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One Pot Jerk Chicken and

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Spicy Rice

Olive Oil

1 Inch of Ginger

2 Fresh chillies

3 Peppers

3 Red onions

1kg Chicken thighs/drumsticks

1 Chicken stock cube

300g Basmati rice

Jerk seasoning

2 tbsp Turmeric

Salt and pepper

Chilli slices and fresh coriander to garnish

1) Cook the chillies and ginger together in a little oil on a low heat for 5 mins to soften and
release the flavour then remove from pan. Save to add to peppers.

2) Liberally season the chicken pieces with jerk seasoning and add to the pot. Turn up the heat
and brown. Add the lid and cook on low for 15-20 mins.

3) Remove the chicken and place to one side.

4) Add the sliced peppers and onions to the pot with the ginger and chilli and cook slowly for
10 mins until softened.

5) Now add the rice, turmeric and stock cube.

6) Add enough boiling water to cover the rice and season with salt and pepper.

7) Cover and simmer for 15-20 mins. Return the chicken to the pan after 10 minutes once the
rice has begun to soften and absorb stock.

8) Remove the lid and check the chicken is thoroughly cooked, remove and keep hot.

9) Now turn the heat up slightly to get rid of any excess water. Keep stirring so it doesn’t stick!
It’s cooked when the rice is sticky but not wet.

10) Serve with chicken on a bed of the golden rice and garnish with sliced chilli and coriander.
One Pot Jerk Chicken and Spicy Rice recipe

Recipe Video
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