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Known: Dp = 25 ml/rev; w = 1440 rev/min; Pm = 10 kW; ηpo = 85%; ηpt = 90%

(a) Quantity delivered by using a pump (Qp):

ηpv = ηpo/ηpt = 85%/90% = 94,444%
Qp = ηpv . Dp . w = (94,444% . 25 . 1440)/1000 = 33,98 l/min#

(b) Maximum pressure (Pmax):

Pout = ηpo . Pin = 85% . 10 = 8,5 kW
Pout = (Pmax . Qp)/600
Pmax = (Pout . 600)/Qp = (8,5 . 600)/33,98 = 150,088 bar#


Known: Pwork = 125 bar; Pmax = 200 Bar; Accumulator powerpack = 90%

(a) Actual pump delivery required:

Q = (45 l/min . 5/60) + (30 l/min . 5/60) + (15 l/min . 5/60) = 3,75 + 2,5 + 1/25 = 7,5 l/cycle
Cycle average flow rate = flow per cycle/cycle time = (7,5 l/cycle)/(0,5 mm/cycle) = 15 l/min#

(b) Considering the flow requirement curve in Figure A.21:

Period (s) Required flow rate (l/s) Flowrate provided by pump Volume in & out
accumulator (l)
0-5 0,75 0,25 OUT (0,5)(5) =2,5
5 - 10 0 0,25 IN (0,25)(5) = 1,25
10 - 15 0,5 0,25 OUT (0,25)(5) = 1,25
15 - 25 0 0,25 IN (0,25)(10) = 2,5
25 - 30 0,25 0,25 IN (0)(5) = 0
Flow rate (l/s)


0,5 0,5 (-)

0,25 (-)
by pump

0,25 (+) 0,25 (+)


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Time (s)

Oil stored in accumulatyor (l)



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time (s)

From this graphic we know that maximum fluid volume to be stored in accumulator is 2,5 l#

(c) Pressure to be stored in accumulator:

P1 = 0,9 . 125 = 112,5 bar = 113,5 bar (bar, absolute)

Max pressure in the accumulator:

P2 = 200 bar = 201 (bar, absolute)
Min pressure in the accumulator:
P3 = 125 bar = 126 (bar, absolute)

Assuming that V1, V2, V3 is fluid volume at these levels of pressure respectively,
V3 – V2 = 2,5 l

Apply isothermal charge for 3 periods.

P1/P2 = V2/V1  V2 = (P1 . V1)/P2 = (113,5 . V1)/201 = 0,565 V1
P2/P3 = V3/V2  V2 = (V2 . P3)/P2 = (V3 . 126)/201 = 0,627 V3
So, V1 = 7,437 l; V2 = 4,202 l; V3 = 6,702 l

The accumulator volume is considered as 7,437 l#


 Real flowrate of pump:

Q = ηv . Dp . nP = 0,87 . 12,5 x 10-3 . 1440 (rev/min) = 15,66 l/min
 To push 2 cylinders, the required volume is:
Vextend = V extend1 + V extend2 = (π/4)[(0,0632)(0,25) + (0,082)(0,15)] = 1,53 l
 To pull 2 cylinders, the required volume is:
Vretract = Vrectract1 + Vretract2 = (π/4)[(0,0632 - 0,0352)(0,25) + (0,082 – 0,0552)(0,15)] = 0,94 l
 Minimum cycle time for both cylinder to extend and retract fully is:
t = (Vretract + Vextend)/Q = (0,94 + 1,53)/15,66 = 0,158 min = 9,46 sec#

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