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1. Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?

a) The teacher don't like when students are late.

b) The teacher doesn't like when students are late.

c) The teacher not like when students are late.

d) The teacher doesn't likes when students are late.

2. Identify the subject in the following sentence: "The cat chased the mouse."

a) cat

b) chased

c) mouse

d) the

3. What is the correct past tense form of the verb "eat"?

a) eated

b) eaten

c) ate

d) eat

4. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

a) I need to buy bread milk and eggs.

b) I need to buy bread, milk, and eggs.

c) I need to buy bread milk, and eggs.

d) I need to buy bread, milk and eggs.

5. Choose the correct usage of the word "its" or "it's" in the sentence: "______ a beautiful day, let's go
for a picnic."

a) Its

b) It's

c) Its'

d) Its's
6. Which of the following is a compound sentence?

a) The dog barked loudly.

b) We went to the park and played basketball.

c) After school, I do my homework.

d) She likes swimming, but she doesn't like diving.

7. Identify the adverb in the sentence: "She ran quickly to catch the bus."

a) She

b) ran

c) quickly

d) bus

8. Choose the correct form of the pronoun in the sentence: "Please give _______ the book."

a) me

b) I

c) myself

d) mines

9. What is the correct comparative form of the adjective "big"?

a) biger

b) more big

c) bigger

d) bigest

10. Which of the following sentences contains a gerund?

a) I enjoy reading books.

b) She runs every morning.

c) He cooked dinner for his family.

d) They went swimming at the beach.

11. Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?

a) She don't know the answer.

b) She doesn't knows the answer.

c) She doesn't know the answer. (Correct)

d) She not know the answer.

12. Identify the type of pronoun in the following sentence: "Those are mine."

a) Demonstrative

b) Possessive (Correct)

c) Reflexive

d) Indefinite

13. What is the correct past participle form of the verb "drink"?

a) drank

b) drunk (Correct)

c) drinked

d) drinking

14. Choose the correct usage of the word "their," "there," or "they're" in the sentence: "______ going to
meet ______ friends at the park."

a) Their, there

b) They're, their

c) They're, they're

d) They're, there (Correct)

15. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

a) My favorite colors are blue, purple, and green.

b) My favorite colors are blue, purple and green.

c) My favorite colors are blue purple, and green.

d) My favorite colors are blue purple and green. (Correct)

16. Identify the conjunction in the sentence: "She wanted to go, but she was too tired."

a) wanted

b) to

c) but (Correct)

d) too

17. What is the correct comparative form of the adjective "beautiful"?

a) beautifuller
b) more beautiful (Correct)

c) beautifuler

d) beautifulest

18. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: "I _______ to the store yesterday."

a) go

b) goes

c) went (Correct)

d) going

19. Which of the following sentences is an example of the passive voice?

a) The cat chased the mouse.

b) The mouse was chased by the cat. (Correct)

c) She sings beautifully.

d) He is writing a letter.

20. Identify the adverbial phrase in the sentence: "She danced gracefully across the stage."

a) She danced

b) gracefully across

c) across the stage (Correct)

d) the stage

21. Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?

a) The team have won the championship.

b) The team has won the championship. (Correct)

c) The team is won the championship.

d) The team were won the championship.

22. Identify the type of clause in the following sentence: "I will go to the store if it stops raining."

a) Independent

b) Dependent (Correct)

c) Relative

d) Adverbial
23. What is the correct past perfect form of the verb "eat"?

a) eat

b) eaten

c) ate

d) had eaten (Correct)

24. Choose the correct usage of the word "affect" or "effect" in the sentence: "The new policy will
_______ everyone in the company."

a) affect (Correct)

b) effect

c) affective

d) effective

25. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

a) She is, however, a talented musician.

b) She is however, a talented musician.

c) She is however a talented musician.

d) She is, however a talented musician. (Correct)

26. Identify the type of sentence: "Stop making so much noise!"

a) Interrogative

b) Imperative (Correct)

c) Declarative

d) Exclamatory

27. What is the correct comparative form of the adjective "intelligent"?

a) more intelligent (Correct)

b) intelligenter

c) intelligenter

d) intelligenterer

28. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: "He _______ to Paris twice last year."

a) go

b) goes
c) went (Correct)

d) going

29. Which of the following sentences is an example of a complex sentence?

a) He likes swimming, and she likes hiking.

b) Although he studied hard, he failed the test. (Correct)

c) She ran fast to catch the bus.

d) They watched a movie and ate popcorn.

30. Identify the adverbial phrase in the sentence: "After finishing her homework, she went to bed."

a) After finishing

b) her homework

c) to bed (Correct)

d) she went


31. It tells the reader where and when the story takes place.

a. setting

b. author

c. birthplace

d. venue

32. Who is considered the national hero of the Philippines and wrote the novels "Noli Me Tangere" and
"El Filibusterismo"?

a) José Rizal

b) Andres Bonifacio

c) Emilio Aguinaldo

d) Apolinario Mabini

33. What is the English translation of the title "Noli Me Tangere," the novel written by José Rizal?

a) Touch Me Not

b) Love Me Not

c) The Revolution
d) The Social Cancer

34. Who is the author of the short story "Dead Stars," considered a classic of Philippine literature?

a) José Garcia Villa

b) F. Sionil José

c) Paz Marquez Benitez

d) Nick Joaquin

35. Which Filipino writer penned the novel "Banaag at Sikat," depicting the struggles of Filipino workers
during the American colonial period?

a) Lualhati Bautista

b) Nick Joaquin

c) Lope K. Santos

d) Amado V. Hernandez

36. What is the title of the Visayan epic poem from the island of Panay that tells the story of the hero
Datu Marikudo?

a) "Hinilawod"

b) "Aliguyon"

c) "Biag ni Lam-ang"

d) "Hudhud"

37. Who is known as the "Father of Filipino Komiks" for his contributions to Philippine comics literature?

a) Carlo J. Caparas

b) Francisco Coching

c) Mars Ravelo

d) Tony Velasquez

38. What is the English translation of the title "Ang Mga Anak Dalita," a novel written by NVM Gonzalez?

a) "The Children of the Poor"

b) "The Rice-Cutters"

c) "The Bamboo Dancers"

d) "The Mountain People"

39. Which Filipino epic tells the story of the hero Lam-ang and his adventures?
a) "Hinilawod"

b) "Aliguyon"

c) "Biag ni Lam-ang" (Correct)

d) "Hudhud"

40. Who wrote the play "Walang Sugat," which satirizes the Spanish colonial government?

a) Severino Reyes

b) Francisco Balagtas

c) Nick Joaquin

d) Amado V. Hernandez

41. In Philippine mythology, who is the goddess of the sea and protector of fishermen?

a) Maria Makiling

b) Maria Clara

c) Maria Sinukuan

d) Maria La Gorda

42. What is the traditional form of Filipino poetry that uses four-line stanzas with seven syllables each

A) Tanaga

B) Balagtasan

C) Kundiman

D) Duplo

43. What is the term for the oral tradition of Filipino epics?

A) Balagtasan

B) Awit

C) Bayanihan

D) Halakhak

44. Which literary work is considered the national epic of the Philippines?

A) Florante at Laura

B) Ibong Adarna

C) Noli Me Tangere
D) Hinilawod

45. What is the traditional Filipino form of debate in verse?

A) Balagtasan

B) Duplo

C) Komedya

D) Zarzuela

46. It identifies the peripheral facts such as age, sexual category, size, race, and color. It deals with
external attributes which may be envisaged from the description of the playwright or deduced from
what the characters say or what other characters verbalize about his appearance.

a. Moral

b. Physical

c. Social

d. Psychological

47. It is a composition in prose form that presents a story entirely told in dialogue and action and written
with the intention of its eventual performance before an audience.

a. Drama

b. Poetry

c. Short Story

d. Essay

Reading Comprehension

In the heart of the forest, amidst the whispering leaves and dappled sunlight, lies a hidden grove where
ancient secrets are said to dwell. Legend tells of a lone oak tree standing sentinel over the grove, its
branches reaching towards the sky like the outstretched arms of a guardian. Many have sought the
grove, drawn by tales of its mystical aura and rumored treasures buried beneath its roots. Yet, few have
dared to venture deep into its depths, for whispers of the forest's enchantment echo in the wind,
warning of the dangers that lurk within.


48. What is the setting of the passage?

a) A bustling city
b) A hidden grove in the forest
c) A vast desert
d) A rocky mountain peak

49. What is said to be hidden within the grove?

a) Ancient artifacts

b) Mystical creatures

c) Secret treasures

d) Hidden passages

50. What is described as standing sentinel over the grove?

a) A lone oak tree

b) A stone statue

c) A wooden bridge

d) A flowing river

51. Why do few people venture deep into the grove?

a) Because it is too crowded

b) Because they are afraid of the mystical aura

c) Because there are no treasures

d) Because the trees block the path

52. What warning is echoed in the wind?

a) The danger of wild animals

b) The enchantment of the forest

c) The presence of hidden traps

d) The dangers lurking within

The Great Barrier Reef, located off the coast of Australia, is a natural wonder of the world. Stretching
over 2,300 kilometers, it is the largest coral reef system on the planet, home to a dazzling array of
marine life. Beneath the azure waters, vibrant coral formations create a mesmerizing underwater
landscape, attracting millions of visitors each year.

The reef is not only a tourist hotspot but also a vital ecosystem. It provides a habitat for thousands of
species, including colorful fish, sea turtles, dolphins, and sharks. Coral reefs also play a crucial role in
protecting coastal communities from erosion and storm surges.
However, the Great Barrier Reef faces numerous threats, primarily due to human activities. Pollution,
overfishing, and climate change have all taken their toll on this fragile ecosystem. Rising sea
temperatures have led to coral bleaching, causing large sections of the reef to lose their vibrant colors
and die off.

Efforts are underway to conserve and protect the Great Barrier Reef. Conservation organizations,
governments, and local communities are working together to implement sustainable practices, reduce
pollution, and raise awareness about the importance of preserving this natural treasure for future


53. Where is the Great Barrier Reef located?

a) Off the coast of Brazil

b) Off the coast of Australia

c) In the Caribbean Sea

d) In the Indian Ocean

54. What is the primary attraction of the Great Barrier Reef?

a) Its towering cliffs

b) Its vast sand dunes

c) Its vibrant coral formations

d) Its lush rainforests

55. Besides being a tourist destination, what other role does the Great Barrier Reef play?

a) Providing a habitat for marine life

b) Sustaining agricultural activities

c) Generating electricity

d) Housing urban developments

56. What is the main threat to the Great Barrier Reef?

a) Earthquakes

b) Pollution, overfishing, and climate change

c) Volcanic eruptions

d) Tsunamis
57. What efforts are being made to protect the Great Barrier Reef?

a) Building more hotels and resorts

b) Expanding fishing activities

c) Implementing sustainable practices and raising awareness

d) Ignoring the issue and letting nature take its course

The Industrial Revolution, which began in Britain in the late 18th century, marked a significant shift in
human history. It was a period characterized by the transition from agrarian and handcraft-based
economies to industrialized ones, driven by technological advancements and mechanization.

One of the key innovations of the Industrial Revolution was the steam engine, invented by James Watt in
1775. This invention revolutionized transportation, manufacturing, and agriculture, leading to the rapid
expansion of industries and the growth of urban centers.

With the rise of factories and mass production, there was a surge in demand for labor. This led to the
emergence of urbanization as people migrated from rural areas to cities in search of employment
opportunities. However, this transition also brought about significant social and economic changes,
including the rise of working-class movements and the exploitation of labor.

The Industrial Revolution had far-reaching effects on society, economy, and the environment. While it
fueled economic growth and technological progress, it also gave rise to environmental degradation,
social inequality, and labor exploitation.


58. When did the Industrial Revolution begin?

a) In the 15th century

b) In the 17th century

c) In the late 18th century

d) In the early 19th century

59. Who invented the steam engine, a key innovation of the Industrial Revolution?

a) Thomas Edison

b) James Watt

c) Alexander Graham Bell

d) Isaac Newton

60. What was one of the consequences of the rise of factories during the Industrial Revolution?

a) Decrease in urban population

b) Decline in demand for labor

c) Stagnation of technological progress

d) Increase in demand for labor

61. What social changes occurred as a result of the Industrial Revolution?

a) Decrease in working-class movements

b) Increase in social equality

c) Rise of working-class movements

d) Decline in urbanization

62. What were some effects of the Industrial Revolution on society and the environment?

a) Environmental degradation and social inequality

b) Environmental conservation and social equality

c) Technological progress and labor rights

d) Economic decline and technological stagnation

Answer Key:

1. b) The teacher doesn't like when students are late.

2. a) cat

3. b) eaten

4. b) I need to buy bread, milk, and eggs.

5. b) It's

6. b) We went to the park and played basketball.

7. c) quickly

8. a) me

9. c) bigger

10. a) I enjoy reading books.

11. c) She doesn't know the answer.

12. b) Possessive

13. b) drunk

14. d) They're, there

15. d) My favorite colors are blue purple and green.

16. c) but

17. b) more beautiful

18. c) went

19. b) The mouse was chased by the cat.

20. c) across the stage

21. b) The team has won the championship.

22. b) Dependent

23. d) had eaten

24. a) affect

25. d) She is, however a talented musician.

26. b) Imperative

27. a) more intelligent

28. c) went
29. b) Although he studied hard, he failed the test.

30. c) to bed

31. a) setting

32. a) Jose Rizal

33. a) Touch Me Not

34. c) Paz Marquez Benitez

35. c) Lope K. Santos

36. a) Hinilawod

37. b) Francisco Coching

38. b) The Rice Cutters

39. c) Biag Ni Lam-Ang

40. a) Severino Reyes

41. d) Maria La Gorda

42. a) Tanaga

43. b) awit

44. b) Ibong Adarna

45. a) Balagtasan

46. b) Physical

47. a) Drama

Reading Comprehension

48. b) A hidden grove in the forest

49. c) Secret treasures

50. a) A lone oak tree

51. b) Because they are afraid of the mystical aura

52. d) The dangers lurking within

53. b) Off the coast of Australia

54. c) Its vibrant coral formations

55. a) Providing a habitat for marine life

56. b) Pollution, overfishing, and climate change

57. c) Implementing sustainable practices and raising awareness

58. c) In the late 18th century

59. b) James Watt

60. d) Increase in demand for labor

61. c) Rise of working-class movements

62. a) Environmental degradation and social inequality

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