO. TEL: 06-2831803
E-MAIL: meb2103@edu.moe.my NO. FAX: 06-2922707

We began the analysis by grouping different students based on their self-report of 3D mod-
eling experience ratings on a scale of 1-5, where 1: Novice - no experience with 3D modeling;
and 5: Expert - a lot of experience with 3D modeling. Similarly, the Tinkercad experience
survey was cleaned and pre-processed based on student identifiers from the initial interest
survey. We also sought evidence for student quotes that would inform and add to our knowledge
of common challenges that students encountered when working with Tinkercad.

9.0 Discussion

Screen recordings of student interactions with Tinkercad were meticulously analyzed

to observe the tasks performed, identify common errors, learning bottlenecks, and to capture
notable student behaviors and engagement levels. This analysis revealed that novices often
struggled with basic commands and spatial reasoning, while more experienced students faced
challenges in implementing complex design elements and integrating sustainable energy

Student artifacts, including final 3D models of smart houses applying sustainable

energy principles, were evaluated to assess understanding and successful application of
sustainable energy concepts. These artifacts demonstrated varying levels of sophistication and
creativity, often correlating with the initial experience levels of the students. Additionally,
qualitative data from student quotes provided insights into the common challenges encountered.
Novice users frequently mentioned difficulties in navigating the Tinkercad interface and
conceptualizing their design in three dimensions. Conversely, more experienced students
highlighted the challenge of incorporating functional sustainable energy features into their

The outcome of the thematic coding from the video presentations are as follows:

Theme 1: Integration of Sustainable Energy Features

Participants integrated a variety of sustainable energy features into their 3D smart house
designs, including solar panels, wind turbines, rainwater harvesting systems, and geothermal
heating and cooling. The choice of features was influenced by their interest in demonstrating
practical applications of these technologies in everyday structures.

Theme 2: Challenges Using Tinkercad

Several challenges in using Tinkercad emerged, including technical difficulties related

to aligning and scaling components, creating functional parts, and integrating complex systems.
Additionally, some participants, particularly novices, found navigating the Tinkercad interface
overwhelming. These challenges highlighted the learning curve associated with the tool and the
need for adequate support and practice.

Theme 3: Impact on Understanding Sustainable Energy

75400 MELAKA
KOD SEKOLAH: MEB 2103 NO. TEL: 06-2831803
E-MAIL: meb2103@edu.moe.my NO. FAX: 06-2922707

Participants reported a significant positive impact on their understanding of sustainable

energy concepts. The hands-on experience of designing and building 3D models deepened their
practical knowledge of how different sustainable technologies work and how they can be
integrated. This project-based approach fostered critical thinking and problem-solving skills,
making complex concepts more tangible and memorable.

10.0 Conclusion

In conclusion ,the study involved a 4-week implementation of a project-based learning

using 3D design Tinkercad to create a smart house model to promote students’ understanding
on sustainable energy. This methodological approach allowed us to gather a robust
understanding of the difficulties encountered by students at different skill levels and how these
challenges impacted their learning and application of sustainable energy concepts. By
categorizing challenges and mapping them to experience levels, we gained valuable insights
into the specific support and resources needed to enhance 3D modeling education, particularly
in the context of sustainable energy. Students engaged in the engineering design process by
defining, developing, and optimizing solutions to create a smart house using 3D modeling –
Tinkercad. The present study revealed that the 3D design project-based learning has
significantly improved students’ understanding on sustainable energy concept. In addition,
immersion into a guided inquiry lesson supported by the 5E learning cycle provided real-world
experiences using the technology and engineering standards. It can also serve as an effective
innovative learning strategy for introducing students to engineering concepts as well as
promoting student interest in STEM.


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