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Weekly Test - Prelims (Art and Culture) Test - 45

1. Consider the following pairs: How many of the above saints can be classified
Regional Theatre State as ‘Sagun Saints’ of the Bhakti Movement?
1. Ojapali : Manipur (a) Only two (b) Only three
2. Daskathia : Madhya Pradesh (c) Only four (d) All five
3. Shumang leela : Bihar
How many of the above pairs are correctly 5. With reference to Bhaona, consider the
matched? following statements:
(a) Only one (b) Only two 1. It is a traditional form of entertainment
(c) All three (d) None prevalent in Assam.
2. The plays of bhaona are popularly known
2. With reference to Sufism, which among the as Ankiya Nat.
following is the correct description of the term Which of the statements given above is/are
‘Wahdat al-wujud’? correct?
(a) Earning through legitimate ways (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(b) Charismatic personality (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
(c) Unity of Existence
(d) Type of sufi dance form 6. With reference to the Classical Dance of India,
consider the following statements:
3. With reference to Bhakti Saints, consider 1. Tarangam is performed by Kuchipudi
following statements: dancers.
1. Nimbarkacharya was the chief proponent 2. Mohiniattyam is performed both by men
of the theology of Dvaitadvaita (dvaita– and women.
advaita). Which of the statements given above is/are
2. Vallabhacharya Mahaprabhu founded the correct?
Krishna-centered PushtiMarg sect of (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
3. Surdas was known for his works written in
praise of Krishna.
7. With reference to Nataraja Sculpture, consider
How many of the above statements are correct?
following statements:
(a) Only one (b) Only two
1. Upper right hand of the Shiva holds the
(c) All three (d) None eternal fire.
2. Upper left hand holds the drum which
4. Consider the following: signifies the sound of creation.
1. Mirabai 3. A snake twisted around the neck of the
2. Ramanuja Shiva symbolises the Kundalini power.
3. Guru Nanak How many of the above statements are correct?
4. Adi Shankaracharya (a) Only one (b) Only two
5. Kabir (c) All three (d) None

8. Consider the following statements : 12. The new Naval insignia of India is inspired by
1. 'Bijak' is a composition of the teachings of which of the following Kings?
Saint Dadu Dayal. (a) The Maratha King Shivaji
2. The Philosophy of PushtiMarg was (b) The Rajput King Prithviraj Chauhan
propounded by Madhvacharya. (c) The Chalukyan King Bhima I
Which of the statements given above is/are (d) None of the above
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only 13. With reference to Shadow Puppetry, consider
the following statements:
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
1. Shadow Puppets are flat figures cut out of
9. Which one of the following books of ancient 2. It is prevalent in states like Karnataka and
India has the love story of the son of the Kerala.
founder of the Shunga dynasty? Which of the statements given above is/are
(a) Swapnavasavadatta correct?
(b) Malavikagnimitra (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) Meghadoota (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
(d) Ratnavali
14. Consider the following pairs:
Temple Place
10. With reference to the art and archaeological
1. Doddabasappa Temple Dambal
history of India, which one among the
following was made earliest? 2. Mahadev Temple Itagi
3. Trikuteshwara Temple Gadag
(a) Lingaraja Temple at Bhubaneswar
How many of the above pairs are correctly
(b) Rock-cut Elephant at Dhauli
(c) Rock-cut Monuments Mahabalipuram
(a) Only one (b) Only two
(d) Varaha Image at Udayagiri (c) All three (d) None

11. With reference to Ancient India, consider the 15. “Yoga Vasistha” was translated into Persian by
following statements: Nizamuddin Panipati during the reign of:
1. The concept of Stupa is Buddhist in origin. (a) Akbar (b) Humayun
2. Stupa was generally a repository of relics. (c) Shahjahan (d) Aurangzeb
3. Stupa was a votive and commemorative
structure in Buddhist tradition.
How many of the statements given above are 16. Consider the following pairs:
correct? Folk Dance State of Origin

(a) Only one (b) Only two 1. Gaur Muria Chhattisgarh

2. Kalbelia Andhra Pradesh
(c) All three (d) None
3. Paika West Bengal

How many of the above pairs are correctly 19. The national motto of India, ‘Satyameva Jayate’
matched? inscribed below the Emblem of India is taken
(a) Only one (b) Only two from: (2014)
(c) All three (d) None (a) Katha Upanishad
(b) Chandogya Upanishad
17. Consider the following pairs: (c) Aitareya Upanishad
Folk Music State (d) Mundaka Upanishad
1. Pandavani Chhattisgarh
2. Wanawan Jammu and Kashmir
20. With reference to the history of philosophical
3. Jhoori Madhya Pradesh
thought in India, consider the following
How many of the above pairs are correctly
statements regarding Sankhya school:
(a) Only one (b) Only two (2013)
(c) All three (d) None 1. Sankhya does not accept the theory of
rebirth or transmigration of the soul.
18. With reference to Bharatnatyam, consider the 2. Sankhya holds that it is the self-knowledge
following statements: that leads to liberation and not any exterior
1. It is the oldest dancing tradition of India. influence or agent.
2. It is generally performed by women. Which of the statements given above is/are
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2

1. (d) 6. (a) 11. (b) 16. (a)
2. (c) 7. (d) 12. (a) 17. (b)
3. (c) 8. (d) 13. (c) 18. (c)
4. (b) 9. (b) 14. (c) 19. (d)
5. (c) 10. (b) 15. (a) 20. (b)

Hints and Solutions

1. Answer: (d)
Option (d) is correct: 2. Answer: (c)
Regional Theatre in the East: Option (c) is correct:
 Wahdat al-wujud literally means "the
Jatra It is from Bengal and is
related to Chaitanya. It is Unity of Existence" or "the Unity of
generally related to music. Being." Wujūd, meaning "existence" or
It is known for stylised "presence", here refers to God.
delivery and oration.  The mystical thinker and theologian Abu
Saeed Mubarak Makhzoomi discussed
Shumang It is from Manipur. It is
Leela performed by men dressed this concept in his book called Tohfa
as ladies. It is normally Mursala. An Andalusian Sufi saint Ibn
referred to as courtyard Sabin is also known to employ this term in
play. (Hence, pair 3 is not his writings.
correctly matched)

Ankia-nat It is from Assam. It was 3. Answer: (c)

(Bhoana) popularized by Option (c) is correct:
Shankardev. The plays
usually combine live  Statement 1 is correct: Nimbarkacharya
instruments and singers, was the chief proponent of the theology of
dance and elaborate Dvaitadvaita (dvaita–advaita) or
costumes in production. dualistic–non-dualistic. He was born in
Tamil Nadu in a Telugu Brahmin family.
Ojapali It is also from Assam. The
He worked in the Telangana region. He
repertoire of this
performance consists of was a Vaishnavite saint.
songs, dialogues, gestures,  Statement 2 is correct: Vallabhacharya
improvised acting and Mahaprabhu founded the Krishna-
dramatization etc. (Hence,
centered Pushti Marg sect of
pair 1 is not correctly
matched) Vaishnavism in the Braj(Vraj) region of
India, and the Vedanta philosophy of
Daskathia It is from Odisha. Prahlad Shuddha Advaita (Pure Non-dualism).
Natak is famous in Odisha.  Statement 3 is correct: Surdas was a
In the performance, the
16th-century blind Hindu devotional poet
performers use a pair of
wooden instruments to and singer, who was known for his works
create music. (Hence, pair written in praise of Krishna, the
2 is not correctly supreme lord. He was a disciple of
matched) Vallabhacharya and he popularized
Krishna bhakti in North India.

sang songs in praise of Lord Krishna.

4. Answer: (b) She would go into a trance in her love
Option (b) is correct for God.

About Bhakti Movement:  The Nirguna Saints:

 The development of the Bhakti movement  Kabir: He emphasized on communal

took place in Tamil Nadu between the harmony between Hindus and
Muslims. He questioned what he
seventh and tenth century.
regarded to be the meaningless and
 The Bhakti movement of Hinduism saw unethical practices of all religions,
two ways of imaging the nature of the primarily what he considered to be the
divine (Brahman): Nirguna and Saguna. wrong practices in the Hindu and
 Nirguna Brahman: It was the Muslim religions.
concept of the ultimate reality being
 Guru Nanak: Guru Nanak was the
formless, without attributes or quality.
founder of Sikhism and is the first of
 Saguna Brahman: In contrast, the ten Sikh Gurus. Three basic
ultimate reality was envisioned and elements of his teachings: Guru-
developed with form, attributes and Charismatic personality, Shabad-
quality. Ideology of Guru, Sangat -
 Saguna Saints: Organization.
 Adi Shankaracharya: His work
presents a harmonizing reading of the
5. Answer: (c)
shastras, with liberating knowledge of
Option (c) is correct:
the self at its core, synthesizing the
Advaita Vedanta teachings of his About Bhaona:
time.  It is a traditional form of entertainment,
 Ramanuja: He was the chief with religious messages, prevalent in
proponent of Vishishtadvaita, a Assam, India. (Hence, statement 1 is
subschool of Vedanta. Ramanuja was correct)
born into a Tamil Brahmin  It is a creation of Mahapurusha Srimanta
community, in a village called Sankardeva, written in the early sixteenth
Sriperumbudur (present-day Tamil century.
Nadu) under the Chola Empire. His  The plays of bhaona are popularly known
theories assert that there exists a as Ankiya Nat and their staging is known
plurality and distinction between as Bhaona. (Hence, statement 2 is
Atman (soul) and Brahman correct)
(metaphysical, ultimate reality),
 It is influenced by Sanskrit theater and
while he also affirmed that there is
performed as one-act play.
unity of all souls and that the
individual soul has the potential to
realize identity with the Brahman. 6. Answer: (a)
 Mirabai: She was another Bhakti Option (a) is correct:
Saint who worshiped, composed and  Statement 1 is correct: Kuchipudi is one

of the eight principal classical dances of stage. So, the snake is not twisted in the
India. It comes from the Andhra Pradesh neck. (Hence, Statement 3 is not correct)
state of India, specifically the village of
Kuchipudi. Tarangam is performed by
Kuchipudi dancers.
 Statement 2 is not correct: Mohiniyattam,
also written mohiniattam or mohiniyattam,
is a semiclassical dance style that
originated in Kerala, a state in southwest
India. Its name means "dance of the
enchantress" in Malayalam. The Hindu
god Vishnu, who takes the form of the
enchantress Mohini, is honoured by the
dance, which is performed only by
8. Answer: (d)
Option (d) is correct:
 Statement 1 is not correct: Bijak is the
7. Answer: (d)
collection of ideas and teachings of Kabir.
Option (d) is correct:
Kabir was a 15th-century Indian mystic
Features of the Nataraja Sculpture: poet and saint, whose writings influenced
 Upper right hand holds the drum: Hinduism is Bhakti movement and his
Signifies the sound of creation. All verses are found in Sikhism’s scripture
creations spring from the great sound of Guru Granth Sahib. He was a disciple of
the Damru. (Hence, statement 1 is not Ramananda. He began a strong campaign
correct) against the superficial religious rituals of
 Upper left hand holds the eternal fire: both Muslims and Hindus.
Represents destruction. (Hence,  Statement 2 is not correct: Pushti Marg is
Statement 2 is not correct) a Vaishnavite tradition within Hinduism
 Lower right hand: Gesture of Abhaya that was founded by the 16th-century saint
Mudra. and philosopher Vallabhacharya, not
 Lower left hand: Points towardis the Madhvacharya. He was also known as
upraised foot and indicates the path of ‘Achinitabhadra’. He was the first to
salvation. advocate for Krishna Bhakti using the
 Ardhanarishwar: one ear of Shiva has a Maha Bhagavata Purana as a foundation.
male earring while the other has female Madhvacharya:
which represents the fusion of male and  Madhvacharya, on the other hand, was a
female and is referred as Ardhanarishvara. prominent theologian and philosopher who
 A snake twisted around the arm of Shiva founded the Dvaita Vedanta school of
symbolises the Kundalini power, which thought within Hindu philosophy. His
resides in the human spine in a dormant teachings emphasized the strict dualism

between the individual soul (jivatma) and engraved by Chandragupta on the hill of
the Supreme Reality (Brahman), as well as Udayagiri to commemorate the victory
a strong devotion to Lord Vishnu. over the foreign Shaka kings.
9. Answer: (b) 11. Answer: (b)
Option (b) is correct: Option (b) is correct:
About Malavikagnimitra:  Statement 1 is not correct: The practice
 The love story of the son of the founder of of preserving the remains of an important
the Shunga dynasty is found in the book personality below accumulated earth was
"Malavikagnimitra". long in existence. Buddhist art adopted this
 The Malavikagnimitra is a Sanskrit play practice and the structure built over such a
by Kalidas. site was known as Stupa. Hence, the
 The play tells the love story of Agnimitra concept of Stupa was not Buddhist in
the son Of Pushyamitra Shunga- the origin.
founder of the Shunga dynasty.
 Statement 2 is correct: According to
 He falls in love with the picture of an
Buddhist sources, the remains of the
exiled servant girl named Malavika.
Buddha's body were divided into eight
parts and placed under the Stupas.
10. Answer: (b)
These during the time of Asoka, were dug
Option (b) is correct:
out and redistributed which led to the
 The rock-cut elephant situated in Dhauli
construction of other Stupas - the sacred
was constructed during the reign of
places of Buddhism. The worship of
Ashoka, who ruled from 272-231 BCE. On
Stupas led to their ornamentation and a
the other hand, the Lingaraj Temple was
built in the 11th century AD, while the specific type of architecture developed for
rock-cut monuments in Mahabalipuram their construction.
were constructed during the 7th and 8th  Statement 3 is correct: Stupa is a
centuries AD. Additionally, the Varaha Buddhist commemorative monument
Image was built in the 5th century AD. usually housing sacred relics associated
 The rock-cut elephant at Dhauli was built with the Buddha or other saintly persons.
during the reign of Ashoka (272-231 BCE). The hemispherical form of the stupa
 Lingaraj temple in Bhubaneshwar: The appears to have derived from pre-Buddhist
largest temple in the city of Bhubaneswar burial mounds in India.
(Odisha), Lingaraj Temple, was
constructed in the 11th century AD and
12. Answer: (a)
dedicated to Lord Shiva.
 Mahabalipuram: The rock-cut Option (a) is correct:
monuments at Mahabalipuram were About the New Naval insignia of India:
built by the Pallava king Narasimha in the  In August 2022, the Prime Minister's
7th and 8th centuries. Office announced that the naval ensign
 Varaha Image at Udayagiri was built in featuring the St. George's Cross would
the 5th century AD. This image was be irrevocably disposed of, in favor of a

newer design that would "do away with the Tamil Nadu. (Hence, statement 2 is
colonial past" and befit the "rich Indian correct)
maritime heritage".
 The revised ensign, which happened to be 14. Answer: (c)
its fourth alteration since 1950, was
Option (c) is correct:
unveiled for the first time by prime
minister Narendra Modi on 2 September  Pair 1 is correct: The Doddabasappa
2022, at the commissioning ceremony of Temple in Dambal, Karnataka state, is a
aircraft carrier INS Vikrant. Prior to its Western Chalukyan architectural marvel
unveiling, the ensign's revised design, from the 12th century. Dambal is located
along with the patterns of its distinguishing around 20 km southeast of Gadag and 24
rank flags, car flags, and masthead pennant km southwest of Ittagi. The presiding deity,
was accorded presidential approval. God Shiva, is represented by a Shiva linga,
 In continuity with the versions introduced which is found in the sanctum.
after the country's independence, the  Pair 2 is correct: The Mahadeva Temple
current ensign features the national flag of is found in the Indian state of Karnataka's
India in the canton on a white field. It Koppal District, near the Yelburga Taluk
includes a navy blue-gold octagon on the town of Itagi. Lakkundi is 20 km away
fly. The octagon is an emulation of a from this temple.
rajmudra (royal seal) formerly used by  Pair 3 is correct: A Hindu temple
Shivaji I - a 17th-century Maratha honouring Shiva is called Trikuteshwara
warrior king, who was instrumental in Temple. The carved temple is located in
establishing the Maratha Navy, one of the the Karnataka town of Gadag which is 50
first Indian-origin naval forces of the kilometers southeast of Hubli-Dharwad.
modern era.
There are three lingas set on the same
stone, and it is Shiva-related. In this temple,
13. Answer: (c) there is a shrine for Saraswathi that
Option (c) is correct: features carved columns.
About Shadow Puppetry:
 They are flat figures cut out of leather, 15. Answer: (a)
treated to make it translucent. (Hence,
Option (a) is correct:
statement 1 is correct)
About Yoga Vasistha:
 They are pressed against the screen with
a strong source of light behind them.  The "Yoga Vasistha" was translated into
 The manipulation between the light and the Persian by Nizamuddin Panipati during the
screen makes silhouettes or colorful reign of Akbar.
shadows, as the case may be, for the  Akbar had commissioned the translation
viewers who sit in front of the screen. of many Sanskrit works into the Persian
 It is prevalent in Orissa, Kerala, Andhra language.
Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra and  A Maktab Khana (translation bureau)

was also established at Fatehpur Sikri for

Panihari,  These are from
this purpose.
Maand Rajasthan.

16. Answer: (a) Wanawan  It is sung in Jammu

Option (a) is correct: and Kashmir. (Hence,
 The Gaur Maria dance is performed on the pair 2 is correctly
plateau of Bastar in Chhattisgarh. It is matched)
performed on the occasion of marriage and
it is believed that it is performed with more Alha and  It is from Madhya
joy than other dances. (Hence, pair 1 is Udal Pradesh.
correctly matched)
 Kalbelia dance is a folk dance of Jhoori  It is from Himachal
Rajasthan state of India. (Hence, pair 2 is Pradesh. (Hence, pair
not correctly matched) 3 is not correctly
 Paika is the Martial folk dance performed
in the Southern parts of Odisha. (Hence,
Lavani, Ovi,  Lavani, Ovi, Powda are
pair 3 is not correctly matched)
Powda from Maharashtra.

17. Answer: (b)

Dollu  It is from Karnataka.
Option (b) is correct: Kunita
Examples of Folk Music:

Pandavani  It is sung in 18. Answer: (c)

Chhattisgarh. Well Option (c) is correct:
known artist of this Bharatnatyam (Tamil Nadu):
music is Teejanbai.
 It is the oldest dancing tradition of India.
(Hence, pair 1 is (Hence, statement 1 is correct)
correctly matched)  It is considered a devotional dance.
 It is generally performed by women.
Sohar  It is from Bihar. North
(Hence, statement 2 is correct)
India has a strong
 This dance is called Sadir because it is a
tradition of singing
solo dance.
Sohar songs on the
 It is also called Dasiattam because the
occasion of a son’s birth Devadasi system was used in the temple
in the family. dancing.
 It is also called a fire dance because it is
Baul  It is from Bengal. Well
suggested that it is the manifestation of
known artist of this
fire in the human body.
music is Thakur Baul.
 It is mainly Lasya type but some features
of Tandava also can be seen.

 It is also called Tanjore Natyam because c. The third part further builds on the
four Thanjavur teachers contributed to the previous two parts and attempts to
evolution of this dance. They were describe the state of knowing Brahman,
Chinnayya, Ponnayya, Sivanandam and
which is one of bliss and fearlessness.
19. Answer: (d)
Option (d) is correct: 20. Answer: (b)
 Statement 1 is incorrect: Samkhya
 Satyameva Jayate means “Truth alone
philosophy believes in the theory of
Triumphs”. It is taken from Mundaka
rebirth. Samkhya is an Orthodox Indian
Upanishad. Mundaka
philosophical system. Orthodox Indian
 Upanishad is listed as no. 5 in the list of
philosophical system believes in soul and
108 Upanishads of Hinduism. Satyameva
karma theory. For Karma theory to hold,
Jayate means “Truth alone Triumphs”. It is
the soul has to undergo rebirth or
taken from Mundaka Upanishad.
transmigration. Therefore, without
Mundaka Upanishad is listed as no. 5 in
liberation, no soul can be free from the
the list of 108 Upanishads of Hinduism.
cycle of rebirth or transmigration.
 The Mundaka Upanishad is a collection of
 Statement 2 is correct: Samkhya
philosophical poems used to teach
Philosophy is dualistic and not monistic
meditation and spiritual knowledge
because it has two entities, Purush (spirit)
regarding the true nature of Brahma and
and Prakriti (nature). Samkhya
the Self (Atman).
emphasises the attainment of knowledge
 It is composed of the three main parts of the self by means of concentration and
(Mundaka): meditation. It believes that after you have
a. The first part expounds on the science ‘died’ in this life you will go through a
of higher and lower knowledge. process of rebirth where depending on
b. The second part describes the true your actions in your former life your status
nature of the Self (Atman) and will be decided.


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Weekly Test - Prelims (Art & Culture) Test - 44

1. With reference to Hindustani Music forms, 4. With reference to the Carnatic Music of India,
consider the following statements: which one of the following is the correct
1. Thumri is a semi-classical vocal form description of the term the Trinity?
begun in the court of Nawab Wajid Ali (a) Trio of composer musicians
Shah. (b) Three Ragas
2. Tappa originated from the folk songs of (c) Three Gharanas
the camel riders of Punjab. (d) Three instruments
3. The Ghazal genre is characterized by its 5. With reference to Ujjain, consider the following
romance and its discourses on the various statements:
shades of love. 1. Ujjain is situated on the bank of river
How many of the above statements are correct? Shipra.
(a) Only one (b) Only two 2. According to Surya Siddhanta, at Ujjain,
(c) All three (d) None Ancient zero meridian Longitude and the
Tropic of Cancer intersect each other.
2. With reference to Tanjore painting, consider the Which of the statements given above is/are
following statements: correct?
1. The painting uses Muck powder. (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
2. Mythological themes are dominant in these (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
6. With reference to the Cultural History of India,
Which of the statements given above is/are which one of the following is the correct
correct? description of the term ‘Amalaka’?
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only (a) Disc-like structure at the top of Temple
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 (b) Spiritual and mystic movement in Islam
3. With reference to Mughal Paintings, consider (c) Type of folk music
the following statements: (d) Type of dance
1. The Mughal style was heavily influenced 7. With reference to Deccani Painting, consider
by Persian miniatures. the following statements:
2. Humayun brought two accomplished 1. Mysore painting is known for Hindu gods
Greek artists Abdul Samad and Mir Sayyid and goddess.
Ali with him. 2. Tanjore painting is painted on glass.
Which of the statements given above is/are Which of the statements given above is/are
correct? correct?
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2

8. With reference to Saura Painting, consider the

11. How do you distinguish between Kuchipudi and
following statements:
Bharatanatyam dances?
1. It is essentially a ceremonial wall mural
1. Dancers occasionally speaking dialogues
are found in Kuchipudi dance but not in
2. The Saura wall murals are primarily Bharatnatyam.
devoted to Shiva.
2. Dancing on the brass plate by keeping the
Which of the statements given above is/are feet on its edges is a feature of
correct? Bharatnatyam but Kuchipudi dance does
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only not have such a form of movements.
(c) Both 1 and 2 (e) Neither 1 nor 2 Select the correct answer using the code given
9. With reference to Dhrupad, one of the major below:
traditions of India that has been kept alive for (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
centuries, Consider the following: (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 or 2
1. It originated and developed in the Rajput 12. The painting of Bodhisattva Padmapani is one
kingdoms during the Mughal period of the most famous for illustrated paintings at:
2. It is primarily a devotional and spiritual (a) Ajanta (b) Badami
music (c) Bagh (d) Ellora
3. In the Dhrupad Alap, the singer uses
13. Kalamkari painting refers to:
Sanskrit syllables from Mantras to create a
meditative and introspective mood. (a) A hand-painted cotton textile in South
How many of the above statements are correct?
(b) A handmade drawing on bamboo
(a) Only one (b) Only two
handicrafts in NorthEast India
(c) All three (d) None
(c) A block-painted woollen cloth in the
10. With reference to the famous Sattriya Dance, Western Himalayan region of India
consider the following statements : (d) A hand-painted decorative silk cloth in
1. It is a combination of music, dance and North-Western India
14. Consider the following pairs:
2. It is a centuries-old living tradition of
Dance Form State
Vaishnavites of Assam.
1. Garba Gujarat
3. It is based on classical Ragas and Talas of
devotional songs composed by Tulsidas, 2. Mohiniattam Odisha
Kabir and Mirabai. 3. Yakshagana Karnataka
How many of the above statements are correct? How many of the above pairs are correctly
(a) Only one (b) Only two matched?

(c) Only three (d) All four (a) Only one (b) Only two
(c) All three (d) None

(c) Movements of body, face and hands are

15. With reference to the Cultural History of India,
used to express oneself or to tell a story
consider the following statements:
(d) A little smile, slightly curved waist and
1. Most of the Tyagaraja Kritis are devotional
certain hand gestures are emphasized to
songs in praise of Lord Krishna.
express the feelings of love or eroticism.
2. Tyagaraja created several new ragas.
3. Annamacharya and Tyagaraja are 18. With reference to India's culture and tradition,
contemporaries. what is 'Kalaripayattu'?
4. Annamacharya Keertanas are devotional (a) It is an ancient Bhakti cult of Shaivism still
songs in praise of Lord Venkateshwara. prevalent in some parts of South India.
How many of the above statements are correct? (b) It is an ancient style bronze and brass work
(a) Only one (b) Only two still found in the southern part of the
Coromandel area.
(c) Only three (d) All four
(c) It is an ancient form of dance-drama and a
16. With reference to the history of India, consider living tradition in the northern part of
the following pairs: (2020) Malabar.
Famous Place Present State (d) It is an ancient martial art and a living
1. Bhilsa Madhya Pradesh tradition in some parts of South India.
2. Dwarasamudra Maharashtra
19. With reference to the Kathakali classical dance
3. Girinagar Gujarat of India, which one of the following is the
4. Sthanesvara Uttar Pradesh correct description of the term Natyam?
How many of the above pairs are correctly (a) Expression
matched? (b) Dance
(a) Only one (b) Only two (c) Enactment
(c) Only three (d) All four (d) Instrument
17. In the context of the cultural history of India, a 20. Consider the following pairs:
pose in dance and dramatics called ‘Tribhanga’
Style of folk dance States
has been a favourite of Indian artists from
1. Burrakatha Andhra Pradesh
ancient times till today. Which one of the
following statements best describes this pose? 2. Ghoomar Rajasthan
(a) One leg is bent and the body is slightly but 3. Dalkhai Odisha
oppositely curved at the waist and neck How many of the above pairs are correctly
(b) Facial expressions, hand gestures and matched?
make-up are combined to symbolize (a) Only one (b) Only two
certain epic or historic characters (c) All three (d) None four

1. (c) 6. (a) 11. (a) 16. (b)
2. (c) 7. (c) 12. (a) 17. (a)
3. (a) 8. (a) 13. (a) 18. (d)
4. (a) 9. (b) 14. (b) 19. (a)
5. (c) 10. (b) 15. (b) 20. (c)

Hints and Solutions

1. Ans. (c) are used to make intricate work.

Option (c) is correct: Embossing is achieved well in muck
 Statement 1 is correct: Thumri is a powder
semi-classical vocal form said to have  Statement 2 is correct: The themes for
begun in Uttar Pradesh with the court of most of these paintings are Hindu Gods
Nawab Wajid Ali Shah, (r. 1847–1856). and Goddesses and scenes from Hindu
There are three types of thumri: Poorab mythology. Thus, mythological themes
ang, Lucknavi, and Punjabi thumri. The dominate the Tanjore painting.
lyrics are primarily in older, more rural 3. Ans. (a)
Hindi dialects such as Brij Bhasha,
Option (a) is correct:
Awadhi, and Bhojpuri.
 Statement 1 is correct: The Mughal style
 Statement 2 is correct: Tappa is a form of
was heavily influenced by Persian
Indian semi-classical vocal music whose
miniatures, and in turn influenced several
specialty is its rolling pace based on fast,
Indian styles, including the Rajput, Pahari
subtle, knotty construction. It originated
and Deccan styles of painting and Islamic
from the folk songs of the camel riders
style. Safavid paintings also influenced the
of Punjab and was developed as a form of
Mughal paintings.
classical music by Mian Ghulam Nabi
 Statement 2 is not correct: When
Shori or Shori Mian, a court singer for
Humayun returned from Persia to India,
Asaf-Ud-Dowlah, the Nawab of Awadh.
he brought two accomplished Persian
 Statement 3 is correct: In the Indian sub-
artists Abdul Samad and Mir Sayyid Ali
continent during the Mughal rule, the
with him.
Persian Ghazal became the most common
poetic form in the Urdu language and was 4. Ans. (a)
popularized by classical poets like Mir Option (a) is correct:
Taqi Mir, Ghalib, Daagh, Zauq, and Sauda About the Trinity of Carnatic music:
amongst the North Indian literary elite.  The Three Jewels of Carnatic music, refer
The Ghazal genre is characterized by its to the outstanding trio of composer-
romance and its discourses on the musicians of Carnatic music in the 18th
various shades of love. century.
2. Ans. (c)  These are Syama Sastri(1762–1827),
Option (c) is correct: Tyagaraja(1767–1847) and Muthuswami
 Statement 1 is correct: Muck powder is Dikshitar(1775–1835).
used in Tanjore painting. Muck Powders 5. Ans. (c)
are sandals in color diluted with Arabic Option (c) is correct:
gum in loose form and used for making
 Statement 1 is correct: Ujjain is situated
base coating on jaipur stones with a brush.
on the bank of the river Shipra. It is a
After getting dried these same muck
city in the Ujjain district of the Indian state
powders with Arabic gum in the thick form

of Madhya Pradesh. It is the fifth-largest painted here. (Hence, statement 1 is

city in Madhya Pradesh by population and correct)
is the administrative center of the Ujjain  In south India, Mysore painting is known
district and Ujjain division. It is one of the for Hindu gods and goddess. (Hence,
Hindu pilgrimage centers of Sapta Puri statement 2 is correct)
famous for the Kumbh Mela held there
every 12 years. 8. Ans. (a)
 Statement 2 is correct: According to Option (a) is correct:
Surya Siddhanta, at Ujjain Ancient zero Saura Painting, Odisha:
meridian Longitude and the Tropic of  It is also a tribal painting.
Cancer intersect each other. The famous  It is similar to Warli painting.
temple of Mahakaleshwar Jyotirlinga is
 It is like a prehistoric painting.
located in the center of the city. The city
 Stick-like creatures are seen in this
has been one of the most prominent trade
and political centres of the Indian
 It is essentially a ceremonial wall mural
Subcontinent from the time of Ancient
painting. (Hence, statement 1 is correct)
Mahajanapadas up until the British
Colonization of India.  The Saura wall murals are primarily
devoted to Idital, the Sauras’ chief god.
6. Ans. (a) (Hence, Statement 2 is not correct)
Option (a) is correct:
9. Ans. (b)
About Amalaka:
Option (b) is correct:
 Amalaka or Kalash which is installed on
Shikhara is a characteristic feature of the  Statement 1 is not correct: Dhrupad
Nagara Style of temple style. traces its origin to the chanting of Vedic
hymns and mantras (Samveda).
 It is a stone disc-like structure at the top of
the temple.  Statement 2 is correct: It is a form of
devotional music and spiritual music
 Shikhara are the mountains like the spire
that emphasises the purity of ragas.
of a free-standing temple.
 Statement 3 is correct: Dhrupad music
7. Ans. (c) evolved with Sanskrit language scripts in
Option (c) is correct: itself. Dhrupad emphasizes a slow,
Deccani Painting: meditative rendition of the alap using
 Examples for this in Deccani style are sacred Sanskrit syllables derived from
painting of Ahmad nagar, painting of Sanskrit mantras.
Golkonda and painting of Bijapur.
10. Ans. (b)
 Painting of Hindola Rag was continued
Option (b) is correct:
 Statement 1 is correct: This dance form is
 Tanjore painting is painted on glass.
a combination of music, dance and
Smiling Krishna is one theme of this
drama. Sattriya dance tradition is
painting. Some events of life are also
governed by strictly laid down principles

in respect of hasta mudras, footwork, Andhra Pradesh and is either hand-

aharyas, music etc. painted or block-printed.
 Statement 2 is correct: The Sattriya dance  In this style, the kalam(pen) is used for
form was introduced in the 15th century freehand drawing of the subject and
A.D by the great Vaishnava saint and filling in the colours and is entirely done
reformer of Assam, Mahapurusha by hand.
Sankaradeva as a powerful medium for  The present states of Telangana and
the propagation of the Vaishnava faith. Andhra Pradesh are where kalamkari first
 Statement 3 is not correct: It is based on appeared.
the songs composed by Sankaradeva and  Kalamkari was first used to depict scenes
Madhvadeva. from sacred texts such as the Mahabharata,
11. Ans. (a) Ramayana and Bhagavatam.

Option (a) is correct: 14. Ans. (b)

 Statement 1 is correct: Dancers speak Option (b) is correct:
dialogue in between in Kuchipudi but in  Pair 1 is correctly matched: Garba is a
Bharatnatyam dancers do not speak famous dance form of Gujarat, performed
dialogues. in October to honour the Hindu Deity of
 Statement 2 is not correct: Dancing on Divinity, Goddess Durga. It is a sacred
the brass plate by keeping the feet on its practice in Gujarat to perform this joyful
edges is a feature of Tarangam-a solo folk dance on practically all important
performance of Kuchipudi. Sometimes occasions.
dancers also balance a pot of water on their  Pair 2 is not correctly matched:
heads. But Bharatnatyam dance does not
Mohiniattam is a classical dance form of
have such a form of movements.
Kerala. It belongs to the Lasya type,
12. Ans. (a) which presents a more elegant, soft, and
Option (a) is correct: feminine manner of dancing, despite
 The painting of Bodhisattva Padmapani having roots in the ancient Sanskrit Hindu
is in Ajanta cave no 1, which dates back scripture on performing arts known as
to the 5th century AD. "Natya Shastra".
 Other paintings of Bodhisattvas include  Pair 3 is correctly matched: Yakshagana
Vajrapani (protector and guide, a symbol is a musical dance theatre form of
of Buddha’s power) and Manjusri Karnataka. The dance form includes
(manifestation of Buddha’s wisdom). players dressed in costumes with vivid
 In this painting, Bodhisattva is holding a colours and shapes, singing, drumming,
lotus in his hand in a tribhanga pose. and dancing, as well as players who
interpret words with gestures.
13. Ans. (a)
Option (a) is correct: 15. Ans. (b)
Kalamkari: Option (b) is correct:
 This particular cotton textile is made in  Statement 1 is not correct: Rama- an

incarnation of Lord Visnu, was the focus ( Thaneshwar) is an old Hindu pilgrimage
and main theme of most of the songs of town of Haryana that was famous as
Tyagaraja. Sthanesvara in ancient times. Thaneshwar
 Statement 2 is correct: Tyagaraja was ruled by the great King Harsha of the
innovated the technique of structural Vardhan dynasty.
variations of musical lines within the 17. Ans. (a)
Option (a) is correct:
 Statement 3 is not correct:
 The Tri-bent pose, also known as
Annamacharya belonged to the 15th
Tribhanga, is a standing position where the
century whereas Tyagaraja belonged to
body is bent in three parts, creating three
the 18th century.
curves at the neck, waist, and knee. This
 Statement 4 is correct: Annamacharya results in a gentle "S" shape, with the body
was a 15th-century Hindu saint who oppositely curved at the waist and neck.
composed songs called Sankeertanas in
 Tribhanga, literally meaning three parts
praise of Lord Venkateswara, a form of
break, where the body bends in one
direction at the knees, the other direction
16. Ans. (b) at the hips and then the other again at the
Option (b) is correct: shoulders and neck.
 Pair 1 is correct: Bhilsa is the medieval 18. Ans. (d)
name of the modern day Vidisha city of Option (d) is correct:
Madhya Pradesh. Vidisha was also  Kalaripayattu, which originated in
known as Besnagar in ancient times. This present-day Kerala, is a form of Indian
city lies east of the Betwa river and was martial arts known as Kalari. It has a rich
renamed Vidisha in 1956. King Ashoka of history and is considered to be the oldest
the Mauryan dynasty served as the surviving martial art in India.
Governor of Vidisha during his father’s
 The art also bases medical treatments
upon concepts found in the ancient Indian
 Pair 2 is not correct: Dwarasamudra medical text, the Ayurveda.
was the capital of the Hoysala kingdom in
the 11th century. Today it is known as 19. Ans. (a)
Halebidu - a town located in Hassan Option (a) is correct:
district in Karnataka. About Kathakali:
 Pair 3 is correct : Girinagar also known  It is performed in the Kerala region of
as Girnar or Revatak Parvat is a group of South India.
mountains in the Junagadh district of  It is performed on Carnatic music.
Gujarat. Temples situated on Mount  Five important elements of Kathakali
Girnar are sacred to both Digambar and  Natyam means expression.
Swetambars branches of Jainism.
 Nritham means dance.
 Pair 4 is not correct: Thanesar
 Nrithyam means enactment.

 Gitam means vocal.

 Vadyam means instrument.

20. Ans. (c)

Option (c) is correct:
Various Folk dances and States:
Dance forms States
Dandiya Gujarat
Garba Gujarat
Burrakatha Andhra Pradesh
Bihu Assam
Ghoomar Rajasthan
Bhangra Punjab
Gidda Punjab
Namagen Himachal Pradesh
Dalkhai Odisha
Chhau West Bengal
Kummi Tamil Nadu
Yakshagana Karnataka
Karakattam Tamil Nadu
Padayani Kerala
Thiruvantakali Kerala

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Weekly Test - Prelims (Art & Culture) Test - 43

1. With reference to the Temple Architecture 4. With reference to the Madhubani Painting,
of Chalukya Period, consider the following consider the following statements:
statements: 1. Mithila painting is popularly known as
1. The mantapa has two types of roof, Madhubani art.
domical ceilings or square ceilings. 2. Artists create these paintings only by using
2. Kalleshwara temple is one of the examples their hands.
of this temple architecture. 3. It has been given a GI tag for its
Which of the statements given above is/are uniqueness.
correct? How many of the above statements are
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only correct?
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 (a) Only one (b) Only two
(c) All three (d) None
2. Consider the following pairs:
Style of Shikhara Examples of temple 5. Consider the following statements:
1. Phamsana style : Konark Temple 1. Temple worship was prominent during the
Vedic period.
2. Valabhi style : Teli Ka Mandir
2. Early temples in India were simple in
3. Bhumija style : Udayeshwar Temple
How many of the above pairs are correctly
Which of the statements given above is/are
(a) Only one (b) Only two
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) All three (d) None
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2

3. With reference to the Sun temple at

6. With reference to the Rashtrakuta’s Art and
Modhera, consider the following
Architecture, consider the following
1. It is on the bank of the river Pushpavati.
1. They constructed the famous sculpture
2. It was constructed by the Chandelas rulers.
Kailash temple at Ajanta.
3. The Solanki style has influenced this 2. The cave shrine in Elephanta is the
impressive Rashtrakuta’s structure.
How many of the above statements are 3. The most developed and imposing temple
correct? built by the Rashtrakutas is the
(a) Only one (b) Only two Brihadisvara temple in Thanjavur.
(c) Only three (d) All four

How many of the above statements are 10. With reference to the Indian Architecture,
correct? consider the following statements:
(a) Only one (b) Only two 1. The parliament building was designed by
(c) All three (d) None Herbert Baker and Edwin Lutyens in New
7. With reference to the history of Indian rock 2. Vittalaswami and Hazara Ramaswamy
-cut architecture, consider the following temples were built by Krishna Devaraya.
statements: 3. The city of Parihaspora was founded by
1. The caves at Badami are the oldest
surviving rock-cut caves in India. How many of the above statements are not
2. The Barabar rock-cut caves were
(a) Only one (b) Only two
originally made for Ajivikas by
Emperor Chandragupta Maurya. (c) All three (d) None

3. At Ellora, caves were made for

11. Makaratorana is found in the temples of:
different faiths.
(a) Chandellas (b) Pratiharas
How many of the above statements are
(c) Kalachuris (d) Mughals
(a) Only one (b) Only two
12. With reference to Somnath Temple,
(c) All three (d) None
consider the following temple:
1. Somnath Temple is one of the Jyotirlinga
8. The well-known painting "Bani Thani"
belongs to the:
2. A description of Somnath Temple was
(a) Bundi school (b) Jaipur school given by Al-Biruni.
(c) Kangra school (d) Kishangarh school 3. Pran Pratishtha of Somnath Temple
(installation of the present day temple) was
9. With reference to the Sculptures of India, done by President S. Radhakrishnan.
consider the following statements: How many of the above statements are
1. The noteworthy sculptures of the western correct?
school in the Buddhist tradition are the (a) Only one (b) Only two
Dilwara temples at Mount Abu. (c) All three (d) None
2. Arjuna’s penance was constructed by
Chandelas in Mahabalipuram.
13. Consider the following statements:
Which of the statements given above is/are
1. Pietra Dura technique was introduced by
correct? Jahangir.
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only 2. Grand Trunk Road was constructed by
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 Sher Shah Suri.

Which of the statements given above is/are

correct? (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
17. Consider the following pairs:
14. With reference to Medieval Architectural Mural Paintings Region
Style, consider the following statements: 1. Jogimara Cave Painting : Odisha
1. Hanging balcony called Jharokha is the 2. Sittanavasal Cave Painting : Kerala
unique feature of Rajput style. 3. Ravan Chaya Rock shelter : Chattisgarh
2. Pari Mahal and Chattar Manzil are the
How many of the above pairs are correctly
prominent architects of Kashmir style.
Which of the statements given above is/are
(a) Only one (b) Only two
(c) All three (d) None
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
18. Consider the following historical places:
1. Ajanta Caves
15. With reference to Pre-historic Painting,
2. Lepakshi Temple
consider the following temple:
3. Sanchi Stupa
1. Walls of the rock shelter caves were made
How many of the above places are known
of quartzite during the Upper Paleolithic
period. for mural paintings?
2. The Mesolithic Period mainly saw the use (a) Only only (b) Only two
of red color. (c) All three (d) None
3. Paintings during the Chalcolithic period
concentrate on depicting battle scenes. 19. Ibadat Khana at Fatehpur Sikri was:
How many of the above statements are (a) The mosque for the use of Royal Family
correct? (b) Akbar's private prayer chamber.
(a) Only one (b) Only two (c) The hall in which Akbar held discussions
(c) All three (d) None with scholars of various religions.
(d) The room in which the nobles belonging to
16. With reference to Cave paintings, consider different religions gathered to discuss
the following statements: religious affairs.
1. Ellora Cave paintings are newer as
compared to Ajanta Cave paintings. 20. Building ‘Kalyana Mandapam’ was a
2. Bagh cave paintings were patronised by notable feature in the temple construction in
Satavahanas. the kingdom of (2019)
Which of the statements given above is/are (a) Chalukya (b) Chandela
correct? (c) Rashtrakuta (d) Vijayanagara


1. (c) 11. (a)

2. (c) 12. (b)

3. (b) 13. (b)

4. (b) 14. (a)

5. (b) 15. (c)

6. (b) 16. (c)

7. (a) 17. (d)

8. (d) 18. (b)

9. (d) 19. (c)

10. (d) 20. (d)


Hints and Solutions

1. (c) earned them the moniker wagon

Option (c) is correct: vaulted buildings/structures.
 Statement 1 is correct: The mantapa has  Teli Ka Mandir, a 9th Century
two types of roof – domical ceilings temple at Gwalior has been built in
(the dome-like ceilings standing on this style. (Hence, pair 2 is correct)
four pillars are very attractive) or  Bhumija:
Square ceilings (these are vigorously  Another type of Nagara temple that
ornamented with mythological pictures) evolved from the Latina style was
in the Chalukya temples of temple the Bhumija architecture
architecture. developed in Malwa under the
 Statement 2 is correct: The miniature Paramara dynasty.
decorative pillars of Chalukya temples  These temples have a flat upward
stand with their own artistic value. tapering projection consisting of a
Famous temples built with this style central Latina spire and miniature
include Kalleshwara temple, Kukkanur; spires on the quadrant formed by the
Ramalingesvara temple, Gudur; tapering tower.
Mahadeva temple, Itagi; Kasivisvesvara  These mini Shikaras are carved out
temple, etc. both horizontally as well as
2. (c) vertically.
Option (c) is correct:  The Udayeshwar Temple in MP is
Classification of Nagara style of Temple built in this style. (Hence, pair 3 is
Architecture based on the Style of Shikhara: correct)
 Phamsana: 3. (b)
 They are shorter but have broader Option (b) is correct:
structures consisting of roofs with About Sun temple at Modhera:
numerous slabs that rise upwards in  The Sun Temple of Modhera is a Hindu
a gentle slope on a straight incline temple dedicated to the solar deity Surya
like a pyramid meeting at a single located at Modhera village of Mehsana
point over the midpoint of the district, Gujarat, India.
building.  It is situated on the bank of the river
 The Jagmohan of Konark Temple Pushpavati. (Hence, Statement 1 is
is constructed in the Phamsana mode. correct)
(Hence, pair 1 is correct)  It was built after 1026-27 CE during the
 Valabhi: reign of Bhima I of the Chalukya
 This style of temples are dynasty. (Hence, Statement 2 is not
rectangular in shape consisting of correct)
barrel-vaulted roofs.  The Solanki style has influenced this
 The vaulted chamber roof has temple. (Hence, Statement 3 is correct)

 The temple complex has three Vidisha in Madhya Pradesh. These

components: Gudda Mandapa, the shrine temples are simple structures
hall. Sabha Mandapa, the assembly hall; consisting of a veranda, a hall, and a
and Kunda, the reservoir. The halls have shrine at the rear.
intricately carved exterior and pillars. 6. (b)
 The reservoir has steps to reach the Option (b) is correct:
bottom and numerous small shrines.  Statement 1 is correct: One of the 32
4. (b) cave temples and monasteries that make
Option (b) is correct: up the magnificent Ellora Caves, the
 Statement 1 is correct: Mithila Kailash Temple is located in the
painting, popularly known as sixteenth chamber. It was constructed
Madhubani art is from the district of the between the years 756 and 773 AD by
same name in Bihar and is now well- the Rashtrakuta King Krishna I in the
known all over the world. eighth century, according to historical
 Statement 2 is not correct: Artists accounts.
create these paintings using a variety of  Statement 2 is correct: The magnificent
mediums, including their own fingers, Rashtrakuta structure is the cave shrine
or twigs, brushes, nib-pens, and in Elephanta, which houses the
matchsticks. The paintings are also done illustrious Mahishamurti. A group of
to reflect auspicious moments such as cave temples mostly dedicated to the
birth, marriage, and festivals. Flowers, Hindu god Shiva make up the Elephanta
trees, animals, and other objects are Caves, which have been recognised by
utilized to fill in any gaps in the picture. UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.
 Statement 3 is correct: It has been  Statement 3 is not correct: Brihadisvara
given a GI tag for its uniqueness. Temple, sometimes referred to as the Big
5. (b) Temple, was constructed in Thanjavur
in 1010 CE by Chola emperor
Option (b) is correct:
Rajaraja I. Its 1,000th anniversary was
 Statement 1 is not correct: In the early
celebrated in September 2010.
part of the Vedic era, there is no clear
7. (a)
mention of temples. All worship and
rituals were carried out before the holy Option (a) is correct:
fire, called the ‘yajnas’. However, in the  Statement 1 is not correct: Badami
later period of the Vedas, along with the caves were constructed in the 6th century
ceremonial fire, idol worship also began by the Chalukya dynasty, in their
to be practiced. These idols were housed capital Badami, which was earlier
in very elementary dwellings. known as Vatapinagar. Barabar caves
 Statement 2 is correct: Some of the are the oldest surviving rock-cut caves
important temple sites of this period in India.
are Deogarh in Uttar Pradesh, Eran,  Statement 2 is not correct: Barabar
Nachna-Kuthara, and Udayagiri near caves were constructed by Emperor

Ashoka. These are located in Jehanabad was known as the Ocean of the Arts in
district, Bihar. Four caverns in Barabar the seventh century. Arjuna's Penance,
were originally built for the Ajivika sect located in Mahabalipuram, is currently
during the reign of Ashoka (273-232 BC) regarded as one of the best stone
and his grandson Dasaratha. constructions created from granite rock
 Statement 3 is correct: Ellora caves are boulders of all the rock monuments that
a complex of Hindu( Caves 13-29), have been excavated.
Buddhist( Caves 1-12) and Jain( Caves 10. (d)
30-34) monuments. These were built Option (d) is correct:
during the Rashtrakuta dynasty. It was  Statement 1 is correct: The parliament
designated as a World heritage site By building was created between 1912 and
UNESCO. 1913 by British architects Sir Edwin
8. (d) Lutyens and Sir Herbert Baker, and it
Option (d) is correct: was finished in 1927. HRH Prince Arthur,
About Bani Thani painting: Duke of Connaught and Strathearn, laid
 It belongs to the Kishangarh school of the cornerstone in February 1921. The
paintings. building took five years to finish.
 It was painted by an artist named Nihal  Statement 2 is correct: Krishna Deva
Chand. Raya constructed some beautiful stone
temples. The most well-known of them
 Bani Thani was a singer and a poetess
are found in Vijayanagar in the
in the court of Raja Samant Singh (1748-
Vittalaswami and Hazara Ramaswamy
temples. Additionally, he repaired
 It is frequently said that the small portrait
numerous temples and erected
is as beautiful as the Mona Lisa.
spectacular gopurams, or gates, to
9. (d)
numerous significant South Indian
Option (d) is correct: temples.
 Statement 1 is not correct: The best  Statement 3 is correct: Lalitaditya
examples of the Jain tradition's western Muktapida (724–760 CE) established
school can be found in Mount Abu's the city of Parihaspora on a plateau
Dilwara temples. They are not above the Jhelum River, and it functioned
architectural structures, but rather as Kashmir's capital throughout his rule.
magnificent works of sculpture that have The settlement is located near Baramulla
been stacked one on top of the other to district's very end.
create one of the seven wonders of the
world of sculpture. Particularly, the
Dilwara temple's ceiling is a masterwork
of complex sculptural embellishments.
11. (a)
 Statement 2 is not correct: The Arjun
Penance was constructed by Option (a) is correct:
Narasimha Varma, a Pallava king. He  Makaratorana is found in the temples

of Chandellas. The 11th century saw  Statement 2 is correct: Sher Shah Suri
a resurgence of Makara torana rebuilt the Royal Road that Chandragupta
representations in Gujarat and Central Maurya had constructed in the sixteenth
India. The Sun Temple in Modhera century, giving rise to the present-day
Grand Trunk Road. At Sonargaon and
and the Kandariya Mahadev Temple
Rohtas, he changed the Grand Trunk
in Khajuraho offer the best examples
Road's path. He extended the road's
of it.
width. Along the route, he also planted
12. (b) fruit trees and shady plants.
Option (b) is correct: 14. (a)
 Statement 1 is correct: Somnath Temple Option (a) is correct:
is one of the most sacred pilgrimage
 Statement 1 is correct: The Jharokha is
sites for the Hindus. They believe it to
a stone window that protrudes from a
be the first among the twelve
building's wall face in an upper story and
Jyotirlinga shrines of Shiva. It is located
looks out onto a street, market, court, or
in Prabhas Patan, Veraval in Gujarat,
other open area. Hanging balcony called
Jharokha is the unique feature of
 Statement 2 is correct: A description of Rajput style.
the temple by Al-Biruni, an Arab
 Statement 2 is not correct: Pari Mahal
traveler, was so glowing that it prompted
is the prominent architecture of Kashmir
a visit in 1024 by Mahmud of Ghazni.
style but Chattar Manzil is the
 Statement 3 is not correct: The prominent architect of Avadh style. In
contemporary Somnath temple's Chattar Manzil, Main attractions are the
reconstruction was started under the underground rooms and a beautiful dome
orders of the first Home Minister of India surrounded by a gilt umbrella
Vallabhbhai Patel and completed in
15. (c)
May 1951 after his death. Then President
Option (c) is correct:
of India, Dr. Rajendra Prasad, did the
There are three major phases of prehistoric
Pran-Pratistha at the existing temple on
11 May 1951.
Upper Paleolithic Period:
13. (b)
 Walls of the rock shelter caves were
Option (b) is correct:
made of quartzite and so they used
 Statement 1 is not correct: Shah Jahan
minerals for pigments. (Hence,
developed the intricate architectural
Statement 1 is correct)
method known as Pietra Dura. The Taj
 Most common mineral: Ochre or Geru
Mahal, the Red Fort, Jama Masjid, and
mixed with lime and water.
Shalimar Bagh are just a few of the
magnificent structures that were  Colours: red, white, yellow and green.
constructed during his reign, which is  Animals: bison, elephant, rhino, tigers.
regarded as the Golden Age of Mughal  Red: For the human figurines.
Architecture. Mesolithic Period:

 Period mainly saw the use of red colour. Jogimara cave painting is in
(Hence, Statement 2 is correct) Chhattisgarh. It was painted around
 Size of the paintings also became 1000-300 BC. Theme of the Paintings are
smaller. of dancing couples, animals like
 Most common scene depicted in these elephants and fish. A few paintings and
paintings is of group hunting. inscriptions of a love story are present in
Brahmi script.
Chalcolithic Period:
 Pair 2 is not correct: Region of
 Increase in the number of paintings using
Sittanavasal Cave Painting is Tamil
the green and yellow colour.
Nadu. Theme of this painting is Jain
 Paintings concentrate on depicting battle
Samavasarana - audience hall where
scenes. (Hence, Statement 3 is correct)
Tirthankaras delivered sermons after they
 Paintings to show skins of spotted deer
reached realisation (kevala-jnana). These
left for drying that provides credence to
murals have close resemblance to Bagh
the theory that the art of tanning skins
and Ajanta paintings.
was perfected by man.
 Pair 3 is not correct: Region of Ravan
16. (c)
Chhaya Rock shelter is in Odisha. It
Option (c) is correct: Features ancient fresco paintings on a
 Statement 1 is correct: Construction of rock shelter in the shape of a half-opened
the Ajanta caves took place between 200 umbrella. Most noticeable painting is that
B.C. and 650 A.D. Ajanta Caves and
of a royal procession that dates back to
Ellora Caves are both in Maharashtra's
the 7th century AD.
Aurangabad district, about 100
kilometres apart. The Ellora Caves, 18. (b)
which were constructed between the fifth Option (b) is correct:
and eleventh centuries A.D. Several  Option 1 is correct: The paintings on the
guilds from Vidarbha, Karnataka, and caves of Ajanta, Ellora and Elephanta
Tamil Nadu, are more recent than the are truly magnificent. Ajanta Caves are
Ajanta Caves.
known for mural paintings.
 Statement 2 is correct: Buddhist caves
 Option 2 is correct: Lepakshi temple is
in Bagh that were hewn out of the rock
in Andhra Pradesh. It is a good
during the Satvahana era (5-7th
century). The caverns were carved out of repository of mural paintings of the
a sandstone hill on the southern slopes of Vijayanagar kings. A tableau on
the Vindhyas, and they are situated on Lepakshi temple has been selected for the
the opposite side of the Bhagini River, Republic Day parade to be held in New
accessible via a broad, 200-meter-long Delhi, representing Andhra Pradesh. The
path. Hence Bagh cave paintings were tableau showcases the rich, monolithic
patronised by Satavahanas. rock architecture of the Lepakshi
17. (d)  Option 3 is not correct: Sanchi is
Option (d) is correct: known for sculptures whose designs are
 Pair 1 is not correct: Region of similarly painted in Ajanta. Sanchi Stupa

is one of the oldest Buddhist  The emperor increasingly indulged in

monuments in India. So it is not known intellectual pursuits and came in contact
for Mural paintings. with ascetics and disciples of Sufi saint
19. (c) Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti.
Option (c) is correct: 20. (d)
About Ibadat Khana: Option (d) is correct:
 It was used for discussions with various About Vijayanagar empire:
spiritual leaders of different religious
 A prominent aspect of the Vijayanagara
grounds and to conduct a discussion on
kingdom's temple construction was the
teachings of various religious leaders.
construction of "Kalyana Mandapas."
Also known as the Hall of prayer.
 In 1336 AD, Harihara and Bukka
 It was a meeting house built by Akbar at
established the Vijayanagar Empire.
Fatehpur Sikri in 1575 AD.


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Weekly Test - Prelims (Art & Culture) Test - 42

1. With reference to the Indian Architecture of the How many of the above statements are correct?
Harappan Civilization, consider the following (a) Only one (b) Only two
statements: (c) All three (d) None
1. The cities had a rectangular grid pattern
layout. 4. With reference to the cultural history of India,
2. It lacked town planning. which one of the following is the correct
3. There is evidence also of defensive walls description of the term ‘Sangharama’?
enclosing the walled cities. (a) The orthodox schools of Indian philosophy
How many of the above statements are correct? (b) Monastery or Temple
(a) Only one (b) Only two (c) A type of music
(c) All three (d) None (d) A form of dance

2. With reference to Mauryan Architecture, 5. With reference to the Dravida Style of Temple
consider the following statements: Architecture, consider the following statements:
1. During the reign of Ashoka, many 1. This style of temple architecture of South
monolithic stone pillars were erected on India was pioneered by the Cholas.
which teachings of ‘Dhamma’ were 2. This style of the temple is enclosed within
inscribed. a compound wall.
2. Popular terracotta objects of various sizes 3. The shape of the main temple tower is
have been found at Mauryan sites. known as Shikhara in Tamil Nadu.
Which of the statements given above is/are How many of the above statements are correct?
(a) Only one (b) Only two
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) All three (d) None
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2

6. Consider the following statements:

3. With reference to Stupas, consider the
Caves Features/Location
following statements:
1. Karle Cave : The largest Buddhist
1. Originally the stupa was made of bricks
chaitya griha
and surrounded by a wooden railing.
2. Kanheri Caves : Cave located in
2. The dome of the Stupas symbolizes the
dome of heaven enclosing the earth.
3. Bhaja Caves : Belongs to the
3. The relief sculpture of the Stupas depicts
Hinayana faith of
the events of the Buddha’s life.

How many of the above pairs are correctly (a) Only one (b) Only two
matched? (c) All three (d) None
(a) Only one (b) Only two
(c) All three (d) None 10. Consider the following statements:
1. Vihara was a Buddhist monastery for
7. With reference to the Nagara Style, consider the Buddhist renunciates.
following statements: 2. A chaitya refers to a shrine or temple in the
1. Rekha-Prasad or Latina temples are Indian religion.
characterized by a simple Shikara . Which of the statements given above is/are not
2. Phamsana-style temples are shorter but correct?
broader structures consisting of roofs with (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
numerous slabs. (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
3. Valabhi-style temples are rectangular in
shape consisting of barrel-vaulted roofs.
11. With reference to Harappan Sculpture, consider
How many of the above statements are correct? the following statements:
(a) Only one (b) Only two 1. The bronze statues were made using lost
(c) All three (d) None wax technique.
2. The bronze Dancing Girl in Tribhanga
8. With reference to Khajuraho or Chandela posture was discovered at Lothal.
School of Architecture, consider the following Which of the statements given above is/are
statements: correct?
1. The Lakshmana temple dedicated to (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
Vishnu is an example of this type of (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
2. These temples are conceived as a single
12. With reference to Amaravati School of Art,
consider the following statements:
Which of the statements given above is/are
1. This school of Art was promoted by
Kushana rulers.
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
2. Use of white marbles in Stupas is an
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 important feature of this school.
3. Sculptures of this period depict the jataka
9. Consider the following pairs: stories of Buddhism.
Part of Stupa Description How many of the above statements are correct?
1. Medhi : A circular terrace (a) Only one (b) Only two
2. Vedika : A low wall (c) All three (d) None
3. Toranas : Ceremonial gateways
How many of the above pairs are correctly

13. Consider the following pairs: 3. Jaugada : Madhya Pradesh

Stupas Present in 4. Kalsi : Karnataka
1. Piprahwa : Rajasthan How many pairs given above are correctly
2. Deur Kothar : Madhya Pradesh matched?
3. Chaukhandi : Uttar Pradesh (a) Only one (b) Only two
How many of the above pairs are correctly (c) Only three (d) All four
(a) Only one (b) Only two 17. With reference to Nayaka Style of Temple
(c) All three (d) None Architecture, consider the following statements:
1. It is similar to Nagara Style with the
14. With reference to Malwa School of influence of Islamic architecture.
Architecture, consider the following statements: 2. Presence of Parakarms represents this style
1. It is also known as the Pathan School of of architecture.
Architecture. Which of the statements given above is/are
2. Rani Rupmati pavilion is an example of correct?
this school. (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
Which of the statements given above is/are (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only 18. With reference to Solanki School of
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 Architecture, consider the following statements:
1. In this school of architecture, Temple walls
15. Which one of the following statements is were devoid of any carvings.
correct? 2. Garbhagriha is connected with the
(a) Sanchi Stupa lies in the gorge of the mandapa both internally as well as
Chambal river. externally.
(b) Pandu – lena cave shrines lie in the gorge 3. Temples are east-facing and designed such
of the Narmada river. that every year, during the equinoxes, the
sun- rays fall directly into the central
(c) Ajanta Caves lie in the gorge of the
Waghora river.
How many of the above statements are not
(d) Amaravati Stupa lies in the gorge of the
Godavari river.
(a) Only one (b) Only two
(c) All three (d) None
16. Consider the following pairs:
Ashoka’s Major Rock Edicts Location

1. Dhauli : Odisha
2. Erragudi : Andhra Pradesh

19. Which of the following temple is not present in 20. With reference to Buddhist and Jain Caves,
Hampi? consider the following statements:
(a) Vittalaswami Temple 1. The Buddhist caves were cut in sandstone.
(b) Virupaksha Temple 2. The Jaina caves had no congregation halls
(c) Raghunatha Temple or rock cut shrines.
(d) Banashankari Temple Which of the statements given above is/are
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2


1. (b) 11. (a)

2. (c) 12. (b)

3. (c) 13. (b)

4. (b) 14. (c)

5. (a) 15. (c)

6. (c) 16. (b)

7. (c) 17. (b)

8. (c) 18. (d)

9. (c) 19. (d)

10. (d) 20. (b)


Hints and Solutions

1. (b) 3. (c)
Option (b) is correct: Option (c) is correct:
 Statement 1 is correct: The most  Statement 1 is correct: Originally, the
important features of Harappan stupa was made of bricks and
architecture are their superior town- surrounded by a wooden railing. The
planning skills and cities that have been existing stupa at Sanchi encloses the
built on a clear geometric pattern or original stupa and has been enlarged and
grid layout. They used geometric tools. enclosed within the stone railing or
 Statement 2 is not correct: Civilisation balustrade when the stone was adopted in
revealed the existence of a very modern the place of wood.
urban civilization with expert urban  Statement 2 is correct: The central
town planning and engineering skills. structure of the stupa consists of a
 Statement 3 is correct: There is hemispherical dome (Anda) on a base,
evidence also of defensive walls with with a relic chamber deep within. The
gateways (entrance of the city along dome symbolizes, among other things,
with bastion or watch tower) enclosing the dome of heaven enclosing the earth.
the walled cities which shows that there  Statement 3 is correct: In Stupas, all the
may have been a fear of being attacked. elements are covered with relief
Example: Kot Diji.Kalibangan etc. sculptures depicting the events of the
2. (c) Buddha’s life, Jataka stories (about the
Option (c) is correct: Buddha’s previous lives), scenes of early
Buddhism, and auspicious symbols. The
 Statement 1 is correct: During the reign
names of donors are also inscribed, the
of Ashoka, many monolithic stone
most notable one being the ivory workers
pillars were erected on which teachings
of Vidisha.
of ‘Dhamma’ were inscribed. The
highly polished pillars with animal 4. (b)
figures adorning the top (capitals) are Option (b) is correct:
unique and remarkable. About the Sangharama:
 Statement 2 is correct: Popular  Sangharama refers to a "temple" or
terracotta objects of various sizes have "monastery (school)."
been found at Mauryan sites. They are  It is the place, including its garden or
found more commonly from Pataliputra grove, where the Sangha, the Buddhist
to Taxila. They used the lost wax monastic community dwells.
technique to produce terracotta.  A famous sangharāma was that of
Kukkutarama in Pataliputra.

5. (a)  Its columns are strong and bulky. The

Option (a) is correct: columns are surmounted by sculptured
 Statement 1 is not correct: The capitals.
Dravidian style of temple architecture  It is the largest chaitya griha among all
of South India was pioneered by the Buddhist monuments in India. (Hence,
Pallavas who reigned in parts of pair 1 is correctly matched)
Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and northern  It has a huge lion pillar in front of
Tamil Nadu until the ninth century. chaitya griha (only 2 caves have this
Although they were mostly Shaivite, design, that is Karle and Kanheri).
several Vaishnava shrines also survived  The umbrella put up as a sign of royalty
from their reign. The early buildings are and dignity developed in the course of
generally attributed to the reign of time is an interesting composition on top
Mahendravarman I, a contemporary of of the door.
the Chalukyan king, Pulakesin II of  Harmik is a square Buddhist railing from
Karnataka. Narasimhavarman I, also which rises the shaft that holds the
known as Mamalla, who acceded the Imperial umbrella, sometimes single and
Pallava throne around 640 CE, is later on multiplied to three or even more
celebrated for his architectural works. diminishing in size as they go upwards.
 Statement 2 is correct: The Dravida Kanheri caves, Mumbai
temple is enclosed within a compound
 It is the second largest Chaita griha in
wall. The front wall has an entrance
India after Karle Caves. It is based in
gateway in its center, which is known as
Mumbai. (Hence, pair 2 is correctly
a Gopuram.
 Statement 3 is not correct: The shape of
 It witnesse presence of Podhis. They are
the main temple tower known as
water cisterns for rainwater harvesting.
vimana in Tamil Nadu is like a stepped
 Images of both standing Buddha and
pyramid that rises up geometrically rather
sitting Buddha flanked by Bodhisattvas
than the curving shikhara of North India.
are evident.
In the South Indian temple, the word
 Famous Satavahana king, Gautamiputra
‘Shikhara’ is used only for the crowning
Satakarni’s name has been mentioned in
element at the top of the temple which is
the inscriptions here.
usually shaped like a small Stupika or an
octagonal cupola; this is equivalent to the  It witnesses the existence of a Vihara for
Amalak and Kalasha of North Indian resting monks with rocket seats and
temples. benches.
6. (c) Bhaja caves, Pune
Option (c) is correct:  It represents the Hinayana faith of
Buddhism. (Hence, pair 3 is correctly
About Different Caves:
Karle cave (Lonavala,Pune) 200 BC
 it has wooden selling over chaitya griha
(Assembly hall)

7. (c) are conceived as a single unit and have

Option (c) is correct: Shikaras that are curved from bottom to
Nagara or North Indian Temple Style: top. Example: Kandaria Mahadev temple
dedicated to lord Shiva. There are a
 Statement 1 is correct: Rekha-Prasad or
number of miniature Shikaras rising from
Latina temples are characterized by a
the central tower and towers that
simple Shikara with a square base and
gradually rise up to the main tower cap
inward curving walls that have a pointed
both the porticos and halls.
top. Early medieval temples such as the
Sun Temple at Markhera in Madhya 9. (c)
Pradesh (MP). The Sri Jagannath Temple Option (c) is correct:
of Odisha has been constructed in the About Features/Parts of stupas:
Rekha-Prasad Shikara style.  The central structure consists of a
 Statement 2 is correct: Phamsana are hemispherical dome (anda) on a base,
shorter but broader structures with a relic chamber deep within. The
consisting of roofs with numerous slabs dome symbolizes, among other things,
that rise upwards in a gentle slope on a the dome of heaven enclosing the earth.
straight incline like a pyramid meeting at  It is surmounted by a squared railing
a single point over the midpoint of the (harmika) that can be said to represent
building. The Jagmohan of Konark the world mountain.
Temple is constructed in the Phamsana  A central pillar (yashti) symbolizes the
mode. cosmic axis and supports a triple
 Statement 3 is correct: Valabhi-style umbrella structure (chattra), which is
temples are rectangular in shape held to represent the Three Jewels of
consisting of barrel-vaulted roofs. The Buddhism—the Buddha, the dharma
vaulted chamber roof has earned them (doctrine), and the sangha (community).
the moniker wagon vaulted  Pair 1 is correctly matched: A circular
buildings/structures. Teli Ka Mandir, a terrace (medhi), enclosed by a railing,
9th Century temple at Gwalior has been surrounds the dome, on which the faithful
built in this style. are to circumambulate in a clockwise
8. (c) direction.
Option (c) is correct:  Pair 2 and 3 are correctly matched:
 Statement 1 is correct: The temples of The entire structure is enclosed by a low
Chandela architecture were constructed wall (vedika), which is punctuated at the
by Chandela Kings in the Bundelkhand four cardinal points by toranas
region during the 10th to 11th centuries. (ceremonial gateways).
The Lakshmana temple dedicated to 10. (d)
Vishnu is the grandest temple of Option (d) is correct:
Khajuraho, built-in 954 by the
 Statement 1 is correct: Vihara
Chandela king, Dhanga.
generally refers to a Buddhist
 Statement 2 is correct: These temples monastery for Buddhist renunciates,

mostly in the Indian subcontinent. The the "Satavahanas" of the Andhra

concept is ancient and in early Sanskrit region. The 'Satavahanas' supported
and Pali texts, it meant any arrangement Brahmanism and Buddhism and
of space or facilities for dwellings. They contributed to the construction of
were constructed for Jains and Buddhist chaityas and viharas.
monks. They had highly polished interior  Statement 2 is correct: The stunning
surfaces and decorative gateways. white marble used to construct the
Examples: Satgarva caves, Amravati stupas. Amaravati sculptures,
Makhdumpur, Jehanabad.Ashoka which come in human, animal, and floral
constructed caves for the Ajivika sect. shapes, offer a sense of movement and
 Statement 2 is correct: A chaitya refers vigor as well as a profound and calm
to a shrine, sanctuary, temple or naturalism. Notable locations where this
assembly hall in Indian religion. The style flourished include Amravati,
term is most common in Buddhism, Nagarjunikonda, Goli, Ghantasala, and
where it refers to a space with a stupa and Vengi.
a rounded apse at the end opposite the  Statement 3 is correct: Sculptures of
entrance, and a high roof with a rounded this period depict the jataka stories of
profile. Buddhism. For example the “Buddha
11. (a) taming an elephant" reflects a narrative
Option (a) is correct: theme derived from Jataka and Buddha
About Harappan Sculpture: tales.
 Statement 1 is correct: The bronze 13. (b)
statues were made using “lost wax Option (b) is correct:
technique” or “Cire Perdue”.  Pair 1 is not correctly matched: The
 Statement 2 is not correct: The bronze Indian state of Uttar Pradesh contains
Dancing Girl (world’s oldest bronze the village of Piprahwa close to Birdpur
sculpture) in Tribhanga posture was in the Siddharthnagar district. On the
discovered at Mohenjo-Daro. She wears grounds of the site are a sizable stupa, the
a large number of bangles, probably remains of a number of monasteries, a
made of bone or ivory on her left arm museum, and more. At the nearby
together with a couple of pairs on her Ganwaria mound, ruins of old residential
right arm. Other e.g. Bull found in structures and shrines have been found.
Kalibangan.  Pair 2 is correctly matched: In Madhya
12. (b) Pradesh, central India, there is a site
Option (b) is correct: called Deur Kothar that is significant
archaeologically. It was founded in 1982
 Statement 1 is not correct: The
and is well-known for its Buddhist
Amaravati School of Art is a prominent
stupas.The Mauryan monarch Ashoka is
and reputable institution of art that has
credited with building these stupas.
left its mark and influence in India for its
aesthetic importance. It is promoted by  Pair 3 is correctly matched: In Uttar
Pradesh, Chaukhandi Stupa is a

Buddhist stupa in Sarnath that is 8 miles peak, there is a pile of granite with
from Cantt Railway Station in Varanasi. major Ashokan edicts inscribed on it. .
A shrine for a Buddha relic is housed in (Hence, pair 1 is correctly matched)
stupas, which are descended from burial  The Erragudi or Yerragudi rock edict
mounds. is situated in Andhra Pradesh's
14. (c) Kurnool district. The inscriptions,
Option (c) is correct: which belong under the category of large
About Malwa School of Architecture: and minor rock inscriptions, were one
of the prized possessions of Mouryan
 Use of different colored stones and
king Ashoka (269–231 BCE). . (Hence,
marbles, absence of minars were unique
pair 2 is correctly matched)
 Jaugada is an ancient fort that served as
 It is also known as the Pathan School of
a Mauryan fortified capital of the
Architecture. (Hence, statement 1 is
Kalinga province. The Jaugada writing
of Ashoka is found in Odisha. The
 European influence can be noticed.
Prakrit language rock edict inscriptions,
 Environmental adaptation - large written in Brahmi script, contain
windows, baulis, Local materials, batter information about the superior
system etc. administrative practices based on
 Example: Rani Rupmati pavilion, Ashoka's awareness of human rights.
Ashrafi Mahal, Hindola Mahal and Jahaz (Hence, pair 3 is not correctly matched)
Mahal. (Hence, statement 2 is correct)  At the meeting of the Yamuna and
15. (c) Tonnes rivers in the Uttarakhand
Option (c) is correct: district of Dehradun, there is a Kalsi
 The little river Waghora has a U- inscription. The location of Ashoka's
shaped valley on its southern side, where inscriptions in Kalsi is the only location
the Ajanta caves are located. in North India where the great Mauryan
 The Sanchi Stupa is located on a flat- emperor left a complete set of all
topped sandstone hill in an area of upland fourteen rock edicts. These decrees are
plateau, which is West of the Betwa written in Brahmi script and use Pali as
River. the language. (Hence, pair 4 is not
 At the Gomai River, there is a set of correctly matched)
ancient rock-cut sculptures called 17. (b)
Pandu-lena caves. Option (b) is correct:
 Amravati Stupa lies on the bank of About Nayaka Style of Temple
Krishna river. Architecture:
16. (b)  Also known as Madurai School
Option (b) is correct: flourished under the Nayaka rulers
 In the Indian state of Odisha, 8 between 16th to 18th centuries A.D.
kilometers south of Bhubaneswar, are the  Similar to Dravidian Style with
Dhauli Hills, which are situated along influence of Islamic architecture. (Hence,
the banks of the Daya River. It is a hill statement 1 is not correct)
with a large open area beside it, and on  Presence of Parakarms or huge
the side of the road going to the hill's Corridors. (Hence, Statement 2 is

correct)  Example: Modhera Sun temple, Gujarat

 Intricate carving on temple structure. (built in 1026–27 by Bhima-I).
 Art of Gopuram reached its climax in 19. (d)
Nayaka style, one of the tallest gopuram Option (d) is correct:
built under Nayaka Style at Meenakshi About Temples:
Temple, Madurai.  Vittalaswami temple, Lotus Mahal,
18. (d) Virupaksha temple and Raghunatha
Option (d) is correct: Temple are present in Hampi.
About Solanki School of Architecture:  But, Banashankari Temple is present
 Also known as Maru-Gurjara style in Badami.
 Location: In the north-western parts of 20. (b)
India - Gujarat and Rajasthan. Option (b) is correct:
 School developed under the patronage About Jain Caves:
of the Solanki rulers.  Jaina caves were cut in sandstone (easy
 Made of SandStone, Black Basalt, Grey to cut but not good for sculpting). But
Basalt and after the 11th Century of Buddhist caves were cut into hard rocks
white soft marble. (better for sculpting). (Hence, satement
 Temple walls were devoid of any 1 is not correct)
carvings. (Hence, statement 1 is correct)  The Jaina caves had no congregation
 Garbhagriha is connected with the halls or rock cut shrines. (Hence,
mandapa both internally as well as statement 2 is correct)
externally. (Hence, statement 2 is  The Jaina cave cells were cut wherever
correct) the rock permitted, there was no
 The porticos have decorative arched planning.
gateways called Torans.  The Jaina caves were simple and
 Unique Feature: reflected the asceticism of Jain monks.
 Presence of a step-tank, known as About Buddhist Caves:
Surya-Kund in the proximity of the  The Buddhist caves had clear halls and
temple. the shrines.
 Temples are east-facing and  The Buddhist cave structure was well
designed such that every year, laid out.
during the equinoxes, the sun- rays  The Buddhist caves were elaborate and
fall directly into the central shrine. spacious.
 (Hence, statement 3 is correct)

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