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FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev.

0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across The Curriculum

Module No. 10

Cyber/Digital Literacy


At the end of the unit, the pre-service teacher (PST) can:
a. examine the ethical considerations of using digital media
b. demonstrate skills in the positive use of ICT
c. evaluate cyber threats, cases and media

Technology has been part of everyone’s life, be it at home, in school, or anywhere every facet of our
undertaking. However, in many instances, we may not be aware that we have been misusing or abusing it or in
another way around, we may find ourselves being used by other people with their malicious motives using
digital tools. Therefore, we may end up being liable or a victim of such irresponsible kind of technological
processing and utilization. It in this case that we must gain further understanding and application of
digital/cyber literacy, be it on personal or professional merit.

Digital Literacy is an individual’s ability to access both information and methods of communication through
technological tools such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktops PCs. While digital literacy is initially
focused on digital skills and stand-alone computers, its focus has shifted to network devices, including the
Internet and social media.

Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks (Cisco, n.d.).
These cyberattacks are usually aimed at accessing, changing, or destroying sensitive information; extorting
money from users; or interrupting normal business processes. Implementing effective cybersecurity measures
is challenging because there are more devices than people, and attackers are becoming more innovative. Here
are some tips on how to protect yourself against cyber threats.
1. Monitor behavior on social networks. Before posting or uploading something online, try to realize:
(a) Does this need to be public?; and (b) Is it worth the risk? Remember, not only what we share
online is available to friends and family, but also to cyber criminals.
2. Keep devices safe. Protect your technology tools by installing Anti-virus software, a configuration
of settings on the devices and by completing software updates.
3. Understand how best to use passwords. Passwords need to be complex and hard to guess, but can
still be remembered. One strategy is “passphrase” or a password that comes from the first letter of
each word in the phrase. There is also a password manager app to help keep track of all the passwords
called “KeePass” which is free of charge. Importantly do not use the same password for all accounts.
4. Handle unsafe content. Know exactly how to respond or react to unsafe situations online, such as
(1) suspicious emails;
(2) pop-ups claiming that your computer is infected; and
(3) BitTorrent sites.
5. Consider safety for the future. Take individual responsibility in using devices with an utmost care
and critical thinking when online.

Citizenship is an old value that is now applied to a new medium, the Internet.
Cyber citizenship refers to being responsible when using the Internet. Doing online when no one is looking
speaks a lot about one’s character and morals. The power of this digital world is associated with
responsibilities and consequences. Therefore, we can explore and navigate all information available online
however, we should observe cyber citizenship or manners and etiquette on the Web.


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across The Curriculum

Ways on How to be a Good Cyber Citizen

The enlisted ways of becoming a good cyber citizen would guide everyone on his/her digital operations and
information processing and would prevent anyone from further consequences, distractions, moral damages
and risks.
1. Be careful and critical for whatever you post online that could be visible to the public even if on a “private”
page through tagging by a friend.
2. If you have a problem with someone, go to that person or an adult to help work it out, instead of posting
your expression online.
3. Use the internet to help you with your school work, but give credit to the sources you use and critically
analyze everything you search online.
4. Use the Internet purposefully to learn more about anything you are interested in, to help you research
relevant and needed data or information and to stay connected with friends throughout the world.
5. Make sure you verify information before you share it or use it in a project and check on accuracy and truth
in the information you search on the web.
6. Give out certain information only.
7. Don’t answer questions that make you uncomfortable.
8. Always make sure you have told a reliable adult if you decide to meet someone you knew through the
9. Always be aware of copyright laws and give credit to whom an article or a part of it is due.
10. Use only the computers that you are allowed to used. Avoid hacking.

Importance of Cyber Citizenship

1. It keeps the Internet free from hurtful statements.
2. It creates a culture of more reliable information.
3. It gives provisions for people to be given credit for what they have created.
4. More criminals or bullies can be caught when kids are honest and talk to adults.
5. It keeps information private.
Proper Netiquette Follow these simple rules to ensure that you make wise choices when sending
messages online.
1. Make sure you have the correct address (with proper spelling), correct link and you are sending the
information to the right person when doing it online.
2. Check information before sending or posting any message avoid false statements and information
on the web or forwarding junk mail or chain letters to family or friends.
3. Re-read what you wrote to make sure it is what you want to say and the other person would
interpret it the same way.
4. Keep your comments clean and don’t confront others online or say anything that could be hurtful to
5. Keep your personal and friends’ information private and don’t forward information that was just
given to you without his/her permission.
6. Watch out for spam and other fraud e-mails and never reply to them.
7. If you are going to write something personal or private, think twice because messages can get
8. Adults should monitor kids’ messages, especially when they are sending e-mails to others without

The Ten Commandments of Teacher Cyber Citizenship

At some point, misuse and abuse of technology may also happen in schools involving teachers with their
students, colleagues and others. The following are reminders to teachers regarding the use of media tools.
1. Thou shall not post any personal matter, confidential information and obscene pictures and
messages online that can be accessed by students and parents.
2. Thou shall not respond or thread to any personal message created by students online other than
those school-related.
3. Thou shall not lend or let students access your cellphone.
4. Thou shall not give your email password to students.
5. Thou shall not use concepts and information from texts and references without author’s citation.


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across The Curriculum

6. Thou shall not post to any social media account, for whatever purposes, the pictures of students
without their parents’ consent.
7. Thou shall not express sentiments, disappointments and disagreements against superiors, colleagues,
students and their parents using their social media accounts.
8. Thou shall not use data from Internet sources in any documents like lesson plans, researches and
requirements without the consent of the author.
9. Thou shall not give any personal data or other’s information to anyone unless for specific purposes
and given the consent.
10. Thou shall not post any student data publicly online including academic rankings, school records,
class outputs and record of grades.

De Leon (2019) Internet Safety Internet safety, online safety or cyber safety means trying to be safe on the
Internet. It is maximizing the user’s personal safety and security risks to private information and property
associated with using the Internet, including self-protection from computer crime. As the number of Internet
users continues to grow worldwide, issues and concerns also continuously exist.
Information Security. Sensitive information, such as personal information, identity and passwords are often
associated with personal property and privacy and may present security concerns if leaked. Unauthorized
access and usage of private information may result in consequences, such as identity and property theft.
Common causes of information security breaches include:

1. Phishing. It is a common type of scam, of which the scammers disguise as a trustworthy source in an
attempt to obtain private information, such as passwords, credit card information, etc. Through the use of fake
websites that look identical and legitimate.
2. Internet Scams. These are schemes that deceive the users in various ways, in an attempt to take advantage
of them.
3. Malware. It is malicious software (particularly spyware) disguised to collect and transmit private
information, such as passwords without the user’s consent or knowledge, of which it is impossible to
determine whether a file is infected.

Personal safety and threats. The growth of the Internet gave rise to many important services accessible to
anyone with a connection, such as digital communication. While it allows communication with others, it is
also being grabbed by malicious users for bad intent. The following are common threats to personal safety.

1. Cyberstalking. It is the use of the Internet or the other electronic means to stalk or harass an
individual, group or organization through false accusations, defamation, slander and libel, intentional
monitoring, identity theft, threats, vandalism, solicitation for sex, or gathering information that may
be used to threaten, embarrass, or harass.
2. Cyberbullying. It is the use of electronic means, such as instant messaging, social media, e-mail
and other of online communication with the intent to abuse, intimidate, or overpower an individual or
group. 3. Online Predation.It is the act of engaging an underage minor into inappropriate sexual
relationships through Internet.
Online predators may attempt to initiate and seduce minors into relationships through the use
of chat rooms or Internet forums. The behavior characteristics are categorized into three
A) Manipulative - typically a child molester;
B) Opportunist - typically a rapist; and
C) Coercive - being a mixture of both rapists and child molesters.
4. Obscene/offensive content. Various websites on the Internet contain material that may deem
offensive, distasteful or explicit, which may often not be of the user's liking. Such websites may
include the Internet, shock sites, hate speech or otherwise, and inflammatory content. Such content
may manifest in many ways, such as pop-up ads and unsuspecting links.
5. Sextortion. It is the use of webcams for flirting and cybersex. Often, this involves a cybercriminal
posing as someone else, such as an attractive person initiating communication of a sexual nature with
the victim. The video is recorded by the cybercriminal to demand money or other services, threaten to
publicly release the video and send to the family members and friends of the victim if they do not


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across The Curriculum


Computer Threats and Fixing Solutions

The realm of Information Technology (IT) security professionals and computer security has become an issue
and concern for many people (Honan, 2014).A threat, in the context of computer security, refers to anything
that has the potential to cause serious harm to a computer system. It is something that may or may not happen,
but has the potential to cause serious damage and can lead to attacks on computer systems and networks.
Cybercrime is now becoming alarming in the life of every individual and the organization as they intend to
steal information that they can sell or trade, such as financial details, credit card information, personal details,
or any other information using computer networks. Likewise, while email has been the main method for the
spread of computer viruses, it can also enter a network by the USB device, Internet download, visiting an
infected website, instant messaging or messaging in social media platforms, file transfer and file-sharing
programs, or by remote users connecting

Checklist of credibility criteria. The first step in evaluating the credibility of websites is to review several
important aspects of the site.

1. Author. Check the credentials of the author, the company or the expert and determine the
qualifications to provide information on the subject being researched. Some websites do not list
specific authors, but the credibility of a company can be explored by reviewing the sites “About”
page, if available.
2. Date. Look for copyright information at the bottom of a website's home page. If the site is more
than few years old and it has not been updated regularly, look for more up-to-date information.
3. Purpose. Analyze the goals of the website to determine if it is an informational or an advertisement
4. Contact. Most credible websites list down contact information, such as telephone number, email
address, or mailing address so that users may get in touch if they have questions.
5. Fact vs. Opinion. When doing research for a school paper, go to sites that present factual
information provided by experts, rather than opinions. Be on the lookout for biases, too. If the author
is biased, so as the information on the site.
6. URL. The URL may look like ending in .edu (for education), .gov (for government), .org (for
organization), .com (for commercial sites), or .net (for network sites). Common credible URLS. One
way of determining the credibility of a website is through the URLS. Although a websites URL gives
clues as to credibility, there is still a need to evaluate it carefully.
1. When encountering a URL, look at the letters that appear after the "dot" (i.e. ) and that is called top-level domain. Thus, the URL’s top-level
domain helps determining a site’s credibility.
2. Websites ending in .gov are government-related websites, which generally, can be trusted
to provide credible statistical information, articles on many different topics and government
3. Websites ending in .edu are the websites of educational institutions, such as colleges and
universities that usually offer a variety of credible data, especially about the school's
operations and research. Since students may create websites with an .edu top-level domain,
but they may contain inaccurate or biased information.
4. Websites ending in .org are the websites of organizations. While many organizations,
especially nonprofit ones, provide credible information, they may sometimes have advertising
intent. Since some organizations show bias in their provided information, so evaluate .org
sites carefully. Recognition of information sources. Similar to the information in print sources,
the use of online sources must be given credit to the authors. This can be done by applying
proper referencing and citation procedures that would get of the risks, consequences and legal
implications because of the copyright issue, which means that the ideas and words used
belong to the author.

Citation. Each entry in the bibliography is called a citation. Proper citation must be applied or included for


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across The Curriculum

every source used, whether it is a website, a newspaper, or a book. Online sources are cited differently
because they are different from traditional print sources. There are different formats used to cite the
sources.(To note: The easiest way to create citation of sources is to go to . This
website generates citations that can be copied and pasted into the Works Cited page.)Data privacy implication.
The implementation of data privacy in the country is becoming stronger and powerful, especially in utilizing
data for research and other forms of report and paper works. This has also corresponding legal implications
once not processed immediately and properly. It's involves uploading of pictures, design, graphics,
concept/ideas, frameworks, art work, data, and other information that are copyrighted without the consent of
the author or the source. These are commonly observed in schools.

Name: _______________________________________ Score: _________________

Course: ______________________________________ Date: __________________



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