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Scientific Illustration in features of a given phenomenon"

(2009:1). When words cannot convey

Anthropology an idea or subject clearly, an
illustration can display that subject
Katie Guenther more succinctly. Informative and
University of Manitoba pleasing to the eye, illustrations are
both useful and interesting at the
The discipline of anthropology uses same time (Hodges 1989). The people
scientific illustrators to effectively who create these illustrations are
communicate different types of artists who use their distinctive
information in visual form using many aptitude in the service of science.
different types of media. Visual Working in seemingly polar opposite
representation can capture shape, fields, they meld precise details with
details and anatomy where language creativity and design to convey
falls short (Hodges 1989). Advances in scientific messages. Scientific
technology have transformed the art illustrations take one step further than
of scientific illustration, with all of the normal illustrations. Images must be
choices available for illustration, the well measured and exact in their
question I have set out to answer is, dimensions and details. Skilled
can drawing and painting remain illustrators can achieve both creative
relevant in the wake of modern and impressive results with their
photography and computer graphics? pencils and paints as clarification of
Different types of scientific multiple focal depths can be achieved,
illustrations, including hand drawn and differentiation between many
ones, have been incorporated into the overlapping layers is also possible
work of anthropologists and specific (Hodges 1989).
conventions are followed when
illustrations are intended for Variety of Illustrations
anthropological use. The introduction To create a scientific illustration there
of scientific illustrations into are many possible tools and
anthropology has been fairly in techniques usable. The process and
comparison to a longer history that tools used to render a subject on a
dating back to the 16 th century. There page vary with an artist's desired final
is a need to examine the illustrations outcome. Final illustrations can belong
being used in anthropology because of to one of three basic categories as
the power images have to influence outlined by Elizabeth Morales (1989).
people, and the problems that this can They can be created using pen and ink
create. drawing techniques, colored paints or
on an computer. As artistic rendering
What is Scientific Illustration? techniques become increasingly
According to the Encyclopedia diverse, illustrations are made with
Britannica scientific illustrations are creative mixed media combinations
visual records utilized in the both that do not always fit into the
natural and social sciences to explain aforementioned categories. For
and describe "as objectively as instance, "The Painful Shoulder" by
possible the characteristic and typical William Westwood was created using

123 Journal o/the Manitoba Anthropology Students' Association

airbrushing techniques, watercolor Shadows can also be depicted using
paints and colored pencils (Lynch continuous tone, this is a technique
1989). that uses shades of grey, black and
white in illustrations (Briscoe 1996).
Published illustrations are most Depending on the media used for an
commonly created with pen and ink illustration, tonal variations of
on polyester drafting film (Morales et different colors can also be achieved.
al 1989). This medium is used to Illustrations can be completed using
create line drawings. A line drawing carbon pencils, watercolor washes or
uses the contrast of black against airbrushing, and creates a finished
white alone to illustrate a subject product that appears very realistic
(Briscoe 1996). Shading is achieved by (Briscoe 1996). One advantage of
using various concentrations of black using paints instead of inks or pencils
dots, an effect called stippling (Briscoe is the ability to depict color with
1996). Contour lines, hatching or pigments. Watercolor, acrylic, and oil
cross-hatching can also be used to this are the three most well known types
end (Briscoe 1996). Cross-hatching of paints today. Watercolors and
must be utilized with care, because it acrylics are used more often than oil
may appear like unintended texture paints for scientific illustrations
on the surface of an object (Hodge and because oil paintings take a much
Hodges 2003). One type of ink that is longer time to dry (Hodges Rawlins
especially popular is India ink, 2003).
because it is a strong black shade and
useful for drawing not only lines, but Watercolors are very versatile, and
also for filling large areas with solid depending on the amount of water
blackness (Smith 2003). used in a painting, illustrators can
achieve a variety of effects. Realistic
Pencils are very commonly used to looking illustrations are created when
make preliminary drawings of a watercolors are applied with a dry
subject, and can also be used for final brush (Sheehan and Hurd 2003).
drawings (Hodges and Rawlins 2003). Application of watercolors on a wet
Artists can use three different types of surface with a wet brush will create a
pencil, including waxy, charcoal and transparent appearance. This type of
grease. Graphite pencils are excellent painting will have a softer look
tools because of the spectrum ofleads (Sheehan and Hurd 2003). Dry and
that are available. Leads in the wet brush techniques are both used to
hardness range of 2H to 4H are among create scientific illustrations.
the most popular because they have In comparison to watercolor paints,
an excellent balance of softness and acrylic paint can convey very vivid
hardness (Hodges and Rawlins 2003). colors in illustrations. (Hodge 2003).
This range will create solid dark There are also archival benefits of
markings but do not need to be acrylic paint. They tend to fade less
sharpened as often as softer leads and resist discoloration, because
(Hodges and Rawlins 2003). acrylics are more adaptable to
changes in air quality over time (Smith
2003). Acrylic paints also retain

Volum e 28, 2009 124

flexibility after drying, allowing for Computer graphics are also useful in
increased portability of the finished the field of mapmaking. In the past,
product (Hodge 2003). maps were hand drawn in ink, but
technological advances allow for
Museum exhibits display many computer mapping of geography.
different scientific illustrations Geographical information systems are
including murals and dioramas. a type of computer information
Murals are painted on a much larger program that converts scanned
scale than normal scientific geographical data into maps.
illustrations. Museums also use Cartographers use this technology to
dioramas that can be created on many visually display and layer the complex
scales; the largest of these allows information of a landscape.
viewers to walk through the display. Cartographers design maps with
Even smaller scale dioramas use layers of information, this serves to
certain construction and design clarify and emphasize important parts.
techniques to increase the viewer's Mapmakers interpret a subject, and
perception of realism. Dioramas illustrate it with eye-catching
usually have a painted background for aesthetics (Cole 2003).
the display, which blends with focal
objects in the foreground through The use of photographs as a form of
lighting, a sloped floor and curved scientific illustration is the result of
background wall (Chase 2003). another relatively new technological
Traditionally paintings are created development. Photographs are
with a brush, but since the invention advantageous in some respects, and
of modern computer graphics, also convey a slightly different type of
illustrators have an entirely new way information than other forms of
of painting. illustration. Drawings and paintings
are viewed as subjective sources of
Computer images are a modern information, and photos are seen as a
technological innovation within the primarily objective source of
discipline of scientific illustration. information. Photographs produce a
There are three different types of very accurate copy of a subject, but
graphic images including painting, measurements cannot be inferred
drawing and layout programs. from photos. This problem can be
Illustrators can use computer graphics overcome by placing a scale within the
in combination with traditional art pictures frame (South 1968). Another
medium, or illustrations can be advantage of digital cameras is the
created by graphics alone. Traditional easy transfer of pictures onto
methods of illustration seem very computers by simply inserting a
different from computer graphics, but memory card. Cameras are fast and
both require the same understanding accurate in capturing images, and can
of design principles used within be used by a wide range of people.
illustrations (Lavendel 2003). This While photography is seen as a very
kind of work takes artistic sensibilities valuable, even indispensible, tool in
like creativity and an eye for anthropology there are still very
composition (Hodges 1989). important reasons to continue using

125 Journal of the Manitoba Anthropology Students' Association

traditional, hand drawn illustrations accurate information. Once it is
(Morales et al 1989). gathered, the subsequent translation
of data into the published form
Why Is Drawing Important? without losing accuracy is important.
Scientific illustration can elucidate the Each of anthropology's sub-fields
often unseen world (Hodges 1989). provide unique challenges and
With the invention of the microscope opportunity for illustrators, requiring
illustrations of the fascinating viral artists who work in anthropology to
world could be made. Internal plant be as flexible and knowledgeable
anatomy can be shown, geological about visual representation in a
cross sections of the earth displayed variety of contexts using a variety of
and extinct animals reconstructed for techniques (Morales et al 1989).
all to see (Hodges 1989). Using the Could anthropologists accomplish the
observational, aesthetic and technical task of illustration with photographs
talents of artists to scientific ends just as well as with drawings and
creates an accurate representation of painting? Photography is an essential
a subject (Hodges 1989). Elizabeth tool within the discipline, but there
Morales (1989) has stated that the are still some advantages to hand
benefit of a photograph is its relative drawn images today. Illustrators can
objectivity, and that the advantage of take an object and line draw it,
drawing is precisely the opposite, its highlighting important details in order
interpretive uses. Artists can separate to accentuate them (Hodges 1989).
or show hidden or usually inaccessible When working from a photograph, an
objects. illustrator can eliminate confusing
shadows, dirt and cracks from the
Drawn illustrations can also portray artifact, redirecting focus to the
what Kemp called "archetypical subject's most significant aspects
images" (Topper 1996:226). Rather (Morales et al 1989). A broken
than portraying only one variation of a specimen can be reconstructed in a
subject, an archetypical depiction drawing, giving people an idea of what
allows for the communication of the it may have looked like in the past
most average looking subject possible. (Hodges 1989). Small specimens can
David Topper (1996) argues that this be enlarged when drawn, without
is why scientific illustration has losing detail or blurring the image in
survived, even in the face of the the process (Morales et al 1989).
invention of photography. Drawing is also an important tool to
Photographs are constrained by the use in situations where recording
limitations of what can be seen in the images of artifacts must be done in a
present physical world, whereas the culturally sensitive manner. When
illustrations of artists are limited only working with a group of people who
by their own imaginations. are not comfortable with the use of
cameras to document human skeletal
Scientific Illustration in remains, drawing continues to be
Anthropology extremely important. An
One of the primary concerns of anthropologist needs to be able to
anthropology is the collection of share visual information without

Volum e 28,2009 126

giving offense or disregarding a Grave marker rubbings are one
group's cultural and religious beliefs. subject area that should be illustrated
For instance, some Native American in pencil or graphite. Pencil rubbings
people do not allow photographs of of these sometimes highly decorated
human remains or associated material stones can be traced in pen on paper
artifacts (McKinley, verbal afterwards. Also unique to illustration
communication, October 2009). In within anthropology is technique of
order to record valuable visual the rollout. Rollouts are when strips of
information about this significant plastic are taped around the sides of a
subject matter, other methods must be pot and the iconography is traced,
used. then this can be transferred into a
more refined drawing on paper. This
Techniques/Conventions technique is increasingly difficult
Conventions for the execution of when vessels are larger at one end. By
anthropological illustrations generally drawing the pattern slightly larger at
follow the same standards as scientific the top or bottom, the proportions can
illustrations, but there are a few rules be adjusted (Morales et al 1989).
that are specific within anthropology.
Conventions are widely agreed upon In ink and pencil drawings color
practices and standards used to cannot be seen in the illustration, but
ensure continuity and accuracy in color-coding offers a solution. In order
scientific illustrations. Two basic to represent color in a black and white
practices followed in scientific illustration several patterns can be
illustrations are lighting subjects from drawn, or the illustrator uses dot
the left, and including a metric scale in screens. Different percentages of dots
the drawing. There are also in a screen represent types of color,
conventions specific to from light to dark. When using this
anthropological illustrations. One of technique a key matching the actual
these is the orientation of stone colors to the shades in the drawing
projectiles with points facing up. must be included, otherwise no one
Anthropological illustrations also will know what color the shade or
position side views of an object on the pattern represents (Morales et al
corresponding side of the page. For 1989).
example, left views are drawn on the
left side. There are rules regarding the History o/Scientific Illustration
choice of drawing technique in Scientific illustration has been
relation to the material being practiced almost throughout human
illustrated. For instance, stippling history. The formation of the
would be used when working with discipline as it appears today began in
porous stone or bone artifacts. Hard the 16 th century with the use of
and shiny stone tools are often illustrations in scientific books.
sketched using parallel lines. The Modern scientific illustration stems
choice of pen or pencil as the media from a long tradition of recording
for drawing is also guided by plants and animals in pictorial form.
conventions associated with certain The history of visual communication
types of subjects (Morales et aI1989). of knowledge can be traced back to

127 Journal o/the Manitoba Anthropology Students' Association

our Cro-Magnon ancestors. Ford the spreading use of drawing
(1993) argues that cave paintings guidebooks for novice artists. David
discovered in France were aids for Topper (1996) argues that these
teaching methods of attack, hunting books taught artists not only how to
strategies and even show animal draw, but also perpetuated stylistic
anatomy. The Greek and Roman techniques as well. Instead of
tradition of drawing plant life on depicting a specific specimen, a
papyrus paper also predates modern 'typical' looking subject was created,
scientific illustration. To preserve and the artistic conventions of the
knowledge of medically important time were also strongly transmitted
plants, their structures were within scientific illustrations.
illustrated in detail, and this was used
help others identify them. In some The Power and Problems of Images
cases text also appeared with these Images are powerful because of they
herbal illustrations, describing the easily transmit complicated ideas.
plants and their accompanying Complex symbolic information can be
medical uses (Ford 1993). communicated with just one glance.
Samuel Edgerton states that pictures
One of the most important are an important method of
developments for the spread of communication. They are a "unique
scientific illustrations was the form of pictorial language" that uses
invention of the printing press in the "symbols and conventions" to send
15 th century. Printing with woodcuts information both intentionally and
allowed for the wider public unintentionally (Topper 1996:168).
dissemination of scientific texts with The symbols in illustrations, especially
accompanying illustrations. By the in the tradition of scientific
16 th century books with text and illustrations of human evolution
pictures were printed and distributed, require interpretation and thought on
this is the point where scientific the viewers part to understand them
illustration as we conceive of it today, (Topper 1996).
begins. At this time illustrations were
usually drawn from first hand Conventions and symbolism in
observations as accurately as possible, illustrations of human ancestors are
to accompany scientific writing in powerful, and can influence
printed books or journals. Just as the generations of future illustrators.
discipline was reaching its prime, new David Topper believes that these
trends began to emerge which meanings often stem from artistic
resulted in less accurate scientific traditions, giving scientific
illustrations (Topper 1996). illustrations "a source of theory-
leadenness from art itself'
A new trend began to emerge, where (1996:229). He argues that visuals do
illustrations were widely being not just reiterate what a text is saying,
created using other illustrations as but have their own messages, history
their primary subject. This copying of and conventions. Judith Berman
images by scientific illustrators in the (1999) gives an example of the
16 th century may have been because of influence artistic traditions have on

Volum e 28, 2009 128

scientific illustrations; an early illustrations also sends messages
painting entitled, 'Cain,' by Fernand about who is important and dominant,
Corman. "Cain" was painted in 1880, and who is submissive and less
and viewed as an accurate significant. Older people and women
representation of human ancestors, were most often still, while men were
but many of the details in the artwork depicted and animated as they made
stemmed from a tradition of Wildman tools and hunted. In general, Glifford-
paintings displayed in French Salons Gonzalez (1993) found that
in the nineteenth century. These illustrations of human ancestors were
paintings strongly influenced strongly biased towards depicting
depictions of cavemen, resulting in a middle aged white men and activities
stereotype of early humans in believed to be typically associated
scientific illustrations and modern with them.
media with shaggy hair, draped fur as
clothing, a hairy body and heavy brow. Illustrations can also make arguments
Berman (1999) states that the amount about what constitutes humanity, by
and positioning of the caveman's hair offering visual evidence. In the debate
places him into the category of human over human ancestry, scientific
ancestor, but further down the illustrations were used to argue where
evolutionary scale than modern recovered fossils should be placed in
humans and closer to animals the line of human evolution. Stephanie
(Berman 1999). In this case, the Moser (1996) exemplifies the use of
illustrations had an active role in the scientific illustrations in the debate
discourse about the "humanness" of over the evolutionary positions of
cave dwellers. Australopithecus boisei versus Homo
habilis. One representation clearly
Some of the symbols and conventions shows Australopithecus boisei as being
in scientific illustration have non-human as indicated by an
underlying messages of social increased amount of hair and the use
hierarchy. For instance, physical of plain rocks. Homo habilis by
anthropologist's study of the facial comparison is standing uphill, has
bone structures of Homo sapiens more 'human like' features and is
sapiens were used to reinforce the holding tools. He is being
conclusion that early human ancestors communicated as the human ancestor
were most similar to the bone the use of certain symbols, tools
structure of Western European indicate that he is inventive and learns
people. Diane Gifford-Gonzales (1993) through experimentation (Moser
surveyed 88 scientific illustrations, in 1996).
these there were over four hundred
people depicted. Half of these images Images are an excellent tool to employ
were of men, less than one quarter when making an argument because
contained females, there were a they are often accepted without
similar number of children as women, critical evaluation. Greg Myers says
and a very small fraction of people that we uncritically accept
were elderly. The postures and illustrations because of "gratuitous"
movement of characters in these details (Gifford-Gonzales 1993:29). A

129 Journal o/the Manitoba Anthropology Students' Association

detailed and realistic style can ancestors. Illustrators, anthropologists
convince people ofthe illustration's and public viewers need to be
truthfulness. Landscapes, well drawn cautious and critical in the
backgrounds, compelling facial interpretation of these images. New
expressions, the postures of tools are being used to illustrate
characters and tools all help viewers subjects as technology advances,
to rel ate to an illustration, convincing modern photographs and computer
them it is realistic (Gifford-Gonzales graphics continue to increase in
1993). Judith Berman (1999) said that popularity, but traditional methods
most people never question the still fill an integral place in the
shaggy hairdos of human ancestors in discipline. From cave paintings
scientific illustrations. There is created thousands of years ago,
evidence offered by evolutionary through history to today, drawing and
biologists and archaeologists that painting has survived many
contradicts the popular hairstyle given technological advances and they
to our ancestors. Knowledge of continue to be used in new ways and
ancient hair styles can come from the in combination with recent
self representations of Upper technologies.
Paleolithic people, including the Venus
figures. These figures show women References
and men with styled hair, as opposed
to wild, untamed hair. Berman, Judith. 1999 Bad Hair Days
Representations of human ancestors in the Paleolithic: Modern
must be critically evaluated in order to (Re)Constructions of the Cave Man.
uncover the other messages that are American Anthropologist 101 (2):288-
being sent alongside the intended 304.
information. While a well researched
and reconstructed image may help Boulet, Rodger. 1997 Engraving
convey important ideas, it is Technique. Electronic document.
problematic to portray these symbol http :// / benwick/ te
laden, man-made illustrations as chniQ ue.html. accessed September 20,
scientific fact (Berman 1999). 2008.

Conclusion Briscoe, Mary. 1996 Preparing

In conclusion, illustrations do not just Scientific Illustrations. New York:
reiterate the statements in a text; they Springer-Verlag.
are powerful tools of communication
that convey independent messages. Cole, Daniel. 2003 Cartography for the
What is considered important enough Scientific Illustrator. The Guild
to illustrate reflects not only Handbook of Scientific Illustration. 2 nd
enthusiasms of a discipline, but can edition. Elaine Hodges ed. Pp. 528-550.
also unintentionally perpetuate New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
narratives of social hierarchy. This is
especially apparent when reviewing
the influence of artistic traditions
within scientific illustrations of human

Volume 28, 2009 130

Encyclopcedia Britannica Morales, Elizabeth with Jennifer
2009 Scientific Illustration. Electronic Loynd and Liz Hansen.
document 1989 Illustrating Humans and Their Artifacts. The Guild Handbook of
ed/topic/528926/scientific- Scientific Illustration. New York: Van
illustration, accessed April 14, 2009. Nostrand Reinhold

Ford, Brian. 1993 Images of Science: A Moser, Stephanie. 1996 Visual

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York: Oxford University Press. Depicting the Missing Link in Human
Origins. Picturing Knowledge:
Gifford-Gonzales, Diane. 1993 You Historical and Philosophical Problems
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/encyclopaediaJomana/index.html Sheehan, Marion and Jane Hurd
Hodges, Elaine, ed. 2003 Watercolor and Wash. The Guild
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Handbook of Scientific Illustration. edition. Elaine Hodges ed. Pp.161-177.
New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.

Hodges, Elaine and W. Scott Rawlins. Smith, Christine. 2003 Archival

2003 Studio Basics. The Guild Considerations. The Guild Handbook of
Handbook of Scientific Illustration. 2 nd Scientific IlIustraiton. 2 nd edition.
edition. Elaine Hodges ed. Pp. 23-57. Elaine Hodges ed. Pp. 58-88. New
New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.

Hodge, Gerald and Elaine Hodges South, Stanley A.1968 Photography in

2003 Line and Ink The Guild Historical Archaeology. Historical
Handbook of Scientific IlIustraiton. 2 nd Archaeology Vol. 2:73-79
edition. Elaine Hodges ed. Pp. 113-132.
New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. Topper, David. 1996 Towards an
Epistemology of Scientific Illustration.
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131 Journal o/the Manitoba Anthropology Students' Association

Wiber, Melanie. 1998 Erect Men
Undulating Women: The Visual
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Volum e 28, 2009 132

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