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115 Pioneers colonial, colonist, stay in place, Charles Darwin was a

colonizer, unmake, fall, pioneer of evolution.

a person who is frontiersman, natural
among the first homesteader, depression,
to explore or settler, stand still
settle a new mastermind,
country or area. originator

116 Insolence Rudeness, Deference, Her insolence cost her

disrespect, consideration, job.
rude and insubordination, politeness,
disrespectful discourtesy, modesty,
behaviour. impertinence, bashfulness.
117 Menace danger, safety, surety Drunk drivers are a
hazard, comfort, menace to everyone.
a person or thing imminence, delight,
that is likely to peril, pitfall, happiness
cause harm risk, threat, pleasure, aid,
trouble assistance
118 Disastrous calamitous, wonderful, Half the city was
cataclysmal miraculous, destroyed by a
causing great catastrophic, prosperous, disastrous fire.
damage. damning, successful,
destructive, fatal, triumphant,
fateful, ruinous, winning
119 Eloquently articulate, inarticulate, She spoke eloquently
fluent, ineloquent, on the subject for
in a fluent or silver-tongued, unvocal about an hour.
persuasive well-spoken
120 Compatriot Fellow, Foreigner, I am not so happy
countryman, Alien, outsider, about some of our
a fellow citizen fellow citizen, immigrant. compatriots who
or national of a fellow, national, travel abroad for their
country. inarticulate, holidays.
121 Absurd bizarre, crazy, realistic, She found the whole
fanciful, fantastic, reasonable, concept absurd.
wildly foolish, insane, sensible,
unreasonable, nonsensical, reasonable,
illogical, or preposterous, realistic, justified,
inappropriate. unreal, wild pragmatic
122 Ingenuity cleverness, Incapacity, He showed amazing
creativeness, clumsiness, ingenuity in finding
the quality of creativity, ignorance, ways to cut costs.
being clever, imagination, weakness,
original, and imaginativeness, ineptness,
inventive. ingeniousness stupidity,

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