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58 Inoculate imbue, inculcate, deprive, 93% of the British

infuse, ingrain, divest, strip garrison were

Treat with a invest, steep, clear, empty inoculated, and deaths
vaccine to suffuse eliminate, remove, from typhoid fell from
produce take (away) usual 300 - 600 to only
immunity against 20.
a disease;
59 Mortality dead, death, Immortality, In Ceylon, for example,
grave, lifelessness, life span, the death rate was
The state of being bloodletting, lifetime, living, reduced by
subject to death. bloodshed, existence, life one third in two years
foul play, by greatly reducing
homicide, killing, mortality from malaria.
60 Mumbo jumbo double-talk, Clear talk, sensible Are you suggesting we
drivel, gabble, play a trick on Clay, in
Language or gibber, order to carry out your
ritual causing or gibberish, jabber, mumbo-jumbo ideas?
intended to cause jabberwocky,
confusion or nonsense, prattle,
bewilderment. slobber

61 Myriad multiform, homogeneous, Everywhere, fifty miles

multiple, homogenous, over
A countless or multiplex, monolithic, the countryside, the
extremely great multitudinous unmixed, unvaried smoke was rising from
number of people heterogeneous, alike, identical, myriads of fires.
or things. miscellaneous, same

62 Orthodox authorized, unauthorized, However heretical he

certified, unofficial might be about the
someone or official, sanctioned graceless, Boers, he was orthodox
something that accepted, correct, improper, about Mr. Lloyd George
strictly adheres to decorous, inappropriate, and the famous Budget.
religious beliefs genteel, nice, incorrect,
polite, indecorous, inept,
respectable infelicitous
63 Paradox contradiction, Normality, The study of the
dichotomy, regularity, population growth
A person or thing incongruity, standard, indicates one of the
that combines self-contradiction usualness, greatest paradoxes of
contradictory inconsistency, accuracy, certainty, our time.
features or anomaly, conflict, correction, same,
qualities. absurdity, oddity, success, truth

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