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Illu s t r a t e d

The ^ Guide
to Scrum
By Peter B. Stevens

Rev iewer ’s ed itio n

The Illustrated Guide to Scrum

The Illustrated Guide to Scrum

By Peter B. Stevens.
Includes original artwork by Thierry Delestre.

Scrum based on the 2020 Edition of the Scrum Guide, courtesy of Ken Schwaber and
Jeff Sutherland.

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens

Released under Create Commons Share Alike, Non-Commercial license.

Thanks to Dave Smith, Sara Laurentz, and Reshma Khatun for their invaluable feedback!

Updates to v006
• Include graphics “Inside the Scrum Team” and accompanying explanation text
• Graphic cleanup
• Now called – Reviewer’s Edition
• The community edition only includes Part 1

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Part 1 – Scrum According to the Guide

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 1

Inside the Scrum Team:
Part 1: Interacting with the Outside World

Hi! I’d like to take you Inside the Scrum Team. In this Product Increment
video (and in the pages that follow), you’ll discover how
a Scrum Team interacts with the outside world to Scrum was modelled on patterns of successful product
create great products! So here we go! development, so let’s start here: The product.

A simple framework How it works

Scrum is a simple, team-based framework for solving Scrum works in short iterations, called sprints. At least
complex problems. If you only remember one thing once per sprint, the Scrum Team produces a new
about Scrum, remember this: “Inspect and Adapt at version of the product with a few new or upgraded
regular intervals… and tell yourself the truth.” features.
Scrum was created for software development, where it This is called the “Product Increment,” but I like to call it
is widely used, but today it finds application in many a tangible result: Each Sprint produces a tangible result
other complex domains, like corporate transformation, that supports the overall goal: Something you can use,
hardware development, and education, to name just a something you could sell, something you can test in real
few. life; most importantly, something the Scrum Team can
The definitive description is found in the Scrum Guide. review together with its stakeholders.
This is both the reference and the place to start. With Whether your team is developing software or doing
this video, you can discover how Scrum guides something else, the idea is to produce tangible results,
interactions and relationships with the Scrum Team, so every sprint. You can produce increments more often,
you can apply Scrum effectively in real life. even deploy them continuously, if that makes sense
and your team has the technical excellence to do it.

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 2

Inside the Scrum Team:
Part 1: Interacting with the Outside World

Stakeholders Done
A product is built for its stakeholders, and most This is possible because each “Product Increment” works.
development efforts have many of them. It is “Done!”
Two of the most important are the users, that is the “Done” is a quality gate: nothing enters the Product
people who will actually use the product, and customers, Increment unless it done. Every Scrum team has a
the people or entities who actually pay for the product, definition of done, and it is applied to every feature and
but many other people could be involved. Without every increment.
stakeholders there would be no product! The definition of Done does not address whether the
Frequent Delivery product is complete or “finished.” As long as a product is
viable, its development never really ends.
Stakeholders usually appreciate having a working The Definition of Done is often a simple checklist that
increment frequently! This virtually eliminates Delivery covers both acceptance criteria and quality control. It
Risk. Direct interaction with stakeholders builds trust and ensures that features from previous sprints still work and
reduces Market Risk, that is, increases the likelihood that that the team maintains its quality standards.
the product will be a success!
With a working product in hand, you can have good
conversations about what you have, what changes are
needed, and how best to move forward. You can also
identify work to delay or skip entirely, saving both time
and money.

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 3

Inside the Scrum Team:
Part 1: Interacting with the Outside World

The Scrum Team cross-functional, that is, it has all the skills and authority
necessary to transform incoming “ideas” into something
The Scrum Team is accountable for creating a valuable, that is “done” and valuable. This includes making
working product increment every sprint. Ideas come into decisions about the product.
the team, the product owner sequences them, and the Typically, a Scrum Team has 10 people or less. The limit is
Scrum Team commits to do its best to turn the most
not rigid, but if the team gets larger, effectiveness usually
valuable of those ideas into a working solution by the end declines, and performance suffers! Conversely, a small
of the sprint. team may not have all the skills needed to build the
Accountabilities define each member’s contribution to product, especially if someone goes on vacation, gets
the overall result. Scrum forbids hierarchies or sub-teams sick, or is otherwise unavailable.
within the Scrum Team. There is one team working toward
a common goal. Summary
The Scrum Team consists of Developers who are Product development in Scrum is a continuous cycle of
accountable for creating the increment, a Product Owner generating ideas, collecting feedback, creating new
who is accountable that the increment is valuable, and a product increments, and self-improvement. In Part 2, we’ll
Scrum Master who is accountable that people can work zoom in on the Scrum Team to see how each member
and collaborate effectively. contributes to the whole. I hope this is useful to you!
A Cross-Functional Team
Watch (and like, comment, and share) the full video on
The Scrum Team solves the problem together. They YouTube at
organize and manage themselves. A Scrum Team is

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 4

Scrum Team in a nutshell
Accountabilities are not about blame nor who does what. They are about your
contribution to the team and the product.

Accountabilities Responsibilities

• Creating a valuable, useful

increment every sprint.
• All product-related activities.
• Stakeholder collaboration
• Have all the skills and authority
necessary to create value • Decide who does what, when,
each sprint. and how.
• Define the sprint goal.
• Presents results of their work
to key stakeholders.
• Review what was
The Essentials: Inspect and Adapt
• Increase own quality
and effectiveness.

Usually and Adapt
less than 10 people

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 5

Who is Accountable for what in Scrum?
Accountabilities define each member’s contribution
while leaving open how they do it.

Product Owner Developers

• Creating a usable
• Maximizing the value Increment each
of the product. Sprint.
• Ensuring each • Creating a plan for
Increment is valuable. the Sprint.
• Effective Product • Instilling Quality
Backlog management. through the Definition
of Done.

Scrum Team Scrum Master

• Creating a valuable,
useful Increment
every Sprint.
• Establishing Scrum.
• Having all the skills
necessary to create • Scrum Team’s
value each Sprint. effectiveness.
• All work necessary to
create the product.

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 6

Product Owner in a nutshell
The Product Owner creates a clear line-of-sight from those doing the work to
those who will benefit from the work.

Accountabilities Responsibilities

• Maximize the
value of the product. • Make decisions about the
• Manage the product.
Product Backlog. • Develop & communicate the
product goal.
• Create & communicate
product backlog items.
Key questions
• Order product backlog.
• Ensure that the product
Ask Stakeholders: Why? backlog is transparent, visible
and understood.
Answer Developers: Why?
• Proposes how to increase
product value each sprint.
• May cancel a sprint.

The Essentials: One person, not a committee.

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 7

Developers in a nutshell
Scrum is a framework for product development. Anyone who creates the
product is a Developer, regardless of their skillset. Including engineers, coders, testers, business
analysts, architect, usability designers, etc.

Accountabilities Responsibilities

• Create the product increment • Select items from the product

each sprint. backlog.
• Create a plan for the sprint. • Plan the work necessary to
create an increment.
• Instill quality.
• Select structure and
• Adapt the plan each day. techniques for the Daily
• Hold each other accountable. Scrum.
• Attend the Daily Scrum.
• Conform to the Definition of

Key Questions

Answer: How? How big? Together, they have all the skills necessary
Ask: Why? Why now? The Essentials: to create
All the needed the
skills increment.
to create the product.

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 8

Scrum Master in a nutshell
Coach, Ambassador, Change Agent: The Scrum Master is leader who provides
service to the team and the organization to enable better results, sooner.

Accountabilities Responsibilities

• Establishing Scrum.
• Enable team to improve.
• Team effectiveness.
• Coach team members.
• Help the Scrum team focus on
creating value.
• Cause removal of
Key Message
• Lead, train & coach the
organization on Scrum.
Let’s find a better way! • Remove barriers to
stakeholder access.
• Ensure that Scrum events are
positive, productive, and

The Essentials: Creates the ‘Common’ in Common Sense

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 9

What would a Project Manager contribute?
Scrum is intended for product development. Scrum does not have (or need) a
project manager because products have life-cycles, not end-dates.

Main Accountabilities More Accountabilities

Scope • Change Management

Cost • Documentation
• Issue Resolution
• Project Closure
• Project Planning
Key Question • Quality Management
• Reporting

Who does what by when? • Resource Management

Project Manager • Risk Management
• Stakeholder Mgmt.
• Task Assignment
• Team Motivation
The Essentials: ”The buck stops here.”

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 10

The Project Manager’s duties have moved
Scrum rethinks organization for the needs of product development in a fast-
changing world. The Scrum Team now handles the project manager’s duties...
and more!

Scrum Team Product Owner Unnecessary

• Scope Management • Cost Management

• Risk Management • Planning
• Quality Management • Time Mgmt. (Releases) • Resource Management
• Stakeholder Management • New: Product Decisions • Task Assignment
• Reporting, Documentation • New: Backlog Sequencing
• Change Management • New: Maximize Value

Scrum Master Developers Not defined

• Time Management • Time Mgmt. (in the Sprint)

(ensures Scrum Flow) • Planning (in Sprint) • Project Closure
• Issue Resolution • Issue Resolution

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 11

The Sprint from Start to Finish
“The Sprint is a container for turning ideas into value. Each Sprint improves
product and team. Each sprint updates the ideas for improving both.” Stays fixed
until achieved
or abandoned
By and for By and for
Developers For Scrum Team
Sprint Daily Sprint Sprint
Planning Scrums Review Retro.
Previous Next
Increment Sprint
Value is created
when the idea is
Improvement Value Next improvement
from Retro. from latest Retro.


Ideas Inputs Refinement Outputs
Do as needed. Just in time delivery.

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 12

The Sprint in a Nutshell
All the work necessary to achieve the Product Goal happens in Sprints.
The Scrum Team is responsible for all the work.

Why Events & Activities During the Sprint

Turn ideas into value • Sprint Planning

in cadence. • Begins the Sprint
• What will be created?
• Daily Scrum • No changes are made that
• What will we do today? would endanger the Sprint
Who • Sprint Review Goal.
• Review the outcome with • Quality does not decrease.
Scrum Team • The Product Backlog is refined
• Sprint Retrospective as needed.
• Improve Quality and
• Scope may be clarified as
more is learned.
Output • Ends the Sprint.
• Backlog Refinement
At least one Product Increment • Get backlog items ready for
meeting the Definition of Done. implementation.

Not an event, so it can take place

anytime during the sprint.

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 13

Sprint Planning in a Nutshell
Each Sprint has a purpose called the Sprint Goal!

Why Typical Agenda Useful Questions

Define the work for the sprint.

Identify best steps toward
Product Goal. • Review Product Goal and
Definition of Done. • What have we learned?
• Why will the result of this • What do we need to learn?
sprint be valuable? • How does this help us achieve
Who ➢Sprint Goal the Sprint Goal?
• What backlog and • Why do we need this feature?
Scrum Team retrospective items will we • Why do we need it now?
➢Forecast • How do we know this will bring
• How will we do it?
Output • Why are we spending so
➢Enough planning and much time on estimates?
design to get started.
Sprint Backlog
(Sprint Goal, Forecast, Work Items)

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 14

Sprint Planning in Three Easy Steps
“Each Sprint represents the best possible step forward to achieve the
Product Goal, given what we know today.”

1. 2. 3.
Why? What? How?

Sprint Actionable
Goal Plan
”Work Items”
Product Product Owner Sequencing from Enough • Tasks
Backlog proposes how Product Backlog. planning and • Spikes
this Sprint can design to get • Improvements
bring value. Developers take started • Etc.
in what they to achieve the
Previous Product Owner
think they can Sprint Goal
Increment sequences.
Peter says: Should Scope can be
renegotiated during the
Inputs Sprint Backlog Sprint to achieve the
Sprint Goal.

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 15

Daily Scrum in a Nutshell
For Developers to figure out what they are going to do each day.
It’s not about reporting.

Why Popular Methods Tips for Success

Inspect progress toward the

Sprint Goal. • Three questions
• Same time, same place
• What did I accomplish?
Adapt the plan as needed. • What's my goal for today? • Use a talking stick
• What's slowing me down? • Stay in the 15 minutes
• Identify issues
Who • Walk the board • Discuss & solve them later
• What are we stuck on? • Block time for offline
For Developers. discussions
SM & PO may observe or
participate as Developers. • Focus question • Authority figures have risks but
can be helpful
• How can I contribute to
achieve the Sprint Goal? • May observe, but speak
• How can I contribute to get only when spoken to.
Output the top item done? • Be aware of side-effects
• Scrum Master never touches
Plan for the day, “the board.”
Developers choose the format.
toward the Sprint Goal.

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 16

Sprint Review in a Nutshell
”You want to avoid working on the wrong thing for more than
one sprint. Inspect outcomes and get feedback on the product."

Why Possible Topics Tips for Success

Inspect the Sprint outcome.

• What’s new in this increment? • Something is wrong if
Determine future adaptation
• What business outcome has Stakeholders don’t come. Find
been achieved? out why.
• What are the metrics telling • The Review is for inspecting
Who us? on the product and the
• What has been learned? outcome.
Scrum Team • More substance, fewer slides.
• What expectations were not
Stakeholders aligned? Avoid slide shows.

• Do we still have the right • For large projects, try a

‘farmers market.’
Product Goal? What needs to
Output change? • Don’t evaluate team
performance or accuracy of
• What would be valuable next
sprint? estimates.
Updated Product Backlog

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 17

Retrospective in a Nutshell
Regardless of how you do it, stay focused on why you do it:
Improve Quality and Effectiveness.

Why Typical Agenda Tips for Success

Improve Quality and • Implement at least one

Effectiveness. change every sprint!
• Purpose of this event
• Create safety • “Prime Directive”
• Assume good intent
• What happened?
• A trust culture cannot be
Who • What do we do well? limited to the Retro.
• What could we do differently? • Invite others who can
Scrum Team. contribute to the solution.
• Classify on
Others if invited.
• Quality & Effectiveness, • Vary format and location
• We can do it vs. we need • Explore alternatives
• Forget items not chosen
Output • Prioritize • They can weigh you down
• Choose which to do first. • If important, they will
Commit to at least one reappear
improvement in next sprint.

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 18

What Happens When in Scrum?
Each event in Scrum is an opportunity to ask powerful questions
about your endeavor!
Sprint Planning Daily Scrum Sprint Review Retrospective

Lay out the work to be Inspect & adapt on Make high priority
Inspect & adapt on the Increase quality
Purpose performed in the Sprint: progress toward the backlog items
outcome of the Sprint and effectiveness
Why, What, How? Sprint Goal small & understood

For Scrum Team Developers Scrum Team Scrum Team
Scrum Team

Product Owner Stakeholders

Who could Other Invitees Other Invitees Other Invitees
Scrum Master Other Invitees

Uninvited guests
Caution Senior Stakeholders
Product Owner Uninvited guests Uninvited guests Uninvited guests
advised Uninvited guests*
Scrum Master
for shorter sprints
Usually shortened

Product Goal & Backlog Recent achievements,

current impediments, Experience
Inputs Business Objectives Latest Increment Product Backlog
in the Sprint
Current Increment state of work

Goal, Forecast & Plan Plan for next 24 hours, Updated Helpful Updated
Sprint Backlog Updated Sprint Backlog Product Backlog changes Product Backlog

8 hours for 4 hours for 3 hours for

Timebox 15 Minutes Not specified
one-month Sprint one-month Sprint one-month Sprint

Format is up to the Ongoing activity.

Comments Starts the Sprint Ends the Sprint
developers As needed.

* An invitee is someone whose presence is helpful, hence the invite. An ‘uninvited guest’ is anyone else.

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 19

Product Backlog in a Nutshell
“A product is a vehicle to deliver value. It could be a service, a physical
product, or something more abstract.”

Product Backlog Commitment

• Product Goal describes the

Contrary to popular belief, a PBI
does not have to be a user story.

• Single source of work for the 1

Scrum Team PBIs target future state and
2 guides planning
• Emergent, ordered list 3
“Grains • Fulfill or abandon the
• Lists what is needed to of Sand” 4 Product Goal, before taking
improve the product
… on a new one

Product Backlog Item (PBI) Ready
“Features” PBI
Accountable PBI An item is ready if it can be
Done in one sprint:
Description Scrum Team • Small
Value Product Owner
P • Transparent
“Epics” B • Understood
Sequence Product Owner
I (See Backlog Refinement)
Sizing Developers

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 20

Sprint Backlog in a Nutshell
“The Sprint Backlog is the Developers’ plan for how they intend to achieve the
Sprint Goal.”

1. 2. 3.
Sprint Planning → Why? What? How?

Sprint Actionable
Goal Plan
Sprint Backlog

Sprint Backlog Commitment Purpose

• Sprint Goal (why) • By and for Developers

• Selected Product Backlog No changes • Visible, real-time picture of
items (what) during the Sprint work remaining
• An actionable plan for that would impact • Developers use it to inspect
delivering the Increment the Sprint Goal. their progress in the Daily
(how). Scrum

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 21

Backlog Refinement in a Nutshell
Refinement is a continuous process of making upcoming backlog items
small, transparent, and understood!

Why When Helpful Questions

• ‘Activity’ means there is no

Get upcoming Backlog Items defined slot in the Sprint. Do it • What do we need to learn?
ready for selection in a Sprint. as needed. • What business goals do we
• “Story” of the day, biweekly,
weekly… what works best for • What input have user and
you? customers given us?
Who • Who needs this feature
and why? Why now?
Scrum Team. • How does this help us achieve
Stakeholders, users, and other Timebox the Product Goal?
experts when invited
• What is the minimum necessary
to achieve the objective?
• Not defined
Output • How to show it to users or
• If Why and What are difficult in customers?
Sprint Planning, invest more • How to split this into smaller yet
Enriched Backlog Items with time in Backlog Refinement. still testable pieces?
clearer information.

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 22

Part 2 – Applying Scrum IRL

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 23

Inside the Scrum Team:
Part 2: Interactions within the Scrum Team

Hi! In Part 1, we looked at how the Scrum Team interacts priorities, and have other things to do. Committees can
with the outside world and discovered how product be notoriously slow in making decisions. Let’s call this
development in Scrum is a continuous cycle of the alignment problem!
generating ideas, collecting feedback, creating new
product increments, and self-improvement. The Product Owner Solution
With this video, you will explore how Scrum guides Scrum solves the alignment problem by designating
interactions and relationships within the Scrum Team, one person who is authorized to make decisions about
again so you can apply Scrum effectively in real life. the product: The Product Owner. Her decisions are
Let’s look at what happens inside... visible in the content and sequencing of the Product
Backlog and in the increments produced every Sprint.
Product Owner
Those decisions include Sequencing, Acceptance
Here is the product owner. She is accountable for criteria, Release or Abandon.
maximizing the value of the product resulting from the The Product Owner can decide what will be done first
work of the Scrum Team. Her key question is ‘why?’ It
and can have final say both on the definition of
shows up frequently, both in her conversations with the
acceptance criteria and whether an item is done.
stakeholders and with the rest of the team.
Since each increment is really done, whether to release
Role of Stakeholders or not becomes a business decision. And if the return
on the investment will not be satisfactory, the Product
Stakeholders are tremendous sources of ideas, know- Owner is expected to pull the emergency brake.
how, feedback, validation, and priorities. The challenge
is that stakeholders can be noisy, have differing

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 24

Inside the Scrum Team:
Part 2: Interactions within the Scrum Team

Role of Product Owner (continued) Flow: The developers need work, and that work is
represented in the Product Backlog. Product Backlog
The product owner is often called the voice of the Items that are well understood and small enough to be
customer or stakeholder. Her primary focus is not completed in a sprint are considered ready.
simply on staying within the budget, but on achieving a
good investment. She ensures that the sponsor’s Refinement
money is well spent. How does she know? By having
Backlog Refinement is the process of making the most
good conversations with stakeholders and getting good
important Backlog Items transparent, visible,
answers to the why-questions.
understood, and small. In other words: ready. The whole
Vision, Focus and Flow team is involved, stakeholders can be invited, and the
product owner is accountable.
The Product Owner’s mission is often summarized in
three words: Vision, Focus and Flow. Product Goal, Backlog and Sprint Backlog
Vision: The long-term answer to the why question The Product Owner defines work for the team using the
covers, what are we building? What are we not building? product backlog. The Product Goal describes a future
What impact or benefit should this product have on the state of the product. The rest of the Product Backlog
company, its users, its customers, and the world? emerges to define “what” will fulfill the Product Goal.
Focus: Each sprint should be the best step forward to The Scrum Team takes on work through the Sprint
achieving the overall vision, given what is known today. Planning process, which addresses three questions:
Why these features? Why these acceptance criteria? Why, What, and How.
And why do them now?

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 25

Inside the Scrum Team:
Part 2: Interactions within the Scrum Team

Product Goal, Backlog and Sprint Backlog priorities slow you down and can even put your
(continued) investment at risk. The Product Owner is accountable
for finding the right balance.
Why - Why are we doing this sprint? The answer, called
the Sprint Goal, is a business goal that represents the
best step forward to achieve the product goal. It is not Developers create the product increment. They solve
a stretch goal; the team believes that they can the problem and deliver the solution. Together they
accomplish the Sprint Goal during the sprint. have all the skills needed to create the increment. Even
What - What are we going to deliver this sprint? This is though no one individual can do everything, together
a list of backlog items that the team believes will enable they are strong.
them to achieve the sprint goal. I call this the forecast, The key question for developers is “How?” The
and like the sprint goal, the team believes it can deliver developers are self-organizing and self-managing. They
the forecasted items.
make the forecast, plan their work, design the solution,
How - How will we accomplish the sprint goal? This is an and ensure the quality of their work. They are
actionable plan for achieving the sprint goal. The Sprint professionals who care about results.
Backlog consists of the Sprint Goal, the Forecast, and The Developers are dedicated 100% to the project. If
the Task Planning, but does not define who does which they worked on more than one project at a time,
tasks when. Those decisions are taken by the commitment to results and accountability would not be
Developers in the daily scrum.
What if your team has work to do that doesn’t support
the current product goal? While existing products
sometimes need maintenance, constantly changing

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 26

Inside the Scrum Team:
Part 2: Interactions within the Scrum Team

Developers (continued) Collaboration with other teams

The skills needed depend on the problem to solve. For Sometimes more than one scrum team will be working
software products, this often includes user experience, on the same product. Regardless of the number of
analysis, design, engineering, and testing, and may teams involved, the responsibility for “how” stays with
involve multiple different technologies. the developers. The Scrum Masters do not become
For organizational transformation, the skills may include intermediaries between developers, but rather facilitate
coaching and facilitation, knowledge of the organization, and encourage direct communication between the
experts involved.
authority to change the organizational structure, and
access to senior leadership. Clear Line of Sight
The Developers estimate the work because they do the
work. Combining these estimates into schedules, Direct communication usually leads to the clearest
release plans, and budgets is usually handled by the understanding of the user’s needs, so Scrum ensures a
product owner. clear line of sight from those doing the work to those
benefitting from the work.
Thanks to the transparency and tangible results
created by Scrum, traditional command and control is Communicating through intermediaries is error-prone
no longer necessary to hold the team together. Scrum and inefficient, so the agile manifesto recommends
teams create better results faster using trust, frequent collaboration. Nothing in Scrum prevents
transparency, and fast feedback. Developers from talking to directly to stakeholders
when it is helpful to do so!

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 27

Inside the Scrum Team:
Part 2: Interactions within the Scrum Team

Clear Line of Sight (continued) Scrum Master helps the Developers, the Product Owner,
and the organization to create a common
Each Sprint, the Scrum team holds a Sprint Review for understanding of how to work together effectively.
its Stakeholders to demonstrate the latest increment,
discuss what has been learned, and identify what Impediments
changes are needed to the future version of product.
Anything the slows the team down is considered an
The team also refines the backlog frequently and can
impediment. Most impediments arise within the Scrum
invite stakeholders to support them.
Scrum Master The Scrum Master may not resolve those issues
personally but is accountable that they are recognized
The Scrum Master is accountable for the Scrum Team’s
and dealt with promptly. Both the daily scrum and the
effectiveness. He does this by enabling the Scrum Team sprint retrospective are opportunities to identify and
to improve its practices and collaboration. He doesn’t
respond to impediments, but you can raise issues even
tell people what to do, but rather coaches them to sooner if that is helpful.
recognize, understand, and address issues as they arise.
Some issues can be really difficult and require time,
A high-performance team is continually improving, so perseverance, and persuasiveness to fix. The Scrum
the Scrum Master is continually helping the Team and Master will usually take the lead on such issues, so the
the organization to find better ways of doing what they Developers can focus on creating the product. I like to
think of the Scrum Master as the team’s ambassador to
Of all the metaphors for the Scrum Master, I find “voice the outside world. When the developers need outside
of the common sense” to be the most compelling. help, the Scrum Master is usually most able to focus on
Common sense is often not be very common, so the the issue.

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 28

Inside the Scrum Team:
Part 2: Interactions within the Scrum Team

Impediments (continued) work proactively on impediments, especially those

originating outside the team?
The Scrum Master is often called a change agent. After that, frequent sources of impediments include
Change is easiest when everyone wants to do it, so a
excessive pressure, multitasking, bugs, and
good Scrum Master will ensure that everyone genuinely dependencies. The best way to manage these issues is
wants to improve, is willing to change for the better, and
not to have them, so start working on them soon!
wants to do Scrum.
Your first impediments
The goal of Scrum is to help you create better products,
A Scrum Team is a happy team. If your team is not sooner. The Scrum Team is intended to be both
happy doing Scrum, that is a warning sign that
effective and a joy to work in.
something is amiss. The goal is not to cram more work
into the sprint, the goal is to produce more value, That’s a look inside the Scrum Team. I hope it is useful
sooner. Listen to your team and address at least one to you!
concern, every sprint!
The first impediment that most Scrum Masters face is Watch (and like, comment, and share) the full video on
whether the team even has the necessary skills and YouTube at
authority. Can the Product Owner make decisions
about the product? Are the developers dedicated Get PDFs and other resources at
100%? And do they have all the skills needed to
produce a working increment every sprint? Finally, as
Scrum Master, do you have time and permission to

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 29

Is it Okay to Change Scrum?
“I like to think of Scrum as a Working Agreement. Change to improve, but not
to accommodate dysfunction.”

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 30

Clarity of purpose enables self-organization.

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 31

Types of Product Owner
Empowerment levels and their consequences
Focuses more on
users than internal

If your Product Not the decision-

Can decide
about money.

Owner is a… maker, but well-

connected and

An interface role I speak for

the business Entrepreneur
who lacks authority

Just present
for the events
Business N eeds Can set long-
Representative term goals and
hold their word.

Shorter sprints;
Proxy Better alignment but still more learning;
risk of frequent changes. quick pivots.
Cannot prevent
Expect these
frequent changes.

No change to the status quo.

Inspired by Christine Strasser, Images by DALL-E
© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 32
READY Checklist for Backlog Items

so that individual items are small, clear, and

❏ Refined independent. A sprint contains many items.

is less helpful than refinement. Spend more

7 ❏ Estimation time refining, less time on mere estimation.

❏ Acceptance criteria are clear. We know when it’s working
and has achieved its purpose.

3 by those who understand the problem

❏ Discussed together those who will solve the probem.

Why? The value to users and customers is clear
❏ Y (and Y now) and justifies implementing the item (now).

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 33

Levels of Done Explained
Valuable Success requires attention to results beyond the end of the sprint.

10 Optimized For better ROI, reliability, usability, or performance.

Achieving desired outcomes for business, users, and the world.

9 Outcome Business value assumptions have been validated (or not).

8 Usage Released to customers or users (and you are measuring).


7 Deployed Available for release to customers or users.

6 Reviewed User and customer review minimizes market risk.


5 Deployable Whether to deploy is a business decision not a technical one.

4 Automated Automated tests ensure it still works after you make changes.

3 Integrated All components work together.


2 Inspected Team has reviewed and improved.

1 Functional Acceptance tests passed.


‘90% done’ means the remaining 10%

0 Works on My Machine will take the other 90% of the time.

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 34

Align your Done with their Ready for
smoother flow.
Example: releasing to an app store

❏ Scrum Team Smoother ❏ Store
Some teams have
a Definition of Ready
to let items into the
Our Definition of
Ready: ‘We will
Our Definition of not publish your
Done ensures our app unless if it
app meets our meets the criteria
quality standards set forth in the
and the store’s contract.’
Definition of

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 35

Nine ways to hold a retrospective
The purpose of a retrospective is to improve quality and effectiveness.

• +
If we can only work on one improvement, what should it be?

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 36

Five Steps to Higher Team Performance

Some ways of
using your
time are more
effective than

Days in the Sprint

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 37

1. Visualize the Sprint
Each square represents one person and a full working day.
In this example: Six Developers and two weeks (ten days) in the sprint.

Days in the Sprint

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 38

2. Account for Scrum Events
Two-week sprint: ½ day at the beginning and ½ day at the end


Days in the Sprint

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 39

3. Account for other meetings
Knowledge workers report spending up to 45% of their time in meetings!
Many of these meeting topics are addressed by the Scrum events.


Days in the Sprint

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 40

4. Cancel wasteful meetings
Use time for valuable work. Stakeholders can review status in the Sprint
Review and influence requirements during Backlog Refinement.


Days in the Sprint

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 41

5a. Work as Team?
Team Grey: Everybody works on their own backlog item(s). They lack flexibility
and predictability. Unexpected changes makes things worse.

Harder than expected Oops, Spillover!

Item 1

Item 2

Item 7

Item 3 Item 8

Item 4 Item 9

Item 5 Surprise 1

Item 6 What do I do?

Days in the Sprint Forecasted Items: 10

Unfinished items: 5
© 2024 Peter B. Stevens Improvements/Retro: 0 42
5b. Work as Team!
Team Aqua: Pair and swarm to build know-how, improve predictability, and
handle surprises effectively. Finishing frequently enables responsiveness.

Retro Item 2 Item 4 Item 7


Item 3 Item 5
Item 8

The chance of spillover is

reduced but not eliminated.
Item 1 Surprise
Item 6

Harder than expected Days in the Sprint Forecasted Items: 8

Unfinished items: 1
© 2024 Peter B. Stevens Improvements/Retro: 2 43
Five Steps to Better Estimates
Backlog refinement turns massive epics into many little grains of sand.
Estimation guesses the number of grains of sand after refinement.

Backlog refinement turns Epics

As a banking first into Features, then into Grains of Sand. Grain of
customer, I want Sand
my savings
Grains of Sand are small enough when my savings
to send money… NFC a Sprint contains 10 to 12 of them. my savings
my savings
my savings
Estimate: Depends on team size 1
1 = Fits easily into the Sprint and how they work 1
TFB = Too Big together. Rule of
Epics thumb: Two stories per
Grains of Sand
NFC = No Clue

This only works if the following are true!

Autonomous Team: Free of Dependencies: Valuable Items: Small Items Only:
Scrum Team is 100%
dedicated and has control Team doesn’t need to Items are done and Only Grains of Sand
over its time. wait on outsiders. deployable every Sprint. go in the Sprint.

*For “Team Grey”

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 44

1. Refine Epics to Features
One way to make the conversation tangible is to ask: This is a good time to
challenge dumb
’How can we demo this?’ requirements!

How to demo that? A feature solves a problem

As a banking To
or provides a valuable
customer, I want Savings
to send money… NFC TFB
Often a feature is
something you can use,
something you can sell, or
Pay a Pay in
something you can test in
QR-bill a store real life.

Give to a
Send to a Send to a
friend street musician

Epics Features Grains of Sand

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 45

2. Refine Features into Grains of Sand
A grain of sand is small enough to be doable in one sprint. Some features may
already be grains of sand.

How to demo that? How to demo that? 1. See the balances in

As a banking To
checking and savings
customer, I want Savings 2. Enter amount
Write the
to send money… NFC ‘Confirmation’
3. Do it!
on the back of the card 4. See new balances

Pay a Pay in
QR-bill a store

Give to a
Send to a Send to a
friend street musician

Epics Features Grains of Sand

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 46

3. Repeat: Large features become many grains.
Counting the grains gives you the estimate. Requiring that 10 items fit in a
sprint keeps them tied to reality (including one Retro item).

Vendor Customer
How to demo that? Get Scan QR
As a banking To Payment Code
customer, I want Savings Data
1 1
to send money… NFC 1
Offer QR
How to Vendor &
1 Amount 1
demo that?
Pay a Pay in Await Approve
QR-bill a store Payment Payment
TFB 9 becomes 1 1
new cards See confir-
Time Out? mation
Give to a 1 1
Send to a Send to a
friend street musician
person Report
Success to
TFB TFB NFC Register

Epics Features Grains of Sand

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 47

4: Alternative: Guess the number of grains
Refine epics to features (still TFB), then use planning poker or affinity
estimation to gauge how many grains you expect for each feature.

As a banking To
customer, I want Savings
to send money… 17+ 1

Add up the estimates of each

feature. Pay a Pay in
This is about 2, maybe 3 QR-bill a store
Sprints, except we still have
no clue how to get money to 3 8
someone without a phone or
bank account.

Give to a
Send to a Send to a
friend street musician
This is still TFB. person
Do not take into a sprint
without refining 2 3 NFC
to cards of one!!

Epics Features Grains of Sand

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 48

5: Validate your estimates
When the number of grains is significantly different than the estimate, that
could be a sign of misunderstood complexity, missing vision, or missing
Actual (5)

As a banking To
customer, I want Savings 1
to send money… 17+ 1

Pay a Pay in
Uh-oh! 3 is not 5! QR-bill a store
Looks like we 1
3 8

If this happens
frequently, look Give to a 1
Send to a Send to a
closer at why. homeless
friend street musician
2 3 NFC

Epics This is another good

time to challenge dumb
Features Grains of Sand

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 49

Backlog Refinement: 8 ways to split a story
A story is small enough when the team can expect to complete at least 10
similarly sized items during the sprint. Anything bigger is usually TFB

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 50

Backlog Refinement: Eight traps to avoid
Splitting stories from epics to grains of sand can define features that produce
no value. Always challenge whether value justifies cost!

• +

*Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, Testable, Small

© 2024 Peter B. Stevens 51
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Peter Stevens, Personal Agility Institute

Personalized Trainings on Scrum, Leadership & Extreme Manufacturing

For companies who want to make results.

For people who want to make a difference!
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Discover Scrum as it was meant to be!
As a Scrum Master, you guide and support your Scrum Team. You ensure that
workflows remain uninterrupted and adaptable to change. As a team, you are
empowered to navigate challenges with ease and maintain momentum in the
face of obstacles. Your clarity inspires open communication and transparency,
fostering a collaborative environment where ideas flow freely and innovation
springs naturally.

This foundational course is designed for individuals seeking improved outcomes

in product development. If you will be working in a Scrum Team, using the
results of a Scrum Team, or managing a Scrum Team, this workshop is for you!

Course Outcomes Duration

Transform your team and projects with Scrum Two days, face-to-face workshops from 8:45 till
and Agile. Analyze real life scenarios. Practice 17:30.
and get personalized feedback from the expert.
Problems You Can Solve
Course Objectives • Shifting timelines, changing and conflicting
• Serve as a Scrum Master in your team. priorities, , and frequent interruptions.
• Coach your team through the Scrum flow • Organizational resistance to change, lack of
• Explain and apply Scrum and Agile. engagement and ownership.
• Identify and address impediments to • Rectifying the misunderstanding of Scrum
performance. and Agile methodology to address quality
• Introduce Scrum into your organization. and performance.
• Certified Scrum Master® (test required).
Space for a graphic at the top

Lead your team to create valuable products!
As Product Owner you serve as a critical communicator and facilitator between
the development team and various stakeholders, ensuring that the product
vision aligns with user needs and business goals.

Course Outcomes Target Audience

Learn to lead a team as its Product Owner by Product Owners, Product Managers, Business
mastering essential skills in managing the Analysts, Project and Program Managers,
backlog, collaborating with the development Consultants, Scrum Masters, Agile Coaches and
team, and engaging with stakeholders. Engineers.
Course Objectives Problems We Solve
• Understand the fundamentals of Scrum • Poorly defined requirements making work
methodology, including the processes, and less effective; lack of user stories or well-
the roles: the competencies and impact. maintained backlog.
• Lead a Scrum team in product development. • Struggling to focus on the team level due to
• Acquire skills for managing and preparing the tackling too many projects at the same time;
product backlog. suffering from delays and interruptions,
• Respond effectively to change. which results in poor work quality and
impeded engagement.
• Failing to meet the customer’s needs and
After completing this course, you qualify for wants.
Certification as a Scrum Alliance Certified
Scrum Product Owner®. No further test
required. Two days of face-to-face workshops
usually from 8:45 till 17:30.
Space for a graphic at the top

Lead with Purpose - Grow with Empathy!
As a leader, coach, or manager, you serve as an essential guide and mentor,
shaping the path your team follows and the culture of your organization. You
foster an environment of innovation and creativity, while also grounding your
actions in wisdom and ethical principles. You pursue leadership not just to
direct, but as an opportunity to inspire and transform.

Course Outcomes Problems We Solve

Develop your own approaches to activate the • Create a trust culture in your leadership
intelligence of your organization. Upgrade your team.
innovation and leadership skills. Lay the • Design and implement improvements into
foundation for a more innovative, responsive, your organization.
and capable organization. • Create a more responsive and aligned
Course Objectives
• Lead yourself more effectively. Duration
• Lead others for speed and efficiency. Format, content and duration are tailored to the
• Create alignment among your stakeholders. needs of the audience. Each module is
designed to consist of 12 to 16 hours of learning,
Target Group
and shorter, long-regular individual support
For leadership at all levels, including executives,
over 1 to 3 months.
management, coaches, and individual
contributors such as knowledge workers & For more info
customer-facing staff. Pricing for our training packages is customized
based on participant numbers, session length,
and tailored content. Please reach out for a
personalized quote that aligns with your
specific needs.
Space for a graphic at the top

Achieving Industrial Agility
XM enables your organization to be more responsive and competitive in
industries where technology and consumer preferences evolve rapidly. This
shift towards a more dynamic manufacturing model marks a significant
evolution in industrial practices, better suited to today's fast-paced global

Course Outcomes and Objectives Problems We Solve

This course is ideal if you want to know: • Budgeting difficulties due to scope creep
before a viable product can be developed,
• How to design for innovation.
unexpected changes after industrialization
• How to organize for high-performance
causing delays and cost overruns.
• How to improve products even though
• Progress being slowed down due to lack of
change is expensive.
internal alignment among key functions.
• How to get started.
• Not catching up with the competition, who
• How to make the case for more agility to
deliver their products faster.
your management and stakeholders.
Registration and further information
Target Group
Reach out via email or visit https://saat-
The course is intended for executives, to arrange a
managers, founders, and leaders from industries
complimentary consultation. This no-obligation
like Automotive, Manufacturing, Machinery, Oil &
conversation allows us to understand your
Gas, Engineering and Construction, Robotics,
needs and outline potential next steps.
etc. Participation is for individuals and for entire
business units.
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Achieving continuous innovation
“Musk companies” are setting the standard for innovation and market
disruption. These companies are driven by 1) A thousand-year vision for
humanity, 2) “Limiting KPIs” that prevent achieving it, 3) Focus on innovation to
improve those KPIs, and 4) AI-supported teamwork accelerates everything.

You can innovate like a Musk company!

This approach is the basis of unprecedented innovation speed, competitive advantage, and
market valuation. You can apply the same methods. We can show you how and get you

Start Accelerating Your Business! Define and Launch Your Strategy

Discovery workshop. Get inspired at this Strategic Retreat: Apply AI teamwork at the
impulse event for thought leaders and forward highest levels to define your 1000-year vision
thinkers. Find out how it works and take your and get it ready for board approval!
first steps with AI supported teaming.
• For senior leadership and key influencers.
Evaluate the Potential • Create your authentic, compelling vision.
• Identify the limiting KPIs.
Strategy Workshop: Explore in depth how the
• Define your transformation plan.
Musk companies innovate. Apply AI supported
teamwork to identify potential 1000-year To start accelerating, contact:
visions that are authentic and compelling for
Peter Stevens
your company. Transform them into limiting
Saat Network GmbH
KPIs to drive innovation. Identify alternatives for
accelerating your organization.
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“Contact me to accelerate your projects!”
“Agility means hope. Leaders and executives call me when they want their
corporate initiatives to start moving forward. I get things unstuck. You can get
things done faster than you ever thought possible!”

Peter Stevens is a beacon of Agile Training Expertise

transformation, embodying the principles of Peter is fluent in multiple languages, including
agility and innovation in his work. English, German, French, and Italian, making his
As a seasoned Certified Scrum Trainer with the trainings accessible to a diverse audience. With
Scrum Alliance, Peter has imparted his a versatile workshop room based in Zurich,
profound knowledge of Agile methodologies to Peter offers the flexibility to conduct sessions
over 2,000 individuals, empowering them to either in this well-equipped space or at any
revolutionize their work environments. location worldwide, catering to the specific
needs of his clients.
His pioneering work in the field of Agile extends
to the creation of Personal Agility™, a system His trainings are characterized by a practical,
designed to enhance personal organization and engaging approach that not only teaches Agile
effectiveness. This innovative approach is methodologies but also inspires participants to
detailed in his co-authored book, “Personal implement these transformative practices in
Agility: Doing More That Matters,” which serves their own professional realms.
as a testament to his commitment to fostering Join Peter Stevens on a journey of discovery
meaningful change. and unlock the potential of your organization!

Build the Right Relationship Between

Sourcing and Agile Development Companies

TEN AGILE Illustrated

The ^ Guide
A Practitioner’s Guide to Creating the Right Contract By Peter B. Stevens

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”Start getting better results with a free consultation”

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Scrum Intro


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