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1. Have you ever seen one of those problems: crossing the red light, not using
turn signals, cutting someone off, using your cellphone while driving, waving into
the other lanes or driving in zigzag shape?
 Yes, I have

2. Do you use a smartphone app to call a taxi or motorbike taxi such as Grab or Bee?
 Yes, I do when I don’t have my own motorbike.

3. What means of transport are popular in your country?

 In my opinion, motorbike and car are popular in my country.

4. What is the longest trip you have ever taken by car?

 If my memory serves me right, the longest trip I have ever taken by car was when I travel
with my family in Da Nang.

5. How do you feel about spending time in rush hours?

 Whenever I am stuck on the road, it drives me tired especially when it’s boiling hot.

6. What do you usually do when you are stuck in a traffic jam?

 What else can I do? I can’t do anything but wait and keep moving forward.

7. Do you like to drive or to be driven?

 I prefer to be driven because I can see the sights.

8. How do you get around Hanoi?

 Most of the time, I ride a motorbike because I own one.


1. What do you do when you visit a new city?
 No matter what city I visit, I always try local food because it is with the local cultural

2. How often do you travel?

 No matter what city I visit, I always try local food because it is with the local cultural
identity. I often do travel three times a year. Most recent, I go to the beach in Thanh Hoa
city. I did have many interesting experiences such as try local food, play water sports, see
the dawn and buy souvenirs.

3. What forms of transportation do you prefer to use when you travel?

 It depends. If the weather is boiling hot, I’ll travel by car. However, when the weather is
cold I’ll prefer getting around a city by motorbike.

4. What is the biggest city you’ve ever visited?

 As fas as I remember, the biggest city I’ve ever visited is Paris.

5. Are you planning on going anywhere for your next vacation? If so, where? Who
will? How long will you stay?
 I think on my next vacation, I will travel in Ninh Binh with my lover. I will stay
for about 2 days.

6. Have you ever been abroad? If yes, where have you been? If not, which country
would you like to travel the most?
 If a person asks me which country I would like to visit, I will say immediately
is New York.

7. Could you live in another country for the rest of your life?
 I don’t think so because it’s not convenient for my life.

8. Do you prefer to travel alone or in a group? Why?

 I think I prefer to travel in a group. The reason for that is it’s convenient and people can help
each other.

9. What’s the best way to travel in your country?

 Well it seems that most people like to travel by motorbike, and I’m no exception, so I’d say
I am a big fan of motorbike because it is convenient, and easy to move when I stuck on the

10. What souvenirs have you brought back from travelling?

 If my memory serves me right, I bought keychain for my friend on the trip to Da Nang.


1. Which do you prefer, being indoors or being outdoors?
 I prefer being outdoors because I can enjoy fresh air, see sights, look at the sky full of stars,
participate in outdoor activities such as camping, flying a kite,…

2. What can you find in the city but not in the countryside?
 What makes a city different from a countryside is the hustle and bustle of the city. Unlike
city, it could be impossible to find state-of-the-art hospitals in a countryside.

3. What can you find in the countryside but not in the city?
 What makes a countryside different from a city is fresh air. Unlike countryside, it could be
impossible to find green rice field in a city.

4. Are there any must-see places in Hanoi?

 There’s plenty to do. One of my favourite places is Sword Lake, Lang Bac,…

5. What do you like about where you live? What don’t you like?
 What I love about where I live is the air is fresh and there are lots of trees, rice fields and
rivers, I can walk on the fields or along the rivers to enjoy the clean and fresh air there in
the early morning.

6. Where do you live now? Have you always lived there?

 I have been living in Ha Noi for 2 years.

7. What are some advantages of living in the countryside/ city?

 Living in the countryside is really good for your life because of these reasons. First, living
in the country can bring you a clean environment. The air is fresher and there are lots of
trees, rice fields and rivers, you can walk on the fields or along the rivers to enjoy the
clean and fresh air there in the early morning. Second, living in the countryside is cheaper
than in the city because people there have lower income and don't have the habit of
spending a lot of money. If you live in the country, you can save a lot of money. Finally,
people in the country are more friendly and opener than people in the city because they
live near each other. People live together in a small village so they can talk countryside
can have festivals and you can join and fell very happy. In conclusion, there are many
benefits of living in the country.


1. How often do you go out alone at night?
 I don’t go out at night very often. If yes I will go with my friend.

2. How often do you use public transportation late at night?

 No, I don’t.

3. How often do you carry a large amount of cash?

 I don't often carry a large amount of cash when I go out in case there's a robbery.

4. How often do you make eye contact with strangers?

 No, I don’t.

5. What kinds of fears are common in your country?

 I can’t say for sure. In my opinion, fear of failing at the exam is the most common.

6. Are you afraid of ghosts/ heights/ flying?

 Yes, I am. To be honest, I have had a fear of heights since I was a child.


1. What countries have you travelled to? If you have never been abroad, where
do you want to go in the future?
 If I have been abroad I will go travel in America in the future.

2. Have you ever felt blue during the holidays? How was it?
 I have ever felt blue during the holidays. It’s quite quite and boring.

3. Why do people like travelling?

 Based on what I know, travelling is a good idea because travelling can provide a much-
needed escape from everyday life and offer opportunities for adventure and personal
growth. Also, travelling is a good chance to broaden my knowledge about around things.
Moreover, traveling can be a way to relax and unwind, providing individuals with the
chance to disconnect from technology and the demands of daily life. That’s why many
people love travelling.

4. If your wallet was stolen during a trip, what would you do?
 I will notify the nearest agency to deal with it.

5. If you lost your passport while travelling, what would you do?
 I will notify the nearest agency to deal with it.

6. What are some great places to travel to in your country?

 My hometown is Bac Ninh which is located in the North, where you can see many sand-
white beaches, picturesque landscapes with spectacular forests.


1. What kind of room do you want to book, standard room or deluxe room?
 I want to book a standard room because it suits my needs and finances.

2. If you book a room in the hotel, how would you like to pay, by cash or by
credit card?
 I like to pay by cash because it’s fast and convenient.

3. To help carry your bags, who do you call in the hotel?

 I will call the bell captain.

4. To check if you have received mail or a package, who do you call in the hotel?
 I will call the receptionist.


1. What do you use a laptop for?
 I use a laptop for study as well as entertainment.

2. Do you think that a dishwasher is important?

 Yes, I do. Especially when everyone is too busy for work.

3. Among a refrigerator, an air conditioner and a water heater, what do you think is
the most important to me?
 It depends. If the weather is boiling hot, I’ll choose an air conditioner. However,
when the weather is cold I’ll prefer choosing a water heater.
4. What are some advantages of having a smartphone?
 There are many advantages of having a smartphone. First of all, smartphone allow people
to instant communication to everyone. Second, with a smartphone people can web surfing
anytime and anywhere. Last but not least, with a smartphone people can learn everywhere and
everytime by watching education videos.

5. What are some disadvantages of having a smartphone?

 Although smartphones are amazing, those gadgets also have some disadvantages
First of all, using mobile phones a lot can cause health problems such as eye problems, heart
problems. Second, you can be distracted when there are notifications from calls, text
messages, social media. Last but not least, spending too much time online can make you
addiction and as a result, you can’t go anywhere without your smartphone.

6. Do you enjoy using technology?

 I wouldn’t call myself a techie, but I love using a smartphone and laptop for study as well
as entertainment.

7. How often do you use your phone to make calls?

 I often use my phone to make calls about twice a day.

8. How often do you use your phone to send and read emails?
 I sometimes use my phone to send and read emails. I often use my laptop to do it.

9. Which do you prefer, smartphone or laptop?

 I prefer to smartphone rather than laptop because it’s compact and convenient, especially
the phone can be carried anywhere easily.

10. Which do you prefer, lose a wallet or lose your phone?

 I prefer to lose my phone rather than lose a wallet because there are many important
papers in my wallet.

11. Which do you prefer, Iphone or Android phone?

 I prefer to Android phone rather than Iphone phone because it's easy to use and has many
cool features.

12. Which do you prefer, give up the phone or lose some friends?
 I prefer to give up the phone rather than lose some friends because friends won't be able to
redeem it.

13. Which do you prefer, call or text?

 I prefer to call rather than text because I can hear and see the other person's feelings.


1. What are the advantages of online/ offline shopping?
 One advantage of online shopping is that there is a wider selection. The story is completely
different with offline shopping is online shopping doesn’t require you to drive and you
save money (discounts and offers).

2. What is the thing that you have bought recently that cost a lot of money?
 As fas as I recall, the thing I have bought recently that cost a lot of money is cosmetics.
3. When do you think everybody will buy things only online?
 In my opinion, the time when all people will buy things only online is when there is a
pandemic or people are too busy with their surroundings.

4. What kind of problems can you have when you buy things only online?
 You may receive goods that do not match the pictures and especially be scammed.

5. What is the most expensive thing you’ve ever bought?

 The most expensive thing I’ve ever bought is my motorbike.


1. Do you have any pets? If yes, when/ why/ how long did you get it? If not, why?
 I don’t have any pets. The reason is my current life is not convenient to have any pets.

2. Do children like animals?

 I think it depends. There are some children who like animals, but there are those who don’t
like animals because they are afraid of getting dirty or being bitten.

3. Are you afraid of snakes, cockroaches or mice?

 Yes. I have a fear of cockroaches. Whenever I see them, they make me hairs on the back
of my neck stand up.
4. What is the smartest animal in the world?
 I can’t say for sure, but based on what I know, the smartest animal could be the dog
because they very smart and loyal with human.

5. What kind of pets do people raise in your country?

 Most of the people have a cat or a dog in their houses.


1. Which environmental problems do you have where you live: deforestation,
water pollution, air pollution, waste disposal, noise pollution and overpopulation?
 Where I live there are environmental problems like water pollution, air pollution
and overpopulation.

2. What can you do to protect/ improve the environment?

 The first thing I can do to improve the environment is start cycling and using public
transportation. Second, I recycle old things like plastic bottles, paper, straw and glass. Last
but not least, I use renewable energy such as wind energy, solar energy.

3. Do you usually drink bottled water? Why or why not?

 No, I don’t. I often drink water from the water dispenser.

4. What do you think of people who smoke cigarettes indoors? Would you do
anything when you saw someone smoke in public?
 I will tell them to stop or stay away from those people.

5. Do you have any ideas on how to minimize the use of plastic?

 The first way which springs to my mind is hand-carry items when I can. The
second thing I can do is try to use reusable bags when I go shopping to limit plastic
waste. In other words, I will stop using plastic straws.


1. Is it important for you to learn about current events? Why/ Why not?
 In my opinion, it is important for you to learn about current events because I can catch up
with the world.

2. What news sources do you trust the most? What news sources do you trust the
 My all-time favourite sources are VTV. News sources I trust the least is

3. How often do you read the newspaper?

 I don’t often read the newspaper. I often watch news on the TV.

4. Do you read newspapers in other languages?

 Yes, I do. Sometimes I read the newspaper in English.
5. What is your favorite magazine?
 My favorite magazine is The New York Times.

6. Do you think people need to know all of the news?

 In my opinion, people don’t need to know all of the news but should only know the
important and necessary information that affects their lives.

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