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“My name is Helryx. I run an organization you never heard of called the Order of Mata Nui. We
are at war - and you’ve just been drafted.”

A secret society, hidden from the rest of the world, that has pulled the strings since the
early days of the Matoran Universe: the Order of Mata Nui is a powerful group that has covertly
reshaped the destiny of entire islands and peoples.

Their leader is a proud, wise, and ancient Toa of Water by the name of Helryx. Her many
agents include such renowned warriors as Axonn, Brutaka, Hydraxon, Tobduk, and dozens of
others that go unnoticed. Additionally, Rahi such as Mana-Ko, and war machines such as the
Swamp Strider, provide heavy firepower for the Order.

Agents of the Order of Mata Nui are trained to avoid mental attacks and feature psionic
shielding, protecting them from all forms of mind control and hypnosis. With their enhanced
training, they bestow psionic resistance to their allies in the field. This makes them a powerful
ally in a fight against the Bohrok Swarm, the League of Six Kingdoms, the Skakdi Raiders, and
other factions who may possess and bend the minds of their opponents.

The Order of Mata Nui is similar to the Toa Heroes faction. Their strengths are versatile,
and they feature a balance between ranged and melee combat. Generally, however, they serve as
an anti-psionic army, and provide the faction they are attached to with an array of strong
resistances. This makes them slightly stronger as a defensive faction, providing critical buffs to
your main force, and giving them access to elemental attacks that they might otherwise lack.

Common Rules:
● Mental Resistance - A unit with this rule may not be mind-controlled under any

Warlord Traits:
● This Faction may not have a Warlord.

Command Point Stratagems:

● Command Reroll - 1 CP - Reroll a single die.
● Insane Bravery - 2 CP - Have a unit automatically succeed its Morale Test.


● Counter-Defensive - 2 CP - After an enemy unit that Charged fights, you may choose
one friendly unit and immediately fight.
● Stasis Immunity - 1 CP - Use this stratagem whenever a unit attempts to reduce Axonn’s
Movement characteristic. Roll a D6; on a 2+, the attempt fails.
● Rahi Warper - 3 CP - Use this stratagem once per battle whenever Brutaka uses his
Kanohi power. Roll a D6, and add the corresponding Rahi within 3” of Brutaka, treating
it as if it were part of your army.
○ 1 - Tahtorak - see Skakdi Codex - This model does not come equipped with its
Spike Staff weapon.
○ 2 - Kikanalo - see Metru Nui Loyalists Codex - This model does not come
equipped with its Kanoka Carbine weapon, or Carry A Big Stick ability.
○ 3 - Fikou Swarm (x5) - see Makuta Codex
○ 4 - Fenrakk - see Skakdi Codex - This model does not come equipped with its
Warspear weapon.
○ 5 - Pit War Tortoise - see League of Six Kingdoms Codex
○ 6 - Manas Crab - see Makuta Codex
● Tidal Wave - 2 CP - Use this stratagem in the Shooting Phase when Helryx uses her
Elemental Strike. The attack now bypasses Invulnerable Saves. Additionally, the attack
makes 3D3 To Hit rolls instead of the standard D3.
● Replacement - 2 CP - Use this stratagem whenever Botar takes enough damage to be
slain. Roll a D6. On a 3+, Botar takes no damage, and instead teleports up to 12” in any
● Master of Arms - 1 CP - Use this stratagem whenever Hydraxon uses his Explosive
Boomerang attack. If this attack misses, it is automatically refunded.
● Energy Signature - 1 CP - Use this stratagem at the start of the Fight Phase. All friendly
units of Energy Hounds fight first.
● Repair Subroutine - 3 CP - Use this stratagem at the start of the round. All Maxilos
Robots regain D3 lost wounds.
● Shared Equipment - 2 CP - Use this stratagem at the start of the round on a friendly unit
of Matoran Agents. Said unit may arm itself with any weapon carried by a friendly
Infantry unit, as long as the AP of said weapon is less than or equal to 7. This does not
include weapons carried by Sergeants.

Unit Catalog:

Commander - Helryx, Axonn, Brutaka, Botar

Troops - Toa Agents, Matoran Agents
Elites - Hydraxon, Tobduk, Trinuma, Maxilos Robot
Fast Attack - Energy Hounds, Umbra
Heavy Support - Mana Ko, Swamp Strider



“We are in a war. Maybe we have been since the day the Brotherhood struck down Mata Nui.
And in a war, you don’t always get to choose your allies or test them first to make sure they are
good and pure enough.” Since the dawn of the Matoran Universe, there has been one figure,
subservient only to the Great Spirit Mata Nui himself, who has stood as a watchful protector of
both the Matoran and of the universe as a whole: Toa Helryx; the first Toa ever created; founder
of the Order of Mata Nui, and veteran of a thousand battles. It was by her hand that some of
history's greatest victories and greatest tragedies stand, as it is not her place to ensure peace or
justice. Her motivation is the protection of Mata Nui, at any cost. For the sake of the Great
Spirit’s survival, she will go to no end, and make any sacrifice for the greater good - for in the
seconds that decide the life of the universe, hesitation means death.

Shield Bash, Spiked Flail, Elemental Strike

Keywords: Toa, Character, Infantry, Commander, Kanohi Capable, Unique, Order of Mata Nui
Size: 40mm base.
Cost: 130 PTS

● Mental Shielding (Aura) - Training by the Order of Mata Nui protects its agents from
mental probing and shields their mind - This model, along with all friendly units within
6” may not be mind-controlled or turned to the enemy faction under any circumstances.
For example, if a Makuta model is slain, it may not use its Living Antidermis rule to
possess a model within 6” of this model.
● Disturbingly Frail - This model has a 4+ Invulnerable Save.
● Break the Code - Helryx is willing to break the rules to win - This model may perform
its Elemental Strike attack while in melee combat.
● Leader of the Order - Helryx has run the Order of Mata Nui for a lifetime, and seen
more death and destruction than most - Friendly Order of Mata Nui units within 6” may
reroll failed Wound rolls.

6” 2+ 3+ 5 5 6 3 10

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Shield Bash 1” Melee 5 2 No


Spiked Flail 2” Melee 6 D3 No

Elemental Strike 24” Versatile D3 6 2 Yes1

1. This attack deals Elemental damage.

“Don't you realize you're fighting for a lost cause?”
“Maybe, but don't you realize those are the only kind worth fighting for?”
Strong and wise, Axonn is a powerful warrior. In times long past, he was a warlord who
conquered islands and laid waste to empires. Despite his bloodthirsty and brutal ways, he was
granted a chance to redeem himself by the quartermaster of the Order of Mata Nui - Hydraxon.
In the Order, Axonn would learn of a purpose greater than himself, and dedicate his life to the
protection of Mata Nui. One of many agents working toward the protection of the Great Spirit
and the Kanohi Ignika, Axonn uses his powers of healing and calming for good, and is a noble
protector of Matoran and any others who cannot defend themselves. Alongside his trusted friend
and ally Brutaka, he is confident that nothing shall threaten Mata Nui’s survival while the Order
still stands.

Broadaxe, Electrical Blast

Keywords: Character, Infantry, Commander, Kanohi Capable, Unique, Order of Mata Nui
Size: 50mm base.
Cost: 140 PTS

● Mental Shielding (Aura) - Training by the Order of Mata Nui protects its agents from
mental probing and shields their mind - This model, along with all friendly units within
6” may not be mind-controlled or turned to the enemy faction under any circumstances.
For example, if a Makuta model is slain, it may not use its Living Antidermis rule to
possess a model within 6” of this model.
● Becalmed - At the end of each Movement Phase, this model may heal one friendly unit,
restoring D3 lost wounds. If the unit is made up of single-wound models, it may not
recover lost models.
● Stasis - Axonn is able to create stasis fields, holding enemies in place for a limited time -
Once per battle, target an enemy unit engaged in melee combat with this unit. Then, roll a
D6. On a 3+, the enemy model’s Movement characteristic is reduced to 0” for the
duration of the next round.

Kanohi Power:


● Rode - Enemy units may never reroll To Hit rolls against this model, regardless of their

6” 2+ 3+ 6 7 7 3 10

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Broadaxe 2” Melee 7 3 No

Electrical Blast 12” Personal 3 5 2 Yes1

1. This attack deals Electricity damage.

“When you were still toiling at your mundane Matoran chores, I and others like me were holding
your universe together. Do you really believe your puny powers can threaten a member of the
Order of Mata Nui?” Brutaka is undeniably a mighty warrior, but is also among the Order’s least
stable members. He once served as a lieutenant for the Brotherhood of Makuta, but disliked the
regimental and rigid life enforced by the Makuta. His reputation covered not only martial
prowess, but also a scholarly knowledge of the world around him. This led the Order of Mata
Nui to recruit him not long after, and he was given the Kanohi Olmak, Mask of Dimensional
Gates to assist in his duties across the universe. Brutaka took this great honor of a Kanohi crafted
by Artakha, and used it to teleport a Tahtorak to the middle of Metru Nui. After other similar
incidents involving Brutaka’s boredom causing chaos between missions, the Order paired him
with the more stable and patient Axonn. The two quickly became friends, and gained great
respect within the Order. They were assigned to protect the Kanohi Ignika, the legendary Mask
of Life, and ensure it did not fall into the wrong hands. However, with the Great Spirit wounded
by the Great Cataclysm and the Ignika seemingly vanished, Brutaka’s faith in both Mata Nui and
his Order is shaken, and even his old friend’s words can do little to soothe him.

Rotating Blades, Hidden Daggers, Energy Blast

Keywords: Character, Infantry, Commander, Kanohi Capable, Unique, Order of Mata Nui
Size: 50mm base.
Cost: 140 PTS

● Mental Shielding (Aura) - Training by the Order of Mata Nui protects its agents from
mental probing and shields their mind - This model, along with all friendly units within
6” may not be mind-controlled or turned to the enemy faction under any circumstances.

For example, if a Makuta model is slain, it may not use its Living Antidermis rule to
possess a model within 6” of this model.
● Stasis Disruption - Brutaka is able to dissipate and shatter stasis fields on contact - All
friendly units within 12” may not have their Movement speed lowered under any
● Antidermis Injection - The antidermis of a Makuta drives Vhisotai to greater strength -
Every time this model wounds a unit with the Makuta keyword, regain one lost wound,
and add +1 to this model’s Attacks characteristic.

Kanohi Power:
● Olmak - Once per battle, this model, and D3 friendly units within 6” may perform the
Ambush action. They are not required to relocate to the same location on the board.
Additionally, all units wholly within 6” move through terrain as if it were not there.
Finally, this model may also deploy at any location further than 9” from enemy models
during the Deployment Phase.

6” 2+ 3+ 7 6 7 3 10

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Rotating Blades 2” Melee 7 2 Yes1

Hidden Daggers 1” Melee 5 D6 Yes2

Energy Blast 20” Versatile 2 5 2 Yes1

1. This attack deals Electricity damage.

2. This weapon may only perform 1 attack per Fight Phase.

"I am Botar. The Pit calls, and I have come." The southern reaches of the universe hold many
strange and horrifying creatures. Beings from the southern islands are rarely seen outside of their
homelands, and thus rumors and uncertainties abound about their abilities and existence. Such
unclear and unknown information is perfect for the Order’s secretive operatives. Botar is a
member of one such species; their ability to warp almost anywhere within the universe is
unknown to most. Botar’s strong sense of moral justice and uncanny ability to sense when and
where he is needed make him one of the Order’s most valued agents. His most common duty is
sending those too despicable for death to the Pit, though he often appears to escort items or
beings of high value across the universe. While Botar often is very serious in his duties, he is not

above some humor, such as a mild amusement from replicating Brutaka’s maneuver by releasing
a Tahtorak on Xia.

Arm Blades, Protosteel Axe

Keywords: Character, Infantry, Commander, Kanohi Capable, Unique, Order of Mata Nui
Size: 50mm base.
Cost: 150 PTS

● Mental Shielding (Aura) - Training by the Order of Mata Nui protects its agents from
mental probing and shields their mind - This model, along with all friendly units within
6” may not be mind-controlled or turned to the enemy faction under any circumstances.
For example, if a Makuta model is slain, it may not use its Living Antidermis rule to
possess a model within 6” of this model.
● Horrifying Visage - Botar’s animalistic appearance terrifies and horrifies enemies -
Enemy units within 6” subtract -2 from their Leadership characteristic.
● Teleportation - Botar’s teleportation is so fast that to observers, he simply blinks in and
out of existence - This model may, at the start of the Movement Phase, select an enemy
model within 3”. Then, roll a D6. On a 2+, you may move both this model as well as the
enemy model. Additionally, both this model, and any model it forces to move may move
through terrain as if it were not there.

8” 3+ 3+ 6 6 8 3 10

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Arm Blades 1” Melee 6 2 No

Protosteel Axe 1” Melee 7 D3 Yes1

1. When this model fights using this weapon, it makes one less attack.


Toa Agents
For much of the Order of Mata Nui’s history, Helryx refused the assistance of Toa. She viewed
the restrictions of the Toa Code as a limitation, preventing Toa from doing what needed to be
done. Nonetheless, with war raging across the universe, even Helryx cannot pick and choose her
allies. Fortunately for her, there are several Toa who have abandoned the Code, with their faith in

the Great Spirit tested. Those willing to renew their trust in Mata Nui often join the Order, either
to redeem themselves for their past sins, or for the greater good of the universe; and although
they are no longer beholden to the Toa Code, they are heroes all the same.

Toa Tools, Elemental Attack

Keywords: Toa, Infantry, Troop, Kanohi Capable, Order of Mata Nui
Quantity: 6
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 15 PTS per model (90 PTS per minimum size unit).

● Mental Resistance
● The Mission - This unit, if it is on an Objective, holds it regardless of how many enemies
are contesting it.
● Kanohi Capable - This unit may take 1 Kanohi from the Toa Codex Kanohi list.
● Elemental Attack Form - This unit benefits from the Elemental Warrior rule of the Toa

5” 3+ 3+ 5 5 2 2 9

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Toa Tools 1” Melee 5 2 No

1. This attack deals Elemental damage.

Matoran Agents
Matoran are often underestimated. Seen as small, weak, and often cowardly, they are rarely
thought of as good soldiers. It is precisely for this reason that Helryx favors Matoran as members
of the Order. The few that show the will and the dedication to serve the Order are often hardened
by years of conflict, and have learned how to fend for themselves. With training of the body and
of the mind, they can rival a Toa in ferocity, but they carry with them anonymity. Overlooked
and rarely considered, Matoran are capable infiltrators, assassins, and spies. Whenever the Order
launches an assault on its enemies, there are likely already multiple teams of Matoran in the area
who have been waiting and watching for months, or even years, and relaying information to the
Order’s agents.

Matoran Blades


Keywords: Infantry, Troop, Matoran, Kanohi Capable, Order of Mata Nui

Quantity: 12-20
Size: 25mm base.
Cost: 9 PTS per model (108 PTS per minimum size unit).

● Mental Resistance
● Loyal - Matoran Agents are drilled and tested, with the horrors of the universe serving to
remind them how much their duty really matters - This unit automatically passes Morale
● No Need For Heroes - Only the most dangerous and skilled Matoran serve as field
operatives for the Order - This unit’s attacks ignore Feel No Pain and Invulnerable Saves.

5” 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 1 8

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Matoran Blades 1” Melee 3 1 Yes1

1. Add +1 to the result of Wound rolls made with this weapon.


Hydraxon has served many roles in the Order since its very inception. For a time, he recruited
members, travelling throughout the universe in hopes of finding the bravest and the strongest
individuals to join the ranks of the Order. Then he was an instructor, where he taught the Toa
Mata every technique he could, and honed them into powerful warriors. By blade,
micro-Kanoka, and fist, he equipped them with an education in every tool of destruction
available. Finally, he would find himself as the jailer of the Pit, where he and a squadron of
Maxilos robots kept watch over the scum of the universe. During the Great Cataclysm, he would
be critically injured, and would find his quarry escaping. From that day forward, he would have
yet another new task - find and reclaim the lost prisoners, at any cost, and return them to the Pit
where they belong.

Cordak Blaster, Exploding Boomerang, Wrist Blades

Keywords: Character, Infantry, Elite, Unique, Order of Mata Nui
Size: 40mm base.


Cost: 120 PTS

● Mental Resistance
● Quartermaster - Hydraxon trained the Toa Mata, along with many other students, with a
variety of weapons; all of which he wields with skill - The AP of Versatile and Repeater
weapons of any friendly units within 6” is increased by 1 (e.g. an AP -1 weapon becomes
an AP -2 weapon). Additionally, treat the range of said weapons as being 3” greater.
● Skilled In All Forms of Combat - Hydraxon is a legendary warrior, whose reputation is
well-warranted - This model always fights first in the Fight Phase, whether it has been
Charged or not. If it is fighting a model with the same ability, each of you roll a D6, and
whoever rolls higher goes first.

6” 3+ 3+ 6 6 6 3 10

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Cordak Blaster 24” Versatile D3 6 D3 Yes1

Exploding Boomerang 18” Blaster 1 8 D6 Yes1, 2

Wrist Blades 1” Melee 6 2 No

1. Unmodified To Hit rolls of 6 cause a Mortal Wound in addition to any damage dealt.
2. This attack may only be performed once per battle.

Tobduk is a survivor - quite literally so, as it is the very meaning of his name in the Matoric
language. More than seventy thousand years ago, his homeland was destroyed by the Visorak,
and most of his people slain. The experience hardened him, and left him a merciless and
stone-hearted warrior; a trait compounded by his species’ ability to feed on strong emotions.
With each foe he faces, his strength grows, as he absorbs their fury and uses it to fuel himself. In
a state of near-perpetual rage, the Order sends him on only the most dangerous missions, where
they require naught but death and destruction, for that is all that Tobduk has to offer.

Doomviper Staff (shooting), Doomviper Staff (melee)

Keywords: Character, Infantry, Elite, Unique, Order of Mata Nui
Size: 40mm base.
Cost: 115 PTS


● Mental Resistance
● Anger Absorption - The rage of those around him gives Tobduk energy and power,
which he can use against them - Add +1 to this model’s Attack characteristic for every 4
enemy models within 6”.

Kanohi Power:
● Sanok - Add +1 to all ranged To-Hit rolls made by this unit.

6” 3+ 4+ 6 6 5 3 10

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Doomviper Staff (shooting) 12” Versatile 2 9 D6 Yes1

Doomviper Staff (melee) 2” Melee 6 D3 No

1. This attack deals Elemental damage.

The dedicated covert-operations agent of the Order, Trinuma is a mysterious and determined
Ihidauri who handles many of their secretive missions throughout the universe. Frequently
working in hostile territory, he specializes in guerrilla tactics and asymmetrical warfare, where
his talents often result in disastrous casualties for his enemies. Helping him achieve his missions
is his Mask of Charisma, a Kanohi capable of persuading enemies to lay down their weapons and
aid him in his cause. Many weak-minded enemies find themselves unknowingly happily
delivering the instruments of their own demise on Trinuma’s orders, while he disappears from
the scene into the dark of the night.

Nynrah Ghost Blaster, Kinetic Blasters

Keywords: Character, Infantry, Elite, Ihidauri, Unique, Order of Mata Nui
Size: 40mm base.
Cost: 115 PTS

● Mental Resistance


● No Nonsense - Trinuma’s driven and focused nature keeps his allies firm in the face of
danger - Friendly units within 6” may use this model’s Leadership characteristic instead
of their own.
● Protosteel Shield - The arm shield Trinuma wields is nearly indestructible, and forged of
pure protosteel - This model has a 4+ Invulnerable Save.
● Saboteur - Whenever this model is first deployed, target one Objective. The first enemy
unit that holds or contests that objective immediately takes D3 Mortal Wounds.

Kanohi Power:
● Atuma - Once per battle, during the Command Phase, target an enemy unit without the
Character keyword who is within 6”, and roll 2D6. Subtract the targeted unit’s Leadership
characteristic. If the result is positive, the targeted enemy unit joins your team for the
duration of the Round.

7” 3+ 3+ 6 6 5 3 10

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Twin Nynrah Ghost Blasters 24” Versatile 4 5 2 Yes1

Kinetic Blasters 18” Repeater 2 6 1 Yes2

1. This attack deals Electricity damage. Additionally, if the target of this attack has the Construct
or Vehicle keyword, and this attack wounds its target, you may roll a D6. On a 4+, you may force
the target to make a ranged attack using one of its weapons at any valid target.
2. For each hit that wounds an enemy model, you may move them up to 2” away from this
model. If this ability is targeting an enemy unit, move the unit leader, and then have the enemy
player set up the unit within coherency.

Maxilos Robot
A Maxilos robot is the perfect guard: it cannot be deceived, it cannot be persuaded, and it cannot
be bribed. Long ago, Artahka built a legion of Maxilos robots - massive, bipedal armored
warriors - to serve the Order of Mata Nui. Many were used as wardens to guard the Pit, where
they could maintain a constant, sleepless, and ever-perceptive watch over the prisoners. With the
flooding of the prison, they would continue to operate to their best ability, attempting to recover
the escaped and mutated inmates. For the Maxilos robots that were not used as Pit guards,
however, many still remain in the Order’s possession. Their Cordak blasters fire powerful and
destructive rockets, and their twin-bladed staves wield a dark energy. Each Maxilos robot is


capable of cleaving a Toa in twain, and is completely and utterly unflinching and
uncompromising; a fact that makes them some of the greatest warriors at the Order’s disposal.

Cordak Blaster, Twin-Bladed Sword (shooting), Twin-Bladed Sword (melee)

Keywords: Infantry, Elite, Construct, Order of Mata Nui
Size: 40mm base.
Cost: 70 PTS

● Mental Resistance
● Waterproof - The Maxilos robot’s subsystems are shielded from the effects of the
elements, allowing it to operate for centuries under crushing pressure and freezing cold
water - This model is immune to all attacks dealing Elemental damage. Additionally,
enemy units reroll Wound rolls of 6 when targeting this unit.
● Warden - The Maxilos robots served as the wardens of the Oit for most of their history,
where they watched tirelessly for any sign of an escape attempt - This model’s Overwatch
shots are treated as using its Ballistics skill, rather than the standard 6+.
● Sentinel - If an enemy model enters a 3” radius of this model, it automatically performs
attacks against the enemy as if it were the Shooting Phase.

5” 3+ 3+ 6 6 5 3 10

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Cordak Blaster 24” Versatile D3 6 D3 Yes1

Twin-Bladed Sword 18” Repeater 1 5 1 Yes2


Twin-Bladed Sword (melee) 2” Melee 6 2 Yes2

1. Unmodified hit rolls of 6 cause a Mortal Wound in addition to any damage normally dealt.
2. This attack deals Elemental, Electricity, and Shadow damage.

Fast Attack:

Energy Hounds
Energy Hounds were among the first Rahi ever created, their task to scour the young universe for
any rogue creations of the Great Beings - a foul and unenviable task. No sooner did their hunt


begin, before they were paired with members of the Order to assist in a hunt of a different sort:
finding and striking down fugitives and other individuals evading capture. Their ability to track
unique energy signatures from one end of the universe to the other made them more than ideal
for such tasks. Many energy hounds were employed as guards of the Pit alongside the Maxilos
Robots, aiding the eternal and sleepless sentinels in hunting down the rare yet extremely
dangerous excapies.

Gnashing Teeth
Keywords: Infantry, Rahi, Elite, Order of Mata Nui
Quantity: 3-6
Size: 40mm base.
Cost: 15 PTS per model (45 PTS per minimum size unit).

● Tracker - Energy hounds can track even a single particle of their quarry to nearly any
location in the Matoran Universe - If an enemy unit withdraws from melee combat with
this unit, this unit automatically succeeds all Charges against that unit in the future. If its
Charge roll is insufficient, treat the roll as being the minimum required roll to succeed on
the charge.
● Furious Creature - This unit rolls 3 dice when Charging rather than the standard 2.

7” 3+ 5+ 5 4 1 3 9

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Gnashing Teeth 1” Melee 6 1 No

For millennia, Umbra was the faithful guardian of the Kanohi Ignika. Though his work brings
him no pleasure, it is his responsibility, and both heroes and villains face the might of his laser
lance and his impossible speed. Stationed in a cave deep beneath Mount Valmai, he neither
sleeps nor eats. Yet despite his watchful eye, it seems that destiny had another plan for him - for
one day, the Kanohi Ignika vanished. When news of the Ignika’s mysterious exodus broke upon
the Matoran Universe, the already calamitous war grew even bloodier, as each side began to
suspect their enemies of wielding the legendary mask. Meanwhile, the disappearance of his
charge bewilders Umbra, for he still does not know how the mask vanished. Did a warrior sneak
past his defenses? Did the mask itself form some escape? Though he has no answer, his
never-ending hunt takes him across the Matoran Universe, where he seeks the Ignika with every


breath; for if the Mask of Life falls into the hands of the enemy, they shall surely use it for their
own nefarious will.

Laser Lance (shooting), Laser Lance (melee), Light Rhotuka

Keywords: Character, Infantry, Elite, Kanohi Capable, Unique, Light, Order of Mata Nui
Size: 40mm base.
Cost: 95 PTS

● Speed of Light - Umbra is able to navigate at the speed of light, warping around terrain
without slowing in the slightest - This model may move through terrain as if it were not
there. Additionally, this model may Withdraw in the Fight Phase instead of the
Movement Phase.
● Light Projections - Solid light, fired from Umbra’s Rhotuka, creates defensive barriers
on a whim - Once per Round, during the Command Phase, this unit may target a friendly
unit within 6”. Said friendly unit is treated as being in Light Cover for the duration of the

9” 3+ 3+ 6 6 5 4 9

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Laser Lance (shooting) 12” Versatile 3 6 2 Yes1

Laser Lance (melee) 2” Melee 6 2 Yes1

Light Rhotuka 36” Blaster 1 5 1 Yes1

1. This attack deals Light damage.

Heavy Support:

Mana Ko
The Mana Ko are simultaneously both impressively intelligent creatures, and also rather foolish.
Massive, armored, and strong, they represent a powerful threat via their crushing claws and their
ability to fire disintegrating beams. However, they are ill-tempered beasts, and are known to
accidentally attack their own allies on occasion. Originally recruited by Teridax to protect his lair
of Mangaia, they were secretly taught to serve the Order of Mata Nui. Due to their foul
temperament, the Order prefers to use them to protect key objectives or resources rather than risk


bringing them into the battlefield, where they are as likely to kill their agents as they are the

Disintegrating Bolt, Piercing Talons

Keywords: Monster, Rahi, Heavy Support, Order of Mata Nui
Size: 65mm base.
Cost: 85 PTS

● Mental Resistance
● Attack Anything That Moves - Mana Ko are powerful and dangerous guards, with a
tendency to attack any target they see moving - If a friendly unit within 12” is Charged,
this model may perform Overwatch as if it were being Charged at.
● Uncontrollable Rage - If an enemy unit is in melee combat with this model and attempts
to Withdraw, this model may immediately make an attack against it as if it were the Fight

5” 3+ 4+ 7 7 6 2 9

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Disintegrating Bolt 24” Heavy 3 8 D3 Yes1

Piercing Talons 1” Melee 7 2 No

1. When this attack wounds an enemy model, lower their Armor Class by 1 until the end of the

Swamp Strider
A vehicle of Helryx’s own design, the Swamp Strider is a quadrupedal walker armed with a
massive Midak turret. Typically (but not universally) operated by Matoran, the Swamp Strider’s
longer and more official technical title was abandoned after its operations on Bogadu, in the
Southern Continent. There, a team of five Striders were able to slip into a warlord’s territory
undetected, then use their magnetic leg clamps to scale a massive cliff directly into an enemy
camp. As the warlord slept, the operators of the sSriders took to work and raised chaos, raining
blinding and explosive light upon the encampment from key positions. A nearby Matoran
settlement was roused by the chaos, later reporting that it was “as if it had suddenly become day
again, for only a few moments”. Then, as quickly as the fighting began, the light vanished, with
the Matoran circulating rumors of strange four-legged beasts in the swamps. The warlord was

never heard from again, and his camp would lie forgotten and overgrown for many years before
it was discovered again.

Bladed Legs (x4), Midak Skyblaster

Keywords: Vehicle, Matoran, Heavy Support, Kanohi Capable, Order of Mata Nui
Size: 50mm base.
Cost: 85 PTS

● Mental Resistance
● Magnetic Force - The magnetic legs of the Swamp Strider let it move across walls as if it
were the ground - This model, when moving across terrain, does not include vertical
● Versatile Weapon Skill - This model suffers no penalty for Advancing and firing
Versatile weapons.

6” 4+ 3+ 6 7 5 2 9

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Bladed Legs 1” Melee 6 2 No

Midak Skyblaster 24” Versatile 2 6 2 Yes1

1. This attack deals Light damage.


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