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4. CE Board Nov. 2023



The gusset plate connection shows four of 16
mm diameter bolts supporting the load P. O=

P = 37.5 kN 3< / ~- | 100
Si =S2=S3=75mm 375000 —e >ars oe
Sa = 100 mm .

M =37.5(1000)
S, SeapesS -M= 3750000
P 37500
fm) oS |

= 9375 N

Polar moment of inertia:

a) .Determine the maximum shear stress” D(x? + y2) = 2(37.5)? #2(112.5)?
(MPa) developed in the bolts.
b) Determine the minimum shear stress ¥ (x2 + y2) = 28125
(MPa) developed in the bolts.
c) The allowable bolt shear stress is 50 MPa. MC,
Determine the required bolt diameter (mm) fy = Dx? + y2) ©
_ to prevent overstressing
_ 3750000(112.5)
Solution: z. fy = “96195 oo
_a) Max. shear stress (MPa) developed inthe fy = 15000 Nibolt
‘bolts 9375
. ——-_-—9
R2 = (9375)? + (15000)? |
-H25 | 125
| 95
|37 5|37.5| 75
| YY O eth
| |
| WL. shea? stress
R=17688.7 . ~
R=SsA i :
“RO 15000

0. O > occur here

M P/4
17688.7 =, (5) (16)?
Ss = 87.98

Use-S; = 88 MPa

685) CamScanner
Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations

b) Min. shear stress 2. CE Board Nov. 2023

| 37 es) max. shear stress A beam with width b = 250 mm and depth d =
450 mmis prestressed by an initial force of 600
oo Leo.
P/4 ty
kN. Total loss of preetiess ad service loads is
| 985,
. a) Calculate the resulting final compressivé
, MCy stress (MPa) if the’ prestressing force is
fy = 50a yy b)
applied at the centroid ofthe beam.
Calculate the ‘final compressive stress
_ 3750000(37.5) - ee (MPa) if the prestressing force is applied at ~
Hi 28125 an eccentricity 100 mm below the centroid.
- fy = 5000 Nibolt of the beam section,
c) Calculate the eccentricity (mm) at which the
P 37500 -prestressing force can be applied so that _
4. 4 the resulting tensile stress at the top’ fiber
P of the beam is Zero.
7 = 9375
R2 = (9375)? + (s000) a) Final compressive stress if the prestressing
R = 10625 force is applied at the centroid of the beam . °
R=SsA gS fe
—p| - ioaiar” eta Se

10625 = s.(7) 6)?

350 fePIA
Ss = 52,84 MPa
8 h-0

Use Ss = 53 MPa :
1 ei

Diameter of bolt if allowable shear

s stress is 250(450)
“4 MPa f= 4,53 MPa (compression)
= 17688.7 (see question “a "
Re SsA b).. Final compressive stress if the prestressing
ors This bn force is applied at an eccentricity 100 mm
17688.7 = 50 (z) (d?) below the centroid of the beam
d=21.2 say 22 mmo

685) CamScanner
Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations

=P,SM Solution:
» bd bd? . a) Interior negative moment
{= 600000(0.85) , 6(600000)(100)(0.85)
250(450) _ —250(450)* iar
f, = 10.57 MPa (compression)

¢C) Eccentricity (mm) at which the prestressing

force can be applied so that the resulting
tensile stress at the top fiber of the beamis
zero w=6+4
tt w=10kN/im
er. L — we
Sb i a
_P 6M: p= o188
,= bd bd?
0 . 600000(0.85) 6(600000)e(0.85) hie 10(6.4) 2

250(450) 250(450)? 9
M, = - 45.51 kN.m.

b) Interior shear force

13. CE Board Nov. 2023
Vv, . 1.415wL
Beam ABC is supported by spandrel beams at .- 2
the exterior edges and by.acolumnatB. V,= 4:15(10)(68)
For beams b x h = 300 mm x 2
Column = x 400 mm
Dead load = 6 kN/m (all weights included) V, = 39.10 KN
Live load = 4 kN/m

Cc) Positive moment ik

: 2
Me= we
M= 10(6) 2

a) Determine the interior negative moment. M= 32.73 kNum
b) Determine the interior shear force.
c) Determine the positive moment.

685) CamScanner
Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations

4, CE Board Nov. 2023 V=

A, fy,d
. S
mm x 800 mm | A= = (10)%(4) = 452.39 mm? . .
Main reinforcement As: = 16-25 mm diameter.
bars V = 452.39(275)(537.5)
Lateral ties ='10 mm diameter bars . 150
Reinforcing steel yield strength: V, = 445.7 kN
Main reinforcement, fy = 415 MPa
Lateral ties, fy, = 275 MPa Vny=VstVe |
Concrete, fc’ = 28 MPa Vay = 445,7 + 386.81
Clear concrete cover = 40 mm
Spacing of ties = 150 mm Viny = 832.57 KN -

b) Nominal shear: strength for the shear

| Vu,
parallel to the x-axis
ae 25
. d= 800- 40- 10- =
W=600 mm | fe Vu,
d= 737.50
Hebe dS) V, =0.17V/fe' by d
“L=800 mm”
V, = 0.1728 600)(737:50)
a) What is the nominal shear strength (KN) of V, = 398.05 kN
the column for the shear parallel to the y-
axis? . V5 _ A, fy, qd
b) What is the nominal shear strength of the
column for the shear parallel to the x-axis? A= 7 (10)7(3) = 235.62 mm?
c) Which of the following gives the nominal
compressive load (kN) at zero eccentricity? 1 & 235.62(275)(737.50)
‘ 5 160"
_ Solution: ".. V, = 318.58 KN
a) Nominal shear strength” for the ‘shear Vine =Vs + Ve
parallel to the y-axis Vinx = 318.58 + 398.05
V, = 0.17 vic! b,d Vix
= 716.63 KN .
d =600-40- ‘0-2 Nominal compressive loadat zero
d =537.5mm Px = 0,80 [0.85fc’ (Ag — As) + fy As ]
V, = 0.17/28 (600)(537.5) ~ Pn = 0.80 {0.85(28) [(600)(800) ~ 7854]
V.: = 386.81 KN + 415(7854)}
Pn = 11597.2 kN

Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations

5. CE Board Nov. 2023 b) Vertical reactionat B if a vertical load of

27.5 KN is applied at joint D
Given:S=1.5m H=3.0m_
Wind load acting normal to the roof A=52 kN

P1=13kN P2= 6.5 kN

; a) What is the vertical reaction (kN) at the

Ma =0
support B?
12 Ray = 52(3.36) + 27.5(6)
b) In addition to the given wind load, a vertical
load of 27.5 kN is applied at joirit D.
Determine the resulting vertical reaction at
supportB. C) Stress in the.vertical web member CD if a
c) What is the stress (kN) in the vertical web ° vertical load Of 27.5 KN is applied at joint D
- member CD if a vertical load of 27.5 KN is”,
i cD
applied at joint D?
_ «CD = 27.5 kN
275 kN
a) Reaction at B
65 kN

3m, 6. CE Board Nov. 2023

se 15m 15m 15m15m 15m 15m. 15m A cantilever beam 5 m. ‘long carries a
6m . Concentrated load P at 3. 75m. from the fixed
2m z
nes 2
6 Given:
6 = 26.6" Beam moment of inertia | = 1.6 x 109 mm4 .
Modulus of elasticity E = 25 x 103 MPa
Cos 26.6" = 18 Concentrated load P = 150 KN
' X= 1.68 a) What is the deflection of the beam under
YM,=0 the load P?
b) Find the maximum beam deflection.
R,, (12) = R (2x) -C) What upward force (KN) is to be applied at
R= 13(4) = 52 kN . the free end to prevent the’ beam from
R,, (12) = 52 (2)(1.68) aeroating?

R,, Y = 14.56 KN

685) CamScanner
Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations .

Solution: 7. CE Board Nov. 2023

a) Deflection of beam under the load P = 150
KN A 120 kg man walks on a 4m. plank resting on
rough surfaces at A and B.
P=150 KN ’ Given:
Coefficient of friction at A = 0.40
Coefficient of friction at B = 0.20

| 3.75 fo 1.25 ~~44 Paks dens

/ °\23G7S)=25
- #=0.40 ait p=0.20
4 - - B
-150(3.75) = 562.5

7 5 =. 2625(3:75)(25)
EI a) At what distance x-will the plank start to
__ 562.5(3.75)(2.5)(1000) slide?
2(25 x 10°)(1.6)10° b) Whatis the friction force (N) at A?
5 = -65mm c) . Find the vertical force (N) at B?

b) Max. beam deflection - Solution:

_ 562.5(3.75)(1.25 +.2.5)(1000)' a) Distance x when the plan start to slide
mx (25 x 10°)(1.6 x 10°)
5, 299mm | jee


c) Upward force to be applied at the free.end —

to prevent the beam from ane
_ PLY ge or at :
307 re Ng Rp

~ 3(25
x 10°)(1.6 x 10°)
P = 95040 N ces
P=95KN -

685) CamScanner
Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations

=M, =0 a) Whatis the combined weight of cement and

water in kN?
R,, Cos 8.2° (4) = 120(9.81)x
R, = 297.43x b) What is the weight of dry-rodded coarse
aggregate in kN?
c) Find the required weight of dry sand in KN.
Using Sine Law:
R, _ 120(9.81) Solution:
Sin8.2° . Sin160.49°
- a) Combined weight of cement and water
R, = 502.75 N
R, _ _ 120(9.81) Weight of water =
Sin11.31 — Sin160.49° 1000.
R, = 691.28 N Weight of water = 1.7658 kN

Water cement ratio = 0.62

R, = 297.34x
691.28 = 297.35x Weight of water _
x=232m. = 0.62
Weight of cement

b) Friction force at A ash Weight

ig ofce men t= ——
Fa = 691.28 Sin 21.8°
Fa = 256.72 N Weight of cement = 2.848 KN -

C) Vertical force at B Combined weight of cement and water

ig = Re Cos 11,31" = 1.7658 + 2.848
Ne = 502.75 Cos 11.31°
"= 4.61KN
Ns=493N *

b) Weight of dry-rodded coarse aggregate

8. CE Board Nov. 2023 W=VD “ .
" The basic data for proportioning trial mixture for ” W=0137(13.7)
normal weight concrete with an average 28 day
compressive strength of.24 MPa are as follows:
” W= 510 KN
Slump=75mmto100mm - Cc) - Weight of dry'sand ©’
Water-cement ratio = 0.62
Weight of concrete = wm. of cement and
Quantity of water (wet mixing) = 180 kg/m
water + wt. of dry rodded aggregate +
Volume of dry-rodded coarse aggregates
weight of sand
= 0.37 ms
Unit weight of concrete = 23.6 kN/m3 23.6(1) = 4.61 +5.10 + Ws
Unit weight of coarse aggregate = 13.7 kN/m?
For 1 cu.m. of concrete , - Ws = 13.89 kN

Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations

9. CE Board Nov. 2023 Solution :

a) Wide beam shear stress
A600 mm x 600 mm column by a 3.6 m square
footing on 5 piles as shown. P


24 0.6

-@| 1
| | gud.6
| >™
t 060
= 6.60; --}- b=2.4
PY, j

of a

Dimensions are:
a=0.6m b=24m
Effective depth = 650 mm
Diameter of pile = 350 mm
Ultimate pile capacity = 280 kN -
Column axial loads:
~D = 420 kN
L = 360 kN
E=210kN P
Column moment due to earthquake = 160 kN.m
The required strength of the footing is based on
the following factored load combination: = _
U=1.32D+4.1L+14.E -

a) Calculate the critical beam shear stress at Py=4.32D41.1L411E

ultimate loads. 9 = 0.75 Py = 1.32(420) + 1.1(360) + 1.1(210)
b) Compute the ultimate punching stress. Py = 1181.4 KN
9 =0.75
c) Compute the punching shear of the most M=132D+44 LEE
stressed pile. Mu = 1.32(0) + 1.4(0) + 1.4(210)

4 Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations

Ultimate reaction of pile at row 1:

R = un + MC
“ A |

[= Ad?
{= 2(1.2}2(2)
[= 5.76

MC .

R =++—
“A |
a = 1181.4, 176(1.2)
. 5 5.76
R, =272.95kKN<280 OK - R, = 236.28 kN
“p ob.d ° .
b, = 1250(4) = 5000
06 Y O 3600 mm 945120 ©
Ys” 0.75(5000)(650)
v, =0.39 MPa’

c) Punching shear of the most stressed pile

pe 2000 mm_
| 2000 |
obd —
tp = 3(272.95)(1000)
. 0 =0,467 MPa

b). Ultimate punching shear stress

1250 R= 272.95 kN

0.6 v= 0b 4.

» = (2000) .

@ = 272950
ho: > 0.75(7)(2000)

v, = 0.089 MPa

685) CamScanner
Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations

10. CE Board Nov. 2023 Max. capacity of column AC:

P_ 12n°E
A beam DE is subjected tothe following loads: A. 23(L/r)?
P; =60 kN
T= 150 kN P - . 12?(200,000)
6 =45° "1990 23(138)?
Cross sectional area of column AC = 1990 mm?
- Slenderness ratio of column AC = 138 P=107616N.
Fy = 415 MPa , P = 107.62 KN
E = 200,000 MPa

a) Determine the max. capacity of column AC, - b) Value of P2 when the capacity of column
b) Determine the value of P2 when the . ACis maximum .
capacity of column AC is maximum. 60 kN Va
c) Determine the value of P2 if the moment at
Ais equal to zero.
P=60 kN aie
3 ha

T=150-kN 77 G2 KN

4m dFv =0 :
>. 4
107.62 + P Sin 45° = 60 + 150 (=)
T Fived cola AC

A P= 102.36 kN

.a) Max. capacity of column AC c)_ Value of Pz if the moment at A is equal to
L ~ zero :
7 138
_ 60:KN
. | ree 2
C= | v 0.6 10 \ ;
: c F, =|

é = 2? (200,000)
a 415
Ce = 97.53

> 97.53
; an
- > C.

Therefore, column AC is a short column.

685) CamScanner
Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations

vu = 3El
150 (=) (0.6) + 150 (=) (3)
— 6(2.4)3
+Po Sin 45°(1.4)_ v1 SET
- 60(1.0) -— P2 Cos 45°(3) = 0 27.648
260.4 = Pr Cos 45°(3) - Pz Sin 45°(1.4) 1 ET
260.4 = 1.13 Pz .
Po= 230.16 kN

11. CE Board Nov. 2023

A cantilever beam BD rest on a simple beam

AC as shown in the figure. Both beams are of PL
the same material and are 75 mm x 200 mm.If te 3 EI
_ they jointly carried a load P = 6 KN. P, (2.4)
a) Determine the load carried by beam AC. me
b) Determine the maximum deflection of _ 4.608P,
. beam Ac. v2 = EI
c) Determine the maximum flexural stress
. developed in beam AC.

“yi -ye=ys
3.6 Ro= Pi (2.4)
- . Solution: |
a) Load carried by beam AC i = EP,
Ri + Ro = P;

685) CamScanner
Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations

b) Deflection of beam AC
24m L 12m _ ¥ ; 4.5 kN

a 24m 12m
AL —*F ———J c
hy “es. | be =
4 Pe SE
45 “se rashid
| 7 =LSkN Sol bau =(4.5) =3 kN
' ~ . a
\ ~ fein
4 H
i ™.
i] '
5 '
; '

hs 0.80 Py i]

4.5(1.2) 8-54

El teya BAe (2) El teja = = . 22 (=) .7 7

oe ee (=)
-4.2P,(1.2) 71.2
OR ( 3 ) %

2.304 Py’
fcja = fcya = Ey
By ratio and proportion:
By ratio and proportion:

fa _ teya ha _ teva
x 3.6
2.4 Es 6
-25304 7H &
= x(10.368),
"4S 513.651
A P,
hy =
a. BI
- yp El teva = =) (5)
1.536P, 27.648 4.608P, tu/A = By
EI El ° &I Max. deflection of beam:
6.144 P} = 27.648
5 =ho—ten
Py =4.5 kN (load carried by beam AC)
_ 2.88x —0.25x3
a EI

685) CamScanner
Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations

_ Differentiate 5 with respect to x and equate 12. CE Board Nov. 2023

fo zero to obtain maximum deflection. -

nce : From the given Mohr's circle in the figure:
dx 2.88 es 3(0.25)x 2 = 0
2.88= 3(0.25)x2 '

x=1.96m |
| A _7eanis

2.88x — 0.25x3 |I
Snax =

2.88(1.96) — 0.25(1.96)?.
-Omax = EI

El Smax = 3.762 = 3762 N.m?

c) Max. flexural stress developed in beam AC

4.5 kN
a) Determine which point to point in the
24m | 12m Mohr’s circle represents the axial stress. .
A Solution: ;
A Axial stress is line OD.
1.SkN ; ;
' 3.0 kN
1.5kN| b) Determine which point to point in the
Mohr's circle represents the plane shear
; stress,
1 24
-3KN Plane shear stress is line AD.
i] i

i | ome
: Max.M -¢) Determine which point to. point in the
- Mohr's circle represents the maximum
1 shear stress,
Max. moment: Maximum shear stress is line GC.
Mmax = 1.5(2.4) = 3.6 KN.m (area of shear
Max. flexural stress:
fmax = bd2

_ 6(3.6)(10)®
Imax = 75(200)2
fax =7.2 MPa

685) CamScanner
Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations

13. CE Board Nov. 2023 Solution:

a) Factored shear force Vu if Vs = 375 kN
Arectangular concrete column 400 mmx 600 y
mm in cross section is reinforced with 8-
, Re
25 mm @ longitudinal bars equally distributed
along all sides and 3 legs: of 12 mm o | 1. :
transverse ties in each direction. ~=]440
P [25 mm
Concrete yield strength, fc’ = 24 MPa or
_ Steel yield strength, fy = 415 MPa
: —J2 mm @

Allowable concrete shear stress, fy = 0.82 MPa ~ 4.) {40

’ for shear parallel to “h” dimension.

d= 600-40-12-12.5
d= 535.5 mm
. J

. 825 mae
/h=600mm Ve = 0.82(400)(535.5)_
Ve = 175644 |

MA =V_+V,
7: == “J-12 mmo 6 .

1). isie ML = 175.644 +375

“4 * 40mm
0. 85
= 468 KN.

b) Factored shear force Vu if S = 225 mm o.c.

for 12 mm @ ties.
a) Determine the factored shear force (Vu)
A, f, d.
that the column can be subjected if the ee =
nominal shear strength ibys by the ties V,°
is 375 mn.

A, (12)° 0
b) Belermite the permissible factored shear
force Vu if the 12 mm @ ties are spacedvat VA, 339.3
225 mm on centers. 339.3(415)(535.5)
. 2255
Whatis the required spacing.of the 12 mm
shear strength to be
V, = 335127 N
ties if the nominal
provided by the ties parallel to the longer V, = 335.13kN
column dimension is 400 KN.
Me a, +N,

sas 174,787 + 335.13

V, =433 kN

685) CamScanner
Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations

c) Spacing of the 12 mm ties. if the nominal W530 x 109 | ; P W410x67

shear strength to be provided by the ties \
‘ '

parallel to the longer column dimension is

ee s
7 I

* 400 kN ; a} A , —

ae | Ale
$3) | y4
TT. {40
sit Pe
s,|* Ate
mm) ‘ : Xa f PALA, \

alien) “a
. - 1740 8-22 mm i S; =40 mm

W530x 109 W410 - 67

Ns {

as. | |
i al
EM Vad].
fs s jy [4-22 mn |
8-22 mm 50 "C;
Noe 12
‘A |

S= ~100.000
Famille dy oh
S = 188.5 mm \ \

Use S = 180 mm.

a) Determine the allowable load P (kN), based
on the shear capacity of the 4 - 22 mm
| 14. CE Board Nov. 2023 bolt.
b) Calculate the allowable load P (kN) based
The beam, W 410 mm x 67 kg/m, with 9 mm on bolt bearing stress on the web of the
web thickness subjects the girder, W 530 mmx
109 kg/m, with 12 mm web thickness to.a shear ¢) (fP =300kN atan eccentricity e = 50 mm,
load P. Two angle 90mmx90mmx determine the tensile stress on the critical
6mm bolt of the 8 - 22 mm @ bolts
with 4 - 22 mm a bolts frame the beam to the
girder as shown. ; .
S1=40mm $3 = 80 mm "$s =40 mm Solution:
S2=40 mm Ss = 110mm a) Allowable load P (kN), based on the shear
- Capacity of the 4-22 mm o bolt.
Steel strength and allowable stresses P=F A,
Yield stress, Fy = 248 MPa
Bolt shear stress, Fy=120MPa P= 1o( ) (22)? cay
Bolt shearing stress, Fp = 480 MPa
Bolt hole diameter, 25mmo
P= 3654N

685) CamScanner
Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations
b) Allowable load P (kN) based on bolt most )
bearing stress on the Web of the beam. stressed
bolt tof
W530x109 | | P W410 x 67 1.
{ =
| ; dls | ‘ : 's, @22k=
S51 4: t . Y ‘= : L
. \
Bt: a . __ \.

5, eee
5; i
ry = |
ha a:
51) hi
S,; i gs } XA te critical bolt ; f Ss
f iy ‘aay
=f ir 1 | 4-22 mm ¢
ee ant
4 : pal
8-22 mm ¢ §,=40 mm
40m | 1] o of,
320) ao i EC way es :

| 80 ;
P=A.F, 1 40} ©
@ :
P = 22(9)(4)(480) — 90°90
‘P = 380160 N
P= 380.16 kN
_ MC
f, r A Z

lf P = 300 KN at an eccentricity e = 50. mm, = © (22

determine the tensile stress on the critical - A=380.13 mm?
bolt of the 8 —- 22 mm a bolts

~ SAy? =4(380.13)(40)? + 4(880.13)(120)"

| 5 - aa YAy? = 24.33 x 10°
£ 1 oO
M = 300000(50)
f +o
M=15x 10°
f 1a McC i
G }
i, = ;
\ = 15x 10° (120)
— —
5 * 24.33 x 10°
a f, = 73.98 MPa

685) CamScanner
Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations

ma 75. CE Board Nov. 2023 Solution:

a) Maximum net soil pressure.
A rectangular footing is subjected to the
‘following service loads: ° L Jim 4
Ty MO SEPe sy

y Im |. ‘sf 7

| ¥r —Lji,-.——, oe a

* + |M,=150 kN.m
B ros

least stress f \
secrion QM, =250kN.m -


P=580+420=1000 kN

Axial load: DL=580kN = LL=420kN

1000 , 150(1) 250(1.5) :
Moment about the x-axis: _ Mot = 105'kN.m Ae 3(2) 2° 45
om Mu = 45 kN.m f, = 166.67 + 75 + 83.33
Moment about y-axis: Mo. = 140 KN.m f, =325 kPa
Mu = 110 kN.m
b) Minimum net soil pressure.
Height of earthfill above the footing = 1.5 m.
- Soil unit weight = 17 kN/m3
Concrete unit weight = 24 kN/m3
_ 1000 150(1) 250(1.5)
a) Calculate the maximum net soil pressure.
3). 2 4.5
b) Calculate the minimum net soil pressure. - f, =8.34kPa
c) Calculate the requited soil * bearing
capacity. c) Required soil bearing capacity.
q= 325+ 24(0.6) + 17(1.5)
q =364.90 kPa


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