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Antonius Ivan K. XII/TKJ 1
Fardali XII/TKJ 1



First of all, I praise and thanks to ALLAH SWT for giving me this
opportunity we could finish this report.Also, I take this opportunity to
express my deep sense of gratitude to the person as follow:
1.Mrs.Puput Amiranti N, S. S, asEnglish teacher, who has directed and
accompanied us to complete this report.
2.Mrs.Nurnaning Tiastuti S.T, as the head program teacher for Network
and Computer Engineering Program.
3.Parents who always support, pray and giving support, so that I can
complete this report.
4.Friens who always help me in doing and completing assignments.

I realizes that this final report cannot be very perfect as it still has some
parts that need to be advised.I welcomes any suggestions and comments
about his final report.I hopes his final report can give benefit.

Table of Contents
Inside Cover……………………………………………………………………..i

Table of Contents………………………………………………………………iii
Chapter 1:Introduction……………………………………………………….1
1.1 Background………………………………………………………………….1
1.2 Company Profile…………………………………………………………….1
1.3 The Purpose…………………………………………………………………2
1.4 Advantage……………………………………………………………………2

Chapter 2:Practical Training………………….………………………….….3

2.1 Organization and Employees……………………………………………..3
2.2 Training Outline and Environtment……………………………………….3
2.3 Identify Current Projects and Following up the Work……..……………4

Chapter 3: Conclusion and Recommendation…………………………..5

3.1 Conclusion………………………………………………………………….5
3.2 Recommendation………………………………………………………….5

Chapter 1 : Introduction

1.1 Background

With advances in the marketing industry and information technology, I
was encouraged to do an internship at Argia Academy Indonesia. My
intention was to gain experience or basics in marketing that could be useful
for my future life.

The reason I did an internship at Argia Academy was because it was

close to my house. Not only that, Argia Academy itself has many learning
programs, which made it easier for me to learn.

1.2 Company Profile

Argia Academy was originally a business division of CV Argia Teknologi
Nusantara which was formed at the end of 2017 which focused on
Facebook Marketing education and training services, website creation,
SEO, and Google Ads. CV Argia Teknologi Nusantara itself was founded
on August 11 2011 with its main business fields being software consultants
and online marketing consultants.
As time goes by, demand for digital marketing education and training
services has increased, especially from partner companies CV
ArgiaTeknologi Nusantara. The majority of partners complain about the
difficulty of finding digital marketing talent who can help handle their digital
marketing needs.
Seeing this need, finally, at the beginning of 2019, ARGIA ACADEMY was
developed into an Education and Training Institution under PT Argia
Akademi Indonesia to become a more professional and credible institution.

1.3 Purposes

1.This Practical Work Report at Argia Academy Nusantara was written
to fulfill the English Report Assignment as a requirement for completing the
final assignment in this last semester.
2.This Practical Work Report at Argia Academy Nusantara was written
to enrich knowledge about the experience of Industrial Work situations for
vocational school students majoring in Computer and Network Engineering.
3.This Practical Work Report at Argia Academy Nusantara was written
to enrich skills experience, especially related to marketing and creating
online websites.

1.4 Advantages
1.This Practical Work Report at Argia Academy Nusantara was created
to provide useful information regarding the situation in the Practical Work
environment to all vocational school students majoring in Computer and
Network Engineering, especially for Nglegok 1 Vocational School students
who will carry out internships.
2.This Practical Work Report at Argia Academy Nusantara was created
to obtain information about all the knowledge that can be obtained during
the 6 month internship that has been carried out, especially knowledge
information about digital marketing and the online web.

Chapter:2 Pratical Training

2.1 Organization and Employees

2.2 Training Outline and Environment
We spent most of our training period at Argia Academy Nusantara,
which consisted of photo and video editing, website design and creation as
well as internet network maintenance.

2.3 Identify Current Projects and Following Up the Work

The first week of the first month at Argia Academy I just watched and
adapted to the Argia Academy environment. Then In the remaining 3
weeks I have started a project, namely making photos of pineapple juice

Then in the second month to the middle of the third month, I learned
about web design and web creation. Here I learned to use Figma and
Canva.After that, in the middle of the third month, there is a fasting holiday
and Islamic holidays.
In the third week of the fourth month it started to come in again. In
this month, website creation was still continuing until the beginning of the
fifth month
Then, at the beginning of the fifth month, Argia Academy took part in
school events. On the 18th of the fifth month, I took part in guarding the
stand at the Fiesta event at SMA 1 Blitar, then continued on Monday to
guard the job fair stand at Smkn 1 Kademangan.
Then the remaining weeks of this fifth month I do network learning
and maintenance.The rest of the last month I had a lot of free time, which I
used to play with my friends who were not only from SMKN 1 Nglegok.

Chapter:3 Closing and Recommendation
3.1 Conclusion
1. Job demands.
2. Improve the experience of students who take part in this internship
3. Provide appreciation and recognition for work experience as part of the
vocational education process.

3.2 Suggestion or Recommendation

❖ What are your suggestions for making the company's work system
1.Conduct regular performance evaluations to assess efficiency and
identify areas that need improvement.
2. Foster a culture of open communication to encourage feedback from
employees at all levels.
3.Introduce or improve training programs to keep staff up to date with the
latest industry practices.
4. Consider technology improvements or automation to simplify processes
and increase productivity.
5.Encourage cross-departmental collaboration to increase overall cohesion
and efficiency.

Bibliography/ Sources/ References


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