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Topic 1: Traveling

1. Are you planning to go anywhere in the future? If so, where are you planning
to go?
I love Da Lat city, but I have only visited here once. So I want to come here many
more times. My friend and I are planning to travel to Da Lat this summer. I love
Da Lat not only because of the cool climate but also because of the beautiful
scenery. When I come here I feel very comfortable.
2. Why did you choose this place to travel to?
I chose Da Lat city to travel for many reasons. First of all, I really love Da Lat so
the first place I thought of to travel to was it. Besides, the current weather in Ho
Chi Minh City is very hot so I want to go to a cool place.
3. Where did you go on your last vacation? How was the trip?
Last vacation, I had a trip to Vung Tau, I went here with my friends. After many
cancellations, we had a meaningful trip. This trip lasts 2 days and 1 night. We
went by motorbike so we could see all of natural beauty. After that trip, we
became closer with many beautiful memories.

4. Do you prefer international travel or domestic travel? Why?

I love traveling to both places. But first, I want to travel domestically to see all the
natural beauty of my country. After that, if I have more conditions, I will travel
abroad to explore other cultures.
5. Which place/country/city do you want to visit one day?
I want to visit Korea. Because Korea is known as a place with many beautiful
landscapes and diverse of culture. Moreover, I really want to enjoy Korean food
on its own. In special, I want to go to this country in winter to see the snow.
Topic 2: Housework
1. Who does the most housework in your house? Is everyone happy with this?
I'm living in the dorm of university with my friends. And we share housework
with each other. If I do housework this week, my friend will do it next week. We
are all very happy about this, because we think we are fair, no one has to do more
housework than anyone else.
2. What housework do you do? How often do you do it?
I usually clean my room. Because I'm quite an OCD person, I want everything to
be neat and clean. So I clean it every day. From that small habit makes me live
more disciplined.
3. What housework do you hate doing? Why?
I don't like doing laundry, because I live in a school dormitory. I have to wash
clothes by hand instead of washing them in the machine, it wastes my time.
Besides, it also causes arm and back pain. So I don't like doing it.
4. Is there any housework you enjoy doing? Do you ever find housework relaxing?
I like cooking. Because I feel happy when I cook for myself and my family.
Besides, it is also a passion of mine. Whenever I cook, I often listen to music.
Music makes me more comfortable and creates many delicious dishes.
5. Have you done any housework today? What was it?
Today was a rather tiring day for me, but I still took time to clean the house.
Because my room is the place that gives me comfort, I have to clean it. I start by
cleaning the floor, watering the plants, then I wash the clothes and finally take out
the trash.
Topic 3: Hometown
1. Where is your hometown? What is it famous for?
I come from Quy Nhon, it is called the land of martial arts. This place is famous
for its Cham culture, in addition to delicious dishes. Moreover, Quy Nhon city has
long beaches, clear blue water, and fresh air. What's more special, the people here
are very honest and friendly.
2. When is the best time to visit your hometown? Why?
The best time to visit Quy Nhon is from March to September. Because at this time,
the coastal city's weather is quite pleasant and cool, it is very suitable for tourists
to enjoy all the beauty.
3. What is the best thing about your hometown? Why do you like it the most?
What I like most about Quy Nhon is the people here. They are very enthusiastic
and friendly. You can feel them best through purchasing goods. The sellers are
warm to you, they are willing to give advice or let you try the food before you buy
it. I think that is one of the reasons tourists choose to come to this place.
4. Are you planning to go back to your hometown to live? Why/why not?
(For SaiGonese students) Do you want to stay in HCM city to settle? Do want to live in
another place or another country? Explain
Currently I am living and studying in Ho Chi Minh City. The reason I chose to
come to this place is because it is a large and developed city. Here I have more job
opportunities after I graduate. That's why I will live and work here in the future.
5. What do you dislike about your hometown/city? Why?
I love almost everything about my hometown but one thing I don't like here is the
fact that a lot of factories are built. People cut down trees to build it, which takes
away the natural beauty of Quy Nhon. Furthermore, the operation of factories will
release toxic substances into rivers and seas, polluting water sources. That's the
only thing I don't like about my hometown.
Topic 4: Dreams
1. Do you often remember your dream? Why/why not?
Sometimes I have dreams. However, not every dream I remember. Dreams
especially made an impression on me, I often remember them. But normal dreams
are not.
2. What is the most memorable dream you’ve ever had?
My memorable dream is that I get into the university I love. After returning from
the exam, I was very worried about my score. That night, I dreamed and saw that I
had passed the exam to my favorite school. In my dream, I was very happy. And
when I woke up, I told my family and friends. However, that dream did not come
3. Have you ever had a nightmare (bad dream)? What happened in your dream?
My worst dream and I still remember it was that I dreamed I lost my phone. In the
dream I was very scared. After waking up, I looked to see where my phone was,
but luckily it was still next to me. I've been thinking about it a lot.
4. How do you feel when you wake up after a dream?
It depends on the situation. If I have a good dream, when I wake up I am very
happy and cheerful, that day I am full of life and excited to do everything. But if I
have a bad dream, after waking up I feel very worried, I can't concentrate on doing
anything and just think about it.
5. Do you think dreams can predict the future? Why/why not?
Most of my dreams don't come true, or maybe I don't remember them. That's why
I don't really believe that dreams will predict something in the future. But
sometimes I also hope that my beautiful dreams will come true in the future.
Topic 5: Happiness
1. To you, what is happiness?
For me happiness is very simple. Happiness is when I wear a pair of pants that I
haven't worn in a long time, and then I find money in a pocket. Just like that, I felt
very lucky that whole day. Or happiness is when I don't have to set an alarm for
the next day. I can sleep comfortably without being disturbed.
2. What is your happiest childhood memory?
When I was little, I loved playing cooking. While I was going to a store that sells
cooking toys, I looked at it for a long time and asked my mother to buy it for me,
but my mother refused. However, when I was 8 years old, on my birthday, my
mother gave me a toy cooking set, which was even more beautiful than the ones I
had seen in the store. That made me very happy and I still remember it now.
3. How do you make yourself happy?
I make myself happy by eating delicious food or buying nice clothes. It's even
about meeting friends. For me, as long as I get enough sleep, everything I do the
next morning becomes happy.
4. What makes you unhappy?
I have a hard time sleeping so I feel unhappy if someone disturbs me while I sleep.
Or I'm an overthinker, so I feel unhappy if someone raises their voice at me. I can't
concentrate on doing anything and just think about it.
5. Do you like to share your happiness with others, or do you like to keep it to
yourself? Why?
If something makes me happy, I will share it with my family and friends. I really
like talking and making people happy. That's why every time I have something
funny, I share it with them.

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