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Campus life and Jobs

 Are you a student or are you working?
I am a student.
 What is the name of your college or university?
Phenikaa university.
 How did you decide which college to attend?
I did decide base on my hobby because finally I will have to decide and have
responsible for all of in my life.
 What is your typical day at college like?

 What are three big differences between your college life so far and your
high school days?

- Firstly, I have to live far away from my family

- Secondly, Self-study skills in school subjects
- Thirdly, Teachers don't care much about students' lives.
 What is your major? Why did you choose your major? Do you have any regrets?
My major is business administration. I choose my major because I love self-
employment everything which i can make money and bring value to people. Until
now, I don’t regret because my choose although sometime I fell quite vague.
 What is the most difficult class you have taken so far?
I think it is advanced math because I don’t like numbers.
 Have you participated in a college festival?
Yes, I have. I have participated in a work festival in university. There I have
opportunity to meet more business and find out my suitable work.
 What is your most favorite subject in school?
I think my favourite subject is basic marketing because it relevants to my favourite
 What is your dream job?
My dream job is become to a businessmen and run people in the company.
 Do you have any plan for your future?
Yes, I do. I have plan for my career in the future. Specifically, I will try your best
in the present to build my well career after I take care my family and specially is
my nuclear family.
 Do you want to work near or far from your parents?
I want to work near my parents because I can convenient take care of well them.
 What’s your favorite way to waste time?
I relax by seeing film because it helps reduce stress, worry in my life. Addition,
when see film I just need enjoy this moment and don’t necessary care about
everything around.
 Do you have any pets? What are their names?
No, I don’t. Because I live in hostel so it doesn’t convenient to take care of pet.
 How often do you do your hobby? Is this enough? Please explain.
I’ve been passionate about reading books. Specifically, I’m into life book and
universe book. I have started reading books since I studied at high school. I’ve
been reading book four times a week. I read book at home. My favorite author is
Van Tinh. Reading book helps me develop myself, widen new knowledge and has
a positive outlook in the world.
 How did you become interested in your hobby? Please explain.

 What hobby or activity would you definitely never want to try someday? Why
don't you want to try it?

 If you could have any animal as a pet, what animal would you choose?

If I could have any animal as a pet I would choose a dog because it is a smart and
loyal animal with human.
 What do you do to improve your mood when you are in a bad mood?
When I am in a bad mood I will listening to music, take a shower, share with my
lover, write daily journal, take a walk,… All off them will help me improve my
mood and have more positive energy to continue.
 Where do you spend most of your free time/day?
I spend most of my free time at home because I feel comfortable when I can do
whatever I like in my room. Sometimes I hang out with my friends and meet
 Do you prefer to watch movies in the cinema or in your home?
I prefer to watch in my home because I can lie on bed and eat what I like although
of course the quality film won’t be the same in the cinema.
 When was the last time you went to a movie theatre?
The last time I went to a movie theatre is last month.
 Which do you prefer? Books or movies?
I prefer to books because it makes me slowly to imagine and understand
everything which author had written.
 Do you like horror movies? Why or why not?
I don’t like horror movies because I scare about ghost and imagine horror pictures
in my mind.
 What was the last movie you watched? How was it?
The last movie I watched is Khoa chat cua nao suzume. This is the first time I see
a film by Japanese director and it is a interesting film.

 Does it bother you when someone calls early in the morning?
No, I don’t. Because I am often early person in my room.
 What kind of person do you like? Why?
I like kind of hard-working person because they always try hard to meet the
deadline, they have a detailed plan for their whole day, week and a year in
 What kind of person do you hate? Why?
I hate kind of lazy person because they tend to postpone their work later and most
of the time they don’t like studying.
 What are three words that best describe you?
A girl of a few words
 Does it bother you when someone calls late at night?

No , I don’t because I often sound off when I sleep.

 What kind of food do you particularly like?
 What unhealthy food do you love?
 What is the best food to eat when you are sick?
 When I am sick, I always have […] in my diet?
 Where is the best place to eat in your town? Why is it so good?
 Is there any food that you don’t like?
 Can you cook?
 Why do people like to eat in a restaurant?
Weather & Seasons
 What kind of weather do you like?
 Is your favorite season spring, summer, fall, or winter? Why?
 What do you like to do on rainy days/boiling hot days?
 Do you think that weather affects people's behavior?
 Who is your favorite teacher?

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