Dark Hunter Codex

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“The Dark Hunters—for thousands of years, that name has brought fear into the hearts of
everyone from Toa to members of the Brotherhood of Makuta itself.”

The Dark Hunters are a scarcely-seen but well-known organization. Bounty hunters,
mercenaries, assassins, and thugs, their numbers are few, but they are renowned for their
brutality - and their exceptionally high success rate. Headed by a mysterious figure known only
as the Shadowed One, the Dark Hunters operate from a secret island fortress known as Odina,
from which their agents are dispatched.

Many Dark Hunters are rejects from more “civilized” parts of the universe. Mutated or
deemed to be in some way unacceptably different, most Dark Hunters feature strange,
supernatural powers. These powers take a wide array of forms, but are all potent and should not
be underestimated.

The Dark Hunters’ leader, The Shadowed One, is an immensely powerful being - but just
as dangerous are his lieutenants: Ancient, Lariska, and Darkness, who serve him with varying
degrees of loyalty. In his stead, they command fear over the rank-and-file grunts of the

Unlike most armies, the Dark Hunters feature mainly characters. As such, their unique
rules allow them to change a unit’s designation, allowing you to formulate the precise set of
Hunters needed for a task. In the field, Dark Hunters are to be treated as key assets - assassins to
strike at critical weaknesses, or spearheads to destroy the enemy’s formation.

Common Rules:
● Uniquely Dangerous - If a unit has this rule, it rolls a D6 and gains the corresponding
power on the following table.
○ 1 - Gain 1 power from the Skakdi Codex Unique Powers list.
○ 2 - Gain the ability to copy 1 ability from any model on the field. If the copied
ability is an aura buff, the buff applies to this unit, but does not function as an
○ 3 - Gain a 4+ Invulnerable Save.
○ 4 - Gain a 5+ Feel No Pain.


○ 5 - Gain an additional +1 to this unit’s Strength and Armor Class characteristics.

Increase the AP of all of this unit’s melee weapons by +1.
○ 6 - Gain 1 Kanohi from the Toa Codex Kanohi list.

Warlord Traits:
● This faction may not have a warlord.

Command Point Stratagems:

● Command Reroll - 1 CP - Reroll a single die.
● Insane Bravery - 2 CP - Have a unit automatically succeed its Morale Test.
● Counter-Defensive - 2 CP - After an enemy unit that Charged fights, you may choose
one friendly unit and immediately fight.
● A Quick Death - 2 CP - Use this stratagem before The Shadowed One uses his
“Disintegration Beams” attack. This attack now deals Mortal Wounds, but its To Hit roll
is reduced by -1. This effect lasts until the end of the Round.
● Lariska’s Class Is In Session - 1 CP - Use this stratagem whenever an enemy unit enters
melee combat with Lariska. Her “Rahi Bones” ability now activates on a 2+ instead of a
● Debilitation - 1 CP - Use this stratagem whenever an enemy unit is wounded by
Ancient’s Rapid-Fire Rhotuka attack. The enemy unit’s Movement characteristic is
reduced by D6 (to a minimum of 1”) for the duration of their next Round.
● Machinations of Shadow - 2 CP - Use this stratagem at the start of the battle on a unit
with the Uniquely Dangerous ability. Instead of picking a random ability, you may
manually choose it.
● Animal Instincts - 3 CP - Use this stratagem on a unit of Hordika Dragons after they
have fought in the Fight Phase. They may immediately fight a second time.
● Growing Shadow - 1 CP - Use this stratagem on a unit of Assassins at the start of the
Fight Phase. Their Darklight Claw now does D6 hits per each hit roll of 6+, rather than
the default D3.
● Fear Will Keep Them In Line - 2 CP - Use this stratagem at the start of the Round. All
units within 12” of Darkness may now perform an Invulnerable Save against Mortal
● Reapers - 1 CP - Use this stratagem at the start of the shooting phase on a unit of Dark
Hunter Blitzwings. This unit’s attacks now ignore cover.
● Surge of Power - 1 CP - Use this stratagem at the start of the Movement Phase on a unit
of Dark Hunter Titans. This unit’s Movement characteristic is raised by +1”, and its
Strength and Armor Class characteristics are both raised by +1.
● Complete the Mission - 2 CP - Use this stratagem at the start of the Round on a unit of
Dark Hunter Primes. This unit may move up to 12” closer to the nearest Objective.


Unit Catalog:

Commander - The Shadowed One, Lariska, Ancient, Darkness

Troops - Dark Hunter Assassins
Elites - Hordika Dragons, Dark Hunter Prime
Fast Attack - Shadow Stealer, Dark Hunter Speedwing
Heavy Support - Eliminator, Sentrakh, Dark Hunter Titan
Flyer - Airwatcher, Vanisher


The Shadowed One

“No, I think you will find your place is now, and forevermore, with the Dark Hunters. For who
else would have you?” The mysterious head of the Dark Hunters, the Shadowed One is an
unnaturally aged and powerful being. Only his trusted ally Ancient knows his name - to all
others, just the title “The Shadowed One” brings unparalleled fear. Approaching him in his
fortress on Odina, one encounters few guards. Instead, they find the Shadowed One himself in
his throne room, a clawed hand curled around the arm of his massive stone throne, with a Manidi
by his side, studiously taking notes on every order he makes. The Shadowed One needs no
guards, nor any advisors - his genius is unparalleled by any alive, and his destructive eyebeams
kill in an instant. Those that fail the Shadowed One are often dead before their body can strike
the immaculate obsidian tiles of his throne room.

Disintegration Beams, Staff of Protodermis, Madness Rhotuka

Keywords: Character, Monster, Commander, Unique, Dark Hunters
Size: 65mm base.
Cost: 185 PTS

● Second To No One - This model has a 4+ Invulnerable Save.
● The Mercy of Death - The Shadowed One does not leave victory to chance - Whenever
this model rolls a 6+ on its To Hit roll, the wound becomes a Mortal Wound.
● Respect Is Born of Fear - The Dark Hunters fear the enemy far less than they fear their
leader - Friendly units within 6” automatically succeed on Morale Tests.
● And So Fear Must Be Restored - The Shadowed One is renown and infamous, and his
very name breeds terror - Enemy units within 3” automatically treat their Morale Test
rolls as 6.
● Focus - This model may not perform its Disintegration Beams and Madness Rhotuka
attack in the same round.


6” 2+ 2+ 7 7 9 3 12

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Disintegration Beams 28” Repeater 2 13 3 No

Staff of Protodermis 2” Melee 7 1 No

Madness Rhotuka 24” Heavy 1 7 1 Yes1

1. If this attack wounds an enemy unit, roll a D3. On a 3, the enemy unit may not move in their
next Movement Phase. On a 2, they may not Charge. On a 1, they may not perform shooting

“Don’t turn your back on an enemy until you’re sure she’s stopped breathing. And don’t turn
your back on a Dark Hunter until her body has rotted in the sun and her armor’s been scattered
to the winds.” Perhaps the second-most terrifying member of the Dark Hunters, Lariska is an
iron-willed and skilled assassin, who alone holds authority in lieu of the Shadowed One. Lithe,
agile, and acrobatic, she moves with a grace usually restricted to only the most skilled Ihidauri
Bladeweavers, and many draw comparisons between her movement on the battlefield and that of
those ancient and proud artists. In truth, her skills are derived from a great deal of sources, as she
has learned from nearly every martial artist in the Matoran Universe willing to teach her (as well
as some who were unwilling), and there are few who can match her lethality with a knife. In fact,
her only noted flaw is her impatience, as she is known for her mercurial behavior. Unwilling to
stand still for any length of time, she resorts to exercises of agility to keep herself active, and her
inability to wait patiently often taxes her performance. While this would be a great issue to the
Shadowed One, she more than makes up for this flaw with her ruthlessness and high success rate.

Poisoned Throwing Daggers, Protosteel Blades

Keywords: Character, Infantry, Commander, Unique, Dark Hunters
Size: 50mm base.
Cost: 135 PTS

● Rahi Bones - Lariska is fast, and she is deadly with a blade. Enemies that fight her are
often dead before they know it - Whenever an enemy unit enters melee combat with this
model, roll a D6. On a 4+, the enemy takes a Mortal Wound. This effect is not applied if
this model initiates melee combat.


● Gloriously Homicidal - One of the most dangerous of the Dark Hunters, Lariska’s
accuracy with a knife is unparalleled, driving them deep into the enemy's weakest points -
Once per Round, after having wounded an enemy, but before they make an Invulnerable
Save or Feel No Pain, you may declare the attack a “Killing Blow”. A Killing Blow deals
double the attack’s listed damage, and the enemy subtracts -1 from their Invulnerable
Save/Feel No Pain rolls. Only one hit at a time may be considered a “Killing Blow”.
● Restless - This model may Advance and perform ranged attacks at no penalty.
Additionally, this model may reroll any of its Advance rolls.

8” 2+ 3+ 6 6 7 4 10

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Poisoned Throwing Daggers 12” Repeater 1 6 1 Yes1

Protosteel Blades 1” Melee 7 3 No

1. This attack deals Acid damage.

“You’re going to get your hands on a lot of treasure, everything from jewels to secret knowledge.
You’ll be tempted to keep some of it and use it for yourself. Don’t. The downfall of every Dark
Hunter follows the same path. First they get greedy...then they get dead.” There are only two
beings in the Matoran Universe who know the Shadowed One’s true name. The first is the
Shadowed One himself, who has kept it a closely-guarded secret for millenia. The other is
Ancient, a being even older than the Shadowed One. Clad in golden armor so masterfully
constructed, it can scarcely be pierced by physical attacks, Ancient is a massive being who was
the inspiration for the organization. Remorseless and calculating, it was that vicious mercantilism
that so caught the eye of the Shadowed One. It is, however, that same quality that makes Ancient
so wealthy. As a Dark Hunter, his services are paid for by the highest bidder, but as an informant
for the Order of Mata Nui? As long as nobody discovers his deception, that’s a steady

Rapid-Fire Rhotuka
Keywords: Character, Fly, Monster, Commander, Unique, Dark Hunters
Size: 50mm base.
Cost: 109 PTS


● No Conscience - It does Ancient well to feel no mercy, sympathy, or pain, considering the
nature of his treason - This model has a 4+ Feel No Pain.
● Impenetrable - The legendary and storied armor of Ancient is as well known as he is, for
its nigh-unbreachable quality - The AP characteristic of all attacks made against this
model is lowered by -1 (e.g. an AP 5 attack is treated as an AP 4 attack when making
Wound rolls)
● Mental Shielding - Training by the Order of Mata Nui protects its agents from mental
probing and shields their brain - This model may not be mind-controlled under any

6” 3+ 3+ 6 8 8 2 10

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Rapid-Fire Rhotuka 24” Repeater 4 5 1 No

“It is said that there is only one way in which a true leader dies - by his own hand. I am the
Shadowed One, master of Odina, and ruler of the Dark Hunters. My servants live and die at my
word, and it is by fear and pain that I maintain that loyalty. And for as long as I wish to remain
the lord of this domain, I must not allow myself to be anything less than The Shadowed One, a
being of infinite malice, cruelty, and willpower. That is why I have Darkness, why he remains at
hand at all times. He is an ever-present reminder that all who lose power do so by a chain of their
own actions, that any inkling of mercy or compassion will shatter the foundation of this
organization, and serve as my noose. It is not out of foolishness that I keep the only being that
threatens my leadership alive and at my side - it is a matter of survival.”
- speech delivered by the Shadowed One, as notated by The Recorder. Undated.

Knife Array, Bladed Claws

Keywords: Character, Fly, Infantry, Commander, Unique, Dark Hunters
Size: 50mm base.
Cost: 135 PTS

● Elasticity - Darkness’ body stretches and reshapes itself around enemy blows - When
wounded by an attack, roll a D6. If the number on the die is lower than the damage
inflicted, you may ignore it.


● A Secret of Survival - Darkness serves as a grim reminder to The Shadowed One that
there will always be someone trying to steal his power - Friendly units within 12” with
the Commander keyword have a 6+ Invulnerable Save, and may save against Mortal

7” 3+ 3+ 7 6 6 2 10

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Knife Array 1” Melee 6 1 No

Bladed Claws 1” Melee 9 2 Yes1

1. This attack may only be performed once per Fight Phase.


Dark Hunter Assassins

Assassins are the most common agents of the Dark Hunters. Made up of various species from
around the Matoran Universe, they retrieve standardized training from Lariska as well as other
experienced Hunters, and simple arms and armor. Typically initiates, the ranks of the Assassins
are largely made up of the least experienced members of the organization, as befitting the
relative ease of the jobs they are sent on. On the rare occasion a particular Assassin shows
promise, they are granted a Darklight Claw, a more powerful weapon which is able to phase
through armor entirely - a rather large responsibility to be wielded, as the claw is typically more
valuable to the organization than the one who carries it.

Protoiron Halberds, Darklight Claw

Keywords: Infantry, Troops, Dark Hunters
Quantity: 8-16
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 12 PTS per model (96 PTS per minimum size unit).

● Murderous Frenzy - Dark Hunter Assassins are hardly quiet and composed beings,
much as the Shadowed One would prefer them to be - Add +1 to this unit’s Attacks
characteristic if it Charged or was Charged in the previous Phase.
● Uniquely Dangerous


Wargear - One model in this unit is equipped with a Darklight Claw instead of a Protoiron

5” 4+ 4+ 6 5 1 2 6

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Protoiron Halberds 2” Melee 6 1 No

Darklight Claw 1” Melee 5 1 Yes1, 2

1. This attack deals Acid and Shadow damage.

2. To Hit rolls of 6+ cause D3 hits instead of 1.


Hordika Dragons
Though rare, it is a not-unheard-of occurrence that a poor soul may either be unable or unwilling
to pay for the services of the Dark Hunters. If payment cannot be extracted from the client at the
expected time, the Shadowed One’s special agents are dispatched. Known as the Hordika
Dragons, these mutated beings - long-since twisted past their original forms via the injection of
Visorak venom - are merciless and cruel killers. Nearly beastial in their intelligence, they are
supremely loyal to the Shadowed One, and will go to nearly any end in order to ensure the death
of the ex-client, using their powers over electricity and their razor sharp talons to end their
target’s life quickly and messily.

Electric Claws, Lightning Bolt

Keywords: Hordika, Fly, Infantry, Elites, Unique, Dark Hunters
Quantity: 8
Size: 40mm base.
Cost: 17 PTS per model (136 PTS per minimum size unit).

● Lightning Field - Hordika Dragons naturally crackle with electricity, arcing bolts of
lightning between and around them - At the start of the Fight Phase, roll a D6 for each
enemy unit engaged in melee combat with this unit. On a 4+, the enemy unit takes 1
Mortal Wound.


7” 3+ 3+ 7 6 2 2 7

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Electric Claws 1” Melee 7 2 Yes1

Lightning Bolt 24” Versatile 2 6 1 Yes1, 2

1. This attack deals Electricity damage.

2. To Hit rolls of 6+ cause 2 hits instead of 1.

Dark Hunter Prime

Dark Hunter agents who graduate from their role as assassins, or excel enough that they are
granted better training and equipment, are known internally as Primes. With more freedom to
choose their own equipment, Primes tend to vary their loadouts with more powerful weapons;
shredding claws, bladed staves, and electric warhammers are all common options. With their
higher station comes more strenuous coaching, particularly with regards to utilizing better armor,
and withstanding blows rather than dodging them, as assassins are often trained to do.

Shredding Claws, Bladed Staff, Electric Warhammer

Keywords: Infantry, Elites, Dark Hunters
Quantity: 6-12
Size: 40mm base.
Cost: 12 PTS per model (72 PTS per minimum size unit).

● Ancient Armor - Well-armored and trained, Dark Hunter Primes are resilient and tough
- Enemy units reroll Wound rolls of 6 when targeting this unit.
● Uniquely Dangerous

Wargear - Any model in this unit may replace its Shredding Claws with a Bladed Staff or an
Electric Warhammer.
● Shredding Claws - Default
● Bladed Staff - 2 PTS
● Electric Warhammer - 2 PTS

5” 3+ 3+ 6 6 2 2 9


Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Shredding Claws 1” Melee 7 1 No

Studded Staff 2” Melee 5 2 Yes1

Electric Warhammer 1” Melee 6 2 Yes2

1. If the target of this attack has an AC characteristic higher than this attack’s AP, add +1 to this
attack’s Wound roll.
2. This attack deals Electricity damage.

Fast Attack:

Shadow Stealer
Long ago, when the universe was new, Shadow Stealer was a hero. A unique prototype
constructed by the Great Beings themselves, he was once a member of the Hand of Artahka, and
a protector of the innocent. When that organization disbanded, he was left bitter and disaffected,
and wandered for many an age before eventually turning to the Dark Hunters. There, his mastery
of shadow would fetch him a high price. His ability is so utterly simple and yet so completely
terrifying that he is virtually unstoppable. Any shadow is a doorway for him; any darkness a
gate. In one moment, he may be in one location, and in the next, he may appear in the ground
behind his target, emerging from their shadow to stab them in the back.

Dual Blades
Keywords: Character, Fly, Infantry, Fast Attack, Unique, Dark Hunters
Size: 40mm base.
Cost: 98 PTS

● Dark Doors - Shadow Stealer’s ability to warp between patches of shadow allows him to
suddenly appear where he is least expected - This model may Charge immediately after
performing the Withdraw action.
● Warper - This unit may not be targeted by Overwatch, and may move through models
and terrain as if it were not there.

72” 3+ 4+ 6 6 5 3 8


Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Dual Blades 1” Melee 6 1 No

Dark Hunter Speedwing

The faster and lighter-armed agents of the Dark Hunters, a Speedwing is a special detachment of
thieves and bounty hunters who are trained in scouting, stealth, infiltration, and long-distance
traversal. Their talents typically lie in the theft of powerful artefacts from rich or noble
individuals, or hunting down fleeing targets. In particular, a Speedwing unit is often initiated
through the hunting of a prisoner, or if they are especially lucky, a turncoat Dark Hunter. Once
their mark escapes Odina, they are expected to return within a handful of days, with their target
in tow - dead or alive.

Kanoka Carbine, Cordak Sniper, Autorhotuka

Keywords: Infantry, Elites, Dark Hunters
Quantity: 6-12
Size: 40mm base.
Cost: 11 PTS per model (66 PTS per minimum size unit).

● Gone In A Blink - Speedwings are bounty hunters and thieves, trained as fast and
light-assault infantry - This unit may Advance and fire Versatile weapons at no penalty.
Additionally, it may advance and fire any non-Versatile weapons at a -1 To Hit penalty.
● Uniquely Dangerous

Wargear - Any model in this unit may replace its Kanoka Carbine with a Cordak Sniper or an
● Kanoka Carbine - Default
● Cordak Sniper - 5 PTS
● Autorhotuka - 4 PTS

8” 4+ 4+ 6 5 2 2 7

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Kanoka Carbine 24” Repeater 1 6 1 No


Cordak Sniper 36” Heavy 1 7 1 Yes1

Autorhotuka 18” Versatile 2 5 1 Yes2

1. Unmodified To Hit rolls of 6 cause a Mortal Wound in addition to any damage normally dealt.
2. Enemy units may not perform Invulnerable Saves against this attack.

Heavy Support:

Eliminator is hated and despised by even the members of his own organization. Despite being
known as the Executioner of Odina, he rarely (if ever) steps foot on the island, as the Shadowed
One keeps him far away from the fortress at all times. Responsible for the killing of incompetent
or failed Dark Hunters, Eliminator’s infamy among his allies stems from the fact that he will be
the one standing over their corpse if they fail. Extremely powerful, and with a cloak of shadows
shielding him at all times, the mantle of responsibility falls upon his shoulders to finish the
mission his prey failed, and though it brings him no pleasure, he sees his fight to its bloody end.
To this end, his mastery over electricity is a lethal weapon against more than just failed Dark

Kanoka Brace, Lightning Claws (shooting), Lightning Claws (melee)

Keywords: Character, Fly, Infantry, Heavy Support, Unique, Dark Hunters
Size: 65mm base.
Cost: 200 PTS

● Cloak of Shadows - Eliminator’s shadowy field makes him unseen beyond those within
said shroud - This model may not be targeted by any attacks unless the attacker is within

6” * 3+ * 7 11 * 12

Damaged Statline:
Remaining W WS S A
8-11 4+ 6 3
4-7 3+ 7 4
1-3 2+ 8 5


Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Kanoka Brace 18” Versatile 4 5 1 No

Lightning Claws (shooting) 12” Heavy 3 8 3 Yes1

Lightning Claws (melee) 1” Melee *2 3 No

1. This attack deals Electricity damage.

2. The AP of this weapon is equal to the Strength characteristic of this model.

Sentrakh is known by many as “the Undying One”. This is with good cause, as he seems to be
truly and utterly immortal. Made under the Shadowed One’s orders using a mysterious process
that is unspoken of, Sentrakh was once a normal Dark Hunter like any other. Twisted and
changed, however, he became a specimen of perfection - as obedient as he is powerful. Though
the operation destroyed Sentrakh’s memories, leaving him little more than a blank slate, the
Shadowed One has personally overseen the training and education of his greatest creation, and
Sentrakh remains to this day a terrifying threat, wielding an arsenal of mystical powers, and an
immortality that defies explanation.

Piercing Claws
Keywords: Character, Infantry, Heavy Support, Unique, Dark Hunters
Size: 50mm base.
Cost: 185 PTS

● Undying - Sentrakh is known as the Undying One, as he is practically incapable of truly
being destroyed - If this model is slain, roll a D6 at the start of each Round. On a 2+, it
may be Deployed once again, as if it were in Reserve.
● Otherworldly Powers - At the start of the battle, you may either pick a power this model
is endowed with or roll 2D6, and gain the power associated with each roll. These powers
activate in the Command Phase, unless specified otherwise. Each power can only be
activated once per battle.
○ 1 - Illusion (Version 1) - Target a piece of terrain within 12”, and move that terrain
up to 12” from its position. You cannot move the terrain onto an area occupied by
other models this way.
○ 2 - Darkness - This model gains a 5+ Invulnerable Save. Additionally, all of its
attacks deal Shadow damage for the duration of the Round.


○ 3 - Molecular Transmutation - Target an enemy unit within 12”, and reduce its
Armor Class by D3 for the rest of the battle. The same unit cannot be affected by
this ability more than once.
○ 4 - Mind Wipe - Target an enemy unit within 6”, and reduce its Leadership
characteristic by D3 for the rest of the battle.
○ Illusion (Version 2) - This model, and D3 friendly units within 6” may perform
the Ambush action.
○ Molecular Transmutation (Version 2) - This model may always move through
terrain as if it were not there.

6” 3+ 3+ 6 7 9 5 12

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Piercing Claws 1” Melee 6 2 No

Dark Hunter Titan

The biggest and toughest of Dark Hunters, the Titans are made up of those uniquely gifted from
the moment they sign up. Typically Steltian mercenaries seeking higher pay, or those who have
been mutated in some way, Titans skip the early steps of training as assassins, and are instead
used in more direct, simple operations. Raiding settlements, crippling enemy supply lines, or
breaking into secured areas, Titans may not be the most intelligent or subtle of the Dark Hunters,
but they are perhaps the most dangerous. Trained to maximize damage as opposed to using
stealth and subterfuge, Titans make up many of the most infamous and renowned of the Dark
Hunters, such as Krekka, Gladiator, and Minion.

Heavy Cordak Launcher, Poisoned Battleaxe, Knifespitter Gauntlet (melee), Knifespitter Glove
Keywords: Infantry, Heavy Support, Dark Hunters
Quantity: 3-6
Size: 50mm base.
Cost: 24 PTS per model.

● Brute - Dark Hunter Titans are massive and vicious creatures, who use their size as a
weapon - This unit has a 5+ Feel no Pain.
● Uniquely Dangerous


Wargear - Each model in this unit is equipped with a Knifespitter Glove, which can be replaced
with either a Heavy Cordak Launcher or a Poisoned Battleaxe.
● Knifespitter Gauntlet - Default
● Heavy Cordak Launcher - 8 PTS
● Poisoned Battleaxe - 6 PTS

4” 3+ 3+ 7 7 3 2 10

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Knifespitter Glove (melee) 1” Melee 5 1 No

Knifespitter Glove 12” Personal 3 6 1 No


Heavy Cordak Launcher 24” Repeater 2 7 1 Yes1

Poisoned Batleaxe 2” Melee 7 2 Yes2

1. Unmodified To Hit rolls of 6 cause a Mortal Wound in addition to any damage normally dealt.
2. This attack deals Acid damage.


Perhaps the least intelligent being in the Matoran Universe, Airwatcher is little more than a
weapon with a body. Too simple to grasp friend from foe, he is part of the protection of Odina,
where he often mistakenly attacks boulders, trees, and other threatening-looking inanimate
objects. Nonetheless, those that do bear him ill will find it a sore mistake, as his torso is able to
launch energy webs which painfully bind their targets, and his acid staff creates streams of
caustic liquid which devour their prey in moments.

Acid Staff (shooting), Acid Staff (melee), Energy Launcher

Keywords: Monster, Rahi, Fly, Flyer, Unique, Dark Hunters
Size: 92mm base.
Cost: 110 PTS



● Airborne - Version 1: This model cannot Charge while airborne, can only be Charged by
units with the Fly keyword while airborne, and can only engage in melee combat with
units with the Fly keyword while airborne.
○ Hard To Hit - Your opponents must subtract 1 from To Hit rolls for attacks that
target this model in the Shooting Phase.
○ Landing - This model may forego Advancing in the Movement phase to instead
land. Once they have landed, they move as if they were a standard walking unit.
They also lose the effects of the Airborne and Hard To Hit ability.
○ Takeoff - This model may forego Advancing in the Movement Phase to instead
take off. Once they have taken off, they gain the effects of Airborne and Hard To
● Energy Webs - Airwatcher is able to launch webs of energy, which ensnare and torment
their captives - Once per battle, target an enemy unit within 12”, and roll a D6. On a 2+,
the enemy unit takes 1 Mortal Wound, and becomes unable to move for the duration of
the Round.

9” 4+ 4+ 6 7 8 2 12

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Acid Staff (shooting) 12” Versatile 2 6 1 Yes1

Acid Staff (melee) 2” Melee 6 1 Yes1

Energy Launcher 18” Heavy 1 7 D3 No

1. This attack deals Acid damage.

If one were to ask Vanisher about himself, he would likely describe himself as a being of
immense power, rivalling that of the Shadowed One. Indeed, he may even boast of his inevitable
plan to overthrow the leader of the Dark Hunters. To others, however, his disloyalty is
well-known. Tolerated due to his efficiency, his ability to open intradimensional gates and vanish
in the blink of an eye is a powerful one, and he can use these gates to turn the powers of his
enemies against themselves. Despite this, he is mistrusted by the Shadowed One, who has
noticed a disturbing trend of Vanisher’s partners going missing (or worse) during their missions
with him.


Energy Bolt, Eldritch Warspear

Keywords: Monster, Fly, Flyer, Unique, Dark Hunters
Size: 92mm base.
Cost: 124 PTS

● Airborne - Version 1: This model cannot Charge while airborne, can only be Charged by
units with the Fly keyword while airborne, and can only engage in melee combat with
units with the Fly keyword while airborne.
○ Hard To Hit - Your opponents must subtract 1 from To Hit rolls for attacks that
target this model in the Shooting Phase.
○ Landing - This model may forego Advancing in the Movement phase to instead
land. Once they have landed, they move as if they were a standard walking unit.
They also lose the effects of the Airborne and Hard To Hit ability.
○ Takeoff - This model may forego Advancing in the Movement Phase to instead
take off. Once they have taken off, they gain the effects of Airborne and Hard To
● Intrademnsional Gates - Vanisher is able to warp through reality on a whim, though it is
unclear whether this power comes from him or his weapon of choice - This model can
perform the Ambush action once per battle.

10” 3+ 3+ 7 7 8 2 5

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Energy Bolt 12” Heavy 1 7 2 Yes1

Eldritch Warspear 2” Melee 6 2 No

1. If this model is not at full health, the AP characteristic of this attack is improved by 1.


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