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Prof. Jinwoo Lee

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Heat Transfer
Chapter Objectives
✓ To derive the basic differential equation for one-dimensional heat conduction
✓ To include heat transfer by convection in the one-dimensional heat transfer
✓ To derive the one-dimensional finite element formulation for heat transfer by
conduction and convections
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13. Introduction
• Non-Structural Problems
➢ In this chapter we will consider heat-transfer problems.
➢ Many non-structural problems exist such as seepage through
porous media, torsion of shafts, and magnetostatics.
➢ We will cover some
of these in later
chapters and can
be treated by the
same form of
equations (but with
different physical
characteristics) as
that for heat

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13.1 Derivation of the Basic Differential Equation

• Basic Differential Equation (1-D Without Convection)

➢ Consider the control volume in Figure 13-2.
➢ By conservation of energy, we have:
➢ or

➢ Ein is the energy entering the control volume, ΔU is the

change in stored energy, qx is the heat conducted into the
control volume, qx +dx is the heat conducted out of the control
volume, t is time, Q is the internal heat source, and A is the
cross-sectional area perpendicular to heat flow

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13.1 Derivation of the Basic Differential Equation

• (Cont.)
➢ By Fourier’s law of heat conduction:
➢ where Kxx is the thermal conductivity in the x direction,
T is the temperature, and dT/dx is the temperature
➢ Similarly:

➢ Using a two-term Taylor series the equation becomes:

➢ The change in stored energy can be expressed by:

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13.1 Derivation of the Basic Differential Equation

• (Cont.)
➢ Dividing by Adxdt and simplifying, we have the one-
dimensional heat conduction equation as:

➢ For steady state, any differentiation with respect to time

is equal to 0 and the above equation is equal to zero.
➢ For constant thermal conductivity and steady state the
equation becomes:
➢ Boundary conditions
are of the form:

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13.1 Derivation of the Basic Differential Equation

• Basic Differential Equation (2-D Without Convection)

➢ Consider the control volume in Figure 13-4 for 2-D heat

➢ In a manner similar to the 1-D case, for steady-state we


➢ The boundary conditions are illustrated in Figure 13-5

and are described by the equations:

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13.2 Heat Transfer with Convection
• Heat Transfer with Convection
➢ For a conducting solid in contact with a fluid, there will be a
heat transfer taking place between the fluid and solid surface
when a temperature difference occurs. This is called
✓ Forced convection occurs when the fluid is in motion through an
external pumping action.
✓ Natural or free convection occurs through the buoyancy forces
created within the fluid by the temperature differences within it.

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13.2 Heat Transfer with Convection
• Basic Differential Equation (1-D With Convection)
➢ Consider the control volume in Figure 13-6.

➢ From conservation of energy we have:

where the variables are the same as before

where h is the heat transfer or convection coefficient, T is the
temperature of the solid surface at the interface, T∞ is the temperature
of the fluid, P denotes the perimeter around the cross-sectional area

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13.2 Heat Transfer with Convection
• (Cont.)
➢ Substituting in, dividing by A dx dt, and simplifying, we obtain the
differential equation for 1-D heat conduction with convection as:

➢ The possible boundary conditions can be on temperature,

temperature gradient, and/or loss of heat by convection from the
ends of the one-dimensional body, as shown in Figure 13-7

➢ The boundary condition for the problem of heat conduction with

convection is:

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13.3 Typical Units for Heat Transfer

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13.3 Typical Units for Heat Transfer
13.3 Typical Units for Heat Transfer
13.4 1-D Finite Element Formulation
• Step 1 & Step 2: Choose a Temperature Function

➢ The finite element method is useful in predicting the temperature

distribution and thermal stresses in a body.
➢ The basic element to be used with nodes 1 and 2 is shown in
Figure 13-8 (a) below similar to the bar element.
➢ We choose the temperature function T within each element as
shown in Figure 13-8(b).
where t1 and t2 are the nodal temperatures and are the shape

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13.4 1-D Finite Element Formulation
• Define the Temperature Gradient/Temperature
➢ The temperature gradient matrix {g}, analogous to the strain
matrix, is given by:

➢ where [B] is obtained by substituting the temperature function into

the temperature gradient matrix and differentiating with respect to

➢ Using the shape function equations we have:

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13.4 1-D Finite Element Formulation
• Define the Heat Flux/Temperature Gradient

➢ The heat flux/temperature gradient relationship is given by:

where the material property matrix is now given by:

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13.4 1-D Finite Element Formulation
• Derive the Element Conduction Matrix and

➢ To derive the element equations we use an approach similar to that of

minimizing potential energy functional.
➢ The total heat potential energy is given by:

➢ U is the total internal heat energy, ΩQ is the total energy from the heat
source, Ωq is the total energy from the heat flux, and Ωh is the total
energy from heat convection.
➢ S2 and S3 are separate surfaces areas over which heat flow (flux) q* and
convection loss are specified.

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13.4 1-D Finite Element Formulation
• (Cont.)
➢ Writing in matrix form we get:

➢ Substituting in, using the fact that the nodal temperatures {t} are
independent of the general coordinates, and differentiating to
minimize we obtain:

➢ Simplifying we obtain:

➢ Where the forces matrices are defined by:

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13.4 1-D Finite Element Formulation
• (Cont.)
➢ The term fQ is of the same form as the body-force term and fq and fh
are similar to surface tractions (distributed loading) in the stress
analysis problem.
➢ From the formulation of element equations of the form ,
we have the element conduction matrix for the heat transfer
problem as:

➢ where the first and second integrals are the contributions of

conduction and convection, respectively
➢ Substituting and integrating we find that the [k] matrix is:

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13.4 1-D Finite Element Formulation
• (Cont.)
➢ On simplifying and assuming Q, q*, and product HT∞ to be constant,
the force matrix terms are:

➢ Adding the terms we obtain the force matrix to be:

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13.4 1-D Finite Element Formulation
• Assemble the Element Equations to Obtain the
Global Equations
➢ We obtain the global conduction matrix using the same procedure
as for the structural problem (direct stiffness matrix as described in
Section 2.4) as:

➢ The global force matrix is the sum of all element heat sources
given by:

➢ The global equations are:

➢ The nodal temperature boundary conditions were given earlier and
can be applied here.
➢ The procedure used for solution is similar to that for the stress
analysis problem.

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13.4 1-D Finite Element Formulation
• Examples
➢ Example problems 13.1 – 13.5 in the text apply the concepts we
just reviewed.
➢ This problems go through the process of determining temperature
distributions for scenarios like those shown in the figures below.

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13.5 2-D Finite Element Formulation
• Select Element Type & a Temperature Function
➢ The three-noded triangular element with nodal temperatures
shown in Figure 13-20 is the basic element for solution of the two-
dimensional heat-transfer problem.
➢ The temperature function is:
➢ where ti, tj, and tm are the nodal temperatures

➢ The shape functions are given by:

13.5 2-D Finite Element Formulation
• Define the Temperature Gradient/Temperature and
Heat Flux/Temperature Gradient Relationships
➢ The gradient matrix is analogous to the strain matrix and given as:

➢ Substituting we get:

➢ In compact form: where

➢ The heat flux/temperature gradient relationship is now:

➢ where the material property matrix is:

13.5 2-D Finite Element Formulation
• Derive the 2-D Element Conduction Matrix and
➢ The element stiffness matrix is:
➢ where:

➢ Assuming constant thickness in the element and the terms in the

integrand are constant we obtain the true conduction portion of the
total stiffness matrix as:

➢ The convection portion where the matrices are explicitly multiplied

is given by:
15.1 Formulation of the Thermal Stress Problem

• Thermal Stress Problem

➢ Temperature changes in a structure can result in large stresses if

not considered properly in design.
➢ In bridges, improper constraint of beams and slabs can result in
large compressive stresses, resulting in buckling failures from the
temperature changes.
➢ Composite members made of different materials will experience
stress due to temperature change if there is significant thermal
expansion mismatch.
15.1 Formulation of the Thermal Stress Problem

• (Cont.)

➢ When exposed to a temperature gradient, a material will expand or

contract and when unconstrained will deform by an amount:

➢ where α is the coefficient of thermal expansion, T is temperature,

and L is the length of the member in that direction
➢ Based on the definition of normal strain, we can determine the
strain due to a uniform temperature change as:
➢ This is considering the axial direction
15.1 Formulation of the Thermal Stress Problem

• (Cont.)

➢ For a one-dimensional problem with initial thermal strain εT we

have from Figure 15-3:
➢ We let 1/[D] = 1/E
➢ Define the strain energy per unit volume called strain energy
density which is the area under the stress-strain curve as:

➢ The total strain energy is:

15.1 Formulation of the Thermal Stress Problem

• (Cont.)

➢ Using {ε} = [B]{d} and substituting equations we obtain:

➢ Simplifying we obtain:

➢ The first term is the strain energy due to stress from mechanical

➢ The last term is constant and goes to zero when differentiating.

➢ Differentiating and substituting we obtain:

15.1 Formulation of the Thermal Stress Problem

• One-Dimensional Bar

➢ We define the thermal strain matrix for the one-dimensional

isotropic bar as:
➢ Substituting we obtain the thermal force matrix as:

➢ Recall that for the one-dimensional case, we have:

➢ Substituting and simplifying we obtain the thermal force matrix as:

Computer Solutions
• Solving the problem with ABAQUS
Part Module
Property Module
Step Module
Load Module
Load Module
Mesh Module – Element Type
Mesh Module – Element Type
• Temperature change

Unit : oC Unit : oC

Unit : mm Unit : mm

Unit : MPa Unit : MPa

Unit : MPa

Unit : MPa Unit : MPa

Unit : MPa

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